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hey guys welcome to my channel i am going to be sharing my weekly grocery haul for the week for weight loss on my weight loss journey i've lost 57 pounds now and i am sharing and documenting all of that and i'm on my way to my next 50 pounds so these are all the foods that really help me on my weight loss journey these are things that i eat since the beginning pretty much and i wanted to share that with you hopefully that it's helpful in some way and if it is please let me know in the comments down below give this video a thumbs up and subscribe for more so you don't miss out i share lots of grocery hauls recipe videos what i eat in a week meal prep videos vlogs and things like that so i would love to have you here and let's just jump right into this week's grocery haul which is from aldi i do track all of my food and the eye track bites app it's just a weight loss app that helps you just track your food and your calorie intake and they give you a daily set of bites and you want to try to hit that daily goal it's very similar to ww weight watchers it's pretty much a copycat of that and i really like it and i also am able to track my calories through this app you're kind of able to do both which is awesome so i'm going to scan a lot of these items so that if you also are on eye track bites better balance plan or ww blue these are pretty much going to be the same as ww blue then you guys will know the bites for it and then of course i'll share the calories because i now too very much look at calories as well um i got some reduced fat crackers these are called thin wheat so they're very similar to wheat fins and you can have one serving for four bites and 120 calories and a serving is 16 crackers which is great so 16 for four we had some peppered jerky in the car my husband and i split this so we got that and then i got some brown rice instant brown rice actually it says it cooks in 10 minutes and we got this because we're going to be making lots of bowls so we like to do like taco bowls or just chicken and asparagus with like lemon dill sauce or something but we like to have our base carbs be either brown rice or potatoes so we got some easy brown rice for that and then i got this last time i was at aldi and i really liked them these are turkey sausage spinach omelet bites very similar to like the starbucks breakfast bites i thought that they were going to be super small because they're six bites and 180 calories for the two um i thought they were gonna be small and i was like gosh six spikes it's kind of a lot but they're bigger than the starbucks bites which are five bites usually at starbucks um these are way bigger so they're really great in size and they were so so good i loved them so i picked these up again and they come with four total so two breakfast um days i can have this when i don't feel like making breakfast but i want something good um love those so happy i got that the first time because now i just get it every time i got some turkey bacon and i'm gonna try that tik tok bacon twist i don't know if you guys have seen that maybe i'll insert a picture on the screen but you basically twist your bacon and you bake it on parchment paper and they get like this really crispy bacon twist and it looks delicious so i'm hoping it works with turkey baking i'm gonna try it out i'll let you guys know i got some coffee my mother-in-law said that this german roast coffee was amazing so i picked that up we also got some chicken breast tenderloins i love to cook chicken breast tenderloins for our source of protein i love the tenders because i like i don't know i don't like having to cut all those huge chicken breasts so this comes in handy i'm gonna be changing backgrounds on you guys so i have such a small counter space in the rv that i have to like maneuver the camera all the time there we go okay veggie bag there's a lot of veggies in here we got some mushrooms and i love to make warm avocado toast so basically that's just like a sara lee slice of bread which is one bite and 40 calories and then avocado smash on top and then i like to saute mushrooms and cherry tomatoes and then put it on top and it is so good i did that at the beach not too long ago i made that for breakfast like every day and now i'm hooked on it so i got mushrooms and tomatoes for that i got a little tiny papaya papaya is my favorite fruit it's so good so hydrating good for the skin i love it so yummy and i usually do lime juice and like lime zest on top you can even add some yogurt in it and it's really good i got two things of these little tiny potatoes got two of these we like to air fry these bake bake them in the oven if you want if you don't have an air fryer just like to have little tiny potatoes and you can have that for a really great amount of points you don't have to eliminate carbs if you don't want to this just got stuck on my finger onions we got so many apples because me and jay both have been loving apples in the fridge and get them nice and cold so we got some wild twist apples honey crisp apples and we're gonna be snacking on those quite a bit and then we got this and this is from my husband mostly because he really enjoys gyros and yeah for him this is great because it's all together like everything comes and this and you can have one sandwich for 510 calories um but yeah this is going to be good for him for like work because he goes so long without eating um during his shift so yeah we got this little kit for my husband i'll probably have a bite of it though because i do look gyros myself and then we got some peppers and corn i like to have corn on occasion i got some 96 for lean ground beef for burgers and bulgogi bowls i like to like make ground asian bulgogi beef with like lettuce cups or rice super good and then we have my favorite i love these half sour pickles they're so good this is a great option for snacks um because i think it's like five calories for one yeah it's five calories for one it's really just a cucumber so um i love to have that and then we got some celery for dips as well a little bit of crackers a little bit of celery kind of keeps you full um when you add veggies to it and then we got my favorite hummus is caramelized onion hummus from sabri so this one's caramelized onion from aldi and it's 60 calories for two tablespoons two bites so you have two bites two tablespoons for two bites and 60 calories and also that's really good on your sandwiches are wraps i got some parmesan cheese because i like to grate parmesan a little bit into my salad or my eggs it's really yummy we got this new dressing this looks so good it's like an avocado ranch yeah it is two tablespoons for two bites this is two tablespoons for 35 calories it's the little salad bar avocado ranch