Fastest Drop Slide INSIDE MY HOUSE (Vertical)

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I was fucking cackling over this. Funny guys

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/friedeggsandtoast 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
when i was a kid i went on some of the steepest and fastest water slides ever since me and jay have a need for speed and competition we made some alterations to jay's house to find out who's the real speed demon you're probably thinking here we go again another slide video but i promise you this is on another level this is our steepest and fastest slide we have ever built this is a practice run before we use the axle but we can't use him right now because he's a bit injured what so we're going to use this chicken instead my left wrist weighs 2k left bollock nice woody by the way thank you bro what six of december whoa whoa okay i'm gonna pause that right here you guys need to understand how steep this thing is so imagine waking up getting out of bed and dropping three stories down into your own house even this chicken is [ __ ] itself it's not lubricated enough get the cooking oil get the lube the chicken wasn't heavy enough so to test how fast we'd be going we rolled a 25 kg weight down the slide the 25kg weight went 22 kilometers an hour we're like 80 plus and there's gonna be lube y'all we're hitting 30 kilometers an hour you know that is a circle and circles gain momentum bro i'm fat i'm a circle the thing is the chicken went down fine bro it didn't even argue back it just went down yeah man we're gonna end up like that chicken oh my gosh i'm so scared for you you sure kind of you shook your shirt i've never felt like that i've never felt like that oh my god bro this makes our last super slide down the stairs in my house look [ __ ] i saw please go down there's a test on me if you go down right now i'll give you this hoodie right now bro i don't know if i can do this i've got bill decides to be on by three you gotta build inside to be on bro you measure speed to the foot three two two one go you know okay bro like my brain was in a different dimension it is believed i'm going to be topless in there axel you're insane oh he's gone pale would you do that again yeah yeah yeah i'll do it again i'll do it again i want to go faster i want to go faster next stage obviously we need to pick up some speed so we've got some vegetable oil we're gonna cover this entire slide in it i'm let's go down yo lucy you nervous for him bro well that's my friend i'm farting at three max i just made sonic boom it will [ __ ] because he's like obviously gonna die like i'm just sad about it already oh i hate my life three two one oh my god oh my god my heart no oh my god sweet baby joseph that was insane my back's lubed up now so the second time i do this it'll be much slippier feel my heart going whoa whoa oh no no no no [Music] oh i again myself then remote didn't even allow me to do another swing and drop mass [Music] that's it leave yourself back okay three no no no no no three two wait wait one [Music] 21.5 kilometers an hour i'm telling you yeah if you don't put your bum hole on that field and you will you will regret it for the rest of your life i'm good it was worth trying when he let go of me i let go but my head nearly hit the banister where the gopro is i flew and i'm gonna go and do it again [Music] oh my god oh my gosh that's so [ __ ] oh my god he got maximum speed he did yes his [ __ ] did it ten times more scary than the first time thirty one point three quickly yes he's got six cylinders in his arsenal how many more you went 20 miles an hour near and up three [Applause] the slowest yo we let the pit stop gang you know watch him come back up we'll unscrew his [ __ ] arse oh yeah put a new one in i need to be oiled like a baby back rib bro i want to oil you off like a baby back rib anything under 35 is it no goal we're not settling flat we're not settling for it why did fairy washing up liquid next it left like my dad did three two one oh my god you're good [Music] that's three points and i'll see you in court what the [ __ ] is going my dad owns dvla my dad owns dvla harry i'm like that will brethren argue as well three two [Music] that was way too fast okay you ready [Music] [Music] wow ah my eyes go [Music] kilometers an hour these peggers can't keep up with me they need a rematch [ __ ] it out calm down all right that's too much fun we're putting like lube you use it for oh my god it smells like those aliens in the eggs on a tuesday you didn't think you would be like moving your boys back on it bro nice no you're not dog stop please stop [Music] oh my god oh my god how fast is that uh 44 kilometers now it's got to be faster i have never seen anything like that that was quick he just went and then it was gone it glitched i need more speed i think he turned his graphics card off i'll fight down it bro this video [Music] three two one [Music] 49.7 i know that was faster than my first one three two one my [ __ ] shoulder 45 kilometers 48 are you sure i don't want to beat you [Laughter] it's like two one are you alright three two one [Music] [Applause] [Music] that looks he's a little [ __ ] devil he's trying to beat me he's trying to take my place bro three two one go [Applause] three two 42.5 [Music] yeah 44. he did it wrong no he's a [ __ ] that was 44 feeling did it on the door in the high vis thinking he's important look at him i'll breathalyze you i'll find you i'll take you to court i'll take you all to court i'll [ __ ] take the sides part guidelines say uh it should be a meter wide whoa if [Music] [Music] no holes in my chest vanessa's
Channel: TGFbro
Views: 2,508,085
Rating: 4.9736366 out of 5
Keywords: among us, sidemen, pokemon, unboxing, ksi, imposter, moresidemen, biggest slide, slip n slide, super slide, tgf slide, escaping a double decker bus
Id: 7D9X84vKL3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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