Farewell to Perez: Ann Cleeves' final Shetland book

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while fire is the very last Chapman book so it was odd in a way I knew that it was the right thing to do because I wanted to finish before everybody got fed up with me and Jimmy Perez and Shetland I knew that I was doing the right thing but all the same were sort of not coming back to Shetland again to write more books was very sad obviously I'll come back to Chapman D game to see friends and just because I love the islands but not to have a specific purpose in doing it not to come looking for ideas and looking for stories did seem quite difficult to deal with but the first book happened it was between 2004 and 2005 midwinter it was the most beautiful day I can remember in Shetland and lots of raisins very black against the snow because I write crime fiction I thought if there was blood as well it would be mythic really like a fairy story that's how raven black the first of the shetland what was came to be written I just had that image of that piece of leading in my head it was going to be a standalone novel I was like when to carry on writing about Sharon but it did very well for me it was a career changer the book I published she wanted more and first of all and still be a quartet each book set in a different season and those books have all have colors in the title there was still more that I wanted to say about Sharon Kashyap and changes and develops and I wanted her to look at those things too and so I decided there would be four more and those are all named after elements so dead water thin air cold earth so I knew that the last book would have to have firing that's how wildfire was started so the book is now finished and it's kind of the end of the story for my Jimmy Perez but the television series will carry on and that's good too because I know that he'll live on still
Channel: Promote Shetland
Views: 135,742
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Keywords: Shetland, Shetland TV Series, Jimmy Perez, Farewell to Perez, Shetland Islands, Ann Cleeves, Promote Shetland, Shetland Crime, Crime Fiction, Pan MacMillan, Scottish Crime Fiction, Crime Writers, Douglas Henshall, the shetland islands, life in shetland islands, life in shetland, visit shetland, ann cleeves shetland tv series, ann cleeves shetland, scottish islands, visit scotland, scotland tourism, scotland, dougie henshall, bbc crime drama, scotland travel guide, vikings
Id: A_qzPwX2eF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 34sec (154 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 11 2018
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