FamilySearch Memories (Roger Bell Live)

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hi everybody i'm wendy with family search and welcome to our uh wednesday live stream and we're here with roger and roger before you introduce yourself let me confirm that we are live we're live oh okay we're good we're good yay okay roger will you tell everybody um a little bit about your you and what you do at family search sure so i've i've actually been in the uh the family history and uh industry for quite a while i worked at i worked at uh my heritage my heritage i forgot about that yeah that's something i actually do right before my heritage i left the ancestry to help start a website called which is now fold three uh military ancestry bought that one and uh i got kicked out after that so um this is how it works they don't like keeping guys like me but uh then then i went to my heritage um a year after that because i had a non-compete or i couldn't i couldn't even talk about family history to anybody so it's just the way it works in the industry sometimes wow and then after i was at my heritage for a while i came to family search and i i've never enjoyed a job more i really enjoy family church oh my gosh well you are i mean i can't we can't pick favorites but everybody who's ever worked with you just speaks so highly of the way that you treat each p each each person you work with and i've been the lucky recipient of your warm kindness so i am thrilled and you're going to talk about one of my personal favorite pieces of family history and that is memories so if you are joining us i'm here with roger and let us know where you're joining us from we're both here in salt lake city i'm in salt lake and you're in orem oh lyndon linden london yeah it's kind of a little little strip of land between uh orem and pleasant grove okay didn't you used to live really close to the old office too yeah well lyndon's really close to that yeah yeah so okay um tell us just before we start with memories a little bit about your family so i have um so i grew up in southern california in anaheim and i have a brother and a sister and my parents um we all they my parents well i'm i actually moved to utah uh when i got married to my wife liz we have three children just like my parents did and tell us where she works she works at that's so fun they didn't kick her out they kept her oh they kicked you but they kept her yeah yeah along with several cousins and so uh no it was great so yeah so i have uh uh three children my oldest is a girl and then i have two boys my daughter is married with three daughters and i'm just the luckiest guy in the world to be able to hang out with three little granddaughters i just love them and they're so fun and i might share something with one of them a little bit later yes and i love i remember um your granddaughter at the time she was three and you would share stuff that she would say it was always so sassy and i was loving it so i met your daughter and she's fantastic and you kind of met your wife and so roger roger here we are we're family we're thrilled to be here um let's talk for a minute just about the memories part of family search and what give us a little bit of history for people who don't know kind of where this came from and how long it's been a part of family search so as before i got here um but i've been at family search about five and a half years but before that a couple years before that they started an initiative where they wanted people to contribute photos and stories and attach them to people in the trees so that so that you just didn't have a name and a date and a place you actually had something that was a little yeah something is a little warmer a little more heart-turning and that's what stories do right so the photo does it just like a record does a record can turn someone's heart but uh and it's so can a photo but boy i'll tell you the story about the photo and and about the record is is is what makes a difference and what really helps us get a little more engaged really a lot more engaged and it helps us to to really connect with people that have passed on um and um and even sharing stories with with our living relatives can connect us even in yes we love stories so this is like a newer part of family search right it's not i mean newer 2014 or something right i think i think they started like 13 and 14 came out i came january 15. yeah and now you have a whole a whole team and your whole responsibility is memories on family search so yeah can i just say i know nobody really wants to hear this but the memories team is amazing i'm lucky to meet to work with some just extremely intelligent talented people um just like like i said it's best job so far it's just that right and there's there's so many people behind the scenes you have engineers ux designers you have people who test right like i think it's great to give people joining us an understanding of what it's like to build family search um on a daily basis and memories isn't available in all the languages right well pretty much uh it will be pretty quickly yeah i think we'll have about every language that we're going to support in about 30 31 languages so it's amazing and we we have millions of memories millions of photos and things like that are added every year so will you show us just a little bit about how to like what memories are and how to kind of upload for people that might be new and then if you have specific memories questions um post them in the chat and we will get to them we're gonna talk about um you know the types of memories and we're gonna talk a little bit about um privacy around memories because this is a question a lot of people have and then we're also going to discuss what makes a memory valuable and then we'll take some some questions from our fantastic viewers who were so thrilled that you're here okay roger take it away okay thanks wendy so adding a memory is is is can be challenging for some people because they don't know how to get it in a digital format so you first you just have to get a digital format and whether you have a scanner your neighbor has a scanner someone in your family is a scanner or if you're fortunate to be able to go to some library that has one of these incredible scanners that scan like 50 photos in a minute those are amazing and they're high quality but once you get things in a digital format scanned then it's just a matter of getting up on family search but you want to be