Fastest Ride on the Insane White Line?!

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oh he's going fast everybody see how he controls  the bike with that phone brake okay how good is this rider number six oh sick hey everybody welcome back to the channel  so today i am with ryan rodriguez you must have   seen his insane clip in virgin utah he's done some  crazy drop guess what he just joined the propane   team so it's gonna be representing propane in the  u.s and you can find our propane in the usa but   also in canada just use the us website of  propane and today we are on hogs one of the 3h   of sedona it's a classic trail especially known  for the white line behind me it's uh a very   very exposed line up to 100 meter cliff so  if you fall obviously you die we're gonna   try not to do that today it's pretty windy and  should be a great video so stay tuned and enjoy that's a tough one she's tough one more go the bike was in the way  let's stick to the white line yeah here it is it's a white line let's do it the wind is not going to help but look at the crowd we've got a full   a full public watching us see the action we should  have a chip jar yep and get them to cheap to watch so start off the white line carry some speed  and it becomes really of camber right there   and for me almost one of the others  part is that first corner where ryan is   because suddenly it gets really blind and suddenly  it gets really exposed and so what i like to do is   carry some speed where i can pedal and when it's  two of camber to pedal i just put my outside feet   so for me well for everybody in this  case it's gonna be your left leg   and i really like apply pressure  so the tire knobs can grip   and i really try to you know be very smooth let  the suspension and the tire and my body absorb   every little impact so the bike doesn't bounce and  i can get good pressure sounds like a good formula   these little uh waterfall divots they add a little  bit of spice to the whole thing huh yeah totally   see and here you continue so usually a berm the  bike compresses and you can get support this   is a contrary of a berm it's like an off-camber  controller berm i don't know if that does exist and this as well is a tricky one  because when you compress the bike   and you come back up you don't want to  unload and lose traction look at the exposure oh yeah look at this little  bit yes this is a tricky one   when i read it on tuesday i tried to avoid  it so i stayed a little bit high and then you   got to stick this part after that yeah and the  exposure just gets worse and worse as you move okay and so this is it right that's a super  technical corner the entrance of the corner is not   that bad you know you really have time it almost  gets a little bit flatter you don't want to go too   much on the inside because then you shut the door  so it's almost better to come fully outside you   can even put your phone tire here and go towards  the rock obviously don't eat it you don't want to   go too close either because of that dirt that goes  dirt and you can see most of the tire marks just   above it and yeah negotiating that flat corner  with the compression while beating on the brakes   it's a bit tricky but we're gonna make it work and  then carry some speed and essentially do the same   backwards i'm starting to be breather pretty  heavy man all right look at the exposure like   if you fall you don't even see what's behind like  just you just don't fall here it's not an option wow how you fitting i feel good yeah i  feel like i feel like it's radicable   but there's always that like the what if what  if but this turn is definitely a move right   a couple of loose rocks front wheel  takes a plunge ah scary to think about ah i guess here you're just a little closer to  the edge yeah exactly so here i was carrying good   speed because see that move it's pretty tricky  trying to hop it yeah so you want to go fast   enough that you you carry momentum here so you  don't lose your balance and so then the exit we   have taken that exit you can see my tire marks on  the right big compression unload make the corner   on that little spine and then control  your speed because it's really slippery   and stay on the edge and obviously don't go right  why it is tricky because you can't actually slow   down much that is a wild compression so oh  my gosh the normal way is actually right   there and this is way way easier control your  speed and really brace for that impact but you   you know at this point there's no more exposure  really i think i found my line that's all you bud you again can't even feel me in peace  without those two like bumping into my videos   oh yeah i'm really good man how are you yeah  we'll take a little rip warm up it's like   it's actually quite steep right but there's a  lot less consequence but it is a lot steeper   and make sure our brakes are warm make sure our  brakes are working make sure the tire is gripping   yeah yeah just have a good feel of the terrain  is always a good idea when you're gonna   attempt something as exposed as a  white line absolutely so let's do it yeah what we are about to ride is  definitely harder than the white line   not as consequential as ryan mentioned  it but it's gonna be a tricky one is ready let's try this warm-up i'm ready oh he's going fast yeah buddy really good control i was sick it's really good too that's not you  it's rowdy like the top you went fast i was like   is he gonna be able to shut it down before the  cliff no it's good it's that's how you really   build confidence you know before doing something  where you know you have no margin for mistake   okay i think we're ready now okay  guys let me show you the white line up corner slow get back on the pedals and sprint i'm gonna go for that at that alternate line it was a win it was crazy and we did it it's a white  line look at the exposure   i can't believe how much the  wind pushed me down there