Fantasmic update + QUESTION about Adventureland Treehouse | Disneyland Construction 04-27-2023

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updates from the Matterhorn Pixar place and Disneyland hotel plus status on Fantasmic but first I've got a serious question about the Adventureland treehouse looks like we've got some construction workers actively working on the Adventureland Treehouse I've seen them going up and down those stairs and then working along that little walkway the path from the center structure of the center room over to the boys from and there they go they've just moved over to the one guy was just polishing the rail so Finishing Touch there so that rail would be complete I guess well it looks like they're just doing rounds to make sure that everything is ship shaped before they get it you know say we're done here take another look at the daughter's room it's still not done they're still I no I wish we could see some theming in the room itself what if I I don't know if I'm gonna have enough light in the back of the room there all right [Music] am I crazy I'm trying to I'm trying to find the boys room they're supposed to be three rooms we can see two we can see the daughter's room and we can see the main room in the center for mother and father presumably where's the boys room in the concept art there is a third room the sun's room and it it's supposed to be where the old cougar was you know from Tarzan's Treehouse that's you know one of the first rooms that you would see at Tarzan's Treehouse presumably that's where the sun's room is supposed to be but it is not I don't see anything there I don't see another room at all I can see railings you know fencing and a kind of a defined space where it should be but I don't see the actual you would be able to you should be able to see it from here just in the same way that you could see the other two rooms and I don't think it's a situation where they can prefabricate it somewhere else and then drop it in with a crane well maybe they could but that just does not seem very when were they forgot the scene they don't have to do that overnight obviously but can they do that in a single day I wonder that's the only logical thing that I can think of is that it's being built somewhere else because it wasn't a complete structure before if you recall the the little cougar room wasn't really a room at all it was just an unfinished space where the Cougars sat but it wasn't a room a fully a fully complete room like in the same way that the daughter's room is today and how that room that there are you know that was there before was finished or mother and father's room I guess we'll have to stay tuned I wonder what that means in terms of how close we are to completion speaking of which I don't know why I never tried to do this before but there are well not exactly knotholes but not whole like viewing areas along that wall along the fenced wall little you know separations in the slap the wood slats and I was able to get a peek in there to see what's happening on the ground and I I've got a little bit of footage that I can show you because it's hard to get a you know a decent shot with the camera you can see better with the eye it is devastating it does not look good down there they are nowhere near completion I I don't think on the areas that surround the perimeter of the Treehouse this would be the area where the Little River was that we pointed out in previous videos you can kind of see some of the rock work is still there that created that definition for the river around the tree house uh so I'm assuming that they're going to keep that there or at least some of it anyway they do have to remove parts of it in order to install the water wheel which is something that we've been talking about Ad nauseam lately uh but it does look like they're going to keep that little stick Hi how are you so it does look like they're going to keep at least part of that uh you know or at least you know that little that that space to allow the river to run through there necessary as we mentioned in the past uh with regard to you know the water wheel needs a needs a source for the water and that would be it also in the am I crazy Department I was here a couple weeks ago and I I had thought it felt like the walls had come out a little bit from a little further out closer to the walkway than they were before then I look back at the old footage and the walls were just where they were but there's something there's more room in that view right behind us there's more room there than there was before there is less than there was has something been removed I need again to uh go back and look at some old photos and see if there's something like a tree or something that's been removed from there so I just spent the last I don't know 15 20 minutes going through some sort of Mandela effect type situation here thinking about the the sun's room and the daughter's room and all this time I've been saying or everybody's been understanding that it's the daughter who has the the room with the telescope she's in like a uh she must be an astronomer she's SCA and then I'm over there looking at the concept art and it's got the sun in her room and the daughters on the other side of the tree and the other room that hasn't been built yet and I'm like are we all collectively crazy so I had I'm doing research down there I'm looking around I'm like what where did we get the idea that the daughter was the astronomer but yeah in the initial announcement way back in November Disney says in the Disney parks blog that the daughter is the the astronomer and uh has the astronomers look at type room I can't make sense of it why do they why do they switch the daughter and the son in the concept art thought checking out at Tiana's Palace not a lot of uh construction happening right now definitely looks like they're staging getting ready to do some extensive work down there uh there's a lot