- Hey, Doctor Barry here. In this quick video I'm
going to talk to you about a topic that is so important, fatty liver and how to cure it? That's right, cure it, get rid of it, you don't have it anymore, okay. Fatty liver disease is a
huge epidemic in the US and the UK, Australia, Canada. You're gonna wind up losing
a loved one you cherish to fatty liver if we don't
start turning the tide on this epidemic. Before I get started
please take one second, click the subscribe button, that way every time I have a bright idea you'll be one of the
very first to know, okay. Now, fatty liver disease, this is a huge epidemic that you may not have heard of at all. Maybe you have but if
you haven't you need to and so do your friends and neighbors. Fatty liver, also called non-alcoholic
fatty liver disease, or if your liver's inflamed we sometimes as doctors call it non-alcoholic
steatohepatitis, okay. All these things mean
basically the same thing, that your body has
inappropriately stored fat in your liver. Not a good thing, huge risk factor for liver failure, for death, for heart disease. We'll get into all that
in just a few minutes. Let me give you a few facts about fatty liver disease
and how common it is? You're gonna be blown away by this, okay. And then at the end of this
video I'm gonna tell you how to cure fatty liver in either yourself or a loved one, okay. First of all, 30 to 40% of adults in the US and in most Western
Society have fatty liver, three to four out of 10, right. That's nuts. That's ridiculous, okay. And fatty liver's self-inflicted and I'm gonna tell you how to cure it. But three out of four
out of 10 people you know have fatty liver disease as an adult. What about kids? Of course kids don't have this, right? No, you're wrong. One out of every 10 kids in America, down to as young as three years old, depending on how terrible their diet is, can have fatty liver disease, yeah. There are actually teenagers on the liver transplant list now because of their fatty liver disease. I mean, all doctors in
America should literally hang their head in shame
that this is occuring because it's entirely, 100% preventable and 100% curable if you eat the right diet and do the things that I talk about later in this video. Of type two diabetics, if you're a type two
diabetic you have a 40 to 80% chance of having
fatty liver disease, okay. So if you're a type two diabetic, if you're overweight, if you have insulin resistance you're almost guaranteed to have fatty liver disease, so you really need to do what I'm about to talk about, okay. So why do we care? Well, because it is now the leading cause of liver failure and people being on the liver transplant list. It's even more dangerous than alcoholism, than overdosing on Tylenol, than having hepatitis, that's how bad fatty liver disease is. So you really need to do these things I'm about to talk about
'cause I wanna teach you how to fix your fatty liver. I wanna teach you how to help your mom fix her fatty liver or your uncle or your
friend across the road. Because if they have fatty
liver it's quite possible that their doctor hasn't
even made a big deal about it, okay, but it is a huge deal. So how do you fix fatty liver? You know me, I talk about the practical. I talk about the common sense. I talk about what you can do today to begin to fix things? And that's what I'm gonna
talk about in this video. First I wanna tell you
about the most likely things that are gonna fix this
and then we'll talk about a few other things
that might help a little bit but I want you to always focus on the 80%. Don't focus on the 20%, right, focus on the big picture, what's really gonna have the most effect for the least amount of effort, and that's what I'm gonna talk about first 'cause that's the most important. Now, if you have someone
who has fatty liver or who is overweight or type two diabetic that you know, please share this video with them 'cause it could literally
change their life and literally save their life, right. Here we go. In Western Society, in America any time we wanna fix a problem what do we do? We wanna buy something, we wanna go get something, we wanna basically add something to the system, right? And for fatty liver like
many of the diseases, the chronic diseases
that we all suffer from, it's not a question of what you add to the disease it's a question of what do you subtract? What do you take out of your system? What do you stop putting in your system? And fatty liver disease falls perfectly in this category. If you want to cure your
fatty liver disease you have to stop fructose. You have to stop sugars. You have to stop starches. You have to stop simple carbs, that's it. That is the cure. I'm not joking, you can literally turn
off the video right now and go and make those changes in your life and cure your fatty liver, okay. Now, I'm gonna get into a few more details so you might wanna stay tuned but it's up to you because that's he 80%. Literally fructose, sugars, starches, simple carbs, that's it, stop those. Those are poisoning your body. They are making your
biochemical digestive system inappropriately lay down fat in your liver and also lay down fat in your pancreas. Fatty pancreas is also a very bad thing. I've got another video
back on my channel here about fatty pancreas if
you wanna check that out. But fatty liver as we talked about is a huge medical risk, so you gotta fix this. Okay, so fructose, whether it comes from a soft drink in the from of high fructose corn syrip or whether it comes from a delicious, ripe organic peach is digested
completely differently in your body from other
sugars and starches, okay. And it's highly likely
it's going to be laid down as fat in your liver. So you've gotta get the fructose out of your life completely, but don't just think it's fructose and nothing else, okay. Because you know sugar, sugar's made up of glucose
and fructose, right. So if anything is presweetened, that's gonna make your fatty liver worse or it's gonna increase your risk of developing fatty liver disease, okay. All the starches, all the simple sugars, as soon as you eat them
