Farawan family | One year later

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you have to wonder what sort of first impression a surprise leverage coldsnap leaves on those new to Canada and one of that frequent infers the left bridge motel this was where the bewildered Parwan initially lived a year ago and I want to approve so let me highlight Phillips Andover a humbucker and my uncle American amount of love on this now Halil and his eldest sons are back at the motel now does guess but guides for another new Syrian family plucked from refugee life in Jordan ISA else along his wife sama hair for kids and another on the way it's so cold outside they're all confined to the small room have been for a few days echoes of what the far ones endured which is why polio steps up cooling system yeah wait a mess winter my share the for them to sweet like it with only one arm not to mention a couple a little asleep for under this logo can not and Shana is Alamo super dick and have it already now a lot of it the vehicle is about one a baby rock are we doing this fear everyone must tell attack adding it's good home in Medina on escape okay let's watch it no sorry Inez anymore and Kunta for sale enough for tested this is where the CBC first met the far ones just over a year ago harvesting the olives from an orchard in Jordan they were just one of hundreds of families who'd applied for Canada's refugee program it was a demanding process Thank You Toria of finally finding out they've been accepted suddenly mapped by the reality saying goodbye family left behind and we'll try reborn world after a year there are plenty of routines and not a lot of rest for Lila Hudak long slow days wrestling with English classes are attended by all they have to do to care for eight children the youngest three-year-old cows are ill in daycare the juggling act of a big family a little hope all of this will remove teenagers back at home and still another stone sticking up younger far ones at the school and the core still a little hard to accept where there is a will the far ones always have a way and so the 650 bags of Peterborough here it's a big fence not that facility Silesia Jersey Louisville residents to steal ha Halil has managed to get a group of Syrian newcomers to get together pool their limited resources and devise in bulk for the whole community dinner this night fresh halal lamb they managed to get at a local Hutterite farm of all places the fragrance and see you went into Syria so so important these are the farm those kids growing up and Canada growing on all of them every the easy brings doesn't who does always watching out for her youngest powders must lose yes kill shy Kaleo of course remains the optimist add a sharp popular Mohammed eat mister responsible no the playful what the in putting ketchup on his mother's beautiful food Ahmed the eldest keen to make his own work and be mom incredibly quiet so shallow Terry what's telling about such a large family is that over time house ain't fair will reveal so much about how Canada's refugee system is fair there are great moments and yet some struggles linger getting past them is the whole country challenge if you were seeing these three for the very first time there's a good chance the newness of their Canadian lives wouldn't even register kids as kids do just fit in no yeah you can first meeting them a year ago it's as though they're Syrian accent has melted away right so do they both me play in Arabic or in English first sometimes and you like to talk in English yep it all gets harder when they get a little older Mohammed Eid is the second-oldest far one socially he's a leader he is supposed to graduate high school this year with the rest of his peers but there's a snag he's English just isn't good enough to enter college yet he has it's yet figured out what happens next maximum he's a bit more reserved Yang's eclipses his brother leads away but my food has the luck of more time at least another year to find his path and Yamamah more than any conversation we've had in the last year this time you mama in her quiet way starts to open up and it's not all good certainly not all easy some people my to me anymore know what what kind of problem like I'm impaired Muslims like and I put together like one slip and scared spacing here most people are good girl I'm happy doing everything here they're the fun times that he said because my friends in Jordan and my grandma and my explain progressed he says sometimes small it's my life a house to live was like tank up our surgeon the kids have clearly been having fun with a small camera we ask them to you this was a surprise when we first you to take we need newcomers to leverage all dancing the music from a jumble of boys and girls together the older far ones a bit shy and on the margins eventually join it and helps the desire the need to work is a constant for the farmer was bright on a cloud focus augment was the first to get employment a few part time shifts after school in a weekend he's serious about it and out of it all I guess not far exceeded but sometimes the vision of yeah I like it what's the bun in the background always the understanding that his English is still limited for living the future he wants is bigger