February Reading Wrap Up Part 1

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hello everyone welcome to n's bookshelf welcome to a February wrap-up this is my first part I'm not sure uh how many more books I'll read in February but let's do a wrap up while I feel like it because I have several books to talk to you about which is exciting first let's go over some arcs that I read uh definitely want to give you some reviews of them because they are either coming out soon or they just came out so I want to let you know what I thought the first one is the Lost World of Prophecy by John H Walton this is a non-fiction look at how to examine Prophecy in the Old Testament um and directly related to the context of Prophecy how it was used what it's used for what we should do with it kind of idea it was very academic um at certain points it felt like I was really in over my head and it just felt like uh okay I'm a learner I'm not an academic I enjoy learning but I was like I felt like I needed to take a college course from the sky because I didn't think there was any other way I was going to get it um so I give it a three if you're interested in that kind of Realm check it out but uh it's not for the faint reader I will say that another Arc that I read was unruly by David Mitchell this one is a comedic telling of British history or British kings and queens um I think from the time of beginning of kings and queens going to Queen Elizabeth the first so it was a lot it was like a 450 page book and it was I learned about some new kings and queens that I didn't know about before however it's very much done in a comedic way and I think if that's not your sense of humor you're not going to enjoy it like I had a struggle time with this like I I was really struggling to find it fun funny to read and then some of the jokes I just were let's just say uh he doesn't shy away from swearing and he doesn't shy away from certain context things and I'm just not that kind of reader so I gave it a three uh I also gave the BL world of Prophecy a three this one I gave a three because it was just not my sense of humor but I'm sure many people will enjoy it it came out I think in December yeah December so it's been out for a little while now but I finally finished it and I'm glad I did another Arc that I read was a prairie Faith by John J fry this one examines how Laura Engles Wilder talks about faith religion Church anything related to those Realms in her Works in her letters and we can examine through her lifetime so in certain points it was like was she a member of this church was she not like where was she baptized if she was baptized different things like that and how the books were related to Faith uh especially getting talks about different pastors it yeah so it was interesting um I gave it a fourar I think it was really a unique look at a person who I've read many biographies about but I hadn't read one with this Focus um it wasn't very long and I did enjoy it and I think it's very interesting and very uh worth picking up if you are interested in Laur angles Wilder or how her world would have been expanded through the look or through the lens of religion or faith let's step off the arcs for a little bit I do have one of my Christies that I finished this was making me sad because I did not finish it in January um I have read a Neath Krispy book every month for about 3 years this was the first month January was the first month I did not do that which was kind of a disappointment however I did finish this very quickly into February and I gave this one three stars I enjoy seeing Tommy and tuppin as they are friends and they're trying to become adventurers and they get thrown into this International Affair and uh all of the crazy times that come with it I really enjoyed Tommy and tuppin becoming uh couple because spoiler there's a series about them as a couple but I did not enjoy the mystery very much I felt like it was very predictable um and I remember the first time I read it as well I had the same thought when I read it so it didn't improve in my opinion it is three stars and I am glad to have read it but I did move on to the next Christie after this that was murder on the lyns which I gave another three stars this one very different reason I enjoyed the mystery a whole lot more um this one follows PUO and Hastings as they are going to France because poro gets a letter from someone who needs his help but when he arrives that person is dead and so he's like what happened to my my client cuz I've already failed them now this book The Mystery I find to be very interesting I enjoy PUO trying to beat a Sherlock Holmes like character very fascinating but I don't like the personal drama that Hastings drags into this thing um this book is overwhelmed with Hastings and his view of women and how he just is always in love with a pretty face and I was sick of it so um yeah three stars for this one I have started ranking my Christies and currently it's a mysterious Affair Styles Then followed by the secret adversary with this one currently in last place for the Christies I have read in order for the little house readathon I also read this like little 40 page book about the wisdom of Little House in the prairie which I was just like this was ridiculous a waste of my time it took like 5 minutes and it was literally one quote per p page I just want to have a picture with it um and it was like literally 45 quotes 40 quotes and I was just like unimpressed so I gave that one I think a two maybe three um because it was just like you could have done so much more you could have had sections you could have had a lot more quotes a lot more it was just could have been a lot better so yeah not worth checking out in my opinion the next thing I did read for the Little House Reon or one of the other things was Old Town in the green Groves which is by cynth Ryland Ryland this one follows the missing two years between uh on The Banks of Plum Creek and by the shores of Silver Lake so Laura Engles Wilder never wrote about those two years in burrtown or Bur Oak um and it's for good reason it was filled with a lot of hardship a lot of difficulty a lot of struggle for her family and she did not write about that so if you can read this you can put it right between those two and you get a very um realistic view into their their lives in some way it's still still child appropriate and child friendly but it definitely covers topics of grief it covers the struggles of the family as they were trying to make things work um and yeah it's it's a good one I recommend it it's four stars I also read an audio book so um I started listening to this audio book a while ago and I finally fin decided I was just going to finish it and then I realized this actually counted for prep Regency so perfect um this is making the monster by Katherine harup this one is about the science behind Frankenstein um the book itself was broken down to two sections the first section was a biography of of Mary shell and I found that interesting but that's not what I was looking for when I picked up this book so I was a little disappointed the other part of it was the practicalities of this which got gruesome at times let me warn you it was but body snatching and experiments and it was yeah I mean this was the Regency Era like this was early 1800s they didn't have a lot of uh information and they were learning as they went so yeah it was interesting I gave it three stars I think it's not my preferred interest Zone but also I wasn't expecting a biography when I did enjoy that it just wasn't what I was hoping for when I picked up that book um this author wrote a is for arsenic and death by Shakespeare and super spy science I think which are all about well a Christie Shakespeare and James Bond and how those things would be