careful as well you don't want to just you don't want to take every picture you've ever taken and digitize it and put it on family search that's something you can do with google photos but family search you want to put the best of the best on there uh kind of like you do with instagram a little bit you put your best stuff in front of people like you you want people to curate the things they're going to upload and share so if you have a picture of the day that uh your daughter was born and it's you have 50 pictures of the same thing don't put them all up there just put the best ones up there and and it's good enough um so how you upload or get to uh so if i came in here to a person in the tree let's do person and by the way we have someone who went to high school went to school grew up in anaheim as well and so hello to everybody we've got maine and mexico we're so glad you're here awesome so this is this is my sister's uh page and my sister's deceased so she this is her page if i wanted to add a new memory to her page whether it's a photo so this is kind of the photo section this is the document section this is the story section and if i had audios i'd put them here but if i just want to add i can either upload something from my computer or i can select from my gallery we also let you select from um i'll show you that a little bit if i in fact but you can you can select from google photos facebook instagram so let's say i had so this is actually a representation of my gallery in this modal dialogue so if i come in here and look for diane i have my sister in a in an album so everyone that's watching these are all the images you've uploaded to different people on family search that's right and i kind of organized them according to uh these albums so this is an album on my sister so if i want to take this one i could take several i'll just add this one so i'll attach this photo and then now that photo gets put in the first spot on the page and what happens just so you know uh every photo that comes that that gets uploaded and added to family search it it gets screened we have we have a company that looks at every image to make sure it's appropriate for family search um and and sometimes you'll get a photo you'll upload something that gets restricted you'll get an email and say it's restricted and if you don't appeal that restriction in 30 days it gets deleted so sometimes they make an error and i'm just that's why i mentioned it if you get an email don't feel like you're a horrible bad person because it doesn't mean that your photos really bad sometimes they'll just make an error sometimes they don't they they actually lose a connect we just had this happen last week where uh one of their workers is working remote like most people are these days and his and his connection wasn't very good so he didn't get any photos when he when he said bring him up so he thought all the links were broken so he restricted them all okay so we had 4 500 photos restricted that we're going to reprocess and put them up so i'm sure people were upset that they got these we love hearing these behind the scenes stories so yeah so that's that's kind of what can happen sometimes and then but what really makes um so that's how you that's how you upload to a person you can also come over here to the the gallery and my gallery's got a lot of stuff in it there's some that are smaller some that are bigger but you'll see here i have um 1400 uh memories in my memory my memory section by the way if i if you ever get done with some of these things you want them out of the way you put them in your archive oh good you just drag them over there or you select them and say move into my archive but that's what that's what this is so now you see i have more in my archive because i've already attached them to people i've tagged them and done stuff so i just get them out of the way and then they still stay in your albums over here on the left if you want just to explain the gallery in another way here we have bookmarks so i have the ability anything that that you put up on the site and i see it and i like it i can bookmark it and it gets put into my memories bookmarks i can also find an album that is public and bookmark that and have those those stay here so a lot of times people share an album with you for example if you want to keep track of that album that they shared with you just bookmark it and it shows up in your gallery so it's kind of a nice thing wow that is super cool thank you yeah yeah so another way to upload here is this big plus button and if i click on the plus button it lets me choose files from my computer this little check box here lets me use the file names as titles so a lot of people do a lot of work to to create file names that they want to be the title and so we let you do that you can also create a story and here's where you can upload from google photos so if i have something out here on google photos i just lets me go into my google photo account this makes it so easy right exactly we support google photos albums so i could come in here to um oh my uncle let's go to my uncle here and let's say i like this photo that shows my grandmother my all my dad and his brothers and i say import that and again you'll see that getting imported here and it's now being screened by this third-party company so right now this very minute i'm the only one that can see it nobody else can see this photo or search on or anything because that has not been screened it usually takes somewhere between 30 seconds to maybe five minutes for photos to get screened by this third party company um and we've got rita is mentioning how she's seen a lot of photos that maybe weren't well documented so we will definitely talk about um that piece so that's great because really you want to be able to add like the photos great but you want to be able to add more information so people can find um yeah it's so true and like i say just having the photo itself this doesn't do anybody any good down the road because you can't find it well yeah well one you can't find it but two even if you did there's not anything shared about it's just a photo so i have to kind of determine what it is i'll show you an example okay so um i put this photo here just so you look at this but this is a this is actually one of my very favorite photos on family search i just found this one day and and it was intriguing because it said selma and donnie so i thought okay so selma's the daughter