FAST Takeoff & IMMEDIATE Right Turn - KLM Boeing 747-400 [PH-BFL] Takeoff from St. Maarten
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Channel: PlanesWeekly
Views: 2,280,388
Rating: 4.5475359 out of 5
Keywords: Klm, St. Maarten, martin, maartin, SXM, TNCM, saint, 747, Boeing, jumbo, airbus, takeoff, Amsterdam, flying, landing, crash, extreme, last, runway, jumbojet, KLM 747, KLM St. Maarten, St. Maarten 747, KLM st.martin, 747 st. martin, 747 amsterdam, klm jumbojet, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, KLM Boeing 747, KLM 747 St. Maarten, 747 St. Maarten, Low Landing St. Maarten, Boeing 747 Landing St. Maarten, St. Maarten Jumbojet, St. Maarten 747 Takeoff
Id: w3ejzT4fIkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 50sec (290 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Nothing extremely early about it, that's when it needed to rotate.
They are quite light when leaving SXM as they only fly a short hop to another Caribbean Island.
Rotated in a little under 3000ft it looks like
Nothing special to this.
Actual takeoff roll starts about 3:15 if you want to save a few minutes of your life.