than his present but I'm against from here then there's the fear his opportunities her future jobs might be restrictive they'll need more training more education somehow part-time work is exactly what Mohammadi want to he's landed a job interview at a gas station hello hello you lucky fellows are you good yeah see you 50 so my name is Mohammed II am 17 years old I'm a fragile he could do far worse than work for the likes of Muzaffar Sheikh originally from Pakistan he says he came to Canada nearly 40 years ago with just 30 dollars in his pocket he now owns several small plazas like this one that Mohammed II needs a little lunch is something he absolutely understands never be afraid of anything never be sorry okay I'm not ready all over my necklace we are going to be good in English because you're going to speak English here only before just be having confidence in yourself you're going to do it I'm going to do it thank you thank you very much [Music] falling Prachanda means learning to feel for it when we come back when that fort mcmurray fire raged and seemed to jolt many Syrian refugees especially the farmer the camera in their hands again Halil behind the wheel that's the big step it took a while to get that license and he saved up to buy a used van we'll give them wings and a way to explore their Canada now who should the pictures tell a terrifying tale and inferno out of control right now fire burning material when the Fort McMurray fire raged so many hearts down fire Khaleel far one was gripped with the need to do something about Nana and Meza lead model fears about the benefit of the appellate review to a marshmallow in home Michelle and her masala best a marina Bashir how am I gonna sell the ship to do especially honest but even fluffier at first he wanted to get a few men together to go fight the fire was talked out of that instead he and other Syrian families donated nearly nine hundred dollars to the Fort McMurray Food Bank huge for people on the March well the time 16 and the persecutor in order to here's a moment for Khalil the family was so proud to record recognition for his effort during the fortnight is real the business limit I am sorting I allele had prepared for this speech all day wanted to deliver it in English the last minute he got nervous and asked for a translator when he does nothing he said he likes to sing can you hear who de and her sons giggling practice ever the showman hallo tries out a line on the crash group he said anything unless his wife Halil really does struggle with the language he's bursting to know and communicate more bursting to work still dreams of owning the house they are renting but it all takes its time a frustratingly long time your five-year plan Helios five-year plan seven so you have four years left yes are you on track look of course but what is Sileo what if it doesn't happen these are big expectations you know what is it five years it doesn't happen are you in town uh yes unless I'm gonna undo hope Tom stop believe I answer Phoebe how were a yep my and it was for the head of fun will be how we could just do Universal another elated they were so low even our solution or Hamilton this week here I will be titania our service in him inhospitable CNIB Jerusalem mana Leo and Gouda came to Canada who were there kids remind themselves that a lot a holiday party is a school a chance to step into what must feel like another planet connecting something they work hard at every day how how different do you think you are now from how you were one year ago yes when you came to Canada and no understand anything yes but now good it was better yes but a second conscious I see you I had a inspect the crab blood with proud blood under her arm nothing in her will you ulema him what what is in your dreams at night vision Akira fish appear were having all this a deal and I should driven how are you something center visually and a fun fun wah have been with NASA isolation still seemed very Alan Buddha and Halil social with other Syrian refugee families but connecting with others in Lethbridge has been hard every now and then though Ranger be good English is hard for both of them but good it seems is getting bolder confident enough to talk with someone [Music] limiting and I have big fascinated by period you're very welcome Erfurt immigration experts call that a bridging moment the sort of connection with locals that can make integrating so much more successful for such a large family they have their way of finding their own corner and the little ones enchanted by their screens missing from the scene Mohammed II he got that job at the gas station on this night he's on his first shift so a whole year they're still trying to figure out how to make ends meet and their sweet Syria phase for memory just a little bit more with each passing but the warm embrace displays old wisdom has made this home maybe personnel cbc news black
Channel: CBC News: The National
Views: 533,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CBC, the, national, The National, cbc news, cbcnews, Farawan family, Syrian refugee family, Canada, Lethbridge, Alberta, one year
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2017
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