FAST Sink Drain Stopper Repair

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hello everyone I'm making a quick video today on how to repair your drain stopper had this go out on me a couple days ago if you've had the problem lifting this up and down and nothing's happening with your stalker it's just sitting there idle more than likely the rod that connects into this opening has either rotted away or somehow became disconnected so this is gonna be a quick video to show you just how to repair that so first before anything with all plumbing jobs under and go ahead and turn your hot and cold water valves off and I always line the bottom with towels just in case now that we've got our hot and cold water shut off you can move to the bottom of the sink start diagnosing the problem so we're gonna focus our attention right here on this apparatus we have a strap right here that's connected to the rod up top of your sink and that is making this valve actuate open or closed so what we're gonna have to do in order to access this rod which is connected all the way into this pipe right here which because it is connected from the bottom of your stop valve so we're all we're going to have to do is compress this clip move it back make note of which hole this rod is sticking in my case it's the last one release it to remember all that off just like that and now we can move to this right here all we're gonna have to do is unscrew this to access our rod okay Wow looks like we know what our problem is and this in my case it looks like the rod actually got rotted and broke away it could have got bound up inside this pipe somehow or just corrosion made this happen so we're just gonna have to jump down to the hardware store and get a replacement and install that back in I'm gonna be really easy yes the other end of this pipe for the other section of this pipe is probably sitting down here not a big deal you're not gonna need to remove this whole bunch of piping just to get that just leave it in there so I'll go to the hardened works or get a replacement part and show you how to put that in this is the kid I got make sure that when you go get your kit that you bring your old part with you because the ball is going to need to match the one in your kit this is a universal kit so it comes to three different ones and I'll be able to match which one of these balls matches this one and I'm pretty sure it's the one that's already installed also your rod length matters so this particular kit has threads right here so I can adjust this up as much as I need to in order to get the proper length okay so I'm ready to install the new part and what I've done as far as knowing how long to make this section is I've installed the proper ball onto this and I basically threaded it all the way up so I'm just gonna push this in and wherever it stops I'm gonna start threading the ball down and once it makes contact with this pipe I'm gonna do it a few more threads just so I'm not scraping this pipe and probably and binding it up because that's the last thing you want to do is having to do this again so we're just gonna go ahead and screw that back install it you can see it hits the back of the pipe so we'll just thread the ball down right about there balls not hitting anymore so I'm just gonna do it a few more times to give it some room to play and just do it by hand and make sure you're not hitting anything and you'll be fine so we've got our length set and now we'll move on to installing the rest the next step in this project is going to actually be installing the stopper and trying to get it to connect with this rod this is going to be where you probably get the most frustrated but it's not gonna really take you too long I'm gonna need to use both hands to do this because this hand will be using up on the sink to you know change the depth of this while you're poking around down so you might want to help her or kind of quite honestly better to just do it with two hands that way you can feel what both hands are doing and get a better idea of where everything's lining out okay I've got one hand controlling the stopper the other one he's gonna insert this I'm actually gonna put this in all the way and then lower the stopper and once I feel it come in contact with the rod I'm gonna pull the rod out slightly pull push the stopper down a little bit farther till we hook it and I hooked it so I got it right there so now but that's it then we'll take our old cover in my case I'm using the old one you might get away with using the new one okay don't crank it too tight that's gonna work just fine and before remembered that this one was installed in the bottom bracket here just like that make sure that it's going down straight this let this strap is straight and that looks good come up top pass them down so that's it quick and easy not a problem
Channel: Fast Fix
Views: 579,622
Rating: 4.841929 out of 5
Keywords: Broken, drain, stopper, plug, popup, pop up, plunger, sink, how to, repair, fix, diy, do it yourself, clog, clogged, stuck, bathroom, kitchen, valve, install, remove, removal
Id: lg_SyIE8uK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 05 2016
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