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what's going on ladies and gentlemen my name is Ryan Rudy and today we're we playing ourselves some balloons TV battles and I am excited basically normally post Ren but today I'm gonna be playing with you guys I'm gonna be playing against you guys just having a good time talking hanging out just having a good time in general you guys have been loving when I played balloons so I'm actually really excited to play it hopefully you guys are as well let's jump right into this guys will fleam hopefully you guys are having a fantastic day today I'm gonna I'm gonna be honest with all you guys right now I'm I've had a pretty bad day today and in all honesty guys today has been very upsetting for me I don't really want to I mean it's nothing like bad that's happened it's just like I just had something that was like really unfortunate that happened and I'm not gonna lie guys my moods pretty pretty down I'm pretty I'm pretty shook it up right now it's nothing like basically to give you an idea I'm trying to find a new apartment an apartment that I really like um basically we got denied for really bad reasons and they've just been really mean to us and it's just they've just been like condescending it's been really mean and it's been it's been taking its toll on me so yeah I'm sorry if today is a little off for me but it's just you know it just happens sometimes so I'm a little off I'm sorry guys but we're going to create a battle and let's do this yeah I know it happens it happens um sometimes you just have bad days and that's okay it's okay to have a bad day sometimes you just gotta go like you know what today is not my day I had a bad day today and that's fine it's okay to have bad days it's just as long as that bad day doesn't get to you too much and doesn't go to your other days it's fine so it happens it's it's okay it's okay to have some bad days but here's the code guys if you guys want to play with me pop that code in and see if you guys can join and have some fun times let's play on let's do it let's just do a classic fun map let's not do anything too complicated let's just have something fun I want to play on mage oh no thanks for coming in do appreciate you your teams are so fun to watch hey no scaling for $3 you per jet I appreciate you I'm glad that you uh enjoy the streams where is it it's not this one where is it alright no I did I go past it my BTA was yesterday happy late birthday dragon so sorry I missed it sir nah now where is it now where's the map um you where is it I know which one it is it's not that not that not oh here it is battle park let's do battle park let's do battle park name happy birthday Mika okay hey can't hear the stream using the music that's funny all right what do we won what do we feeling like obviously let's get let's get some money um I don't wait it's boosted banana let's do this and let's do those and let's do um let's do super monkeys and let's randomize uh let's do another one not bad I'm actually I'm very happy with that I don't know if this is the right one it is the right one okay that's this is good to know this is good to know okay there we go we can put that there oh look looks like we have the same idea he okay him and I have the oh I put that in such a bad spot alright we have to sell this guy that was such that was so bad okay let's put that there um let's put let's put Oh what's right let's put these red-hot spikes down in and I'll now we're good to go almost put another one looks like this guy's going with those interesting setup from that guy interesting setup a need um I think what I want to do is instantly go to my face looks extra white today um I don't know if it's probably because the screen slope right here I put like that my face should probably be less bright but my screens just really bright right now that's like probably the main reason okay let's do this okay um yeah we can put this let's just put this guy right here and we can get focus firing and we can do this one and now what we can do all right make sure we have all the banana upgrades okay and now what we're gonna do is we should be able to just boost like this OOP there we go so we're gonna do one boost that just turns these all into banana plantations just instantly which is gonna be really really nice so that's just the first boost that we want to do that will turn this into a rated ray of doom which we yeah so we need we really need the ray of doom we'll be good oh let's put let's put this guy down because I really want to make sure we're making that money back right then we just need to make sure that we're really um yeah yeah we definitely we definitely want to start getting banks as quickly as possible because banks are just it's so much eco for yourself right and then once you have all that eco you can kind of do it it just really secures your late-game right once you have that ego and I want out we oh we're almost there we're almost at that 5500 mark Mon come on almost boom all right there we go now we have that Chocolate Factory and we're ready to go guys we are ready to go are you moving with favor of my Sabre actually no uh funny enough I'm not moving in with favor of my stapler he's gonna be moving with me well hopefully he might not but I'm actually well I guess I'll tell you guys now you'll figure out sooner or later I'm moving in with my girlfriend which is kind of crazy because that's something I've never done before and it's kind of cool it's also slightly terrifying at the same time because it's a very new experience in my life so who knows hopefully hopefully that all goes well okay oh I'm sorry to hear that stuff okay let's collect that collect that and we