in practicality not necessarily biographies so different kind of uh scope lens um when writing those books and I enjoyed those ones a lot more so this one was just a three but it's still interesting and if you're interested in the medical history check it out it is a little uh gruesome let me warn you now I finally finished my buddy read with BNA and Nikki which oh I I already got the next book of the library though so I should be on top of it um and this was a rising Man by abar m mcgie um this one is set in India in like 19 17 maybe it said maybe 1919 um it's just after the first war and Sam has moved to India he is now going to be a police officer there cuz he was done with England and he has a very interesting case right from the get-go he is struggling to figure out the civil unrest and how white people and Indian people are coexisting the different political aspects that are really powerful at that time and um it's very interesting it's it doesn't shy away from certain things and it teaches a lot about that political like climate um when obviously things were not great um so it I find it really interesting the mystery was really well done because this white man is killed and everyone assumes that people uh who hate him or they're Indians who just don't like them don't like white people and there's clearly much more to the story than that and Sam has to get to the bottom of it really enjoyed it we're going to be reading book two in March so that should be exciting um yeah I I think it'll be a good one and a good series to continue reading another one I read was the job by Janet Evanovich and Lee Goldberg I started ring this Series last year um and I finally decide time to pick this one up again this is such a quick and easy read for me this series follows uh Kate who is a FBI agent and she is tasked to finding Nick Fox but Nick is a con man and he is not going to get caught easily they do catch him but he is then turned into a FBI agent assist assistant he or not assistant but he helps them catch the bigger guys like the more ruthless horrible people so it's that kind of a series it is just so much fun it is like Oceans 11 it's just it's just so good I love this series um but I only love it when Lee Goldberg is writing the series I feel like the other ones just let me down so I'm rereading this one this one gets a four and I am excited to read the scam I currently have it out of the library as a eBook so I can take it around and make it easier but yeah this is a series that I I think I'll enjoy rading many times throughout my life I also read poo investigates this one I finally finished I rated each story individually what I thought and then that gave me an overall rating for the book so this book gets a 3.9 star rating so that technically we're going to go with a four um but yeah I finally finished this one this is a good collection I enjoyed Poo's first collection of stories how um he's solving cases different things that play a part with poo and um the different people that he encounters I enjoyed this one a lot so I'm excited to have read PUO investigates and I'm going to continue on with reading more short stories from Christie and finishing off more collections as I go I have three books left so one of them was adonias Adon hadanas anyways it's by Percy uh Shelly so that's Mary Shell's husband this is from F Regency um I've never read a Percy Shelly work before so this was interesting um and I enjoyed the poem a lot this one is based off of what poet who died I can't remember now I'm going to have to look it up um man John Keats so after John Keats died shell wrote this poem and it was a good poem I enjoyed it it was well written I found it to be very enjoyable to listen to and I can now say I have tried tried some of Shell's work I don't know if I would read more of Percy Shelly cuz what I read about in making the monster I'm not so sure I'm going to be a big fan of his work uh or his fictional work versus poetry but I might one day you never know um but yeah it's interesting and I am glad I can Mark him off of one of those authors I have read now the next one that I read was a Valentine's Day return by Brenda Minon this is an ark it came out late January you should definitely check it out if you like the sweet Christian romances this one follows Mark who is coming back after having struggles with addiction and his uh ex-wife Kylie is living in a small town with their daughter and she is trying to take care of things she has a health SK at the beginning of the book and he is sticking around and it it's about them becoming a family again I really enjoyed it I loved how it talked about a lot of things like trust and addiction and and conquering these things but also realizing that addiction is never going to go away it was really interesting I really enjoyed it um and I definitely recommend it if you're looking for some sweet romance books this is one that I would check out and uh everything will be listed in my description box with like these titles so you can check them out if you are interested the next one was malice this one's by Kiko higashino I am butchering that name I've tried so many times to pronounce it I am very sorry this one follows an author who is murdered in his home the only two people who could have access to him at least that they can tell are his wife and his best friend and basically what you get in this book is the best friend's journal entries or note taking and then the detective who actually grew up with him um and how he is trying to figure out this puzzle it's very porro like in some cases and I really enjoyed it um I definitely saw through certain areas of the mystery but I didn't see through others and I was thoroughly happy with how the book went and how it just like connected the the pieces the characters thoroughly enjoyed it and I fully recommend this one I will be reading the second one when I can the library has it so I'm trying to get my hands on it um cuz it's just one of those series you just want to binge read essentially so I'm excited to read more and I definitely think malice is one to check out if you're interested in other countries Mysteries this one was a good one and it's Japanese so I have never read Japanese mystery before and I'm glad to say I have and I will keep reading more so that is it for my reading I guess I should move out of the way those are the stack of books I physically own I don't have a lot of them because I had a lot of arcs but you know what that's okay I really have enjoyed what I've been reading so far this month and I'm hoping the month is going to end strong um I am in the mood for more christe so I have pulled uh my Audi book which is the the man of the brown suit I'm going to start that one when I uh take the bus tomorrow morning and I'm very excited to do that and I am excited to follow my chronological Journey with christe um so that's going to be on my currently reading list but basically I've just had a blast I've read some uh Laur angles Wilder I've read some more Christies I have been just taking it easy but I also have been reading some heavier non-fiction so it's been a good mix please leave me a comment about what your favorite books have been so far this month and what you're planning on reading going forward I'd love to know down the comments if you'd also like to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it and subscribe if you new here that'd be incredible thank you so much for watching I will see you next time bye for [Music] now in a house that I don't know
Channel: Naomi’s Bookshelf
Views: 142
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Id: h4WqJ_FUO-Q
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Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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