Farewell to Faith

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religion is the biggest problem humanity faces it keeps people in a blinded stupid state and tells them that it's a good thing and if you ever question anything that it offers you're gonna burn in hell forever I've been going to church since I was two years old so as long as I can remember I went to a religious school since day care I came from a very Catholic family and my dad was actually my Bible study teacher I was always the kid in Sunday school that knew all the answers to all the questions that's just how I grew up and I never questioned it once it's interesting every day you learn about the Bible and read the same stories over and over and over and it got to a point where I needed to read the whole thing about two years ago I really wanted to like finalize my argument for Christ and I wanted the scientific background of it and I knew I had heard there's historical evidence for Jesus there's scientific proof that the Bible is real and I thought to myself I'm like I need this information this is the the missing piece to my argument I got a handout Bible from a guy after leaving school and I said all right I'm gonna read the whole Bible I was really confused because the more I looked I found circular arguments and then you start realizing how ridiculous what you've been told really is and it just was a circle of nonsense and then you start thinking oh this is Satan and Satan's making me think all these awful abysmal thoughts I'm gonna burn in hell forever I think I started to whittle things down from there so it's like okay well I checked the idea of hell because it is pretty stupid and awful and then I went to high school and I became friends with some some gay friends of mine and started to see that some of the other parts of the Bible were probably not very nice either the summer before my first year of college I was assigned a book called brain rules for my freshman biology class and this book talked about the evolution of the human mind and the brain and how our ancestors walking on the plains became what we are now and I remember thinking to myself I was like well that makes sense and then I took a step back and I was like wait a minute did I just say that evolution the theory that I've been told to is evil and scientists are completely evil you know am i saying that evolution is true and they want you to fear to think and were humans that's the one thing we have that separates us from every other creature on this planet we are capable of reasoning and it just became more and more leaning towards like well maybe this isn't true maybe everything I thought you know is a lie and that's a really hard realization to come to now that I've left religion I feel a lot better about myself and a lot better about Who I am as a person now I don't have to have this cognitive dissonance between believing absurd stories and following a group but at the same time I'm more frustrated I'm frustrated that people do take these stories at face value if I could get rid of religion right now completely I absolutely would it's terrible it's harmful it's not necessary look at our political system look at our country we are completely immersed in religion and it has way more influence than it should in our daily lives and still has its thumb on society and people are constantly suppressed by that and many of them don't even realize it I feel like when people say I'm a man of faith they should be ashamed as opposed to proud of it it's it's like driving with your eyes closed if anything that can be done that's positive with religion can also be done without it [Music] you
Channel: TheThinkingAtheist
Views: 331,098
Rating: 4.7965794 out of 5
Keywords: atheist, atheism, agnostic, Seth Andrews, The Thinking Atheist, religion, God, faith, church, Brain Rules, Christianity (Religion)
Id: F0fN-EK4qmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 28sec (268 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 12 2012
Reddit Comments

This is awesome! You should x-post it on /r/atheism.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/manofscience42 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2012 🗫︎ replies
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