Farmall H Discing a Field

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well i think in today's video we're gonna get these greenies going a little bit these unknowns i think the plan is get some grease in them zerks and see what happens as far as do they take grease and can i blow the dirt in old grease that's in there out or do i have to eventually just take them apart but i don't know i've got them up off the ground here um no grease or anything in them but you can see this gang i think with grease they'll all turn they just need to move i just i think it's a situation where they just haven't moved and uh again if i can with any luck i'll be able to blow the dirt and old grease right out of it i think i can also throw a little heat on there and encourage it so let's get this hooked up to the h and get some grease in them zerks if we can [Music] well there's a grease gun there should be grease already in it not mistaken good way to test it [Music] oh oh well i'll have to put another tube in that well i'm out of grease tubes time to go buy more look throw away lawn mowers for 1500 bucks oh let's see yeah we'll go with this so friday there's an auction at 10 a.m in meadville pennsylvania and it captured my interest because there's a super m for sale they made those three years 52 53 54. uh it's not the ta type it's the more common version i think they made about 57 000 super m's total and so i'm just going to go there and check it out i do know it's an arrow front in the pictures it looks to be in good shape chances are i'll throw a bit on it um and also a couple of them implements yeah i can almost talk that will be up for auction as well one is an eight foot set of international discs the x factor is they didn't say if it was transport or drag so that will be a major determinant in fact 100 whether or not i bid on that but anyways look forward to that preview hopefully i get that loaded up wednesday night no later than thursday night and the customer appreciation day uh friday at wtc it starts at 3 p.m and not noon 3 p.m folks i'm digging that oil pressure don't puppy up we go doo doo [Music] there we go slide you over and uh yeah i just realized i didn't bring a pin i could just have somebody ride on the back here and hold their finger in there for the pin just get most of that off there that glob like i say you know so oh man it's all outside the zerk yeah a lot actually went in that bearing it really did but not to my satisfaction i want a zerk to take grease and not fight me on it is what i want and what i want is what i'll get when i got this torch oh a while ago little turbo blue uh wind resistant it it's not quite as powerful as like a little propane torch would be but you don't need a lot of heat on these you know most of the time you know you just get a little bit of heat and the base around that yeah that grease there is melting no problem a lot of times you just make them warm today's about 72 degrees out and uh get them nice and heated get them nice and hot and liquefy the old stuff that's in there and then throw grease in it well we're off the races and uh we're gonna put this thing to the test i did get some grease to go into that bearing so i'm confident in the amount of disking disco ducking that i'll be doing it will be all right there's the pasture i haven't burnt yet i probably will not put that on video uh those don't do so good on here anymore control burns prescribed fires whatever well we're just kind of what i want to do is i want to start off in what's plowed first and see how it does there and then turn around and uh see how it does in the uh unplowed because normally this ground it's good enough you know it's worth ground so it doesn't have to be plowed i like to turn the old crop under i think you get a little bit better fertilization but i don't know either way all right regulators pun mount you know most of the time when i disc uh i'll tilt the discs front down a little bit just to get more of an aggressive dig but i think here we just go even steven um and just see if we can get them to roll because that's all i'm trying to do right now now that there's grease in the bearings i'm just simply trying to get them to roll and i know once they get turning and turning and i use these a couple times and keep grease in there and use them and grease and use them they'll loosen right up all right so yeah we're dropping and i'm just gonna go completely wheels up on this man i'm sitting here cranking this thing i'm like wow it got hard all sudden i still got the transport chain in transport mode so yeah i gotta get used to using these things man all right so we're wheels up we're spinning and that's good enough yeah we spinning spin to win and we're just going to putt along these the front gangs are really what i'm concerned with i know these ones even without grease were already spinning so especially this one that one turns nice i checked all the scrapers none of them are touching so i don't know there's hope there's always hope well it's official regulators mount up i don't think we need to go very fast i think i think second gear is plenty just to see how they're doing we'll just keep an eye on them i'm not worried about picking them up because all this needs just anyways i'm not hitting that corner hard enough to do much damage so so far so good so far they're [Music] international oh i am going to get my butt kicked here boy big time i am down in a deep deep deep deep pearl now looking forward to getting out of it you know this first pass i'm just trying to smoothen it out so i can pick up the speed a little bit a little tiny bit [Music] so [Music] well i'm not disappointed mark my words on that at all um this is the first pass and it it did nice i could see where two passes and it's ready to call to mulch uh nice garbage in the field there but uh yeah it sliced and diced it nice this was ready to disc it had sat for oh probably three four days and uh yeah there's some clumps in it but i think another pass i'm good and and uh huh yeah it'll disco duckers 600 buckers and they're paying off good tires holding air implement tires um you know somebody at one point in time i don't know who brought this to the auction but somebody at one point in time had themselves a good nice little set of discs that's what they had one thing left to do i got to get the hydraulic cylinder on there oh yeah pretty happy well we're rolling out here put some grease in them second pass [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Farmall Fanatic
Views: 9,929
Rating: 4.9672666 out of 5
Keywords: Farmall H Discing a Field, antique tractor in operation on the farm, antique tractor videos on youtube, antique tractor working on the farm, antique tractors working on the farm, farmall tractor videos on youtube, farmall tractor working on the farm, farmall tractors working on the farm, old tractors working on the farm, very old farm machinery in operation, very old farm machinery in operation on the farm, vintage tractor in operation on the farm
Id: 7MdkPiY5SXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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