FAR CRY NEW DAWN All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 1080p 60FPS PS4 Pro

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special thanks to Ubisoft for the free and early copy a far cry new dawn my name is Camila right the day I was born was the day the world collapsed those that survived how to make new lives underground up above there was nothing but ash cold and death people thought it would last forever but without us up there life returned I was six years old the first time I saw the Sun mom and dad were heartbroken by what they saw the world they'd known gone forever but not me I'd never seen anything so perfect we weren't the only ones who'd survived and slowly but surely our little community grew it wasn't always easy but for a time there was peace and prosperity a new home a new life [Music] but like all things it was too good to last the highwayman came from the east led by a pair of sister's twins said they'd heard about our little paradise said they wanted it for themselves we never stood a chance it took everything from us our food our homes our people we needed a miracle and that's when we heard the name Thomas rush he and his captain have been up and down the west coast helping folks like us rebuild and they were on a train headed right through Hoke County mom sent me to find them convince them to help us take our home back they were our last hope our salvation but dawn went horribly wrong captain captain you're alive Jesus they're heading this way get off captain come on get up what's the [ __ ] highwayman they're gonna kill us get up captain get up Jesus boys screaming like that you're gonna bring them all down on us rush you're alive help me no we have no time we got to go boys we are not leaving the captain behind they're coming fast we need to stick together understood captain your time to shine we need to get armed we need to get our people and we need you to find our way out of here oh yeah easier said than done one step at a time boys you leave we'll follow [Music] oh my god I thought it was dead why the armorer refresh your up this way bond [Music] everything you my god there's a storm coming we need to keep moving are you two problem beggars [Music] we better get out of here stay calm [Music] what's up farts merry [ __ ] Christmas everybody Santa's delivered a whole damn train full of presents what do we have here rabbit I gotta ask you rob it's a question the [ __ ] you think was gonna happen rotten in on a giant hunk of iron just cloud the black you think we wouldn't notice what do you want orange we want to know if your problem solvers a problem what our pops always told us the people either solve problems or make problem the world's got too many [ __ ] problems we're looking for people to help solve problems our problems if you're a problem solver we got you covered food clothes guns anything you need even health insurance but if you make problems well pops taught us what to do with problem maker problem makers need to be so mmm-hmm old man saw the [ __ ] ton of problems in his day yeah so grab it you all problem solvers or problem makers we solve problems we've been solving problems all over this gun we can give you fresh water build shelters we can get you anything you need bars shut up you can build all that well I'm not me but rush here well then you are gonna be our number one problem song go [ __ ] yourself huh okay you [Music] so let's try this again [Music] you're gonna help solve problems for us mr. rush okay save yourself yeah hey hey wake up wake up I recognize you from the Train you're captain of security right I'm Carmina oh my god I saw you hit the water and I was able to pull you out before you drown but near as I can tell I think we're the only ones who got away come on [Music] we have to be careful the twins they took off with rush but a lot of the highway men they stuck around okay we we have to get back to Hope County my mom my mom she'll know what to do come on hello mister come on we just need to follow the river to get to help County I can't believe what happened [ __ ] twin Mickey and Lou the first time I saw them was when they came to our house that it was their house now and we could either leave willingly or they burn it down with us inside my dad tried to fight so they took him then they took the house my mom and I were forced to start over on our own we weren't their only victims but my mom managed to bring survivors together and we all tried to build a place where [ __ ] there's a tunnel up there that leads to Hope County the highway men are blocking our way in we're gonna need some firepower let's keep moving I passed through that old nine when I left to get help there's a workbench inside you can use it to build a weapon rush was supposed to be the final piece so that we could find over the fight back but now we're worse off than we were I'm sorry about your people I promise I'll figure out a way to make this right there's that workbench I told you about rush said you were resourceful so let's build something holy [ __ ] is that some kind of launcher that's amazing man those highwayman are in for it now now we're ready to attack the bridge Quinn says that no one gets out of Hawk County and no one gets in [Music] all right the way it's clear there's the tunnel let's go home come on we're almost there there it is [Music] home I hope mom is okay Carmina oh thank god I was so great mom kids go back inside I'll be right there there is a whole train full of people to help us but the Highwaymen the twins they took rush everyone else was killed oh my god it was terrible I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I never should have got out there mama oh honey what are we gonna do now I I don't know I I don't know I mean no one's coming to help us we're on our own it's just us Shh let's get you both inside I can tell me the whole story thank you for bringing our own alright guys you know how to handle the gun you know your way around this valley better than anybody so so sitting around moping isn't