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hey with it below my name is Anna and today I'm going to be talking about my February wrap-up no 2017 itself has been amazing for reading for me so far like I am loving appFolio everything I read I'm reading so much I'm like so much more content with where I am now with reading than where I was around the end of 2016 any month of February I read nine point seven five books nine books is already impressive for me my average used to be like five to six books per month but I have been just flying through everything I've read and then I also started on a novella bind up which is where the point seven-five comes from spoiler alert I've loved every book I have read in the month of February I think everything is at least four stars and above which is like fantastic in my opinion and I'm really excited to share them with you guys people are going to read in the month of the Dory was a fire and stars by Audrey Coulter I actually filmed a spoiler free review on this book I was so passionate with the finish reading it that I just absolutely had people review so that was coming soon a virus or there's a high fantasy novel featuring two princesses that fall in love I feel like that little bit of information should be enough to make you want to read it but the catch is one of the princesses is engaged to the other princesses brothers oh my god it was so good this is actually a standalone fantasy novel and I'm really disappointed because I want more of denna and Mayer I gave a fire and stars 5 out of 5 stars I love this book so so much I had so much fun reading it it was a totally intoxicating reading experience the moment if you so see me there's so much unbelievable chemistry between the two characters that is like one of the best Rises I think I have read in such a long time I originally got this in an Alec Reeboks from December of 2016 and I was hooked immediately but then there was the own voices Square on diversity bingo which is a reading challenge I'm participating in for Owen voices and this is an own voices novel as the author is an lgbtq+ author so yes I love the fire and stars I would HIGHLY highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for more diverse fantasy books or even if you're just looking for a really great fantasy romance this is definitely one you're going to want to check out the next one you're running around with a jewelry is a completion to a series I've been working on for a few months that is city of heavenly fire the final book in the Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare I've been listening to these on audio and I have and loving the experience I see the same thing in like every single wrap-up but it has been so great to be back into this world to be reintroduced to these characters with a fresh mind after going like almost over a year I'm not reading them obviously saying only fire gets I defy starts for the eighth time now it is always such a pleasure reading them especially because every time I do read them there's always at least one new book in the Shadowhunter world that I've read and you're able to make so many more connections I just love the Royal instrument series or so much I'm so happy I decided to to read them all I want to do is just pick them up again like as soon as I finish the Dhani fire had to be like and that you cannot pick up City of Bones right after you can't do it yourself you have to read something new or at least a different book so I'm definitely happy I have reread the Mortal Instruments series yet again it has been a wonderful experience I've had all of the nostalgia from the first time of reading it and of course I'm always discovering new things each additional reread so I'm so happy that I read this in the month of February the United read in the month of February is that perfect by Stephenie Elliott I do want to just make the disclaimer here I'm not going to be showing the dust jacket in a day my future videos where we talk about size perfect I feel that the cover might be triggering to some people who have been survivors of self-harm and it's something I wish I could correct in the videos that I've already posted on this book but just to keep you will see even product to a little bit more um you're gonna be seeing a green cover now I did post a spoiler-free review upside perfect already on its release date because it came out in a new area so if you want to check out the spoiler review it's in the description of this video sad turbine follow sixteen-year-old Pia who has just recently been diagnosed with our food which is an eating disorder known as avoiding restrictive food intake disorder I give sad perfect 4.5 out of 5 stars I really enjoyed this book I was personally able to relate to it on a very personal level and it did a lot for me so I love it for that reason if you're more active on other platforms like book Twitter you probably heard there's quite a lot of controversy around this book and somebody posted a review claiming they were very harmed by the book and I was very disappointing to me because I loved this book and it meant so much to me and I'm really really upset that it didn't have that same effect for somebody else but I understand representation is relative and not everyone's going to do books - same way I do so if you would like to check out that review and see how a different person's opinions came from this book I will definitely that in the description below I do my very best to keep you guys educated and provide additional information especially regarding a book that I've been promoting because it was sent to me by the publisher to review so that sort is there if you'd like to consider a different perspective before picking up this book but all-in-all I really enjoyed it as the final few days of February to the first few days of March was neat a week nationally Disorder Awareness Week I wanted to create a video compiling some of my eating