Farm Worker Orientation Video

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hi I'm Brett Schuyler and welcome to Schuyler farms we are located near Simcoe Ontario in Canada we grow corn and soybeans raise lamb then we produce tart cherries and apples the cherries and apples are more labor intensive crops and require upwards of 150 people during harvest this video is geared towards someone looking to work at our farm seasonally our expectations our employees have a good attitude and work hard in return we are committed to treating them with respect offering safe and reasonable work conditions quality accommodation and high-speed Internet this video is designed to show potential employees what they can expect through a season as Schuyler farms from both our perspective and not of previous participants why we'll make and I'm on tension a table I can make it make it here and our week the money looks good you know I mean I would like to fight more people to come because I love it whenever for me always had to do something always at the ball but here know we could always sell and back home so you could always do something I had ok is the dollar per dollar but when you go back oh it's about five to one so at least it did it it's a different comparing to the home the bulk of our work involves pruning and harvest we prune the fruit trees from March to June cherry harvest takes up most of July then we do some summer pruning until apple harvest starts in September we strive to maintain a minimum of 40 hours per week of work but find most workers prefer around 60 hours per week and we're working whether allow we do our best to accommodate them we've had workers returning to our farm for over 30 years some senior employees who have shown ability and desire will do other activities such as machinery operation tending to our flock of sheep running irrigation systems and an assortment of other jobs however for someone starting out they can expect to begin their careers pruning picking apples - working in the cherry orchards or the cherry processing plant no not really hard will build it as a sector mind to it you just can't be lazy not really hard work why come from this countryside a custom plot at all so I wanna say the fret now is the same thing just different you know the Frank are trees I got a problem okay so I've got a job I'm getting the word so I'll get a little dull that's why I'm here focused on working harder to me often it is IATI is he here but no more affiliate it don't take the upper opportunity or take that's PF what our position was somebody else will make useful use of it no once in a you have ability to work it could come but they feel annoy is not a hardworking person or just come and play the fool on reasonable time in basic terms apples are carefully picked off the tree and placed within containers for shipping apples are very delicate they need to be treated like eggs cherries are machine harvested and transported to the Norfolk cherry Company where they are graded sorted and packed cherry season in particular comes with long hours as we strive to harvest the perishable fruit in its peak condition we try not to work when the weather is too miserable but this is Canada the workers pruning apple trees in April we're picking apples in October will experience temperatures around freezing it also gets quite hot and humid during the summer temperatures getting in the 30s with high humidity well a little challenging because I know about Hudson and he is both hot and cold you know but I cope with it then again accustomed to it no no they call me a fire reason so this potable walk in the air is like and when coming into the cool morning you know like you decide to just just warm once you jet Romeo who you will be able to go and why so you walk your body move movement of your body you won't be feeling that coldest weekend I got some mo would coolest yeah because to me like when we went I'm know coming in something I guess be more cool I don't find it cool not for me we provide group accommodation in a variety of bunk houses including all male all female and co-ed units all of high-speed wireless internet which is an important factor for workers wishing to keep in touch with friends and family and also provide entertainment yes it is important yeah I don't think somebody could come on here for actually eight or six months and with all to have any connection with a family no yeah so tell me they have an internet helped for you to get in touch with your family back home you can see them video chat and things like knowledge by 2y5 or whatsapp or call normal everyday some lemon wanna farmers were burning even wanna come forward we talk to them everyday we see them everyday is generally just not with them in person that take it actually feel them but yeah we do family every day each employee has their own single bed in the lockable locker in a dormitory environment and access to refrigeration and cooking facilities and group kitchens pots pans plates and cutlery are provided then we also offer weekly transportation into Simcoe where employees purchase our own groceries and other personal items including toilet paper what already surprised me is that coming onto the phone and I have Wi-Fi proper place to stay frig still everything is organized get it and you got you can if I want to go the road I can go through this it's no it's not a problem you know I mean it was really a surprise to see that come out to look and you still feeling like at home it's not that bad that's good everything comfortable comfort have a bed bathroom everything just comfortably enough storage yeah comfortable if they've definitely uncomfortable about the route that we clean this son decent with decent people it's properly maintained by us because of everyone have someone some chose to do in the house so it's properly maintained fortunately Simcoe is about a 45-minute walk or 15-minute bike ride away that most people find their own way into town one thing I like about it is seen stuff on sale yeah yeah you could go out actually buy it and keep it you know think the right to ship put them borrow the ship yeah a number of social opportunities are available in nearby communities outside of the work day employees time is their own we just expect they show up on time and are ready for work the following morning in closing farm workers are highly important and valued component in our operation treating employees with respect is not only the right thing to do but works out best for all parties involved I hope this video has been helpful to those considering joining us at Schuyler farms this is we bred on buttock let's see how he does come on make me money every year to you know support the family if you like tree long yes but it's true very very good years I've actually been so wake up battle life for me and my family and my son most of all when you come to the program you do a walk you stay out of trouble and you just you just walk to elevate yourself to become the better qualified person in life of my child education comes first so I don't care what I have to do I'll work hard and make sure he gets proper education when you compare money-makin no it wouldn't do we see experience different things how to do things in different ways you know we learn our loyalty with different people different culture when I go back home a change your lifestyle change because you meet different people every year when we go home we have friends we are our friends and I always encourage them because basically didn't they I'm doing nothing home they do I have no work or job or anything and I saw let me know come on give it a try you know it's what I want to do to reach my goals you know to achieve my goals in her and the money is looking good of course once I get the opportunity I'll be back here every year I think it's all about the money and stuff on the stuff that you can get an access to bring back home yeah that's good we look forward for this every year if it wasn't fun oh we wasn't comfortable well I must either speak for myself I would not have been coming back here I think it could help a lot of guys to keep a little guys off the streets and stuff once you know okay it's it you don't need to be you know like a rocket scientist or whatever it is it's just basically these common sense at all it's better to come and try then in try at all they does not remember the end and it is hard work you coming to work in coming to play I would just like to invite more people to look at other program to come and get a several falls in it see what it is about don't just be home hearing people saying stuff come out see what it is about I was a I was as concerned as how some people are but once I got into it and I see how it really is what it is about on what can I do for you for someone on for me yeah I would advise people to come out and try it um the program is very good for me and I would like more youths to come out in the program both women and men yeah could come because we do in a three-year Fanta other people as well say they're doing in three years - under complex real thing so I don't see it you know any special special person once you hard-working you know what you want in life yeah come on give it a try
Channel: Schuyler Farms Limited
Views: 27,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PiR0MU-YgT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 03 2019
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