doing any good look Russia was supposed to help us build someplace safe now it's up to us they're brave people here scattered around we just have to find them bring everyone together show them we can stand up to the highwayman mom it's not gonna be easy I know but it's our only choice I'd like to talk about something so this is it home mom's right the two of us can work together to build this place back up anytime you need a hand give me a call I'll come fight by your side cap you don't mind if I call you cap right captain a security just sounds well a little formal listen you have been put through the wringer if you want to freshen up with a change of clothes before we get started there's some stuff over there you should probably talk to mom she'll give you the rundown on what we can do for Prosperity I've got some things to tell you my name is Kim I guess you could say I run things around here I know you've already been through a lot captain but the truth is you need all the help we can get and at the moment you're it we thought your people on that train we're gonna give us an edge they're all gonna work together to grow things make things we were gonna fight back against the twins but all of that is gone now so it's up to us got a lot of work to do let me show you how things work around here this is prosperity if we're gonna have a fighting chance against the Highwaymen the first thing we've got to do is get this place up and running we have several facilities to make prosperity thrive these are the places where you can craft weapons and vehicles cultivate plants for health many other things we gotta watch out for each other now this is Ho County in order to get the most out of our facilities we need ethanol to upgrade them your map shows the Highwaymen outposts where they store the ethanol they stole from us secure these locations to get what we need and here's where you can find specialists people with the expertise to really give us a fighting chance against twins bring them home and they'll make prosperity and you stronger but without Thomas rush none of this is gonna work he's built up settlements before without his knowledge we won't be able to take prosperity to the next level lately the twins are setting a lot of prisoners to the coal mine I'd start looking there so that's it the rescue rush find people who can run the facilities and bring them enough ethanol to maximize what we can craft if you can help us we'll do everything we can to help you I need a runner my knees are just no good oh thank goodness you're so nice I'm beat creator of Wikipedia you know your one-stop-shop for maps and Intel Wikipedia just the tips but here's the rub wicked beanie is in danger my key assets are all gone Intel maps you name it and now my business plan is missing too but but I know who gave me the shaft my employee Richard he's got a real bad gambling habit always playing Crazy Eights with those highwayman and losing his pants he must have hidden the plan somewhere for safekeeping help they just take it from him they're not very nice or respectful his usual gambling place isn't far from here if you spook him he'll run and lead you right through his hidey-hole I'm sure of it I know but I've got bad knees and lungs and ice anyway please get my business plan back if you reach around my back now I'll reach around yours later that's a Wicca B Nia promise [Music] look okay yes I lost my clothes in a game of cards ha ha ha I have a problem all right I didn't mean for things to get this bad I was one of being scouts and I thought that since the highwayman travels so much they'd be a good source of information they said they'd play me for it and before I knew it I'd gambled away all of beans assets the only things I had left to offer were the clothes off my back and beans business plan the plans in my secret stash in a little bunker just over the hill there I promise I'll never gamble again he'll be oh god please help hey honey the Highwaymen is no walk in the park if you ever find yourself so gun you can crap better weapons with the resources you find in Hoke County the folks in prosperity are here to help in any way they can we will lay down [Music] [Applause] what's happening in Polk County whether it's a buried treasure or a new site they'll always update your map with the location of something worth your while Oh oh gosh is that how my voice sounds over way no not not over I wanted to tell you I had to relocate but by my estimate how closer to where you ought to be ed um so I think you'll find me I know you will you made it I had no doubts I'd clap for joy but my daddy always said that was for clowns and babies and I'm neither remember I mentioned to reach around your back well I'm gonna set up Wikimania HQ and prosperity starting now I got Scouts collecting hot tips and I'll get maps again and well you'll see with my business plan Wikipedia will go global just like daddy always talked about how it was before everyone will help us and give us donations it'll be great I'll see you at prosperity soon right right I can't wait well I have a nice time until then [Music] Carmina I should have known that was he Thanks you're that outsider huh here the Highwaymen are none too happy with you good Oh Tom you young gun stepped up to the plate names grace and if I wasn't blind as [ __ ] I'd be fighting right beside you i mighta lost a step or two but I'm still putting my hands to good use once I realized I couldn't aim and shoot like I used to I built a gun where none of that would matter it's inspired by something he cooked up actually only I made a few modifications if I wasn't so modest I'd say it was the best gun in Hope County only problem is the Highwaymen stole it for me and took it to the old train yard that's where they hoard all the goods they've been stealing from the people here it won't be easy but trust me the risk is worth the reward go get the gun steal back the supplies they took and mow down any pinheads of getting your way whenever you get to the train yard [Music] that helicopter Aki