more materials and prep visible than there was in the previous weeks can't really see anything further along you know in terms of what's happening on the ground no work has started as far as I can tell everything behind the scram is happening there it does look like that the awning area over the uh bit tulip bar that has been stripped it very much looks like they're prepping to to repaint that or refinish that to some this is something that we're going to be able to watch and observe and get an idea on the the palette the color scheme is going to be used here or the design palette as well that's a good shot that's really interesting I can't wait to see how that develops [Music] we'll also be keeping an eye on the Bandstand we reported last week it looked like they were stripping the wood portions of that Bandstand that still appears to be the case pretty sure that they that has continued and it's a little further along than it was last time we're here we'll be keeping our eye on that as well meanwhile at the Matterhorn we have a date June 2nd the Matterhorn will be reopening on June 2nd but we got a date before I even had a chance to take a lap around the monorail to see what's happening behind those walls which we're going to be showing you here in a minute so you're looking at maybe another six weeks from today in about seven weeks total not a long reefer period for the Matterhorn it has been down longer than that certainly in in previous cases so this does support the the speculation the Assumption the working assumption that uh they're doing things uh sort of rhythmically in stages they'll take it down for a month or two or two months in this case just about do some repairs on the Interiors open it back up again and then about six months from now you'll be looking at another closure I do believe I want to say that the last one was just in uh what in the winter right it was closed and reopened sometime around Christmas if I recall correctly but I could be wrong I'm waiting it right now but that's what I would look for today is uh if we're in April now reopening in June we might see it go back down again uh right around the holidays and here is that aforementioned shot of the Matterhorn update from the monorail as I expected you're not gonna be able to see a whole lot of what's happening there isn't a whole lot happening on the ground outside the monorail from this perspective nothing to see really uh in the queue or you know in the ground space around there from the opposite side from the fantasland side same thing we get a little better shot of what's happening there but that's just staging uh the track looks to be untouched the queue is being untouched there is some scaffolding we've noticed some scaffolding up on the mountains the best in the usual spots nothing that would suggest any sort of major changes I mean it's a two-month Reverb so most of what's Happening all of what's Happening really is going to be uh backstage I guess the word it's not like backstage but not visible to the guest not guest facing type stuff update on tortilla shows we've been speculating for a while that this dining location is not long for Downtown Disney everything I hear says it's going away got more confirmation of that today I from my understanding they've been waiting to take down tortilla Joe's until they're done with Ralph Brennan's Jazz Kitchen that's going to be wrapping up soon and when that happens they will demo tortilla Joe's where we're looking at probably a month or two is my guess uh they're gonna demo that and it will be the future location of Din Tai Fung meanwhile we noted last week on our update that sprinkles that the Cupcake Shop had closed uh and is now behind the construction walls right here I thought and a lot many people thought it was it was a performance purpose that they were closing it to put something else in there that is not the case it is my understanding now that it was closed because Disney wants to expand the the future uh Paseo restaurants can be Paseo where Qatar was Uber bar is going to become centrico for sale in centrico the Paseo portion the Uber or the Qatar restaurant portion is going to be expanded the entrance they're going to blow that whole area out and they're going to widen the entrance which makes a lot of sense because I had speculated that the reason why they were updating the home store was because they wanted a new entrance for for Qatar the entrance is terrible it's it's tight it's narrow it's not very convenient they walk you right into the kitchen practically so it looks like the reason why they closed sprinkles Disney you know bottom out or whatever or just ended their lease is so they can use that space to extend the future Paseo dining location and make it a little bit easier for guests to get in and out of there wasn't really expecting to do an update on the Ralph Brennan's Jazz Kitchen today I thought we had seen as much as we're going to see for a little while but when I was walking by I noticed that the the bed the temporary station that they had set up to serve Beignets had been removed my guess is is because they're they're nearing completion according to that sign anyway the sign says reopening soon to me it looks like they'll be uh opening up the beignet station in its own location and then the two wings uh the two dining areas will also be reopened that one here on both sides of the entrance and then obviously the one that still boarded up that was boarded up but that will be dining service as well or table Service as well note also in the center where the fountain used to be that looks to be completely done the tarps are down there's no more time well there's one tarp covering a little a small portion of the area but I think they just need to get in there and clean it all up that location or that part of the uh the restaurant appears to be complete ish there are tables there but I do believe I do believe that will wind up being