FBI: The Most Incredible Cases Ever Solved | FBI Files Marathon S3 (Pt.1) | Real Crime

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in New York in the 1980s the emergence of crack cocaine brought a new wave of violence drug dealers robbed and killed as they scrambled for power [Music] ordinary citizens were victimized even children were not immune the FBI joined forces with the New York City Police to take back the streets their best weapon against deadly drug gangs thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] New York City is no stranger to gang violence but when a 12 year old child was kidnapped The Gangs had crossed the line law enforcement raced to find the missing boy before it was too late I'm Jim calstrom former head of the FBI's New York office agents would have to infiltrate the secretive world of a vicious gang to stop the murderous exploits of a drug lord in the 1980s crack cocaine invaded the Harlem Section of New York as it did many urban areas in America over time the cheap and highly addictive drug crippled communities unlike any other drug had before with the crack came ruthlessly violent gangs that ruled the streets no one was truly safe [Music] on December 5th 1989 Paul Donnell Porter was walking to elementary school he never made it to class that day foreign [Music] when he didn't arrive home after school his family worried they hadn't been able to find him in the neighborhood [Music] at 9pm danelle's sister received a phone call the man on the other end said Donnell had been kidnapped he wanted five hundred thousand dollars so the boy would be killed the sister said the family didn't have that kind of money it didn't matter to the caller yeah he warned them not to contact police then instructed them to go to a restaurant at 125th and Broadway behind a trash can in the restroom they'd find something that would prove he was serious foreign [Music] friend went to the restaurant so the porters could stay by the phone he didn't know if it was a setup [Music] following the kidnapper's orders he checked behind the trash container and found a coffee can foreign were two rings an audio cassette and a child's severed finger [Music] Danelle was hurt and could be bleeding to death despite being warned not to the family called the New York City Police the family told investigators what they knew [Music] detectives inspected the evidence the sister said that the Rings belonged to Donnell they've been given to the boy by his older brother on the tape a recorded plea for help was definitely Darnell's voice [Music] the family told detectives about a second call in which the kidnapper had lowered his Ransom to 350 thousand dollars [Music] it was still far beyond their means they said they didn't know why they were targeted for such a high Ransom but detectives knew what the family wouldn't say so he came straight back the victim's older brother Richard Porter was a major crack cocaine dealer in the area police believe that kidnapping was related to his drug Empire [Music] NYPD contacted the New York FBI's reactive squad for assistance special agent David Higgins our narcotics expert was asked to provide more intelligence on Richard Porter Richard Porter then about 25 years of age was a well-known crack dealer whose activities took place in central Harlem he was one of those individuals who got in early on the crack trade in New York and he had created a significant drug Empire in central Harlem Richard Porter had made millions of dollars selling crack on New York streets what's going on man it didn't take long to find Porter detectives recognized the person he was with as his drug running partner Alpo Martin this visit wasn't about drugs it was about finding Donnell foreign ER agreed to come to the station for an interview though he said he didn't know how he could help what's up guys I don't know anything at least knew Porter was very close to dunnell but he claimed to know nothing about who was behind his brother's kidnap on the streets these matters are usually solved without the cops the porter most likely held the key to finding Darnell he was in no position to talk to authorities Richard Porter uh because of his situation as a drug trafficker found himself in a ticklish situation legally it would have been difficult for him to cooperate directly with law enforcement I believe he attempted to handle this situation on his own to some extent oh yeah police had nothing to hold him on authorities needed to find someone else to help them they canvassed the area trying to gather information on the kidnapping in such a close-knit neighborhood someone had to have heard something about Donnell but residents were too afraid to talk Harlem's violent gangs had a Stranglehold on the community detectives were left with nothing with each passing day police in nypd's 32nd Precinct Revival decreased investigators maintained contact with the boy's family who were desperate for more word from the kidnappers a week after the Abduction the family received a note in it the kidnappers hinted Danelle was still alive they demanded their money but no more Ransom calls came with no clues to the boy's whereabouts and no one talking police had reached a dead end they somehow needed to pressure Richard Porter into cooperation or hope he would pay the ransom to get Danelle back foreign then on January 4th 1990 a month after danelle's abduction the body of his brother drugged Kingpin Richard Porter was found in a Bronx Park he had been shot twice in the head and chest there would be no one to pay the ransom now it was widely assumed that Richard's death was connected to the kidnapping and probably the result of a ransom payment gone bad however it was noted early on that when his body was discovered his wallet contained over two thousand dollars in U.S currency his jewelry was there apparently his automobile was nearby so there was some question about what the actual motivations were behind his murder with Richard Porter's death investigators lost their closest connection to the abducted 12 year old to find another source they increased pressure on lower level dealers in Porter's organization [Music] facing drug charges they were offered leniency in exchange for information some said Porter's partner Alpo Martinez could be involved others claimed an Infamous Harlem gang called the preacher crew might be but none offered direct leads to the crime three weeks later a boy's body was recovered in the same Bronx Park where Richard Porter was found his family identified the body of Donnell Porter foreign [Music] cause of death was blunt force trauma to the Head a death of a child is always a disturbing event there's a 12 year old boy he's on the way to public school he's kidnapped uh tortured he's heard on the tape cassette uh crying for help from his family danelle's murder stunned the entire Harlem Community even though violence was a daily occurrence there foreign at the time Sergeant James Marr worked nypd's notorious 32nd Precinct where Danelle lived in the late 80s and early 90s 32nd Precinct which is actually geographically only one square mile was one of the most violent precincts in New York City they averaged in the area of the upper 60s to low 70s of homicides a year and added on to that were shootings several hundred shootings that the people didn't die in response to the increased violence in the city a task force called the c-11 squad had been formed at the FBI's New York field office [Music] detectives from the 32nd Precinct and FBI agents were assigned to the squad [Music] c-11 was created to address these entrenched criminal conspiracy groups in the city of New York the locals brought their knowledge of the streets the knowledge of the subjects involved to the table the federal agents brought along with them the access to the federal courts which included the access to the federal sentencing guidelines in the United States attorney's office after the murder of Danelle Porter they knew they had to take back the streets c-11 would first go after Alpo Martinez Richard Porter's partner the problem is here we haven't if their partnership had unraveled he would have had the most to gain from extorting Richard Porter and killing him we're working on some surveillance a year earlier a warrant had been sworn out for his arrest on drug charges but when Martin has couldn't be found Federal prosecutors had to drop the warrant in police computers the c-11 squad flagged the names of known associates of Alpo Martinez Annie were arrested they would be notified months later police in Washington D.C pulled over a car after observing its driver engaged in a drug deal the driver was a known Courier for Alpo Martinez police found a large amount of crack and thousands of dollars in his car [Music] noting the flag on his record from New York D.C authorities would contact the c-11 squad after The Courier was sentenced to 20 years to life on drug charges c-11 agents had him transported to New York for an interview an agent explained that under federal law his sentence could be reviewed if he cooperated with authorities he told what he knew about Martinez in porta's East Coast drug operation drugs would be distributed both in New York City by Richard Porter and in Washington D.C by Alpo Martinez while in Washington DC Martinez Allied himself with individuals that he found to be strong on the street if you will in order to protect his drug operation in Washington D.C and it was not unusual for literally sea bags worth of U.S currency to be shipped out of Northern Virginia and Washington D.C up into the porter neighborhood at 132nd and 7th Avenue in New York City it was enough for a renewed arrest warrant on Alpo Martinez agents canvassed the neighborhood talking to people who knew martiners most were afraid to talk eventually agents learned The Fugitive who's going to pick up his wife's car at a dealership in northern New Jersey undercover agents staked out the dealership please oh sir they didn't know if Martinez would show up but they knew he liked fast cars that afternoon a sports car pulled out they watched a passenger get out but it wasn't Martinez agents couldn't tell if the fugitive was driving they had to risk a closer look if they could arrest Martinez it might help solve the murders of Richard Porter and his 12 year old brother Donnell an agent visually identified Martinez as the driver he radioed a go-ahead signal but before the arrest team could respond Martin has spun away agents gave Chase but the fugitive disappeared into heavy traffic with Alpo Martin as still a fugitive the abduction and murder of twelve-year-old Danelle Porter remained unsolved [Music] murder of twelve-year-old Donnell Porter showed that Harlem's drug violence was out of control the FBI's c-11 Squad knew the murder was connected to the boy's brother crack dealer Richard Porter but Porter himself had been killed c-11 believed finding Porter's partner Alpha Martinez would provide answers but in 1991 Martinez had eluded an FBI undercover operation from the incident the FBI got his license plate number and alerted New York police to be on the lookout for the vehicle the next day police spotted it parked on a Harlem Street they impounded it hoping it might lead to marketers they believe the fugitive wouldn't retrieve the vehicle himself but FBI special agent David Higgins waited to see if he'd send someone a young lady showed up who claimed to be the true owner she was the registered owner ultimately a quick investigation established that she was what we call a straw man or somebody who had stepped forward in order to buy and register the car on behalf of Mr Martinez Martinez was nowhere to be found in New York acting on a tip that he had traveled to Washington DC Agents set up surveillance at the DC home of the fugitive's ex-wife in the early hours of November 7th 1991. they spotted Martinez getting into his ex-wife's vehicle this time he wasn't driving as they pulled out the FBI made their move the fugitive's ex-wife pulled over your hands up the cocaine in his possession helped cement the case against one of the biggest drug traffickers on the East Coast the Martin has pled guilty to an indictment in the eastern district of Virginia Which accused him of trafficking in over a thousand kilograms of cocaine the wholesale value of that would be uh 20 million dollars investigators also had evidence against Martinez on several Gangland murders they told him they knew he was Richard Porter's partner so he stood to gain from danelle's and Richard's death hoping to avoid the death penalty Alpha Martin has agreed to cooperate he admitted killing his partner Richard Porter Martin has had begun to suspect his partner had been cheating him out of hundreds of thousands of dogs he said that more than a year earlier on January 4th 1990 he and an associate had taken Richard Porter for a ride almost immediately Martinez and the associate each shot him they dumped his body in the Bronx Park where it was found the next day Martin has swore it was just about missing Drug Money it had nothing to do with Daniel Porter's kidnapping and murder no evidence or testimony linked Martinez to that crime [Music] he went to prison for life although they had put away a major drug dealer the local and federal investigators of the c-11 squad were no closer to solving the murder of Daniel Porter they reviewed FBI intelligence already gathered on other Harlem gangsters who might have profited from extorting and killing Richard Porter [Music] one gang stood out as likely suspect every week they were known as the preacher crew the gang's leader was Clarence preacher Heatley [Music] FBI special agent Joe Walsh formerly of the c-11 squad knew the preacher and his crew were well entrenched and very dangerous preacher cozy established crew in the neighborhood you know for a long time a preacher had been kicking around the streets of home since the early 70s and everybody knew him by his nickname The Black Hand of Death and everybody was deathly afraid of him NYPD Sergeant James Marr of the c-11 squad learned the preacher had a reputation for violence but the gangster was an elusive figure in Harlem you could walk up to anybody in the 32nd Precinct no matter how church-going they are no matter whether they're businessmen or local drug dealers they all have a preacher story they all know who preacher is ask any of them to describe preach it to you or a majority of them they're not going to be able to because this guy was an Infamous Legend in Hall the players in Harlem's drug underworld had carved up the area into zones each block each alley was the established Turf of a single dealer most dealers respected the boundaries but the preacher did not he considered all of Harlem his turf made his money not by dealing drugs but by taxing other dealers but he was mostly into extortion extorting drug deals these are guys that were violent in their own in their own right he would go up and claim their car if a drug dealer looked like he was getting paid so to say he was driving a brand new full-size Mercedes-Benz and preacher liked that car that was preachers those who argued with preacher paid a heavy price it was a system that made him a rich man if you're hitting every other drug dealer on the streets you know two thousand here three thousand here five thousand that's a lot of money it adds up and believe me they all pay because if they didn't pay Peter would pay him a visit or he would order his people to pay him a visit and they'd wind up dead we took him in last week the preacher's history of extortion and violence made him a likely suspect in the abduction and murder of Donald C11 had outlined the basic structure of the preacher crew [Music] the preacher's main Lieutenant was a man named John cuff he was a particularly dangerous criminal according to c-11's detective Vinnie Flynn John cuff who is an ex-new York City Housing cop as a cop he provided protection and bodyguard work for preacher um so if they were driving through the neighborhood and was stopped John cuff had a shield where he would probably be let go and not given a summons or anything further would happen um John cuff had a reputation of one to be feared a very violent person yet no evidence linked either man to Donnell Porter because those c-11 suspected preacher was involved in the deadly kidnapping he probably didn't commit it himself surprise painting he distanced himself from most of the crimes having his main lieutenant and other henchmen carry out his orders at preacher's command their brutal extortion tactics earn the money and kept Witnesses too intimidated to talk effectively insulating the crew against investigation go into you know Bodega you know someplace up in Holland and we'd say we know we came in here and the guy would have a cast on his hand we know he broke your hand and and the shop owner was saying I don't know what you're talking about you know and that that shop owner would be paying rent you know or taxed and to preacher but nobody would tell us anything with people too afraid to talk crimes continued to pile up on New Year's Eve 1992 emergency units responded to a call in the preacher's territory a man laid dead in his car the victim of a drive-by shooting [Music] he survived the harrowing ordeal they described how The Killers pulled up next to them on the street and opened fire [Music] they claimed they didn't know who did it or why and like danelle's kidnapping no one in the neighborhood admitted seeing anything was another tragic killing in Harlem that might go unsolved the c-11 squad had to breach the areas violently enforced Code of Silence and finally get insiders to talk a shocking drive-by shooting was added to the list of unsolved murders in Harlem with Witnesses too afraid to cooperate with police the case was open for two years then in 1994 the c-11 squad found a witness who told them the shooter was a preacher crew member named Malik detective Vinnie Flynn learned that Malik had a violent reputation he became a so-called director of security for the preacher organization he was in charge of the group of members who were known as the janitors the janitors were the people that had to clean up problems or the mess of the family and you couldn't be a janitor unless you killed somebody [Music] tried to send in undercover officers it was yet another dead end according to FBI special agent Joe Walsh [Music] we weren't able to really get in so to speak and get an undercover in that to buy narcotics from preacher because preacher was very very careful he was you know he's a very smart man and we couldn't get the the undercover you know close to him the preacher had closed ranks ordering the people he extorted not to sell to new buyers and to keep a low profile on the street investigators needed a witness with close ties to the crew [Music] debuted business cards hoping one would find its way to an Insider willing to talk their persistence paid off in April 1994 a crew member contacted the c-11 squad because he realized his life was in danger he said the preacher had started going after his own crew members preacher had killed two of the informants partners fearing he was next he asked Sergeant James Marr for protection who was a stone cold killer himself who became an informant that was so fearful of preacher enough being killed like his Partners had that he came to me that he came to us that he gave us information on specific crimes that he talked about crimes that had been unsolved for years investigators were frustrated that the informant knew nothing of 12 year old Donnell Porter's kidnapping and murder but he did give investigators their first specific Insider information about preacher heatley's organization he mentioned a killing basement that the crew used as a meeting place and execution chamber at some meetings creature would call for a vote on the fate of gang members who had fallen out of favor if the majority voted thumbs down preacher ordered in March 1994 preacher called for a vote on Malik the janitor who had done the drive-by shooting he believed Malik could no longer be trusted the vote was thumbs down [Music] preachers summoned Malik to headquarters Malik thought he was there to take part in the beating of a crew member that he had had problems with in the past not realizing he was the real Target Malik was excited when others invited him to the basement if you went down there and you were followed in there you know somebody's behind you you weren't coming out alive what's up man what's up man what's up man yo reach back I think you told Malik he had to die he was gaining too much influence within the organization the preacher wouldn't tolerate [Music] Monique pleaded for his life but the order had been given at preacher's command other janitors used a circular saw to dismember me informants said that preacher ordered him and another crew member to dispose of the body parts poured acid on Malik's arms to remove gang tattoos that could link him to the cruel then they left the body parts in several crumbling abandoned buildings they kept Monique's head in a refrigerator for a couple of weeks and they kind of paraded it around on a stick you know that's how preacher would you know keep the fear of uh fear of God so to speak in the uh in the younger younger Turks in his organization Georgia the fear was too much for the informants though he knew leaving the crew was equivalent to a death sentence he hoped the c-11 squad could protect it didn't take long for word to get back to the preacher that the informant had cooperated one day the informant was leaving a New York courthouse when he spotted preacher and cuff he was sure they were there to abduct and kill him he went to his car and called his c-11 handlers the employment advised me that his fear that he was going to be killed by the organization he was going to be abducted right in the middle of the afternoon in front of the courthouse the Agents of C11 rushed to stop another murder in the preacher's territory [Music] okay let's get it there a former member of the preacher crew feared the gang was out to kill him for cooperating with authorities agents and detectives from the FBI C11 Squad came to his Aid just in time they arrested Maine lieutenant John cuff and the crew leader himself Clarence preacher Heatley Sergeant James mob and the other arresting agents searched the vehicle it was evidence inside including information about my informant masks tape it was Apparent at the time that my informants feelings were right he was going to be abducted that day come on man but no one could prove that the men were coming to kill the informant 20 minutes the preacher and cuff were released the incident brought the c-11 squad's investigation of the crew into the oak [Music] foreign that's when it became apparent that they were being investigated by the FBI I mean here's this detective that they know from the 3-2 that when he does make an arrest makes arrests with FBI agents it became apparent to coffin preacher that the FBI was breathing down their neck preacher further insulated himself the FBI would have to get him by going after his organization [Music] they would use federal racketeering statutes known as Rico originally designed to bring down organized crime families Rico requires that strict criteria are met according to FBI special agent Joe Walsh you have to have your organization you have to have your leader which in this case was preacher and he has to have five or more people working Underneath Him you know facilitate the conspiracy of the organization but you also need three predicate offenses three Federal offenses C11 investigators surveilled the preacher crew Gathering evidence on offenses to support the RICO case they noticed unrest within the Gang seemed the pressure of c-11's Investigation was getting to the preacher from an informant agents learned he even ordered the murder of his main lieutenant John cuff foreign agents were obligated to warn cuff of the hit I wish my shield he goes I know who you are you don't have to show me your shirt I said you know John just wanted to let you know that there's a contract out in your life and I swear there's nothing but space when you look in his eyes and he goes everybody wants me dead was undaunted by the threat though the preacher was tightening his grip on his men investigators still needed to get evidence of the crimes the crew committed to support the racketeering organization as more buyers and sellers were arrested some agreed to court helping to outline the group in detail according to detective Vinnie Flynn we obtained the informants through narcotics investigations arrests made by the 3-2 Precinct and the 3-2 detective squad through information they developed and informants they developed because of arrest information was compiled which built a case against the preacher crew murders what murders do you know about unfortunately no one had information on the Donnell Porter murder and so we took about one arrested crew member offered details of another murder committed by the crew hoping for leniency said they decided they didn't want to pay for a shipment of drugs they told the supplier that a young woman had stolen them and that they would take care of him she was a single mother who sometimes worked as a courier for the crew there you go they brought her to a harlem apartment telling her they wanted her to hear a record they had produced she hadn't stolen any drugs that didn't matter to the crew the informant explained how they cleaned up the crime scene then dump the body in an abandoned building remember exactly which building it was [Music] in August 1996 after more than five years of meticulous investigation U.S attorney's Office of the southern district of New York decided they had enough for indictments and arrests on federal Rico charges the first indictment was against Clarence preacher Heatley and John cuff the indictment was kept sealed if word got out to the preacher he might disappear forever investigators staked out preachers Harlem headquarters they hope news of the indictments hadn't been leaked and that if they found him they could arrest him without a fight they knew preacher was surrounded by armed men willing to kill at his command in late 1996 the c-11 squad was ready to arrest Clarence preacher Heatley [Music] no one had seen him in days August 12th he emerged from his headquarters building detectives made sure he was alone then moved in the phone as he was arrested The elusive gang leader remained relaxed and confident as soon as he was in custody other teams arrested his main lieutenant John cuff two months later 15 more preacher crew members were in the rest teams prepared for simultaneous takedowns foreign they had to strike fast full force to arrest gang members safely detective Vinnie Flynn and other c-11 investigators developed more cooperating Witnesses among the arrested crew members once people were arrested and being prosecuted they agreed to cooperate and they felt that they were used by the preacher crew and felt that if in some cases if they didn't participate they would have been killed too so this was their way out of the preacher crew and from under Clarence heatley's control investigators learned in which Harlem buildings the crew dumped some of their victims till evidence was crucial order to prosecute the RICO case one building was a shell partially collapsed on the inside further complicating the retreat after days of Excavating tons of rubble a body was discovered [Music] lab examiners determined it was the body of the young mother who had been killed as a cover for stolen drugs foreign apartment in an adjacent building evidence response teams checked the apartment that's the department where they kept the Malik's head and in the refrigerator there was a lot of blood still left in the apartment and inside the refrigerator there was Malik's blood from when they really kept his head they were able to trace out at the land Malik and several others had been killed in the basement of the preacher's headquarters crime scene technicians processed the basement arrested crew members said preacher had them scrub the place with boric acid after each killing the basement was clean but technicians were able to recover traces of Blood on the windows and on the saw blade that had been used to dismember Malik foreign but the investigation was not over the abduction and murder of young Danelle Porter was still unsolved morning gentlemen have a sweet answers about his death finally came from an unlikely source with an assistant district attorney convinced the boys of preacher crew member John applepore to come in to talk pull them in through he was one of the crew's main players left on the street and had been labeled a snitch two attempts had been made on his life because you want to take business away suggested that Porter cooperate to earn protection in prison he confessed to several murders and revealed what happened to his nephew Donnell according to Sergeant James Marr the kidnapping was prompted by jealousy and greed the underlying factor with Johnny Porter Johnny apples with the kidnapping was when he came home from prison Richie Porter his nephew was this big Harlem drug dealer he was getting paid Richard Porter used to wear a lot of gold used to really like flashy cars he was making a lot of money and he wasn't giving any to Johnny Porter and Johnny Porter felt he was oldest he decided to take it and the way he was he took it is he snatched the kid Porter said the preacher agreed to the kidnapping he sent one of his janitors Malik to help they believed Richard Porter would pay anything to get his brother back shot no they kept the boy in a basement where no one would hear it so cut off his finger and recorded the boy's pleas for help to prove to his family they were serious apple and preacher hoped for five hundred thousand dollars enough to set Apple up in his own drug trade and enough to [ __ ] Richard Porter what time was it when Richard couldn't come up with that amount of cash they lowered it to three hundred and fifty thousand dollars you hold down his hand then the unexpected happened preacher and apple learned that Richard Porter was murdered there'd be no Ransom creature Heatley later told special agent Joe Walsh about his decision our preach sat right down in a room and uh and told me exactly what happened you know he looked me right in the eye and said you know I couldn't let that boy live after uh after what had happened yeah John Porter insisted that it was Malik who actually did the kill ER Malik was later killed and dismembered at the preacher's command John Porter was sentenced to Natural Life [Music] because of the evidence collected by the c-11 squad each member of the preacher crew went to prison [Music] their leader Clarence preacher Heatley pled guilty to Federal racketeering charges that included drug trafficking assault and murder he was sentenced to life with no chance of parole [Music] and his crew will never again terrorize the streets of Harlem it's estimated that they're responsible for approximately 45 murders that we're aware of numerous robberies if you add the extortion in these people were were a decade long or better crime wave in themselves they were they were just amazing the devastation that they caused in these communities that changed when the c-11 squad dismantled the preacher crew forever since the case was closed Harlem has seen a rebirth call him today the 32nd Precinct is running somewhere between 15 and 20 homicides a year down from the 70s down from 70 a year in the late 80s during the crack cocaine bench I think we accomplished quite a bit with destroyed this case and drug organization doesn't exist anymore so you can't hurt anybody else in Minnesota a gruesome murder left few Clues behind too late a local drug bust became a suspect but he was well insulated against police [Music] FBI agents and local detectives had to infiltrate a dangerous cartel okay go ahead to get to a pair of gangsters who killed with no remorse [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] a burning body in a dark alley shed light on a cold-blooded killer his partners in crime would tell the story if they lived in the Underworld of the drug trade even a childhood friend can quickly become an enemy I'm Jim calstrom form ahead of the FBI's New York office a trail of drugs and money let FBI agents to a murderer who underestimated the power of forensic science [Music] June 24 1990 at about 3 A.M the Saint Paul Minnesota Resident was enjoying the quiet of a summer evening when he noticed a car driving to the alley behind his house foreign moments later he heard the distinct sound of a fire erupting then the car speeding away [Applause] checking the alley he discovered a large object engulfed in flames he feared the fire would ignite his property he called 9-1-1 Saint Paul emergency units responded when firemen extinguished the Flames they realized it was more than an act of vandalism [Applause] charred human body wrapped in a melted plastic tarp side detectives arrived at the scene they questioned the resident but he hadn't seen the car or who was in it foreign ification on or near the body [Music] investigators hoped in autopsy would provide more information [Music] could identify the victim might help lead them to those responsible a medical examiner determined the victim was a black male in his mid-20s and that he was dead before the fire was set [Music] cause of death multiple gunshot wounds to the Head [Music] The Examiner extracted three small caliber slugs they would be sent to the ballistics lab for examination [Music] despite the fire damage the examiner found powder burns on the victim's head indicating he'd been shot at point-blank range if enough of his fingerprints remained they might help identify him the prince were entered into the automatic fingerprint identification system aphis is a National Database containing the prints of 23 million persons the body had probably been burned to make identification difficult with the Avis technology it might be possible but running the prince would take some time foreign police believed such a gruesome murder was probably drug related the Minneapolis-St Paul area had recently become a popular import spot for narcotics [Music] with the drugs came an increase in violent crime [Music] special agent John Tindall of Minnesota's Bureau of Criminal apprehension investigated drug running in the area the primary way that people moved cocaine into the state at that time would have been through public transportation that being either by bus or by airplane [Music] police created drug and addiction teams assigned to the Minneapolis-St Paul Airport to try to stop the influx [Music] agents monitored travel to and from cities like Miami and Los Angeles where the drugs originated foreign was to spot drug traffickers among legitimate passengers June 25th 1990 the day after the body was recovered in the alley agents were watching the counters where same-day tickets were issued [Music] these two guys approached the ticket agent and stood there for quite some time doing what we felt was negotiating the sale of some tickets they pulled out a lot of cash they paid cash for the tickets they then left the ticket counter [Music] and learned that the men were flying under the names Jeffrey English and Harry babbs [Music] agents caught up with the men at their gate as they waited to board their flight they asked if they would answer some questions we explained to them that they had no obligation to talk to us if they didn't want to they weren't under arrest they were free to leave human both men consented to be interviewed and said they were just heading back home to L.A they said they had come to Saint Paul to visit a friend named Ken Jones the officers asked for permission to search the bags they checked at the counter both agreed so a search warrant was unnecessary the bags hadn't been loaded onto the aircraft yet [Music] inside the one belonging to Jeffrey English was a plastic bag containing rolls of cash totaling thirteen thousand dollars all right [Music] tucked into a shoe was a 22 caliber derringer pistol it would have been easy to miss it was a tiny revolver five round capacity with a barrel that was only one inch long and the entire gun was approximately four inches long a gun that could be concealed simply by palming it in your hand foreign [Music] neither had been declared that violation plus the suspicious amount of cash provided enough probable cause for an arrest [Music] the officer radioed his partner be aware they could be armed and dangerous they had to detain Babs in English before they took off [Applause] the plane was still of determined [Music] fashion the agent boarded the plane and found the men already seated in a later interview English would claim that the money was from selling a car he said he bought the 22 Derringer on the Street in Minneapolis and he went on to add that he had no idea where the gun had been I thought that was a strange response for a person to back away from the gun's history and that was the first inclination that either of us had that the gun might have been used in some type of crime simply by the way he framed his response to the question agents became more suspicious when English admitted he was flying under a false name his real name was Jeffrey Barnes there was no evidence against Barnes or His companion for anything but misdemeanor weapons violations both men paid fines and were released their guns were held until agents could check police records to see if they'd been used in earlier crimes [Music] two weeks later Saint Paul police received the fingerprint comparison from the man found burned in the alley [Music] there was a match from Southern California [Music] the victim's name was duon Walker the 26 year old Los Angeles area resident had a record for intent to sell narcotics Walker's death made the papers in his hometown his uncle read the article and called the Saint Paul authorities gone there to meet a man named Ken Jones yes sir thank you very much for your information we appreciate that yes officer my name is when Walker didn't return from Saint Paul the uncle had contacted Jones who said Walker had already left the folder right here Saint Paul narcotics detectives were familiar with Jones they had been investigating him for years [Music] he was reputed to be the largest supplier of cocaine in the region [Music] Jones was careful with his drug business and well insulated against investigation [Music] into urban Charities Ken Jones also portrayed himself as a community benefactor [Music] [Applause] his legitimate businesses they believed he used to launder Drug Money his reputation was different on the street [Music] among dealers in attics Jones was known to rule his interests with an iron fist [Music] foreign for years detectives has been searching for a way to shut the drug boss down detectives knew that murder victim duon Walker was with Jones before his death if they could prove the dealer was involved they could finally take him off the street but they needed more evidence foreign they hoped someone would know about Jones meeting Duan Walker never seen him before never seen this person at all but none of the employees were willing to talk [Music] drug boss Ken Jones continued his narcotics trafficking he seemed to be beyond the reach of the law on June 24 1990 Saint Paul authorities had found the body of 26 year old Dewan Walker burning in an alley just before his death he had met with drug boss Ken Jones police believe Jones was involved in the murder but Witnesses wouldn't talk and no physical evidence implicated him investigators got an unexpected break three months later when Saint Paul Police Stopped a man for a routine traffic violation [Music] a computer check revealed there was a warrant out for the arrest of Charles shuck [Music] police took him into custody they contacted the investigator who had issued the warrant special agent John Tindall of the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal apprehension the arrest warrant was issued for Charles Chuck for importing two kilos of cocaine we attempted to find him at the address that he had given and he wasn't there and we had no way of knowing where he was at that time several months earlier a drug interdiction team at the Minneapolis-St Paul Airport had spotted The Courier did they watch Chung pay cash for a full Fair last minute ticket to Los Angeles that'll be one way around trip round trip round trip Chuck didn't check a bag and carried only one onto the plane 40 pass here the next day agents saw him return now with two bags they knew couriers often had extra bags when returning from a drug pickup I told Chuck that they could not arrest him but they could hold his luggage for inspection [Music] authorities could not open his bags without his consent and he did not give it um Chuck's response was not that of innocent Travelers if you tell them that you're going to detain their bags typically if they have nothing to hide they want to stay with their backs they don't want to leave those bags behind Chuck had none of that he had no questions he had no concerns his his primary concern was getting out of there just as fast as he could thank you shortly after Chuck left a canine unit examined the bags one was clean but in the other the dog smelled narcotics you can't get a search warrant based strictly on the actions of the dog the dog was an integral part of it and the request for the search warrant but it wasn't the only part we also had to detail the fact that we had seen Chuck the previous night come in and buy a high dollar round-trip ticket to Los Angeles with a return flight being the following morning these things are unusual the fact that he carried one small bag on the aircraft and carried two off is also unusual [Music] agents secured a search warrant to open the bags inside they recovered two kilos of cocaine [Music] investigators suspected shuck was carrying the drugs for someone else at that time we weren't able to make a connection as to who he might be working with or working for but my gut feeling was that he was a courier for somebody at a higher level now that he had been arrested Chuck learned of the evidence against him he had his attorney propose a deal [Music] in exchange for sentencing consideration he would give up information on the man he ran drugs for more importantly he would also provide details about the unsolved murder of Dewan Walker [Music] Chuck said that the man who employed him as a courier was the same man who had ordered the murder the man's name was Ken Jones for every kilo of cocaine delivered Ken Jones would pay shuck one thousand dollars chuck had worked for the drug Boston's High School it was precisely because their relationship was so strong the Jones did not retaliate for the Lost cocaine But Chuck was not the only Courier Jones girlfriend also played a major role in the Trafficking Organization Charles shook told me that she was intimately familiar with his drug dealing operation in fact she had been a stewardess for an airline for a lot of years and had acted as a courier for him bringing in kilos when she was working as a stewardess investigators asked chuck if the girlfriend knew about the murder basically he said that around the time Walker was killed she had been very upset [Music] when the Jones had ordered her to clean up the bathroom of his condo what's going on there was a great deal of Blood by the bathtub heard Walker had been shot there he said the killer's name was Jeffrey Barnes an enforcer for Jones and the same man whose suitcase held thirteen thousand dollars in cash and a 22 derringer pistol he felt that Barnes had shot the victim duon Walker in the head and that left town the following day after being paid by Ken Jones for that hit shuck alleged that the Thirteen thousand dollars cash that was found in the suitcase was at least part of the hit money that was paid to Barnes by Jones for doing the hit and that the 22 caliber revolver that was found was the murder weapon I just know that it wasn't my cocaine I was Chuck knew the caliber of the murder weapon and other details of the crime that hadn't been made public foreign so we felt that there was some credibility on Chuck's part that Barnes and Jones could be considered as legitimate suspects in the murder of Walker agents realize they might have the murder weapon already in custody see what we got here if they could prove it was the gun that killed duon Walker they could move forward with a murder case on drug boss Ken Jones and his enforcer Jeffrey Barnes let's take it they retrieved the 22 caliber Derringer from the evidence Locker foreign ER to the Saint Paul ballistics lab for testing examiners compared grooved striations inside its Barrel to the grooves on the Slugs removed from the victim but their report was disappointing [Music] the results were inconclusive in part due to the fact that it only had a one-inch barrel and the opportunity to pick up striations from the lands and grooves within this Barrel were limited the longer the barrel the better the opportunity to pick up the striations the short barrel like this gives you very limited opportunity [Music] without a forensic examination matching barnes's gun to the bullets that killed Walker authorities had only the word of a drug Smuggler to bring to trial agents shipped the gun to the Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms lab in Washington D.C the feeling was that their laboratory was somewhat more sophisticated they were accustomed doing things like that on a routine basis and with their sophisticated equipment they might be able to come up with a determination that was more specific after it was examined by ATF they came to the conclusion that it was in fact the weapon that was used to murder duon Walker investigators now knew that enforcer Jeffrey Barnes was in possession of the murder weapon the day after Walker was killed who had no proof that he had fired the Fatal shots or that Ken Jones had ordered the hit [Music] on the side could you take a take a look at the picture whether due to loyalty or fear authorities were met with silence one after the other the people we attempted to talk to would not talk to us and they would not give up anything so we were back to the point of having only the statement given to us by Charles Chuck and no palpable way of corroborating into the information that he gave us through other Witnesses investigators applied for a warrant to search Jones's condominium but the judge refused to Grant one because they couldn't corroborate the story of the blood on the floor information on the Penn registers also supports it after almost a year investigators realized that the case would not be solved without additional resources they contacted the Saint Paul FBI's drug task force for assistance having worked narcotics for 20 years sergeant Tom danasky was well aware of the reputations of Ken Jones and Jeffrey Barnes Baltimore very intimidating the imposing individuals they had a violent background and when we don't interview people everyone would pretty much try to avoid either having contact with us or they wouldn't tell us a straight story [Music] the task force believed that the only way to get to the drug boss and his enforcer would be through a cooperating Witness foreign they needed to find someone who could give them first-hand information and perhaps solicit a taped confession [Music] the investigator approached a confidential informant he had developed on earlier cases [Music] the informant couldn't Place Barnes with the victim I'll take him down but he did know that the enforcer had a nephew who had recently been released from prison my nephew's name was Russell Barnes known on the street as ice after leaving prison he had come to Saint Paul to begin dealing cocaine with contacts provided by his uncle Jeffrey Barnes the nephew was anxious to make money investigators developed a new strategy in the fall of 1992. the enforcer's nephew would become their new Target [Music] FBI special agent Grant BC a specialist in wire intercepts was called in as part of the plan we went after Russell number one because he was a pretty good sized dope dealer and number two he dealt with his uncle Jeffrey and we felt that if we could get a case made against Russell that would help us make a case against Jeffrey to get it agents would somehow have to infiltrate the closed rings of a dangerous drug underworld [Music] in 1992 investigators believed a Saint Paul drug boss and his enforcer had killed Duan Walker it already recovered the murder weapon [Music] but sergeant Tom dinaski assigned to an FBI drug task force needed corroborating evidence in order to arrest drug boss Ken Jones and his enforcer Jeffrey Barnes just having the weapon alone wasn't enough to get them prosecuted for it but we felt that we're going to have to identify some people or bring some people in to court that'll be able to testify that Jeff Barnes and Ken Jones were involved you know in the murder FBI special agent Grant BC believed that if they first arrested the enforcer's nephew drug dealer Russell Barnes he might provide the information they needed we had sources of information that were close to Russell that gave us the indication that he knew that his uncle had committed the murder we didn't know to what extent that Russell knew about it all right to build a Narcotics case against Russell Barnes the FBI enlisted a trusted informant with credibility on the street you can hear what I'm saying coming back through here agents wired the informant who would engage in controlled drug buys with the enforcer's nephew his Force members would record each by it was a risky operation if the informant's wire was discovered he would likely be killed [Music] agents wanted to build trust and avoid any possibility that Russell Barnes might suspect it was a setup [Music] okay all right you won't taste at first the informant bought small amounts over time the transactions increased in size and frequency and each was recorded [Music] that's a nice package everything's everything but Russell Barnes refused to speak about his knowledge of the murder agents were no closer to solving the crime [Music] the FBI needed to plant someone closer to the enforcer himself in May of 1993 they discovered their way in oh man and informant working for the Saint Paul FBI on another case mentioned that he and Jeffrey Barnes had done time together claimed they were very close and that Barnes trusted him he said he was sure he could get Barnes to sell him cocaine and to talk about the Dewan Walker murder [Music] agents tested The informant's credibility by having him call the enforcer foreign within moments it became clear Jeffrey Barnes was comfortable talking to the informant I've been a couple months now [Music] you know me it was the break investigators were looking for now they needed to find a place for the drug bodies controlled environment that could be adequately wired I've been eating well at the time the informant was uh living with a relative and couldn't really do things at his home uh we obtained a uh a house from HUD and uh moved the informant into the house and the informant agreed to record certain conversations that he might have with Jeffrey Barnes [Music] investigators set the informant up in a government-owned house on the west side of Saint Paul he was to contact the FBI anytime the enforcer was planning to visit the house for a drug deal thank you FBI technicians wired the house with electronic listening devices in three rooms barns like to boast about being a Hitman referring to himself as murder Incorporated [Music] with that information we tried to encourage the informant to try to bring him to a point where he would talk to him about you know acts of violence that he was involved in and things like that and this is something that Jeff Barnes reputation was all about and it's something that he liked to brag about over here agents coach their information on how to draw barns out about the murder of Dewan Walker [Music] force her into talking about the hits he performed in the past [Music] in one tape conversation the informant pretended he wanted Barnes to help him rob a drug dealer [Music] Jeffrey Barnes suggested that they just kill him murder a bit of Hitman alone Barnes told the informant that doing the hit on somebody is not a problem any described uh how he could do it he would walk up behind the individual pop him in the head with a handgun let him fall on the floor wrap them in plastic and drag his body outside and put it in an alley and this was the exact same way that Dewan Walker had been killed I won't take up too much of your time let's say we get down to business don't stay in business it was good circumstantial evidence but by itself it wasn't enough [Music] and arranged by telephone investigators secured a warrant to tap the suspect's phone lines although the wire intercepts captured no information on the Walker murder they did produce details of the drug operation in January 1994 the task force decided it was time to arrest Russell Barnes and hope he would turn on his uncle [Music] 36 on January 29th they set up another controlled drug by with an informant the downtown Saint Paul Hotel investigators wired the room for sound the reliability of the eavesdropping devices was essential [Music] testing one two one two the recordings would be used in court thank you and agents would be monitoring from an adjacent room if Russell Barnes discovered the setup they would be able to protect their informant okay go ahead and give me a sec testing one two three when the room was ready they would have the informant call the enforcer's nephew and orders several ounces of cocaine Mary had a little lamb testing a Little Lamb Mary investigators in St Paul police special investigations Unit were conducting the surveillance at Russell Barnes residence and after the phone calls were made with very short delay Russell went to the hotel Russell Barnes had delivered to the informant before I told you one day we'd be wrong he brought cocaine and the equipment he needed for measuring it correct [Music] he suspected nothing [Music] to him it was just another deal he set up shop and began the transaction unaware that every word was being recorded it was important to get a drug dealer off the streets but what agents really wanted was for Russell Barnes to give a statement about drug boss Ken Jones and enforcer Jeffrey Barnes committing murder when details of the drug deal were on tape investigators moved in behind your head okay we're clear they had indisputable evidence of Russell Barnes selling roughly two ounces of cocaine investigators explained to him that as a three-time Narcotics offender Russell was looking at a minimum of 15 years in prison they wanted a statement about his uncle who sat him down and we talked at some length about Jeffrey Barnes and his involvement with the dewine Walker homicide being somewhat reluctant because this was his uncle it took some persuasion and after a while we gained his confidence and he eventually told us his knowledge about the dwan Walker homicide walk Jeffrey Barnes had told him Walker tried to steal cocaine from Ken Jones took my gun so they killed him the enforcer said they then dumped Walker's body in an alley doused it with gasoline and lit it a fire [Music] it was at best a secondhand confession drug operation Russell Barnes was taken into custody all right let's go stand up agents also arrested their informant so no one would know he cooperated discover the 22 calendar jug boss Ken Jones was still on the street as was his enforcer Jeffrey Barnes but the FBI task force was closing in [Music] by 1994 while trying to dismantle a Minnesota drug ring and solve a four-year-old murder the FBI and Saint Paul police had arrested dealer Russell Barnes who agreed to cooperate [Music] he offered details on the crimes committed by his uncle Jeffrey Barnes including Nationwide drug trafficking and the 1990 murder of Dewan Walker according to sergeant Tom danasky investigators had plenty of evidence against Jeffrey Barnes a known enforcement for drug boss Ken Jones in the homicide we've got a weapon that's been recovered at the airport we've got Jeff Barnes making a comment to one of our informants that he this is how you murder somebody that's a dope ripoff type of situation and the actual procedure that he went through when he killed Juan Walker and now we have his nephew telling us that he's been at his house blood relative that we're going to have testifying court that he actually told him about the murder in August 1994. investigators staked out the apartment where Jeffrey Barnes was staying armed and willing to kill he had no time to react please wake up with hands up on a car come on prosecutors did not yet charge him with murder they went forward with a drug conspiracy case instead let me have the other hand dealing drugs to his ex-cellmate earned Barnes 30 years in prison foreign case until they had more evidence against him and Ken Jones special agent Grant BC believed having Barnes in prison would make Witnesses more willing to talk [Music] Jeff Barnes had the reputation of being an enforcer he scared people we felt that getting him off the street would take away the intimidation Factor against some of these other people and it would be better for us to be able to talk to these these other folks with him being locked up the plan worked after barnes's arrest investigators met with an Associate of Ken Jones facing a long prison term on drug charges he offered to be a government Witness he had extensive knowledge about Jones's drug cartel and that he had met Dewan Walker just before his murder [Music] in mid-june 1990 Jones had ordered the cooperating witness to drive a pickup truck to St Louis where he was to meet Walker the truck had been fitted with a second fuel tank [Music] upon arrival in St Louis Dewan Walker stuffed several bags of cocaine into the false tank when full the tank held about 30 kilos of the drug [Music] that amount of cocaine would have been worth more than a million dollars the cooperating witness then drove the truck back to Saint Paul where he turned it over to the drug boss [Music] Walker had arrived earlier and was staying with Jones at his condominium Holmes hadn't paid Walker for the drugs yet [Applause] in fact he and his enforcer decided not to the two of them conspire to take the dope and to eliminate the problem and just execute uh Duane Walker that's that's bow the witness's testimony would explain the motive for The Killing he told the agents that several days later he got a call from the drug boss [Music] He was ordered to come over to the condo immediately [Music] following duon Walker's murder Ken Jones seemed very nervous he ordered the cooperating witness to get rid of the truck he had driven up from St Louis the one with the false gas tank the drug boss demanded that no one be told about the cocaine run one or two the witness said Jones's girlfriend had also told him about cleaning up blood in the bathroom after the murder in this picture you recognize this job in the summer of 1995 prosecutors convened a grand jury to secure witness testimony under oath [Music] Jones's girlfriend was subpoenaed to testify but she denied telling anyone that she cleaned up blood in Jones's bathroom Ken Jones if authorities couldn't prove she was lying they might never be able to indict Ken Jones and Jeffrey Barnes for murder no sir what if you would tell us please about the evening in June 1995 Grand Jury testimony from others proved that one witness perjured himself when she denied cleaning up blood in the bathroom of drug boss Ken Jones said you're not I'm not sure what you're talking about Sir on June 21st the grand jury indicted Jones and his main enforcer Jeffrey Barnes for the 1990 murder of Dewan Walker Barnes the alleged Hitman was already in prison on drug charges foreign the day after the indictment investigators staked out the home of drug boss Ken Jones if he had insulated himself well against the investigation Ken Jones was finally arrested for murder [Music] FBI Drug Task Force member sergeant Tom dinaski was determined to find physical evidence to back up witness testimony at the tribe foreign through the investigation everything focused on the fact that Dewan Walker was murdered in the bed in the bathroom and he was shot in the head there I was thinking that we might be able to still find a trace of blood and the grouting on the floor in the bathroom Bureau of Criminal apprehension technicians processed the bathroom Jones was arrested new tenants had moved into the condo ready they gave their consent to the search the technicians tested for the presence of blood using luminol a relatively new technique at the time luminol reacts with proteins in blood rendering minute traces of invisible under ultraviolet light we were able to determine and the underlayment underneath the tile that there was a significant amount of blood they were unable to obtain a DNA off that test but they were able to obtain a test that showed there was a significant amount of blood and it was human blood that was still traceable back even five years Mr Barnes and Mr Joe it was the evidence investigators needed the head on October 31st 1995. Ken Jones and Jeffrey Barnes went to trial in Saint Paul every year but also for the murder of prosecutors outlined what they believed occurred in Dewan Walker's Final hours two gentlemen here are responsible for all of this Walker had delivered roughly 30 kilos of cocaine to Jones the drug boss decided he didn't want to pay that night he and his main enforcer Jeffrey Barnes parted with Walker eventually Walker headed into the bathroom Jones and Barnes had planned the hit to take place there foreign [Music] Walker was unarmed Barnes fired three sharks from his 22 caliber Derringer as always Jones maintained his distance Walker died immediately [Music] later that night they wrapped Walker's body in plastic sheets to contain the blood and loaded it into a car they drove to an alley and dumped the body to make identification more difficult they doused the body with gasoline and set it Ablaze Jones used his girlfriend to cover his tracks after the murder foreign floor was covered with blood particularly the area around the tub where Walker had fallen she was able to clean the surface the blood had seeped down into the subflooring five years later technicians would find it there you will come away with the inescapable conclusion Ken Jones and Jeffrey Barnes were convicted of murder and drug charges there has been in March 1996 they were both sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole appreciations of these gentlemen through the years [Music] Jeffrey Barnes who had once boasted he was murder Incorporated was no longer a threat to those outside the prison system Jones had tried to create an image of himself as a community leader but his greed led to murder and he will never leave prison alive in the fall of 1983 four men set out to hunt deer in Virginia [Music] one of them would never return home authorities determined the Hunter's death was accidental but an insurance adjuster believed otherwise a year later the FBI had only one option agents had to get the suspect's confession on tape before their witness also became the Hunter's Target [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hunting accidents are reported in the United States each year fewer than 10 percent of them are fatal but when one Hunter's death seems suspicious the FBI was called in to investigate I'm Jim calstrom former head of the FBI's New York office agents would have to determine if they're suspect was a grieving Father Figure or a man who murdered a friend In Cold Blood [Music] on November 21st 1983 near Roanoke Virginia 41 year old David Fisher hunted deer with the three people who were closest to him 16 year old stepson his friend 22 year old Bobby Mulligan and 18 year old David Wilkie Wilkie looked up to Fisher as the father he never had it [Music] the group had been hiking since the early morning but no one had spotted a deer fifty dollars was wagered on the first to shoot one Fisher's stepson was bored and asked to go off on his own he told him not to go far the teenager had little experience in the woods he walked a short distance when he heard someone yell dear then he heard a gunshot the boy ran back to see if anyone had won the fifty dollars foreign the group a few yards from where he left them sitting on the incline of a small hill eighteen-year-old David Wilkie had been shot he was still alive but they were miles from the nearest phone Fisher told his stepson to run and get help [Music] 30 minutes later he reached Rescuers Lieutenant Michael Ashworth of Virginia's Department of Game and Inland Fisheries was called in I received the call from the Bedford County Sheriff's Department somewhere around 3 P.M stating that there had been a hunting accident I proceeded immediately to the scene it was on the south side of Bedford County off of Stone Mountain Road authorities were too late David Wilkie died before help could reach him the lieutenant asked the hunters to describe what happened Bobby Mulligan said that when they spotted the deer David Wilkie got excited and ran ahead I see it Mulligan and fish are falling behind as he started down the slope Mulligan explained that he slipped in the dry leaves his gun discharged when he hit the ground Lieutenant Ashworth it was clear that Mulligan was a novice with firearms critical error Justin you know you would have hadn't had this firearm cocked and he said yeah I did I was carrying it cocked when I had heard the deer then I cocked the gun which was obvious he was you know very ignorant of safety or basic safety rules David Fisher told the lieutenant he saw the whole thing happen from the top of the slope [Music] he was behind the two younger men when the shot went off he saw Wilkie go down and rushed to the side of the Fallen teenager [Music] he told investigators he placed a rag over the wound in Wilkie's back in an effort to stop the bleeding [Music] the Father Figure tried to comfort his dying friend until help could arrive [Music] but after only a few minutes Wilkie stopped breathing [Music] investigators examined the surrounding area to determine if there was any physical evidence to corroborate [Music] investigators found the spot where Mulligan had slipped [Music] the size of the wound in Wilkie's back seemed consistent with a gunshot fired from where the hunter had hit the ground nothing they could find contradicted Mulligan and fish's story [Music] officials then turned their attention to the weapon that fired the Fatal shot found that it had been undisturbed since it was last fired when the lieutenant opened the barrel he discovered the spent cartridge was still inside [Music] the men were not placed under arrest but investigators asked them to come to the Sheriff's Office for further questions authorities were still uncertain if they were going to press charges against the hunters [Music] Bobby Mulligans seem to be very sincerely remorseful he was crying at times and talking about the fact that uh he had hunted very little but it looked like that it was exactly as what it appeared to be a simple hunting accident and and we do have accidents that occur that way at the station the two men were interviewed once more in separate rooms their stories never changed unlike Bobby Mulligan David Lee Fisher remained composed and assured his stepson that everything would be okay [Music] since the hunters had inadvertently wandered onto private land they were charged with hunting on posted property who fired the Fatal shot Bobby Mulligan was charged additionally with Reckless use of a firearm and hunting without a big game license sir being charged running without a permit the charges were misdemeanors Fisher and Mulligan would need to answer them in court until then they were allowed to return home to Charlotte North Carolina a standard procedure David Wilkie's body was autopsied the cause of death was determined to be a transection of the aorta and lacerations of the lungs due to a single projectile [Music] in addition to the 12 gauge slug the medical examiner extracted cardboard wadding that had also been discharged from the shotgun shell examiners confirmed the slug was fired from Mulligan's rifle a month later Fisher and Mulligan defended their misdemeanor charges in Virginia's General District Court [Music] the judge gave Mulligan a suspended sentence and fined him 585 dollars Fisher was fined 220 dollars the property officer returned the shotgun to the men and the case was closed [Music] two days later an insurance company received a claim on the dead Boy's Life Insurance the policy promised to pay one hundred thousand dollars in the event that Wilkie's death was accidental the Wilkie signature appeared on the forms he was not the policy's owner his close friend David Fisher was the owner and the sole beneficiary this wasn't illegal but it struck the agent as strange since Fisher wasn't listed as the boy's father nor is his business partner John the company decided to contest the claim [Music] on January 6 1984 they hired independent claims director Harlan Davis to determine if David ropey's death was in fact accidental [Music] they contacted our office and requested that we complete an investigation to determine the relationship between Bobby Mulligan David Fisher and David William Wilkie and also to check police records obtain a medical examiner's report and to get in it and develop these circumstances surrounding this uh uh death Davis attempted to contact Fisher and Mulligan but the claims director was unable to reach them he was able to reach wilke's single mother in Florida this is Diane yes she told him that her son had left home for Charlotte North Carolina less than a year before the 18 year old had heard that his estranged father was in Charlotte visiting relatives Wilkie hadn't seen his dad since childhood [Music] his mother said that he caught up with his father briefly but his dad left Charlotte before they could become reacquainted the father wanted nothing to do with it that's when Wilkie met Fisher David Wilkie was looking for a father which he didn't have his father and mother were separated that they were distant from him he felt like he wanted to get to know his father and this is the the reason he really fell into a relationship with David Fisher was because he was looking for this Father Figure and and it became a friendship kid shortly after her son died Fisher called to tell her that the teenager wished to be cremated but had no life insurance [Music] the mother believed Fisher and ordered The Cremation since Fishers seemed to have been close with her son the claims director finally caught up with David Fisher to ask him why the policy had been purchased official replied that Wilkie had wanted life insurance because he was planning to get married his fiancee did not want insurance so the 18 year old turned to Fisher since Wilkie had no money Fisher gave him a loan and a job working for him to pay it off [Music] Fisher was the owner and operator of Fisher Services the small business that employed several people including Bobby Mulligan [Music] morgs and mortuaries called Fisher Services when they needed a body transported to their facilities from accident scenes foreign Fisher and his men worked mostly after 11 pm he didn't get paid unless people died on a good week the work was lucrative but when there were no bodies to transport he needed other ways to get paid this is an interesting relationship the investigative questioned why Fisher had paid the insurance premium if Wilkie was making income the rescue guys thought the businessman replied that he only wrote the checks to the insurance company after Wilkie paid him first he shot someone and uh I don't know what else what else I can tell you Fischer had an answer for every anomaly in spite of Fisher's deflections the investigator managed to get an important piece of information from him the new address of Bobby Mulligan