over don't forget to grab the materials we'll need that stuff but we're gonna push back against the Highwaymen saws will cut through just about anything whatever they don't cut through the [Music] [Music] you did good smack those highwaymen right in their mouth keep the game like I said my eyesight ain't what it used to be big ego getting more use out of it than I will and those supplies you collected that stuff's belong to the people invested back into the community the folks in prosperity will make the best use side of whatever you give them me included you heard right I'm headed to prosperity for good you and your friends ever need training and come see me take care of yourself [Music] we won't be nice about it bill hush locked up underground get in any way you can and bring him home good luck [Applause] [Applause] [Music] maybe lose a good accountant change your mind what we want you to keep the other oh my god Jesus I'll tell you what day I shoulda known he's come from you came back from me you crazy son of a [ __ ] you came back from me we need to go now keep going I'll get us out of here let's go go go go on us [Music] behind us there on [Music] [Applause] I see one think I get out of there alive thanks for risking your neck for me cap you're not gonna believe what I saw one night the mine was attacked by people who think they were out of the Stoney fighting against shotguns using only bows and arrows they took shots magic but I know what I saw those people had something something that I can't explain their secret is [ __ ] exhausted I gotta catch my breath mom whoa slow down slow down Jesus fresh they really did a number on you it's nothing there - I'll be fine did I hear right you Thomas rush you must be mrs. Rai Carmen has told me a lot about you your daughter's the toughest they call me preaching to the choir Carmina get the alcohol got it let's have a look at that wound careful hey enough the jig socket you all that's left yeah sorry I can't imagine how you feel its responsible the twins have a way of making you feel hopeless you can see why we need your help they're not much you Celebes heat anymore we can still do this brush build this place up and make it strong just like we talked about it's not that easy we had specialists experts but you must have started small this is no different you've done it before show us how we're gonna need more people and they're gonna be willing to learn learn fast we will okay now that's sockets you ready yeah [Music] go [Music] alright then let's get started whoa whoa whoa hey stop how about we rest first good idea no what the no no chance [Music] Oh happy number I've built up settlements back west I always made sure to bring the right people together do the job because it's specialists take all of this to the next level without them we can't move forward specialist you brought back working out great I think we can get prosperities first big boost tell you what cam I'm so proud of you let you do the honors hey come on over we're just getting started get it while it's hot stuff that smells this good won't last long I will take that as a compliment mom thought it'd be a good idea to have a little dinner for everyone to boost the morale I'd say it's working you all need a little downtime except for her she's got no quit don't expect that to change I can't remember the last time I hosted this many people may have been when I told the whole town I was pregnant with you mom they're all so happy for that man it's not perfect and there's still work to do but it sure is nice to have something to be happy about again I'll drink to that you wouldn't have any of this it'll work for you now come on go grab a drink it's long overdue the hell we need to get the kids inside come on put those down I want to scare the kids [Music] everything's gonna be okay I'm sorry I just don't like it when people lie to little kids why are you doing this cuz of your hero here until you showed up everything was running smoothly but you you've become a [ __ ] problem taking from us throwing everything out of balance I think we should just kill him No hold on we don't want any martyrs here what we want is to make sure everyone understands that your help is a curse every person you help every child you inspire every settlement you build we will take from you but when you've got nothing we'll come for you don't drop it the only currency in this world is power you you made us look weak that ends now we're gonna take everything that you hold dear starting with your home and if we can't take it we'll break it don't be here when we come back and you come here oh my god okay no it's okay it's okay let's go inside let's go how's it going - hi women can come back any second we don't have any time to waste sir I mean it filled me in there's no goddamn way we're letting the Hyde women take what we built now they're gonna come back with everything they got good we're gonna make them regret it we don't have a lot of time to get into a position where we can fight back so we'll need to know exactly when those bastards are coming I've sent a scout up ahead they see any trouble they'll send a warning that'll give us enough time to prepare I feel better if you want to check on him captain make sure they're ready because there's no room for error these walls fall we [ __ ] fall am I glad to see you champ all's Quiet so far but they could show up any minute now I just hope I can warn everyone in time when the highwayman show up we can't afford to lose [ __ ] Stan get back to the others go [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're coming in Hey [Music] I think mom mom hey hey look at me look at me look at me hey hey are you okay are you are you hurt I'm fine you okay I'm fine do what you can how bad is this we're in big trouble we lost a lot of people the wounded are in bad shape Queens come back we can't stop them there's nobody left but that group in the north no Eden medic joke I've seen him in action they hit the camp I was being held at one night just two of them the more