Fashionistas in a Battle of Knowledge | Collector Showdown | Only Human

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welcome to collector showdown today two vintage clothing collectors compete for the ultimate fantasy prize a prize that we're keeping secret from them both until the very end oh it's a huge enjoyment factor it's a hobby people do seem to think that I collect junk [Music] so Charlesworth I'm feeling the pressure okay that shock I'm a hardcore vintage collector I think people contest [Music] [Applause] [Music] on collector showdown there are two challenges first a test of knowledge second a test of skill if our contestants are tied after the first two rounds we go to a sudden-death showdown the stakes are high and the winner takes off the prize will be a dream come true for only one of these two collectors will it be share the avid collector of everything from ball gowns to army jackets or Ellen the 1940s and 50s fanned with hundreds and hundreds of vintage pieces of clothing in her collection you're just gonna have to watch and find out our vintage expert today is Elizabeth Mason she's the owner of this boutique the paper bag princess with locations in Beverly Hills and Toronto she has made national television appearances on The Oprah Show Access Hollywood the Style Network and CNN and has been featured in several major magazines she is also the author of the rag Street Journal and valuable vintage the actual term the vintage anything sort of 20 to 25 years back so we're looking at the 80s as being vintage and then the 70s and the 60s is kind of being that term a retro then you get into what's really thought of as vintage hardcore and that's the 50s and the 40s and certainly anything into the 30s and the 20s a lot of times people think that when they're shopping vintage it's sort of like shopping secondhand and they're gonna be able to get things really cheap well not really most of our sort of high-end designer vintage dresses will run around three hundred dollars but they could go up to $3,000 people who actually collect clothing they're not your normal collectors you'll be surprised who they really are and just the vast amount of things that they collect I wouldn't say that a serious collector has ever really put any limitations like that's it I'm not buying another piece ya know I've never heard them say that my name is Ellen and I collect vintage clothing hats shoes dresses coats everything and I exclusively wear vintage I don't wear anything new my name is Sarah and I collect all sorts of different vintage clothes hats shoes anything that's got different styles from different time periods I'd like to have well it started for me in high school and I was looking for a grade 13 prom dress and I picked up this pink 50s prom dress and tried it on and it fit perfectly and I adored it when I was a teenager I used to go shopping at Value Village instead of going to the mall I would just go there and basically play dress-up and buy different funky sort of stuff and as it turned out it ended up with a lot of stuff that I was getting was fifties clothes I would imagine I might have four or five hundred dresses 200 pairs of shoes 100 coats I think it's probably getting somewhat excessive I think I probably have to get rid of a lot of things I can walk into a vintage store find something I like put it on and it fits I find they're all unique you don't go into a store and find five with the same dresses and the detailing on it is so different than I think you find today it wasn't until a couple years ago that I actually realized that all the clothes that I had amassed were actually vintage clothes and what I really liked was just there were different styles like things that you wouldn't be able to see or find at the mall so you could dress differently from the man oh it's a huge enjoyment factor it's a hobby most my collection is about style rather than designer label in the future I would like to get some designer pieces something by Pucci would be really nice because he does such fun and sort of crazy designs people do seem to think that I collect junk but I just I like it you know you do it for fun Ellen they tell me that you have a classical vintage clothing collection I don't know anybody else who collects vintage to the extent that I do I have mostly modern Kitsch and junk I know exactly what I like it'll be interesting to see whose clothing collection comes out on top and whose knowledge wins so I'll see you at the competition this is the first time our contestants actually get to meet each other share this is Ellen Ellen this is cher hi there nice to meet you as well so Ellen what are you bringing to his competition I'm a hardcore vintage collector that's all I wear that's all I buy I don't buy anything new Cher what do you think about your competition here and I think it sounds pretty steep but I have a lot of collection of different styles as well to vintage clothing lovers let the competition begin round one is a test of knowledge I will ask each contestant 9 questions related to the world of vintage fashion whoever gets the most questions right wins round 1 now you both say you love vintage fashion now it's time to see who is the bigger total when it comes to vintage clothing who designed the first little black dress in 1926 quick answers that's amazing one it's an easy one sure let's find out how easy Coco Chanel Ellen what's your answer Coco Chanel the actual answer is Coco Chanel you both got this one right since she introduced the little black dress in 1926 it's been the epitome of timeless fashion and actually when it did come out American Vogue compared it to a Ford because it's just universally popular and it became such a fashion basic so that's one one for both of you what was the distinguishing feature of women's suit jackets from back in the 80s Cher they were / side and had shoulder pads Ellen what do you say shoulder pads you both know the 80s the answer is shoulder pads really the 80s were all about the oversized shoulders with the wonderful shoulder pads and it was almost in every single piece of clothing suit jackets dresses tops and so you both got that one right too what punk band did vivienne westwood design for that revolutionized fashion in the mid to late 70s sure what is your answer The Sex Pistols Ellen is it complete gasps Sex Pistols Wow and the actual answer is the Sex Pistols Vivienne Westwood had a thing going with Malcolm McLaren who later became the manager of the punk band The Sex Pistols and when they played their first big gig in 1976 they wore Vivian's