and your acid breaks them up and digests them they
turn into some combination of glucose and fructose, that's right, exactly right. Even the carbs in broccoli break down ultimately into glucose and fructose but they're so locked up in the fiber and they're so blended with great vitamins, minerals and nutrients
that I think it's okay to get those carbs in
cruciferous vegetables, in leafy greens, I think those carbs are acceptable because they're so locked up in the fiber if you eat them raw or lightly steamed and they're so filled with nutrition, I think they're okay. But the starches from any grain, any grain whatsoever is going to make your fatty liver worse. You gotta stop the grains. You gotta stop anything
that has fructose in it and you gotta stop the sugars, the starches, that's it. That's the solution, that's the cure. We could literally wipe out the epidemic of fatty liver disease by
just following those things. One more thing you've
gotta get out of your life because it inflames your liver
which can cause your liver to jay down more fat than
it might would otherwise, is the vegetable oil. And I do this because there's no
vegetables in them, right. Canola, safflower, soybean oil, all those gotta go, okay. They inflame your liver and that's gonna make
your liver lay down fat which you do not want. You gotta cook your foods in real fats like bacon grease, lard, avocado oil, olive oil, butter, right. Those are the things you cook in. If you've got canola oil
in your kitchen right now pause this video, push the pause button. Get up and go to the kitchen right now and throw that crap in the garbage 'cause that's where it belongs, okay. Now, other things that you can do that might help with fatty liver and these are the 20%, so don't focus on these. These are just little extras so that after you're already doing the 80% you can also do these for maybe a little added benefit. One is vitamin D, vitamin D has been associated, low vitamin D is associated with worse fatty liver disease. Now, that does not mean
that low vitamin D causes it but it might help it a little bit. So make sure you're taking a good quality vitamin
D supplement every day, that might help a little bit. Taking Glucofage, which is
a prescription medication has been shown in a couple of studies to be associated with
improving fatty liver. It does not mean that
it improves fatty liver but it definitely doesn't hurt so you might consider if your doctor has you on Glucophage or Metformin continuing to take that. Omega 3 fatty acids look like they probably help fatty
liver a little bit. That does not mean go buy a supplement. What I would prefer you do is just eat more grass fed meats that have omega 3s, more pastured eggs that
have omega 3 in the yolk, more butter that's grass fed butter and get more omega 3s, that's probably going
to help the fatty liver. What else, now I'll tell you some no's, absolutely don't do this
for your fatty liver. If any guru or health expert says, hey, I've got this liver cleanse, I've got this liver supplement, no, that is a waste of money. You don't need that, okay. All you need to do is focus on the 80% I talked about earlier. Do not buy pills, powders, supplements, none of that stuff is gonna
help your liver, okay. You don't need to add
anything to this equation, you just need to subtract the poison, get it out, okay. If your doctor says, hey, take Statin drug, that'll get the fat out of your liver, no, there is no research
that shows that at all. That's dumb, don't do that, okay. Your doctor may instead
of using Glucophage or Metformin, he may say, hey, you should take Actos or Avandia 'cause there's some research
that shows they help with fatty liver, no. If you look at the research, it's dumb. Don't do that. Don't take Avandia and Actos. Those are not good type two
diabetes medications, okay. You wanna focus on
Matformin or Glucophage. Matformin and Glucophage
has this false reputation of being hard on your
kidneys but that's dumb. What's really hard on your kidneys is when your blood sugar's high and when you're insulin level's high. That's what destroys your kidneys. So if your doctor says, hey, take some Glucophage, it might help, yeah, it's probably a good thing to do but don't think that that's the solution. The solution is to fix your diet, okay. Two of the ways you don't
wanna fix fatty liver unless they're just a last stitch effort, one is bariatric surgery, stomach stapling, the donut procedure, any of those bariatric surgery options. Fix your fatty liver with your diet, don't fix it with surgery, okay. It works, no doubt, but my God, what a sacrifice, what a compromise to have permanent, unchangeable surgery to
your gastrointestinal system rather than just fix your diet. I don't get the logic in that. And the last way to fix fatty liver is with a liver transplant and if you don't fix your diet one day that'll become your only option. You'll have no option but to fix it by being on the liver transplant list and waiting for someone to die so you can have their liver. I really don't recommend that as a way to do this at all, okay. Focus on the 80%. If you wanna add the 20%, if you have the money
and the means to do that, that's okay, but that's not the solution. The solution is to fix your diet in just the ways I told you above. And then you will have zero chance of ever developing fatty liver disease unless you're a drinker or you overdose on medications or you have hepatitis, otherwise you'll never
get fatty liver disease if you fix your diet. Now, if you enjoyed this
and if you know someone whose life you could change
by sharing this video please do so, please. It helps me to help so many more people when you share these videos. Also, if you really love the videos I make I have a Patreon link down below, you can click it and
throw a buck or two my way so that I have more time
to make these videos to help you and to help others. This is Doctor Barry, I'll see you next time.