bulletins is humanly possible and vanished into the forest hi women call them ghosts but I know what I saw those people wouldn't dope to the [ __ ] guilt we need what they have I realized we're talking about going to Joseph's seat a man who terrorized and brutalized our family for years but that was before he's left us in peace mode whatever happened in the past is past stay out of this we need help if we don't get it we're all dead a deal with New Eden is a deal with the devil it's the only one on the table whatever they have whatever their secrets we need it I'm backs are against the wall find out what this joseph has I'll patch things up here are you okay did he hurt you the bearded man he was just giving me some food if you ever shows up here again you come straight to your mommy do you understand I'm hungry you said we have to find food wherever we can yeah well we don't take anything from him not even food why because he did some very bad things he he hurt your dad and tried to hurt our family Hey you see him again you run away as fast as you can you hear gogo on inside she's gotta learn we do not accept helpful things got a special deal at the fight face boys and girls poachers it is no time nice slick huh you got a chip on your shoulder the size of Texas I can tell I think we got some twins in common right they teamed up with me a while back you know I'm like the right-hand man pretty much we got this thing where we owe each other every now and then you know friendly it's like a give-and-take type deal the thing is I own this time around uh-oh and I'm in a little financial trouble now all's I need is a shirt ding and boom hey no problem here's the skinny there's some fighters in this arena and I need somebody who can give them a run for their money but first I need to know you could throw a punch really hey make the [ __ ] out of somebody you know so take a swing at this machine here to measure what you got I broke it when I gave it a shot let's see if you got half as much Kathryn Rusch must have a history of pain oh yeah now that's a [ __ ] punch hates be on the bad end to you let's put it to use stash your weapons obviously we can't take him where we're headed and follow me knocked out seventeen guys in a row huh seven [ __ ] team foo lethal punch the last guy so hard he farted his brains out seriously guys seriously his branks and that made you pull up short I had to think to myself I got a gift but I can't control it my associate will help you get processed make nice don't look him in the eye after you're done open the door for you meet you back at the weapons cache go get him I mention those doing this back I've been craving that Keith Bray gotta go away for the face every time they never see them and that roses the dog before coming hey you need a fighting name before you go in there [Music] all right you filthy a Starbucks welcome to the best fighting pit does this side of the radiation plows let's stop [ __ ] around and welcome our new friend lollipop to the party let's hope the honest longer than the last one [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] hey slick Thank You clever huh do you think you're hot [ __ ] because that's exactly what you were back there your fault great I think you're the kind of ass head I can work with the asset I mean assets [ __ ] we could get up two together oh great things great things I don't even know what that means yet but I will you take my word for it I have the best ideas eventually I gotta put on my thinking cap need some space to figure this out so you run along can't think with you nose breathing over my shoulder I'll be in touch nobody needs to be a call to led by Joseph feed the boy to the whole county with a drug called the Bliss they're anywhere near their territory be careful it's gonna get weird and it's gonna get dangerous again [Music] locked and loaded partner can you hear my voice go to where it all began [Music] I'm known to some that's a father years ago I heard the voice of God he told me about a difficult path I follow to an enemy [Music] the sins of the world would cleanse with God's righteous fire only those who heeded the sign and new roads [Music] to walk the path burn away what is unnecessary [Music] the flame of Eden burns away any sins that may take root again the world wasn't ready for their collapse and people fought against us [Music] they try to freak out they smash everything but we in you only we are strong enough to live in a new world that God has given us keep an open mind and be welcomed into our our only choice is to turn away the pass witness how the past and the present a lie with the circle of time [Music] every single piece must be where it is meant to be nothing civilization time and time did chaos until we love death the old ways led us to room the only way forward is to live without [Music] God has cleansed the world and yet it remain [Music] flesh our souls God told me I gathered my family to prepare for but he'll had follow the white horse the one that could not walk away my path in bees berry the one who stood against me became all that I had I could have just I forgave and then I gave them I thought I had fulfilled my obligation to God what he had one more thing to Satan he told me you would be worth [Music] [Applause] we should prepare this package just in case it's been recovered [Music] [Music] you are what I was expecting maybe the same could be said for me if you came here looking for the old man well do you have the book do you know what that is the word of Joseph is teaching us his guidance his wisdom and his madness [Music] I have searched everywhere for this book Joseph said the one who found it would be ordained by God to be the true ruler of Eden and you are the one who returns it to us it should have been me I'm the one they turned to when he disappeared into the north I'm the one who has held this family together I know when they chose to lead I have protected them from the locusts and the snakes I have kept us all alive and safe within these walls do not be old