over here she died before her mother and dagny i guess she was called donny so at least by somebody at least putting a title there i now know that she was called donny instead of dagging so that's kind of good information but what intrigued me this photo i just did the expressions on their faces it just it was just something that intrigued me and i wanted to know more and then i saw this description that somebody put in here and it says on the back of the picture it says donnie and selma looking for john he didn't come and so i thought oh my goodness what what is that is that good is that bad so i started thinking i wanted to find out so i went to i went to their pages i looked at stuff i went to john's page found out that he passed away young but there was nothing about him nothing about a story just that he didn't come that's all i knew so i got i'm a little weird so i i had to know more this is not even my family but i'll tell you these people are awesome and i i look forward to i hope when i get to the other side i get to meet these people because i've learned a lot about them and i'm and i'm they're they're they're good people and so what happened is if i if i went in and started doing a little research i actually went to the address i found this very house with this archway and the screen door still there you did yeah still just like this and i thought okay what were they looking at like what were they looking at we're looking at the corner there's a street corner just a few houses down and there's a bus stop so i got on my little google you know map thing i'm driving the street view and i look i get to the bus stop and i look and i can see their door from that bus stop and so they were waiting for someone to get off the bus it was john but he didn't come so i want to know more and so um come to find out john was killed in world war ii oh and um and let me show you something else that that's kind of neat here um if i go to but but i guess the whole point is i'm glad somebody at least put a title in the description here because it gave me something to go off of if this if this if this happened to me my relative that would have been very helpful um just because i'm a curious kind of guy and i i just wanted to find out more and by the way i've actually posted some things on his page and and a relative said thank you we didn't know these things existed this is awesome they were so grateful and i was a little worried that it might look like a stalker but they were really kind and they really it and since then somebody's been adding more things to it well and kevin is saying you know he's also contributing to the conversation which is it's so helpful when you add as much information as possible so people can find everything out and so yeah and if you go to the if you go to the memories fine for example um let's go to memories and hit the i'll hit the find page the memories find we only search today this will change in the future but right now we only search text so we only search what you put in a title or description or a story so that's all we search on we also well we also search on topics so there's a thing called a topic tag so if i went back to that photo there's a place over there i can say add topic tag and i can put a topic in there it could be like world war ii or or homecoming some recipe whatever yeah it can be anything like that so if i come over here to taught to uh search topics and i do um i'm trying to think of the bomber that he was he was the pilot of a bomber and um and so if i go to it was called little let's see we'll wake up my keyboard here there we go little warrior that's it a little warrior this is how it finds this and what you have here is you have they actually this was actually this is amazing to me so this is this john i should blow it up for you but you found john yeah i found john that's a picture of him i found several pictures of him he's really handsome guy too but this is his crew he was the pilot and they were all they're all killed this is the plane got shot down it's a very famous photo i found out it was it's been it's hangs in the air force museum in dayton ohio or something like that uh but it's it's um but the sad thing is that the family didn't know they're sitting there waiting for him to come home there was a newspaper article i found and uh they lived in queens and there's a newspaper article i found i shouldn't keep talking about this but anyway they they'll just say this there they found it there's a newspaper article i found that said it showed this picture and it's assumed that most of the boys uh were able to parachute to safety not what it did so they had this thing probably dragging on forever thinking that maybe he's going to come home so they kept waiting for the bus yeah yeah anyway so that's that's a but see how i did that search so the search i searched for a topic because this was tagged so if i come in here to this photo um you'll see that i have topics here so there's the 493rd bomb group anyway that there's different topics here this is the name of the airplane the the name of the actual plane but the the type of plane the name of that they named it and then world war ii and so you can see that like here's a thousand people have tagged world war two so i could get a lot of things so if i for example for example like you said when if i search on recipe i'll get at least 1500 or so recipes that's really awesome that i can that people have put up from their ancestors and nate is asking are topics kind of like hashtags and the idea is as you use them to kind of categorize and sort but they they sort all across family search right not just in your own gallery yeah right now they're right now they they work mostly with the find feature but in the future you'll see you'll be able to sort by uh topics on the person page and on in different areas like say in the gallery other places so yeah it'll help you organize things well you can organize by topic if you want so now it's mostly a search function okay okay so for everyone that is watching roger is showing us on on memories how how to upload photos and then we're talking a little bit about the importance of including as much details as possible and then the topic tags and i i also love how you talk about in the future so you're gonna have to tell us a little bit about what is coming but is the most common memory uploaded because you showed us and we could do pdfs or documents audio um and and and