just got to keep trying to get those banks and we should be good hey Nathan can I play Jimmy says yeah I mean this is oh we always do it more of a first come first serve kind of deal so if you want to join it's just basically first person who's able to get in is able to join so okay hey Ryan boy thanks for coming in you're awesome okay come on let's uh let's collect all that now now we're starting to make some money here well I just realized we still have two extra thingamabob errs like what's it called we have one extra thing so I actually can go ahead and try to get more money oh my gosh this guy has way more banks than I do that guy's making way more money than I am right now this is not good okay let's um let's put down a super monkey because the super monkey is gonna be very nice to be able to have all right let's collect all of this money and let's put it into this super flaky plasma blasts and makings of the Sun God and then we let's put this year and then monkey for radar scanner there we go so now we can hit everything so now I just I don't have to worry about that oh but that's gonna turn it into a stun oh wait no it's not um that's that's fine we don't have to worry about that okay now we can focus on getting more baits so let's just really focus on trying oh my gosh this guy is oh my gosh this guy is so much money right now oh my gosh this guy is going to annihilate me late-game with money so um we might have to do something a little drastic here guys because this guy looks like he's going straight for money and he doesn't have that strong of a setup I think we might have to do something a little bit risky right now I think we have to do something a little bit risky let's do something a little bit risky let's wait just wait let's do it alright let's just let's just hope that this all doesn't I don't know if he's able to I don't I don't think this guy can deal with these he's trying he's trying he's I don't know if he's able to deal with this just keep sending him keep sending him oh he just spent a lot of money trying to time deal with these so it looks like he can deal with these what about ceramics he might not be able to deal with ceramics as easily now it looks like he can alright it looks like we're gonna have to get ready and send a bunch of zomg s Adam like we're gonna have to just send everything we have at this guy as soon as we can cuz this guy's going all with banks he's not that strong right now I mean in all honesty I'm not that strong either looks like we can send weight I think how fast can we send these Adam um I don't know if that's gonna be enough looks like that's also not enough so what happens with omg's can he deal with blimps we might have to wait until round 20 and just just just go stright Amorim around 38 is the opie almost impossible to beat around I've done I've gotten past round 38 round 30 it's not that hard yeah I know my eco is going down just cuz I'm sending so many things Adam right wait can't oh I was pressing the wrong button all right so this guy yeah this guy can get looks like he can deal with this pretty easily well soon as around 20 hits we're going in Sooners around 20 hits we're sending everything we had at this guy all right let's go all right come on I think I might have done this the wrong way we just have to send everything we have at him all right come on more more of these more of these let's go looks like he's in a quite quite the pickle right now all right just everything we have a time Eve sending its once that sense there we go here we go more of them just send everything we have at him everything we have at them he said in the phoenixes just keep pushing keep pushing we can turn these into the red ones too we can turn these into the rest all right there we go these should turn into the red ones yeah they are okay just keep sending them keep sending them we cannot allow this guy to get away with having that many bangs we cannot if if we do not win here we lose the game just because this guy has so much money he has so much money we have to win now it's the only way it's the only destroy yeah ha ha that's the only way okay all right mmm see I don't there's no way that this guy can deal with this many balloons okay all right well we're sending these at home now I'm pretty sure this guy's just done for I don't know I don't there's not much this guy can do these um I just keep sending it at him but until we win it's the only way it's the only way I don't know I might have been able to win late because he doesn't have that many guitars yes what there's one - Oh an an engineer actually he doesn't have a late game straddle all his so his strategy would have been good if he had the the towers to back up the money right but he only has early game towers he only has a wizard um Helius wizards and wizards cannot go late game unfortunately so that's a gg sorry that you had to lose Joe no that was a good try so with the thing that went wrong with your strategy on is you had a really good idea with making a lot of money but you didn't have anywhere to use that money right you only had really cheap affordable early game towers like Wizards the battleship as well as engineers if you had something like rays of doom or um you know Apaches or monkeys I think your strategy would have been much more powerful so I think your I think you could have beat me if you would rush me earlier in the game all right so let's do Bonanza wait what's this both players received the same random tower so let's do Bonanza and random towers I think that'd be fun let's do Bonanza and random towers I think that's probably the best way to go about it and that's what coatsy fo x su p so CFO what's up that's basically what it