man my father wanted to build a paradise but when it got too hard he ran away you came here looking for his help but joseph is dead no one wants to acknowledge this but it's the truth our family still believes in him and they'll never stop believing in him until they understand that he was not a messiah he was just a man help me show them bring back proof of his death and I'll help your people but New Eden will not allow you to travel north until you prove yourself worthy by lighting the flame of Eden the people know this bar and we will lead you to the family the flame must be rekindled you have been marked Ethan has marked you as one who wishes to rekindle the flame of New Eden the bandits who have taken our land have extinguished it it is found at the base of the Fallen statue of Joseph toppled by a sinner many years ago there is a band of chosen there they will help you we must prepare many have tried to light the flame of Eden and all have failed there are many highwayman surrounding right I haven't told you everything come we have a sacred task Ethan's message said you would come listen sinner there are many highwayman surrounding the flame and they killed without pity our best option against their numbers and firepower is to take them out with cunning and stealth we've brought you a weapon suitable for our most holy tasks please consider using it my fellow chosen will help you now follow me we've brought you as far as we can you must descend into the cavern and light the flame alone they flooded the chamber and sealed the pipes those pipes contain the Bliss that feeds the sacred flame drain the water then destroy the pipes to release the Bliss ignite the Bliss so that the righteous fire may rise again and be careful it does not consume you go sinner with our blessings and hope continuing on dinner or perhaps something else the father was ethan himself was not able to accomplish this clearly you are the one who will make Joseph's prophecy come true you must return to Ethan for further instructions but go knowing you have given us a new hope all of New Eden will rejoice [Music] a non-believer is a sinner a non-believer does not know our ways a non-believer as relit our most sacred flame we need Joseph he cleanses our sins father will absolve the sinner son the center to the north family of New Eden you have searched your hearts and truly believe that this sinner should seek our Father yeah father shows mercy to sinners after all we are all his children [Music] father guides us in this moment sinner is granted pilgrimage north they will bring back the father Joseph this will allow you to cross the threshold and live bring back proof of his death they will at last understand I am their prophet they'll give me the help you need we both get what we want [Music] we will show you the way listen well joseph has a sanctuary far to the north ritual demands you light signal fires along the way I doubt the old man is alive to even see them but if you don't like the fires it will be the death of you because despite the sacrament the north can still kill you this boat and the fire by your best means of safe swift passage stray from them only when it's absolutely necessary use your bow to light the signals with firearms bring me proof of my father's death and I will make sure you are remembered as a friend of the Prophet go now with my blessing [Music] [Music] [Music] I did everything that I was asked I sacrificed myself my family I led us into the new world I thought that it would be glorious [Music] I was wrong I have waited so long for someone to come who come to despair [Music] I have seen your face before God showed it to me in a dream you you would be the one come to make things right exactly the way they're supposed to be I knew that you would bring selfish come seeking help I can't give you any only God can but he has a plan for you come walk with war indeed the one I saw after God's cleansing fire I saw the Germans he had laid out before us and I knew what was required of me set foot on our when humanity emerge I gathered my flock and set them on a rejection everything connected to the old world the creation living off the land what was and the harshest it's fruit obedient from God which feed my family the strength to endure through the family and the past right we created a paradise but he did not last this plague of locusts saw to that - and buying everything God has instructed us to forsake [Music] different I know your soul [Music] [Music] [Music] this is the help that you can see God's gift to us now it's sustained my family through the darkest time [Music] [Music] and me off our meals first time that I took of this gift I was confronted by a ravenous beasts [Music] is my soup and in that moment I knew that in order to be worthy of God's gift that I had to sleep a place I have to cleanse myself because if I did not I knew that that beast will soon this is God's test go tell the beat if you succeed if your soul is pure you are the shepherds and my god and I can return from my exile our miracle allowed us to survive but it's gifts are not unconditional it nourishes what is in a person so but if that's all is corrupt the miracle extracts a terrible price listen are you on your piece very is weakest a fire will cleanse your soul that is why I am here there are those who must not be allowed to partake through this miracle even if I love them even if they are of my family sin is a piece get on me be the shepherd of my people [Music] come with me to New Eden how future depends on adherence to my strictures he can no longer hope for Joseph to save us he is not coming back he must put him out of our minds and father Ethan father father where have you been our land is under siege our people threatened you disappeared you left us when we needed you most why to hear God's plan my son to hear God's plan my children I know that you have suffered and I know that you are afraid I've been gone from you for a very long time but you were not abandoned God spoke to me and he has shown me a path out of