Favorite Science Fiction Books Recommendations From Booktubers Around the World

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hey guys welcome back to my channel i'm eric and i like to read and today i have a really exciting announcement to share with you guys as well as a fun recommendations video so as you all know i did a video a little while back where i recommended my top sci-fi reads that i've read so far and so today i'm going to be doing another sci-fi recommendations video but this time we're going to be getting recommendations from all other booktubers that are going to share with us their favorite sci-fi books i'm really excited about this i am always looking for new sci-fi reads and i've gone through all these clips and all these books sound really interesting some of them i have heard about some of them i have not heard about so i'm excited for you guys to see what they recommend and just to see these great booktubers they're all fantastic people and i will have all of their channels linked in the description down below the part that i'm excited about for this video is i partnered with an author to do a sponsored giveaway so this author monish he has a website which i'm going to link in the description down below and it also has the link to like the special giveaway page that he made for this giveaway all the details for the giveaway i'm going to give you guys at the end of the video so make sure to watch through to the end and you'll get all the information about the giveaway but let me tell you guys it is a good one you guys are going to love this giveaway and it's a big prize anyways let's get on to the recommendations by the booktubers so i'm just going to start it off by jumping right into their recommendations let me know in the comments down below if you have read any of these books that they recommend and what you thought of them because i actually haven't really read any of these books and so i'm excited to see what other people think about them or if you're interested in any of these books definitely let us know in the comments down below hey guys my name is chelsea from the channel chelsea jowl i am a 31 year old stay-at-home mom who reads basically everything any genre any age group and i absolutely love sci-fi so when eric asked me to talk about one of my favorite sci-fi books i could not pass up the offer and the book that i wanted to talk about today is going to be heroin complex by sarah kuhn when people think sci-fi i feel like a lot of people only think in space and that does not have to be the only sci-fi available this one here is about superheroes this is one that i read last year in 2020 and just absolutely loved this follows our main character of evie tanaka who is an asian american and she is like the personal assistant to evita jupiter who is a superhero and after evita jupiter has a tumble and gets a little bit hurt she has to stand in for her and it actually comes to light that evie has powers of her own that she has been hiding this book read so much like a b action movie like it had the action but it was also very humorous very tongue-in-cheek like our opening scene here has demon cupcakes can we even see like up here demon cupcakes it is so hilarious there's also some romance in here as well which i was not expecting but i was very very happy to have that because i love me a little bit of romance no matter what genre i am reading and yeah i could not pass up the opportunity to talk about this book it is so fun it is the first in a series which i definitely need to continue because i have not done it yet but i have never heard anybody else talk about this book besides me so i definitely need some people that are willing to go pick up this book and read it so we can talk about it and then that will be it for me i hope you guys enjoyed my recommendation and i hope to see you guys later hi thank you for having me eric my name is tina and i'm from sound and fury book reviews i read a lot of sci-fi so this was an incredibly difficult decision but i managed to narrow down my favorite science fiction book to this military sci-fi called valor's trial by tanya huff this is part four of the confederation series the first one is called valor's choice i have like an omnibus here the first two what i love so much about this series and specifically this book isn't so much the action which is really good but the characters the main character is a staff sergeant tauren care and she's a professional soldier and she's in charge of a team of well mainly aliens there are humans too of course but in this universe earth has teamed up with several alien species each of which has a very in-depth and diverse culture i jokingly call myself a xeno anthropologist because i love love books with you know really cool alien cultures and this series is just full of them it's kind of like becky chambers wayfarer series if you've read that but with a lot more action it's also funny and exciting it has moments of poignancy and emotion and tauren is just an absolute badass of a character i absolutely adore this book and i could talk about it all day but i won't so thanks again for having me i absolutely love sci-fi and i kind of struggled to only pick one book to recommend today but one of my favorites from anything i've read over the last few years has to be children of time by adrian tchaikovsky in a far future humans are forced to leave a dying planet earth behind and they seek refuge in one of the planets that they started terraforming centuries earlier but something goes horribly wrong this is incredibly original and incredibly entertaining mind you this is not a pow pow power and space sort of book but rather it says as modern sci-fi can get and the only reason why you should stay away from this book is if you're really afraid of spiders thank you so much eric for inviting me for this collaboration i'm really excited to see what books other people have picked i'm angela my channel is literature science alliance i am a phd candidate in a scientific field and i love to read i love to read science fiction and fantasy