Twitter recommendations so I wanted to kind of open up my mind a little bit check out a disorder that doesn't get enough literature up as well as maybe do something for myself in the process so that book is crave why you binge eat and how to stop by Cynthia and Bullock as you can probably assume it is all about binge eating and binge eating disorder a lot of people don't even recognize conceding disorder at an individual disorder and there isn't a lot of literature on especially fiction so I decided to go the route of nonfiction and really educate myself on this topic I personally really enjoy crave I feel like if you or somebody who is dealing with binge eating or binge eating disorder or just compulsive eating in general this would be a super helpful book to you it's crazy informative it's like reading a textbook in a narrative where you're able to consume information very easily and it doesn't feel like a total drag like a lot of nonfiction self-help books would I personally was able to relate a lot of this book to my own personal eating habits I learned a lot I'm able to better identify my triggers and what not so I think this is a super useful book for a variety of reason and if you're somebody who's looking to educate yourself more on eating disorders or specifically binge eating disorder I'd highly highly recommend it I think I gave this one four stars I'm pretty sure it was a really good read so while I have loved those first four books that I read in the month I hit this point with this book specifically in the month of February where I just could not stop reading that book is under roasting disguise by Louise Grinnell missing another mental health book which I think has a lot to do with the fact that I've been reading so much is because I have been going through mental health novels like crazy it's an own voices novel teaching a main character that suffers from anxiety OCD and agoraphobia which if you didn't know is an intense fear of going outside so our main character has not left her house in about four years other than to attend to their appointments Nora has been going through a lot the combination of those three illnesses are so powerful and it really has a huge impact on her life a new boy named Toulouse moves in next door and Nora is terrified of making a new friend and somebody who might be more than a friend because she can't go outside she doesn't consider herself a normal teenager and she doesn't think that Luke deserves that she thinks that he deserves a normal teenager emphasis on the air pump this is another book that I picked up for diversity video as it features a main character with an invisible disability because like I said all of those illnesses have a severe effect on me functioning for Nora this book was so emotional my mom is actually reading it right now because I make you read all of my books but I love this book I give it 5 out of 5 stars definitely one of the greatest to mental health novels I've ever read I think I would recommend this like above all now if you ask me my favorite mental health novels this one it's absolutely at the top it's so emotional you'll be crying all the time I promise you it really hits you in the field and I feel there is something that everyone can relate to at this book in addition to these three disorders that I've described which you might want to be wary of is it's something that you feel to trigger you I do want to put a trigger warning for self-harm in this book as well because it's not mentioned in the synopsis and I feel like you guys should be aware without going into this book literally I cannot think what to say about this book without was telling you how much I loved it and how much it means to me I really do think everyone should give this book a chance I would just highly highly recommend I think I'd of like almost every book on this list of breeds for February this is by far my favorite just because it was so fantastic the next book I read in the month of February is a tried to kind of wonderful by Eric lanstrom another mental health not obviously a sane peer the 15 or 16 year old male who has bipolar disorder automatically just is definitely a book I have not read before I've never read a book about somebody with bipolar disorder and I don't have bipolar disorder so it was interesting for this to be the first book about mental health issues that I wasn't able to directly relate to in some way so in addition to taking care of her mental health now I've been dealing with some friend issues some time ago she lost a very close group of friends and recently some of you reasons as to why that friendship ended has bubbled up out of nowhere so Mel is dealing with that also her bipolar disorder has been a secret she's never shared it with any of her friends only her family knows about it and that's really all I want to say about this book because I do like to tell you what happens from there kind of spoiled the ending and the ending is the best part about this book I ever tried to kind of wonderful 5 out of 5 stars another really really emotional read the ending just had me in tears it was so so raw and authentic the transition now goes through is like unbelievable I can't tell you how pleased I am with this novel but oh my goodness this book was just fabulous I would HIGHLY highly recommend you guys pick it up if you're looking for a contemporary mental health read and one that's going to give you all the feels the next book I read in February was our own private universe by Robin Talley typical fifteen-year-old akai who is in Mexico on a missions trip with her youth group but I had kind of been questioning her sexuality for some time now and she identified as bisexual she needs a girl from a different youth group that they're on the trip with and she realizes that this was the first time she might be able to pursue some of the thoughts she's been having for a very long time I personally loved her own private universe again