the man who fired the gun that killed David Wilkie director found Mulligan at a pizza parlor in Myrtle Beach South Carolina name your address Mulligan didn't have much to add to what Davis had already heard 100 Main Street the claims investigator concluded his inquiry in the spring of 1984. his firm gave their assessment to the insurance company we recommend it strongly to them that they not pay the policy and that further investigation be followed up to determine any any other information that might shed some light on onto this shooting that it was not exactly as it looked on the surface would you the insurance company sent the case to an attorney in Greensboro North Carolina Fisher signed an affidavit vouching that he had seen the deceased sign the policy the lawyer asked Fisher to describe the shooting one more time [Music] once again Fisher indicated that Mulligan was 15 feet behind Wilkie when the gun discharged [Music] the attorney confronted Fisher with the coroner's report you might like to take a look at it two pieces of cardboard wadding from the shotgun shell had been found inside Wilkie's chest for the wadding to have lodged there it was likely the shot had been fired from much closer than 15 feet the evidence was not strong enough to prove murder but it was strong enough to win a civil suit we are prepared to make you an offer he offered Fisher twenty five thousand dollars to settle out of court the amount the lawyer figured it would cost to defend the case Fisher accepted a fuel sign here please they were afraid that if they did not settle the claim for some amount that David Fisher would possibly sue them for not following uh the law in paying a claim when he had a legitimate claim David Fisher had just made twenty five thousand dollars from the death of David Wilkie his friend and employee portion of that money he loaned to a friend would soon be paid back in ways he never expected on a hunting trip to Virginia eighteen-year-old David Wilkie shooting death had been ruled accidental the man the dead teenager had looked up to 41 year old David Fisher had been paid twenty five thousand dollars as the sole beneficiary of the boy's life insurance policy then a year and a half later in the spring of 1985. Special Agent Robert McDowell of the FBI Charlotte field office received a call from one of his informants early on in 1985 I had to source and one day he came to me with a story that a friend of his had been hired and refused to take the job to murder somebody for insurance money I at first didn't understand exactly why he was bringing me this information and why this individual is willing to talk about this now over the course of two more weeks the agent continued to speak to his source well the informant said his friend's name was bear and that bear's life was in danger agents wanted to speak to this person at the Charlotte FBI field office but the source said bear was reluctant since he was an ex-conference he would only meet them in a neutral place they agreed to meet in a park special agent James Lillard who's currently working undercover helped agent Bob McDowell develop the case working right beside Bob we asked me if I want to go out with him to interview his source and find out a little bit more about this information [Music] the distance in case in case partner was being bear arrived on schedule real name was Gerald steadom so stedham said that a man named David Fisher was threatening his life because stereowowed him several thousand dollars from a personal loan he also accused Fisher of murdering 18-year-old David Wilkie more than a year earlier sure agents were skeptical when you hear something like that it initially sounds pretty fantastic and you kind of scratch your head you think is this for real or not instead of may have been exaggerating a little bit and maybe he exaggerated about the story in itself look I'm not wearing he hoped the FBI would protect him in exchange for information about his old friend David Fisher was willing to wear a wire to prove the story The ex-convict refused he'd had his run-ins with Law Enforcement Officers before and he pretty much said right from the very beginning that he didn't trust police FBI or anybody else so at that point it had a it was a it was a matter of trying to gain stedemus trust to the point that he would actually work with us and not back out of the situation once he started getting into it agent McDowell needed to find out more about Fisher the background check revealed that David Fisher had several aliases and 25 prior convictions for crimes ranging from larceny to forgery years earlier Fisher had testified in the trial of an underworld crime figure and was then entered into the witness protection program not long after his protection was removed since his continuing criminal Behavior was in violation of its rules agents also checked records in Virginia to confirm stedham's story yes there was in fact a a hunting accident where a gentleman fighting with David Wilkie was shot in the back supposedly accidentally so that in itself verified that this uh this definitely happened um then the next step is to find out uh if there are any motives here I mean you know why did this happen and if there was any other details McDowell arranged another meeting with stedham to find out more stedham refused to come to the FBI office instead he agreed to meet in the parking lot of a local restaurant once again stedham promised to tell the FBI anything they wanted to know about Fisher but refused to wear a wire to secure evidence if Fisher discovered the wire stedham believed he would certainly be killed thank you he didn't trust that the FBI would protect him if his cover was blown they were interrupted before McDowell was able to convince him I was speaking to him when suddenly screaming and yelling came from a local restaurant and I realized that there was an armed robbery taking place at the time and I asked y'all stedham just to step off to the side the thief was stopped before he could flee get down stedem was speechless at first he wondered if the agents had staged the robbery to convince him to cooperate [Music] when he was sure the arrest was real his attitude towards the FBI changed and at that point I realized that I had gained his trust that somebody knew what he was doing so from that point on it was it was pretty easy to be able to get stedham to believe that we were going to protect them and be able to get the information that we needed how can I help you I really think it's meaning to help you out at last stedham agreed to meet with agents in the FBI offices for the first time agents learned the plan Fischer made to kill his young friend David Wilkie [Music] in the summer of 1983 Fisher suggested that he and Stephen his old prison buddy could make a hundred thousand dollars from a life insurance scam the ex-confict would take out a policy on their young friend David Wilkie if stedham would do The Killing despite working several odd jobs Wilkie was poor and estranged from his family Fisher believed no one would miss him his proposal was to let's take him out to Virginia let's take him out to an overlook and um we'll get him near the Overlook and I want you to push him off and that way he would die it would look like an accident and Fisher could collect the insurance money and which of course he would share with him if he did it well I'm worried about instead I'm told agents that he didn't take fishes seriously until he learned Fisher had obtained the life insurance policy on Wilkie and at a point Statham said he didn't want anything to do with it he backed out which again made Fisher absolutely Furious to the point of almost a hatred developing between his old friend Gerald steadom and David Fisher me one day I remember seeing it a few months later when Statham heard that Wilkie had been killed hunting in Virginia he knew the death was probably not accidental Statham told agents that fisher later offered him fifty thousand dollars to kill the Hitman Bobby Mulligan the informant believed that fisher would likely come after him next the unfortunate situation was is that fisher hated Statham at this point I mean actually wanted would probably kill him so if we realized that the only way we're going to be able to get at Fisher through Steadman was to have stedham tell him that he was sorry that he hadn't paid him back and that he wanted to pay him back even if it's only a hundred dollars a week a hundred dollars a week would give the FBI several opportunities to get Fisher friendly again Fisher didn't hate status enough to turn down the money eventually agents hoped Statham could then start reminiscing about what happened in the past [Music] the FBI gave Fisher a reason to see their informant The Next Step was to get Fisher confessing on tape [Music] a few days later Fisher asked stedham to meet him at a coffee shop pick it up was nervous about the wire but finally agreed to wear it let's do it okay here we go she was terrified and um he was worried official at friskham he was worried that um uh Fisher might get suspicious so basically what we advised him to do was to just say look tell him that the insurance company is calling him and asking him about this that way it'll keep him off the trail of thinking that any law enforcement is involved under the watchful eye of Agents instead of met with Fisher briefly the murder suspect said little and avoided the incident in Virginia altogether Fisher had been an informant himself at one time and suspected stedem was wired outside the restaurant the mood turned ugly if agents moved in Now stedham's cover would be blown but if they didn't they feared the suspected murderer would kill again if he found the wire agents surveilled murder suspect David Fisher hoping that their wired informant Gerald steadom would be able to solicit a confession from his old friend Fisher arranged the meeting to receive money that stead emote him Fisher was suspicious of status to the relief of stedema and agent James Lillard Fisher never found the wire first time that we had wired stedem up and sent him in and talked to Fisher he was um a little too zealous and he was asking too many poignant questions so Fisher kind of got a little suspicious and actually frisked him fortunately um we had the recording device in a place where he wasn't going to find it unless Fisher called to meet stedem again special agent Robert McDowell and his team had no other means to get the evidence they needed to arrest Fisher for his two-year-old crime five days later Fisher called stedem to arrange another meeting agents were hopeful the cooperating witness tried to steer the conversation towards Fisher's past crimes but Fisher once again avoided the topic it was one of these situations where Fisher constantly would talk about the fact that he didn't trust anybody didn't want to talk about anything every time stedham would try to bring up the conversation about what happened back in those days he would be tight-lipped he wouldn't do it since Fisher said nothing to corroborate stedham's version of events it occurred to agents that perhaps data may be lying since the ex-convict was reluctant to come forward in the first place yes the FBI conducted a polygraph examination to evaluate Statham's credibility yeah stedham admitted he lied about Fisher offering him fifty thousand dollars to kill Mulligan were you hired to kill Bobby Moby yes he insisted that fisher had asked him to do it but he could not remember the exact amount he'd been offered I can't really remember answer yes or no one of the things we did in order to um to try to make sure we weren't just chasing our Tails was to um was to get uh steadily uh polygraph exam and the fact that it was not conclusive could be that there may be some things that he's saying that he's maybe holding back but in general what he's stating is is pretty much going to be going to be correct so what I'm saying agents believe stedham was still their best hope of getting to Fisher since the case lacked any physical evidence but Fisher the delivery man for the morgues was extremely cautious particularly with status for the case to move forward the FBI needed another plan so what we're going to have to do is create a situation in Fisher's mind where he felt they were closing in on them one way or another to try to stir the conversation agents figured that fisher would relax his suspicion of being taped while inside his own vehicle on a day that fisher asked stedham to help him with a job agents decided that time was right the technology was just starting to come out where actually voices would come across on a beeper instead them had one so we had a female in our office make a phone call to stedem on his beeper telling him to call home immediately making believe that the voice that was coming over the pager was said of his girlfriend so the car stopped instead of got out for appearances stedham briefly spoke to the agent back in the office to let her know the message was received instead I'm returned to the car he told Fisher that it was an insurance agent asking to meet Statham about an ongoing investigation Fisher told him that if he kept his mouth shut their new inquiry would go nowhere since the body had been cremated and that everyone said it was an accident he says I'm telling you right now if anybody tries to bring up anything any Witnesses pop their head above the water it's going to be and those are the sounds I came over to tape and we realized at that point what Fisher was doing was actually threatening the lives of War Witnesses involved in the investigation that took place the recording was good but it was far from a confession agents had hoped for more unfortunately over the next several weeks Fisher avoided stedem altogether [Music] agents pursued Mulligan instead on tape the shooter described a meeting he had with Fisher after the shooting Mulligan told him that he had written out the details of what happened and gave it to someone for safe keeping work you're right [Music] if Fisher killed Mulligan those details would be mailed to authorities Mulligan refused to tell stedham what he had written or who held the letter [Music] just after midnight on June 16 1986 an anonymous woman called the FBI to report that a Hitman would be coming after status hide their informant at a remote location they suspected that fisher had made the threat investigators hoped they could secure an arrest warrant before the suspected killer got to Fisher had arranged a killing before agents feared he would kill again [Music] while agents began to close in on murder suspect David Fisher the FBI received a death threat against their informant Gerald steadom to protect their key witness Statham was held in a remote location until agents could decipher the identity of the caller two days later agents reported their Discovery to Stella what is it the death threat had been traced to the residents of one of stedem's friends steadom admitted that he had a female friend place the call but he emphasized that the threat was real he explained that his longtime friend David Fisher was suddenly acting like a stranger this could only mean one thing Fisher the man who transported bodies for the morgues was planning to kill him [Music] agents weren't happy with status deception but AJ McDowell knew that the danger to stead him was genuine Sedum told me that fisher as a part of being a dealing with the morticians and the and all the different funeral homes had obtained a number of chemicals that he felt that could be injected into people without them ever knowing and and that they would die without any traces of whatsoever of what what caused their death the only way to assure status safety was to get Fisher into custody before they could do that they needed more evidence yeah in the fall of 1986 a year and a half after the FBI began their investigation agents finally Tracked Down David Wilkie's former fiancee they found her in Florida with a new married name what we'd like to do is just begin to tell me she told agents that she and Wilkie were engaged six weeks after they met and planned to move to Florida to save money the couple moved in with Fisher for a short time but after her fiance was killed she moved out immediately she told agents that she felt intimidated by Fisher never just before Wilkie's death Fisher had come to her with a proposition to kill the boy for insurance money like status she didn't believe Fisher was serious until Wilkie turned up dead what we want to do is he said it was give him a few drinks and then give him a good time once you lure him into the pool get him into the deep end and then I want you to drown him because he can't swim then again he'll run call a hotel security and it'll look like an accident there was something strange about him she believed Fisher was responsible for the killing but she had no way to prove it and feared she could be next well thank you very much you've been very helpful and we were very surprised so many people were aware that Fisher was looking for somebody to kill Wilkie that was incredible I we found it hard to believe that he had gone to that many people regarding some type of scam or some type of setup to murder somebody [Music] Wilkie's former fiancee had provided a few more pieces of corroborating evidence though special agent McDowell felt the case still had holes he believed they had to arrest Fisher and Mulligan before someone else was killed we were stretching our luck with David Fisher knowing the type of person he was to wind up reaching out and finally making up his mind and killing somebody we decided that it was time it would be best to go after him seek indictments and get him arrested and take him off the street as well as Bobby Mulligan on November 5th 1986 a Virginia grand jury handed down an indictment charging Fisher and Mulligan with first-degree murder [Music] the evidence they had a conviction was still questionable McDowell had one last chance to get the taped confession from Fisher that would guarantee a guilty verdicted trial I really wanted to try one more time to get Fisher to articulate in detail um the fact that he had killed Wilkie for money and I really would like to have heard a verbal confession from him and I felt that the only way we could do that was to uh you had to escalate his anger you had to get him to the point where he just lost control and then we'd start being truthful on the night of November 12 1986 three years after Wilkie's death agents wired status after he had baited Fisher with the promise of some easy cash told him that a bail bondsman whom they both knew had a lead on a suspect who had jumped bail foreign covertly working for the FBI would ride along there were several locations in which the trio would go and the plan was that the the third individual in the car would be able to get out of the car and leaving Fisher and set him alone and that he in between each stop stedham would escalate the situation by confronting Fisher straight up everybody instead of needed to push Fisher to the brink in the hopes that he'd reveal his crime but if Fisher first discovered that stedem was an informant the FBI's key witness might end up dead the FBI plan to arrest suspected murderer David Fisher had been set in motion though agents were still uncertain whether they had enough evidence to convict well their last hope rested with informant Gerald steady wearing a wire stedem needed to convince Fisher to talk directly about the killing a bondsman who Fisher believed was checking leads on a fugitive was in fact working covertly for the FBI when the bondsman left the car stedham provoked the suspected killer to react as agent McDowell had instructed he got overpaid him inside the car had had done his job he really tried to get him cranked up to the point where he would lose control and actually start talking but Fisher started reverting into that mode of being even more quiet and we knew at that point that what Fisher was doing was going into his planning mode to agents the risk had become too great if Fisher discovered stedham was wired the key witness the case and the arrest would be jeopardized plant at around 11 pm stedham suggested that they report back to the bond office that it supposedly hired them [Music] when they arrived FBI agents in Charlotte Police would be waiting once he got out of the car he pretty much said to instead of in knowing certain terms I'll see you later our units in the area were able to converge in on Fisher and had him pretty much surrounded he wasn't going to run members of the Charlotte Police Department's fugitive unit arrested Fisher Statham and the other bondsman they wanted to remove any suspicion that sted him in the bondsman that set Fisher up the other part of the plan that night was that we had surveillance teams out following Bobby Mulligan and we knew where he was going to be located so after the arrest the official took place we immediately restaged and set up our arrest phase for Bobby Mulligan [Music] agents replaced the tape and the recorder Statham was wearing as instructed stedem had made arrangements earlier that evening to pick up Mulligan from a club where he worked part-time foreign it was after midnight when the two of them arrived at a Tavern he persuaded Mulligan to sit at the bar where they'd be visible to the agents outside in case anything went wrong when units from the Charlotte Police Department arrived agents directed them to make the arrest Mulligan you're under arrest put your hands are tough for an informant safety and to encourage Mulligans cooperation they arrested both men though Mulligan and his former employer David Fisher were now in custody agents still needed one of them to talk about the murder we wanted to set it up to the point where David Fisher would be within View of the fact that Bobby Brice Mulligan was being brought in and we wanted him to know and no one's knowing certain terms that we had him and we had the shooter and hopefully to make him realize that he was had it didn't work Fisher declined to be interviewed without an attorney being present agents secured a warrant to search the room that fisher had been renting [Music] recorded in Fisher's diary they found a series of cash payments to Mulligan [Music] from a closet they removed two strong boxes agents hope that inside they would find the criminal evidence that could ensure Fisher's conviction agents obtained a search warrant and cut the locks item inside the first box they found documents that held David Wilkie's signature they were likely Samples used by Fisher to falsify the insurance claims but the evidence was only circumstantial in the other they found only personal effects nothing of evidentiary value like agents would have little else to offer as evidence at trial a few days later agent McDowell got a message that 22 year old Bobby Mulligan wanted to meet so far both Mulligan and Fisher had remain quiet but after a couple days of thinking about it and in consultation with his parents it was uh apparently Mr Mulligan's decision that he wanted to come clean about his participation in this murder and felt that it was to his best benefit to be the first to come forward with a confession start with uh agents interviewed Muller at an office in the jail he confirmed that David Wilkie's death was no accident [Music] Mulligan said it all began with Fisher's plan to kill Wilkie's fiancee Fisher had funded Wilkie money to romance a young woman kill her then collect on her insurance but Wilkie fell in love and backed out Fisher was Furious straight into that shot to get the money back that he had invested in the teenager Fisher recruited Mulligan to kill Wilkie for his insurance Mulligan's story supported Stebbins agents finally had the corroborating evidence they'd been pursuing for over a year Mulligan added that he had tried to call the whole thing off but Fisher kept pressuring him to shoot Wilkie and get it over with he said Fisher brought his ex-wife's son along as a decoy Mulligan maintained that he actually did slip and fall Mulligan claimed that he hadn't intended to kill Willy only injure him he said it was Fisher who actually murdered the kid he believed that it was the finger of David Fisher going into the wound that killed Wilkie that his own gunshot didn't do it so he believed that fisher actually did this um but unfortunately there was no way of being able to be to be able to determine that forensically because Fisher convinced Wilkie's mother in a phone call at least two days after the incident happened that it was Wilkie's last request to be cremated what was the final contract come out right he said Fisher had promised him 38 thousand dollars to pull the trigger but ended up paying him only seven thousand dollars so great [Music] David Fisher was tried for first degree murder conspiracy to commit murder and murder for hire Fisher got the death penalty Mulligan pled guilty to the same charges and was sentenced to life in prison [Music] I had been a law enforcement also almost 13 years before I became an FBI agent and the one thing I did realize from this case is that people can be extremely extremely cold-blooded and evil and that there is no remorse whatsoever in their souls none and that anytime you hear a story about something not being right you have to listen to it you have to listen to them and hear what they have to say because you never know when something like that could be true eleven years later on March 25th 1999 David Lee Fisher was executed by lethal injection Pressure David Wilkie had considered Fisher his closest friend but to David Lee Fisher money was more important than friendship or even life itself on this day a corpse would need to be transported but this time it would be Fishers in California detectives investigated a gruesome murder the suspect fled and was eventually caught in Arizona [Music] his confinement didn't last long he escaped and disappeared into the Grand Canyon robbing and kidnapping tourists as he went to stop the elusive killer FBI agents and local officers joined forces on a dangerous Manhunt thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] a killer was on the loose in one of America's most popular tourist destinations armed and desperate the evaded law enforcement at every turn as the Fourth of July weekend quickly approached thousands of people became potential targets I'm Jim calstrom former head of the FBI's New York office agents would use any means necessary to track a killer before he could strike again [Music] in the early morning hours of September 20th 1990 a fisherman cast a line into the burns-cut river near Stockton California he felt a tug and reeled in something heavy it was a large plastic bag [Music] inside he found a human leg [Music] the fisherman called the San Joaquin County Sheriff's Office find anything else out there deputies responded to the scene immediately [Music] the deputies called in homicide detective Sergeant Armando mayoya who would run the investigation the search of the river for um any other items of evidence and body parts continued through the night and then into the next morning we were able to get a boat unit out to the river along with a search of the banks by Detectives [Music] my first light the deputies were dragging the river foreign [Music] detectives walked the riverbank [Music] it wasn't long before they discovered another plastic bag [Music] inside were two arms the wrists were bound together with masking tape [Music] nearby the boat unit Deputy soon pulled up another object [Music] it was a human torso wrapped in a sheet [Music] foreign they would find a right leg the victim's head and some clothing all in separate plastic bags [Music] after several hours of searching investigators had recovered an entire male body [Music] it was [Music] pretty brutal murder case for someone to um take the time to dismember a person and to um you know transport that person in different bags and dispose of the body um without caring you know it just it's very callous and cold at the morgue a coroner examined the remains he determined that the victim had been dismembered with a serrated knife it would take more time to determine the actual cause of death or if the man was alive when he was dismembered detectives searched the clothing and found a wallet containing a California driver's license it belonged to 40 year old Sam Lee McCullough of Stockton police records showed McCullough had a minor arrest record the fingerprint check confirmed his identity foreign McCullough's family of his death detectives got permission to check his house for evidence once the victim was identified and we had a name and a location where he lived we responded to the victim's address he lived in the 5200 block of East Mariposa Road in South Stockton [Music] they arranged to meet Sam McCullough's girlfriend at his home she had reported McCullough missing earlier that day since he hadn't called her in several days she checked McCullough's house and saw that the place was in disarray many items were missing including his white Jeep Cherokee but also missing were two shotguns a revolver and a nine millimeter semi-automatic pistol detectives and deputies examined McCullough's house noting footprints on the floor they conducted an electrostatic search to reveal details of the prints which appeared to be made by boots investigators also recovered latent fingerprints but none were foreign to the house if the murder occurred in the house the killer had removed any obvious evidence [Music] a homicide of this nature you would expect to find blood just all over the place stains um the person that was involved in this this case took a lot of time to clean and hide his uh hide his tracks in this case in the bathroom the deputy made an important discovery we were just about ready to leave when we ran a flashlight through the the tub area and we saw a reflection come from the from the drain area it looked like the Sparkle from a sequin the investigators knew it was collagen a substance in bones that has a particularly reflective quality I'll look in a little deeper into the drain we found blood tissue and Bone and the large amount of hair and based on that um there was a great probability at that point that the victim had been dismembered in the bathtub of the residence laboratory tests would later match the blood and hair to Sam McCullough eventually the coroner determined McCullough had been dead before he was dismembered cause of death was a gunshot wound to the forehead what do you think it is powder Burns indicated he had been shot at point-blank range the coroner removed the bullet fragments and sent them to the state ballistics lab examiners there studied the size weight and composition of the fragments determining that the murder weapon was a 22 caliber rifle comparing the fragments to slugs test-fired from sample weapons can identify specific models California Department of Justice examiners believe the weapon used was probably a Western Field brand rifle foreign detectives found documents listing the serial numbers of McCullough's Jeep and his guns they entered the numbers into the National Crime information center the ncic is a nationwide database used by law enforcement agencies to track criminals missing persons in stolen property if the items turned up anywhere San Joaquin detectives would be notified okay within days a Stockton Police Officer discovered the victim's Jeep abandoned several miles from McCullough's house yet an examination yielded no additional Clues investigators still had no leads on the Killer the canvas McCullough's neighborhood hoping to find a witness no one reported seeing or hearing anything unusual but one neighbor recalled that McCullough had been robbed two years earlier police records confirmed the story in doing a name search we uncovered a report listing the suspect as being a Stephen horning in that case Stephen had apparently according to the victim robbed the victim at gunpoint foreign it was the first solid lead Stephen horning wasn't at his last known address so detectives tracked down his older brother who was a campus police officer at a nearby College [Music] he told detectives that Stephen was one of five brothers and was especially close to one brother Danny Ray Horning Stephen and Danny spent a lot of time together [Music] he often hunted and fished along the burns cut River the same river where McCullough's body had been dumped he told the detectives about one particular hunting trip Stephen and Danny had taken they had shot a deer brought it home and and butchered the deer in the bathtub of the residence and that was significant to us as the victim had been dismembered in the same way okay the eldest horning brother added another detail familiar to detectives after butchering the deer Danny had placed the animal's limbs in black plastic garbage bags detectives thought the story had an eerie resemblance to the homicide of Sam McCullough to identify some clothing found in a bag containing body parts in the burns-cut river [Music] he said that the black shorts and t-shirt looked like those his brother Danny often wore police noted that no one in the horning family had seen Stephen or Danny since September 19th the day Sam McCullough was probably killed the investigation progressed to the point where there was enough probable cause to um to present the case to a judge and a search warrant was issued for Stephen and Danny along with an arrest warrant on November 20th 1990 two months after the murder San Joaquin Sheriff's officers returned to the brothers trailer located behind their parents house no one was inside so detectives searched the surrounding area [Music] behind the trailer they found important evidence a cut stock and a sawed-off Barrel from a rifle lab examiners had reported that the weapon used to kill McCullough was probably a Western Field brand 22 caliber rifle the barrel found in the field next to the suspect's house was a Western Field 22 caliber Barrel [Music] the next day deputies went back to the trip [Music] one of the brothers Stephen horning was there around put your hands behind your back feet he was arrested and charged with murder the second suspect Steven's brother Danny Ray Horning was nowhere to be found here at the San Joaquin California county jail in December of 1990 detectives held one suspect in the murder and dismemberment of Sam McCullough Stephen horning had been arrested after a month-long investigation but detectives needed more evidence to hold him his brother Danny Ray horning was also wanted but had fled the area Stephen swore he had nothing to do with the murder and said he didn't know where Dany was [Music] Stephen wouldn't help them locate Danny the investigators turned to the Horning's father for answers Mr horning offered valuable information regarding the possible murder weapon to detective Sergeant Armando mayoya after speaking with the suspect Danny's father I learned that that Danny had been seen with a sawed-off 22 rifle their father said Danny and Stephen had been behind the trailer when Danny shot a dog with the 22. then Stephen fired at it with a crossbow [Music] Mr horning believed his sons had buried the dog in the field behind the trailer investigators searched the Horning's yard they noticed one area seemed to be covered with freshly dug Earth and began to excavate the dog was found and um a search of the dog by another detective found a Bullet in the Brain the bullet was processed at the state ballistics lab examiners determined that the dog was killed with a Western Field 22 caliber rifle same model had been used to murder Sam McCullough the technician compared the bullet from the dog to the one that had killed McCullough tests indicated it was likely that both bullets were fired from the same weapon detectives returned to the county jail and confronted Stephen Horning they described the damaging ballistics evidence explaining that the bullet from the dog was consistent with a bullet that killed Sam McCullough and that his brother Danny had been seen with a Western Field 22. realizing the case against