primarily in adult but i read some young adult and i also read a little bit of everything but as you can tell from my shelves i primarily read adult sff and today i'm supposed to talk about my favorite science fiction and that's really hard i love a lot of science fiction but i'm going with my favorite scientific series machineries of empire by yoon hali especially since i don't think this gets nearly enough buzz and it is one of the most unique things i have ever consumed so what i will say though is that this is a very confusing series and you just have to trust it if you just trust it and you're like i don't know what's happening that's where i was and it will all make sense by the end just enjoy the characters and how insane and awesome they are what we have here is cheris she is the captain of basically the kell army for her unit so this is a military sci-fi too so know that going in and basically she's too good at her job and the higher ups are like well we need you to do this other job and it's basically not quite a suicide mission but it's not ideal and in the process she has to basically team up with a general from the past and this general is the best never lost a battle but he also might be insane and you get to learn about this world that's insane and the sci-fi elements are basically almost magical to me like they are based off math and they do follow rules but it's so cool like when someone said hey write science fiction the imagination unholy had ran wild and it has one of the most satisfying endings i've ever read like the third book in this series revenant gun i picked up and it was a five star read from the first page i will say nine fox gambit is like a four four and a half star same with the second book raven stratagem but like the whole series is just so satisfying so unbelievably unique in its execution and what's in it and i love military sci-fi i think it's really fun i like it a lot more than military fantasy so that's what i have today and thanks again for having me hello i am cece from cece's reading journey thank you eric for putting this together when he asked me to recommend one sci-fi i was like oh my god how am i gonna decide one of my favorite setups in science fiction is when there's a humorous approach and one of my favorite books of all time is exactly that but it is so unknown potentially because it's a german writer so i want to introduce you to quality land quality land is a humorous approach at social criticism when it comes to a more immediate near future you can see a lot of topics that we nowadays already see in our society in our environment pushed to a humorous potentially even version on the absurd i love absurd as long as it stays logical and mark over cling is nailing that quality land is pretty much the best country on earth there's a universal ranking system that decides everything in your life like who you're dating career opportunities and everything there's uh foolproof algorithms of the biggest most successful company in the world the shop that knows what you want before you do and conveniently delivers it with a drone to your doorstep before you even order it now we have our main protagonist who gets an item from the shop that he absolutely knows that he does not want and he tries to return it but doing that means he has to prove that the perfect algorithm that the shop is using is wrong which pretty much calls into question the very foundations of quality land i urge you to just go and read the first chapter if you like what you get as a preview on amazon if you like the humor you're going to love this book and you will pretty much immediately see if that humor is the right type for you i urge you to just look it up it is a brilliant humoristic attempt at sci-fi and i just hope that more people get to love it as much as i do under the next one bye hello readers i'm amy myers here to talk about the humans by matt haig i just finished reading this yesterday and i'm absolutely in love with it i picked this up because the premise reminded me of third rock from the sun which is a tv show i grew up watching where this alien comes down to earth to live in this physics professor's body and tries to figure out how to be human and what it means to be human and we have a similar premise in the humans where you have an alien come down into a mathematician's body the mathematician has recently solved this big complicated math problem that will change human society and human technology in a way that the aliens believe they are not ready for yet and his mission is to kill the humans who know about the math problem and so he comes down and he's trying to figure out how to be human what does it mean to be human what does it mean to build relationships with people and he's really trying to he's struggling to insert himself into the lives of his supposed wife and son so definitely recommend this wherever you are in your sci-fi journey this is really easy for beginners to get into there's very little actual math in it knowing the math is not at all important to the story so if you are looking to get into sci-fi or if you just want a little lighter sci-fi this is a really fun one to get into it also has very short digestible chapters which is always a plus hi eric hi eric subscribers my name is mary and my channel is mary jo hedrick um and today i'm gonna be recommending some of my favorite sci-fi books for you guys um sorry if you can hear my dogs running around in the background they are they can't be tamed but uh the first book that i wanted to recommend is actually a trilogy and it is the remembrance of earth's past series by cetsan liu um and the first book in that trilogy is the three body problem this is a hard science science fiction and it follows the first contact with aliens trope um it is translated from chinese so it is set in china primarily but it basically follows a secret organization that has been in communication with a um an alien planet um and it's just how that affects the earth and how different factions of the earth's population react to an alien invasion um this series