Fastest way to build a SaaS in 2024 - Next.js, Supabase and Stripe

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I'm going to show you the fastest possible way  to build a SaaS product and start making real   money we're going to look at using vercel's  subscription starter template and set up a   hosted production environment of nextjs Supabase  and an activated stripe account that can take   very real payments let's get into it so here I  have the stripe subscription starter which is   from versel template gallery and there's a list  of steps that we'll step through most of during   this video but we're going to start by clicking  this deploy button so this is going to Fork this   repo to either your GitHub gitlab or bitbucket  account I'm going to choose GitHub I may already   have a project with this name so I'm going to  call mine subscription starter demo you can   call it whatever you'd like we could leave this  one as private but people are probably going to   want access to at least my demo so I'm going to  make a public repository and click create and   now we need to add the Supabase integration  so this is going to install the integration   in one of our organizations I'm going to choose  examples and say install integration and now this   is stepping through creating a new Supabase  project I'm going to call mine subscription   starter demo I'm going to generate a new secure  password make sure you copy and paste that to a   password manager cuz we'll need this one again  shortly the region should be geographically   close to the majority of your users I'm the  only user so I'm going to select Sydney and   then we want to leave this create sample tables  with seed data tick box checked cuz this will   set up everything we need for our integration  with our strip customers and products and all   of the other things in this template so let's  click create project and this has automatically   set all of our Supabase environment variables we  just need our three for stripe so let's head over   to and either sign in or create a new  account and I'm going to create a new account for   this example so I can say new account and give  it the name subscription starter demo and make   sure you choose the country where you live because  different rules and regulations will apply to how   you take payments I'm in Australia so I'm going to  click create account and now we can click API keys   for developers and copy this publishable key and  go back to our versel tab paste that one here we   then need our secret key so if we go back to our  strap dashboard and click to reveal our secret key   and then take that back to Vercel paste it in here  and then to set up our web hook secret we actually   need the URL of our deployed vercel project so  we'll add this later for now we'll just make   this too and then click deploy and once that's  deployed and we see this beautiful confetti we can   continue over to our dashboard and then click our  new domain make sure it's the domain and not just   the deployment as this one will remain consistent  across all of our deployments so let's click this   one to open it up and we can see we don't have  any subscription pricing plans yet but before   we go and create those in the stripe dashboard  we need to copy this URL and then go back to   the stripe dashboard and go over to web Hooks and  then add an endpoint the endpoint URL is going to   be that versel URL and then /i/ web hooks we can  then select the event we want to listen to we're   just going to listen for all events and then  click add events and then if we scroll all the   way down to the bottom we can add that endpoint  this then generates this signing secret which we   can click to reveal and copy this one go back over  to our versel project click settings environment   variables and scroll down so we want to edit  our stripe web hook secret so we can click   these three dots and say edit we can then add the  value instead of to-do which will be our web hook   Secret from the stripe dashboard we can then  save this one and then we also want to add a   new environment variable so the key is going to be  nextore sitecore URL and the value for that one is   going to be that domain URL from verel so let's  copy that one go back to our cell dashboard and   paste that in as the value and also remove that  trailing slash let's click save to add that new   environment variable and now we have these new  environment variables but they're not actually   available in our deployed application and if  we scroll up it actually tells us here a new   deployment is required for your changes to take  effect so let's go over to deployments and then   click our deployment drop down these three dots  and say redeploy make sure use existing build case   is not ticked and then click redeploy and once  that's deployed we can open it up and it looks   exactly the same but now stripe knows where to  send those web hook events when we create our new   subscription tiers so let's go back to the stripe  dashboard and then we can search for products and   we want to create a new product the name for this  one is going to be hobby the description is going   to be can do five things if you've already got an  idea for how you want to apply those limitations   to each of those subscription levels feel free to  make this a little bit more accurate but I'm just   going to say they can do five things we then want  a couple of different pricing options our pricing   model is going to be