Fat Perez Challenged Me at My Home Course!

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the match you're about to see was filmed over a year and a half ago today that Perez drove from Virginia to New Jersey and we filmed two nine old matches until now that footage was lost thankfully we were able to recover it this is going to be the front line me vers F Perez match play if you like the video go ahead and give it a like And subscribe because we have the back nine coming your way next week let's get into it all right let's flip this thing who's going to start us off all right oh whoa whoa all right all right looks like uh Mr Justin dson here y we got a little par 4 here yeah I wouldn't call it a little par 4 it's kind of long 450 460 that is big par five for me you know that's going to be uh pretty good there Mr PR yeah that looked nice that looked very straight I mean when it's downwind it does help a little bit I will say that oh baby I mean all right didn't exactly get up in the wind but we're hitting Fairways here let's go here's the thing it is it is windy today I like to hit a ball high ball flight from the your videos you like to hit a little bit lower right I like to I like to flight the ball so Advantage PR us today yeah we're absolutely I mean the ball does not fly here yeah Che out again you're downwind you know if you want to do uh rolling the fairways I'm okay with it little wet mud I think that's fair we do a little like a little towel yeah well yeah no no I'm good the wipe should do it I like it I got a little six I don't need all of it gotcha but uh we'll hit a little one Bandit should be enough but H just a little listen if you're going to miss this green that's a spot yeah yeah I knew that totally knew that all right 142 down wind Mr pres in good spot you know I see him making part at least so I got to get it on the green got to put the pressure on a little little bit I got gap wedge here 50° oh I left it up to the right go all right there it's a look at birdie that that's going to be the uh the theme of this match I hit a good drive I have six iron in he hits a good drive he has gap wedge all right here we go little off the green a long look at it really just trying to get four here and not give one away yeah this has got to be one of the hardest starting holes that you'll see around yeah this is AAR pretty cool cuz you like you tea off from the putting green yeah that's dope and then you got four 450 yards into a kind of a tough green I always like the uh the first T putting green combo yeah I think that's just that's just classy yeah you don't see that a lot you don't shoved it s saddle I tell you what pace I'm happy with not bad yeah a little misread the greens are tough to read they're also fast that was uphill they are they are rolling right now when you push a putt you really see the effects of it when it's like 70 ft honestly didn't see PR's ball going that far right though thought it was going to so I kind of part of the plan little left of right here boy made it that would been a dagger that's good she good thank you sir oh buddy was there ever a doubt oh buddy I gotta be honest in my head I was like I'm probably going to be up one here but I forgot I'm playing against Mr Perez here who just had the purest putting stroke in the game short Par Four here right y both going to take a rip at it leaves little wedge shots in and I you in theory yeah it's kind of a tough drive you got no room left to miss no room right so okay got to hit a good one here perfect cut hold on that's it's got to cut guys oh boy we have contact I heard some trees over there there was some contact it's going to uh depend on the LIE there we'll see how clean you've been living here you know not as clean as I'd like to be living yeah I've heard that see here's the situation where accuracy is a lot more important than uh distance right there that feeling good it's feeling good that's going to be tough the beat for the folks at home here playing good golf playing accurate golf isn't always just about low scores it's controlling where your ball ends up in terms of the no cart signs notice I am one yard behind the no cart sign and not 20 yards in front of it that would require walking it's the little things and and when it's C path only every right by the car it's it's it's it's right it's rough right by the carpet every time not even aim for the no no I don't needan feel good about it looks good stay stay there stay stay there where's it going the greens all right Hey listen that's actually I'm okay with that that's pin high I'll pill putt perfect I'm going to plead ignorance on uh green topography all right you're looking at a guy who got a little bit unlucky on his t-shot but needs to get really lucky here we're just going to kind of hit and hope here you know it's a trick shot artist you know I mean look this this is kind of what you do for a living right yeah but typically have pull rabbits out of your hat typically have more than one take at it but get through oh you kidding me no can't take the tumbo not to D not to D that was really close to being good it was good yeah I mean you literally must have hit something well I'll have I'll have an easier shot at it now I don't get this up and down I'm going to be one down that's sit sit that was a better shot than the result yeah and tell you what the greens are greens are roll yeah listen