Fastest Coupes (2024) - GTA 5 Best Cars Tier List

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hello everyone I'm Bry 1322 and this video we'll showcase the fastest cars in the GTA 5 Coupes class organized first of all by race tier and then by lap time within each tier with the top speed of each vehicle also shown in order to identify any outliers all 19 Coupes have been put through their pierces on my testing track and top speed run and we'll be going from the slowest GTI cars to the top s tier in this video be sure to subscribe to stay up to date on future testing of new vehicles added to GTA 5 and Beyond and check out all of the classic in the playlist this video is brought to you by my second Channel bruffy's random bits subscribe to it via the link in the description for Random clips that don't make it to the main Channel as well as full-blown Let's Plays with my current project being to play through all the GTA games before GTA 6 so as we see the slowest cars in the Coupes class starting with the postlude in tier G which is in last place for both lap time and top speed it's important for me to let you know that the intro video to the series which is linked in the description and pined comment likely answers any questions you have about this testing from simple things like what car upgrades are needed to maximize performance and what hsw stands for two more complicated things like why I use off-road wheels and overall testing methodologies give that video a watch if there's anything you don't understand here since everything there is assumed knowledge for this video all right so the much maligned coup's class we're finally here it's kind of full of cars that you probably wouldn't consider at first plans to be Coupes at least in a lot of situations it was forgotten about as well for a long time where it took 2 years for it to get its first DLC car with the Windsor in 2015 with one more DLC car coming in 2016 with the Windsor drop and then there was a 5year wait until we got the prevan in 2021 the Coupes class also has a lot of duplicate cars with Cabrio versions of the same vehicles and is the second smallest Mainline class in the game with 19 cars total only three more than compacts and four less than even Vans at least there's no non- rable cars in this class though so that's not something we have to worry about and we've started off pretty well with the Ft having four cars all on relatively similar Pace there with the kjo being all about the grip the Windsor having the top speed and the Oracle EXs being the best allrounder tier e yes we're already at tier e drops down to three cars but also gives a good selection of cars that are all on similar pieces with the faster regular Oracle that probably should have been called the XS instead and the slower convertible versions of the Sentinel and felon they're all relatively well matched here with the top speeds decreasing as the lap times improve that leads to a good balance and and situations where some cars will be better than others the Felon GT might have the best grip but its top speed puts it third from last in the entire class tier D has cars that are quite similar to those that we saw in e but just a little bit quicker and enough to Warrant them being in their own class with the higher top speed F620 which does quite well to get fourth place overall for the class for top speed and the nicer to drive and significantly more consistent Cogen Cabrio which it breaks into the top 10 for the Coupes class by the way we don't have any outliers in terms of the lap times here we're seeing them in lap time order as well as tier order we've got our second single car tier coming up next with the c tier that contains only the Sentinel XS it's right in the middle of the claster Sentinel Xs and it gets a bigger engine upgrade than the regular Sentinel which is the only reason it's quicker because they are identical otherwise and it's the only car apart from the postlude that we saw at the very start of the video that has the same position for both lap time and top speed being in ninth place for both when it comes to the B tier we've got two vehicles that have very different so the more corners and the more traction limited the track is going to be the better the Jackal will do which is in eighth place with a 107.6 but its top speed is only 114.5 which is good enough for 14th Place and that allows the Exemplar which just gets a slightly quicker lap time around this track of a one or 7.5 to compete with it depending on the track type because the more acceleration zones and the more straight line sections the track has the better the the Exemplar will do all a balance track they're pretty well balanced but the Jackal is certainly easier to get the good lap time out of thanks to its high grip if the Exemplar had a spoiler upgrade it would probably be matched with the other tier air vehicles that we're about to see starting with the Felon which is probably a bit of a spice pick for this tier it is quite close in terms of lap time but it is generally outmatched by the two