designs bringing the punk look in with the Zips grips and chains to the entire world this is pretty good three three for both of you what type of hat was Jackie Kennedy's signature hat that she helped to make famous back in the early 60s [Music] you guys are quick sure what's your answer it was a pillbox hat and I believe it was designed by cristóbal Balenciaga Ellen pillbox hat pillbox hat you both answered pillbox hat and you both got this answer right it was the pillbox hat and they were around long before Jackie Kennedy but she is the one who definitely made those famous for for for both of you who was the first known fashion designer to put his or her name on a label in a garment share what do you think Charles worth Ellen Dior the answer is Charles Frederick worth he was the very first to put his name in the label and that was back in the 19th century he's an english-born designer who really made his mark in Paris and he's the one who turned the art of dress making from a low prestige job into oak couture and that's why he is known as the father of oak couture so cher you got a leg up who invented denim jeans as we now know them [Music] sure tell me you were answer Levi Strauss Ellen what do you say Levi Strauss the answer is Levi Strauss it was back in 1873 when he and a tailor from Nevada patented an idea to put copper rivets on stress points of waist high overalls that's what blue jeans used to be called that he did that to strengthen them yes but it was until 1934 that Levi's made their first jeans for women the lady Levi's so 6/5 is the tally who was jeeva she's muse for his collections in the late 50s and 60s Cher tell me your answer Audrey Hepburn Oh support are you talking about the the answer is Audrey Hepburn you about the G mom she he wasn't shy about telling people that Audrey Hepburn was his muse in fact he was the one who dressed her in some of her more famous roles including Sabrina Breakfast at Tiffany's and how to steal a million share you are a head what is the most desirable and expensive fur in the world are you set chair what's your yourself I'm gonna guess that it's airman Ellen what is your answer stable and the answer is sable it is stable Russian sable in fact is the most expensive fur in the world and it's highly valued for its rarity lush dark color and deep silky pelt so there's one question left Ellen you can still tie this what type of heel that first became really popular back in the 1960s was often referred to as trainer heels [Music] you get this one right share you win round one are you are you ready sure yeah I don't think that it's right but I'm just gonna say wedge I think that it's the little small heals but I don't know what the word is to describe them Ellen do you know I said wedge heel but it may be a kitten heel that's what I was thinking of it's a kitten heel yes it is kitten heel but that means sure you win round one of collector showdown yay Ellen you can still make it up round 2 if you win round 2 you can force a sudden-death showdown tiebreaker and then one of you will get to claim our fabulous mystery prize I feel good I feel a little bit more confident going into round 2 going into the next round to feel a little bit worried a little bit apprehensive hopefully I can maintain the lead and win this hope I still have a chance in this one that's it round 2 of collector showdown next in round one of collector showdown share defeated Ellen in the test of knowledge so now Ellen must pick up her skirts and round two to stay in the game your challenge is to scour this Value Village and find the one vintage clothing rack that is in this store you then have to find the most valuable piece of vintage clothing in that rack share you won round one so if you win this round you win collector showdown and get to claim the fabulous mystery prize Ellen you didn't win round one but if you do R in this Skills Challenge then you can force a sudden-death showdown and still have a chance at that prize before we start I would like to introduce Elizabeth Mason she is the owner of paper bag princess in Toronto in Beverly Hills share how do you feel going into this I feel intrigued I'm wondering where this vintage rack is how big is this vintage rack and what's gonna be on it and how about you Ellen good good luck I mean I take a long time to shop but today you do only have five minutes for this challenge store you ready ready go [Music] [Applause] [Music] well it looks like you've found the vintage rack now normally the last thing I ever say about vintage when you're choosing a piece is to look at the label because I don't want you to be seduced by the label alone but considering this is a challenge and we are looking for the most valuable piece then the labels very very very important we are reading it there's two minutes left all right Ellen has put down the electric blue dress are we including 80s as babies is definitely vintage ten nine eight seven six five three two one five minutes up Sheriff one back no thinking all right so we have both Ellen and Cher here with their treasurer fines okay Cher's I guess well I think she went for it because she thought the fact that it's beaded it's probably the most expensive piece whether or not she had seen the label unfortunately the beading on this is probably done in India or China so it's not a hand beaded piece all right well let's hear about Ellen's piece well it's interesting when I was watching Ellen I was saying because what happens sometimes is that you're you're looking at the bigger picture you have to sort of hone in and go for the smaller details and that's what I was saying and you notice the cuff detail on this and when you touch this you can feel that this is silk this is a silk chiffon and then it has a beautiful faceted little rhinestone button here with a little cameo in and then I noticed there was enough another one back here and as far as the label is concerned well it's an Albert Nippon so it's definitely a designer label and again it's from the 80s you can feel those squishy shoulder pads in there so just out of curiosity what are the price tags on these dresses 49.99 $49.99 and $9 Ellen if you want to win collector showdown you need to win this round to forge the sudden-death showdown Cher if you win this round that's it game over you are the winner of collector showdown and get to claim our fabulous mystery prize so now it's time Elizabeth who wins round 2 skills challenge of collector showdown I'm gonna have to say it's the Albert Nippon Alma and you have forced the sudden-death showdown challenge at the last