Generational Home Hunt - Location Location Location - S13 EP1 - Real Estate TV

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[Music] this week it's all about family they  make the mafia look out of touch the newbies   are making us Broody oh she smells good  and the oldies are feeling a bit fruity   this was a game of snog shoot or  marry my wife's a great snogger actually we're going to have to  get some rest well I will I shall   put my feet up but we'll do whatever it  takes to help this family tree lay down   some permanent roots oh God Savile Rose  finest not best for climbing the trees this week we're in Cambridgeshire where it's  a family affair we've got three generations   of the same family looking for two new homes  which makes it one a great big challenge for us Cambridgeshire home to a world famous university  historic architecture and a perfect place for   messing about on boats before the Upstream  it's also home to David and Mary and her   mum and dad George and Edna both couples  have just moved here and are now searching   for their dream home but whilst they do it  they're all stuck under the same rented roof when Mary and David discovered they were expecting  their first child Martha they moved from London to   Cambridgeshire to be closer to Mary's sister  Ruth and her son Zach on hearing about their   expanding Cambridge Mary's mom and dad retired  School teachers George and Edna upsticks from   Manchester to take their place at the heart of  their family more than half a million British   homes are now multi-generation households but as  close as they are that was never the plan for this   family farm is very Central to our lives it's nice  to have them nearby having said that we're still   very anxious to find a house this generation game  makes for one of our most unusual challenges yet   we've got a whole family's happiness on the  line in a county where in many areas demand   is exceeding Supply Mary works as a project  manager in construction and David is an analyst   but since they became proud parents house  huntings become virtually impossible now we've got our own little daughter she changes  everything she's my new in size but ginormous in   effect and though she may be a tiny little bundle  of joy baby Martha's fast making a Crowded House   a cramped house mum is the center of the family  so the phone never stops ringing and everyone   would like woman's attention so getting our  own space and having our own little kind of   family house will be amazing they've lost out  on two properties already and now both families   are in danger of reaching Breaking Point these  two need their own slice of the Cambridgeshire   property Market if Kirsty and Phil can't help  us now I don't know when we're going to find   time to house hunt so it's kind of Now or Never  well no pressure there then time for me to meet   the parents I know that a big part of this  whole process is connections with family and   wanting to be close to family yeah I think part  of having a child of your own is you realize that   you need Family Support let's talk a little bit  about key requirements this is our first family   home so that's probably the main requirement  that we have a good home for Martha to grow up   in I would be happy to live with an interior  that is now beautiful if it was livable and   then do it over stages we've got some pretty  interesting things lined up and um brilliant   yeah but we'll make a start okay very good like  a little cuddle I love a little cuddle [Music]   oh she smells good oh pull yourself together  Phil you've got houses to find yes Mom   Mary and David have got 380 000 to  spend and for that they want a period   property with character and at least  three bedrooms they would consider a   project but most importantly it has to  be close to family over to you Kirsty Mary's parents Edna and George have uprooted  rooted lives to be closer to their children and   grandchildren and the move has to be working we  have looked at a lot of houses probably about 50.   I feel I could look at the same house again  and not think oh I've been here before   deep properties something tells me this isn't  going to be a walk in the park there is pressure   on us to find the right property because  we're looking for a property for old age   we don't really want to settle for something  that we're then going to have to move again   sweet and cuddly grandparents they may be but for  now their search has turned very sour at least   they should be mature enough to handle a spot of  straight talking we live in the same house for 31   years you then upsticks and buy a house which  you absolutely love in Manchester and then you   sell it simply in order to be closer to family  you look at 50 properties and you don't feel   a passion for anyone if someone handed me that  piece of paper and said can you help these people difficult I'd say no it's much busier here it  has taken a while for us to be realistic about   what we can get what are the top three  things that are most important to you   in this search well I know my wife would  like light yep I would like privacy yep   you would like no noise well no not a constant  traffic noise we've lived in New York for six   months in a rented house we have a daughter  in orkington and we go to church we love the   church so that would be a big compromise  if we have to get a place and we're not   really able to access that I think what  we have to do