vehicles that we'll see later on the Felon is actually the same as the Felon GT in all areas except that the regular felon gets a spoiler upgrade and has slightly less drag in comparison to the other a tier cars though the Felon only really has an advantage on low speed acceleration and perhaps ease of use but it can compete in the right hands however the X top of the class Zion is still doing well right up there at the very you know sharp end of the class we're into the top five now it's got that good top speed due to its low drag but the low engine power that this ion has means it does struggle a little bit for acceleration in comparison to the Felon which has more drag which hurts it for top speed but more engine power which helps at low speed when drag isn't really impacting anything as long as you keep the speed up though with the Zion it will get some very nice lap times all right the top s TI cars now and it's the first class in this updated testing without an hsw car at the very top proving that hsw isn't really necessary on new cars you just have to make the car as quick as it needs to be by default like what we'll see with the top two vehicles and then hsw can be used to bring old the cars up to speed like we see here with the center XS now the center XS because it is an hsw car it does have the highest top speed in the class of 136.6 mph which is also really the only reason that it is in the S tier as well because the other two vehicles certainly beat it for lap time and certainly have a lot more grip than it starting with the prevan which was the first coup we got added to the game after 5 years of waiting for one without a DLC car with a 104.7 it goes a significant amount quicker than the XS but it's got a really poor top speed only 11th best for cpers class that means that you know there will be an interesting balance there with the super high top speed of the Seno XS but the very top car is actually also the newest coupe with the FR fr36 this kind of balances that grid grip that the prevan has with a decent enough top speed as well 121.5 mph is good enough for second place for top speed in the class only behind the Sentinel XS obviously and its lap time is you know over a second per lap quicker so there will be an interesting balance between the fr36 and the prevan on more traction oriented circuits because the prevan certainly has the better grip than the f36 at least by a little bit and then there'll be an interesting balance between the f36 and the hsw sentino XS on more straight line oriented circuits because obviously the center XS has a much higher top speed and you know you'll see in the comparisons that it is quite close between the f36 and the prevan from most of the lap it just kind of pulls away a little bit towards the end by utilizing that top speed whereas the prean is a little bit more sort of it's more stable and probably a little bit easier to drive and and you know has a tiny bit better grip in the corners but ultimately they are very closely matched however the3 6 is probably the one you want to go for for most Coupe races but again it's not an hsw car it's the first class we've seen in this updated testing that doesn't have an hsw car in the top spot and in fact the top two spots don't even have an hsw car so that this kind of shows the beauty of what hsw could have been giving it to an old car to bring it up to the top speed the you know the pace of the new read of vehicles and then there's no need for an hsw prevan or an HS wfr 36 because they're already quick enough you know you can just program them to be as quick as you want as the base model and obviously as we see the top speed comparison the the hsw cental XS it is an hsw car so it still has that great top speed and it flies past the fr36 but again it lacks it on grip so it will be an interesting balance depending on the track and that's pretty much it for this video please consider supporting on patreon or become a YouTube member if you want to support this work and get some extra perks for doing so such as Early Access to videos and other testing results also remember to read the description for more info and comment with your thoughts like the video If you enjoyed I found it helpful and subscribe for more as always thank you all so so much for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Broughy1322
Views: 12,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fastest, Coupes, 2024, GTA 5, Best, Cars, Lap, Times, Top, Speeds, Tiers, Coupe, Class, Time, Speed, Tier, List, Lists, Car, Races, Race, GTA Online, Grand, Theft, Auto, Five, Multiplayer, Gameplay, Commentary, GTA5, GTA V, GTA O, GTAO, GTA:O, Fully, Upgraded, Countdown, Ranking, Guide, Quickest, Circuit, Track, Highest, Straight, Line, Testing, Tips, Advice, Racing, Accurate, Scientific, Test, HD, 1440p, 2160p, 4K, 60, fps, Broughy1322, Broughy, Gaming, HSW, Sentinel, XS, Oracle, FR36, Previon, Zion, Felon, GT, F620, Cabrio, Jackal, Exemplar, Kanjo, Postlude
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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