minute I had the beat address and I had that Hanae Mori in my hand and last my indecision but I just went with the one the wrong one it was a really tough one it was you had to look at the label I suppose more than what you might go for should be more decisive I'm feeling great I'm glad this happened in sudden-death showdown our contestants have to correctly identify the designer in a series of pictures of epic vintage outfits if they both get the answer right we continue if they both get it wrong we continue the first to give a correct answer when the other one does not wins the game and gets to claim our fabulous mystery prize this is what it all comes down to now remember Alan you won round two but you didn't win round one of collector showdown so you can still win with the sudden-death showdown share you won round one and you can still take this game in sudden-death showdown if you correctly identify this picture when Ellen does not all right set ready go name the designer sure sure Ellen tea or neither of you write G boshy next [Music] share in West one Ellen I figured John Paul Gautier one of you got this answer right one of you right now is the winner of collector showdown if the answer is it's Vivienne Westwood she is a designer of this iconic fashion outfit and Cher you are the winner and collector showdown Ellen you didn't win collector showdown but you put up a darn good fight I did is there anything you would have done differently I mean imagine the only thing I could have done is maybe you've read up on designers and associated designer styles with look we don't want you to walk away empty-handed we have a consolation gift here which is from Elizabeth Mason's paper bag princess shop and in memory of the sudden-death showdown that you forced there is one of these limited editions icon fashion t-shirts in here for you as well as one of her books so that next time you can read you won round one you didn't win round two the test of scale but then you took it in the sudden-death showdown so now it's time to claim your fabulous mystery prize you are getting $1,000 store credit to spend here in paper bag princess today you're gonna get the help of elizabeth mason the hollywood dresser of the stars she has dress Renee Zellweger Julia Roberts the Olsen twins just to name a few so you're gonna get the help of Elizabeth Mason and her team of experts because we're gonna add a little bit more pressure to this we're gonna give you five minutes to pick out as many outfits as you want to what do you think I'm excited excited how excited very excited excellent well $1,000 you might as well start so but what about okay well I'd like I saw this and I thought this was fabulous I would like something more like that die or lay in town dressing there perfect what do you think it's fine oh my god I like blues and greens are my favorite colors nothing in baby pink can tell OSHA now those are nice pieces yeah those are good this is really sexy on and you've got work yep right that was gorgeous and that's a tease vintage you were talking wearing a pair do I like a tease bunch of stuff I like it I like it for sure please time count four minutes down one minute left 30 seconds left this is actually really great little costume suit you're doing Danny Lee well I don't think we can put another piece in the dresser and Sharon you gotta get hand pulling your 10 times up okay showing tell the time let's go sure you've got two really big piles of clothes here hey so how fun was that 5 minutes to pick out like yeah there's anything well you know what it's time to try on some of these treasures because I've got $1,000 store credit burning a hole in this envelope so go go go Wow it's got nice lines curves would you wear this one well I don't know where but it's nice you could wear that wherever you wanted [Music] now was really cute I heard it pretty pretty pretty soon over that's Emilio Pucci and very very reminiscent of the Fugees at Marilyn Monroe war we get blonde hair the colors are just gorgeous [Music] let's say - I like that yeah like this - you're aware there's more places it's really good you're right with the beige colors gold beige this is LAN are you familiar with later the contemporary of poochie's no that's really different [Music] what do you think is that I really like it that's gorgeous that's delicious-looking is that's very differently 60s it's an early release for now it's very very cute all right share what's it going to be can't decide I want this one and I want this one and I want this one I want everything and I think this one here takes up pretty much the whole thousand oh yes I know you really should buy yourself something that's absolutely something you would never splurge that much money on this one I would really like to have because it is a coochie and I would I did actually mention earlier that I would really like to have a new shade in Valley if I go for option number two I can get this Leia address scarf so ah you know it's sounding as if it's really it's between these two options she's think yeah but yeah I'm gonna have to go with the Pucci just because is a Pucci and I did already say that I need it sound and I want too oh it's a question of me not just a question of wad we all need a Pucci I think so sure are you happy with your decision I'm ecstatic they're ecstatic that I finally have a Pucci excellent excellent so this was quite the experience thing wasn't it absolutely thank you very much you're real tall thank you total you're very welcome and just remember if you ever get tired of it bring it back here we'll see you next time when two more collectors show down for the experience of a lifetime [Music] [Applause] to see those he'll tiny pockets inside yeah but wait a second I need to try this discovered net out of your hands [Music] click on screen for more videos of extraordinary humans you
Channel: Only Human
Views: 7,448
Rating: 4.4744525 out of 5
Keywords: collector showdown vintage clothing collectors, collector showdown, collector showdown full episode, Only Human channel, Only Human, only human documentary, vintage clothing collectors documentary, vintage clothing collection documentary, vintage clothing trivia, vintage clothing competition, vintage clothing history, clothing collectors, clothing collectors documentary, clothing collection, clothing collection documentary, vintage designer clothing collection
Id: sC9tJ8dMCkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 15sec (1635 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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