dressing this is going to be great for salads and also taco bowls i like to do ranch and avocado together and then hot sauce so i feel like this would be perfect for that and then i got this little snack just because i'm obsessed with these little snacks and when i really want it i'll have it this is 260 calories for the whole thing but it's like a little bruschetta and cheese with crackers it's eight bites which is a lot for this tiny little thing but this is mainly for like on the go when like we're rushing out the door and i'm really hungry and like we're traveling somewhere or like running errands i will take something like this with me yeah it's worth it to me because i really enjoy it and it's fast and easy and i don't have to like get something while i'm out and about so i do like to get those on occasion but i only i do only usually get one at a time because if i have too many in the house i will like eat them every day um i got some eggs eggs are zero bites actually that doesn't mean when i say zero bites like chicken is zero beans are zero fruits and veg or zero eggs are zero on better balance plan i want a preference that doesn't mean zero calories so you want to keep in mind even though it's zero bites throughout your daily bite point allowance i get 30. um you still want to keep in mind that it's not zero calories so you don't want to overeat on those things too much but basically the idea behind making foods zero bites is that you eat more of those fruits and veggies and lean um foods that you'll get fuller faster and you'll rely more on those really good foods rather than other things that are like pretty high in bites and high calories so i just want to preference that um so that you know i got some parmesan crisps for salads and soup and cashews you guys if you're familiar um with my nacho cashew cheese sauce it's a plant-based sauce i have it on my website i'll leave a link down below it is the best sauce ever um it's just so good and it's literally made of plants cashews and seasonings it's amazing and i make it every week pretty much i got some avocados and some baby spinach i like to have spinach for like egg omelets and salads and wraps i just love spinach and smoothies so got that got some paper plates so i don't have to do dishes every day twice a day you feel me i got some chicken breast canned chicken breast i used to like eat this all the time in the very beginning of my journey and i haven't had it in so long but i've been seeing awesome tik tok recipes uh made with chicken breast canned chicken breasts so i'm going to try those recipes out and maybe i'll film what i eat a day showing you guys these pep talk recipes i'm talking about one of them is a freaking chicken breast pizza crust we'll see how that turns out i want to try it i got some chickpeas because i'm roasting these i love to have roast chickpeas and salads so i got that i got some pouring house stuff we got some peanut butter for the apples that's mainly for my husband if i do have peanut butter it's usually pbt powder mixed with sugar-free syrup that's like a little hack that i created and i created that in the very beginning of my journey and i am so happy you guys love it um because yeah a lot of people found out about it and it's so good and yeah you get that peanut butter fix i got some sauce i will add a little bit of this sauce into like chicken breasts to make it nice and yummy and saucy and then we'll have it over rice or over zucchini noodles is another way that i like to do it so we picked that up because i do really enjoy those kind of sauces got some black beans for taco bowls and black bean burgers and things like that i like to make my own black bean burgers i have a recipe on my website for that as well and then we got some tuna because i'd love to have tuna in the house then we have some more stuff in this bag this is the last bag we got blueberries and cilantro and then i love this peeled garlic the best the best i don't like to peel garlic i got the black bean salad you guys mentioned in my last aldi haul i got the chickpea salad it was like chickpea cranberry edamame and you guys said that the black bean salad was really good so i picked that up to add to my salads i'm really excited you can have half a cup for 100 calories which is great i'll probably do a half a cup and toss it in my salad or a taco bowl since it's like black beans and corn that'd be really good i got some unsweetened almond milk for coffee and cooking and then i got a big thing of cold brew coffee califia farms and then i got some asparagus that's my current favorite veggie is like asparagus it's so good and then we got mojo dates i like to make like granola raw granola bars or balls and i add dates to like help form it and sweeten it so good um i have a recipe of that on as well on my website i have some green beans so we got lots of greens lots of veggies that's the goal for this week is we're eating pretty healthy and clean me and my husband and some carrots um i like to eat carrots honestly i love carrots another great snack and that is not everything last i always admire when i see people get flowers and share them in their videos so i wanted to share the beautiful flowers i got these were 3.99 each so i got a white one and a pink one and i thought that would be really cute and very spring and happy so that is everything that we got from aldi i hope you guys enjoyed this video and i am going to be posting some what i in a days and i'm filming a husband and wife what i eat a day for weight loss because my husband also is trying to lose weight and i feel like he's really been inspired and it's gonna buckle down with me um and i felt like that would be interesting to show what also my husband eats on a weight loss journey compared to what i'm eating and things like that so yeah i will have some really good recipes in all my upcoming videos as well so stay tuned for that i hope you guys are all doing well thank you so much for watching this video i really appreciate it and i appreciate you guys so thank you for all your support on this channel we officially hit 35k i hit 35k the other day and yeah that was just huge for me that was a big goal i had so just thank you for watching my videos and the comments and the likes it all helps and it all matters so thank you but that's it i hope you guys have a good one and i will see you in my next video bye guys
Channel: Amanda Lewis
Views: 15,095
Rating: 4.9740262 out of 5
Keywords: Fat loss food ideas, Fat loss grocery haul, Weekly grocery haul for weight loss, Weekly grocery haul for losing weight, Huge weekly grocery haul for weight loss, ALDI grocery haul, Shopping at ALDI for the week
Id: 33cZMdmqfAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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