I gave it 5 out of 5 stars and I will have a spoiler free video review coming very soon but in the meantime if you would like to get more of my thoughts on this book I will leave my Goodreads link below because I have a huge group view on it there as well there's so many positive things about it it's very inclusive there is so much talk about questioning your sexuality and really discovering your identity and safe sex is a huge part of this book and safe sex for girls with like fantastic and I couldn't be happier again I will have a review of our own heavy universe up very soon but I really love this book I'm so thankful that Harlequin sent it to me because I absolutely loved it the United I can write in the month of February is when dimple met where she by Sonia and on this book comes out in May so regular couple months early and I really wish I could waited because I'm just like I want to talk about it now when double member she is another book that I used for diversity bingo for an own voices novel with India main characters this football is simple and Russia who are two Indian Americans that end up going to the same summer program as it turns out these two had a potential or suggested arranged marriage for the future and where she goes to the summer program that dimple is already going to be attending in order to kind of get to know each other and see if they're really compatible this book was fantastic I gave it 5 out of 5 stars it's another one that just like loved so much it's honestly the funniest boy I have read in so long the humor is a plus and you'll be laughing out loud while reading it I also feel so much more educated about Indian culture ever reading this book inspired me to do my own research and I really really loved it if you're looking for a cute summer contemporary read I promise you this is it it comes out on May 31st I believe May 30th but I promise you this book was fantastic I'm so happy I read it it's definitely one of my fears of the year so far pre-order request your library carried it definitely get this book into your hands with May because it's going to be a fantastic read for you guys the next book I read a few months after is these little balls of a star by Nicola Yoon another bug I'm using for diversity bingo about an immigrant main character I knocked off a lot of diversity bingo bucks for this month everyone I'm lucky with read this book so I'm sure you've heard of it it follows our main character named Natasha who is an undocumented immigrant from Jamaica who is actually facing deportation the day this book takes place and then I also have Daniel who is a Korean American boy and Natasha and Daniel meet on a touch of last day in America so this is really the story on how they fell in love after one day and I just thought this book was so well over negative at five out of five stars there were definitely parts of this book that I wasn't really feeling originally while reading but things started to make sense and all the problems that really had with it kind of melted away it's not just narrative from Natasha and Daniels point of view it also goes in two different people they meet throughout the day and some history so it was a little bit of a funky prose but I really enjoyed it by the end of it I think this book toys with fate in a really interesting way and it really works like it's probably the quickest piece of insta-love there's ever been but it's executed so well but you don't really think of it as in still of it was a really really impressive Lee written book I loved it I can't wait to read more of nickel Yoon's books in the future because this was the first time I read from her but I'm so happy I finally got around to reading it I don't really understand the hype now and I just I really loved it guys it was great I'm so happy I read this book this month and then we find almost an event any month of February wordy novellas and of course because I finished the Mortal Instruments series how can I not go on to tales from the Shadowhunter Academy by Cassandra Clare Robin Wasserman Maureen Johnson and Sarah Rees Brennan I would the first seven audiobooks for each novella and oh my goodness the audiobooks are so great through eight narrated by somebody else and if you're looking to retails in the shadow undercutting I would highly highly recommend the audiobook all of them have gone five of the past charts of course my thing with contained a clear in short stories I feel she excels so much better with full fleshed out novels I feel like she's a little restricted by the short story format but there's nothing about the audiobooks that kind of eliminates that and it feels more natural and I just enjoyed them more as if I didn't enjoy them the first summer of them no I read eight of them I read eight I have two left so I even read an additional one that I just forgot about but yes these audiobooks have been so much fun I feel like I am grasping these stories told in this novella so much better than I originally did and it's really preparing me for Lord Of Shadows which is coming out this way and I'm really excited about it yes I'm really really happy that I'm rereading tells me a Shadowhunter Academy and enjoying that even more this time around so that is it for my super long tons of books February wrap-up I'm really really loving everything I'm reading in 2017 it's fantastic it's motivating you to read so much more I really hope March is just as good of a reading month let me know your favorite read of February but thought of them in this video see you guys so much for watching and I'll see you soon for a new one bye [Music] everything [Music]
Channel: emmmabooks
Views: 20,581
Rating: 4.9566665 out of 5
Keywords: book, books, read, reads, reading, reader, booktube, booktuber, emmmabooks, emmabooks, february wrap up, wrap up, reading wrap up, book haul
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2017
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