this darkness we will no longer hide behind these walls we will no longer simply hope that this plague of locusts leaves us in peace the time to fight is now God has sent us his sword here God has tested their soul and it is just and it is pure and I stand here before you to bear witness that this outsider is our Shepherd father together we will battle against the hordes outside our gates and together we will march towards the future that God has promised us no you abandoned me you abandoned us without a word without instructions leaving me to lead as best I could and now now you return as if descended from the clouds and presumed to lead yes I am the leader here Joseph is our leader New Eden follows me we stand behind the father son and they carried a heavy burden in my absence I understand this is God's will and sometimes we must sacrifice that which we want in order a lot of God's command what have you ever sacrificed someday he will see the light and props come let us all go together we have much work to do already my chosen like the Highwaymen throughout the long nights now I will ask them to find the strength to fight in the day as well your friend should make good use of the distraction and act quickly my family cannot fight forever as for you remember God's if what you have experienced so far is just a taste of God's power do not waste it I will also give leave for my judge to follow they speak only one language that of violence in this they will serve you well before you can be our Shepherd you must be our sword go and make the land safe for all who wish to live in peace son of a [ __ ] you did it glad you're back you got Joseph's seat on our side i / didn't come at too high a price it's something different about you you've changed but now the new Eden's attacking the high women the twins are fighting a war on two fronts we need to take advantage of this done good work in prosperity but it's still not enough we need more specialists we need to invest some ethanol in our facilities that's the key to getting prosperity back up and running again once this place is at its peak we'll be in a good spot to really take the fight to the Mickey well you're not doing that I'm gonna do some recon see if we can't get a foothold deeper in their territory I'll meet you back here what you're done you I need someone over here if you got time oh my god my dude I am in like the worst real life come down that's ever graced the frickin planet right now I grow these uh herbs you know herbs don't ask me what kind it's the kind that work ok that kind I truck around here with a field kit and uh it fell it fell just over the lip of this weird pavement hole it's got like a year's worth of homegrown stuff in there that kid saved me from like eight deficiencies and four infections in the past six months alone I can recall t'v ate this stuff sure but like honestly between you and me and my dude that [ __ ] down there's my freakin lifeline I won't last till the next harvest next month without it people die from like the dumbest shift these days get me my kit and I'll keep you and your people ticking so you can die from violence like your God intended instead of like stepping on a nail I don't see a way back up maybe you can find some other way you need to keep okay you have to do it again do it used to build up the pressure there's water there's crocodiles I'm just saying okay I'm just saying [Music] snakes are no fun they have no chew at all watch your treads down there and where there's snakes there's crocodiles or no wait Oh get my kid okay get my field kit don't forget okay please go get it [Music] [Music] for you we get to keep tripping through the landscape once I get the original back oh heck yeah give it here oh my sweet baby spunk we got it back oh oh this will make life so much easier now I can etch my bug bites and get them infected without dropping dead a month later thank you for real I've been meaning to like help people instead of collecting roots like a dirt order and junk so you mind if I run with you I can set up my lab in your home camp garden or whatever and I can help you boost your immune systems and get you feeling real good a Constitution and junk I'll just set up my sup there now yeah yeah I'm going now gonna settle in thanks again my dude whoever you are you just saved my life thank you thank you so damn much you don't understand I've been trapped here for months see the highwayman dragged me out to this camp and they had me working on stuff for the twins I need to get back home I got a getaway ride all ready to go come on let's get moving before more of those sons of [ __ ] show up names Nick by the way nice to meet you hey follow me I got an idea [Music] I got my plane pulled up in a boat [ __ ] just down that hill oh I was taking her for a test drive when these [ __ ] showed up and caught me with my pants down not literally and they dragged the two of us all the way out here and had me working on the thing so they could give it to the twit not only that they'd be working on a replica so they could both have it anyway I knew that if I was ever gonna get out of here she'd be my ticket so I just kept fixing her finish but she works and we're gonna use her to bust on out of here friend there she is like I said not finish mostly the flying part hmm but ain't she a beauty go on grab the wheel I'll keep a lookout for any trouble get away from those goons believe me I've tried I wasn't schmuck two of them down with the torque bridge before they ganged up on me said if I ever tried anything like that I don't even know what I'm gonna say the clear thanks partner now let's repeal and get home you see that chick Carmina do you know my wire cutters are Jim no I put them here somewhere [Music] just here [Music] you lose something during hey baby hey you know if you're busy I can always come back nope hey kiddo thank you [Music] we're in trouble I'm glad you're back safely but I can tell you when into the Bliss I tried to warn you I hope whatever you got from Joseph was worth it well we have