or tables more table service there as opposed to something else like a bar or some other you know themed element that used to be a fountain that used to be a centerpiece that you would go around and negotiate uh which was really delightful it's gone uh so I feel like we're seeing about about what the Jazz Kitchen is gonna wind up being we're probably 80 there I expect Jazz Kitchen to be open completely probably by the end of next month that's just that's just a guess like I said science says reopening soon that's gotta mean something we're stopping real quick at the Disneyland hotel parking lot to check in on that mystery building that we reported on a while back if you watched our latest news video the other day when we're talking about the DVC Villas this is what you were supposed to be looking for you guys remember when we were all very curious what that mystery building was uh that they were putting up here in the Disneyland hotel parking lot it didn't make any sense there was a lot of speculation some thought it might be uh the new Earl of Sandwich others thought it might be a model for the new DVC tower that they're building at the Disneyland hotel which is something we're going to be checking on in a little bit that guest appears to be pretty close they are for the DBC Tower but they're not a model for for the actual Suites at the Villas when they for when they released the concept art uh I almost say like a month or so ago one of the one of the pictures that they they produced was of the pool and in that concept art for that pool for the DVC Tower pool you could see a structure a building that looks virtually identical to that which we see here in the parking lot it is those are Cabanas as best as I can tell those are Cabanas multi-level Cabanas probably I think I see maybe 10 or so of those Cabanas um two stories each story is probably a separate unit so and it's indoors like it reminds me a little bit of the sweets that you can get at a football stadium or a baseball stadium you've got the seats out in front of the actual Suite or the Cabana in this case a lot of what you're entertainment a lot of what you're going to be doing is going to be happening indoors inside the build structure that's what these remind me of are those luxury suites at a baseball stadium what they're going to offer there who knows but I assume it's going to be much like the the Cabanas that you see already at the Grand Californian which we just had a opportunity to enjoy check out our video on the Grand Californian Cabanas those were delightful uh but that's my guess is that's what these are whether or not these are you know they're they're pre-fabing these here and they're gonna and then going to drop them inside the DVC Tower is yet to be determined my guess is probably not because they've only Built the two you know that one structure they haven't built any others at least not here uh so I I don't know I don't know what the purpose is of building just this one here because when like I said in the concept it looks like they're building maybe 10 or so of those but there you go mystery solved the mystery structure in the design Hotel parking lot the David C Villas are set to open in late September so we're able to see construction begin to wind down a little bit here at the Disneyland Hotel from this view we can see that the right side of the building where the majority of the rooms are still behind scrim most likely to finish final touches on the windows and paint I'm sure while the left side with the larger Villas are nearing completion those top two units those are the large three-bedroom Grand Villas that are the centerpiece of the hotel those are still under scrim and Scaffolding as well those two units that we're looking at there will be going for around 100 points a night or or something like six thousand dollars per night if you're a cash guest but they are perhaps the most unique singular one-of-a-kind hotel suite I've personally ever seen on a Disney property stopping over at the Pixar Place Hotel will soon to be Pixar Place Hotel currently still The Paradise Pier Hotel there have been a few updates on the building uh the the rear structure still looks half complete it's still a mix of the white color and the beige color the white color looks a lot better on now that you see it next to each other it makes you makes you appreciate how uh unattractive the old killer Escape used to be loving the new white uh meanwhile inside there's not a lot of changes happening this first one is from the the future lobby of the picture Place hotel with the Pixar theme mobile this one's showing the the front of the building from the structure note these colored like buttons or whatever that they they have in there I didn't I paid no mind of those before but they have been installed now uh and the exterior of the Pixar Place hotel which we got a shot of interesting choice as far as steaming goes but you know it adds a little color a little more character to the outside of the building I presume you can also see in this art that there's a new their new awning they're building over the over the drop-off area in front of the hotel that is now being constructed they have completely stripped the old one down they're building that one from scratch we're in the steel phase which is good that's that's you know we're not far from a finished product there and then finally we have our first actual sort of sign of of the new Pixar theme the music that they're playing the acoustic music they play as you walk up to when it's now currently the entrance to the hotel previously like the back entrance but uh they're they're not playing Pixar music here rather than regular Disney music Pixar theme music out in the walkways in front of the hotel at the entrance well I'm on the rivers of America fresh bake this is the first time that I've been here at this location since the incident two days ago hi guys how are you I it's really