the community tab and select
you say, and we’ll have the
results final results coming up you say, and we’ll have the
results final results coming up
at the end of this hour. results final results coming up
at the end of this hour.
>> Is very Lynyrd at the end of this hour.
>> Is very Lynyrd
Skynyrd at did I hear that name >> Is very Lynyrd
Skynyrd at did I hear that name
wrong with those kinds of Skynyrd at did I hear that name
wrong with those kinds of
questions they’ve been asked wrong with those kinds of
questions they’ve been asked
over the decades about questions they’ve been asked
over the decades about
Jacksonville’s famous rock over the decades about
Jacksonville’s famous rock
band. Many fans know the story Jacksonville’s famous rock
band. Many fans know the story
that needed to the founding band. Many fans know the story
that needed to the founding
members were sent to the that needed to the founding
members were sent to the
principal’s office at Lee High members were sent to the
principal’s office at Lee High
School in Jacksonville and principal’s office at Lee High
School in Jacksonville and
ended up naming their band School in Jacksonville and
ended up naming their band
after the coach, you ended up naming their band
after the coach, you
discipline them. Memory Lane is after the coach, you
discipline them. Memory Lane is
a bittersweet notion for the discipline them. Memory Lane is
a bittersweet notion for the
family of Leonard’s Skinner the a bittersweet notion for the
family of Leonard’s Skinner the
coach who lost his life to family of Leonard’s Skinner the
coach who lost his life to
Alzheimer’s disease. >> The band known for sweet >> The band known for sweet
home Alabama had other big hits >> The band known for sweet
home Alabama had other big hits
too and so this simple man he home Alabama had other big hits
too and so this simple man he
was there at the beginning way too and so this simple man he
was there at the beginning way
back in the day in Jacksonville was there at the beginning way
back in the day in Jacksonville
in the back in the day in Jacksonville
in the
late 60’s. in the
late 60’s.
>> So a my dad was a coach at late 60’s.
>> So a my dad was a coach at
Lee high school. >> The. >> The.
>> Encounter with Ronnie Van >> The.
>> Encounter with Ronnie Van
Zant and Gary rossington >> Encounter with Ronnie Van
Zant and Gary rossington
happened there at the school Zant and Gary rossington
happened there at the school
unbeknownst to us. happened there at the school
unbeknownst to us.
>> He. unbeknownst to us.
>> He.
>> SEP 2 kids to the office for >> He.
>> SEP 2 kids to the office for
havingair that was beyond the >> SEP 2 kids to the office for
havingair that was beyond the
dress code. havingair that was beyond the
dress code.
>> Susie skin or more showed us dress code.
>> Susie skin or more showed us
photos and talked about the >> Susie skin or more showed us
photos and talked about the
connection for her dad Leonard photos and talked about the
connection for her dad Leonard
Skynyrd and this famous man, connection for her dad Leonard
Skynyrd and this famous man,
a 7th grade dance for Jeb Skynyrd and this famous man,
a 7th grade dance for Jeb
Stuart junior The hot young a 7th grade dance for Jeb
Stuart junior The hot young
band performed and shot Susie Stuart junior The hot young
band performed and shot Susie
for a couple reasons and after band performed and shot Susie
for a couple reasons and after
I was so amazed. I will never for a couple reasons and after
I was so amazed. I will never
forget the the signs that they I was so amazed. I will never
forget the the signs that they
made advertising the ban forget the the signs that they
made advertising the ban
because they had Lynyrd Skynyrd made advertising the ban
because they had Lynyrd Skynyrd
spelled just like my dad’s name because they had Lynyrd Skynyrd
spelled just like my dad’s name
on there, and I thought wow. spelled just like my dad’s name
on there, and I thought wow.
>> Well there’s on there, and I thought wow.
>> Well there’s
some audio. >> Well there’s
some audio.
>> It has the same name is not some audio.
>> It has the same name is not
bad that didn’t last too long. >> It has the same name is not
bad that didn’t last too long.
Susie says Rolling Stones in an bad that didn’t last too long.