them was strong Stephen decided to cooperate he claimed Danny had been in on the first robbery of McCullough two years earlier foreign had vowed to kill McCullough for pressing charges but then he went to prison for child molestation when he got out a few months before McCullough's death Danny had mentioned going back to Rob McCullough again [Music] levidans implicated Stephen and Sam McCullough's death investigators dropped the murder charge against him they needed to find his brother but Danny Ray horning had disappeared for six months detective Sergeant Armando mayoya worked the case but found no new leads then on March 22 1991 he was contacted by authorities in Winslow Arizona about Horning I received a phone call from Winslow police department and uh they informed me that he had been arrested in a bank robbery that day horning had walked into the Valley National Bank in Winslow more than 800 miles east of Stockton California he trained his nine millimeter pistol on the bank manager while a teller filled a bag with twenty five thousand dollars when she was in the other room the teller had tripped a silent alarm [Music] active Elmer Hassey took the call under the concealment of the unmarked car I had plenty of cover uh positioned myself to where I could try to see what was going on in the bank so he went for a closer look when the detective checked through the window he saw a single gunman backing toward the door with a hostage I came through the door I stuck the gun up to his rib cage and uh pulled him towards the wall and uh took the bank bag out of his hand the suspect was carrying a nine millimeter pistol detective hasse determined the suspect's name was Danny Ray Horning an ncic check revealed the murder warrant in California hassie described the weapon recovered to Detective mayoya they informed me that they had in their possession a nine millimeter semi-automatic pistol they gave me the serial number and I confirmed that uh number as being the weapon that was taken from the victim McCullough's residence in Arizona horning was convicted of armed robbery kidnapping and assault [Music] to give him the stiffest sentence possible vowing to escape within a year [Music] the judge accepted the challenge and gave horning four life sentences California authorities decided not to extradite horning who would serve his time at the Arizona State Prison in Florence on May 12 1992 prison officers doing the four o'clock head count found that prisoner number 85897 was not in his cell the prison was locked down and thoroughly searched but Danny Ray horning was nowhere to be found convicted felon and suspected killer was on the Run on May 12 1992 outside the Arizona State Prison in Florence a massive Manhunt began for escapee Danny Ray horning who had been serving four life sentences [Music] Corning was also a suspect in a gruesome dismemberment in California Arizona Department of Corrections fugitive investigator Doug Schuster helped organize the search we have a lot of expert trackers dogs Vehicles equipment the plan was to track him and apprehend him we were planning to cite him pick up a Trail follow him with dogs horses men and locate him law enforcement teams from local state and federal agencies responded outside the prison but horning had disappeared from the immediate area while the teams widened their Circle Schuster returned to the prison to try to figure out how the accused killer managed to escape [Music] prison officials contacted the FBI to assist in the investigation authorities first checked Horning's records the convicted felon had been housed in central unit the prison's most secure area there was no evidence that he had tunneled out or otherwise breached the walls of central Corrections Officers and inmates to determine Horning's last actions inside Doug Schuster first determined why horning wasn't in his locked cell [Music] [Applause] didn't give in time not all inmates are locked in the cell some are out at work sites some are working in the kitchen some are working here and there so you have a portion of your inmates that are supposed to be in their cells another portion would be accounted for Via an out count sheet staff would visually see someone and say these four inmates are in a kitchen working so they wouldn't be in their cell during the count investigators learned that horning had been assigned a janitorial job cleaning the Infirmary [Music] this gave him access to medical uniforms well he was able to obtain the white lab coat from the medical unit located inside the prison here he was able to get a pair of white pants from the workers in the kitchen investigators believed horning exchanged his prison uniform for the lab coat white pants and a forged employee ID believe that he simply walked out of the prison and just a few miles into the town of Florence investigators looked over Horning's record to try and determine where he might go one possible destination was California where horning had family and connections thank you the other was Winslow Arizona where horning had vowed to get even with the cops and FBI agents who had sent him to prison special agent Keith tolhurst of the FBI's Phoenix field office joined the investigation he would work closely with the Department of Corrections to stop morning before he struck again the information from the prison told us that they believed he was going to rob some more Banks and then go to Winslow and try to kill either the Valley National Bank people that he robbed the bank from or kill the agents so he believed he was going to head that direction foreign examined the items left in Horning's cell they would be sent to profilers at the FBI Academy in Quantico Virginia we started getting involved with our Behavioral Science unit as well to see if they could profile this guy to find out whether he's the type of individual that would carry out his threats and basically it came back later that it looked like he would be able or at least capable of carrying out those kind of threats if horning was willing to kill FBI agents no one was safe the first solid lead in the hunt for horning came three days after his escape on May 15th peanut County sheriff's deputies responded to a ranch house 15 miles west of the prison [Music] the owner said the house had been burglarized [Music] he said clothes a pair of binoculars and food were taken from his house [Music] also missing were several loaded guns [Music] high and local deputies believed it was horning stocking up for his bid to seek revenge they were right and they found a fingerprint of his at the house to confirm that it was him that that uh had done that so now we uh we're a little more concerned even that he was headed in the direction that he had said because he was starting to try to carry out his plan good afternoon we're holding this press conference The Fugitive was now armed the FBI turned to the media to warn the public and to solicit their help at a news conference agents released Horning's photo and information about his Escape anyone spotting horning was asked to call the FBI immediately though they were instructed not to approach the suspected killer the media coverage generated many leads one came into the FBI from campers claiming that horning was stealing Food Maps and camping gear near Lake Mormon about 170 miles north of the prison even though horning knew how to hunt and fish the burglaries were essential to his survival in the woods local officers followed his Trail you break into cabins he'd steal food and then he'd move on and what we ended up trying to do was a a house to house search of all the cabins in the area that was something that was going to be done by the local County Sheriff Offices and they were searching as many houses as they could Corning was getting closer to the Grand Canyon National Park the summer tourist season was beginning which meant thousands of people would be in danger [Music] they had to find him before anyone got hurt based on Horning's Trail North fugitive response teams from the Arizona Department of Corrections and Sheriff's departments focused their search in Coconino County foreign Coconino County consists of over 18 000 Acres of woods in difficult Terrain perfect cover for a fugitive we're in the mountains it was a lake Mormon area it was uh trees mountains rocks Hills helicopters massive amount of mobilization radios dogs horses trailers just massive on June 3rd 1992 a national forest service officer was patrolling a campground in Coconino County officers spotted horning walking out of a wooded area it was too dangerous for a loan officer to follow the armed killer into the forest when reinforcements arrived Danny Ray horning had disappeared once again the deadly fugitive was still on the loose summer of 1992 Billy Ray horning escaped from prison in Florence Arizona after serving only nine months of four life sentences the FBI believed the suspected killer was heading north towards Winslow Arizona to see to seek revenge on agents who had locked him away on June 11th agents responded to a report of a cabin burglary near the town of pine midway between the prison and Winston this time horning stole a truck and tried to establish himself as an outlaw celebrity according to FBI special agent Keith tolhurst for more guns were stolen from there and then that's where he left a note that said you know thank you for the for the items Danny Ray and uh trying to make his folk hero uh name known I guess when the story hit the news investigators worried the public might not realize how deadly horning was they knew he had likely dismembered a man in California a horning had a vehicle was armed and was nearing the Grand Canyon National Park as tens of thousands of tourists were beginning their vacations foreign s came in with the truck he might have been hundreds of miles away already [Music] then on June 21st a Department of Public Safety Officer spotted the stolen truck 15 miles north of pine Danny Ray horning was driving from back before other officers could respond Corning jumped from the truck then fled on foot Into the Now familiar cover of the Woods my agents responded immediately in the truck they found another note signed by morning Pine Arizona uh is again up in the wooded area in northern Arizona and it's along the path if you're going from Florence up to Pine uh he's almost a Winslow so he's getting a lot closer to the area that uh that we were concerned about and again we knew we had weapons we knew he had the vehicle he got up into that area and it made us believe even more that he was going to try to carry out his threats authorities in Winslow weren't the only ones in danger the FBI established a field command post inside Grand Canyon National Park where horning was a threat to thousands of tourists they tracked confirmed sightings plotting out Horning's movements coordinated the response to each sighting and relayed information between the [Music] territory being searched was vast and horning was moving quickly [Music] on June 23rd two tourists reported to agents that horning had carjacked them inside the National Park [Music] the couple said they were in a parking lot the day before when horning commandeered their car at gunpoint [Music] he demanded that they drive him to the Canyon's rim foreign [Music] there and forced his captives inside [Music] okay YouTube his gun prevented them from calling for help [Music] the couple feared he might shoot them at any moment due to release my brother Corning recorded a message for authorities he demanded that the search for him be called off he also ordered the release of one of his brothers from prison and a million dollars ransom for the release of a family that he planned to kidnap in exchange for the childless couple the next day Corning forced the couple to drive him to a store where he purchased camping gear new clothing and food but before he found a family with children to kidnap a forest Service Officer recognized him and began following the car [Music] fired at the officer causing him to slow down [Music] forced the driver to speed up move it shut up when he had gained some distance horning ordered the car stop pathetic he jumped out and fled on foot since he shot at a law officer it was clear horning was becoming desperate and more dangerous we had information he'd vowed not to be taken alive he was on this Vendetta against the FBI and Valley National Bank and and that he had already been in a shooting with the forest service so we were very cautious as far as going to the woods which we couldn't just go running after him as fast as he may have been running which is one of the ways he got some Advanced time on us the kidnap couple provided agents with information about Horning's new clothes and plan [Music] once again armed search parties scoured the area where horning was last seen but found no trace of him horning was back on foot and hiding out somewhere in the immense Grand Canyon National Park [Music] he had vowed to kidnap a family with children stop him the FBI brought in their Elite hostage Rescue Team known as the HRT [Music] HRT agents blanketed the area repelling into the canyon checking caves and conducting aerial surges [Music] they had to find the suspected killer before he had the chance to kill again the Arizona Department of Corrections and local sheriff's departments trailed fugitive Danny Ray horning through Grand Canyon National Park mobilized dozens of officers tracking dogs and helicopters in the effort to find horning before he kidnapped more hostages foreign killer could have been anywhere in the immense Park's 1.2 million Acres because of the danger horning presented to tourists the FBI decided to close the Grand Canyon National Park for the July 4th weekend [Music] it was a major undertaking holiday is the Park's busiest weekend of the year that it had been closed due to a criminal threat but horning was dangerous enough to Warrant the Extreme Action according to FBI special agent Keith tolhurst he was moving around inside the canyon we couldn't control that because there was too many people in the canyon so we were going to try to start getting everybody through the roadblocks and try to find him new visitors were turned away and those already in the park were asked to leave police set up roadblocks at entry and exit points around the Grand Canyon all right they search vehicles and inform motorists of Horning they didn't stop him in time on July 4th two British tourists were preparing to leave the park when an armed man approached them they knew it was Danny Ray horny though he no longer looked like the photos in news reports it was much thinner had blonde hair and was clean shape the park had been locked down the women were Horning's only way out at a roadblock a ranger stopped the car and spoke to the three inside warning had threatened to kill the women if they tipped off anyone know each other the kidnapped women had to act calm as horning sat with a gun trained on the officer didn't recognize the blonde-haired horning and let them through once they were out of the park he forced them to drive 60 miles south to Williams Arizona [Music] when they were far from the police in the Grand Canyon Corning ordered them to stop the car [Music] brandishing his gun he marched the terrified women into the cover of the Woods the women believe that horning was taking them there to execute them to their relief he left them there fleeing in their car [Music] the women managed to free themselves and ran to a store a clerk there called authorities and was told an officer was nearby Hadley shaken but unharmed [Music] ladies they provided police with updated information about horning including his new look and his getaway vehicle we put a description of the car out that the women had stolen from them and uh DPS Officer spotted that car going from the Grand Canyon towards Phoenix highway patrolman Stephen Costello works for the Arizona Department of Safety when Horning drops he began following [Music] it wasn't long before it became more than a conscience I hear one a great big old bang you know I thought it was something wrong with the car I looked the gauges all as well at that particular time I realized I've been shot at and I notified my dispatcher at that time that had been shot at that I was all right and I was gonna follow him on fire forced the patrolman but he knew he couldn't lose one fugitive tried to make a getaway by turning off near the town of Sedona slammed on the brakes and he skids in and he has a slight accident is what he did he hits a a sign I shouted out you know you better stop the shot missed the officer had orders not to follow horning Into the Woods when backup arrived agents and officers began a grid search of the area [Music] again horning couldn't be found after Nightfall a lead was called into the command post the resident said he saw horning drinking from a garden hose in a neighborhood near Sedona a border patrol agent responded to the court thank you as far as anyone knew burning was still armed [Music] this time there was no shootout after being relentlessly pursued for 54 days and over hundreds of miles an exhausted horning simply gave up [Music] no doubt in my mind that uh because of the efforts of the teams that had been chasing him uh that they had basically run him into the ground he was laying there dog tired with his tongue hanging out and uh for a man who still had his weapon on him and vowed not to be taken alive all he wanted was a glass of water any Ray horning earned six more years for his actions during his violent flight [Music] authorities in California decided to extradite warning and charge him with the murder of Sam McCullough his trial began on May 12 1994. Prosecuting attorneys proved that in September of 1990 Danny horning broke into Sam McCullough's house to Rob him horning was angry that McCullough had pressed charges after an earlier robbery [Music] [Applause] he bound McCullough rendering him helpless Corning was using his sawed-off 22 caliber Western Field rifle the same one Witnesses had seen him kill a dog with earlier [Music] point-blank range winning fired one shot my new blood spatter as well as the human tissue found in the drain indicated horning had likely dismembered the victim in his tub then he dumped the body parts into the burns cut River [Music] on July 15 1994 about four years after the death of Sam McCullough a California jury found horning guilty of murder he was sentenced to death [Music] Danny Ray horning was sent to San Quentin prison he remains locked down in the maximum security of death row our north of New York City a band of deadly Gunner descended on a peaceful suburban community they struck quickly and savagely agents learned that the gang's leader had been living underground for more than two decades H the FBI's New York anti-terrorist task force hoped they could find this Most Wanted Fugitive before he killed again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] a series of armored car Heights and bloody shootouts shock law enforcement the brutal violence of the crimes suggested a motive more complex than greed when the robins started targeting police the FBI took charge I'm Jim calstrom well I'm ahead of the FBI's New York office agents would expend thousands of man-hours to stop an armed gang that terrorized New York [Music] Rockland County New York 1981. the burgeoning suburb just 20 miles north of New York City had become a refuge of former city dwellers most left their urban homes in pursuit of safer more affordable neighborhoods for their [Music] fact they enjoyed more open space and lower crime rates the town of Nanuet was typical and Drew many people to its new mall at 3 40 October 20th 1981 a Brinks armored truck made its regularly scheduled pickup from a retailer foreign guard remained in the truck while another watched The Doors [Music] third returned with cash and receipts with no warning a gang of masked men burst out of a red van Gardens hit in the throat another was hit in the arm on the driver he shot back at the assailant's gunfire was overwhelming one guard managed to climb into the back of the truck for protection police chief Alan kulsey of the South Nyack Grandview Police Department was five miles away when he received the call officers from other nearby towns were also called since Nanuet was too small to support its own police force in October of 1981 when the Brinks case occurred it was an extremely shocking event for the entire area of Rockland County for the Nia Community for the Clarkstown Community this was something that they had never expected to ever see Clarkstown Police and paramedics arrived first they placed one guard on life support hoping he would survive the ride to the hospital Brinks guard Peter page would never get that chance a gunshot had severed major arteries in his right shoulder and neck he died before help arrived the uninjured driver said though the gunman had worn masks he believed they were black males they sped off in a red van from a deposit law police learned that 1.6 million dollars was missing 1.3 million remained in the trunk [Music] of course he received updates as he raced to the crime scene the first information coming in from the Nanuet scene was that the suspects had been seen escaping in a red van they were eastbound on Route 59. this would take them along a route adjacent to the New York State Thruway which leads directly into New York City over the Tappan Zee Bridge moments later a local resident close to the mall reported seeing Mass gunmen in a parking lot transferring sacks and weapons into a small moving truck the witness told Clarkstown Police that the vehicles exited eastbound Arthur Keenan and two other police cruisers were on Route 59 close to the Thruway entrance when they received the update we proceeded on to Route 59 near the New York State Thruway to see if we would say the getaway vehicle we went to that area figuring that would be a getaway route when the officers arrived at the intersection of Mountain View Road and Interstate 87. they noticed a moving truck waiting to turn left onto the Thruway Keenan ordered one Patrol unit to block the on-ramp then detective Keenan received a call about a second moving at that time there was a radio transmission from the orange Town Police that they had a U-Haul truck heading Southbound on Route 304 near the New Jersey line which was approximately the same distance from the Nanuet Mall as we were unsure if the truck on Route 59 was the suspects Sergeant Edward O'Grady and detective Keenan blocked the truck Brian Lennon and Waverly Chip Brown approached the drivers [Music] suspects were described as being black males at the intersection we observed the driver and passenger as being white individuals the woman objected to the shotgun and Sergeant O'Grady directed Lennon to return the gun to the patrol car they believed they had stopped the wrong truck secured the gun the detective inspected the back of the moving truck though it didn't appear locked the back door wouldn't open he told the couple that he wanted to see what was inside [Music] couldn't understand why I wouldn't open it I wanted to know what was in the back of the truck and then instantly as I was said that a noise came from the truck I turned and suspects were coming out in the back uh shooting it's from the officer's six shot revolvers bounced off the bulletproof masks worn by the arm again foreign officer Lennon rushed back to his patrol car for his shotgun Mr Brown was shot in the neck and shoulder and fell to the ground even if the officers were wearing their faces it wouldn't have helped we were at a disadvantage in addition to which the ammunition that was being used in the M16 was capable of going through vests as the mass gunman approached one executed officer Brown at point-blank range detective Keenan was hit in the leg and ran for copper I was still being fired out uh even after I took cover I had shots go between my legs the tree that I was behind took a shot chest High officer Leonard had unlocked his shotgun but was taking heavy fire the gunman rammed the police car trying to clear it for their escape thank you [Music] cars arrived at the scene the suspects gathered the money bags and piled into the cars [Music] one suspect never made it to a getaway car a passing Motors grabbed the woman who had been a passenger in the truck and prevented her Escape he watched the white Oldsmobile and tan Honda speed away [Music] officers Keenan and Lennon rushed to help their injured colleagues as the suspects made their getaway I went to both the Waverly Brown and Eddie O'Grady to see if there's anything I could do for them Waverly Brown and Eddie were both Beyond any medical attention that I could administer still on Route Chief Alan coulson's main focus now was to find the fleeing vehicles but reports were scattered and hard to decipher it was very very difficult at this particular time to get a a clear open communication from anyone out in the field back to a desk area because of the number of communications that were literally stepping on one another as the chief approached the area he determined that the crime scene didn't need any more Personnel vehicles we set out to find those responsible I didn't want to interfere with the emergency response in that area the road was completely blocked so knowing that this particular Escape Route would lead them in a particular direction I made a u-turn at Mountain View and 59 and traced my steps back we figured the suspects would travel towards New York City where there was potential for a greater loss of life their route would take them along Mountain View Avenue to a T intersection I figured there was a 50 50 shot that they were either going to go east or west and that I could cover at least one of those Avenues of escape and uh and went immediately to that area as quickly as I could in fact in route to that particular intersection I observed the suspect Vehicles two of them at a high rate of speed heading East on Christian Harold Road followed the cause radioed in his it was clear to me based upon the events that had transpired up until that point that these were extremely dangerous individuals who had no compulsion or no regard for human life and no hesitancy to take the utmost of violent actions against anybody who would stand in their way until units arrived it would be up to him to stop two vehicles that held six heavily armed cop killers following for a few minutes the chief noticed the two passengers in the Honda had ducked out of sight perhaps to load guns as we get to the corner Sixth and Broadway the Oldsmobile makes a right-hand turn onto Broadway going south into the middle of town and the tan Honda attempts to do the same but slides skids across the road the chief positioned his car between himself and the fugitives to his gun and continued to call for backup hoping his voice could be heard over the clamor of simultaneous calls I continually order the suspects out of the vehicle there's a period of of a few seconds where nothing in fact happened and then the door opens up and I see the female put her feet out onto the roadway and remained seated in the front seat of the car Chief repeated his commands to exit the vehicle with their hands in the air the woman then began to reach behind the seat perhaps for a gun then a second occupant walked towards the officer wearing a bulletproof vest my repeated orders to the contrary one of the suspects of him walking up towards me female was attempting to reach around and get something which I immediately assumed to be a weapon the chief was outnumbered and neither of the suspects obeyed his orders he made one more desperate call for backup on October 20th 1981 the niacc New York police chief had stopped one of two getaway cars filled with suspects from an armored car robbery that had left three dead and two women [Music] as he continued to call for backup one suspect reached behind her seat another approach to Chief wearing a bulletproof vest [Music] he was outnumbered and neither of the suspects obeyed his orders as the chief made one last desperate radio call backup arrived face down secured the scene and pulled a third suspect from the back seat police believe that he had been an armed lookout for the other two but was injured and dropped his weapon when their getaway careened out of control police searched the car in the trunk they recovered sacks that held in excess of one million dollars under the front seat they found a loaded nine millimeter pistol the weapon the woman had likely been reaching for thousands attended the funeral for the officers slain at the October 20th shootout the entire Community shared the grief felt by detective Arthur Keenan at the loss of his colleagues the death of my two friends chipper Brown and Eddie O'Grady definitely affected my life from that point forward when you're in a small community like that in a small Police Department like that you uh you go to each other's weddings and christenings and barbecues and things of that nature and it becomes a like a secondary family of sorts and so it was very devastating to lose two of two of you good friends [Music] the four murder suspects including the woman captured at the roadblock maintained their silence while arraigned at Nyack Village Hall police had no way to know how many more were still at Large the law enforcement community in Rockland County was taken greatly by surprise by the sequence and magnitude of the events this was really a small assault team that that came to Rockland County to to Rob this this Brinks truck and it was it was a a magnitude and a seriousness and a Firepower that had never been seen anywheres in the law enforcement Community here if Nayak police were not used to such violence 30 miles South in New York City the FBI and New York City Police certainly were the New York joint terrorism task force had already been investigating a series of armored car heists throughout the region that had been executed in a similar fashion [Music] now retired special agent Lou Vici was a member of that team he believed the Nyack robbery was connected to the others the people who had done Nyack had to have some involvement with all these other crimes I mean because the ammo was absolutely identical uh the whites were driving the vehicles the blacks had done the robberies the weapons that were used were identical to the weapons that have been used in the other and the other robberies we were looking at so there was no doubt in anybody's mind that this was the at least some of the same group the suspects were processed at the Rockland County Jail when asked for their names all gave aliases except one Judy Clark arrested in the getaway car was no stranger to the FBI two agents she was known as a member of The Weather Underground a radical group involved in many violent robberies and bombings in the 1960s and 70s for the Brinks robbery she would be sentenced to 75 years in prison special agent Lou Vici was an expert on the Weather Underground one female I recognized immediately is Judy Clark who had been someone who had been under investigation previously by us as a possible terrorist there was another female there who I who I thought looked very familiar agent VC suspected the woman arrested at the roadblock was Kathy Boudin another member of The Weather Underground a fingerprint check confirmed it houdin pled guilty and was sentenced to 20 years in prison for acting as a decoy passenger in the moving truck they discovered one of the men to be David Gilbert boudin's common-law husband who was also a member of The Weather Underground he received 75 years for his role Sam Brown who had been injured in the getaway car was an associate of the Black Liberation Army another militant group like Gilbert and Clark Brown was sentenced to 75 years in prison four members of the gang were behind bars from survivors statements agents estimated at least seven more were out on the streets special agent Ken Maxwell joined the investigation to help determine who and where the remaining fugitives might be one new lead held promise the second getaway car had been found a few miles away the Oldsmobile was found in Westchester County dumped or abandoned inside there was a great deal of blood indicating that whoever had abandoned the vehicle had been wounded during the shootout agents checked local hospitals for gunshot victims they found no patients whose whereabouts were unaccountered for on the day of the shootout cases the bombing cases the Oldsmobile is registered to a woman at an apartment on Prospect Street in East Orange New Jersey expected that the armed fugitives had taken Refuge there agents obtained a search warrant [Music] they found no one inside and began to process the apartment the location in East Orange New Jersey was a treasure Trove of evidence it's what we commonly refer to as a safe house inside that safe house the New Jersey State Police and the FBI located a tremendous amount of documentary evidence indicating other safe houses other vehicles used by these subjects and also photographs and other forms of identification that began to unravel the mystery as to who was involved one key name investigators discovered on rent receipts was the legal name of the tenant Marilyn Gene buck the FBI knew her name in history she was a known operative of the Black Liberation Army and its only white member well Mal and buck had a long history of her involvement with radical politics if you will at the time of the robbery she was a fugitive who had gone underground was wanted on weapons charges what is that agents also found a bomb-making manual diagrams of six police precincts and a Hit List naming Civic and Business Leaders thank you they turned up more false IDs disguises two nine millimeter pistols and Amy ammunition a ledger with detailed notes made in Maryland Buck's handwriting revealed the group's illicit activities enlisted dates and expenditures for rental cars guns ammunition and illegal drugs killing him as investigators sifted through the evidence they began to encounter a problem that would plague them throughout this complex case according to agent Lou vici I think the real difficulty is just the sheer bulk of information and evidence numerous pieces of evidence from numerous crime scenes individuals who constantly used aliases false identification had safe houses he had to figure out who was who was that person identical to a person with a different name but a same physical description in another Safe House it was a gigantic jigsaw puzzle and sometimes you didn't think you had all the pieces agents still didn't know who was involved where they were and why they did it Mr Brown to get answers the FBI needed to develop a cooperating witness they turned to Sam Brown in Otisville prison the gunman arrested after the car chase he was a low-level associate of the Black Liberation Army Brown cooperated in the hopes that his sentence would be lightened Sam Brown was the only one who decided to talk to the investigators he really got us started he's the one that named a few names and with those few names that's where the investigation began widening out to the rest of them so he was very important the most valuable name Brown provided was that of The Mastermind behind the armed robbery matulu Shakur Shakur was a known militant the leader of the Black Liberation Army and one of the highest ranking members of the gang who called themselves the family the family was a group of about a dozen terrorists comprised primarily of members of The Weather Underground and Black Liberation Army their formal Association was news to agent Maxwell we had known from prior investigations in the past that these groups had communicated but they had some common goals and objectives but never before had that communication or Association evolved into this type of criminal activity all right well listen uh Sammy Brown told agents that the family met on many occasions to plan the Nyack robbery matulu Shakur assigned jobs to each member of the group you know what to do with that Edward Joseph and Donald Weems were assigned