is guys okay so yeah what's my favorite late game tower that's a great question Sam um my favorite late game tower let me think um I mean I think I think it's safe to say that like the monkey tower on like the super monkey like temple monk the the god temple that's like off the off the chart because that doesn't count because that's just obviously too strong you're sour mmm so this is our loadout a interesting loadout a very interesting loadout I guess that's what we have to go with um let's see use the Cobra to troll yeah yeah my fate probably the ray of doom just cuz I think I don't know what these do I have no idea what any of those things do um let's put this probably put that right there and then let's think let's think I don't know what any of these things do do I want to just use them I don't know what they do oz it is this what he's gonna do bigger bombs mr. washer oh I didn't want to do that I didn't want to do that I wanted to do that instead that was on me I I spent too much money there unfortunately yeah I should probably start working on getting my eco up right I definitely yeah I definitely want you go um I don't know I don't know what's the yeah I put for gue for Glu Glu is definitely really strong yeah I'm down for some glue let's let's do a clue Connor a glue so corrosive blue particular glue glue splatter let's go with that and then we're gonna want with grow we're gonna want piroso glue for sure what does this do so that's the tower boost what's this dude long balloon booze what's this do super EcoBoost does that make my go just better I don't know I'm not sure what I don't know what any of those three things did I honestly could not tell you let's do balloon dissolver there we go that's working now we can just start sending more stuff at them I like um balloon dissolve is really good it's just this tower just does not attack that fast unfortunately um we're gonna need flares only glue gunnery only glue gunner what is this - so does it permanently just increase my eco I don't know like I actually don't know all right let's try it out let's put the UM the stun thing on this thing but come on stun things done things done thing already there we go now we have the stun thing on I think we want to just boost our eco does it boost it by a percentage oh do a tournament I see here's the thing will determine if I lose a tournament I just like it's just kind of embarrassing at that point right if I lose a tournament because I I just have to watch people plate which is kind of unfortunate when that happens that makes any sense does this just I think that just gives me a small ego just like I don't think that actually does much so I'm just trying to get can I do no we can't do things yet that's fine um let's save up money because this guy this guy wants to just rush me heavily right now which actually it might be working for him let's do we're gonna need one of these anyways so let's put I mean we can just put this guy here we'll put this guy here I think we want no you want a signal flare signal flare is really good basically we I want rapid fire once I put rapid fire on this it'll be really nice mom where's rapid fire yeah we're close to rapid fire hmm there we go come on I rapid-fire there we go rapid fires this guy loves just spamming balloons that mean I mean it works for him as he goes doing pretty well I think this guy might have a pretty good strategy with the I need balloon dissolver badly if I don't get balloon is over I think we're in big trouble um let's put this monkey here and let's put stickier glue on them and let's put new hose on it and then I think that'll be good to go what is so glue so corrosive glue I think what is I what's this agility glues everything on the screen oh that's pretty cool ID so does that that changes the glue type which is a little annoying but that's okay so that'll be fine I want to get the glue the balloon dissolver there for now let's just keep let's wait let's save up that's 6,000 I think that's good oh this guy's getting ready for my labs this guy is very much so getting ready for my labs all right let's get balloon liquid fire balloon liquid fire is really good he just doesn't like they'll look at that oh that's so strong okay looks like um yeah let's put well with this guy here let's put another let's put just another guy right here and let's get balloon impact and then let's have this guy target close and then that's a signal flare so our signal flares gonna be pretty good this guy can't hit camos this guy can't hit camos yet he has no idea how to hit camos he literally can't hit camos oh wait no he can't oh he just got the signal flare dang um that is unfortunate okay he just got it I missed my I missed my chance to rush him with that unfortunate that's okay this guy's got a decent around it looks like he's getting ready to send he looks like he's getting ready to send stuff at me so we're gonna we're just gonna get ready I want to do the same thing he's doing because I think that's gonna be our best bet I need to get my eco up top the my egos not high enough for sure like looks like he's gonna start just sending more stuff at me I mean it's not gonna do much for him if he sends more I think I'm in trouble but what's I don't know what this does long tower boost okay and long what is long so long balloon boost goes against pin and makes my balloons stronger for longer okay that's I mean I think that's reasonable um that's fine that's just normal camera balloons I think I'm gonna swap the target two down there just so the signal flares is better so we're gonna we're gonna life gives you lemons squeeze them in people's eyes I mean that's I'll be at a yeah that's that's one way to go about it