is super good but it is very science heavy um and it is a little slower to start so if those are things that you don't love then maybe it's not for you but i really enjoyed it and also i'm not like a science major and i don't have like a scientific background in any way and i was able to understand it fine so if that's concern of yours i don't think that's really necessarily an issue for those books um and what i loved about them was really like the concepts that cece and liu brought um just regarding the way that humanity would react to a threat like that uh the next book that i want to recommend is 2001 a space odyssey by arthur c clarke this is another um hard science science fiction but this is a classic sci-fi from the 60s um and it basically follows our main character who is on a space mission to find again another um first contact with aliens they believe that there are aliens on uranus and so he is on the way to go to uranus um and his ship has a an artificial intelligence sort of programming it and the artificial intelligence fails um so it's about him having to survive in space um and get to his destination uh this book is really atmospheric so if you like atmospheric sci-fi i would highly recommend it and it's like got a really ominous feel just because the space syste or the the ship's system is going down and so you just sort of you feel his like fear and um it's got like almost like a thriller feel to it if that makes sense and then the third book that i want to recommend i don't have to show you because i borrowed it from the library but it's the book of m by ping shepherd which is more of a like dystopian sci-fi and it's basically um it's set on earth and there is this disease going around where people are losing their shadows and once you lose your shadows you lose your memory and then a lot of weird stuff starts happening and it goes from there and the book of them is really interesting it follows a bunch of different perspectives um so you follow a man who whose wife has just lost her shadow seven days ago you follow the wife um because she gets separated from her husband and so you sort of follow them both on their different tracks and what's interesting about this book is you also get to follow um perspectives of like a scientist who's trying to figure out how to stop uh or how to fix people's memories once they lose their shadows um so that book was really really interesting and it's also very character driven and really impactful emotionally i felt so those are my sci-fi picks um i hope you guys i or eric i hope this was helpful um and uh that's it okay bye hey i'm jesse from the channel the coffee mom and while i am primarily a fantasy reader i have been dabbling a little bit in sci-fi and wanting to really read more of it this year so when eric asked me if i wanted to share my favorite sci-fi book of course i said yes but of course i have two to share with you one is definitely more sci fantasy so if you are like me and you're more of a fantasy reader the fifth season by mk jemisin like i said this is psy fantasy it is very much got aspects of both so if you're a sci-fi reader wanting to read more fantasy go for this if you are a fantasy reader wanting to read more sci-fi also go for this i think it's a really good blend of both genres but if we want to get into my favorite like legit just sci-fi book born by jeff vandermeer this is weird sci-fi and we are actually following a girl named rachel and she is a scavenger in this kind of post-apocalyptic world and she is one day scavenging for like supplies and food and she comes across this bio thing we don't really know what it is it's like a sea urchin and she brings it home and things just kind of go from there we have this like really cool relationship between her and her boyfriend and then this giant flying bear and a company called the company that creates biotech that is like taken over this city and this sentient blob being that we're not really sure if we like it or not or if it's childlike or evil and it's just so good it is so hard to describe this book because it is weird sci-fi but definitely recommend this one hello my name is noelle my channel is noel 7 pages and i am recommending my favorite sci-fi which is also my favorite book which is also my favorite series of all time molly moon's incredible book of hypnotism by georgia bing you could see my copy has been very well loved through like the decades it's like ripping too this is like the lightest light sci-fi that there is this is a middle-grade story and you follow molly who's an orphan girl in england and she stumbles across this mysterious book of hypnotism and she learns that she's actually a very gifted hypnotist and you follow her as she does some wild things gets into some real mischief and it turns into kind of almost like a middle grade thriller it's very mysterious very fast-paced each book in the series she learns a new skill so this first book she learns hypnotism the second book is molly moon stops the world then molly moon's hypnotic time travel adventure and then molly moon mickey minus and the mind machine originally i think this was the end of the series and then they switched publishers and now there's two more books so there are six books total i love molly i love her best friend rocky if you like found family you will like this if you like grounded or light sci-fi you will probably like this if you need a good feel-good middle grade that still has a lot of substance to it and really interesting like commentary and discussions that are brought up in a very like palatable easy to understand way because it's like written for kids you'll love it so it's my favorite book of all time not to put too much pressure on you but if you do read it you are welcome to come over to my instagram and scream in the dms with me about it so that's molly moon and thank you to eric for including me okay bye hello everyone i'm michaela kathleen from the channel mk books and i'm not a huge sci-fi reader i tend to stick to fantasy or contemporary usually the closest i get to sci-fi is dystopian and