as gunmen in the armored car assault the FBI knew Weems was a member of the Black Panthers and the Black Liberation Army he had escaped from prison in 1978. investigators knew little about Joseph another man named Chewie Ferguson would handle the M16 assault rifle Samuel Lee Smith would be armed with a shotgun I don't want anybody to fire these weapons Brown didn't know the names of the others but provided agents with physical descriptions put out apbs for the five names given which included Samuel Lee Smith in Queens homicide detectives were on their way to Smith's last known address a license plate registered to him had been found in a safe house as one detective drove down Smith Street he passed a driver who fit the suspect's description detective called for a marked unit to stop and the man saw the lights he took off [Music] [Applause] [Applause] to an alley [Applause] did you hear that window use the left hand to open the door step out of the vehicle step [ __ ] step out of the car keep your hands back many days is a member of the family had opened fire on uniformed officers Samuel Lee Smith The Fugitive wanted for his role in the shooting deaths of two police officers in an armored car guard and police his attack did not last long he was killed by the officer's returning fire Smith was the fifth member of a terrorist group called The Family to have been taken off the streets seven others remained at large with almost a million dollars in stolen cash still missing on a tip from Sam Brown a gang member already in custody police canvassed a bronx neighborhood for another suspect named Donald means special agent Ken Maxwell recalls that brown knew very little about winds Brown had given us a general description of a neighborhood in the Bronx where he had met this individual who fit the description of Weems my partner and I after the process of elimination and a lot of legwork pinpointed a building that possibly could be the place Brown was talking about detectives canvassed the neighbor hoping someone would know Weems and revealed his address you've got it they got lucky a neighbor directed police to his apartment he told them Weems was upstairs right now detectives called for backup since every other encounter with these terrorists had resulted in gunfire they prepared for the worst in a short time they entered the building with a warrant and a SWAT team they had no idea if Weems was alone or if he was armed foreign there were some anxious moments in terms of waiting but then he ultimately came out and surrendered in the hallway [Music] in his apartment however we found several firearms a gas mask a bulletproof vest and enough ammunition to do battle with a small army Weems was the only member of the family inside he was tried on federal charges and found guilty of robbery and second-degree murder yeah he was sentenced to 75 years in prison those six members of the family were now in custody group leader Matula Shakur remained on the streets once again cooperating in former Sam Brown provided agents with a lead he believed matulu Shakur could most likely be found in Harlem at the Acupuncture Clinic Shakur had found it set up 20 24-hour surveillance on the planet we utilized agents and Detectives of diverse ethnic backgrounds to do our best to blend into certain neighborhoods we knew from both experience and also recognizing the intelligence and versatility of this group that we had to be particularly discreet in surveilling these individuals watched and listened four months though Shakura never showed they noted several others who came and went quite often agents hope they would eventually lead them to shoot [Music] one night agents followed a man from the clinic to a house at 85 Barrel Street in Greenwich Village they learned the house was rented to Edward Joseph one of the suspects named by informant Sam Brown shootout they suspected Shakur was hiding there they were right [Music] their months of perseverance had paid off a federal judge authorized a title III his permitted agents could set up wiretaps and bugs Shakur and Joseph must have suspected the FBI's presence since they often turned up the TV when they talked despite this agents were able to pick up Snippets of incriminating conversations including a discussion of killing informant Sam Brown after several weeks agents had enough evidence for a warrant to raid the Greenwich Village hideout on the night of March 25th 1982 six months since the murders and robbery in Nyack agents prepared for the assault they'd strike early the next morning hoping to catch the fugitives asleep and unaware as the agents watched and waited they saw Shakur entered the house at dawn two SWAT teams arrived one team headed through the front door the other covered the fire escape and back [Music] they arrested two men Chewie Ferguson and Edward Joseph both named as participants in the niagonist [Music] they're leading matulu Shakur somehow he'd escaped during the night slipping past the surveillance [Music] Ferguson and Joseph were convicted on federal charges as accessories for harboring a fugitive though they were acquitted of murder charges stemming from the Nyack shootings both were sentenced to 12 years in prison on July 23 1982 almost a year after two officers on a guard had been killed in the Brinks robbery matulu Shakur was placed on the FBI's 10 most wanted list finding the leader of the gang responsible for three cold-blooded murders would now become a priority for every FBI office across the country almost a year after Brinks robbery in the shootout with police FBI agents around the country will continue to pursue the Mastermind behind the million dollar Heist Matula Shakur a leader of the terrorist group called the family had been placed on the FBI's 10 most wanted fugitives list Shakur and at least three others remained at Large in the summer of 1982 an agent from New York City traveled to Georgia to interview a member of the family who had been arrested for a separate bank robbery thank you Tyrone ryzen offered his cooperation in the hopes of a lighter sentence by the state of Georgia though he claimed that he was not present when the armored car was robbed in Nyack New York he confessed to having helped plan the job that left a Brinks guard and two police officers dead [Music] risen provided crucial information about other members of the family royson was not only a member of the family he was a very important member of the family and had been involved in all the robberies he knew who was in the family he knew the names and he knew how the family operated so he was able to describe the mo the robberies they did the weapons they used who did what I look out more left ryzen told the agent how members of the group were able to secure so many aliases The Prisoner explained that a manager of a children's clothing store in Manhattan was key to obtaining false IDs the manager gathered license information each time a customer paid by check since New York state did not require a photo license in the early 80s an imposter would take the information to the motor vehicles department claiming she'd lost her license then the DMV would issue a duplicate immediately Verizon also described a special agent Maxwell the group's motives they termed these robberies expropriations almost acts of War and as one of their members eloquently or not so eloquently commented one time in war people get hurt so when if you can understand that philosophy you can understand the the mindset or the motivation behind the Gang ryzen's information helped agents understand more about the inner workings of the great father but by the fall of 1984 three years after the Brinks Heist and triple murder Three Fugitives still eluded the FBI including gang leader matulu Shakur Marilyn buck and Susan Rosenberg despite this time was on the side of the FBI the longer the fugitives ran the more likely it was they'd make a mistake on November 29 1984 local police received a call from a manager at a storage facility in Cherry Hill New Jersey he reported a customer on the premises who had been paying her bill with a credit card that was determined to be stolen [Music] officers arrived to find the woman about to leave inside the back of the van they noticed containers that appeared to hold explosives police asked her for ID [Music] when she reached for her purse under the driver's seat the cautious officers stopped her they wanted her hands to stay in plain sight inside her purse they found a weapon [Music] they placed her under arrest when she was processed police learned that she was Susan Rosenberg a member of the family wanted in connection with the Brinks robbery and shootout investigators secured a search warrant for the van inside the crates they found 640 pounds of explosives and 14 weapons the van was registered in New York state to a woman named Louise Hart agents discovered the name and her address had been falsified as forensic technicians processed rosenberg's vehicle they noticed a sticker on the door from a repair shop in Connecticut s located the New Haven repair shop where the vehicle had been serviced they hoped the owner would remember the persons who had brought the van in they showed the owner several photographs of women who were known associates of the family the woman he identified was Marilyn Gene buck one of two remaining fugitives in the Brinks robbery and shootout while Buck had not used her real name on the vehicle's paperwork she listed an address in Dobbs Ferry New York on the repair bill agents followed up on the lead [Applause] they determined that buck wasn't Dobbs Ferry and set up surveillance but she eluded them for months then on May 11 1985 they finally cornered her outside a diner and arrested her Knight knowing matulu Shakur or having any connection to the Brinks robbery and shootout four years before I have a weapon up against the car back but a federal trial would prove differently Buck was sentenced to 50 years in prison without the possibility of parole she was extremely important in the planning of the robberies and in the procurement of the weapons as it turns out a lot of the weapons that the family had she obtained in gun shows in Texas buying them under phony names now only one known suspect in the niacc robbery and shootout remained terrorist leader matulu Shakur you happen to see anybody with him an agent searched a Baltimore apartment rented by Buck hoping for elite Shakur's whereabouts [Music] they discovered paraphernalia for making false identity papers [Music] wigs likely used in disguises plans to bomb federal Offices and ten thousand dollars in cash [Music] Searchers also found guns and ammunitions stashed in various locations throughout the apartment and it looks like another handgun then scrawled on a piece of paper agents came across what they'd been hoping for evidence of matulu Shakur's whereabouts it listed a phone number in Los Angeles [Music] special agent David Mitchell spearheaded the search for Shakur contacted the FBI Los Angeles field office to have agents follow up the lead special agent Dana Ingalls in the Los Angeles office advised me that he had interviewed an individual that had established that Shakur had in fact been residing in Los Angeles Shakur had eluded authorities in a nationwide man hunt for over five years agents hoped that this time they could Corner him and bring down the leader of the terrorist gang responsible for killing one armored car guard and two police officers the FBI and NYPD were closing in on matulu Shakur The elusive criminal believed to have masterminded a deadly Brinks robbery in shootout [Music] special agent David Mitchell had tracked Shakur to La where the terrorist leader remained one step ahead there were a number of challenges Shakur was working with a group of individuals that were closely aligned to each other they had a support network the investigators all assigned to this investigation we're having a difficult time getting individuals to cooperate after many weeks investigators were finally able to convince an informant to tell what he knew about the fugitive's whereabouts he said he didn't know where Shakur was hiding but he identified a man by the name of Chapman known to be close to Shakur for about six weeks agents conducted ground and air surveillance on Chapman and other Shakur Associates but Shakur continued to elude authorities Shakur was leading a very low profile life in Los Angeles at least as far as our investigation could determine he did not frequent any uh locations or areas where he could be identified and we virtually knew very little about his activity at that time [Music] as the surveillance continued Mitchell and the other investigators tried to find a patent to the move Shakur's Associates made to hide him around the city I have 13. they poured over apartment rental records and other documents but learned little then on February 11 1986 their confidential informant called hey thanks he told them that Chapman would meet with Shakur that night after Chapman left a Lakers basketball game investigators located his car and waited for him to leave the Forum [Music] Chapman attempted what agents call dry cleaning counter surveillance tactics designed to lose a tail he wove through the streets turning and changing direction [Music] police stayed with him not knowing if Chapman had seen it when Chapman reached his destination Mitchell's team pulled in nearby foreign Chapman approached a man they believed was Shakur [Music] two officers headed to where the men were talking careful not to attract attention which of course saw them he took off on foot [Music] the arrest of this violent revolutionary closed a five-year Nationwide management when Shakur was arrested it was apparent to those officers and agents involved in the arrest that he was tired and it was late in the evening he was transported to the Los Angeles FBI office where agent Ingalls and I attempted to interview him Shakur declined to furnish any statement to US during this interview and was subsequently removed back to New York City to face the charges in the spring of 1986 Shakur was tried on federal charges related to the Brinks robbery and shootout he was sentenced to 60 years in prison without the possibility of parole the police officers who survived that terrifying day in Nyack New York were relieved that Shakur had been brought to Justice but for South Nyack police chief Alan kolsey the memory of their loss would always be with them videogrady and officer Brown Chip Brown as we call them we're local Nyack Community uh members they'd gone through the niacc school district they had been on the job before I was and in fact more or less had sort of brought me uh and broken me into into the community they were very very close uh to the community and to a lot of us that were were police officers here they were they were excellent people they were excellent cops and we missed them dearly to this day to commemorate the slain officers a monument was erected in Nyack New York the surviving colleagues have found some comfort in knowing that the lessons learned from the Nyack shootout have made life safer for Citizens as well as for the officers on the street today let it not be said that they died in vain but rather that their ultimate sacrifice led to the identification of a national problem uh I think their ultimate sacrifice and and their the tragic deaths of everyone involved certainly uncovered a nationwide network of domestic terrorists heretofore unknown and in essence prevented the loss of life to others [Music] at the height of its popularity chippendale's exotic male Advanced troop played to sell out accounts people across the country shelled out Millions to see then one of the founding Partners was murdered and New York City Police were left with no liens the suspect finally did emerge the chase would take the FBI to another trip in the hopes of sovereign [Music] thank you [Applause] thank you [Music] [Music] in the 1980s two partners created a nightclub that would bring them wealth and international Fame the male strip club phenomenon promised female patrons fun and excitement but the bright lights hit a dark side I'm Jim calstrone former head of the FBI's New York office the FBI would launch a sting operation Span in two continents to bring down a man who killed for profit [Music] New York City is famous for its Show Business tradition within a four block radius of Times Square hundreds of offices are rented by producers looking for their next hit one such place was on the 15th floor of a building on West 40th Street in 1987 it was home to unicorn Productions Nick denoya was its founder and president curiously the five-time Emmy award-winning children's television producer became best known as the producer and vice president of Chippendales the exotic male dancers on April 7 1987 he was gunned down a colleague heard the shot he found annoya dead on the floor and called 9-1-1 oh yes a man has just been shot in my office [Music] [Applause] [Music] emergency vehicles arrived moments later [Applause] NYPD crime technicians gathered evidence they recovered a shell casing from a nine millimeter automatic weapon [Music] denoya's colleague told homicide detective Michael Gettys that a strange man had entered the office just prior to the shooting he said a about a maybe about a half hour ago 45 minutes ago somebody came into the office and said to him are you Nick he said no Nick is in the other office and he's busy right now without looking up from his work the associate pointed the man to denoya's office he never saw the stranger's face the witness told detectives that moments later he noticed the same man in the bathroom why he was in the bathroom he heard this guy leaving the bathroom and a couple of seconds later he heard the door to his office open up foreign [Music] the last sound the witness heard was the exit door to the stairwell swing open then close [Music] detective Gettys traced the Killer's path hoping to find something along the way that would point to his identity I took down the route that I thought that the shooter might have taken to see if there was any evidence or anything and I ran down the 15 floors I believe it was and when I got down to the end there was two exits one would lead to the lobby area one would lead to the freight elevator area so I exited out of the freight elevator area then came back in and exited out of the lobby area just to get a a feel for the scene on the ground floor detectives investigated the freight area they dusted for Prints but were unable to lift any that were usable the freight elevator operator had seen a man run through the door and out to the street he recalled that the suspect wore jeans and had dark hair he also gave us the exit of where how the fella came out of the building as he exited the building on 40th Street and when he came out he made a left towards 8th Avenue upstairs two City detectives arrived with Nick denoya's brother Val from New Jersey to identify the body [Music] the men had been close Val was devastated by the sight of his murdered brother afterwards Val denoya came to the precinct to help investigators in any way he could next brother wanted the case solved as soon as possible detective Getty's Hope Val knew something that could provide a solid lead being a detective one of the hardest things to do is to tell somebody you know that hey we're not going to be able to solve this case right away unless you know something that can help us and I explained to him at that time I said look if it was something that happened here in the New York area maybe it was a business relationship here or a a relationship a love relationship or some kind of emotional type of relationship we have a good shot of of solving that crime right away for Val denoya one name came to mind his brother's business partner Steve Banerjee Banerjee had known Nick denoya since the early 80s [Music] Val told the detective that his brother met him in Los Angeles on the success he enjoyed in New York the five-time Emmy award-winning producer fielded many offers but one man in particular was relentless in his Pursuit foreign Steve manager the east Indian immigrant and entrepreneur who had dreamed up chippendale's male exotic dance review wanted annoya to Fashion a more refined Act though ladies only nights in La were extremely popular Banerjee wanted the dance troop worthy enough to draw audiences in New York and Las Vegas [Applause] he believed that Nick denoyle was the man who could make that dream come true said that his brother was reluctant at first feeling the Act was too sleazy when Banerjee promised him all touring rights and 50 of its proceeds denoya accepted the offer Nick polished the routine and booked the troop at Club magic in New York the newly styled Chippendales dances became an instant hit [Music] but shortly after his success Val told the detective that Nick's relationship with Banerjee had soured bro this is real um Banerjee demanded a larger percentage of the touring profits but Nick refused to give in they were always constantly arguing and they were arguing about different ends of the business and you know it's just like regular business partners you know but they were having trouble and uh denoya was starting to take his troop out and he was going to form a new business he's doing very well in the weeks prior to his death Nick was negotiating touring deals for a troopy designed to compete directly with Chippendales stealing market share from Chippendales could cost Banerjee Millions Val offered the detectives his brother's Financial records NYPD set up surveillance at Nick denoya's funeral since detectives suspected he'd been murdered by someone he knew Nick's brother would help identify as many mourners as possible [Music] Nick's partner Steve Banerjee was among those who paid their respects [Music] the following day investigators phone Banerjee in California to inquire about his relationship with his late partner for detective Gettys the interview had a subtler agenda than fact-finding we were trying to get what we call a negative interview you know where if he says no I had nothing to do with it we were great friends and and things like that just to try to disprove things that was starting to be said so if later on it was involved with him we could just tie it all together you know it's like I said to you it's vanity never contradicted what police already knew you know he acknowledged that he and denoya did not get along and admitted that he was upset that his partner had formed a new dance any help that I can do off Banerjee added that on April 7th the day of the murder he had been in Los Angeles the entire day yeah yeah you know uh that did not rule out the possibility that a Hitman had been hired but detectives had nothing to prove it the linoya family offered a substantial reward for anyone who came forward with information police received several calls but none panned out we always felt this fellow Steve Banerjee had something to do with it but nobody could really give us any concrete evidence or even steer Us in the direction of where we could tie anybody into what happened lacking any other leads the freight elevator operator from denoya's building provided his description of the man he saw run from the stairwell [Music] though he had seen him only briefly police hoped it would be enough to prompt someone else's memory pretty much police canvassed the lobby of denoya's office building well into the evening they asked everyone who worked there if they recognized the sketch the sketch none did the killer had apparently vanished in the middle of a work day amongst millions of New York City commuters well basically the investigation just you know it kind of hit a brick wall and we really weren't going anywhere with it we had a sketch that was out there there was a reward that was out there there was a uh even put it on television trying to get some assistance uh figuring if you know the person that did this was from another state that somebody would give us the information but we constantly hit that brick wall and it wasn't going anywhere no new leads surfaced to New York City Police it as if the killer had gotten away with murder four years had passed since chippendale's choreographer Nick denoya had been murdered in his Manhattan office the case remained unsolved then in July 1991 over 2500 miles away special agent Dan West at the FBI's Las Vegas field office received a call it was from a man who claimed he had been hired to kill two people for twenty five thousand dollars I immediately wasn't sure whether or not he was just a prank call It's Not Unusual for the FBI especially in Las Vegas on a weekend to receive prank calls a lot of alcohol flowing so I asked him to give me specific details of the alleged planned murder the caller said that a man named Ray colon had hired him to kill two managers of a male exotic dance troop touring England they were competitors of the Chippendales dancers The Source said he did not know why cologne wanted the men dead but for some reason the would-be Hitman had decided not to go through with it I'm not sure if the source backed out because of Good Samaritan reasons or because he chickened out he flew to to England and then flew back to the United States almost immediately I think he flew into Los Angeles then drove to Las Vegas basically to hide out the agent told the source to meet him at the office at five o'clock the next morning he needed to somehow confirm the caller's story he also said that he had worked with the DEA in Prior investigations as an informant and he provided me with the name of a de agent in Houston who could vouch for him Los Angeles the DEA agent confirmed that he had previously worked with the source and insisted that the man was to be trusted after the FBI arranged protection for the intended victims in England the informant described the murder plan preparations were made a few days earlier at the Los Angeles home of his former landlord Ray colon the man who had hired him cologne led the would-be Hitman to his garage where they met cologne's brother-in-law who had recently returned from scouting the victims in England all the informant that he could find his Targets in the town of Blackpool on July 20th when the exotic dances was scheduled to perform there and they're going to come out because of England's strict gun laws smuggling a gun in was out of the question instead cologne instructed The Hitman to kill his victims by fatal injection he mixed a dose of cyanide powder into a small vial they figured it could be smuggled past customs in a bottle of eye drops many many times the agent needed something more solid than the statement of one and informant to bring in Rey cologne [Music] he consented to get cologne on tape the reformed Hitman would call cologne and pretend that he was still in England what we were trying to get from the telephone conversations was strong evidence that cologne was a part of the plan to kill the two intended victims if not the organizer of the plan we had the information from the source but we had to verify that through the tape conversations foreign yes very buddy are you sure that damn stuff is going to work it's pretty red buddy yeah it'll work oh man I don't want it and if you want to add something to it how long it's going to take before they uh croak and hit down it was at it immediate if not sooner yeah right that's probably potent you can even put a little uh if you want a little Drano in there if you want well it's going to kill them right away then huh okay it was evident from the beginning that Ray clone was not only a participant in this murder-for-hire scheme but that he was actually the director of it cologne provided numerous suggestions to The Source on how to best affect the death of these two intended victims what wasn't evident from the recordings was a motive for killing two managers of an exotic male Dance troupe do you know who hired cologne during the conversations cologne had made reference to a third man who was providing money for the double murder but the informant told agent West that he did not know the man's name two days later on Wednesday July 25th 1991 a federal judge in California was convinced that the FBI had enough probable cause to search cologne's Los Angeles home cologne was surprised by the warrant it limited the agent's search to cyanide travel records to England and correspondence that could link cologne and his brother-in-law to the intended murder in the bedroom they found flyers for the male exotic dance tour in England [Music] they also found two handguns in a drawer records indicated they had been legally purchased by Ray colon and since the warrant didn't specify weapons the guns were not seized in the garage agents did find something the warrant had specified a bag filled with cyanide it corroborated their informant story then one agent found something that would break the case wide open during the course of the search warrant we found colognes address book special agent Andy stefanik from the Los Angeles office was going through that book and he noticed the name of Steve Banerjee agent West also discovered that Steve Banerjee the well-known Los Angeles owner of Chippendales nightclub had called cologne recently the toll records showed several conversations several calls going back and forth between Banerjee and cologne in addition that same day we received the results of interviews from the British police on the intended victims and both indicated that Steve Banerjee was the only person they could possibly think of who would have a motive to kill them or would even want to kill them the two managers of the Rival male Dance troupe believed that Banerjee wanted them dead to stop them from competing with Chippendales this was the same motive that New York authorities suspected was behind the murder of banerjee's former business partner Nick denoya agents called New York City homicide detective Michael Gettys to find out more about the five-year-old donoia murder all of a sudden I got a phone call from the FBI I really got excited at that point because it was already maybe five years five and a half years or so so it looked like we might have the opportunity to give the family their final piece but neither the NYPD nor the FBI had direct evidence against Steve Banerjee and agents were still unsure if cologne would be able to assist the murder investigation we at that time did not know whether or not cologne was involved in the nick denoya murder the composite picture resembled cologne but it certainly wasn't a match despite their uncertainty about cologne's role in denoya's Murder they had strong evidence against him for conspiracy to commit murder faced with stiff jail time the FBI believed he would talk Khloe knowed that he had to take a hit there was no question about that he was caught red-handed in the planning of the murder of two individuals so he had to accept the fact that he was going to go down for some time himself but that it was going to be a lot less time in jail if he worked with us on August 2nd 1991 agents arrested cologne and his brother-in-law for conspiracy to commit murder cologne's arrest would increase the pressure to tell the FBI what he knew about Steve Banerjee and the murder of banerjee's partner Nick denoya what the FBI didn't count on was that cologne's arrest would make chippendale's owner Steve Banerjee far more elusive in August 1991 the FBI arrested Ray colon and his brother-in-law in Los Angeles for conspiracy to commit murder there are two Targets who escaped unharmed were managers of a male exotic dance troop touring England agents believed that a third man Steve vanity creator of Chippendales had hired them to kill the men special agent Dan West needed more than a hunch to arrest Banerjee that Ray colon would provide something more solid he knew that that his best chances of getting the best deal were to cooperate with the FBI uh he had indicated to us that we only had a small fraction of the story he took a sheet of paper he said right now you have this and I can give you the whole page as agents had suspected cologne admitted that Steve Banerjee was the man who had hired him to carry out the murders he also told agents that the wealthy Chippendales club owner had ordered the murder of his partner Nick denoya in New York five years before right for consideration of a lighter sentence cologne signed a proper agreeing to help the FBI gather enough evidence to arrest Banerjee special agent Scott gariola from the FBI's Los Angeles field office learned that cologne's association with Banerjee had begun by chance over a decade earlier cologne had lived and managed an apartment building on the same street where chippendale's Los Angeles Club was and by being so close in proximity he would frequent the bar and over the course of time became close friends with Banerjee cologne explained that his friend Steve Banerjee had immigrated to the U.S from India in the early 70s in 1973 the future millionaire opened a gas station North of the Los Angeles Airport he used the profits to purchase a failing West Los Angeles bar and by 1976 had turned it into the nightclub that became famous as Chippendales [Music] by then cologne had parlayed his friendship with Banerjee into employment the out of work musician was happy to perform any job that Banerjee needed done one service cologne provided was arson Banerjee wanted his competitors eliminated cologne confided that Banerjee directed him to burn down nearby competition a disco in Santa Monica was the first Target in 1979. five years later cologne torched another club neither arson attempt had been successful and the clubs remained open Banerjee didn't limit his targets to buildings according to Cologne Banerjee also ordered him to hire a hitman to kill his partner Nick denoya cologne added that denoya had successfully sued Banerjee to prevent him from touring a second chippendale's dance trip the lawsuit combined with costly merchandising overruns forced Banerjee to file for bankruptcy as instructed cologne hired a Hitman three months earlier he claimed he remembered only the Man's first name which was Louis on the day of the murder cologne and Louis flew in from La rented a car and drove into Manhattan cologne waited on the street with the engine running until Louis returned from shooting denoya the following night cologne was back in Los Angeles [Music] this parking lot Banerjee paid cologne twelve thousand dollars cash the balance of the original twenty five thousand dollar fee cologne's story was good but it was only hearsay from a suspected conspirator he might say anything to serve less jail time special agent garyola first needed to verify the facts cologne had presented at this point all we had was somebody in prison telling us well it wasn't me it was somebody else who was behind it your initial plan is to corroborate as much as possible what he's telling you and that's what we did for the first couple of months with cologne's credibility secured the FBI set out to get Banerjee and the Hitman who killed his partner agents figured the only one vanity would trust enough to confess to would be his old friend Ray colon but they needed to get cologne close enough we had cologne released out of uh the jail where he was being housed under a uh a proposed medical furlough because of his health problems and we started sending uh Communications to Banerjee via letter messenger messenger delivered letters and cryptic phone calls to try and get Banerjee to respond to him vanity refused to return calls or letters he was suspicious of cologne despite having paid him over two hundred thousand dollars at various drops around the city to keep cologne loyal since his arrest the FBI came up with another plan to compel Banerjee to respond to Cologne we decided to force the issue and set up a meeting on our own terms and we had cologne waiting across the street from Chippendales one morning as agents watched cologne called to Banerjee when he emerged from the club the Chippendales owner was curious as to why colon was standing outside