Fast AI Animatioon with AnimateDiff and Stable Diffusion

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close different mems animated gif all over places and maybe sometimes you want to create your own and if you have a stable diffusion it's much easier to do this by utilizing animated diff it is interesting extensions and I want to show you how easy you can install and use it and what benefits it will provide you and I understand it's a lot of different extensions there you can make animations but I think this one is very interesting to install it you want to open your stable diffusion I will provide link down below for you to show how to install stable diffusion on your computer if you don't have it so after this go to extensions going to the available areas in my case you'll notice right here in a list I already have this SD web UI anime diff already installed if you don't have it got available click load from it's preload all the list I'm going to uncheck install it because I already have it and we're going to type animated and as we're going you'll notice right here it's come up this extension click on install and establish its turn to install it after it's completed next I would recommend for you going to install it reload be sure it is showing install and no updates required if any updates required I have to check for a date click apply and restart in some cases I would recommend the restart or or your server because this is mostly a Reload UI not to restart your server alway and I found maybe if modules are missing restart all the way will help to upload them or download correctly on your computer after it's completed you should see drop down appear call animate div and this is meaning we can utilize this with conjunction with all other elements like group control net and any other ones this is also will available in image to image as well let's go back to text to image at this point let's look a little bit closer on animated div it's developed by several very nice programmers Developers as well I'll provide a link for you down below so you can go check let's explain how it's work generally it's created set of Animation images to make them similarity coherence and after it's combining and creating image you also have a different previews here and gallery so you can check what you can do with these animations as well if you want it you can download it directly from GitHub as well going there and downloaded all the models installations you also can have it more than just one animated model as a motion models different by default I'm using msdkv 1.5 you can use a different try see which one will work better for you for me I want to test be sure that what animations are showing here it's work same online for that reason I'm going to use the same model to new and I found out the best way to download it models you can go directly if you want to save it AI or would I prefer it use its special extensions with Civic AI so you can do directly from your automatic 1111 installation and you can install same way if you're going to extensions available and just search for civic Ai and this is what we heard first civit EI browser plus this way I can just go to save it I tab click checkpoint type search term what I needed and install directly from here it's match make it much easier to install it as well preview model and also tell me if the model up to date if I already have it installed once it will inform if I need update to new versions or it is all current and if we scroll down below you can see right here we have it our prompt and everything and it's what I'm going to use I'm actually going to take and copy this prompt copying of all of the settings inside and just click generate before we're doing even any animations I want to see what we will have it as an image and it seems like come up very nicely so this time I'm ready to have some animations for this we'll expand our animations let's click enable notice right here we're using currently model and if we click done you'll notice I have it only one model you can download it more if you need it I found this one to work the best in my case next we have it how many frames you wanted and this is work together with the frames per second it's meaning if I have it eight frames per second and a 16 frames total it's give me about 2 seconds of animations because this is will be animated gifcon image I don't need to have a too fast to smooth animation so in this pre-default work very well with this next we have our how many times you want to display in a loop zero it's minutes create infinity loop so it will animation Loop over and over again and if you want to do like two three times animations you can change here before we start generating this let's look on two other buttons one it says Move Motion to the GPU CPU from GPU it's a depend if you have a very slow video card or you want more processors you can click here and this will just switch if you have a little vram and also if you want to render some other ones and you've done with the motion you can remove the motion module from your memory to have a little bit more space for your other work I'm not going to reuse any seed from this so we'll just go create direct new it's probably will be different image from what we have right now and it will usually take a little bit longer time because we need to render several images not just one alone here is actually a very good example as we render you can see right here created image with multiple versions it's how the work by creating this similarity and comparison all these different images and here are animations completed you can see we still have it a little bit flickering we have some watermarking going probably from the model itself we can replace this very easy by removing but general what I was looking on this animations it is created it is not very um complex animations but it does very nice greeting this slightly smooth animations so we can use it in a any mem or any other elements besides create animation this way because it's part of the extensions that we can use it we can utilize work together also with control net and with the Rope if we need it with a control net we'll just use this image as imported enable and we're going to use it open pose so we'll just analyze all face itself we'll leave it everything by default and just for fun we can install a group we'll take same face put it right here and enable in some cases when I try this it's actually lead to the crush because some elements happen but we'll try one more time and hopefully this will work this time okay let's go ahead and click generate and we can see at this point the control net definitely work because we have the same pause and position of the face same angle everything so the control net is working this case and we can see that at this time the Rope kind of start kicking in probably will kick for all of the images we need to process because it's going multiple well if we look right here you can see the Rope replacing faces the One problems only I can probably see what will going on with a rope it's remove some of the animations because it's actually going to replace the phase one with another one and we probably lose some animations on the face itself and right here is completed let's preview there's our face actually did a very good job we have some funny things on the cheek right here I don't know the scum but general composition is there we have a small animations motion going nothing crazy nothing um a revolutionary anything but I think it's kind of very nice to create this slightly animations I can see using this maybe for older photos to bring back to life kind of elements I think this is interesting tool anyway here's a kind of fun interesting new extensions you can play around to create the small fast animations as lupid GIF if you like this video please subscribe give it time snap share this video I'll have very much appreciate it or your support and if you watch videos all the way and share this thanks again
Channel: Vladimir Chopine [GeekatPlay]
Views: 16,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Geekatplay Studio, Vladimir Chopine, Digital art, How to, Learning Photoshop, 3d tutorials, Digital compositing, How to do in Photoshop, How to do compositing, How to do in 3d, AI art, MidJourney, Stable Diffusion, Dreambooth, Dall-e, Free resources, Free learning, Digital art for begginers, Free tutorials, artificial intelligence, Digital Photography, Photography
Id: M-iNtB3g5gM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2023
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