a new problem it's rush he's gone I don't know where he is he said he was going out to do some recon but he never came back I've got a bad feeling about this please go search the county for him I'll watch over the people here be careful we told you to stop causing problems you didn't listen we got your people we got Rush come down to the old fertilizer plant y'all gonna learn a lesson [Music] no choice [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] to memory like these days gonna need it for the next one [Music] with an honor there's barely anything that's fight by the skin of our teeth you have the power here anymore [Music] get out of here no this is real familiar like we've been down this road before relax stay a while look at that see how easy you can be to get along with I wanted you to understand that I wanted you to see that things could have ended differently if you just listen to us and went away instead you chose the stick here it is [Music] spend all night wiping those hopes and dreams off Wow [Laughter] you know before you showed everything Buchan [Music] train and your fancy people trying to make this place into something that when we tried to be reasonable you thought it'd be a good idea to start the pot Oh for your future there's no hope for you future [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Michelle Louise I need you to listen to me why you're not coming with us I don't have a choice your father daddy says if you're not with us you're against us it's not that simple yes it is [Music] gotta go mom dad yeah so you two need to take care of you because your daddy vote he's a lot of big trends with everything and as in violence please trail of bodies behind it doesn't care who gets hurt [Music] like [Music] you oh it's done you started alright I [ __ ] walked out like that everything was normal until they went up north maybe time we asked them for weeks some questions [Applause] rush I'm sorry I'm sorry I got on that train I'm sorry I brought you to help him we'll always remember you you took a risk for us and it cost you your wife this is all my fault rush I promise we'll make you proud he was a good man selfless with you you did everything you could Oh [ __ ] twins are always a step ahead we need another angle I'm gonna go check on Carmina you want to hear what I have in mind we're all shaken up by the loss of rush but we can't let up as much as I hated the idea of talking to Joseph I have to admit than having to eat and attack the highwayman has given us a chance to blindside them and do you meet some crazy little [ __ ] named Irwin if he's as close to the twins as he claims he might be our way in you want the twins right won't get close enough to count the nose hairs well I got a way to do that normally I just walk you up and introduce you to the twins straight off but I'm on the outs with him right now Colton they were [ __ ] up and they got all huffy the whole thing that's not important what's important is it now the twins are all over this guy Frank like he's the best friend of song they even made in the [ __ ] warden of the prison believe that they know me and him don't get along he's such a dick what is this Lou has a thing for me and she wants to make me jealous okay why else would they even talk to that [ __ ] so the number one part of the plan is you gotta kill Frank it is how we do it he's the prison warden right so I take you to the prison as a prisoner that gets you close to Frank and you just [ __ ] take him out take that [ __ ] out I'll explain the rest of the plan on the way trust me it's surefire your stash of gear here the prisoners don't got weapons that jump in the truck and I'll Drive you in hey what do you know orange is your color hop in the back let's go so you're wondering how kill it Frank gets you close to the twins right the demolition derbys coming up the winner of the Derby gets invited to the fanciest dinner with all the Highwaymen bigwigs win the Derby and you got an express ticket to the twins personal space a problem is the derbies got all that drivers they need we got to open up the spot in the lineup well guess what Frank's all set to drive in the third that's right you see it change yourself you take Frank out and boom suddenly the Derby's a driver short so happens I know a guy who can fight with a gal and I can get you that spot [Music] I guess without any weapons you have to improvise a way to kill that [ __ ] I'll let you work out the details [ __ ] imagine that little [ __ ] in his garbage truck hell you want little [ __ ] hey nice to see you too chase I got a prisoner with me what do you think it's your ass in the weeds there a problem bring him in don't bulls it up okay slick don't die [Music] this way feet step way [Music] [Music] face I've ever seen your new name is chug wall plug in your new home chug waffle get to work [Applause] [Music] it's [Music] tell you anything if you cut out their tongues linear tongues what it was came from those shits gave the rabbit something and I want to know what it is I'm with you on that but they can't tell you anything unless you ask more questions let me handle this No hate to barge in what baby I know but somebody who looks important Massa Tom how important I don't want to hear this on to control I'll handle this one [ __ ] you still doing here [Music] you're done for the day to the yard keep your head see yourself that means you too I know how to get out of here I know which one has the key back inside they took my ship to their restricted zone I've been trying to get it take him out my god damn legs would stop shaking it fired the guts [Music] [Applause] [Music] you like to play it loud and proud slick I can't get coordination stormy road once you get out [Music] [Applause] [Music] I cannot overstate how much I wanted Frank to die thank you can't believe that idiot thought he could drive in the Derby I could drive in the Derby I could run the Derby I know more about cars than any of them I once built a car out of nothing but a kitchen sink that spot in the Derby is