Susie says Rolling Stones in an
interview with Ronnie Van Zant Susie says Rolling Stones in an
interview with Ronnie Van Zant
and the cat was out of the bag interview with Ronnie Van Zant
and the cat was out of the bag
and someone in our circle of and the cat was out of the bag
and someone in our circle of
friends. Her heard the and someone in our circle of
friends. Her heard the
interview and called my dad and friends. Her heard the
interview and called my dad and
said hey did you know you have interview and called my dad and
said hey did you know you have
a rock band named after you. said hey did you know you have
a rock band named after you.
>> Leonard Skinner moved on a rock band named after you.
>> Leonard Skinner moved on
from coaching and became a real >> Leonard Skinner moved on
from coaching and became a real
estate broker on the corner of from coaching and became a real
estate broker on the corner of
Osceola Street and Riverside estate broker on the corner of
Osceola Street and Riverside
Avenue but that was the first Osceola Street and Riverside
Avenue but that was the first
sign if you will Avenue but that was the first
sign if you will
of trouble. sign if you will
of trouble.
>> And he had signs made Lynyrd of trouble.
>> And he had signs made Lynyrd
Skynyrd Realty >> And he had signs made Lynyrd
Skynyrd Realty
and people would steal his song Skynyrd Realty
and people would steal his song
like that. and people would steal his song
like that.
Yes, they did they stole dawn like that.
Yes, they did they stole dawn
right out of the yards when the Yes, they did they stole dawn
right out of the yards when the
band’s second album came out it right out of the yards when the
band’s second album came out it
had a photo of the real estate band’s second album came out it
had a photo of the real estate
sign on the inside corner with had a photo of the real estate
sign on the inside corner with
the office phone number. sign on the inside corner with
the office phone number.
>> Instant inconvenience one the office phone number.
>> Instant inconvenience one
night at like 04:00AM >> Instant inconvenience one
night at like 04:00AM
his business phone rang night at like 04:00AM
his business phone rang
he picked up Lynyrd Skynyrd his business phone rang
he picked up Lynyrd Skynyrd
Realty and you could hear this he picked up Lynyrd Skynyrd
Realty and you could hear this
music in Realty and you could hear this
music in
the background and then all I music in
the background and then all I
heard was somebody went the background and then all I
heard was somebody went
far out now So heard was somebody went
far out now So
he says or are you call me says far out now So
he says or are you call me says
I just want to see if you are he says or are you call me says
I just want to see if you are
real. Hang up the phone. I just want to see if you are
real. Hang up the phone.
So we had a lot of incidents real. Hang up the phone.
So we had a lot of incidents
like that the fun stories are So we had a lot of incidents
like that the fun stories are
great memories for Suzy and her like that the fun stories are
great memories for Suzy and her
mom rosemary the band great memories for Suzy and her
mom rosemary the band
eventually change the spelling mom rosemary the band
eventually change the spelling
of its name to something so it eventually change the spelling
of its name to something so it
sounds like, but it’s not of its name to something so it
sounds like, but it’s not
really Leonard is Skinner. sounds like, but it’s not
really Leonard is Skinner.
>> we sort of for a while kind really Leonard is Skinner.
>> we sort of for a while kind
of wish they had kept it, white >> we sort of for a while kind
of wish they had kept it, white
my husband’s name. So that of wish they had kept it, white
my husband’s name. So that
maybe we could get some of that my husband’s name. So that
maybe we could get some of that
money that might but you know maybe we could get some of that
money that might but you know
if they were smart. I got money that might but you know
if they were smart. I got
a lawyer. if they were smart. I got
a lawyer.
>> What Leonard got was a a lawyer.
>> What Leonard got was a
lifetime of a connection to a >> What Leonard got was a
lifetime of a connection to a
pop culture icon and for lifetime of a connection to a
pop culture icon and for
rosemary and Susie, you know pop culture icon and for
rosemary and Susie, you know
that’s where the other she rosemary and Susie, you know
that’s where the other she
begins to drop that’s where the other she
begins to drop
when Skinner was ready to enjoy begins to drop
when Skinner was ready to enjoy
the sunset years of when Skinner was ready to enjoy
the sunset years of
his life. All timers disease the sunset years of
his life. All timers disease
robbed him and them of the love his life. All timers disease
robbed him and them of the love
of their life. robbed him and them of the love
of their life.
