Fantastic Photos of The BEATLES Last Photo Shoot (w/ my narration) #history #TheBeatles #Beatles

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welcome along fellow Time Travelers and strange historians this time around I'm going to share with you some of my favorite historic photos of The Beatles taken at John Lennon's tinners Park estate on August 22nd 1969. before I begin please like and share this episode And subscribe to my channel and hit the notification Bell as we get rolling and throughout this presentation I'm also going to show you some historic images to give you an idea of the location and magnificent size of tinhurst Park as you know John Lennon was rolling in dough he could have bought anything he wanted any time he wanted however in order to lessen his tax burden and to protect his assets tinhurst Park was purchased for him in May of 1969 by the publishing company owned by John and Paul for 145 000 pounds now even though 145 000 pounds was a lot of bread back then let's be honest this was a pretty good deal Legend has it that Jon then spent twice that renovating and decorating the Mansion before moving in on August 11 1969. he also renovated the Gatehouse for his chauffeur to live in with his family and he renovated some of the cottages on the property for his staff to be able to live in I won't get too much into the history and architecture and Gardens if at all but let me just briefly tell you that the history of the estate dates back to the 1200s and the gardens date back to 1763 in the mid-1800s the estate was owned by Thomas Holloway now for those of you who don't know Thomas Holloway was a pretty interesting character he was an English entrepreneur he was the founder of the holloways ointment and pills company which produced a line of patent medicines Holloway's most well-known product was Holloway's ointment which he claimed could cure a wide range of ailments and conditions yeah I know you want to see The Beatles images but listen let me just read this really quick Holloway's ointments were reputed to cure you ready bad legs bad breaths Burns bunions bite of mosquito and sand flies skulls chilblins cancers sorry elephantiasis fistulas gout glandular swellings lombago piles rheumatism sore throats sore heads scurvy tumors ulcers yaws and and this is pretty important for some people I think sore nipples and so there you go if you're looking to travel back in time and figure out a way to make a zillion dollars selling pills and ointments to cure anything is a pretty good way to go prior to John Lennon purchasing the estate the property was owned by Peter Cadbury yes that Cadbury Cynthia Lennon once said that she and John and the others The Beatles And I guess their wives went to tinhurst park in the mid-1960s but I don't think she said why they went there so if you happen to know please let me know in the comments below perhaps it could be because it was kind of a famous estate because it was referred to as you ready for this this is pretty cool a museum of trees Yes you heard that right I'm going to say it one more time a museum of trees because in the late 1700s and throughout the 1800s trees really cool trees had been brought in from all around the world and planted in the gardens to the south and east of the mansion and so you have things like Colorado Blue Spruce you had trees coming in from Maine you had trees coming in from San Francisco your giant redwoods you had trees coming in from Greece and China and so it's really incredible in fact the gardens had and probably still have over 30 varieties of Magnolias there's also a fabulous collection of Oak and Pine and Elm trees I can produce an entire video just about the trees attendance Park and maybe I will the Mansion itself was first built in the 1700s but there was a fire and so it was rebuilt in the early 1800s and I'll discuss that in more depth and share photos and floor plans in another show so let's try to focus here on John Lennon and the Beatles whenever possible so John Lennon made the estate world famous when it became the location for the promotional film for his song Imagine you've seen it right where John Lennon is playing the white piano and yoko's walking around opening up all of the shutters the Mansion was also the location of the UK's first professional residential recording studio and I'll talk about that another time but for the most part as we know John Lennon was rolling in dough and he wanted his own recording studio so he didn't have to go into London or anywhere else to record he could get out of bed go downstairs go into the kitchen hang out with some other musicians and then walk through a door and then go into his own recording studio and record anytime day or night weekend weekday without having to ask anybody's permission for anything without having to schedule any time and it worked out well for him so among other things he recorded the Imagine album there with the kind assistance of the great and Brilliant Phil Spector but we'll talk about that another time as you can imagine over the course of time tinhurst Park had been for sale a handful of times and here is a sales ad for dinner spark prior to its purchase by John Lennon and the text is as follows in one of the most favored residential districts in the home counties a charming and well-appointed Georgian House of moderate size with compact accommodation on two floors seven principal bedrooms and four bathrooms entrance and staircase Halls three beautifully proportioned reception rooms well-appointed