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Ryden rap sit down why you have to sit down right now okay I guess it not belly flop down I found something pretty serious I found this a map to buried treasure it literally says a map to buried treasure on it so I think I know where we're supposed to go but look if you follow this cross the sewer of darkness through the Haunted swamp under the dead tree across the forever desert through the meadow of eternity and to the end of the creek of doom look x marks the spot you want to go do this what I think this is supposed to be trees I didn't draw this I think this is like really ancient I think like this was passed down from like yeah it's exactly where I found I found it under a rock I didn't even know they had these bright colors back in the 1700s this is probably via that about 300 years old no dude sharpies definitely didn't exist 3,000 years ago all right do this all right let's do a high five and it will magically up here at where I think this is okay here we got to get make room for this magic guy five okay all right you've gotta mean it hi oh my gosh we're here okay okay okay hey hey I'm gonna trust you with the map all right what's the first thing doctor okay I think I know where that is camera have to go this way right now and then hey you got your walkie-talkie yeah look if we get lost I have walkie-talkies okay you have one I have one channel one okay we gotta cross a crosswalk first it should say cross the crosswalk of darkness but I think the sewers right beyond over there I can't even God well the sewer is dark I think that's what the map means we don't you and Emily at bagel no it doesn't go through the to corrupt the sewer of darkness it goes across it so we got to go over it okay yes it's kind of hidden in like a jungle but that has to be it watch out there's known to be a lot of monsters in all of these on the map okay yeah this might be a goosebumps tour we live in no we gotta keep going there's water right there be careful okay at any moment sea monsters could come up and get you yeah still scare you all right okay all right don't worry I wouldn't let monsters get you you want to take a peek in just to see it we do yeah there it is see how dark it is oh wow yeah that's very dark come on hey maybe maybe we'll come back to this for another video right wha let's get out here before someone gets us watch out there is a road on top of this okay hold my hand what's next I can't see a swamp yet so just keep going okay oh why are we running toward it we have to go across this thing it's just through it I'm not walking through a swamp to keep to the map we'll go through the little bitty part okay oh my gosh this is gonna be creepy let me go first in case your ghost gets me gosh this is so scary right frightened did you hear that yeah did you hear that was that a ghost oh my gosh oh jeez Oh Pete's oh my gosh you made it did you see a ghost no I guess hold one did you hear oh I think I just saw one get out here come on like inside the swamp yeah we were smart to cross through the small part all right what's the next part say right I don't know well I think that treasure is the X at the end that might be something we need though so let's go try to find a dead tree should we split up and then talk on the walkie-talkies okay look under it there's nothing under there it's a dead tree not a dead stick there's woods right ahead of us turn our walkie-talkies on okay let's see if these work all right hello Ron I'm your dad over you forgot to say over over nailed it over let's keep going over riding you go that way I'm gonna go that way and report Hey look at me report every one minute okay it just means call me like make sure like say hey I'm still alive I can't find anything riding I'm not seeing anything are you seeing anything over riding is immediately not responding hello ridin could you hear me over he's immediately not responding I gotta go get him ride it ride it what you're by your walkie dude I was worried you weren't okay I'm okay but it sounds okay show me hmm a dead tree no here it is it's like it fell down okay do you think anything's in here so it's under it right yeah I'm gonna pick it up and you try to find something okay because we're looking for buried treasure somebody else might be looking for the treasure get the map let's go come on let's go well that was around two three hundred years ago so that makes sense okay so yeah let's put this in our pocket so we don't litter and then what's the next part of the map look dude that looks kinda like a parking lot doesn't it yeah or a person with really yellow teeth all right it's probably a parking lot so let's go this way we've been in here for like two seconds and I already feel like it's been forever riding I know but your dude you're doing you're doing so good with this treasure hunt so far it's still concrete but more sand ish right I know I don't know if we're gonna make it I didn't think it was gonna be this forever I'm so tired I know buddy me too we go all the way up there I think whoa this is this field goes on forever I didn't a meadow of eternity this has to be it look there's trees on both sides let's see it trees trees we're here dude only two more things and then we're at yes do I say we just try to walk across it just straight fool