I will admit that's that is one way that you can go about it for sure okay your favorite yeah I I'm not a fan of the blue chipper I don't think the blue chip is a very good gun at or a tower or at Barrett at much at all I just I'm not a fan of that um I think what I want this guy might be going oh he's going for a lot of anti Moab I think um not quite sure how to deal with this guy yet um rapid reload varnish there's no fair boom let's put this guy here set target we'll put that there let's do this let's freeze it because you can freeze the balloons so and that's pretty pretty useful let's get we can get more abbess asin's on a lot of these guys and we can literally just do that if we need to I don't think we're gonna need to do that we have so we have this which is a tower rush um that's 2.5 thousand that's for zombies can I get forums ozone beads out of this day this is white the risk but I'm willing to take it guys those aren't so him geez then it sends all I lost though I lost I thought that send zone geez Adam oh that's my that's my bad that's my bad I just I oh oh I thought that was in a sense in one piece that was that was my bad yeah that was that was my bad dog that was that was we definitely lost this one this guy just I he did a way better job at getting that early go and I think I am just in a I'm in quite the sticky situation cuz he's literally just stronger than I don't have like a better strategy he's just better than me right now which is in order to win this we're gonna have to do something kind of crazy what is that that we have to do I'm not sure yet maybe we wait for him to make a mistake and then we capitalize off that mistake right now I have to focus on getting my ego up I think that's the my only chance is if my ego gets up like if he does not rush me and I get my ego up um if you rushes me right now with a bunch of as omg's like he's about to do I think it's just over 3 I'm pretty sure it's just over for me I'm pretty sure I just lost it let's we'll let's see we can do that alright let's freeze all the balloons again let's get let's find another one of these so we can slow it down it's not enough whoopsies yeah I just think yeah that I that's basically what he had to do to win which I mean he's watching the stream so that was a good game I just really couldn't do much there right um I I really messed up there I think I should have played it a little bit smarter um I think I was too I was too silly in the beginning I think I should have taken it a little more seriously be a good game nonetheless good sir let's do um let's do let's make it interesting let's do this let's do this will be interesting we can only do three rules this will be an interesting strategy this will be a very interesting game so basically double that's the code basically double damage to um oh I didn't even select a map that time that's why I was I was like why did I play on that map I forgot let's see this will be fun hey thank you feeling family for subscribing you're awesome I appreciate you Oh Benjamin so I can't play Benjamin we have to you have to what you have to let other people play Benjamin and I not that's kind of silly that you can't keep people sorry sorry dude I want to be able to play with everybody you understand sure alright let's do a turn I'll do I'll do a tournament Wow I'm down for a tournament ok let's create a tournament round limit games will lend out for the turn around and play with the most laser let's do it quick let's do 10 rounds let's do 16 players best of three nah a game type assault turn on it drive it Oh what's this I've usually told you you will not participate but you can steal spectate the tournament games interesting interesting what if we all would do 200 let's turn off powers okay let's turn off powers and dunno custom club let's making this a sudden death I'm down for a sudden death this could be fun do I want a host though and see what people think um let's I'm gonna host I'm gonna this is what we're gonna do I want to watch you guys because I don't want I'm gonna I'm gonna just spectate I think this will be fun and I wanted to see what you guys do will will hop in and out of games and see what happens well just I want to have a battle of you guys okay um so these are the five maps but snot let's do us do the final map should be let's look for a good final map I'm good with that I'm good with that all right let's do this guy's all righty so I'm gonna all right we're gonna ban Cobra cuz Cobra is no fun and here's the code guys if you guys want to play there's a total of 16 people here's the code V CC u o BD guys alright see if you guys can join see if you guys can join now I'm gonna I'm gonna host it um that way like I don't because I can see myself just getting body in the very beginning this is gonna be a tournament to you guys I'll basically be announcing them and watching how we go and we'll see we have 4 we we need 10 more or now we need 12 more I can count I can do math I promise oh my god that was nasty you guys just okay well that's the that's that all right let's start best of luck to you guys hopefully you guys can win starts with 5 seconds this is exciting we'll see we'll see how this goes um I don't know who's gonna win policy alrighty so can I just click on that's the rule that's just a salt um I think we're just waiting I can't spectator right now I think we're just waiting right now for the game to start so of course I'm gonna ban Cobra Cobra is that is an old power tower so we should be good ok there we go um tomorrow you play flames were zombies in a livestream I'd like that could be fun what's happening right now can I not join do you need an emulator to play balloons up you see no bloon does