weird being here just saying that up up front that uh I'm I'm still having trouble reconciling the fact that we've lost Murphy but I do have some updates for you on the immediate future of the island and of the Fantastic show it was reported oh I don't know what day it is but by the time I get this out but it was reported that fantastic would be showing again on Friday that is not the case at least I don't believe that will be the case uh when they when they're able to bring back fantastic and the B mode depends entirely on how long it takes for that scrim to go away because behind that scrim is Murphy Murphy is still there um there was considerable damage not just to the animatronic itself but also you know the the mechanism the the apparatus that lifted you know Rose Murphy and then lowered her again when she was done with her part of the show Murphy's still there they can't they can't get her below stage uh it's my belief that they're gonna have to take it apart they got to take her apart and that could take a while they got to take her apart just so they can close the door that you know that opens for her to come out and there's a Mark Twain coming up right behind me so I'm not expecting a fantastic to return anytime soon I I don't know how long it takes to dismantle you know a 15-foot mechanical dragon so I mean that could be a while but certainly it's not as simple as just lowering her back below stage as I mentioned that's going to be a difficult task well no we'll know when it's time when that green screen comes down when that screen comes down then they've completed that effort now with regard to you know the the belief that the show is going to be resuming on Friday that was going around and we reported this on Instagram as well probably by now you've already seen a story hopefully or a reel that we've updated that that that bit of info but that was going around because the calendar the show calendar has fantastic running at 9 00 pm and 10 30 p.m this Friday Friday the 28th and I was about to report that in this update I was going to say look for fantastic on Friday but that is not the case I I what's what's happening there is that they just haven't updated the calendar yet it's showing that there's no show on Thursday or Wednesday or Tuesday or anything like that because they weren't having weekday shows at this point anyway even if Murphy were alive and well there would be no show today there would be no show on Tuesday Wednesday or Thursday so it looks like it's a resumption but it really isn't Disney just has not updated the show calendar on the website as of yet I wish they I'm just kind of shocked that they have it now with that whole stage area that exists on Thompson's Island that whole area is now under repair closed to the public that makes the entire Island inaccessible they cannot open Tom swords Island until they are able to repair Murphy there and take that scrim down well actually I take that back they probably hi guys congratulations uh they probably could open the island before they finish that but not until they figure out a way to section off hi guys they would have to find a way to section off that part of the island which they've done in the past most recently when they were repairing when they were updating fantastic before they had before it had returned there was a long stretch there where you couldn't duck you couldn't dock the Tom story rafts here because of all the repairs they were doing to the island so they they took the rafts down to the other end down that way and they boarded over there by the other by the opposite end of the island not sure if they have plans to do that anytime soon again they have to first figure out a way or figure out where they can section off the island and figure out what part of that island is successful clearly you know the tree house on the top part of the top of the hill that area will be closed off and obviously the stage area you know where Murphy exists that I don't think will take too long one thing you might want to look out for if you're here or see it in social medias or whatever if they start testing if they start doing that the raft testing where they they run it around the entire Island that was kind of neat actually it was a nice little uh tangent from their normal raft rides uh there were certain times a day if there was a lot of boat traffic if they were running the Mark Twain uh and the canoes then the rafts would have to in order to come back from the island they would have to go all the way around they would they would go all over and then come back from this side because you can't have two-way traffic you can only go in One Direction in the river and that's you know that way that could be as soon as maybe in a couple days we might see something like that and finally San Francisco just doing a quick check to see if there's anything new developing here the only thing I found out here is this um I don't know if I should I'm not sure if this is new or not this it might be new to me stand for the little San Francisco uh sign here proud home of something to be determined what it is the proud home of no change here at Avengers campus Avengers HQ just a bunch of walls so far no signs of any further progress on the presumed gift shop happening here and that's our update for this week guys stay tuned for more from fresh baked as we've got updates just like this every week here at fresh baked until next time thanks for watching be safe be kind fresh boat [Music]
Channel: FreshBaked!
Views: 58,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: updates from disneyland, disneyland updates news, DISNEYLAND, disneyland vlog, disneyland visit, fresh baked, fresh baked disney, disneyland, disneyland construction update, disneyland construction news, 2023, disneyland. updates 2023, disneyland construction 2023
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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