his establishment Banerjee spoke to him in Whispers suspecting he may be wired agents had no way of knowing what Banerjee might be planning we took several precautions you know if he fired somebody else cologne to kill somebody why would he have somebody to kill cologne hoping to strengthen banerjee's trust the released prisoner provided the address of a bar where the suspected murderer was to send more money [Music] Banerjee didn't trust cologne but he couldn't afford to ignore him [Music] he told cologne to pick up his payment the next evening Agents set up surveillance on the bar and about nine o'clock agents observed Banerjee stopping in front checking the address and then driving away a short time later a messenger delivered a package agents retrieved it from inside when we contacted the messenger company that had sent the package the pickup location where the package was received from was a bakery that was right next door to the building where the Chippendales dancers were practicing and rehearsing back in the FBI offices agents opened the package not knowing what might be inside oh it contained fourteen thousand dollars the payoff meant that vanity would continue to keep Ray colon close to him but agents didn't know if Banerjee would talk or if the Hitman known only as Louis would ever be found in the summer of 1992 FBI agents continued to surveil chippendale's club owner Steve Banerjee he was suspected of ordering the murder of his partner more than five years earlier Ray colon hired by Banerjee to arrange the murder had been arrested and was cooperating with agents to capture the wealthy club owner wearing a wire cologne met the east Indian entrepreneur at a hotel in Santa Monica hoping to get his confession on tape special agent Scott gariola and his team were stationed nearby Banerjee uh immediately motioned for cologne to join him in the men's room uh when the two of them went into the men's room and Banerjee uh told him to be quiet not to say a word he searched cologne about three times looking for the wire agents worried about what the suspected murderer might do to Cologne if he found the wire cologne's life depended on the FBI's skills at concealment all right okay vanity never found the wire all right but it was clear that he did not completely trust his longtime friend Ray colon out in the lobby Banerjee insisted they communicate through notes instead of speaking agents recorded only scribbles and Whispers Banerjee wanted to know how much cologne had told the FBI and what they knew about quote the deed clone knew the deed referred to the murder of banerjee's partner the former musician denied that he had said anything to federal agents once again we're unsuccessful in getting a audible recording due to the fact that Banerjee basically whispered throughout the whole thing and wrote notes and when cologne would raise his voice and try and talk Banerjee would would shashem basically by putting his finger to his mouth and saying no we can't talk vanagy gathered the notes and returned to the restroom this time alone despite his doubts about cologne's loyalty Banerjee handed him another payment this time in plain view of Agents the package held thirty thousand dollars more than twice as much as the first unfortunately for investigators there was nothing illegal about giving cologne cash on its face it's basically a loan for attorney fees for for cologne without the without the story on tape of how cologne and Banerjee were Partners in these crimes the money basically was not going to be able to uh to do anything for the case after banerjee's Mercedes was out of sight agents hoped to retrieve at least a portion of the notes from the meeting [Music] in the men's room under the toilet One agent discovered a scrap of paper it seemed that Banerjee had flushed the rest though it held only a small pen mark it would help corroborate cologne's story when it came time to testify at trial cologne did not remember the full name of the Hitman he had hired in 1987. but he did recall that his first name was Louis and he lived somewhere in East Los Angeles clone didn't have a last name for him didn't have an address we had took him out a couple of times had him drive us around the area and he uh pointed out a house that he thought Louis had lived in cologne's memory proved correct the woman who answered the door was Louie's mother since she did not know cologne she refused to tell him where her son was alone told her that he wanted to provide work for him and handed her his card in a few days cologne received a call unfortunately what we came across was Louie's Brother Andy and we had to establish a relationship with Andy to try and find out where Lily was so we had cologne um talking to Andy about various things you know he needed to hire Louie back for a job same job he had completed a few years prior after about a month Andy finally told cologne that he could find his brother Roberto Rivera Lopez in Los Angeles County prison Rivera whose nickname was Louis was serving time for possession of Narcotics and would be out of jail in a few months as a heroin junkie he would need Fast Cash after his release and wanted to know more about cologne's offer cologne laid the groundwork once again for this new job that he wanted Rivera to help him with and the plan was that we had set in motion was that there was a witness to the homicide in 1987 and that Louis needed to go back and take care of that Witness near the end of 1992 cologne met with the Hitman for the first time in five years with their conversation being monitored the FBI informants slowly Drew Louis Rivera in detailing a new murder plot if the FBI ever hoped to get the Hitman confessing on tape it had to be now his release date on the charge he was incarcerated for was I believe January 17th of 93. we're running up against the clock and one of our concerns was that uh you know we had laid the groundwork for cologne and Rivera that when Rivera got out he was supposed to contact cologne to go and uh and kill this Witness agents worries were laid to rest on Christmas Eve 1992 Rivera described his role in the murder of Nick denoya I'm ready to go again at 3 30 pm on April 7th 1987. Louis arrived on the 15th floor of denoya's building disguised as a messenger the place was empty except for one man in the outer office moments later when the office worker entered the men's room Louis exited to kill donoia figuring there'd be no other witnesses to the crime foreign the producer at his desk pulled out a nine millimeter semi-automatic and fired from three feet away the FBI had it all on tape Ray colon had fulfilled half of his agreement with the FBI to receive sentencing consideration on his charge of conspiracy to commit murder the other half hinged on his ability to secure a taped confession from the man who had ordered denoya's murder his longtime friend Steve Banerjee all right thank you so far more than a year after his arrest cologne had been unable to do that by January 1993 the FBI's cooperating witness Ray colon had been unable to convince murder suspect Steve Banerjee to discuss aloud the crimes they had planned together they had met several times but Banerjee had been too paranoid or too clever to be recorded at one meeting vanity suggested he'd help cologne hide out overseas [Music] special agent Scott gariola and his team used banerjee's suggestion to form a new plan perhaps Banerjee could be lured overseas to talk to Cologne on foreign soil I don't think it was too difficult on banerjee's part to accept the fact that cologne was going to go overseas I mean he wanted to be rid of cologne he knew cologne was the only person that could tie him into these various various crimes dating back to 1979. since cologne was still on banerjee's payroll agents believed it was likely that he would visit cologne in person to be certain that cologne had what he needed for an extended stay Banerjee wanted cologne out of his life permanently [Applause] FBI selected Rome as their destination since Italy's laws and police force are well adapted to surveillance investigations agents made extensive preparations before they arrived we acquired a a phony United States passport for cologne and in the Alias name which you would expect someone who's on the run a fugitive in another country to have some kind of phony documentation so we we acquired that we also entered cologne into the Nationwide crime computer as a fugitive so in the event Banerjee had some kind of private investigator or someone check the computer it would show that there was a warrant out for clone's rest because he was now a fugitive with the cooperation of the Italian authorities the FBI secured an apartment for cologne in Rome that was wired for recording when everyone was assembled cologne placed a call to Banerjee in California [Music] East Indian murder suspect understood that cologne would use the code name Mr Underwood when he called how you doing Steve can you when you can you come and discuss ridiculous [Applause] oh that's impossible why can't you go to Italy yes [Applause] there was a problem with Banerjee coming to Rome since he was not a United States citizen he claimed he was not able to obtain a Visa in time to enter Italy and he wanted initially to meet us up by the Italian Swiss border Banerjee finally agreed to meet cologne in Zurich Switzerland the FBI had only a short time to make the new Arrangements it was quite a challenge to get everything accomplished basically this was a Friday I believe and it was basically one day since no one worked on a weekend back in the States we had to get every everything all the necessary approvals for the travel the country clearance we had to get the U.S attorney's Office to contact uh through a mutual legal assistance treaty contact us in their counterparts in Switzerland to get the authority the legal authority to do the consensual recordings it was quite arduous to say the least we despite the brief turnaround time the FBI and swiss authorities would be ready to cross towards the main door the plan was to wire cologne for a meeting in the hotel lobby afterwards the Informer would suggest continuing the meeting in his hotel room which would be equipped with audio and video devices planted by a special unit of the Swiss police two adjoining rooms were booked in a downtown Zurich Hotel one room they wired for picture and sound the room next door would hold the monitoring equipment agents hope that this time their efforts would finally be rewarded with banerjee's confession on tape from the time of his arrival at the Zurich Airport Steve Banerjee would be under constant police surveillance the plan was for cologne to call Banerjee and arrange a meeting in another hotel late in the afternoon as planned Banerjee arrived first undercover agents and swiss police were stationed throughout the hotel dressed as staff [Music] he waited in the bar where he was expecting cologne's call [Music] On Cue the phone rang all right cologne was on his way this was the FBI's best chance to get the recording they had long awaited [Music] to be sure banerjee's voice was taped clearly they hid the wire inside cologne's outermost layer of clothing his coat but cologne seemed nervous and removed his coat when he arrived [Music] as a result investigators could no longer hear the conversation [Music] years of pursuit hung in the balance it seemed unlikely that Banerjee would agree to meet cologne again anytime soon we got ourselves a major problem so what I initially did was since I was monitoring the conversation from the outside I went into the into the uh the doorway of the restaurant and hopefully in cologne's point of uh line of eyesight and I took my jacket off a couple of times hoping he would get the idea to put his jacket on okay but the agent couldn't get cologne's attention the informant was apparently too nervous to look anywhere except directly at vanity the Swiss police they came to our rescue they went in there and they closed the whole restaurant down they went and talked to the uh the owner of the manager of the restaurant said hey we got a little problem and we need to shut this restaurant down fortunately there weren't too many customers in there and um basically they closed the restaurant down which forced cologne and Banerjee to leave the restaurant after moving to a noisier bar in the hotel cologne suggested they'd be more comfortable relaxing in the room where cologne was staying cologne arrived first he was met by a Swiss technician who attempted to strip the wire from his jacket before Banerjee arrived cologne's device was an unnecessary risk since the room itself was wired we didn't know what Banerjee was going to do once the two of them were in the hotel they had gone from a public place to strictly a private place and we were a little concerned at this point for what banners you may have up his sleeve undercover agents alerted the surveillance team that Banerjee had arrived on cologne's floor the Swiss Tech retrieved the wire and stepped into the adjoining room cologne barely had time to pour himself a drink before there was a knock on the door the first thing manager did was check cologne for wires he found none and began to relax cologne poured him a drink then his old friend opened up Banerjee felt comfortable enough to talk about murdering his partner he mentioned the 25 000 he paid to commission the deed um he also made comments about the men in England that he ordered [Music] he even talked to Cologne about the arsons he had paid for back in 1979 after five and a half years and six thousand miles from the crime scene the FBI's perseverance had finally paid off at last they had it all on tape and cologne earned himself an early parole that was the the coup de gras right there that was it we got we got exactly what we needed we pretty much corroborated cologne you know down to every eye dotted eye and every tea that corner told us on September 2nd 1993 outside his Chippendales Club in Los Angeles Steve Banerjee was arrested for racketeering and first-degree murder facing life in prison Vanity's defense team offered the State's Attorney's terms for an agreement vanity would plead guilty to the charges and forfeit his interest in Chippendales for consideration and sentencing New York State accepted suggesting 26 years in a maximum security facility but to Banerjee the punishment was too severe on the day of his sentencing in October 1994 he was found hanged in his cell Michael Gettys the New York City detective who investigated Nick denoya's murder six years earlier was glad to see the case closed ever since Steve Banerjee was arrested and cologne confessed what happened is I saw the Val denoy of the brother and his wife actually change you could see the piece in their face you could see the smile coming back into their life blinded by his Pursuit he confused power of the accumulation of wealth with the American dream [Music] foreign crossing the country he lured women women's charm struck [Music] each time he vanished before police could catch him the FBI and police detectives needed to stop him before another victim mattress deadly time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the body of a young woman found burned in a truck launched a Manhunt to find her killer when more bodies began to turn up across the country the FBI believed the cases were linked investigators had a suspect they just couldn't find him I'm Jim calstring former head of the FBI's New York office agents would enlist the help of local law enforcement and even long-haul Truckers to stop a cross-country killer [Music] in the early morning hours of September 29 1995. the Los Angeles Fire Department responded to a vehicle fire at a hospital in Van Nuys found a pickup truck burning in the parking lot when the Flames were extinguished they found human remains the firemen contacted the arson and homicide division of the Los Angeles Police Department homicide detectives responded to the scene and were briefed by uniformed officers already there [Music] the question to witness a nurse who had seen the fire start [Music] she said she had arrived for work before Dawn for the early morning shift in the parking lot she saw the truck go Ablaze I saw the outline of a figure with long hair run from the truck as the Flames erupted she never saw a face and she had never seen the truck before investigators inspected the vehicle the pattern of fire damage indicated it had begun in the cab and it burned very quickly investigators believed it had been intentionally set an accelerant had been used probably guessing the body inside appeared to be a female but it was burned beyond recognition some items survived the fire including a backpack a camera and a roll of undeveloped film technicians recovered several documents that bore the name Sandra Gallagher by Sunrise detectives at lapd's Van Nuys station had run the truck's plates [Music] through DMV records Detective Mike Copelands was able to confirm that Sandra Gallagher owned the truck we'd done some work at the office and learned that she was in fact married to an individual Steve who lived in the Los Angeles area we attempted to contact him and made arrangements to interview him at Van Nuys station detectives suspected it was Sandra in the truck but identification through dental records would take a few days [Music] since the body was too damaged to identify detectives asked Stephen Gallagher to look through the recovered evidence he said the backpack camera and other items were Sanders [Music] the police department had developed a role of films that survived the fire Stephen identified his wife in the pictures [Music] most married homicide victims are killed by their husbands detectives asked Stephen about his relationship with Sandra there's a lot of domestic violence spousal abuse that goes on so it's it's just a a direction to go to initially in our case as it related to Sandra Gallagher once again we wanted to eliminate the husband as a suspect and determine a little bit more about our victim Sandra at work Stephen said he had seen his wife on September 28th the day before the truck fire today the couple had met for lunch [Music] he and Sandra were experiencing marriages problems and they had spent the last couple of nights apart they had talked about reconciling [Music] but things were still strained between them your business okay Stephen told detectives he last saw Sandra around 2PM that we heard from his wife later that evening he said Sandra called him from a local bar called mcgregs [Music] he's very excited and told him she had won twelve hundred dollars in our Lottery [Music] since that call Stephen hadn't heard from his wife and had no idea where she had gone detectives had to corroborate his story once he mentioned the bar MC Reds that was our direction we wanted to get in there find out who was the bartender who the owner was who was there that particular evening and who could identify some photos of Sandra that we'd gathered from the truck LAPD detectives visited the bar when shown a photo of Sandra Gallagher the bartender recognized the one okay what can you tell me about she knew her by her nickname Sam got a lottery ticket [Music] guess what the bartender confirmed that Sandra had been in the bar in 1928 he told everyone about her lottery win yeah some customers overheard the detectives questions and said they had also been in mcgregs that evening can you tell me about her when she was in here the other night they also remembered Sandra and recalled one man who talked with her that night these people in the bar had mentioned to us that they recognized the photographs and they identified the photographs as a female by the name of Sam this is the name that they knew her by with Sam and everybody had mentioned she was with a person by the name of the land they described Glenn as having long blonde hair and a beard he'd been coming in regularly for the past few days [Music] that night he seemed interest against Sandra and talked to her for quite a while okay Glenn was friendly and came across as a big spender buying drinks for Sandra and the others when the bar closed Glenn had asked Sandra for a ride home he said he lived nearby she agreed to drop him off and they left together the customers hadn't seen Glenn since that night do you know where he was they believe Glenn's last name was Rogers but they weren't sure their description of him matched the one of the man's seen fleeing the burning truck if you think of anything else please call me detective coblance would check the lead the problem through Department sources we're able to identify Glenn Rogers as a resident in the Van Nuys area and we're able to obtain photographs of Mr Rogers these photographs in the next day or two were shown to various Witnesses at the bar in the form of a photo lineup and Mr Rogers was identified in this photo lineup as a person being at mcreds with Sandra Gallagher detectives secured a search warrant for Roger's apartment it was only a few minutes away from where the truck had been burned [Music] LAPD search warrant they didn't know if Rogers was inside perhaps with a weapon uniformed officers entered first to clear the apartment [Music] Rogers wasn't there it looked like Rogers had cleared out in a hurry thank you detectives recovered a purse on a woman's wallet empty of cash and held no ID entification they also found a woman's earring the earring became significant in that her husband Steve Gallagher identified that earring as one that he had purchased as a pair for his wife a couple months earlier after several days the coroner made his report positively identified the remains from the truck as those of Sandra Gallagher he determined that she had not burned to death [Music] we learn in the nose area of our victim there wasn't a presence of evidence of fire sooting and so on that gave us information that because she didn't breathe any of the fire any of the soot it gave us an indication that she had died prior to the fire itself [Music] the mother of three had been killed by manual strangulation [Music] Los Angeles detectives charged Glenn Rogers with Sandra Gallagher's murder and issued a warrant for his arrest [Music] they entered Roger's name and description into the ncic National Crime information center a database that links over 57 000 law enforcement agencies Nationwide that informs other agencies around the United States that Glenn Rogers in this case is in fact wanted in Los Angeles for murder it would list the agency Los Angeles Police Department Van Nuys area with my name and my phone number if they have any contact with Glenn Rogers and happen to run him this warrant would show up in their jurisdiction and he'd be taken into custody detectives sought out anyone who knew Glenn Rogers [Music] they learned he frequented local bars and worked odd jobs mostly in construction they visited several job sites interviewing his friends and co-workers Federal Witnesses and friends we learned that Glenn did have a temper and that when he drank he did become enraged there was domestic violence involved with former girlfriends so we knew we were dealing with someone who could become violent and generally violent when he drank as it was in our case with Sandra Gallagher one of his friends said he hadn't seen Rogers in a while but promised to contact the police if he heard from him a few days later [Applause] he said Rogers had phoned him from a motel outside Jackson Mississippi local police talked to the motel manager who told them Roger's room number [Music] police open up [Music] the room was empty the murder suspect was on the Run in the fall of 1995 the search continued for Glenn Rogers police believed he fled California after killing a woman there on September 28th tip led to a Mississippi Motel but Rogers had disappeared before police arrived police issued an APB locally they hoped someone would spot the suspected killer before he left the area days later on November 3rd 1995 Jackson Mississippi detectives responded to a murder family members had found Linda price dead in her bathtub the 34 year old single mother had been stabbed repeatedly and her throat had been slashed [Music] [Applause] investigators searched the apartment for evidence technicians photographed the scene and lifted numerous latent fig [Music] they found no murder weapon no valuables seem to be missing [Music] there was no apparent forced entry and the killer had locked the door [Applause] the details of the crime scene LED Jackson homicide detectives to conclude Linda price had been killed by someone she knew in the morning they interviewed her mother perhaps she knew the killer as well [Music] he said her daughter had a new boyfriend his name was Glenn Rogers [Music] a month earlier on October 3rd Linda had met Rogers at the Mississippi State Fair where he had been working [Music] he was charming and Linda fell for him right away they soon rented an apartment and moved in together [Music] at first Linda seemed happier than ever but recently she wondered if she'd made a mistake she told her mother that Rogers had a bad temper and she feared his mood swings when Linda stopped calling and didn't answer her apartment door her mother believed that Rogers had harmed her again Rogers was nowhere to be found Jackson detectives believed he had left the area they entered his name into the ncic database learning Rogers was wanted for murder in California they contacted Detective Mike koblantz in Los Angeles Jackson Mississippi at that time contacted me informed me of a murder they had and they wanted more information on Glenn Rogers as he was a possible perpetrator in that case [Music] the murders followed a pattern the victims in California and Mississippi had both been Charmed by Rogers [Music] they had been isolated from others then brutally killed just before Rogers fled the area instigators believed that Rogers was on a rampage that probably would not stop until he was found in our minds we knew that we had a major problem going on here we felt if he wasn't apprehended that there could very well be more victims Jackson Police asked the public to call if anyone saw Rogers in the area foreign Witnesses reported sightings but Rogers stayed one step ahead of authorities [Music] actives contacted the FBI field office in Jackson [Music] 's pictures from a crime scene I think they believed Rogers had left the state like he did after the California killing [Music] agents filed a federal warrant for unlawful flight to avoid prosecution perhaps Federal resources could help stop the Killer [Music] FBI special agent John Huber helped coordinate the multi-state investigation for this case was very high speed very fast the murder he committed in Jackson was on November 3rd was Linda price subsequent to that he committed another murder on November 6th on that date police in Tampa Florida responded to a murder scene at a local motel room that has been rented by Glenn Rogers [Music] like Linda price the young woman laid dead in the bathtub stabbed in the back chest and wrist there was no ID of the woman in the room but investigators noted a tattoo of a cross on her shoulder her jeans and shoes were piled near the toilet the bracelet was found in the sink [Music] from the evidence left behind Tampa homicide detective Julie masucci attempted to piece together the details of the murder when we remove the clothing it appeared that she had been stabbed through the clothing which means that she was never undressed um and it was from the rear portion which appeared that someone might have come up behind her and stabbed her the shoes had blood spots on the top indicating she had them on and was standing when she was attacked [Music] under her body was a man's watch investigators believed it belonged to the Killer it was significant that she was placed in a bathtub and that it appeared that someone tried to clean up any evidence that they left behind we had found towels to indicate someone had wiped up blood off of a floor it appeared that the bathtub water had been run to try and clean up any evidence that was left behind the detective interviewed the housekeeper who discovered the body that morning she'd been making her daily rounds just after checkout time [Music] outside room 119 she spotted a handwritten do not disturb sign he said she didn't clean the room the day before because she saw the sign and wanted to respect the privacy of the people staying there foreign on this day the occupants were scheduled to have checked out [Music] when she ended the bathroom she made the gruesome discovery detectives asked the motel manager if she knew about the people staying in room 119. [Applause] she recalled a man who rented the room because he requested a do not disturb sign the day before they told him he didn't have one so he paid for another night and told them at the registration that he did not want them cleaning his room he wanted it to be left alone apparently he went back to the room and tore off a piece of a phone book and made his own do not disturb sign and he hung it on the door the motel manager remembered the same man packing up a small white car that evening he had paid for another night so she didn't think he was leaving she warned him about recent break-ins at the motel and told him not to leave anything in the car overnight [Music] [Music] the detectives checked the office records finding the registration card for room 119. it had Glenn Rogers name and signature on it technicians would later recover prints matching Rogers from the card detective masuchi ran a computer check and saw the California and Mississippi murder warrants he contacted the other agencies and the FBI then we started to realize very quickly into the investigation that there was a possibility that this man Mr Glenn Rogers was a serial killer [Music] foreign ERS knew who the killer was but Tampa Detective still had not identified the female victim she remained at the morgue as Jane Doe if they could identify her it might help him find the man who had killed her and at least two others in the fall of 1995 after linking murders in California Mississippi and Florida to one man the FBI and local detectives searched for accused serial killer Glenn Rogers the latest victim had been found in a Tampa motel room she was still unidentified responding to media coverage a woman whose daughter had been missing for two days came full [Music] she positively identified the body of her daughter Tina Marie Cribbs Tina had two children of her own Gina's mother told detective Julie masucci about her daughter's last day we learned that Tina had worked and and that she went to the showtime bar which is in Gibsonton and she met some friends there she was supposed to meet her mother there apparently it's like a family bar where a lot of people go and and there's televisions in there and they just go and gather and talk detectives visited the showtime bar [Music] the bartender said she knew Tina and her mother she confirmed that Tina had been in the bar on November 5th the bartender also remembered that a man named Glenn was there the same night he talked with Tina and the others he bought a round of drinks with a hundred dollar bill [Music] the bartender said the man was very friendly at one Tina over quickly um eventually he asked Tina for a ride home [Music] he said his motel room was close and promised Tina would be back in time to meet her mother all right thanks Tina finally agreed and told the others she'd be right back [Music] when the mother came to the showtime bar she sat there and waited and her daughter didn't show up so she said she started beeping her to find out where she was and she said that she had such a close-knit relationship with her daughter that she immediately knew something was wrong when she didn't answer her pages detective masuchi also learned that Tina owned a white Ford Festiva the same kind of car the Tampa Motel manager had seen Rogers packing with suitcases she updated the ncic report on Rogers adding the Festiva and its license plate number to the fugitive's information FBI special agent John Huber was surprised that Rogers wasn't trying to conceal himself Glenn Rogers seem to not care if he would get caught or had no fear of the law he would always use his real name when dealing with people and checking into motels he would drive cars that weren't stolen either belonged to the to the victim which he could easily be linked to or his own vehicle uh he was a he didn't seem to care if people knew what was happening he wasn't trying to hide the search for the serial killer hit the news [Music] TV stations across the southeast broadcast pictures of Rogers asking anyone spotting him to call authorities hundreds of leads poured into the FBI one promising tip came from a Jackson Mississippi Motel two separate callers claimed to have seen Rogers there [Music] Rogers had been on Jackson previously and was known to frequent small motels we set up a perimeter around the hotel and then we had an entry team go up to the door [Music] agents were cautious until they could identify the man where is it and it can walk we identified the person that resembled Rogers and determined that it was not him we they then later searched the entire hotel and began searching the hotels in the immediate vicinity but didn't find him it was very important in this case to apprehend this individual as soon as possible because based on his history he was going to continue to kill until he was apprehended authorities were desperate to stop it the serial killer was out there somewhere and it was likely that he was searching for his next victim [Music] in the fall of 1995 suspected serial killer Glenn Rogers had been last seen in Florida FBI believed he had murdered a woman there after killing women in California and Mississippi [Music] the FBI soon learned that Louisiana had been his next stop on November 10 1995 Andy sucker the mother of four was found murdered in her Bossier City Louisiana apartment like two others she had multiple stab wounds to her upper body and back so Bossier City detective questioned the victim's roommate and for boyfriend [Music] Andy's roommate was a waitress and it worked late the night before Andy was killed and together when she returned home in the early morning hours she heard the bedroom door closed she assumed it was Andy and her new boyfriend Glenn Rogers in the apartment's one bedroom blankets had been left on the couch and so she slept there foreign she was awakened by someone at the apartment door it was Andy's ex-boyfriend [Music] he wanted to talk to Andy I don't care I'd still like soup Andy in the room she found Andy's body under the sheet she told detectives Andy had met Glenn Rogers in a bar he'd been dating for only a few days neighbors had seen Rogers leave in a white Festiva Bossier City detectives ran Rogers name through the ncic and saw the three other murder warrants all right they contacted the other police agencies in the FBI Los Angeles faxed a photo of Rogers to be used in the local investigation Louisiana television stations picked up the story viewers were asked to be on the lookout for Rogers but they were warned not to approach the deadly Fugitive foreign special agent John Huber and the other investigators were frustrated Rogers was killing people faster than we could investigate where he where he was it was just a kind of a Time game and he was killing people faster than we could apprehend him hey guys the FBI and local detectives believed Rogers murdered Four Women in six weeks after each killing Rogers had fled the state let's try the locations he chose were random despite their best efforts investigators couldn't keep up needed to spread the description of Rogers in his vehicle across the country [Music] agents sent requests to truckers over their CBS to be on the lookout for a white Ford for Steve foreign posted wanted flyers in truck stops and rest areas they held press conferences to get Roger's photo out to the public Gallagher they wanted to warn potential victims I hope someone would spot the Killer through the media agents released details of