on Steam if you want to play you can just go on Steam now did i just mess up my own tournament you tournaments where did my tournament go I literally don't over my tournament win my tournaments know what's going on here guys why is there no tournament what what happened what happened to the tournament up up up where were it is it their few tournaments um where we go back turn on oh by tournament oh no there we go okay we got it all right so there we're already live so let's all right so we can hop in and see how people are doing okay I was like dawg what's going on like what's going on here okay so or kitc alright so this is how we doing interesting what is okay so looks like they're both so there looks like they both went wizard interesting all right so both went so we have I think the person on the left's gonna win I'm pretty sure the person on the left is gonna win Kelsey bar if I had to guess all righty um wait can i how do i I think I can do this right cuz that takes me back to the main menu right yeah okay that makes sense alrighty looking live and it's on the right side yeah I'm I'm working on it this is okay so we're catching up all right so this is around two out of ten so sparks plays looks like he's going with so he's got a boat but it looks like he's going with the tack shooter blade strat very interesting looks like he's rushing him on the right thing if he can't you know get an early lead on him two lives is all it takes to win that's literally all it takes to win so smart plays I think he's playing it right but I'm pretty I don't know I'm not exactly sure um oh my gosh roll death has already won he already won how did he end up winning let's see what happened oh let's see it looks like roll death roll just just spam blue oh so he went he went for the money he went for the eco and it looks like he just wasn't able to keep up with this he must have lost two lives right there yep yep looks like he's not able oh maybe not I wonder what no he won with the wizard how did he lose ah the balloons did end up getting by he put the wizard in the wrong spot unfortunate sometimes you just make those mistakes you sometimes you just make those mistakes looks like people are already winning these matches looks like player 49 he already won I'm interested to see how player 49 did it there's like these people are doing pretty to Lata's are very very very quick yeah this is this is Devitt very much so a quick game I like how players doing it I player 805 I like that he's going with the Gatling gun I think it's a respectable first choice I think I think the this my oh you went with the money though I think it could pay off but I also that the oh yeah look he's going to the pink rush oh yeah this guy just rush them with pinks I think it might be over for him I don't this guy ended up just losing I I don't know what happens there I guess I guess there's like a glitch with like certain like spectating things from certain areas I'm not entirely sure okay so it looks like this guy's winning this guy still these guys Kelsey did end up winning and so I was right about that so only people left is we have milk-bone let's see what's going on versus Kristin player let's see okay let's see um all right we're catching up here interesting so we're catching up so far we're on brown what round are we on seven these guys are on round eight out of ten so one guys goin in just looks like so one guys goin in just one guy seems to be going straight normal monkeys I don't know who's gonna win this one Oh does this guy not have know does this guy have no way to pop leads no don't tell me that's no way to pop lads oh no oh no come on come on no unfortunate it looks like yep let Chris was able to win he just couldn't deal with those medals that was a good call from Chris that was a smart play Chris smart play dealing with those you have to think about every situation Chris ended up winning it looks like that might be happening let's see they're in sudden death now let's see what's going on over here Thanks is pretty cool okay so I'm really interested to see how this guy with the tack shooters doing wow this tat shooters actually doing crazy work what this tax returns been doing serious work so how is he gonna deal with the Middle's let's see let's see what happens let's see what happens here no oh my gosh what a close game that was what a close game that was crazy looks like lead is looks oh it looks like everyone oh my gosh this guy already won oh my gosh what happened here this this um Weston it was a mute Muser rocky mur mur zico Mersey calls his name sorry how did he win so fast so this guy somehow managed to beat this guy how did he ended up doing it I'm interested to see how we want this Mersey cool guy is crazy good what did how did he end up doing it that's it that's that's literally game right there that's all wow wow that was crazy this guy's just gonna be sitting there so it looks like it's gonna be um alright let's look Kelsea bar versus silver let's see if Kelsey swapped up his or her strategy okay let's see um Kelsey Kelsey's going with the same strategy again I like I like the diversity here I don't know who I like more I'm kind of a fan of the silver Falco guy 993 that seems pretty respectable I'm not sure I think I think Kelsey's gonna fall through when it comes to the LEDs doesn't have much for let's literally nothing for camera lens however this guy a silver I think this comes down to who just gets let's first literally a camo camo LEDs I don't think Kelsey Kelsey kill the camelids with like a highly leveled of ninja and a highly leveled uh premium but that is if we can get the platoon the plutonium shots you might be able to get it but other than that