Father & Son GET AMAZING PLAYSET / The Death Star!

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oh my gosh i don't think that happened in the movie you did yeah you bowled with darth vader [Music] we are going to the death star aren't we it is a fun episode here on turbo toy time today because we are doing just that we're going to go to the death star we have a very old death star playset don't we yeah we already have it it's not a new thing ryden got it for christmas last year and we're going to show you it and we're going to play with it i don't know what people gave it to me i i got it for you oh yeah people who am i daddy guys it's so cool you don't even know how cool it is it is very cool we're just going to show you okay we actually have the original box and uh the whole set so let's get into it right yeah high five me oh you hit me in the face why would you do that to your dad i'm just kidding don't actually hit people okay let's go i am gonna come over here and i'm gonna come here with a big box he's the box guy this is the box yes so this is the front of it what does this say right here and this says what does it say it says death star space station [Music] this guy's name was well what do you want to call him what do you think his name is um canada cantaloupe okay that guy's cantaloupe and this guy's oh patrick he's candy yeah this guy's cantaloupe and this guy's candy yeah and it winds together cantaloupe and candy doesn't rhyme together sandy and candy rhyme together okay but this shows the the space station and it's got all the og star wars figures battling there's obi-wan and darth vader there's a storm trooper just watching where's this popcorn he's just gonna watch i don't know chewie and han r2d2c3po just a stormtrooper hanging out manning a huge blaster the golfer cute that's the garbage chute and you open this is there a monster in the garbage shoe yeah dianoga that's right right here on the box it says this is from 1977 before i was born this is a very old box and toy on the side it has some cool photos of some action sequences now right here this is the one piece that's kind of hard to get on this set and it did not come with our set this was a little expensive okay so to get the pieces it's kind of hard to replace certain things this is a big present he got last year he could have got any new modern toy but he wanted this one so this was his big present last year glad i got it i'm good you still play with it so that's cool on the back we got basically the same exact thing except drawn and this is a 1977 so i don't think this is just some graphic i think somebody literally drew this so who's this guy cantaloupe candy candle candy hanging out his drawings oh look and there's santa claus right there just santa and arjunity right yeah and on the other side it has a few more different pictures which is cool all right let's go get it my dad get it here it is that georgia stuffed animal gets in every video okay no georgia was definitely not on the death star i know i've seen the movie um there it is all right you want to tell us all about this what's on top what's on the top floor um there's a little gun that's a little gun that's a huge cannon okay maybe it is it's pretty big all right so what else we have we have oh my gosh that is where the tractor beam so obi-wan snuck around here and disengaged it right yep so the millennium falcon could fly away and this whole shaft right here is an elevator okay so see this knob this takes the elevator all the way up to don't drop it oh i actually dropped it okay it takes it all the way up to the top floor that is what i just said so all this is it's pretty basic uh it's got some designs you know it's made in 1977 so i'm not going to judge it too much but it's got a little seat right here for the blaster and this thing is one of the things that's broke i read up on it a little bit before he bought it and that's just one of the pieces that just always broke it's really hard to get into one that's not broke and like this is a very old set so it's it's not put together that well but it's been here for almost a year now in rides playroom and he's never broken so that's pretty impressive right there oh really like that's like their vending machine is inside that blaster let's move on to the second floor oh this one's a little more impressive isn't it okay so right here this is the bridge if we can get it it's a little ornery all right and do you know what scene happens right here locally yes they do so that piece that i was pointing out on the box that would go right there we don't have it but that's where they're supposed to be they're supposed to be a storm trooper here and luke leia over here i think no no it's the nato there i'm pretty sure he was searching for obi-wan okay so and down here there's some consoles that some storm troopers or imperial guards can stay at these things right here are actually pieces of paper yeah you can pull it out and i'm not a huge fan of how this is because the thing isn't like super solid put together and these things will fall out sometimes but generally you know if you're not like rough with it they'll stay in and the the inside definitely looks cool it's got a picture of an x-wing and tie fighter fighting right there it's got a picture of the death star clearing a planet to be able to aim at whatever they're going to blow up what do you think is going on at this computer station ryden i don't know what do you think they're doing i'm trying to destroy you oh really so this one helps this one happen yeah and then this one helps this one okay so they're working together they're getting tickled together they're getting tickled you kicked the death star well that certainly would have helped the rebels too bad you weren't in return of the jedi to kick the death star [Music] death star too that is the best floor probably is the bottom right and what's down here the garbage cube yeah the trash compactor and up here there's actually a little passageway where someone can jump down into it you can even play in the garbage too yeah what's in there the dianoga the monster that almost got him yeah so this is pretty cool this is the trash compactor and it actually works you go like this and the wall closes in just like in the movie and right here we just cut up a sponge and uh made some trash for the guys to sit in the original death star had some foam similar to a sponge but it's from the 1970s so that was super gross yeah so we got new spongy stuff so that's pretty much the gist of the whole death star i think it's due time to play with it don't you think yeah let's get all the acting we're doing it we got the active figure all right tell me who they are who's this luke skywalker leia rtd2 3pm chewbacca hansel with darth vader obi-wan and a stormtrooper is that it are we going to play death star let's go high five i am darth vader staring out into space hoping that obi-wan kenobi is not behind me disenabling the tractor did he do it yeah oh no darth vader didn't have any clue [Music] oh my gosh i don't think that happened in the movie you did yeah you bowled with darth vader hey sis we got to swing across this chasm hopefully that storm trooper down there doesn't get us hey stop right there i'm swinging oh all right let's try this again i'm swinging oh let's try this again oh i safely got over here but i think you dropped your blaster leia oh my gosh they're going to get us what do we do into the garbage chute flyboy dodge dodge i'm dodging bullets i'm going in okay that did not happen in the movie sir the walls are closing in and the monster's gonna get them is luke gonna call c-3po he better yeah they don't have much time listen to them all too they're dying they're dying well they just went out the top didn't they yeah oh my gosh who's he going to eat is it the duel between vader and obi-wan yeah oh gosh who's going to win vader obviously man hey aren't we in the wrong movies the boys will be in the naked the force of nakeds the force awakens [Music] did vader get him yeah i think obi-wan kind of sacrificed himself though didn't he yeah luke's booking it later guys i'll see you in the future movies you're in the hot lava there was that was the best dog do you like that playset yeah are you glad it's yours it was a solid christmas present yeah good i'm glad you got it buddy i hope you guys dug that it is a really cool set the only thing is that it's really rickety and like if it fell over it would just kind of fall to pieces and you could put it back together it could potentially break you're hitting youtube with balls but like i said before this guy hasn't even broken it yet have you either it is durable or you are actually decent and taking care of stuff and that's good i hope you are take care of your things guys but i hope you guys dug this turbo toy time video and hit the subscribe button if you want to see more of us yes and we'll be back playing with more toys we got a bunch more videos planned so thank you guys for watching all the comments and likes you guys give us it means a lot and uh that's it ryan you want to show them how to somersault bye guys i'm gonna do some with us you did three i'm gonna get you oh my gosh oh my ryden write it say bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: TurboToyTime
Views: 4,500,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ryden, andy, andrew, schrock, father, son, dad, child, kid, family, matters, quality, time, toys, action, figure, ghost, toy, playset, unboxing, package, play, car, building, cool, review, fun, funny, cute, adorable, 80s, 1980s, cartoon, best, funniest, let's, lets, hilarious, star, wars, star wars, death, luke, darth, vader
Id: wNYtF6ZnujM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2016
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