photos is the most common photos yeah the most common are photos we have the majority of what we get are photos and um but the sad thing is that only about 40 of those photos are searchable because people have not added a title or a description oh my goodness or even a topic tag which is a this is a much newer function here but still please just add anything you can we're going to try to do some things and maybe even i don't want to say gamified we want to be silly but we're going to try to make it engaging to add titles and and a little more description down here if you notice at the very bottom it says share what you know about this story oh yeah show us this so this is something that's on every memory whether it's a story so this one happens to be a story um where i just put in facts uh that i that i've found and and the interesting thing too if you think about this this is these this is like 19 to 23 year old i think john was 23 is the oldest one there that were these are young men doing amazing things and uh it's just crazy that this kind of thing happened but it did and there were probably plenty of people standing on the porch waiting for someone to come home but to tell the story is there's so many stories like that they need to be told and not just about world war one or world war ii or any conflict like that but just about anything um i'd encourage you to tell your own story now a lot of people haven't wanted to do that and me included so we added a new thing called privacy yeah show us taka talk to us about privacy and as you're doing that i want to say maureen is telling us about her husband he also um he's added stories or photos and things for people who were lost i think at the who died at the battle of the bulge where he had an uncle that died so that's a great service that's great yeah we have there are people out there that are doing things like that they they they upload um thousands of of things that were they just like i have somebody right now doing he's doing family bibles oh wow uh and uploading the comments that are in family bibles and the pictures and and things that are in them it's really amazing and he's he's that he's got a group of people going in and adding titles and descriptions and topics so they can all be found that's pretty cool okay i love that and and roger we're asking jill is asking she has a recording of her dad singing karaoke um so people can add audio and i know mike mike is asking this as well can people what's the story with video so we will have to answer those questions but um they can add audio and is how long is the audio up to five minutes so well yeah so there's two things so you can upload an audio it really depends on how it's recorded and how big the file is whether it's really if it's if it's really high quality it'll be too big probably but you can add an audio that alpha any anything you upload to family search can be 15 megabytes or smaller okay so an audio can be fit to now some people can get a whole hour of audio and fit in a 15 megabyte file just depends how you the quality of your audio um the uh same with your image of course your images 15 megabyte image is just amazing so you don't need to worry about that but so you can upload audios another thing you can also do is i can come into um oh yes are you gonna you're gonna show us this this is my favorite yeah so let's say um let's say i want to say something about um this is my daughter so let's say i want to say something about her wedding date i wanted to be my voice so right now the only thing i've done is added her name shame on roger i didn't put the date of the event or anything in here but i need to do that and um but right here you'll see it says record a memory so if i click on record a memory and this is you can only do this on images that you own so it's it's it's um it's coming by the way where you'll be able to record something on someone else's image but it's more of a comment or remembrance that you share about that person but right now today you can record something so just click on record and i hit start and it'll give you a little countdown to get ready and then i can just start recording so i can say something about my daughter and if i want to stop for a minute because i'm confused of what to say next now i get my thoughts to go and continue and continue adding it and then say done will you show us an example of one where you've done this i will but i don't want to keep this one there so because that's going to be terrible yeah you're gonna delete it she's gonna be like what the heck yeah so yeah let me show you something so um and then we gotta talk about privacy but i okay well i'll tell you right now so she's my daughter's living okay so i want don't anyone if i don't want anyone to be able to find kellyanne bell through a search they'll never see her attached to a tree they'll never see any tree association any uh id of her in the tree or anything like that they won't see her this any of this information won't see your name nothing they won't see any of that uh if i but um if i want to make it private so now i don't know why it's not working wouldn't you know i'm not sure what i'm doing wrong here but uh i got a little let me repress this page i think it's a little confused but that's something that you can do on these because it shows that she is she's living yeah so if it's just something or if i'm writing a story and i don't want my story to um get out yet i can make it private um there we go so now it says making this private will will make it uh only visible to you so you're the only one that'll see this ever until i make it public again so if i make that private fantastic you'll know if i go you'll see it has a lock on it if i go back to the gallery you'll see that there's a lock on this that means it's private okay and i can sort all my private memories all that stuff and i can make a bunch of them private same time okay back to you what you want to know so let me show you something that's kind of fun yeah this is so fun this is a lot of people this isn't a lesser known feature the idea of adding audio to a photo but like you mentioned it's only photos that you own or have uploaded right so so we have this feature um called slideshow but before you do a slideshow before you do a slideshow you might this is i'm in an album right now so i'm in an album that's titled lilly's book on gardening for papa the date so but if i wanted to reorder this and make sure it's