so i first read the book that i'm recommending because of the movie franchise this is a book that is a little more well known by its movie franchise and that is jurassic park by michael crichton and i really enjoyed this book because of its very intelligent writing very kind of dense writing which sounds like a bad thing but actually the parts that i enjoyed most were when creighton is just talking about humanity and its future through the lens of science and technology so if you are familiar with the movies but have not read the books i would highly recommend these and of course this is a duology so there are two books that are both just as enjoyable as the other so yes my recommendation for a good sci-fi book would be jurassic park hi eric so my pick for you is going to be one that i've read recently and it's become one of my favorites and that is side hi my name is kara and my channel is the book bella and i'm going to be talking about one of my favorite books i do love sci-fi this was a really hard decision but because this book has lived so vividly in my memory and it is also considered a classic that was published in 1966 i decided to pick flowers for algernon this book was absolutely incredible it's not just a sci-fi book it's an exploration of the human condition this is about a 32 year old man named charlie who is mentally disabled he has been going to school of a night class trying to learn how to read he decides to undergo an experiment that was that's supposed to make him smarter the one of the most interesting things about this book is the fact that it takes place completely within progress notes these progress notes you can actually see them get more and more advanced as the book progresses it's about a man who is becoming more and more intelligent this book will break your heart it will shatter you almost but it is one of the most beautiful books that i have ever read and i love it dearly this book has a trigger warning for child abuse abuse and bullying it will leave you feeling so many things but the amazing thing about it is is that you really bond with a character you really see like a growth and development you really see how people respond to him depending on how intelligent he is and how people when he is right especially right at the beginning of the book is taken advantage of it is a wonderful study of intelligence and how a divide can exist depending on how intelligent you are in comparison to other people all i can say is just please please please read this book it is definitely worth the time hey i'm kayla and my channel is crack into a good book so i just want to say first of all thank you to eric for you know putting this together i always enjoy watching these collaborative videos about you know fun recommendations so i'm very excited to talk to you about a sci-fi recommendation today you know this is a hard choice for me narrowing down which one i wanted to choose because i've read a lot of really great sci-fi books but the one that i want to recommend to you is empire of silence by christopher rocchio and this is the first book in the sun eater series so there are three books out currently i think the fourth one is coming out in 2022 but he's been publishing them pretty regularly so you know like that's exciting for a longer series basically we follow our main character who is revered as a hero and despises a murderer and he's recounting his life in this like really epic space opera they also remember him as a monster the devil who destroyed a son and you know casually annihilated 4 billion human lies even the emperor himself against imperial orders but he was not a hero he was not a monster he was not even a soldier on the wrong planet at the right time for best reasons he starts down a path that can only end in fire he flees his father and a future as a torturer only to be left stranded on a strange backwater world so he's essentially forced to fight as a gladiator and navigate the intrigues of this planetary court he must fight a war he didn't start for an empire he doesn't love against an enemy he will never understand so yeah i think this series reminds me a lot of the king killer chronicles and that you obviously have this structure of this guy recounting his life like we know that he is the sun eater but we don't know how he got to that point so i think that's a really fun structure of like you know filling in the gaps between his early life and what we know now i think it has a similar quality of writing i think the pacing is works really well in general for me it is a bit of like a slower burn i think you have a lot of complex things building up it's really fun to see where everything goes i think they're not that's not to say that like all moments in these books are slow there's some really fast-paced action scenes that are just absolutely insane but i think it's it's more of like this intricate world building that you have to go through so in general like i have really loved this series so much you know it's fun to see our character as he ages and perhaps you know grows wiser maybe i think there's a lot of really cool elements in all of these books it never fails to surprise me there have been some truly shocking moments we also have some really exciting enemies it's fun to learn more about the history of this world i think there are some really intriguing elements with the most recent book we do have some more of like horror sci-fi elements which is really fun so there's a lot of really cool ideas here so like sometimes it feels like it could almost be like a sci-fi fantasy especially here with this more like gladiator element and so with this particular book it starts off you know on this planet but then it really expands the scope after that to you know the galaxy i think we have a lot of really great side characters obviously our main character is a legend at this point but following him as he grows up allows us to see him as a person rather than the legend after finishing each of these books i've been left with this like massive book hangover where i'm like i don't know what i even can