Kitchen Two self-contained staff Flats oil-fired Central Heating in all main Services garage four to five cars stabling entrance Lodge magnificent Gardens and grounds of international repute with a unique collection of rare trees and shrubs wide spreading Lawns Etc hard tennis court heated swimming pool in all about 21 Acres additional land and Cottages available if required and so that's the ad and of course as we know John Lennon when he owned the property was 72 Acres so gave him plenty of privacy and so on August 22nd 1969 The Beatles All met at titanhurst Park 4 what would turn out to be their last official photo shoot the photographers were Ethan Russell this guy was pretty cool from 1968 to 1972 he was the main photographer for the Rolling Stones and there was another photographer there named Monte Crisco he was a sports photographer for the Daily Mail also the Beatles trusted friend and assistant the great Mal Evans was there and he took photos too as well as the great Linda McCartney she shot film footage with Paul's 16 millimeter film camera Linda was very pregnant in fact she would give birth to their daughter Mary six days after this shoot oh and Derek Taylor was there he was the Beatles publicist as was Yoko who would make her way into many of the photos as you shall see for the record we have mutual friends I even helped provide info to her and her team for their imagine book which included floor plans and site plans of the estate which I'm very happy that she used in her book and if you don't already have that book go out and get it pretty cool information about Titan House Park and recording the Imagine album there could also buy my books if you like now as far as the photos of The Beatles photo shoot on August 22nd 1969 it began with the Beatles walking along this gravel path on the east side of the mansion now because it was located on the highest point of the property the path descended down into the gardens past beautiful trees and toured a stone fountain with a statue of Diana as you likely know Diana was and probably still is the goddess of the hunt after all goddesses don't exactly retire and so that's probably still her gig to this day among other responsibilities that she might have as a goddess now here's a historic photo from the early 1900s that shows how the gardens looked prior to John Lennon acquiring the estate this photo actually is from the early 1900s and I had it colorized but gives you a cool idea of the magnificence of the gardens and this is a historic photo from the early 1900s that shows with the fountain and statue of Diana look like and its proximity to the mansion The Beatles then made their way to a former Cricket pitch that was filled at the time with tall grasses and this area would later be repurposed into a large pond that John Lennon wanted this is a historic map that shows the location of that area this photo by the way gives us a fine view of that unusual belt that John Lennon was wearing which seemed to be a series of pouches made with perhaps hemp or Indian beads I don't really know if anybody knows anything about that kind of unusual belt or if you have any thoughts about it please share your thoughts in the comments below thank you [Music] [Music] foreign at some point John and Yoko went to the Stables on the far East side of the property and they brought back a couple of donkeys to be photographed with the Beatles [Music] whether or not anyone made any jackass jokes is unknown but we can assume John Lennon probably made a few in the distance behind John and Yoko can be seen the keepers Lodge I have it on good authority that that structure right there was built in 1645. I've spoken to a number of people who have spent time living in that house or visiting that house and I have an idea of the floor plan which at one point kind of resembled this [Music] when Ringo acquired tit nurse Park a couple of years after John and Yoko moved to New York City he used the keepers Cottage as a setting for music videos in order to promote some of his songs one of which I believe included the great Harry Nielsen dressed up as Frankenstein's monster and also Zach and his wife and child lived in there during the time that Ringo owned the property when John Lennon lived at tinder's Park he parked the legendary Sergeant Pepper Caravan there and this is a historic photo from the early 1900s that shows the Keeper's Lodge which as you can see was designed in a sort of mock tutor architectural style The Beatles then started making their way back up towards the mansion and along the way they stopped and had their photos taken beside the enormous incense cedar tree which at the time was the third largest in the United Kingdom and probably still is by the way the second largest incense Cedar in the UK was also located at tinder's Park and that was located on the south side of the mansion and this is a historic photo from the early 1900s that shows the incense cedar tree and I had it colorized to give you a better idea of details The Beatles then went and had their photos taken beside and within the incredibly tall weeping Blue Atlas Cedars check this out for those of you who know about weeping Blue Atlas Cedars they take a long time to grow and since these were planted in the 1800s they were and still are enormous and if this part won't bore you to death I'll tell you a little bit about the Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar it is characterized by its unique cascading branches which give it a graceful and pendulous appearance the