in the right order i can reorder them everything and um but if i hit slideshow you'll see that it'll say play audio recording so if i had audio recordings if i if you notice that there's a little headset on each one of those so each one of those has an audio uh recording i can loop it if i want i can hit play slideshow and it's one minute 22 seconds so i'll just play the whole thing hello this is roger bell and i'm here with my granddaughter lily she refers to me as poppo that's the first time she made she ever is really nice today it's may 19 2019 and she's going to read it to us go ahead because i couldn't read it gardening [Music] first you put the seed in the dirt then you need to water it then you need to let it have some signs then you wait for a long time on go then you'll wait for a longer time and you'll see a flower so that's the end of lily's book so anyway that's um that's that's lou's book i mean it's just awesome because that's that's the kind of thing you can do so so we let you keep the recording and um and it just tells a better story so i could have put the whole book up and let people see it but to have her read it and to have this for some something she can have down the road in her posterity that's the stuff that really that makes a difference right it just it changes your heart so can people add pre-recorded audio up onto a photo or does it just allow you to record right right now we've tried to do that the honest truth is we're just not architected for that it's a it's a kind of a computer i don't want to try to explain it but we are working on uh some new things we can't do it yet uh but we are working on some things where you'll be able to add any audio to to a photo to a story to another audio and you'll be able to add things like that on top of each other in the future down the road aways yeah i think that was dale and jessica they were asking that that question so good question um okay so let's talk a little bit a lot of people have questions about privacy and you showed how to make a memory private but if someone uploads a photo and attaches it to someone in the tree is there can they change that to private or is it only private yeah so if they if they actually own the photo they can change it to be private even after maybe you've seen it in the tree and it's not yours they can make it private and no one will see it but you so that's how the privacy works so um so yeah so so the uh until they make it uh public again it won't show up in uh with to the person in the tree okay so i've got a trickier question for you [Laughter] and um this is someone saying that they some they they have someone who's taken photos from another site and um i think added them to family search who and the person who's doing this isn't connected to the family and she's politely asked her to remove these images but she said that she won't and so if it's someone that is your ancestor or relative can you control the memories associated with them yeah so what you do there is if you have something that that somebody's put on you just don't like click on that well let's just go back to the the tree so i'll show you to actually speak to this example so if i'm on my sister's page and everybody can see this is a public page because she's deceased so if i click on her memories and there there are other people that have put things on her page and so if i didn't like one of them um what i would do is i would come in here and um i would say report abuse so if you click on report abuse you give a reason why you're you're you're reporting the abuse and honest truth is if it's if it's something that really bothers you and it's causing your family pain or agony or anything we will take it off it just it comes off that's just our rule that's how it works we don't want anybody we don't want the site to cause anybody pain pain and so it gets taken off without question so that's how that works so you just hit the report abuse every every uh memory has this report abuse flag that you just click on that and you can report it and and they'll take it off okay now i've got another it can be appealed but you're not usually pretty successful in appealing those it's really cool okay okay thank you and i've got another hard question for you this is great because roger is the product manager or experience manager over memories so he is all-knowing sure let's see i don't know we'll find out um okay this is jennifer and she's asking this question and i have this question too so so let's say she's creating her own gallery for herself and she's marked those memories private what happens when she passes away and all of those things she's documented um who knows if they're attached to living people or not but they're marked private so that's a really good question i would ask her what she would like to see happen because that's what we're trying to figure out right now so we don't have an answer yet we're working on it but i would like to know what if anyone wants to respond to that i would like to know what you think should happen or what your options ought to be because we have we have some ideas and we have documents all written up about it and this is what we're going to do but we're trying to figure this out and do the right thing for you so we we haven't implemented anything on this yet was it kind of crazy to make things private because if you die today they'll remain private forever now there's things we can do that to make them public at some point if it's like 110 year rule or something like that but but still um that we want we want you to be able to have some say in when this becomes public so i'd be curious if anyone can respond to that i'd love to hear their phones so we're not going to give roger's email out but please you know give us your thoughts jennifer and others in here um let us know what you would like and connie has a question um she and some of her her people in the tree she saved a picture that she's put up and people will added the same picture again to the same person so they'll be duplicates what would you recommend connie do you then what i do is um i come in here to the um let's go back to this page here this because let's say there is uh two images what she's talking about i would see two of this image somebody's uploaded it again uh a lot of times we detect that but it's really a bit we're looking at bits and if and if they saved it in different kind of format or something we wouldn't recognize that so what