together is just say right this is one last push this is the up and over  that's the spirit Kirsty Advance George and Edna   have got 250 000 pounds and for that they're after  a two to three bedroom house that's light and Airy   it needs to be quiet with a good sized garden and  above all they want it to be close to family and   the social life they've built up around their  Church in the village of oakington [Music]   so I've got 380 Grand to find Mary and David their  first proper family home somewhere around the west   of Cambridge [Music] and I've got a smaller  budget of 250 000 and a smaller search area   with George and Edna referring to concentrate  their efforts around the village of oakington   Phil I've chucked tons of bread on this  water and they don't like that they're   not liking you are they I give up I mean that's  pathetic you know that you're in trouble when   the Ducks won't come oh dear I have just met  someone who you're going to adore baby moth   baby I've heard all about baby Martha from her  adoring grandfather yep quite nice this search   isn't it I so admire what they're trying to do I  think it's terrific it's going to be tough yeah   but you realize there's going to be a little  bit of race here because whoever sticks their   pole in the center going I've chosen a house  yeah the other one's gonna have to get close see ya George and Edna have already seen 50  properties whilst Mary and David are still in   single figures I've got a lot of catching up to  do and this first property could be it it's in   hoxton just 10 miles from the village of oakington  where Mary's sister lives the cottage is chopped   full of charm and has plenty of space for a new  family it's got a great open plan sitting room   three bedrooms and a good sized garden with scope  to extend and it's more than 30 grand under budget   just under 350 000 pounds it really has been  done up in a classic in this country cottage   style they've spent some money they haven't spent  loads of money but it would mean that you could   just walk in and start living yeah it has quite  small Furniture so it gives you an air of that   it's bigger did you clock the outside as we walked  up yeah just to be picky which I know you love   um It's A really lovely style house in surrounded  by modern houses the outlook here is lovely   because you're not looking over another house  you've got a big open expanse of Park and things   which would be amazing for Martha but you have  got a busy road before you get to the green yeah   it's a little bit of a downside I thought I was  off to a flyer but had been shot down in flames   my only worry is you wouldn't have the possibility  of extending which I think we're quite Keen to do   um I've got a plan Planned you can see  from what they've done next door that's   the extension improve the ground floor of this  house yeah you would have to move your shared   access back a little bit I don't there's just it  isn't filling me with love I have to say don't   know how why it doesn't give you that sense of  space but it doesn't it's fun it's under 350   grams yeah it is very good inside it's not right  not big enough we've still got yes we wanted to   grow in the budget to get bigger and better  yeah go to see what David thinks of upstairs not a lot of passion in the eyes  yet start but uh it's not the Finish   I'm not really sure whether this is good for  the money compare or yeah exactly it would   be nice to be able to put a fourth bedroom  on if needed okay how'd you get on up there   um I think the downstairs has all the potential  to be lovely and spacious but then upstairs you   have less potential to expand question is  is it big enough yeah fine we've got our   we've got our Stars yeah now we're going to  beat it okay [Music] looks like Size Matters   for these two I forecast bigger and better  things custom the only way is up [Music] I'm in Cambridge searching for two properties with  three generations of the same family I'm with the   grandparents desperate to spend time with their  grandchildren but as yet with no home to do it in   I'm running with the younger set helping to  find a nest for them and their fledgling family   I'm combing the county from north to south  and east to west for new parents Mary and   David and their four-week-old baby daughter  Martha while I'm concentrating my search on   Mary's folks George and Edna in an Ideal World  they want to live in the village of oakington   close to relatives and their Church [Music] but  in the real world they're perfect would be over   places seen and rejected it's clear  nothing much short and perfect will   do I think I might have found a solution to  this tricky property problem just over 10   minutes from oakington is the pretty Village  of comberton this cracking house gives them   the peace and quiet they crave as well as  the huge Garden for their grandchildren to   play in it's what they said they wanted but  will it be enough for our tricky customers now it's quite Parky out here so I'm disinclined  to ask you about First Impressions outside   but what are your first impressions I like the  the grass here be nice for the grandkids to play   and it's traffic free it's very quiet here yes  that's my biggest thing okey-doke well before we   absolutely absolutely oh because you are telling  you I've ever seen you move so fast well I like   a challenge bring it on besides this house scores  High inside too it's got three good sized