foliage of this tree is bluish green and the needles are arranged in Tufts along the branches and this is a photo of the Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar that I believe was taken in the 1970s before I continue can you do me a favor and like and share this episode And subscribe to my channel and hit the notification Bell and remember to check out the links below to learn how to support my research and Productions specifically I'd really appreciate it if you could become a member of this Channel and or join me on patreon where I post exclusive content you can also leave a super thanks in the comments below the Beatles then made their way back to the mansion and took some photos along the South Eastern side of the Mansion this is a historic photo from the early 1900s I had a colorized that shows the pathway along the east side of the mansion and here we see a couple of photos of John and Yoko foreign [Music] of course we say Linda has accompanied Paul but for the most part she was documenting The Beatles with the 16 millimeter film camera this photo shows Yoko and Linda Seated on the grass now because I don't want to just make videos where I talk at you and it'd be kind of cool to get your thoughts about things as we do videos like this I have an interesting question I think what are your thoughts about Yoko Ono appearing in so many promotional photos with the Beatles on this particular day and maybe even on other days yeah I know and many of you are going to say they were in love they were moved that's an easy and typical answer I get it but if you find it to be kind of unusual that John Lennon's wife was repeatedly with her husband while he was working please share your thoughts in the comments below ladies ladies I know many of you are in love with your boyfriends and in love with your husbands do you go to work with them every single day when your boyfriend or husband is doing promotional photos with his co-workers do you show up and get in on those photos I don't know men I know you love your girlfriends I know you love your wives I get it you want to be with them you want to hang out with them do you go to work with them do you tell him to come to work with you when your wife has photos that need to be taken with her co-workers do you show up and get into the photo when you have to go to work and you have to have photos taken with your co-workers you've got meetings do you bring your girlfriend or wife with you I'm just wondering I don't know I have no thoughts about this I'm wondering what your thoughts are and by the way instead of throwing everything onto Yoko instead of just saying well Yoko was rude kindly share your thoughts about this was it also rude of John Lennon to constantly bring his wife to work with him which history has shown well he annoyed the hell that of his co-workers and essentially everyone who worked with and for the Beatles so anyway let me know your thoughts just wondering just trying to be interactive here I have no thoughts about it one way or the other I like Yoko she's a talented lady she's a smart lady and you can't judge people and dislike people or even like people to be honest with you based on a handful of moments in their life something they may have said something they may have done we don't want to live in a world like that we don't want to be in a world where we judge people and dislike somebody because they may have made a mistake one time or they may have said something wrong or did something wrong we don't want that kind of world however on this particular day when John Lennon is working with his co-workers and these are promotional photos for his band does it make sense to you that his wife is in promotional photos after all she wasn't in the Beatles I know you got Linda there I know that's fine make your comments about her too if you like the great Linda McCartney who by the way saved countless lives of innocent animals with the amazing things that she did to promote vegetarianism [Music] this photo shows Jon and Yoko and George on the south side of the mansion and this photo shows Paul and Linda and John and you'll go also on the south side of the mansion this photo shows the Beatles along the grass on the east side of the Mansion behind a brick wall with a flower-filled stone urn what makes this photo interesting is realizing how handsome these men were and we are also reminded how young these incredibly wealthy and world famous men were the oldest was Ringo he was 29 years old at the time of this photo John was 28th Paul had just turned 27 in June and George was 26 years old simply put they make us all seem like Underachievers but look they spent thousands of hours learning and perfecting their craft and each had an encyclopedic knowledge of music and they most certainly earned all the money and fame that they had The Beatles then had their photos taken in front of the entry to a cape Dutch style Cottage that was referred to as the Assembly Hall that may have been built as sort of an architectural Folly but it was also functional it was likely used to display some of the beautiful artworks owned by Thomas Holloway [Music] this is a historic photo that shows the Assembly Hall when John Lennon acquired Jenner's Park he was saying how difficult it was to hire people that could be trusted to help around the estate and so George suggested that John allows some of the Hari Krishna devotees to live in one of the Cottages and they would help out with the gardening and so on John thought yeah that's a pretty good