yours now that's gonna get you up close and personal with Mickey and Lou all's I gotta do is finagle you a halfway decent set of wheels and you're good to go look we don't want to be seen hanging around together so you got to move on out of here don't worry I'll be in touch real soon [ __ ] genius every year the winner of the demolition derby gets to go to the big ass dinner party with Frank on his spot in the race is yours and you're in luck cuz I got you a great car to drive your luck so and so now all you got to do is win this [ __ ] thing because Mickey and Lou are gonna be at that dinner that's when you get them I'll run a grab the car see you here tonight slick [Music] here's your car I fixed it up myself filled it to the brim with top-shelf ethanol is full of air the whole nine yards your mugs known around here so make sure that drivers mask is on your face race starts at midnight go get them slick I could really do [Music] all right slick no one knows you from any other [ __ ] while you're in that drivers getup I'll be in your ear the whole time so if you [ __ ] up or you're in over your head you'll be able to hear me laugh but you're gonna do great [Music] [Applause] oh look out for this [ __ ] [Applause] nice going slick you won yourself a ticket to the party go past the bodyguards make like you belong there hi women bigwigs there are all giant dicks but be careful they're [ __ ] dangerous the plan is your gun everybody down everybody oh man come on pay for dissing me no red best win I ever saw I know Derby winner killed it oh damn you know reminds me a little myself thank you all for being here come a long way for some of you fun as this is we can't stay long no [ __ ] class been some new developments got a proposition for y'all come on is our numero uno problem-solver mmm you gonna take us up north and hook us up with some crazy [ __ ] is it fruit a sacred fruit the miracle of Nui yeah that's it our boy here says that fruit will give you strength like you can't [ __ ] believe and for the right price we're willing to [ __ ] yeah what the [ __ ] are you talking about we're the strongest already damn straight it's for real I've seen it you hear yourself sacred fruit I [ __ ] believable you're going soft in your head like your pops [Laughter] any other observations I will give you the sacred fruit only if you do as we agreed I want you to burn you eating to the ground a deal's a deal man we're reliable now we we must do it now come to [ __ ] on man we gonna burn this [ __ ] [ __ ] to the brown magic fruit that makes you powerful [ __ ] you got the chance of a lifetime here pal take a deep breath and make it [Applause] [Music] [ __ ] twins took off with that weird ass guy the head of a new even sure is [ __ ] you gotta take them out before they find out I helped you I gotta find a place to lay low total looks like I'm moving for you please listen brought them here the Lukas a rabbit thought we took care you you just don't seem to want to die so [ __ ] stubborn we're stubborn to the shame of it all is that we could have been on the same side you and us we really could have done something I guess it wasn't meant to be well let's end this [Music] [Music] [Music] hey Mikey you okay no you know you ain't dying are you I guess I broke my promise what tomorrow I told her we wouldn't end up like dad we had a lot of fun though ray Hey Hey do not die first you do not get to die first I'll be oldest I don't birth hello [Music] I was supposed to take care of you I was supposed to take care of you and I didn't and I'm so [ __ ] sorry [ __ ] this up man [Music] [Music] [Music] you know rabbit you remind me of our mom she had hope she had dreams I should listen to her but things just got carried away [Music] do what you gotta do [Music] Ethan's gone after his father you might have time to stop him if not well you've had a good run I can't believe I'm still alive you could do something about that or if you just leave you'll never see me again Ethan what have you done I did what I had to do freed myself i freed us all from you from your rules Ethan don't I will have what you denied me you gave it to an outsider but you wouldn't give it to me I have no flesh and blood that was God's will you don't know God's I'm trying to protect you son tasty sweet [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] was not clean stop please [Music] even no further [Music] sorry I know it's so scared I know sir okay can you forgive me [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] his only thought was that he was mine why can't I have one you know the answer but I want to be strong like you Father this gift can be dangerous and I don't want you getting hurt either well what about when I grow up but why I want one this is not God's plan you understand me you're an old man I thought I understood God's plan I thought he wanted me to build a new eat but I am NOT he shivered you are I saw has become my cancer I am a must the naive only spreads suffering and death in the name of God is all ash eating this dust and there is no redemption for this no don't there is only the justice of gods yeah and this vicious cycle give me God's justice release me release me he'd be proud of us [Music] look at what we've built together how far we've come [Music] there's always going to be trouble out there but we'll manage right [Music] there were so many times that I thought we were going to fail all this would be for nothing but we just didn't give up because we had hope [Music] here's doubt [Music] [Music]
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 399,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: machinima, far cry new dawn, far cry new dawn full story, far cry new dawn all cutscenes, far cry new dawn movie, far cry new dawn ending, far cry new dawn final boss, far cry new dawn ps4 pro 60 frames per second
Id: VHlgauM5OTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 17sec (8597 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 14 2019
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