read next because it's just such an intricate world and it's just like so richly developed that i feel like anything after that is going to be a bit of a letdown so i really love this series i would highly recommend it i don't feel like i really hear that many people talk about it on booktube so definitely check this out thanks again to eric for including me in this video hi loves i'm ry from rise reading corner and i'm super super excited to recommend the science fiction book for you because i feel like it's a book that many people don't know about and for me i have just kind of started getting into science fiction and so i think this is a really good book to bridge you into the world of science fiction because it is y a so that's those y elements it's easy to understand and it's a quick read and this is girls with sharp six by suzanne young so this is about a school called the innovations academy where you are all these girls attend and they go there it's very prestigious and you pretty much you only go if you come from a wealthy family and when you're at this academy you learn to be a well-behaved woman and to pretty much learn to bow down to men well this academy that they're attended to has a lot more secrets behind them than what is kind of seen out there and that's kind of where the sciency fiction elements come into it the surprise in this book and the twists is so big i did not see it coming and i think that's why i like this book so much it's actually a series and the third book recently just came out in march so and that is the finale so this is definitely a binge-worthy series that you could start and finish and read it all very quickly because like i said it's y a if you like boarding school element if you like people are girls really in general fighting against the patriarchal society win a mix of science fiction this is the book for you and like i said i think it's a really good bridge for those that are not as kind of maybe comfortable with the science fiction genre so i hope you pick up this book and enjoy it as much as i did and those are all the recommendations by the booktubers that got together to help me out with this video once again i want to say thank you to everybody that participated in this video i was so excited to make this and have all of you guys collaborate with me and so it was really fun to put this video together and i was really excited to see all your different recommendations i know some of these are definitely going on my like to read list so yeah now for the giveaway details so i partnered with monish and he's an author and we're going to be doing this giveaway the giveaway is gonna last from now until may 24th so that's three weeks you have three weeks to enter this giveaway three weeks to share it around and on may 24th we will be announcing a winner to enter this giveaway all you have to do is be subscribed to my channel and sign up for his newsletter which talks about books talks about movies and entertainment talks about all that stuff so it's really easy to enter this giveaway and the best part is guys the prize for the giveaway is all six books from my favorite recommendations for sci-fi video so he is going to be gifting all six of those books to whoever wins this giveaway how awesome is that he is so excited to do this giveaway with me i'm so excited to do this giveaway with him because i've never done a sponsored giveaway before i've done sponsor prizes for readathons but this is like my first sponsored giveaway and so i'm so excited and honestly i'm pumped for whoever wins this giveaway because if they get all six books from my sci-fi rex video like i loved all those books and so i'm really excited to see how this person enjoys these books and hopefully they like them as much as i did but yeah you're gonna be getting a bundle of six awesome books good luck to all of you that enter i hope one of you guys win and get this really awesome prize and whoever does win i better be hearing from you to see how you feel about these books because i love them so i'm excited and now for our independent bookstore shout out okay guys so today's independent bookstore shout out is for galliano island books that's located on galliano island in british columbia so this is their website they have a whole bunch of reels that you can go through with these really adorable banners like i love this and they also have puzzles and games in their store which is really cool they also have this section at the top where you can go to the rare book room and this lists the rare books that they have in their store and then they also have a bargain books area where you can get books that are like normally regular price for a lot cheaper so that's pretty awesome i see some on here that like i recognize and yeah so you can definitely check through their site to see if you can find anything that's on bargain and get a deal so if you want to do that you can go to gallianoislandbooks.com and that's it for my video guys if you want to support me i have a patreon and a coffee page which i'll put in the description down below as well as a link to buy my bookmarks you guys know the drill don't forget to like and subscribe hit that bell notification button so you get notified when i post new videos i post my videos on mondays and thursdays until next time keep on reading [Music] um
Channel: Breakeven Books
Views: 2,201
Rating: 4.8895025 out of 5
Keywords: science fiction books, science fiction, best science fiction books, books, top 10 science fiction books, sci fi books, best sci fi books, top science fiction books, top ten science fiction books, best science fiction, science fiction books to read, top ten science fiction, top 5 science fiction audio books, top 10 sci fi books, top 5 science fiction books you never heard of, sci fi books recommendations, top 10 science fiction, book recommendations, booktube, Breakeven Books
Id: 53igofPN4DU
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Length: 30min 16sec (1816 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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