Father and Son Pretend Play Plastic Army Men Bedroom Battle with Goo Jitzu Masters

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today on and then start plastic armament battle hey Emma where you at I'm just playing with my fingers for Minecraft Oh your minecraft figures how was that um that showed water zombie and she also bought this one yeah messenger man yes it's a female yeah he got orders ping quick down there and all this is black yeah you want loose plastic army men you mean like Timmy toy plastic army men what is that my secret weapon oh it's EXO's or [Music] this is the guy we want to use us today yeah okay yeah we'll say it goes for a different day huh let's try him off oh yeah that's putting back over here do you want to use let's take out about a mountain can you put it over there yeah hey do we have enough room for the transport planes over here I don't know I think those did that let's put these transport planes it's a different blam but we can still use it my favorite toys no oh yeah this is really cheap yeah but it's pretty cool yeah we can still use it to battle okay all right and so has your bank keeps getting smaller and smaller and smaller are you losing Timmy toy army guys oh yeah be sure and try to keep up with all these guys okay and don't blame them there's a giant green army transport take so here's the garage forget yes okay you got another smaller tank yes I got lots of cakes okay let's take out the please anti-aircraft tank tank oh this is a patrol vehicle 19 another anti-aircraft yep and oh we have a Jeep do you want this helicopter that's a cool helicopter what about your battle damage greening Jets you want those yeah okay you take that one this one has some damage - you want this one yeah I don't think that's an Air Force plane this is two bombs like there - its and so we're on huh yeah huh interesting I thought the crop duster it's not not a crop duster here yeah giant an transport tank I find a black this is a stealth black black pot sword black ops or fundraising see there's still fire or a stealth bomber I'm not really sure which stores if you know let us know down below in the comments okay and there's my one of my Patrol a it goes tank another tank Oh a tan fighter jets oh there is my Jeep there's the tan anti-aircraft vehicle and we got to walk another tank I think I have more tanks than you do or Cameron a second that goes on the back of G what is that I remember this change I stowed it's one of the green I stole this from the chance no we don't steal stuff we old violin and I still got driver well as inside and I stole it so what my you took control of it as you were playing yeah you didn't really steal it this is yours right yes your mom bought this I think right yeah that's right so you took it from the tan team and now it's part of the green team pushes profane it looks pretty cool the way it is okay so this would be green tan yeah oh there's another tan and then this is the green team had the baby getting the Timmy toy plastic tubs receipt your weapon what is this watch it's like a bunker maybe oh yeah guys can fit in there this is like a plastic piece of I'm not sure what this came in but we'll use it and then hey here's a silver jet you do with this black ops ok what team is the army okay green and happens little Italian team with the red it's alright and then you have another green Jeep and look what I found a radio operator he's yours here's a small amount when you do this tan stuff tangey tan artillery oh look at the tan soldiers use these fences yeah okay let the flag we need these flags yes I think your sister had a flying boat ok put down there and what about this helicopter right here okay Evan let's use some wood block hey what is this is this from that's from dinosaurs you want to use it today yeah it looks pretty cool it's not any toys but we'll use it anyways okay so you you've got a couple of bunkers up already Evan in the fence yes I'm saying up thanks and what is this is the defense is long okay so let's put all your stuff over here ever since you have a battle mount I'm gonna use this here's a couple of Tanks over here Xbox or is gonna be on my team ok well now you have more weapons than I did all right we'll do X or another battle ok alright you still work on the fence mm-hmm all right I'm gonna set up in structures myself put that there I'm gonna put this right there and then I'll put up this little bunker like right here I have another bunker you want this yeah there yeah giant tanks gonna go right here put another tank there that's my guy in your bag Oh what are you doing in there prisoner [Music] [Applause] Tillery piece right I'm gonna put my Jets one put one there and there and you have that crop duster warp line right okay I'm gonna put my flag right there to give a flag oven okay oh I'm gonna use these guys these are my secret weapons these are my heroes of jiu-jitsu [Music] hey what's his name blazing on yeah blazing on and then your guy's name is woof pea see give me the rock I mean I heard the American flags I think I have one guys than you do like a little squat go attack you soldier is the Green Team ready to lose yeah do you have all your guys not yet yeah okay well it looks like evan is all finished over here is that correct are you done Evan yeah okay and daddy is done with the tan team Oh finished what's that like after I win everyone is gonna get a cup of tea you're not going to win yeah yeah are you ready yes on your mark get set battle Oh still standing up dad charge grenades all right this guy's gonna jump the pins here he comes Wow Oh No fire cannons release the Beast it's blazing on [Music] oh you're tangling I've had enough send in the big guy [Music] I'm pressing your smaller tank fire the cannon fire fire I have to man over here Mordor [Music] mortar okay the lone survivor surrenders it's a mortar guy okay there's a radio yeah so these guys are kind of surrender yeah enough okay so these guys are gonna surrender of this one too okay okay Wow look at the destruction heaven blades of God are you okay blazer gone he's okay Evan oh wait man this tank it's on fire it's on fire okay man look at this giant tank oh there's some guys underneath it George on 10th get way over here on my side how Noah how'd your fence get way over here soon I have a jeep Evan yeah no one's driving it there hey tank over here yeah what about on your side what's going on over here this tank this tank right here man okay you guys some guys are still standing over there you have two tanks artillery life will mean you know look I have found no survivors Wow let's move em over here of this group oh I see some legs under there so those are all my survivors yeah nothing happened a battle mountain back here yeah one guy got knocked over huh these guys are still up and your anti-aircraft vehicles are still there you got a few guys knocked over here oh look your bucket of Iron Man got blown up down so Evan who do you think won the Green Team alright Stormers who do you guys think won that battle was that the Green Team or was that the tan team hey we got to get his clean the mess up okay and then we'll play again alright Stormers thanks for watching today and remember if you're not a stormer click on that what Evan that's right click on the subscribe button get way towards something called easy can't I'm Evan Lexi's a game-time okay we got some cool videos coming up be sure and tune into those we'll see you next time bye everybody it comes in a rescue helicopter [Music]
Channel: Evan Storm
Views: 14,038,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: father and son, pretend play, battle, toys, plastic army men, toy soldiers, tim mee toys, true heroes, moose toys, goo jitzu masters, toy tanks, toy jeeps, toy jets, wwII toys, BMG yoys, green army vs tan army, evan storm, plastic toy soldiers, plastic jets, plastic tanks, plastic soldiers
Id: tqjeRCLd5XE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 02 2019
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