Rogers Mo for finding victims and the route he traveled he raped and murdered the FBI began the process of adding Rogers to their 10 most wanted list getting someone on the 10 most wanted list increases the amount of resources that the bureau puts into a case it also increases the amount of media attention that's also worked into a case the tips began to increase one caller claimed Glenn Rogers was at a pool hall in Mississippi two agents responded [Music] one of the pitfalls of an intense media campaign of the many false sightings that well-intentioned citizens call in General the man in the bar was obviously not Rogers the investigators tried to predict Roger's next move and focus their search special agent Huber had worked plenty of fugitive cases a lot of times in fugitive investigations when people are in trouble they'll go to areas that they're familiar with or or Associates of France in this particular case Rogers family and friends were mostly located in the Kentucky area and that's where a lot of our resources were focused authorities in Kentucky received priority teletypes about The Fugitive Kentucky state police detective Bob Stevens was already familiar with the name Glenn Rogers in fact he'd been looking for him for almost two years Rogers was wanted for questioning in The Disappearance and possible murder of his housemate 71 year old Mark Peters almost two years before Glenn Rogers cross-country crime spree began his brother had called the Kentucky State Police yeah I'm glad you're here the body had been found inside his family's cabin police believed it was Mark Peters Peters had last been seen with Rogers the cord tied around The Corpse's hands and feet matched one found in the home the men shared I'm gonna have to call authorities could not determine the cause of death and they couldn't find Rogers the case is still ongoing and still pending uh we headed one suspect which with Glenn Rogers we weren't able to track Rogers real well uh due to the fact that he traveled by uh Greyhound Bus by tractor trailer uh cars it was hard for us to track him so we had a hard time trying to know where his next step was still the investigative focus in Kentucky paid off [Music] on November 13 1995 Glenn Rogers visited one of his relatives in Lee County Kentucky when he left she called the Kentucky State Police hi I think you're looking for my nephew she said he was driving a small white car heading West toward interstate 75. detective Stevens heard that Rogers was cited nearby he's set up on the road he believed Rogers would take to I-75 it wasn't long before a white Ford Festiva drove by the detective began following foreign to make sure that this was Lynn Rogers not somebody else that I actually fell in behind so I pulled out behind this car when I ran the car tags the car tags actually came back stolen so I began the following I was able to get up pull up beside him like he's going to pass him and I looked over I could see who it was and if the picture I had Glenn Rogers matched the driver active requested backup a local police officer was parked nearby he joined the slow Pursuit [Music] they followed Rogers for a distance I think he was kind of watching me and I was watching him and I think by then he must have pretty much figured out that he had a police officer behind him so we pulled up to a stoplight and he ran the stoplight and pretty much ran some people off the road as he was going through the stoplight I fell in behind him at that time and activated my Emergency Equipment [Music] to us now several miles ahead at least set up a roadblock and tried to clear the road of traffic they hoped this would be the last stop for the elusive killer on November 13 1995 Kentucky State Police set up a roadblock in an effort to apprehend suspected serial killer Glenn Rogers armed officers waited at the roadblock Stevens was close behind we followed him down the road he had run several cars off Highway ran a school bus off the highway he was driving on the wrong side of the highway and so it was determined that he had to be stopped Sergeant Barnes would ever get up the other side of him and when he came back he attacked him spent him out of the highway off the highway into a ditch they didn't know if the fugitive was armed when I first approached a car and I was one of the first ones to approach a car you can see that he he looked very uh upset very aggravated that he was into custody he was very defiant and just didn't want to be taken into custody at that time after a two-month Killing Spree that spammed the country and left four women dead Glenn Rogers was finally in custody [Music] the vehicle identification number of the white Festiva confirmed the car belonged to Tina Marie Cripps the victim in Florida [Music] technicians scoured the car for evidence they found shorts with blood on them blanket and a woman's purse these and other items linked Rogers to the murders in Mississippi Louisiana and Florida [Music] tell me a little bit about what you guys have the FBI served as the Clearinghouse for the evidence FBI agents and detectives from five states met in Kentucky to outline the case [Music] special agent John Huber helped plan the meeting foreign what they did do was put together all the information that everyone had share information and also that the FBI laboratory would process all the evidence in this case so that one agency would have custody of all the evidence and do the analysis agents and detectives agreed that their best case against Rogers was in Florida Tampa detective Julie masucci met with detectives and prosecutors to review the evidence you know he matches the food they believe the watch found in the tub with the victim belonged to Rogers [Music] a photograph of Rogers with Mississippi victim Linda price revealed he wore that type of Watch I was confident in her case due to the physical evidence implicating Rogers we had Tina cribb's car that he was apprehended in we had some shorts that belong to him that had some of Tina crib's DNA on them the registration slip that Mr Rogers signed himself fingerprints that were found inside of motel room number 119 where the victim was found and miscellaneous items that were found inside of the car when he was apprehended on July 11 1997 almost two years after the murder of Tina Marie cribs in a Tampa motel room Glenn Rogers was convicted of first-degree murder and later sentenced to death in Florida years later Rogers was extradited to Los Angeles to stand trial for the strangulation death of Sandra Gallagher whose body was burned in a truck fire prosecutors outlined the victim's Final hours for the jury they showed that Sandra and Glenn Rogers left mcgreg's bar together on September 28 1995. thank you at some point there was a struggle perhaps as Rogers made an unwanted sexual advance he strangled her crushing her windpipe attempting to destroy evidence Rogers doused Sandra's body in the truck with gasoline set it Ablaze then he ran on July 16 1999 a jury again found Glenn Rogers guilty of murder he was sentenced to his second death penalty in the state of California [Music] Los Angeles Detective Mike Copelands was impressed by the Nationwide Partnership of everyone involved in the hunt for Rogers that's really what made this case come together was the interagency cooperation and not just in Los Angeles but in Jackson Mississippi Tampa Florida and later Bossier City Louisiana the FBI the press the different news agencies that were able to get the information out we truly worked together on this and it came to a successful conclusion down the road since Glenn Rogers already had two death sentences Louisiana and Mississippi prosecutors decided to spare the families of the victims emotional trials Glenn Rogers left at least 11 children without mothers the importance of stopping him was clear to detective Julie masucci and the other investigators the woman not as a police officer but as a female I think that there should be a lot of women that feel safe that he's off of the streets he had no regard for human life he had no regard for the feelings of the families that are left behind he didn't care and I'm happy that he's Behind Bars and I'm happy that he'll never step foot outside of a prison system that he could put other females at risk investigators suspect Rogers is responsible for more unsolved murders he told family members during his rampage that he had killed dozens authorities continue to pursue those unsolved murders to close the cases that can be linked to glodges [Music] an armored car vanish during a routine stop carrying nearly a million dollars it was supposed to be impenetrable investigators didn't know if the driver was involved or if he had been ambushed FBI agents and local detectives began to suspect a group of former Law Officers in the heist it would take determination and high technology to track the robbers and make them pay for their silent strike [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] down [Music] money may not be the root of all evil but for some men a million dollars is enough to justify murder even men sworn to uphold the law can sometimes be tempted I'm Jim calstrom former head of the FBI's New York office when robbery turned to murder the FBI would discover that a killer might be among them the Arrowhead mall Glendale Arizona November 28 1994. at 1 30 PM A van pulled up outside a department store at the mall [Music] was an unmarked fully armored Wells Fargo vehicle several companies use these customized vans since they are less conspicuous targets for robbery foreign company protocol the driver remained inside the van while The Courier went to pick up cash from the store the van was bulletproof and its doors could not be forced open from the outside the department store office The Courier exchanged empty bags for those filled with the weekend's receipts it was the Monday after Thanksgiving the cash pickup followed the busiest shopping weekend of the year [Music] when The Courier returned to the parking lot minutes later the armored van and the driver were gone he notified police immediately the 9-1-1 call came to the Glendale Arizona Police Department they dispatched units to the scene and sent word to the FBI the nearest FBI field office is in Phoenix 20 miles from the mall because the money in the van was federally insured the FBI opened a case agents headed out to the scene foreign ale detectives arrived at the mall first they began interviewing The Courier he said he had been gone only four minutes when he discovered the van and his partner John magash had disappeared The Courier estimated the amount of cash checks and coins in the van to be just over a million dollars [Music] detectives interviewed others at the mall none reported seeing or hearing anything unusual FBI agents soon arrived from Phoenix [Music] evidence technicians had processed the area where the van had been parked they found a cigarette butt and a pair of broken eyeglasses The Courier confirmed that his partner was a smoker and said the glasses looked like those magash needed when he drove [Music] technicians collected and marked the items as ever David 44. Detective Tom Clayton is a senior investigator for the Glendale Police Department [Music] well I think the first thought when we saw the van missing was uh the driver took off with the money and and was going to leave town we also considered somebody could have robbed him with the glasses laying there we weren't sure if it's you know is it set up or did something really happen we export every possibility we can think of van supervisory special agent Stephen Chenoweth now retired was the lead for the FBI the investigators organized a search for the van and its Drive believing that whoever took the van would abandon it soon in favor of a getaway car [Music] they dispatched some officers to begin a ground search around the mall foreign pilots from the Arizona Department of Public Safety conducted an aerial search the DPS officers began at the mall then widened their search in concentric circles looking for the van in the surrounding neighborhoods whenever they spotted a white van they radioed ground units to follow up special agent Chenoweth and the others knew most armored car robberies are inside jobs or armed ambushes Witnesses hadn't heard shooting perhaps the driver had decided to trade his hourly wage for a million dollars certainly the van is supposed to be locked in the driver inside and therefore unaccessible the fact that the van is missing would lead us to initially at least think about the possibility of the Guard driver being involved investigators sought more information on the missing driver thank you we investigated John magosh first off we started running his name in the computer to see if we could find any arrests or if he had a criminal history we started to the Wells Fargo file his employment file looking for relatives friends where he lived after securing a search warrant investigators traveled to his apartment his landlady let them in the investigators were looking for evidence that mcgosh had planned the robbery doors the apartment appeared undisturbed nothing indicated he had planned the robbery or that he was ready to leave town do you know who this is yes that's Lisa Johnson detectives learned that my gosh had a daughter living nearby in Phoenix determining her address through DMV records They went to interviews nagasha's daughter described her father as honest and stable he took his job seriously police found others who said the same a gosh had no criminal record right now your father detectives began to consider the 61 year old grandfather not as a suspect but as a victim or something John mcgosh had a good reputation we talked to family friends relatives co-workers he was a person that did not have a lot of requirements in life money wasn't a big concern uh based on the background we did on him we didn't believe he was going to be involved in the crime with magash eliminated as a suspect the investigators were back to square one they needed the Public's help certainly when you don't have eyewitnesses you you try and put as much information out in the form of press releases newspaper articles things of this nature in hopes that it would reach somebody that maybe saw something that otherwise had not heard about it [Music] that afternoon the FBI and Glendale Police held impress me to give you an update outside the mall earlier do know they released photos and descriptions of the missing van and Driver [Music] anyone who had seen John magash or the Wells Fargo van was asked to contact the FBI investigation without assistance a reward of sixty thousand dollars was posted for any tip leading to the recovery of the money and the conviction of those involved anyone may know where the van is thank you hours later a 9-1-1 call came in from a church in Sun City Arizona just outside Glendale and we'll take it [Music] caller reported a van idling in the church's parking lot [Music] parishioners arriving for a Monday night Bingo the unnoticed the van which fit the description in the news reports license plates and serial numbers confirmed it was the van missing from the mall [Music] investigators approached cautiously not knowing who or what was inside [Music] no one was in the driver's seat but investigators could see the outline of a body on the floor [Music] they tried to open the van [Applause] but the armored vehicle was impenetrable even to the agents the engine was going it was locked and a curse for examination initially of the inside disclosed the body line in the center in order to gain access to the van of course we had to call the armored car company [Music] no one at the church had seen who left the van or what vehicle they use to get away [Music] checking the body through the window police could see blood on the chest near a Wells Fargo badge there was no sign of breathing authorities believed John magash had been killed during the robbery there were no bullet marks on the van's exterior no broken glass and no sign of forced entry at the doors whoever had hit the van knew what they were doing an armored car robbery is a pretty sophisticated crime and it takes a lot of detailed planning and so we knew after finding the van and finding the body that we were up against probably some people who had thought this out very well planned it extensively and certainly would not stop at murder in in carrying this out investigators needed to get inside the van to know what happened on November 28 1994 the FBI in Glendale Arizona Police investigated an armored van hijacked from a mall and abandoned in a church parking lot in nearby Sun City [Music] [Applause] [Music] the driver 61 year old John magash laid dead in the cab he had been shot once in the head but his death was not instantaneous technicians noted aspirated blood spatter indicating my gosh had continued breathing after being shot technicians lifted many latent prints from money cabinets in the van's interior these would be compared to known prints of employees no foreign prints were found no hairs or fibers pointed toward a suspect either inside the van investigators found 132 thousand dollars in coins the cash and checks estimated at nine hundred twenty thousand dollars were gone the details of the crime suggested that there had been several violent criminals according to special agent Stephen Chenoweth after looking at the van we knew that we were probably dealing with certainly more than one person because this would be very difficult for one person to accomplish so we knew we were looking probably at least two or more and very vicious and violent people who certainly would not stop at anything in order to um obtain their goals which was the money located inside the van the Glendale detected Tom Clayton spoke to the criminal's understanding of police procedure we believed they dumped the van in Sun City to get it out of our jurisdiction into another one to complicate the investigation and communication of police agencies maybe hoping we would not be able to link the two things together right away during the autopsy of the armored car driver the medical examiner retrieved several small bullet fragments from the left side of the victim's head [Music] the fragments were too damaged to determine the make of the murder weapon seemed like a small caliber perhaps a 22. the medical examiner found no Powder burns on the victim's head this meant he had been shot from a distance magasha's partner said the driver often smoked a cigarette while waiting in the van though it was against company policy he usually opened his door to let the Smoke Out investigators believed The Killers knew this and shot him when he opened the door because of his experience tracking down elusive criminals now retired FBI special agent Ron Myers was transferred from The Fugitive task force to work the case from the beginning he knew they were not hunting amateurs one of the things they did that made us think that they were professionals was the manner in which they did the robbery they picked an isolated part of the shopping center where not many people parked where there wouldn't be many witnesses they drove through the type of neighborhoods where there weren't many people out during the day and they picked an empty parking lot of a church that had no one at it during the day investigators received dozens of calls to their tip line one witness came forward claiming to have some information that might be helpful he said he had seen a white van quickly leaving the mall at the time in question a red pickup truck followed not far behind but he wasn't sure if the two vehicles were together investigators were frustrated that no one saw the actual Ambush at the mall we couldn't find any eyewitnesses and when you don't really know what happened or you don't have somebody that can tell you uh what may be transpired with the van it's a mystery with no other solid leads investigators canvassed the neighborhoods between the mall and the church perhaps someone there had witnessed something Edward Moore a resident of Sun City recalled that he had seen the van on the afternoon of November 28th Mr Morgan was returning from the post office when he noticed the van and Mr Morgan stopped because he thought they weren't going to stop for the stop sign and was afraid he'd be hit at that time he noticed the white van with this red truck shortly behind it both speeding through the intersection and and driving off and he thought that was kind of unusual not only the way they were driving but the way that the red trucks seemed to be following the white van Mr Morgan couldn't recall details of license plates or the face of the van's passenger desperate for a break investigators wanted to place him under hypnosis to jog his memory Morgan agreed to travel to Texas with the investigators [Music] forensic hypnotists perhaps under hypnosis a witness could remember more details about the incident statements made under hypnosis cannot be used in court but some police agencies find it to be a helpful investigative tool under hypnosis Morgan returned to the events of November 28th he recalled the white van and the Man in the past investigators now believe there were at least three people involved in the heist two in the van and one in the red truck when asked about the truck's license plate Morgan was able to remember a portion it wasn't much but it gave investigators a start we had to go to the Department of Motor Vehicles to run all combinations of those license numbers and that produced several hundred possible Vehicles because Arizona does not have color on their motor vehicle registration so we knew we were looking for a particular type of truck but from looking at the motor vehicle registrations we didn't know what color they were on the registration which meant we had to do interviews of everybody on the list investigators eventually Tracked Down hundreds of truck owners was interviewed but no suspect emerged [Music] with his refreshed memory of the van's passenger Morgan worked with a police sketch artist [Music] there was no guarantee that the details were called through hypnosis were accurate but authorities were ready to try almost anything the FBI released the drawing to the media we're nearly a month now believed three men were involved in the Robbery Homicide yet is the end of 1994 approached they still didn't have suspects [Music] began to look like The Killers might never be found [Music] but the investigators did not know that the suspect in the composite sketch had been recognized [Applause] December of 1994 a month after the deadly hijacking of an armored car in Glendale Arizona the investigation had stalled [Music] investigators believed at least three people pulled off the heist they had a composite sketch of one and little else then on December 31st the investigators received a call a Mesa Arizona detective had been told that a local woman had information about the crime okay thanks [Music] the background check showed that the woman had a suspended license [Music] would make it easy to bring her in for questioning without arousing suspicions the FBI asked local law enforcement to pick her up on the suspended license charge [Music] the investigators asked the woman if she knew anything about the armored car robbery in Glendale she claimed that she didn't have any real information but she knew someone who did [Music] she told investigators that her friend Judy Espinoza had talked to her after the news reports of the robbery Espinoza suspected that her boyfriend might have been involved [Music] the woman told the investigators where Espinoza worked the investigators spoke with Espinoza [Music] Mr about the robbery reminding her that interfering with a federal investigation was itself a crime she agreed to answer their questions she explained that her boyfriend James greenham who went by the nickname Yoda had asked her what she would do if he held up an armored car and suddenly had a lot of money she told FBI special agent Ron Myers that greenham sometimes worked as a bounty hunter and was usually broke Jim never had a dime but the day of the robbery he came home that night told her he had to kill somebody and he had plenty of cash on his person she told us that Jim did his bounty hunting with a guy named Tim ring and that she had been over to Tim's Ring's house and noticed several new all-terrain vehicles jet skis a new motorcycle and Tim had made a comment about how she'd never know how much money was in that garage the information was good but it was only hearsay investigators needed more solid evidence Espinoza had kept several rolls of coins that greenham had given her [Music] the rappers were consistent with those used by merchants on the armored Vans route [Music] more than a month after the crime the investigators finally had names sure they looked into the two suspects backgrounds FBI special agent Stephen Chenoweth who's familiar with the name of one of the men [Music] Kim ring had been used as an informant in other FBI cases we had paid him for some information that he had furnished Us in the past and you know in order for us to get information from informants you aren't dealing with priests and and with you know good people you're dealing with bad guys out there and Ring's a bad guy and when you're ready focused squeeze the trigger Tim ring and James greenham had worked as prison guards in Phoenix and now worked Bounty Hunter jobs together through the crosshairs both had many hours of firearms training ring was an expert Marksman fire when ready pursuing bounty hunters would be dangerous foreign the fact that these suspects had law enforcement training in their background made the case pretty difficult for one they would be schooled in surveillance techniques if they were looking for somebody following them they'd know what to look for they'd know what to expect anybody following them to do so we had to be very cautious when we were following them around the FBI and Glendale Police began 24-hour ground and air surveillance they had to be covert you know if they're looking for air surveillance they're looking up you know well we're way over here because we can't see anything if we're right up here you know so we're way over here way over here the agents wanted to see how the pair earned money and how much they spent at the time that we were following uh Mr greenham and Mr Ring Around uh neither one was gainfully employed that we could tell they had no income coming in from any legitimate sources yet we observed them spending a lot of money ring overhauled his truck and greenham got a new apartment what motorcycles track their purchases it seemed the suspects did not exceed a certain level in order to avoid the attention of the Internal Revenue Service okay and they always seem to be careful whenever they spent their money to stay under the ten thousand dollar limit knowing that if they spent more than that in cash the expenditure would be reported by the businesses to the IRS foreign building a list of Associates they photographed everyone the suspects met still didn't know who the third partner was Glendale Detective Tom Clayton hoped surveillance would spot the three meetings somewhere we would watch them go to restaurants where they would meet we would see him go to strip clubs where they met a couple dancers that they knew the suspect spent a lot of cash unaware that investigators were watching circumstantial evidence linked them to the robbery and homicide but the FBI and Glendale Police still didn't know exactly what had happened and who else was involved thank you somehow the investigators had to get inside the Bounty Hunter's shadowy world as the FBI and Glendale Arizona Police continued to investigate a deadly armored car Heist they got a tip from an associate of their two main suspects [Music] Bounty Hunter Michael Sanders said that he had cased armored cars with two other men he believed those men did the Glendale hit without him angry at being cut out of the deal he decided to talk he gave FBI special agent Ron Myers Elite on the third perpetrator Sanders came forward to tell us that he thought that Tim rang and Jim greenham were involved in this armored car robbery and that an ex Phoenix police officer named Fergie who worked for camera shop in the Paradise Valley Mall might be the third man investigators needed to identify Fergie they reviewed their case photos surveillance teams had watched ring and green a meeting with a bearded man who drove a Camaro the car was registered to William Ferguson and was said Fergie was an ex-cop Glendale Detective Tom Clayton checked the Personnel records of the Phoenix Police Department as we investigated William Ferguson's background we found he retired at 20 years from the Phoenix Police Department and his retirement was uh precipitated by some disciplinary problems investigators began surveillance on Ferguson they saw that the ex-cop Met often with the other suspects and was also spending a lot of cash agents believed they had identified the three men responsible for the robbery and murder [Music] the investigation was affected by the three suspects having law enforcement training because we knew that they were going to cover evidence and they were also known to have firearms training which made them dangerous to the surveillance officers detectives and agents needed evidence linking the men to the crime during surveillance they began trash polls confiscating trash bags from the suspects in the hopes that some Clues might surface FBI technicians examined the trash in rings they found several three by five index cards each card had notes detailing armored car routes analysis confirmed the handwriting was rings [Music] but investigators needed more [Music] they wanted tapes of the suspects discussing the crime all three men had keys to James greenham's apartment FBI special agent Stephen Chenoweth believed they used the apartment as headquarters Timothy ring was married I had a wife children and I think the likelihood of discussions occurring in regards to this armored car robbery at his house or somewhat remote but we felt that they were occurring at greenham's residence so that was the impetus for which we decided to go ahead and proceed and place a listening device inside the apartment of uh of greenham [Music] special agent Myers was part of the team that entered the apartment to place the bug when we opened the door to go in an alarm went off immediately at which point we shut the door and exited the area we had to come back at a later time with an expert in alarms and when we went in the door that time we learned that it was just a real simple motion detector setting on top of the refrigerator and all we had to do was just flip the off switch it wasn't anything sophisticated at all while the team was inside greenham's apartment the detective surveilling Tim ring saw him leave his house ring owned a red truck like the one reportedly seen following the van [Music] the detective trailed behind ring after a few turns he realized where the suspect was headed foreign agents were still in the apartment Tim ring was headed that way ring often went to greenham's place even when greenham was out if he went to the apartment he would interrupt the planting of the bug s the team inside needed more time I'll pull them over and hold them until you get here the detective called in a uniformed officer to stop ring for speeding anything to delay the suspect what do you mean sir what's the problem the officer lectured ring on the dangers of speeding detectives wanted to keep him busy while the team finished at the apartment Let's Go Gang they're on their way over [Music] okay put everything away let's get this thing back they made it out just before ring arrived some notices investigators also tapped the home and cellular phones of the two other suspects to get them talking supervisory special agent Stephen Chenoweth released false information about the case I decided to make a press release talking about the investigation which we thought when they would hear would certainly generate some telephone conversations and other discussions amongst these three Suspects and it did have its desired effect and that they did talk about the information that we released and how accurate they thought it was and whether or not we were on the right Trail and and uh and whether or not they thought we were getting close to them breaking like nothing thoughts everything's wrong as the suspects talked the investigators listened [Music] we didn't get an actual confession where they said I did the armored car robbery what we got were several conversations among themselves about different aspects of the case they would always listen to the news follow any uh printed reports or follow any television stories and as soon as anything would appear on TV they'd call each other and they'd make comments like well this isn't the way it happened you know they'll never find that license plate the evidence against the suspects was building have you seen Judy lately but prosecutors wanted more direct statements about the crime before they ordered arrests [Music] investigators provoked the suspects one more time [Music] the Glendale detective went to James greenham's apartment when the suspect was out on the door he left his business card with the note lead 173 investigators watched greenham's response to the card he knew what the note meant the authorities considered him a lead greenham became destructed sped away from his apartment calling Tim ring on his cell phone [Music] agents kept watch from an airplane and listened in on the phone taps [Music] Irene drove out into the desert before stopping his card in my door look man they ain't got nothing on you don't worry about it ring tried to calm green him down promising that the authorities had nothing on them don't worry about it this is but greenham said he was scared I can't do this anymore he even threatened to commit suicide finally ring talk bring him down convincing him the authorities were not on to them but if I see one more cop said that if another cop contacted him he was going to bury the money it seemed a direct reference to the crime Sam 40 investigators felt they finally had enough evidence sent units to arrest greenham and Ferguson Jim greenham was arrested by one team William Ferguson was arrested by another and attempted to resist arrest but was quickly subdued Tim ring was lured down to the FBI office on the premise of looking at some photographs because rang had previously offered to help the FBI try to find who these people were which we believe was an effort on his part to try and find out what we knew the FBI agent who had previously used ring as an informant called The Suspect ring agreed to come in on February 16 1995 Tim ring arrived at the Phoenix FBI field office undercover agents were waiting for him in the lobby they believed he would not be armed at the FBI office but they couldn't be positive to ensure their safety they needed to surprise him we had two big Burly defensive tactics instructors one of which was a guy with 25 years of martial arts expertise who came up and blocked him in the head and knocked him down like a sack of potatoes before he knew what what he was doing all three suspects were off the streets now investigators needed physical evidence to make sure the prosecutions were successful on February 16 1995 after arresting three men for an armored car robbery and murder FBI agents in Glendale Arizona detectives searched the suspect's residences [Music] House of Tim ring suspected leader of the three they found important evidence investigators recovered a note marked with the initials F Y and T each initial had a number beneath it's like serial numbers the numbers added up to the amount of cash taken from the armored car agents believed F stood for Fergie why for greenham's nickname Yoda and T for Tim [Music] it was the worksheet the three used to divide the money in the garage investigators found a red pickup truck that resembled the vehicle seen by witness Edward Morgan in Sun City the license plate number however did