I really don't think we're gonna be able to do that like I I don't know we're gonna have to figure out yeah what are we doing guys 850 live yours but only hundred fifty likes what do you guys do and hit that like button if we get up to 500 likes I'll sing um what will I sing I will sing I can't wait to be king by The Lion King like the I can't wait to be king no no no no what should I sing guys what's a fun Disney song the same no or anything I'll just say I'll sing ultimate showdown it's been so long I'll sing ultimate showdown if we get to five hundred likes guys I'll sing ultimate showdown alright guys that's just how it happens okay cuz it's the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny alright Kelsey Kelsey's hanging in there who do you guys want to win Kelsey or silver Falco I don't I I don't know why but I have this like I'm kind of rooting for Kelsey I think just because she's using I just have a soft spot for the the ray of doom like I just really I really just have a respect for that you know I think that's it's always respectable for that you know always always respectable for that so it looks like it's gonna be all that the other people going on is this guy versus this player guy people are saying Kelsey yeah let's see what else we got going on here looks like post look baybel said hi to each other that's that's respectful I like that oh no not the kitty the connection was broken no I hope no don't tell me this guy likes out I'm gonna be really it's gonna be really sad off host:if host likes out a membership you don't have to pay per month have um I think membership on um balloons is like a flat eight dollars and you just buy it and you have it forever to be in like club membership yeah that's just that unfortunately it looks like this guy might have liked out which is unfortunate looks like Kelsey still battling it up so let's see how that goes I know that's that's it's a pretty rough way to lose just losing connection like that all right um I'm gonna I can give them a thumbs up guys Tom tell mom enjoying it right did I lose I actually I'm not participating in this tournament I'm just watching you guys and see what happens so alright we're catching up so far oh no way he got the plutonium Kelsey ended up indeed getting the plutonium well done so they're on so they're on the sudden-death both only have one life right now it's a little little a little spooky not gonna lie I'm gonna look um how is oh by the way guys I want to make a shout out um I have a pubsey channel that I stream on daily now if you guys are interested in pubsey battle right uh you know player uh no battle ground I do stream it daily now I stream it every morning for about an hour if you guys are Richard in that the link is in description down below you guys can go check that out um and just kind of join me it's very chill very like stream I'm very more um it's a different a different style over there it's more mature um I don't swear on that channel but it is a more mature feeling if that makes any sense I'm much more um I think it's I don't know usually I have to go check it out but if you like battle royale games or pubs you go check it out you might enjoy it over there I only have like 8000 subs on there and I stream hopefully daily so um I think you guys will like it though I think you guys will like it though alrighty I don't know what's happening right now I'm a little scared Kelsey seems to be sending them ooh that OCO seems to have it though Falco's doing some work with that that that Apache he's got going on there APICS is not a better game not actually I don't know I think that is I think as a whole apex is probably better but I find pub G more fun if that makes any sense so Gavin on your other channel what do you mean by you my other channel I'm not sure what you mean are you doing another tournament after this one maybe we'll see how much time we have left there's no promises you may get flipped over I don't know maybe I know if you guys like the tournament these tournaments they do uh maybe I'll I'll start hosting them more regularly oh here comes omo app hand Kelsey deal with the Moab I don't know I do not know it's a little they're both just like come on Kelsey come on can you deal with this you only have $1,000 you might want to sell one of your ninja so you can upgrade your turret come on sell sell both ninjas and upgrade you're rated oom no but you pull laughs he pulled it off no way no unfortunately she didn't Kelsey that was a Gigi that's alright silver Falco was victorious good luck good job silver Falco all right it looks like it's Chris versus silver Falco all right we're both of the semi-finals hosts came back and won he disconnected but he was able to come back and actually he won the tournament good look good job I kind of want a one host to win now just because like you had that connection lag out and now he's back like that's pretty awesome all right so the game just started this is gonna be interesting what is the options that we have here it looks like host is going for just normal monkeys all right music I ooh really music I is doing something he's going for that he's going for that tack shooter shot is that good I don't know I honestly I'm not I don't know it might be good why not who knows okay but here's a guy he's doing pretty good so far oh but I don't know will he be able to hold up against this no there's one that already got by wait no it didn't get by he didn't lose a life for that maybe that was just a glitch on my end I guess that was just a visual glitch 140 more likes and I'll sing the ultimate showdown so guys remember if you guys won't want me to sing that you guys know what's up music guy this is interesting