standard the price can be  let's say $20 it's going to be recurring so this   is what makes it a subscription the billing  period is going to be be monthly and then if   we scroll down we want to add another price so  the idea here is that the user can either pay on   a monthly basis or they can save a little bit of  money and pay for an entire year so for this one   the price is going to be $200 it's going to be a  recurring payment but the billing period is going   to be yearly and now if we save that product we  can see we have a hobby plan where the user can   do five things and they can either choose to pay  $20 a month or $200 a year 2 months for free is   pretty good value so let's go back to all products  and then add a new product this one is going to be   our Pro Plan the user is going to be able to do  50 things it's going to be a recurring payment   of $50 a month and if we click here to add that  product then we can click into it and add another   price which will be a recurring flat rate of $500  every year and let's create that price and so now   we have our two different subscription levels  users can either pay for the hobby plan or the   Pro Plan to be able to do more things whatever  these things are people are going to want to   do them okay so now back over in our application  if we refresh we can now see both of our pricing   options showing up so the hobby plan can do five  things and is $20 a month Pro Plan can do 50 and   is $50 a month we can also change this to yearly  billing and both of those prices are automatically   updated but before we try to subscribe to anything  we need to configure or if we click sign in we can   see the user can sign in or sign up with email  and password this bit will already work but if   we want the user to be able to authenticate using  GitHub we're going to need to configure that in   Supabase so let's go over to app. and  you probably won't have a ludicrous number of   examples but I'm going to search for my project I  think it had the word subscription and this is the   one here subscription starter demo and then if we  go over to authentication and then providers these   are all the different ways that people can authen  icate with Supabase we're going to use GitHub for   this example so we can enable this one here and  then we need a client ID a client secret and then   this is the URL we want GitHub to redirect to  after that authentication process completes so   let's go over to and I need to sign  in and now if we click our user Avatar and go   down to settings we then want to scroll down to  developer settings at the bottom select oo apps   create a new oo app and we can give it whatever  name we want I'm going to say subscription starter   demo we then need a homepage URL so this will be  the homepage of our application and go back to   GitHub paste that one in as our homepage URL you  can give it a description if you want to be super   organized and then the authorization callback URL  is that one from Supabase so this callback URL for   oo let's copy that one go back to GitHub paste it  in here and then we can register our application   so this will be our client secret we can copy  it from here go over to Supabase and paste it   in here and then for our client secret we need  to generate a new client secret and now we can   copy this one and paste it back over in Supabase  now we can save and we can see that one is now   enabled and we can test this is working back over  in our application we can click sign in and we can   scroll down to use GitHub to authenticate and you  can customize this in your o or app in GitHub but   I'm just going to authorize this one and now I get  this error cuz there's one thing I forgot to do so   if we go back to the Supabase dashboard and again  under authentication and URL configuration we need   to set our site URL to be that versel domain so we  can get that from our vsl dashboard we could just   click this one to open it up and then copy this  URL and maybe close these other ones so it doesn't   confuse me later so this is that one that failed  before and back over in our Supabase dashboard we   want to paste that as our site URL so let's click  save and then go back to our application and click   sign in scroll down to use GitHub and then we  see this new account page which gives us all   the information about our current plan the name  that's been pulled from GitHub and also the email   address so if we go over to pricing we can test  out that subscription flow so we can subscribe   to the Hobby plan and this will redirect us to  the stripe UI we can use their test card which   is just all four twos we can also use that for the  month and year and also the CVC so basically just   keep typing for two until it stops asking the name  can be anything let's say John Meers and then the   billing address is going to be in Australia let's  say 1 2 3 fake Street and there actually is a fake   Street in oakw in the USA so let's just use that  one and then we can click subscribe and you'll   see the text has changed to manage rather than  subscribe and we can either click here or go over   to our account and click here to open the customer  portal ah which we haven't configured yet let's do   that so back over in the strip dashboard we can  come up here to search and look for customer and   this one under settings billing customer portal  is what we want we can then tweak anything that   we want the user to be able to do within that  portal so they can see an