I'm going to give this one more shot I don't make it you know it might be just pz's hole and we'll just go to the third I got a pretty tough shot here I'm rooting for you go right go right go right that's pretty darn good nice you know I'm we going have to see one yeah that's fair all right let's run this thing in all right that'll do that'll do it nice parer thank you thank you terrible birdie putt but it is a one hole so listen match play it's kind of like a Fast and Furious one doesn't matter if you win by an inch or a mile WI P slips what's real is family one day I'd like to be one of those people that like when they really got to hit a fairway they pull three-wood cuz like three Wood's Old Reliable I've never had that in my whole life I'm the same way I've hit three-wood like five times this entire year yeah it's not like it's either driver iron driver or three iron for me if I want to hit a fairway I'm like it's driver or an iron like I don't I don't feel that way D I'm in the same boat but if I want to hit a fairway mostly it's just an iron yeah for you uh you hit your driver straight is my my three iron well we'll see going to going to work probably just in the right rough yeah it's fine Miss not going to kill you no and I just died by it golly Josh kick it spit it I never saw it that's right right yep like right right yeah right right see you she went for a ride all right she gone 87 yards try to do something here oh baby be really good oh it's a little short not bad though quit talking to my ball lost my ball right here but it is a hazard so we got 66 yards we got a chance to get this up down for par maybe get out of here for the half oh Josh oh look at the size can we talk about the size of this div for a second I believe the small rodent could live in that [ __ ] just B burrowing there if I lost like 10 lbs I could live in that thing I got to be honest the wheels are kind of coming off the kid the uh the confidence is is just dripping out the window I you know I got to find a way to get this thing back together not only did I hit a bad shot I wor left myself in the worst position possible got to get over a bunker here see if we can do something special that's pretty special get up there that's pretty darn good all right thanks all right BR put me on my misery ship it to a foot let's go to the next hole it that's a little more meat than I wanted yeah but I still got to make mine to put the pressure on let me look at this just a classic example of people not kicking their hand off just can't have it man that's hilarious and when you get out of a bunker and you hit your feet like that you just look like a better player you know what I mean AB take advantage of it yeah just a little quick just don't hit your uh Shin or anything yeah dig oh that's good yours is good oh I just got Joey coold Cuts oh I think I might have I just got Joey Co cut I did I didn't say in I was rooting for more no no no I'm not saying because you said that I just mean the ball stopping on the oh yeah it just seems to happen to him a lot I bar thanks all right if you're keeping track of Home bre is two up through three all right we got 143 little left the right wind maybe maybe a little bit down oh baby that's a dart and a half be right very nice shot there all right very nice thanks see how low that is that's just beautiful oh that looks nice that looks nice it's the number short okay man you could see that thing just drop straight down I thought the wind was helping more it just kind of like yeah knocked her down tough little chip here you got a little ledge yeah just on top of that ledge check ah golly right idea it's the right idea no I'm playing like a 40 handicapp right now great pot that's good thank you thank you don't miss those good pot generally not try not to you guys could be looking at a uh really short video if I don't start turning this thing around here break break break break let's go unbelievable that is huge abs absolutely huge I had a feeling he liked it I had a feeling he liked that putt big par for hole inone trick shots right there so the golf Fall's this way but I'm a little bit more focused on what's going on over there beautiful Atlantic City FR you like a what's your game a blackjack guy I love Blackjack I'll spend hours on a blackjack table but I do love craps right there's something about the community of craps that's just it's tough to beat when the shooters hot on a craps table I mean that's that's the best you can get all right so we got a long one 4 420 right into the teeth okay yes absolutely all day long twice on Sunday right down the middle little Healy Dan under the wind it ain't far but it's straight all right come on let's use that momentum to get back into this thing real quick ah hold on that wind's got it too I feel like if I'm missing it's a the direction that the wind's going to take worse never with a right to left wi I missed left but the left or right win I'm missing right all right Buck 90 into the wind back pin just trying to get it on the surface we got a five iron good looking ball that's going to be get there yep all bounce that's position a it's all bounce we like bounces Fairways and greens look you got a lead that's all you need to do Fairways and greens not ideal got a little Bush here got 180 no sorry 165 yards got eight iron here down sounded great get down she's over hooking all right it's all boun I think