this is interesting Oh host host is crying now he's he's upset I I understand he looks like he's sending those pink balloons now can you deal with them them doesn't look like it looks looks pretty rough so far um host does smooth air sending stuff at each other now oh it looks like that's game for host Oh that's game for host that that looks like that's unfortunate host is out music i with the crazy strategy coming in strong good job music i he's doing pretty good so that's beer zack i in the final game last now it's up to these two these two champions what's going to be is a to be Kris or is it gonna be silver Falco I don't know looking at it I know silver crackles been pretty strong so far no okay I don't know guys I really don't know I don't know what's gonna happen here I'm on the edge of my seat like I'm actually on the edge of my seat right now who do you guys who do you guys think is gonna win is it gonna be music I Chris or silver Falco on I honestly I don't know so far looks like music I has had the best strategy um he's been counting swapping it up a little bit doing throwing in a mix thrown in some cool stuff which I'm pretty excited about silver Falco is doing he's doing it he's doing all right you know I feel like silver Falco here has been kind of like the under talk I've been I've kind of like put him been putting him in the shadow but he's been doing a great job and he's been showing me up every single time I'm like now I don't think he's gonna win and he proves me wrong so maybe silver Falco this is his chance to prove me wrong you know business chance to show me that he's got what it takes to be the book the championship on balloons to be the best to be number one to be the original og though I think that's what you have to do it looks like people are wanting silver Falco I don't I don't know I know you deep I lost the t series we might need to do another I do anything for beauty pie series I think that could be kind of fun we'll just have to see who knows I I'm honestly I have no idea what's gonna happen here like I actually have no idea who's gonna end up winning this hey Chris says hi I don't know if you're saying that to me or silver Falcon but way either way hey you guys I I don't know if you guys are watching the stream right now but if you are I'm written for you both I hopefully used to do this honestly I haven't talked much about Chris but Chris's I like a Chris's idea I like the trio monkey with the wizard I think that's pretty good I personally I don't know what I would have done personally in this situation um I don't know on a PewDiePie's not out for the count though guys he could still make a comeback all right he's you can still make a comeback you know he might have lost this battle but he hasn't lost the war yet we'll see you guys all righty come on Chris we can do this guy's around nine out of ten these guys are not messing around as these guys are not by any means messing around one life one mistake and that is end that's the end of it put them okay guys okay interesting I honestly don't know what's gonna happen here I'll give them a thumbs up they just all right here coming here it comes sorted death where basically they just lose one life so it's not the end of the world from it just I think it adds a little bit more stress but I don't know okay yeah we do we need we need mr. Beach to do a video about PewDiePie that's what we need I love mr. Beach I think mr. beast is a is a very good oh no no no silver falco silver falco no that's the end of it never mind it wasn't he was able to hold him off it was just a visual glitch um but what I was saying is mr. beast I think he is a very good example of what youtubers should be I mean mr. beast he's just a fun guy I mean he doesn't do anything to my phaedra thanks for the - no super job like mr. beast he doesn't do anything malicious he doesn't bother anybody all of his stuff are either really genuine or fun or like I don't know like they're all just light-hearted exciting things right and that's that's kind of what I'm I'm all about that right Oh silver Falco is out silver Falco is out guys the final battle guys Chris versus musicai Chris was able to do it pretty well he was able to battle at the top music I battled from the bottom and here they are guys so here's the final battle okay guys I don't know who I'm not voting for anyone I'm very interested to just see who wins this guy's okay Oh PewDiePie's losing by 1k ooh guys do you guys want Chris to win our music guy to win what do you guys think in the description okay here let's let's have let's have a cool song play okay here you guys epic music for the final battle guys okay the final winner to decide who wins guys who will it be Chris the man who's be able to manage victorious game after game under the radar we didn't notice him at first but here he is the final combatant will he be able to win the world may never know here we go guys looks like a lot of Chris's the final battle let's watch this everyone let's see who's the winner here I'm interested I'm interested as you are we're catching up let's see what happens music I I don't know guys as the epic music plays we will see okay let's do it guys alrighty we're lowering it back down when we had that epic music for a little bit um hey Jayden be made a really good point Chris is aggressive music is smart its brawn versus brain I actually greeted that completely Chris is a very aggressive player he just rushes you the balloons lots of strategy mirrors okay that's not what he's about and you know mercy okay he's he's a well-thought player he plans his attacks he plans his strategy he gets that eco up he gets he gets situated went without ever he needs to