invoice history they   can update their billing information they can  choose different payment methods for stripe   to remember they can cancel their subscriptions  and here we can choose whether we want that to be   immediately or at the end of the billing period  the end of the billing period is usually pretty   standard especially with monthly billing it just  means you don't refund them any money they get to   keep using the service until the end of whatever  they've paid for and then under subscriptions we   want the user to be able to switch plans and then  we just need to choose any of the plans that we   want them to be able to move between so that's all  of our plans so $500 per year $50 a month $200 per   year or $20 per month you can also choose whether  you want to PR rate those subscription updates so   if they went from yearly to monthly do you want  to credit them that difference we'll leave it   as invoice immediately and then under business  information this is just business information   boring stuff so now we can save those changes and  then back over in our application if we click open   customer portal we get redirected to that stripe  UA where we can do all of the things we just set   up so if we want to update a plan we can go up to  the Pro Plan and then continue it's telling us we   just need to pay the amount that is the difference  between our two plans so let's say confirm our   user could also cancel their plan and when they're  finished doing all of this stuff they can return   to our application and we'll see that information  has been updated in our nextjs app we're now on   the Pro Plan it's charging us $50 a month and if  we go over to our Supabase dashboard and go to the   table editor we'll see that all of our customers  and prices and also our products and subscriptions   and everything we've been doing over in stripe  has been automatically synced to our Supabase   database awesome we now have a hosted production  environment of nextjs Supabase and stripe but our   stripee account is still in test mode Let's  activate it so we can take real payments so   back over in the stripe dashboard we can confirm  this is still in test mode because of this big   red banner that says you're using test data we  need to activate our account to access live data   so we can click here to activate the account and  this will step through a collection of questions   about your specific business that's different  for every country and once you've activated the   account you'll see that Banner is gone from the  top and we can go to developers and and then API   Keys copy this live key so remember earlier this  was pkor test it's now pkor live so definitely the   live version and we just need to tell the cell  about this one so back over in our subscription   starter project we can go to settings and then  environment variables and then scroll down to   find our nextore public unor stripe unpublishable  key and then click these three dots and say edit   replace the value with our live key and then  scroll down to click save and then we need our   very live secret key which it's warning us you  sure you want to reveal this let's do it and we   can copy this key and take it over to vercel and  find our stripe secret key click these dots edit   replace this test value with our live value and  then click save and again we need to redeploy our   application for these changes to take effect so  let's go over to deployments and then click our   latest deployment and then click these three  dots and say redeploy making sure use existing   Bill cage is not ticked and clicking redeploy and  once that's finished we can open it up we see each   of our pricing plans and we can sign in our user  again scrolling down and using GitHub and we're   not currently subscribed to any plan so let's  go to pricing and subscribe to this hobby plan   for $20 a month seems reasonable and now we can  confirm this is actually a real production version   of stripe taking real payments because if we  enter that test card of all 42s and 4242 and and   4242 and whatever name we want the address of 123  Fake Street in oakw Illinois and click subscribe   we see the card was declined because stripe is  currently in live mode and this is a known test   card so send your friends that URL because we now  have a very real SAS running in production with   Vercel hosting our nextjs app which is connected  to our hosted Supabase instance and our activated   stripe account but if we make any changes we're  making them directly in production that's probably   not great you should totally check out this  video right here we set up a local development   version of each of those pieces so we can make  changes in an isolated sandbox and test them   heavily before we roll them out to production  but until next time keep building cool stuff
Channel: Supabase
Views: 8,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supabase tutorial, best firebase alternative, open source database, build a SaaS, build a saas app, Next.js, Supabase and Stripe, build a saas with flutterflow, build a saas, how to build an app, do you want to build an app, Vercel, vercel template, Configure OAuth with GItHub, Setup Stripe Customer Portal, setup stripe with app, stripe nextjs, set up stripe next.js, stripe supabase, make an app 2024, cookie-based auth, supabase auth, take payments in saas app
Id: I7CFD99sp1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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