that might be a Ben Laden bunker to Bunker I think cigars here going to make all the difference I mean it can't hurt me it can can only help at this point it's the worst in the wind TSA keeps taking my torch lighters is that right they've taken six of them that's it taking that every day of the week you know I don't mind that putt prer I'm kind of into the grain here a little bit but we're going to try to chip it my last Chip Shot was so good so might as well try it again that's crispy that's really nice thank you sir what do you think give me give me I'm good with good good all right let's do it good good r five dead into the wind she a long girl I mean I would pay a lot of money for that move there Mr Perez that's just Qui easy that's just a beautiful move people asked me about my Tempo all the time like how do you smooth swing so smooth I tell him I'm weak it's literally I'm swinging as hard as I can I can't swing any faster oh that's ripped I mean finally I hit the ball in the middle of the club absolutely hammered that's just much needed right there that's like the same flight shape yeah except one is just massively by the other one all right 300 Y in um your boy does not have that in any wind condition certainly not down we're going to rip a hybrid try to leave some sort of reasonable iron oh boy oh yeah tell you what that's not going to hurt you though oh I don't believe that'll hurt you might have to hang on to this club again you know you just got to be better than that you simply have to be better than that all right got two uh 260 into the wind just G to hit three iron up there and hopefully Leave myself a little wedge in oh that's punished that is absolutely punished I tell you what I haven't hit a bad shot since we sparked the stoies so I do appreciate that oh baby keep coming right that wind's bringing it back nicely H waa wow that was well struck man very well struck not expecting that sometimes you're a little too good yeah you never know right I went to the Perez school of golf made sure I hit my ball right by the cart signs you proud of me Perez I am look he's learning we're learning here 54 yards to go with the old 60° wedge here that's nice go big bounce all right not not really great but we are we did hit a green and reg for the first time since the first hole feel like it but we're making progress we got that going for us i' say Perez is playing with a little house money right now hopefully he's playing a little house money tonight at the Hard Rock after this yeah that's right they say your worst putts going to be better than your worst chip right 100% that's confucious by the way oh no go go not bad though all right better than I thought it was going to be not quite enough steam that's in it's in for par thank you oh o right in the middle of the bottom oh that could have uh that could have lipped out for the same price there oh boy it's got the heartbeating a little bit all right all right two down three to go we are two up through six yep two up through six two up three to play uh pretty long d uh Par Four I think it's 420 yeah 425 from here it's downwind though so we do have that going for us yeah good ball just on the left side should be okay yeah that'll be fine all right good ball a little right but yeah if you're going to miss here on this hole you got to miss right look you got some room over there right yeah just right Ru be all right Third Eye Blind jumper how aggressive do I get not very tell you what that's not going to be a bad spot to miss it though sit should have another one of those putts from off the green I like those puts that pen is tucked just over that bunker here I'm going to try to hit the gap wedge hit it high let it ride it hopefully get lucky I lost it in the sun it looks great no idea hair left of it I think yeah a little long on the back yeah a little long little left not bad good shot thank you putting again I mean look it ain't broke don't fix it absolutely you know as somebody who's playing you I'd like to see the wedge out yeah you know if you're on my team or you know I'd like see you put that all day why not you haven't missed one you may have a little sprinkler head issue here though oh boy could come into play here can we navigate you know I might be able to go out left of them part of me thinks I can go left of them I think it will come down man it just stopped just absolutely stopped uh two putt here I'd be more than happy with I'm going to have to play about 7even 8 ft of break on this yeah and you got to down then up got to go up then down then up then down this is uh yeah it's going to be a lag putt for sure here pace is great sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit look at that wow isn't that crazy even with all that Brak jeez this is a big one this uh this is a big could steal the deal you make this and I miss this could be the end of the match right here oh it's never high enough all right that's good thanks first bogey of the day had to happen at some point had to happen all right got a chance to get one back here let's go needed it got it all of a sudden we're only one down massive it's a good putt let's go look that's a big putt right there that changes everything one down with two to play he's got a shot he's got more than a shot you know when you when you lose a hole you got to find the small victories Sil Silver Lining I like that he's got the T box but