not match the ones Morgan recalled under forensic hypnosis ring kept several weapons and plenty of ammunition at his house [Music] in a duffel bag agents also recovered 270 thousand dollars in cash [Music] another 64 000 was found we need to count all of it nearly 600 000 in cash had been stolen noting the money spent by the suspects investigators found that about one hundred thousand dollars was unaccounted for the case against the three suspects seemed solid [Music] FBI special agent Ron Myers hoped the evidence might get one of them to roll we finally got first-hand information about this crime when Jim greenam decided to cooperate Jim greenham was the only one of the three of them that showed any remorse about what they had done about how they had killed this driver Jim decided to cooperate uh he told us what happened he told us all the parts that these individuals played in the robbery greenham met with the investigators and explained that the planning started in the fall of 1994. first and I just watched Tim ring had the idea to hit an armored car I wasn't crazy about the fact what were you planning on so they began to case Wells Fargo vehicles they drove around Glendale following different trucks and vans on their routes then they zeroed in on the van driven by John magash a tailing it for days they managed to observe this one particular armored car making several stops and they noticed that every time the messenger would get out to make a delivery the driver would open the door about eight inches to smoke and blow the smoke out the side of the door they observed the driver at several stops and they noticed this one particular stop on the back side of a shopping center and noticed that he always parked in the same position on November 28 1994 the Monday after Thanksgiving the day they were sure a lot of money would be in the van they were ready to strike [Music] James greenham and William Ferguson waited unnoticed by the store they watched until The Courier was out of sight as if on schedule magash opened the door to smoke Tim ring was parked 50 feet away a stolen license plate on his truck the expert Marksman had a silencer on his 22 caliber rifle so no one would hear the shot he aimed through the opening and fired ones the force must have knocked my gosh's glasses to the ground with the driver down the van was unprotected no one noticed the vehicle they drove to the church parking lot [Music] it would be empty at that time of day [Music] they transferred the money and checks to the pickup they knew authorities would be searching for the van most of the coins and went to destroy the checks and other evidence according to Detective Tom Clayton they loaded the money into Tim Rings truck and drove out in the desert where they separated the money changed clothes and burned all the evidence greenham said they buried the burned evidence and stolen license plate in the desert and you can take us to where the plates are buried yeah special agent Stephen Chenoweth wondered if it was the plate witnessed by Edward Morgan we went out there and actually found the location and then dug it up and found that the three numbers actually on the plate did in fact match those that were given to us by Mr Morgan so he was actually right on on his information James greenen pled guilty to second-degree murder and armed robbery and is serving 27 and a half years William Ferguson pled guilty to armed robbery and accessory after the fact and is doing 17 years on December 6 1996 Tim ring was found guilty of first-degree murder conspiracy and burglary anytime that you have somebody actually assassinate a driver like this it's a very heinous crime and you certainly want to expend all of your resources in an effort to identify the people involved and and put them behind bars [Music] for his crimes ring received the death penalty he currently awaits execution at the Arizona State Prison in Florence [Music] early in the 1980s charismatic leader arose in Miami why art thou so far they drew the weak the poor and the powerless to his side he promised them a better life but they had to follow his commands to earn it his Temple soon sprouted across the country as thousands were drawn to his gospel those who questioned his Doctrine started turning up dead local police and the FBI had to stop it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] in Miami the discovery of a mutilated body it's an investigators on the trail of a deadly cult but agents found a wall of Silence around the cult's members potential Witnesses terrified of reprisals refused to talk I'm Jim calstrom former head of the FBI's New York office it would take a massive operation involving 120 agents in Seven Cities to bring down a deranged fanatic who believed he was God [Music] Friday November 13 1981 Miami Florida [Music] foreign on the outskirts of the city a construction Foreman was checking his work site on a dirt road He Came Upon something wrapped in blankets it was a body he called police [Music] detectives from Miami-Dade responded the foreman said he hadn't seen the bunny when he passed by earlier that morning what's Happening Here the body must have been laid there recently not yet the detectives inspected the remains it was an African-American male he had been decapitated detectives found only a set of keys on the victim there was no wallet or identification no you just four feet away detectives found the victim's head wrapped in sheets his fingerprints were taken in the hopes that they might help identify the man decapitations are rare usually performed to hide and murder victims identity according to detective John King that wasn't the motive here was no attempt to hide or prevent identification because they left the head actually on the scene usually if you're in a try to prevent an identification from being made you would take other body parts such as the hands or the head also it seems like it was more ritualistic than anything else how he was killed the victim's face was badly damaged visual identification would be difficult and unless the man's fingerprints were on record investigators would have no way of identifying him from his Prince perhaps the autopsy could tell them more the medical examiner determined that the victim had been severely beaten before his decapitation his nose was bloodied his teeth were broken and his eyes were swollen shut up his wrists showed ligature marks and sneaker tread marks on his body suggested he'd been kicked on the back of his neck the medical examiner found evidence of repeated blows from a dull blade it had been a large weapon perhaps a machete foreign the victim's fingerprints wouldn't be easy in 1981 the database wasn't computerized features of the print had to be compared manually against thousands in arrest files eventually one investigator hit the mark the victim's name was Aston green age 25. soon all right he had been arrested a month earlier for a misdemeanor driving charge in Fort Lauderdale they found no history of violent crime detectives went to Weston Greene's last known address his mother's house [Music] my son yes ma'am um can you maybe help us out by telling us after informing Mrs Green of her son's death detectives asked her about Aston [Music] she said her son had recently turned to religion very serious about it she'd last seen him two weeks earlier she prepared a vegetarian meal for him in accordance with his new religious beliefs talked about his conversion he explained he was a Hebrew Israelite a Yahweh he told investigators that his son was committed to his Yahweh beliefs foreign that's when we first heard the word Yahweh I had no idea what the Yahweh was all about I never heard the name before I knew nothing about them Aston Green's mother didn't know his new address though she did have a phone number she said he had a housemate but didn't know his name from the phone number detectives determined Green's new address about 12 miles from downtown Miami [Music] due to the violent nature of the murder they called for backup before approaching the house no one answered perhaps Green's housemate had been harmed too detectives decided to enter the house the key they found in Green's pocket fit the long way we entered the house thinking that hopefully we wouldn't find any other bodies but we wanted to check it out we found a number of items of her religious nature uh textbooks workbooks a lot of literature turned out that it was from the Hebrew Israelite religion there was no sign of the housemate [Music] we also found a machete that was tucked to the side of one of the sofas in the residence we immediately became interested in the machete because that could be a weapon to decapitate somebody the machete appeared to be clean investigators continued their search by the door they found a phone number they traced it to a house two miles away [Music] that's the detective King can we talk to you for a few minutes at the house the detectives talked with a group of Hebrew Israelites sorry to have to inform me among them was Aston Greene's housemate Carlton Carey all of them knew green through the Yahweh Temple they told investigators that green like themselves and grown disillusioned with the rigid social doctrine of the Temple in the temple but to them adherence to the Temple's leader was at too high a price they're colored turbans signified their desire to break away from it we spoke to them briefly we've got a little bit of background information on the temple and what it was all about and we asked them to respond to the homicide office so that we could take statements and uh in-depth interviews with them about what happened and what they knew several suggested that the killers were probably zealous members of the Yahweh Temple who wanted to silence those who questioned the doctrine series about most were afraid to say more especially to police [Music] they were already branded dissenters they feared any further Disobedience could be punished by Death well all the people that we spoke to perceived a great deal of danger because of threats that have been made to them um both on the phone and by Word of Mouth from other members that were still in the organization they were concerned for their safety and the death of Aston green certainly confirmed us the next day Green's housemates came to the police station to talk despite the threat Carlton Kerry and his wife wanted to help his wife was interviewed in a separate room at the station Kerry said that he and green had embraced the temple until recently when its leader hulon Mitchell started calling himself the true Messiah the charismatic leader of the temple Hulan Mitchell believed that blacks were descended from the Lost Hebrew tribe of Judah as followers of Mitchell members abandoned their given names they took a Biblical first name and adopted the last name of Israel Mitchell did not allow dissent among his followers Mitchell eventually changed his name to Yahweh Ben Yahweh which means God Son of God in fact during the interview we had with him he referred to human as not the Messiah but a crook and a swindler which was his characterization of healing Mitchell at that time Kerry still had reservations about talking to police [Music] detectives offered to escort him home all right he declined opting to leave with his wife alone you mean when they left the homicide office that night they didn't want to be escorted because any police being with them would be further attraction to anybody that saw them and they were concerned about being seen with anybody they didn't want us to escort them home Carrie and his wife took a winding route home to make sure no one had followed them [Music] foreign [Music] they never suspected someone to be waiting inside as Miami Police investigated the beheading of a dissident member of a religious group two informants were ambushed in their home Carlton Carey had been shot to death his wife Mildred Banks had also been shot and her throat was slashed she barely plunged to life like the beheading victim the two were dissident members of the Hebrew Israelites bloodied machete detective John King believed a similar weapon had been used in the earlier beheading the fact that machete was actually used in an attempt on Mildred's life certainly give more Credence to the belief that the Hebrew Israelites were involved in it detectives learned that many members of the Hebrew Israelite movement owned machetes [Music] he searched the house nothing found at the scene indicated who was responsible for the assault whoever the killers were they had cut the phone line and left no physical trace of themselves behind detectives Only Hope was Mildred Banks if doctors could save her perhaps she could name her attackers Mildred was uh very seriously injured as a result of the attack on her she was shot in the chest the bullet was still in her and she had a deep gash to the left side of her neck she was given a very low probability of surviving those injuries police waited several days to see if she would survive surgery [Music] without her description of events investigators had little hope of solving the case [Music] thank you Mildred Banks pulled through [Music] she was conscious investigators visited her in the recovery room [Music] though critically wounded she was able to answer questions from the police [Music] she said that she and her husband had driven by their house several times to be sure no one had followed them usually they saw no one so they went inside [Music] [Music] she was certain that her attackers were yahwehs sent because they had spoken to police that day she never saw their faces we were concerned that they may actually make an attempt on her at the hospital so we posted two police officers at all times with her throughout her stay at the hospital they were there 24 hours a day seven days a week for approximately one month the message of this most recent attack was clear to descending members of the Yahweh Temple those who spoke out or cooperated with police would suffer reprisals after the homicide of Carlton Kerry we were not able to locate any of the former members that had split from the temple they had fled in different directions they became scared and they just left detective King needed to learn more about the Yahweh organization he and his partner visited its Miami Temple we tried interviewing people and we really got nowhere every time we spoke to somebody it was praised Yahweh or you know see the public information office at the temple through a spokesperson hulon Mitchell the Yahweh leader claimed to know nothing about the murders and offered no help suspecting he knew more investigators began surveillance on the Yahweh Enterprise the surveillance was a sort of a constant rolling type surveillance where you drive by write down some tag numbers but to actually sit off and watch the place it was impossible because at all times there were guards standing outside the temple watching the front door detectives did learn that the Yahweh organization was extensive in Florida and in 13 other states the always-owned real estate buses and vehicles that the leader claimed totaled nearly 50 million dollars some said membership topped 12 000 in Florida alone most of these people are hard-working professionals that really didn't believe in a lot of what heel and Mitchell was teaching certainly they were not racist to the level that he was and uh they were not believing much of what he was telling them about him being the Messiah they did however believe much of what the religion itself taught you know surrounding Judaism and the Muslim religion since the Yahweh organization spanned several States the FBI began investigating supervisory special agent Herbert cousins was assigned as case agent [Music] he believed the organization demonstrated elements of domestic terrorism domestic terrorism investigation are conducted and group of individuals who engage in criminal activities to further their social or political goal and federal investigators look deeper into the organization yulon Mitchell invited the homeless the destitute and the ex-con to join his Hebrew Israelites the Lord shall swallow them up people with no job or family found a place to belong receiving food shelter and employment this kindness didn't reflect Mitchell's underlying mission [Music] we taught that blacks is the true Jewish people had a crucial role he told his followers that their Duty was to bring about heaven on Earth by destroying the white oppressors to his most Avid followers Yahweh Ben Yahweh was the Messiah and everything they had belonged to him including their labor to raise revenue the yahweh's manufactured and packaged their own hair care products tonics beverages t-shirts Wine and More the merchandise was shipped to his network of temples all over the country [Music] Yahweh required his members to reach certain income goals for their Temple by selling these Wares in turn the temple fed and sheltered them and even educated their children despite the allegations of violence and his thinly veiled message of hate Mitchell's Temple continued to prosper and spread according to assistant U.S attorney Richard Scruggs the general public was unclear about Mitchell's true intentions the Yahweh in the early 80s had been amassing power and property and they had a kind of a dual reputation people saw them as a somewhat scary group that they knew were preaching hatred and violence but at the same time they outwardly appeared to be quiet well-behaved mannered and they would go in and buy these properties into distressed neighborhoods and actually clean them up not everyone welcomed their presence in the neighborhood in May 1986 people in Delray Florida drove them out at around 2 A.M the same night the neighborhood was firebombed the fire destroyed the entire block and injured one adult and three children including a nine-month-old infant police suspected Yahweh members were responsible to recalled an incident that had the area about an hour before the bombing while cruising the neighborhood he spotted some men dressed in black standing near a van the area reeked of gasoline the men seemed suspicious but they weren't doing anything illegal they claimed they were having engine trouble took down the license plate number and left police determined that the van was registered to an elder at the Yahweh Temple hulon Mitchell denied any involvement in the fire bombing attack one of his followers was more cooperative we were able to develop an informant who actually walked into the FBI Who provided information regarding the group the informant confirmed investigative suspicions that Mitchell's henchmen were responsible for the firebombing but he had no direct evidence he then gave agents information about another crime he confessed that he had participated in the slaying of Aston green the man found beheaded on a dirt road he said that the dead man had been considered a threat since he openly questioned hulon Mitchell's Authority [Music] green was abducted from the temple and severely beaten the informant drove him there and another member carried out Mitchell's order to behead him why should we believe the information was crucial but limited investigators still had no physical evidence tying hulon Mitchell to Green's murder whatever authorities would have to carefully build trust among the ex-members detective John King reinterviewed Mildred Banks the woman who had been ambushed in her home following up from the information with Woodside I made contact with Mildred Banks and she turned me on to an individual that was a former member of the organization that might be able to assist me I subsequently made contact with that person who took me around to a number of locations where former members resided as investigators continued their search for a witness courageous enough to come forward received more to a murder victim was found in his car with both ears cut off police wondered if this ritualistic killing could be related to the machete attacks in September of 1986 as FBI and Miami Police investigated the leader of the yahweh's yulon Mitchell Police responded to another bizarre murder 61 year old Raymond Kelly was found stabbed to death in his vehicle both ears have been severed one was recovered at the scene police believe the killer took the other Metro Dade homicide Lieutenant Rex remley's Squad worked the case in the Dade County area we had experienced a number of cases in which victims had been murdered and there was an ear missing in several of those cases it appeared that it may be the same perpetrator that had committed the crime two investigate as it looked as if Kelly had been drinking just prior to his death detectives collected several sets of prints from the vehicle but what investigators found missing from the car held greater importance [Music] according to the victim's wife he always kept a 38 revolver in his glove compartment now it was gone the gun's serial number was entered into the National Crime information computer [Applause] if the gun turned up anywhere in the country Miami-Dade Police would be notified Weeks Later police in Opa-locka a suburb of Miami responded to emergency calls from residents of an apartment complex there was an apartment complex that had recently been taken under siege for lack of a better term by the yahwehs tenants who lived there called it the Dirt Road apartments a low-income housing project some local residents considered it an eyesore many were delighted when the Yahweh leader yulon Mitchell bought the property dirt road residents were not unfortunately for the residents their idea of taking the building over was to actually move the residents out and sometimes according to the residents that was by force where the yahwehs would actually come into their apartments and remove furniture and belongings while the people objected but had no real way to stop these individuals the yahweh's strong arm eviction efforts made the TV news one resident Anthony Brown was particularly outspoken I'ma stay here until I get eviction though I don't care what to say that he cursed the yahweh's leader yulon Mitchell investigators knew that Mitchell didn't tolerate public criticism Witnesses told police the tensions of the apartments continued after night fell foreign [Music] that evening violence erupted and two men were killed police responded to the double murder foreign the suspect carried nothing in his pockets except two bullets there it is nearby police recovered a 38 caliber revolver it was not the murder weapon police cross-checked its serial number in the crime computer but found no match any room right here just keep an eye on you the suspect was arrested and taken to the Opa-locka police station Metro Dade Lieutenant Rex remley interviewed him there I was just trying to get his basic information was that he had told me that he was nehriah Israel and when I asked him about his age he told me that he was over 400 years old so that that's the type of individual that I was dealing with the name he gave was a Yahweh name and police found Yahweh clothing in the car he had used to flee police suspected that he had been sent to silence those who had spoken out against the yahwehs a fingerprint match revealed that the suspect's real name was Robert Rozier he had spent time in prison for burglary and car theft Lieutenant remlay also learned that he was a former football player in the National Football League he then began to have problems after he had left his football career he had a history that went from crimes in Maryland to crimes in San Francisco area to crimes in Dade County so he had an extensive past rocio's arrest marked the first time an active member of hulon Mitchell's group was caught at a crime scene though they could only charge Rozier with loitering and prowling Authority suspected he was guilty of much more [Music] Miami Police looked for more information from residents who lived nearby the complex most residents were reluctant but several came forward we were able to determine that Mr Rozier had in fact been involved in chasing Mr Brown across the field he was present it was our feeling when the shots were fired where Mr Brown was killed and that he had also attempted to flee from the scene he was charged that morning with the murder of Mr Brown Lieutenant remley still wondered about the handgun found at the time of rozier's arrest it was a 38 revolver the same type missing from the car of murder victim Raymond Kelly though a computer check failed to match the guns Lieutenant remley pulled Raymond Kelly's file just to be sure there had to be more of a story to this gun and I finally found the documents that have been provided by the family that showed the serial number of this gun when I checked it I was amazed to see that it was the exact same gun that we had in pounded at Opa-locka that night unfortunately when the gun had been entered into the computer the one of the digits had been displaced in some way and therefore when we ran the gun found at the scene of the murder in Opa-locka it did not show as being Raymond Kelly's stolen weapon Robert Rozier was now connected to the murder of Raymond Kelly Prince lifted from Kelly's vehicle matched Rose ears his fingerprint was found at another slash year murder as well investigators had enough evidence to charge him with two slash-dier murders and the double murder at the Dirt Road apartments Rozier found himself facing four first-degree murder charges and very likely the death penalty [Music] as Miami investigators tried to close in on Yahweh leader hulon Mitchell they arrested a man suspected of being one of Mitchell's enforcers Robert Rozier sat behind bars facing four capital murder charges investigators hoped Rozier would turn on the leader the yahwehs and their organization became the target of public scrutiny Toulon Mitchell their leader refused to Meet the Press he stayed hidden behind his followers who passed out pamphlets explaining that Rozier had been framed the bad publicity could destroy all that Mitchell had built he hired a high-priced attorney in public relations expert it was Mitchell's first step in creating a new image for his organization quickly as possible what the hell do you want I'm here to help you Mitchell offered the attorney's legal help to Rozier Rozier quickly realized that the attorney was there to protect the interests of yulon Mitchell not rosiers but Rozier still refused to turn on the leader of the yahwehs Lieutenant Rex ramley recalls that the media attention prompted other insiders to talk the media brought out different stories about people that had been inside the organization who wanted to speak about what had occurred and it also brought other people to law enforcement who for maybe the first time realized that there was a significant reason at this point that people were being killed and it was time to come forward and tell what you knew right investigators got a call from Oklahoma thank you one of hulon Mitchell's relatives wanted to talk he told them she'd witnessed a martial arts expert from New Orleans beaten to death by yahwehs in 1983. she said Mitchell had ordered the beating the young man's name was Leonard Dupree Dupree was killed because yulon Mitchell believed the man had been disrespectful detectives Tracked Down Dupree's mother in New Orleans he confirmed that Leonard was a martial arts expert and had left home in 1983 to join the yahwehs but without a body or other evidence investigators couldn't arrest Mitchell while investigators were learning about hulon Mitchell's dark secrets he was opening his Temple to the public water coolers down the hall to improve its image Mitchell encouraged the most Avid followers to take work in the community at Large [Music] but one Avid member was beginning to change his mind about the leader he had followed so closely for weeks Robert Rozier sat behind bars watching hulon Mitchell distance himself further and further from the murder suspect then in June of 1987 Mitchell formally excommunicated Robert Rozier on live TV foreign with the symbolic stroke of a marker Mitchell had separated himself from Rozier permanently [Music] Rozier had no one left to protect but himself he decided to begin working with the FBI it was the break agents were hoping for just after his transfer to federal prison Rozier told investigators that he knew of at least 20 murders across the country that had been ordered by the Yahweh leader yulon Mitchell to agents it was clear that Mitchell hid behind organized religion as a front for organized crime [Music] Rozier also explained why he and another man killed Anthony Brown and Rudy Broussard at the apartments in Opa-locka for special agent Herbert cousins it confirmed what he already suspected Brown and Broussard were executed that's pretty much what happened they resisted being evicted from their homes and they spoke out on TV against the yahwehs and we were told that was the reason why they were murdered Rozier also confessed to the murder of Raymond Kelly and another man whose ears had been cut off Rozier told agents that the Yahweh leader directed him to kill as many white Devils as possible and to return with an ear is proof [Applause] with Rozier the FBI had a witness who could connect hulon Mitchell to deadly violence but because he was a killer himself Rozier wasn't an ideal prosecution Witness U.S attorney Richard Scruggs needed to find others willing to corroborate rozier's stories we just started traveling all over the country tracking down these individuals trying to convince them to testify and to cooperate one of the questions that we would get early on from the witnesses or from the prospective Witnesses was will I be at risk if I testify well something happened to me am I likely to get killed it's the only time in my 22 years of experience that I have told people because I felt like I had to tell them is that yes there is a chance that you will suffer retribution yulon Mitchell fought the investigation by continuing to polish his Public Image I would like everybody to give a nice warm welcome we continue to turn distressed buildings into gleaming properties as Yahweh Ben Yahweh he toned down his anti-white message and made large contributions to popular causes I think it'll make the area a better place watching Yahweh become stronger and stronger and watching him become more and more accepted by the community I as well as all of the investigators felt he had to be stopped [Music] enjoying all the legitimacy money could buy he seemed Unstoppable after almost a decade of Investigation the FBI still lacked enough evidence to arrest self-proclaimed Messiah yulon Mitchell intimidation and murder had silenced most who dared to speak out against him [Music] assistant U.S attorney Richard Scruggs had a difficult time persuading members to overcome their fear I prayed with people I begged people I cajole people I urged them to do the moral thing or urged them to do the ethical thing I urge them to fight a false religion and basically used every means I had available to me to convince people to cooperate those bold enough to stand up against yulon Mitchell the man who called himself the Son of God were placed under witness protection do hereby Proclaim Sunday October 2nd 1909 is Yahweh Ben Yahweh dead as Mitchell continued to thwart the investigation privately publicly his legitimacy grew as Yahweh Ben Yahweh he's having photo op sessions with the mayor the mayor proclaimed Yahweh bin Yahweh day and their banners on the streets saying you know proclaiming Yahweh bin Yahweh day in October 1990 despite his public successes the FBI filed sealed arrest warrants for him and a dozen of his followers they were kept secret to allow the FBI a month to plan the arrest agents dubbed the plan operation Jericho special agent Herbert cousins knew it would be dangerous to take Yahweh Ben Yahweh and Miami since he was at the height of his popularity there the main issue for law enforcement was safety the safety of the individuals the law enforcement members involved in the arrest and also the safety of innocent individuals and the safety of Yahweh members including Yahweh Ben Yahweh a fortunately Mitchell and others named in the indictment were scheduled to embark on a multi-city tour Yahweh Ben yahweh's first stop would be in New Orleans the road back here the main arrest team would seize him at his hotel once he was in custody teams in six other cities would capture his henchmen across the South there were a number of arrest teams in different cities several cities Atlanta North Carolina New Orleans Miami I was sent to New Orleans to assist the New Orleans division with the arrest of Yahweh Ben Yahweh on November 6 1990 yulon Mitchell arrived at the Monteleone Hotel in New Orleans the FBI was already there [Music] to track Mitchell's movements undercover agents were posted on every Floor coming up now throughout the South teams took their positions outside Yahweh temples and waited for orders from Miami success depended on an unbroken flow of communication the agents in Miami coordinated the entire operation everybody's ready to go at 3 A.M everyone was in place they gave New Orleans the go-ahead yeah agents in the hotel called Mitchell's room first instruction was that he instructed his bodyguard to turn himself into the agents who were waiting down the hall Mr Bodyguard the second instruction was that he come out with his hands up and that he walked slowly down the hall let's go let's go let's go agents didn't know if Mitchell or his bodyguards were carrying weapons to your hand the main suspect emerged they sent word to Miami for an arrest Mitchell was captured let's go the other team swarmed in arresting the criminal members of Mitchell's Temple next passenger open the side door that's the rear of the van in a matter of minutes scores of Agents mobilized to capture a dozen suspects across hundreds of miles [Music] no one was hurt we accomplish our goal we're rested as many individuals as we could identify during the operation and that's why I believe it was very successful yulon Mitchell was charged with extortion conspiracy and murder in Aid of racketeering prosecutor Scruggs believed he was still dangerous we found out that there was actually a hit team of five individuals who were stalking us trying to find out where we were so that they could kill us upon the orders of Yahweh Ben Yahweh at trial his intimidation even penetrated the jury we knew there were serious problems we knew people were scared several jurors actually got dismissed prior to deliberations because they were scared to go back and deliberate perhaps it was fear that caused what prosecutors considered only a partial victory [Music] in May 1992 yulon Mitchell and six of his more violent followers were found guilty of conspiracy but Mitchell himself received only 18 years in a Maximum Security Federal Prison it had been a difficult case for investigators he found a successful philosophy that people would flock to and actually start joining and pledge their allegiance to him and I think the more power he obtained the more influence he he obtained over his followers that he ultimately lost control of himself and he believed in his own mind he could do anything even order life and death [Music] yulon Mitchell is locked away his murderous actions halted by those who saw through his false gospel [Music]
Channel: Real Crime
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Keywords: true crime, real crime, true crime documentary, crime documentary, murder documentary, full documentary, crime documentary channel, hd documentary, channel 4, hd crime documentary, documentary movies - topic, full length documentary 2022, true crime documentary usa, real crime channel, best documentaries on youtube, full documentary 2022, free crime documentary, tv shows - topic, fbi, fbi files, fbi files full episodes, investigation, police, criminal, prison, jail, Fbi files s3
Id: NOogCFHKr8c
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Length: 447min 10sec (26830 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2022
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