Fastest People in the World. God Level Fast...

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There seems to be no limit to what humans are capable of. We’re constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s humanly and physically possible. But some gifted people out there are able to reach a new level of skill and precision that almost seems unreal. Here’s a couple of incredibly fast people with top-tier skills. Let’s get it on! The reason why people started creating machines in the first place is because they’re better than most people. Faster, stronger, and more precise. But this man is making all that look pretty stupid. What’s the point of a machine when this guy can punch at the same frequency? It’s an incredible skill and I don't think there's anyone quite as fast as him. The human race probably needs to go and re-think just about everything now. Robots are taking over the world. We all know this. They’re quickly replacing humans; because as everyone knows, they’re just faster and more precise than we are… well, usually. Some people outperform robots. Even more amazingly, some groups know how to work together with such precision and speed that a robot would never be able to keep up. This pineapple farm would probably slow down their production if they brought in a robot, because these people are definitely just as fast, if not faster than any machine. There are so many chores in this world that are just so annoying. It can feel like we spend half our lives doing those things. We all wish there was an easier way to do them, but is there? Well maybe not for everything, but this guy certainly found a genius way of performing at least one mundane task. Imagine if he had to place each of those trays in their stacks individually? He’s got back hours of his life by coming up with that trick! Packaging is an important part of any product. There are all kinds of bags and wrappers for all purposes. But how do the things get inside those bags? Machines put them there right? Well probably sometimes, but not these flatbreads. And that’s because these people have skills beyond the wildest imaginations of packaging machine engineers. How are they capable of wrangling a whole stack of bread into a packet that quickly? Who knows. But they can definitely do it faster than we can. Almost faster than we can see, even. All people need to create something amazing is skill combined with opportunity. But the trick is being able to spot the opportunity in the first place. Most people won’t realise they have it, but this guy sure did. He noticed the slippery floor and realised that he could use that to improve his already amazing chair unstacking skills. Instead of just unstacking the chairs like he normally does, he could get them into the ideal spot in seconds, ready for setup. Makes me wonder how often I’ve missed a chance like that. To be a chef that’s even halfway decent, you have to have skills that most home cooks could only dream of. Knife skills are particularly important, because you spend such a big portion of your day putting a sharp object next to your precious fingers. But where do chefs learn this skill? It’s passed down from other chefs… or by their dad. This man is teaching his son some knife skills, but really, it looks like the student doesn’t need much more teaching. He definitely shouldn’t be that good at such a young age. Sign language is already difficult, add in some rap music though and watch the difficulty go up by a 1000… Not that you’d know it was hard by watching this incredible sign-language interpreter. She’s become pretty famous for interpreting Eminem’s songs into sign language at his concerts. Yep, that’s live. We all know how fast he can speak, imagine turning that into a physical gesture and keeping up. Plus she still manages to do it with style. She’s genuinely incredible. The quaint business of farming has changed a lot in recent years. It’s not cute animals prancing through a few tomato plants anymore - now it’s all huge harvesting machines. So you’d think that people have pretty much disappeared from that environment, unless they can drive one of those death tractors. But really, when you have a worker that’s this fast, they can’t be replaced by something on wheels. Imagine trying to design a machine that can take only the leaves off these plants as fast as him - it’s just not possible. There was a time when rollerblading was fashionable. Everyone worked at honing their skills. But no matter how long they spent learning tricks, they’ll never be as incredible as this girl. All I can say is, good luck trying to follow what she’s doing, because her legs can move in ways I never thought were possible. Her accuracy and skill are on a totally different level that us mere mortals can’t comprehend. She really is exceptional. Sign spinning is almost a lost art these days. You almost never see it anymore, which is a shame. When it’s done right, it can be a real treat to watch. And this guy is the perfect example of that. He’s got some serious skills. He’s somehow combined sign spinning with break dancing - that’s two difficult skills put together to create something even better than any normal sign spinner could achieve. That’s the kind of guy you want working for you - nobody could see him doing that and not stop to look. Everyone knows construction jobs are tough work. But they’re actually difficult in more ways than we realise. For example, have you ever seen those wavy bricks? They’re a clever design because they stay put once you’ve put them down, but putting them down in the first place isn’t that simple. Unless you’re this guy obviously. He has no problem with the placement of his bricks, even though he’s doing it almost faster than your eyes can keep up. That’s a full road in a couple of seconds. There are so many strange jobs that people have to do everyday; that most of us will never even know of. But the people who do these things all the time come up with some really ingenious ways of making them as easy as possible. Imagine you were the one who had to get all those baskets of tomatoes into that truck. Just think how long and hard you’d work to get that done. We’d never think for a moment to throw the whole basket backward like that. It’s clever, and they had the skill to execute it. Martial arts always take an incredible amount of skill, so imagine being one of the best in the world. This is Muhammad Rashid and he has more records than I can count. His nunchuck skills are second to none. All you really need to know is that he can do all of these things. Honestly, I would be surprised if anyone else holds a single nunchuck world record, he must have all of them. He can hit playing cards from between two bottles balancing on top of each other and not knock them over! It shouldn’t even be possible! He’s next level. A white picket fence has become synonymous with happiness in the western world. We would all love one, but it’s not so easy! Imagine you want a nice rounded garden fence, how long do you think that’ll take you to put up? Days of your life would be lost. Not this guy though. He has the right tools for the job, and he knows how to use them. That’s a perfect arch to top off that wooden gate in just a matter of seconds. He’s the bringer of happiness. There are so many things in this world that make you wonder how people came up with that in the first place, but this one’s really up there. This guy has some serious BMX skills and he wanted to prove it by doing something nobody else ever would’ve thought of. All he needed was a stair rail and some construction cones. After that it was all skill - because he knew how to get his bike into exactly the right spot. You could ask why, but really - who cares. It’s an awesome and unexpected stunt - the best kind. Most people think of stone skimming as something they tried and failed to do as kids. You might not know that it’s an actual sport though, and nobody’s better at it than this man. His name is Keisuke Hashimoto and he won the World Championships. This video looks insanely impressive, but how far did his stone actually travel? You’ll never believe it, but that winning throw was 554 feet. I’m amazed they found a pond big enough to accommodate his skills! Everyone knows Tony Hawk. He’s the only skateboarder in history to become a real household name. And that’s a title he earned, and keeps proving he deserves. At the age of 48, he performed this crazy stunt to once again prove that he really is the greatest ever. The stunt? A 900 degree turn in the air on a skateboard, nearly at the age of 50. Yep, his skills are not only unmatched, they also don’t seem to have an expiry date either. Watermelons are delicious, but they’re not the easiest fruit to handle. They’re big, heavy and challenging to cut up - but so worth it. This guy knows nothing about the challenges of watermelons though. He’s packed so many watermelons that he’s become the watermelon whisperer. Now he just looks at those giant fruits and they seemingly do whatever he says. Really, with the way he handles them, you’d think they were hollow, not the heavy fruit we know and love. Clearly, no watermelons were harmed in the making of this video.
Channel: Trend Central
Views: 139,441
Rating: 4.9310756 out of 5
Keywords: the, fastest, people, in the world, god level, fast, fast people, fastest people, god level fast, fast workers, fastest workers, oddly satisfying, satisfying, speed, speedy, quick, workers, amazing skills, god level skills, fastest people in the world, incredibly fast people, world record, record, Trend Central
Id: b1Dfjs3DrUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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