on his first ever on the white line i thought sewing yes so controlled insanely windy okay buddy let's do it  camp on the white line oh he's confident yeah see how he controls the  bike with that phone break even put the body up and another one yeah buddy you wrote that superwood wow so  much confidence at the top you kind of bunny up   into that off-camera i was sick i have  to add a couple of hops in there huh yeah   dude awesome glad you made it and you made  it look so easy but for people watching   that video please keep in mind this is an  absolute no for zone you might have seen   a clip of that bike tumbling down the hill so  imagine if it was a body so please only attempt if   you absolutely want it and if you feel 100 percent  100 confident in your skills and in your bike let's check out the rest of  the trailer let's check it out yeah i heard you didn't take  the best line but okay drop yeah the grip is actually really good   well now that makes me think i can start for  maya okay i'm gonna go why it's a bit steeper damn those brakes amazing so i just had a  crazy idea what if i ride that upper line   straight down until that cliff it's like  completely straight i'm not gonna make any   corner it's off camber but you know what i've  got some ace dominion a4 sintered brake pads   maxi 3c grip i don't think i have much  of an excuse for not doing it let's go okay i got this all the way from up there down there so  we've done it the white line and maybe   some new or alternative lines how was it ryan i  was definitely nervous a little shaky walking it   it's actually pretty terrifying going up to the  turn but you know once you get on the wheels and   get moving you get zoned in get locked in it's  good yeah if you're confident and you just focus   on riding the line then it's not too too bad but  the exposure is definitely there you have to know   you cannot afford to make any kind of mistake  your bike has to be on point your tire pressure   like your gearing your seat post tight everything  has to be perfect you have to be feeling good   otherwise do not even attempt so for  now what's up well we're gonna finish   the trail so broken arrow and then we're  gonna do some super cool single track   there's some really technical move  it's gonna be sweet let's do it yeah gosh that's difficult yeah buddy you don't have the right gear but we made it yeah the trays they are so different from you  know what i'm used to riding in squamish it's   all off up and downs it's really hard for  your car you are really good for your car i remember that yeah i remember that drop i was sick wow that's a fun section of trail but  if you don't fiddle you don't move yeah flying buddy ah it's stopped so sick think okay okay so we need to go this way  the cool thing with trailfox pro   is that once you download the map  you don't even need service because   right now i'm in airplane mode and  that still works so it's awesome goodbye i cut that in camera i'm sorry but that's  definitely going to make it to the video yeah   oh where are you going truck is here yeah some text wow that corner  is so sick this one as well oh it's narrow oh my god his hands were so close from the rock hell dude that was a good one  yeah last minute spot yeah   that's pretty physical you start  going down and you're like okay   game on and then couple of pedals game up so we  saw the trail was going this way but it's not   just like a detailed hiking path so we're gonna  go again drop and keep on rolling let's get it wow came out a bit wide that's a fun one is there some exposure here oh missing the trail i would have missed it too you're pinning it i'm glad to see  you tired because i'm tired too we've been riding for six  days straight oh that's right yeah buddy i don't know how you fit  under the tree because i barely did all right so many different options i think that  was the best line because if you come here   then you're too far before inside you can't  make the caller definitely wrong line to us yes oh yeah that's sick section oh man   wild goose that's when uh i realized that  i need to get back to doing uh intervals i just like chunk right through the middle you'll  find it it's a little loose not the proper way that was loose i was on the inside line and then  i didn't have a good exit speed for the corner cleaning the truck oh oh you recognize this i do not ah this wasn't  it huh so we made a little mistake we are   looking for pigtail here we are follow  you if i remember there is a few jumps wow i almost dip on you oh nice oh buddy stay on the track oh what's that's a tough trick gotta take a breather i got  my deep breath in go for it a lot of problems yes that was awesome what a ride loved it awesome thanks a lot everybody for  watching that video i had so much fun the white   line was scary but we did it and then we had  a ton of fun on a peak trail and broken arrow   so as always if you support the channel easiest  way to do it is to subscribe leave me a comment   share that video with a friend and as always  you can use the product i'm riding and you can   find them on competitive cyclists every purchase  supports me thank you for that see you next week
Channel: Rémy Métailler
Views: 287,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sedona, arizona, mountain biking, followcam friday, gopro, hero 10, downhill, enduro, trail bike, hiline, steepest line, nate hills, vtt, velo tout terrain, bici de montana, all mountain, freeride, speed, braking control, drop, off camber, remy metailler, chesty, sedona bike festival, chaine vtt, mtb channel, mountain bike channel, remy youtube, pinkbike, propain bikes, cyclist, hayes, maxxis, white line, sedon 2022, pov, trail preview, follow cam friday, hogs heaven, pig tail, exposure
Id: 3C_jOJIu4C4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 21sec (1641 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 24 2022
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