>> One of the things that was of their life.
>> One of the things that was
the most heartbreaking for me >> One of the things that was
the most heartbreaking for me
was tough fact that he was the most heartbreaking for me
was tough fact that he was
not able. was tough fact that he was
not able.
2 feet follow a sports not able.
2 feet follow a sports
game anymore. Because that 2 feet follow a sports
game anymore. Because that
listen this man loved his game anymore. Because that
listen this man loved his
farming he was a coach, he listen this man loved his
farming he was a coach, he
loved sports. farming he was a coach, he
loved sports.
>> I didn’t plan to get old on loved sports.
>> I didn’t plan to get old on
my own I didn’t plan to. >> I didn’t plan to get old on
my own I didn’t plan to.
>> Have authorized of my own I didn’t plan to.
>> Have authorized of
this and not have anybody to >> Have authorized of
this and not have anybody to
rub my back or hug this and not have anybody to
rub my back or hug
me your kiss me and make me rub my back or hug
me your kiss me and make me
feel better. me your kiss me and make me
feel better.
>> Because this is an insidious feel better.
>> Because this is an insidious
disease and it takes. >> Because this is an insidious
disease and it takes.
>> People away from you just a disease and it takes.
>> People away from you just a
little bit of a child, it’s >> People away from you just a
little bit of a child, it’s
not. little bit of a child, it’s
Like they fall down and they’re not.
Like they fall down and they’re
her door right that bone or Like they fall down and they’re
her door right that bone or
something like that. her door right that bone or
something like that.
This is just a little tiny something like that.
This is just a little tiny
something that you notice. This is just a little tiny
something that you notice.
>> wife and daughter you met something that you notice.
>> wife and daughter you met
there say that Leonard Skynyrd >> wife and daughter you met
there say that Leonard Skynyrd
passed away about 5 years after there say that Leonard Skynyrd
passed away about 5 years after
his diagnosis of Alzheimer’s passed away about 5 years after
his diagnosis of Alzheimer’s
disease. They both told that his diagnosis of Alzheimer’s
disease. They both told that
they’re passionate about disease. They both told that
they’re passionate about
supporting Alzheimer’s they’re passionate about
supporting Alzheimer’s
Association and that they will supporting Alzheimer’s
Association and that they will
participate in the walk to end Association and that they will
participate in the walk to end
Alzheimer’s in Jacksonville participate in the walk to end
Alzheimer’s in Jacksonville
which is coming up November Alzheimer’s in Jacksonville
which is coming up November
16th. And tomorrow on news 4 which is coming up November
16th. And tomorrow on news 4
Jax anchor and reporter Tom 16th. And tomorrow on news 4
Jax anchor and reporter Tom
wills returns to Mississippi Jax anchor and reporter Tom
wills returns to Mississippi
for the first time since he wills returns to Mississippi
for the first time since he
went there 42 years ago to the for the first time since he
went there 42 years ago to the
scene. went there 42 years ago to the
>> Of the Lynyrd Skynyrd bands plane crash newsfourjax at 5 plane crash newsfourjax at 5
the painful emotional scars plane crash newsfourjax at 5
the painful emotional scars
that still have not healed for the painful emotional scars
that still have not healed for
Judy Van Zandt Ronnie Van that still have not healed for
Judy Van Zandt Ronnie Van
zandt’s widow and kareena Judy Van Zandt Ronnie Van
zandt’s widow and kareena
games. Daughter of Steve games. zandt’s widow and kareena
games. Daughter of Steve games.
Then tomorrow on the 10 o’clock games. Daughter of Steve games.
Then tomorrow on the 10 o’clock
news. Returns to the woods Then tomorrow on the 10 o’clock
news. Returns to the woods
where the plane went down news. Returns to the woods
where the plane went down
he goes with one of the local where the plane went down
he goes with one of the local
residents who took part in the he goes with one of the local
residents who took part in the
heroic rescue effort that night residents who took part in the
heroic rescue effort that night
more than 4 decades ago. heroic rescue effort that night
more than 4 decades ago.
You don’t want to miss time