it's par three with some wind so that [ __ ] always helps it always helps to hit second in a in a situation like this hold it wind hold it wind hold it wind all right little left of it on top of it and he Stripes it on the middle of the green and I miss the green hold on good shot it's a very nice shot there anytime you hit this green any member here will tell you you hit this green it's a wind you're in a bunker it's dead we're dancing it's all that matters good break here but this is going to be a really tough up and down I'm going to have to land this thing like up here have it track that's nice man go in the hole oh thank you that's nasty needed that absolutely needed that now Fred still has a putt that's good to win the match thank you that's good for three that's so clutch right there all but ensures that he's going to see the ninth oh I wouldn't say that wow not not with your putting Shir bro this this would this would feel like stealing did he go oh it was right on line oh it's tracking I tell you what that's good enough far though it's good enough to go dormy all right into the last I need a win here guys into the last I need a win but I think it's a kind of like a little small victory that I made it to the ninth hole right I mean look everybody wins you win you guys win more holes more video and youing videos like comment And subscribe to the channel okay we have the ninth hole here Atlantic City Country Club dog left into the wind 430 hardest hole in the course Perez is up one but we do have a chance here good drive I'll have a slight Advantage C of my distance this is absolutely a bear of a hole at Landing City Country Club is the birthplace of the birdie and true we collectively haven't had a birdie yet today we have not no so uh let's see if we can change that here see if we can change that for the people not for us listen yes but for you guys I'll take two birdies here and lose the match oh shoot it's my tea it is your tea yeah I'm not used to that it is his tea that's a pretty good start yeah first Club twirl of the day from the kid I believe that's pumped may have done it on one that's pumped Good Start that's a good start start I need to hit the best Drive of the day here just so I can just so I have an angle quite frankly oh a little it's bold go go through it oh no kicked out though I think it kicked back yeah it's going to be a tough one but oh boy if anyone can do it you can do it kid did not want to draw there but he got to draw there it is Easter egg hunt wow it didn't really kick back then no it didn't kick back still not in a good spot but we're alive we are playing for par here yeah it's a smart shot it really is you're looking at a guy who knows how to play the game of golf look doesn't get himself in trouble you know I I really love your game what do you do when you're sick you take medicine uhhuh I was sick in the rough and I took my medicine 156 into the wind 165 shot probably going hit a little ad iron here not a great lie I tell you what this is a huge shot here something on the green gives me a chance birdie I really need to make birdie can't rely on perz to make bogey cuz it's just not the right mindset when you're playing match play good looking sit hit it wind sit sit sit sit sit I tell you what that's going to be the hardest putt on the course I'm I'm not kidding it's a 60ft putt I might have to hit it 10 yard 10 feet you ripped that ball yeah that jumped that came out of there nice too nice 88 yards into the wind really you know up and down probably gets the job done that is so pure be right sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit tell you what oh just off the green butt you'll have an uphill putt yeah all right I'm literally thinking I have to hit the putt to here and it should go the rest of the way it's going to break pretty hard right to left too that's gone that is absolutely gone can't be short W up can't be short wow oh boy I got to say I maybe talked myself into that one so I got a putt here par putt to win the match unlikely but it is a putt to win the match into the wind you got to hit it you got to putt to wind you got to hit it he's done it that creeped in the right side all right all right that's good obviously we're all square what should we do you think we we go to a next year I think we have to we got to go to can't end in a tie people don't want to see that t HS par five short down win okay that's going to be it [Music] game all right so even through nine all square through nine uh we're not going to end on a tie nobody wants that um so we're going to do a little sudden death playoff see how many holes it takes I mean quite frankly someone's going to win this thing it's going to happen so this 10th hole here is the most birdal hole on the golf of course short par five downwind hopefully we can get a birdie maybe an eagle for the folks okay finish this thing strong here let's get it done someone's going to do it yeah that looks pretty darn good just like that oh boy scary when the member takes lines that you're not supposed to take we not supposed to take the designer would not have you take all right well I feel like cart golf I now just have to do that got to get a little bit further right it should be okay though all right based on that we got a problem pretty clean until the Hard Rock yeah we'll see a little bit of tree action but we have a shot 190 par five water left