i do is i would come in here to this and it's been it's been attached to her so her name's here if this is the one that was the duplicate and let's say it says blur it's more blurry and it's not as nice or whatever you can come up here and anybody can do this they can um if for me i would delete the tag because i can delete the tag you can't do that but what you can do is have an option if it's not yours you can say detach and it takes it it removes it from that person's page and um that would just doesn't get lost the other person that still owns that image they would they would see that it got detached but you can also talk to that person you can come in here and click on the person and send them a message we have a great messaging service where you can talk to people you need to see how you're related the thing we don't want you to do is start getting in wars because you're cousins so stop it so just be nice and and get out there and meet him and uh i have i talked to one gentleman last week he says i love wars because it gets people to collaborate he says now when they get nasty that's not good but but realizing that this is your cousin meet them find out something about them and you'll find out that that everything will be fine they'll get it and a lot of times they get it anyway because they just they didn't realize that they didn't know that that was happening there's a mistake yeah okay so um let us know what questions you have i would love for you to talk about what is new and coming to memories and you showed us a slideshow and you've talked about some things and roger we do have to answer that mike has asked this question and other people what are we doing around video oh okay so i'll hit video ready everyone be ready for this well you so i mentioned that every image that goes up kids we have a third-party company that they have a staff a well-trained staff and they look at every single image they look at 10 images at a time and they're going through those like one after another looking for things that are appropriate the challenge of video as you can imagine now we have to look at every frame and that gets real costly it's already costly to look at every image so video is a is a bit of a challenge that way we are looking at some things and we're working on some things right now to help reduce the cost of video um i won't get into specifics but we're looking at some a way of being a support video um the the minimum thing we could do which is not too difficult is to say we'll support the link and the video you view off on another site that's easy and we can do that but we're trying to look at a way where we could actually have the video uploaded and um and and so it gets streamed but so we're looking at those things we don't have we don't have the answer yet so thank you good um you thank you um so everybody asked about video there's nothing yet they're looking and exploring all sorts of ways but one of the reasons is the um the requirements to make sure everything is screened so before you create a unique site that way and so it's just something that a lot of people have to worry about they don't have them screen and technology is just not good enough yet to be able to screen it and that's expensive anyway so that's expensive before you talk about new incoming i know one thing we get asked a lot is how many memories can you attach like how many images or we call them artifacts can be uploaded is that right so yes there's two answers that on a person you can have uh 999 memories attached to a single person in the tree so that's the limit on on how many you can put on a person a person say that again 999 okay you guys memories can be attached to a person in the tree now that's that gets a little crazy sometimes because anyway but if you can't get that many just let us know but that's and we can help you through that but that's how much you should be able to put on a personal tree there is no limit right now on uh how many memories you can upload uh to your account uh that's another thing i'd love to know from you uh if we did impose a limit what would you want that limit to be awesome is it a thousand is it five thousand it's ten thousand i don't know i mean i'd like to know what what is i know some answers from other people but if he wants to hear from this group uh what what's that because at some point we may need to impose a limit but we want to be generous because we recognize that that the real value to family history is what's in your basement in your attic and those boxes in your shoe boxes and that's what really enriches the site so we don't want to limit you by much because this is so valuable to have this information but people are doing a great job millions of millions and millions of memories right now and and it's just it's just awesome what people are it's awesome we need the story okay you guys so let us know what do you think the limit should be and um okay now now i feel like we've answered those questions show us what's new and coming well um so what's new and coming there's there's quite a few things but uh there's a lot of user experiences that are going to be changing across the site not just with memories but with with everything on family search the tree and and the discovery things and the home page and all part the search it's just that the site's going to become a lot more engaging a lot easier to use those will be just sweet because uh we're in the process of just rewriting a lot of things because of you know if you know websites after a while they get old and technology gets old and we have to redo things again so we're in that process so it's really a blessing because we get to do a lot of great things we want to do so that so there are a lot of things like that coming that will make your job as a patron and as a user much easier um some lots of exciting changes coming and yeah and i don't want to speak to them because they're not it's not my responsibility to do that but i yeah but there are some really fun things coming and you'll you'll love it and uh and at the same time you know i know people worry about that and say well i just want to i'm worried about the data and getting this done and the people and that i don't want all this fluffy stuff in the way well this is going to be done in a way that there might be some things that are really engaging that some people don't really care about because they just want to get a date in a place and and get a source