idea and after they moved on to the property they started gathering in the Assembly Hall and so it was affectionately referred from there on in as the temple and here is a photo that was given to me by gurudus was a very kind and gentle and smart man and it shows some of the devotees in that space and this is a floor plan that I put together that was in a couple of my books so you can see it was just one large space with a large fireplace along one wall the photos of the beetle show some of the cool bus that John Lennon brought over from the home that he owned with his first wife Cynthia and their young son Julian you may recognize that one of them was displayed for the cover photo of the album for Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band [Music] The Beatles then walked to the west of the Mansion where there was a two-story building of red brick that was referred to as the Terrace Cottages it was also referred to mostly by me as the forage Cottages that is because in the 1800s and perhaps even earlier it was the home of several blacksmiths who worked at the forge that was located on the property to the west of what is now tenhurst park during this part of the photo shoot the Beatles were along the ground floor entry to a couple of the cottages and at one point John and Ringo went inside and looked out a couple of the windows The Beatles then had their photos taken at the wibbly wobbly way Yes you heard that right the wibbly wobbly way go ahead and say it 10 times really quick wibbly wobbly way wibbly wobbly way wibbly wobbly way you can do it it's actually not that difficult wibbly wobbly wave if you could say it 10 times really fast let me know in the comments below this was a path that led to the mansion from the forge cottages and garages The Beatles then enter the house probably went up the back stairs behind the kitchen or the spiral staircase that may have still been in the kitchen at the time and went to a room upstairs that John and Yoko used as an office and for film editing and then stepped through a window and went onto the roof of the wing of the estate that John Lennon and Eddie veal would repurpose to a residential recording studio The Beatles then went downstairs walked through the large kitchen and went into the dining room where they hung out for a while this room has been repurposed a few times but for the most part it's always been a dining room and I have photos of it that I will share in another video but in this image you could see the large floor-to-ceiling windows that open up to offer access to the east Gardens finally The Beatles along with Linda and Yoko returned to the cape Dutch Cottage and their photo was taken looking down from the South Side balcony next to the cape Dutch Cottage and that's pretty much it there are some other photos but they're really kind of bad quality or roughly the same as what you've already seen here it is amazing to me with all the incredible resources at the Beatles disposal that there are not more high quality photos or film shot at events such as this but at this point in their career with the exception of the Film Production surrounding the recording of the Let It Be album they seem to mostly be simplifying and just doing the least they needed to in order to Market themselves as would later be seen with the Simplicity of the cover of the Abbey Road album which was just them walking outside and being photographed crossing the street it seems like they just realized that they didn't have to do all that much anymore because the music was the main selling point and of course they were 100 correct weren't they but it sure would be nice if we fans had more photos and films of The Beatles to see but since we don't we'll just continue to embrace and celebrate what we do have such as what I've shown you here [Music] and so this concludes this episode of historic photos showing historic photos of The Beatles at John Lennon's dinner's Park kindly remember to like and share and subscribe and hit the notification Bell because there will be more videos like this one and I hope you check those out too please check out the links below to learn how to support my research and Productions specifically I'd really appreciate it if you could become a member of my channel and or join me on patreon you could also leave a super thanks in the comments below kindly be kind to all non-human animals and please don't eat them they don't like that remember for the benefit of compassion for all living things and their own health all of the Beatles chose a plant-based diet and please do yourself a favor and go to a local shelter and adopt the category dog you and they will be very glad that you did until next time I wish you safe travels and all your Journeys [Music] thank you
Channel: Strange History X
Views: 192,000
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Keywords: strangefacts, strangehistory, history, history documentary, historychannel, news, strangenews, weirdhistory, weirdfacts, historic buildings, architects, architectural history, facts, strange facts, historical, rare, weird, images, photos, photographs, old photos, historical photos, historical files, old photographs, famous people photo, powerful photos, 100 old photos, old photos compilation, johnlennon, dakota, beatles, tittenhurst park, the beatles, beatles history
Id: 4ayMJF6vAq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 32sec (1532 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2023
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