do look at that look at that strategy look at that complication he's not even retaliating he's not even worried he's just calm and refined okay this I'm is this CSeries music it's not it's from epidemic sounds it's not T serious I mean it might be empty series but this is from epidemic sounds all right guys oh good sportsmanship from the two of you they've all said hello good best of luck to both of you guys may the best balloons player win guys okay and remember guys at the end of the day this is this isn't like seriously competitive this is just all for fun and games you know I hope for everyone who took place in the tournament at least had some fun you know or at least was able to get some enjoyment out of it I'm thank you everyone for joining so far you guys are awesome ooh looks like oh my goodness looks like music I ended up selling that one texture to buy himself a plane interesting don't know why he ended up doing that but that's kind of what he ended up going for oh he's interesting interesting we're looking at Chris didn't have a lot of eco compared to music a geek music music cow I I can't I'm trying to pronounce something I'm just having such a I don't having such a rough time right now so okay it's beautify winning again that's awesome if you divide is winning it wait let me look up um let me look up PewDiePie versus t-series do de paiva versus t-series let's see let's see um it's gonna be whoops oh that was that was his song no no PewDiePie is currently 600 subscribers away right now unfortunately PewDiePie is losing by 600 subscribers which is hmm wait is saver in chat hey it's a bird thanks for coming in dude hopefully that notch if you losing yeah I know PewDiePie is losing by a little bit which is really unfortunate saber saber you and I didn't need to do a help PewDiePie life you and we should stream and we should just try to get PewDiePie more subscribers we need we need to make sure we get him some salt it's alright that's basically what we're working on here you know that's what we're working on DLO I'm dad Oh Mirza kal you're in some trouble dude are you gonna be able to pull this off I don't know I honestly have no idea substitutes I agree I agree sure we should sell to PewDiePie make sure you guys sub the PewDiePie guys okay yeah do it now we should we should definitely do a stream for PewDiePie yeah another PewDiePie mega stream I might do that we'll see you know terraria I actually do know terraria I know um I like yeah I know terraria okay I don't know what's happening right now I have no idea like I actually have no clue what's going on right now and I'm kind of tear all right we're on sudden-death I don't know who's gonna win this is terrifying that these are very very closely matched player I was about to say if he had no way of hitting camo balloons we were in trouble we were been in trouble okay you are iiiii jacolby a bison says I'm unsubscribing because you like PewDiePie well I'm banning you from my channel all right look at this hide user on channel right sorry jacolby you have been permanently banned for my channel how's that how's that huh you like that okay do you think they're gonna get to around 25 I think this is gonna end pretty soon I don't think they can look at their eco and their money they do not have enough money to hold off to hold up much longer this is what I think they should do their best bet I actually have no idea well music I just came out with look how much money he has he has where's all he's selling Sowers why is he selling all those towers no he just got a phoenix you know what a strategy what a strategy no he predicted that he predicted that rush no way no way sold everything to get that Phoenix tower so we could stop the rush I want music how mirrors that music how to win what a smart player what a smart move he predicted that a rush was coming because he saw that the other person hadn't done anything recently sold all of his things to get the Phoenix to be able to hold it off what a smart play that was impressive that was that was very impressive that was some smart thinking right there are you the best player in pub Jean no I am absolutely not the best player in pub do you I am an average player at oh no chris is sending it oh no music how you're in trouble you're in trouble can you deal with the Moab I don't think you can deal with the Moab I think this is it I think this is good oh my goodness what just happened mirza cow wins he won the championship he won the championship that was such a good game congratulations mirza cow that was phenomenal that was a really well done that was bail overall well-deserved win Chrissie good try good try it you can't you can't win against something that good good you good game everyone to come back was real there that was awesome if you had enjoyed it smash the like button subscribe the stream if you're new to turn on notifications I love you guys and I'll see you guys tomorrow on my channel tomorrow early for a pub gee stream go baby thank you Shawn for the $2 Rupert chat tomorrow on my pub G channel in the morning at like 10 or 11 so go subscribe to my property channels in description down below go subscribe thanks for watching guys I'll see you guys tomorrow I love you all thanks for being there
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 40,698
Rating: 4.9194031 out of 5
Keywords: Tewtiy, Tewiy, JeromeASF, Jerome, Gaming, Games, Child friendly, kid friendly, family friendly, funny, mobile, pc, livestream, livestreams, gaming livestreams, Live
Id: bXP8-zxY6kQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 26sec (2966 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2019
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