that's fine we're going to make that easier too but you we won't get in your way the way the way that everything's being designed it's just it's really fun it kind of addresses both markets which is a very serious serious serious genealogists and and people that are really all about the story and connecting and that kind of thing so it's it's we we want to address both both uh audiences another thing for memories one thing that's coming that they'll come pretty soon there's two things actually one is um it's called uh share share slide show so right now if you want to share an album you can you can share an album to will you show us go to your gallery and show us and um and jennifer's asking too as you're talking about the opportunity to work together with like siblings on on projects so that might be interesting for you to address yeah that's that's a good thing that has a lot to do by the way with with what happens to your private memories when you die so that's what we are working on we're working on trying to figure out how to get family groups to work together really well and how to be able to contribute and share and collaborate on things and once we have that family group kind of concept figured out then then a lot of the other things just fall into place and siblings will be able to work on the same thing they'll be able to see everything that you're uploading you'll be able to see everything they're uploading and so that problem will be resolved with that that's something that's being worked on it's still down the roadways but but it's coming uh yeah it is awesome it's something that that you folks have been asking for for a long time so it's it's it's we're working on it's coming and that's part of the it's part of the answer to the to making memories um public after they've been made private does anyone respond to that by the way before i go to this album question yeah i think so i think we've got comments and or people are answering so um so if i come back to this any album let's say um i'll just go back to lily since we're familiar with that one so if i wanted to share this with you i can't share it as a slideshow right now but in a few weeks you'll be able to so within the slideshow there'll be a share button that allows you to share it and when it's when it's shared it will um so here's how you share so you'll just share i can share it to facebook and share it to my twitter feed to pinterest to whatsapp to in an email or just copy the link and get it to somebody somehow so cool and it shares to whatsapp this is a fun thing we have a lot of patrons internationally who use whatsapp if you're interested in whatsapp and it really looks good when it's over there uh we have a really nice uh interface to it on whatsapp and all these other uh social platforms so um but but the problem is when they get it it looks just like this so they're saying oh you sent me this what is this they don't know to play a slideshow so what the what the sharer slideshow will do is allows you to um well i can show you this really fast yeah show us this is so fun if i come down here on this um page here create a slideshow if i click on this i think this will so see how it works that's what you'll get so when you yo the url will have this little thing up here that says play slideshow so the intent is known when you see this whether it's on facebook or wherever we can't just start the slideshow automatically browsers don't let us do that but this allows you to graze out the the background and puts it in the mode for you to just click that button and play a slideshow that's how that's what you'll see as a recipient of a shared slideshow okay okay all right everyone isn't that exciting um and then there everyone's loving the the share option that's super cool so share find a memory that you've uploaded or someone else has uploaded and share and invite people because people can also make comments on these memories too right like you there was something that said share what you remember about this yeah absolutely anybody can do that anybody can make a comment about that and again if somebody puts something there that drives you nuts you can report abuse on it and we'll take it off that's only happened twice that i know of okay yeah it can happen so okay and by the way video i apologize on my answer about video but it's not lost on us that about everybody in the world carries a video camera with them these days so we know that video is important it's extremely important um that's why putting a limit on photos or how many memories you do is really tough to do because we don't know i mean you know 20 years ago or i don't know how long ago 30 years ago people didn't have these instant devices where they could just take pictures and and uh and share moments and take a video now they can so is it time to end i just want to know no you're you we we're no we've got another like 10 minutes you're great all right so i just wanted to know because i had one thought i was going to share with about say no share it well the here's the thing um it's really awesome for you to share photos stories even audios about your um your ancestors but one of the reasons we put privacy in there is so you'll start sharing your own story because nobody can tell a story like you if you come to um to my gallery let's see where am i right now yes if i come here i wasn't sure where it was like here's a story that i've written a lot of stories recently about myself i haven't made them i haven't made them private but you can't if no one was at the airport to pick you up yes this is this is kind of bad this was i mean now we can laugh about it but this was a story about sad i i served a a two-year service in argentina there was an opening there and i came home and and you know after two years not seeing your family that's your moment right your moment of glory you get off the airplane you go down the jail away and yeah no one's there and i searched and searched they weren't they just flat out weren't there i had to hitchhike home and climb through a window because no one was at the house but that's a story that should be told so i think people tell the story so share that story because somebody else either can't share the story down the road or they'll just really mess it up and so while you can still remember share your stories go back into your childhood and that's what i've tried to do i've tried it and make them consumable like this is not this is probably the