but we're not thinking about the water left we're thinking about the pin in the middle oh baby oh my goodness if that's right that's the correct yardage okay great shot just short tell you what you're on the green nothing need on the green wow what a big big time shot oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy you see this oh boy this is kids why you don't try to take a different line than the than the course is designed God damn one damn tree here we got one smack dab in the way all right boy I'm going to have to hit a low draw look like ladies and gentlemen guy's name is ho one trick shots if anybody had to do something like this be him that's pretty tasty go get up there go oh wow wow keep keep coming wow if you like what you see like comment and subscribe for more stay up do it oh oh it you know I wanted it I really wanted it tell you what I do respect the effort you never leave yeah never leave an eagle putt short you got to give it a run that was a little bit more aggressive than I would have liked but look losers lose if you're not trying to win you're trying to lose oh it broke too much all right in for birdie got it to the hole though all right all right buddy knock it in to extend there's not a soul in the house that doesn't want to see this ball drop did you expect anything different let's go that is the question let's go did we mention i't going down like that did we mention this is an 18 hole match look yeah look we have enough playoff holes it might turn into one all right guys still your box sudden death number too it's the 11th hole this is Beautiful by the way going to hit iron off the team see if I can learn something learn learn something from earlier now I'm confused now I'm worried try to hit a draw off that bunker on the right you know got a draw I toed a little bit keep drawing I have no clue it's on the very edge of that bunker and that is just pure that that is absolutely doy pepper Purina catchow tucked a little pen over there huh I tell you what hardest hole in the green and I got a little bit of a challenging lie here 170 it is downwind so I'm going to go nine iron here hopefully just left of it it's got to go and it's got to get left go it's coming back I couldn't tell I feel like it was far enough could be in the bunker it could be long either way not good uh 137 flag 37 flag a little downwind probably a hair up shot of the match right here this is important that's a really good looking shot be the number yes that's a good shot to this hole thanks going to be a little short but you can't go long here okay perfect I'm happy with that yep guys this is not where you want to miss it this is not where you want I wish I could tell you get something good about that lie too oh boy that's gnarly would you step on it check the tapes that is uh that is down there okay listen I got I got to need like the best shot of my life to get this up and down that is so nasty wow what in the world I mean I still got a putt but I will take that any that is nasty thank you all right for all the marbles oh oh no way oh my goodness what kind of lip out is that no I got the cold cuts treatment right there was right in the Heart full horseshoe wow all right you know look absolute Tony hawed that's I was I I I think I kind of have to apologize cuz I was kind of celebrating because I thought you made it I thought it was in I mean look when it when it makes that dive like that it was in you think it's going in it wasn't going that fast either hey that's golf man all that's in my head is a the Nast yeah get that out get that picture out of your head nastiest lip I've ever seen in my life that's nice that might be the best up and down myti that's a hell of an up and down look I mean that's full respect on that up and down I can't I mean that's just nasty but your your putt deserv to well look if it was center of the hole it would have dropped so wow the only puts that deserve to go in the ones that do third playoff hole 111 unbelievable 111 Front little pin tell you what it it's kind of a hole in one hole that would be awesome good swing go go oh it's a good shot man stay all right it's a good golf shot thank you oh baby cut go in the hole cut and go spin back and go in spin back what a shot great shot all right it's a putt off it's a put off got ourselves a putt off gave that one a little too much it's a top two putt that uh PR has here but you know if anyone deserves to make a putt right now it's Perez after that lip out lip out from hell yeah that's just nightmares about that hopefully surrounded by Casino money in my bed got a turn really good Pace you got to turn really good pot thanks got a to win put to win the match it's the big one here see if the man can do it rooting for him w a great pot that's a great pot tell you what man great hell of a match great hell of a match great plan got to lose to a birdie that's how it works
Channel: Josh Kelley Golf
Views: 76,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf, golf course, golfers, fat perez, bobdoessports, golfing, pga tour, good good, liv golf, tiger woods, grant horvat, rick shield golf, Bryan Bros, golf match, golf vlog, Atlantic City country club, how to golf, golf instruction, pga
Id: 0eZtiDeqaVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 20sec (2060 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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