Farmers 'cow sucking' joke has TV hosts in stitches. Funniest thing on TV.

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well the next story is an epic case of lost and found that involves a missing wedding ring a cow and one very determined father I'm not kidding joining me now is this black Gippsland farmer will gel but good morning to your well good morning Hiro tell me what happened right from the start well my wife and I used to manage colder made farm which is a little dairy farm with a cafe on it and it had a nursery in it where we used to keep a few little baby calves and lambs for the pandas to come and Pat yeah and and he knee up from the calves when you go in there will suck your fingers or he clothes or whatever they can get their mouth on and they sucked the wedding ring off this man's finger and in little calf was called yogi he's about at Galloway yeah and we we kept yogi at and took him to our farm at Loch and grew him out yeah what about this so this guy went home presumably and told his wife listen I was at the cow farm today and I lost my wedding ring because a cow sucked it off maybe his wife was asking what else the cow was talking off said that on telly go on yep sorry mate yeah so yeah he gave us these details and and we we've lost these details since I've he's out there watching he needs to dis ring up and hopefully is not divorced coz you might not want the ring back exactly yeah hey listen what about the was the cows name again yogi yogi so yeah how did you manage to fight that you found the ring a yogi stomach how did that all happen how'd that transpire well yogi was a beef animal and he got to the age where he is ready to be eaten so we got the local farm butcher out and we've knocked yogi off and search through his stomach and found the ring oh is that yogi you're sitting on right now yeah that's Yogi's hi oh what a beautiful hide a some hide yeah so so you you actually went through the whole the whole beast and and found the ring in the stomach yeah we did yeah yeah we went through his stomach and found the ring nope no problems with the ring the ring was all cool now it was really shiny it's got it just here so ya know came out shining we have washed it sins yeah just to be on the safe how weird so have you got to try and track down this fella now we do yeah any hints any clues as to who it might be well there's there is a word on on the ring but and there's also a date a wedding date on the ring so hopefully though will ring up hopefully somebody will will have heard the story because it's quite an unusual story hopefully yeah they've told some of their mates at a dinner or something and somebody to ease prick up and yeah we might be able to get their ring back exactly just give us a little look at it so someone at home will probably look at this ring and say I want some no I can't really it's looser sort of in one yeah what's the date on the back I'm not gonna tell you because they otherwise oh yeah cause anyone afraid ring you are on top of it my friend will connect people and everything and get it sorted out and what are you doing with the hide by the way cuz that hides gotta be worth a fortune oh well that's off getting tanned at the moment so yeah we'll probably just get put it on there on the living room wall mate you are a fair dinkum champion boyfriend well thank you for coming on our show but we appreciate your candid and honest portrayal of events no problems I hope I haven't offended anyone he just had a baby last night - congratulations - well well done my friend thank you that is one that is one thing your wife will not forget won't be the last we love you thank you all right Betty
Channel: TODAY
Views: 775,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TODAY, Karl Stefanovic, Georgie Gardner, Australia, News, Karl, cow, wedding ring, lost, funny, aussie, farmer, laughing, live tv, funniest
Id: q37YfQ7amtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 32sec (272 seconds)
Published: Fri May 18 2018
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