long one of the longest stories i've done but it's only that long and that's still because because i'll tell you the next generation and the next generation they don't they don't have time they don't have the patience to to read anything that's really long it's just not going to happen yeah make it something that people want to read yeah and even even when you add an uh an audio to a photo like where i showed you earlier we only let you do five minutes because five minutes is a really long time you can do more and more you know if you want to break it up somehow but um if you want to upload a longer audio we let you do that like i said 15 megabytes and that can be somewhere between 15 minutes to an hour depending on the quality but nobody wants to listen to that it just won't and so make it consumable make it engaging so make sure your story is as short as you can and your audio is as short as you can and and it'll just be better down the road people will be interested in it okay just a couple questions and then we'll wrap up um when you share a gallery and you showed us the share like to facebook does it share the entire gallery or does it share a link to the gallery or an album it just shares the album and they only see the album they don't see your gallery okay just see the album that was in your gallery or that's in your gallery so they see the album they don't they can't get into your gallery we are looking at a way to share your gallery down the road if that's something you want to do we're also looking at making galleries public at some point after somebody dies because there's people that have these great galleries and you know like if i die tomorrow i got stuff in my gallery that i haven't shared with all my family and they would want it yeah we're trying to figure this out so that's kind of stuff that bequeath a bequeathing model and and how to you know how to make this stuff available to people down the road uh we're working on it and then um um nathan is asking how long have users and i i don't know been able to detach memories or you know how you showed that with that drop down i believe that came about and towards the end of 2014 before i got there okay so okay so a while um okay people a lot of people don't know about that i guess that's kind of hidden well and yeah so these kinds of things will just be simpler in the future i just i hate to keep saying that but but it's really fun i'm really looking forward to some things we're doing well then you'll have to come back on and tell us all about the things that you and your fantastic team are working on and people that are watching we so appreciate the participation and questions and it's great to see people joining from all over and someone roger is asking if you knew any bonnie's in argentina oh my goodness any bonnie's yes susan bonnie is asking so you'll have to come back and look at the comments and um and see and then um also we're finding out that on the family history library facebook page that people are making some great suggestions on how to handle um photos when i'm gonna have you unstop sharing your screen um when when you when you pass so people who are participating like first of all thank you for being here with us second of all thanks for asking questions and helping each other and um we'd love to know the types of topics you're interested in and roger as we're wrapping up what final message would you like to leave everybody as they're thinking about curating their memories on family search well after you curate them then just take a little bit of time maybe once a week even once a month to go in and just say okay i need to add some titles it's really it goes fast it's easy i need to add some descriptions i need to tell a story and um and so that those things can be findable attach them to people in the tree that's really helpful because then when somebody finds them in the tree they find all their memories but also there's so many memories that can't be found today because nobody has put any data in there that makes them findable and they haven't attached them to anyone in the tree either so go do that because even if they're not attached to somebody in tree they can be found and so do that but also by probably the thing i would hope people would do most is to um you know obviously your your your heart's going to be turned by by the work you're doing and and uh and this is a great hobby to be part of it's just it's just a wonderful thing and people know what i'm talking about because there's a connection that happens yes it just happens even with people you don't know like this family john yeah like john and his mom and sister so but tell your story start telling your story just little snippets here and there it's really doesn't take much time to do it share it with your family you could share your whole gallery if you want to with your family the way you do it is you put it all in albums and share all the albums there you go and then you have everything so they can have everything and then they just like they just bookmark it and it shows up in their gallery so that's how you do it yeah i would just say that that the the best part of family history is the story it's the thing that connects us all together and it just that's that's what we hope you'll do we hope you'll spend more time on that and getting that work done so people can can just enjoy it down the road and so they don't have to tell your story for you because we're not very good at telling other people's stories when they're going yeah because how else would we know that you had to hitchhike home from the airport when you returned home from march i don't want to know that they would be like no we forgot that on purpose roger thank you so much this has been delightful and everyone from all over the world who's part of our family search family we love spending time with you and a reminder um check out sign up for that global free event this is the first time we're doing it virtually it'll be happening in four months we're all hard at work roger's hard at work i'm hard at work and we can't wait to be with you for three straight days imagine that like this is just an hour once a week guys you can hang out with us for three days anyway thanks everybody thank you so much roger
Channel: FamilySearch
Views: 6,415
Rating: 4.9172416 out of 5
Id: DZQXroQIj6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 38sec (3338 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.