yeah there it is that's creepy all right come on let's go it says meadow it doesn't say go towards any broken bridge so we just go straight that way okay I wonder how long it says it says eternity here's my feet here's riding speed we've got the map I'm so glad we're not in the desert anymore yeah there's a parking lot oh yeah there's a caution sign writing probably means we should be careful I agree let's keep on going we have to be at the end of this soon this is again what dude what we did was walk straight right in this is the same bridge it doesn't dude oh my gosh I've done these in Zelda before right in you have to go the correct path or it resets you and takes you back to the beginning these are like the Lost Woods I think you know what you're talking about Wow okay at least there's a sliver of trust in me let's try this way okay alright go yeah this is definitely a spookier way yeah no here's the meadow let's go back to it what look literally like 15 feet differently and now we're in trees that had to be the right way dude it was kinda like a portal yeah now I think we're on the right path buddy hmm that's a creek right there dude there's been a creek the whole time so let's just follow it right yeah let's go it's getting these trees are getting darker what is a little thing on the map oh my gosh you're right look these are green and these are black and these are way darker we have to be there yeah just blow away oh my gosh we need to bring it wrap this up okay let's look see that black thing at the end of it does that look like that that sewer yeah yep you okay yes it is dude where do you think we should have a next where look for yeah look for an X okay dig dig dig hidden a thing yeah immediately dude dude you're like a paleontologist right now except you're digging a buried treasure you think a pirate left this oh you're doing it you're doing it can you pull it out okay hey come over here come here what do you think's in here I'm so hot and sweaty in these woods hey dude we literally found a chest full of gold let me see that that's the coolest part isn't it yeah let me see it I don't know I just probably more if you leave it close dude this is a bottle of gold flakes here you go pack it up man we gotta get back don't we need wipe it off kill mission successful I love you buddy and I would love to be not sweating as much is that fun buddy I like adventuring with you let's get this place let's go back home and clean this treasure chest up okay make a plan all right you just want to do a high five back to the house yeah there we go okay so let's I'm gonna go get some paper towels and some water and we'll clean it up you just set it right there really we're just gonna clean this up so it looks nice you want to keep this right all right I would want to keep this too if I dug up buried treasure it's just so hot outside today if you didn't guess let's take another look at this thing dude Gold a bottle of gold you're gonna keep this forever I would and there are some really cool pieces in here look at that the bubble goes back up through it what that's pretty cool all right 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 and a bottle 12 gold pieces and a bottle of gold mission accomplished dude did you think we were actually gonna get buried treasure when we found that map yeah I didn't either you want to go put this in your room and maybe sell it when you're 80 it probably worth like 400 million dollars because oh because of memory of us is worth more than money right yes yeah happiness is the important part all right good do it so there you guys go that was another adventure time with Rhydon and I I was really looking forward to this one this was fun this might be my favorite event or time we've done that kind of I like that one too and we discovered a new tunnel so we should go revisit the sewer of darkness next time agree and see what's on the other side of I've never been through that there might be a portal to our cut your cousin's house to travel back in time a portal through time black dude we're doing that but thank you guys for watching this I do videos all of the time at least once a week with him you skateboarding I do fun father-son stuff I do lifestyle stuff just whatever is entertaining in my in my life I put on my channel so thank you guys for watching hit the subscribe button to see more and I'll see you guys tomorrow with a new warehouse Wednesday and it's a good one you weren't there for that one but you'll like it you will really like it but that's it guys you guys have a great day go adventure yourself Ninja Turtles out right what I love you [Music] yeah [Music]
Channel: AndrewSchrock
Views: 15,672,179
Rating: 4.3614912 out of 5
Keywords: father, son, adventure, time, buried, treasure, gold, Andy, andrew, schrock, ryden, family, touching, moment, play, cute, cutest, dream, come, true, playground, giggle, laugh, haha, funny, funniest, hands, best, ever, toddler, kid, child, dad, explore, sewer, woods, creek, skip, skipping, rocks, fun, fingerboard, fingerboarding, kickflip, bluntslide, slide, blunt, 360, tre, flip, crooked, grind, nosegrind, nose, rail, handrail, trick, exploring, ghost, haunted, spooky
Id: m3QsV5XvXYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 24 2018
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