bedrooms   all the light and space they were after and  210 000 pounds it's even comfortably within   budget I don't know how I do it there are two  important pieces of information I have to tell you   this property is on the market for 210 000 pounds  but they do want to move quickly so as long as it   begins with the 200 that you're in with that  yes good sounds the other thing is there is   a pond in the garden I'm assuming you would  want to fill that in make a lovely flower bed   um I think in your scenario you want Total peace  of mind yes not with children you don't really   you you know you want to be cooking in the  kitchen confident that your grandchildren are   happily playing in the garden for a couple  meant to be hard to please they certainly   seem to be making all the right noises but  are they just paying me lip service Phil only stumbling block for this property is  its proximity to oakington and the church   that Edna has so taken to maybe the flying  the ointment as always location location   the biggest downside for me the fact that it's  comberton it's a long way I would like to still   keep going to church at orkington yeah okay time  to introduce the elephant in the room this house   has a lot of things that are on your list and it's  got nine out of 10 in certain boxes does it move   you at all the main thing would be position yes  yeah it's a long way from walkington location it's   a nice position within its location but yes we  wouldn't find this closer to oakington even within   the budget and and this is well within budget  yes okay so if this was a game of snog shoot or   marry you'd snug it has that expression before my  wife's a great snogger thank you on camera George whoa easy tiger even so this house has just  been given the kiss off but the fact that George   and Edna did it with smiles on their faces  means I can't help liking them all the more   so that's both our properties politely rejected  we're going to have to up our game Phil if we're   to turn this family's fortunes around I'm already  on it Kirsty and I might even have come up with a   solution to satisfy the whole family I'm taking  Mary and David to the chocolate box Village of   Barrington Southwest of Cambridge to show them an  old Cottage ripe for renovation and Kirsty you can   take a break because it just so happens that the  cottage next door is also on the market perfect   for George and Edna so you're playing a wild card  Spencer it'll be interesting to see if this comes   up trumps this is a unique opportunity  for both you and your mum and dad right   two houses being sold next to each other right  three bedroom house two bedroom house right   renovation projects to them both they're both  perfectly livable yep so what I really want to   explore with you is I suppose primarily how close  is too close don't answer that just just yeah   those poker faces aren't giving anything away  the cottage is bursting with character and charm   it has a good sized living room separate  dining room and three bedrooms it does   need TLC but Mary and David aren't afraid  of doing work and with a price tag of 325   000 they should have enough money left  over to Breathe new life into an old house drop down a level into the kitchen   you can excuse a bit of crazy tiling yeah it's  long thin low it is low if I still really like   it quiet try that out quite close to the Head  yeah yeah you wouldn't get under that nope   so if this is the wild card how much is it on for  it's on at 325 000. the square footage that you've   got here is far and excessive web we've just come  from and it's cheaper yes but I think you would   want to sort it out and sort this out yeah sort  out a bit of room Arrangements upstairs if we   could get it for 310 we would have available cash  to do a project depending on how much it would   cost us to do it I'm certainly not put off yet  well if they can accept the height of that ceiling   they can accept anything can't make three bedrooms  all of them good sizes yep you can feel the sort   of like yeah wonking yourself it's a properly old  place it's Superior features that kind of make   the house but they're so and child friendly it's  just uh making all these considerations is quite   unusual we were saying that even house hunting  seems odd at the moment because we've just been   in our little bubble there's new considerations  I guess when we're looking at a property now that   we've never had before yeah it was all going well  downstairs but it was the stairs that I think has   put the kai boss on us baby moth is only a month  old so she's very small and very precious and I I   can see that they wouldn't be comfortable carrying  her arm down that stack I said they're thinking in   the short term I think this is the Cottage Marion  David thought they wanted but since the arrival of   Martha their priorities have completely changed  and this looks like one project too far I think   it's a bit cruel to drag Mum and Dad here if we  think it's worth it it's not a goer because they   like really like the house next door and they'll  be like actually we don't yeah close but not close   enough my hopes of solving both property searches  in one go have been dashed what do you make of the   um value for money that you've seen this side of  Cambridge yeah um I think we always knew the South   Cambridge is you know you're getting less for your  money but really a good in between tomorrow's a   better day after you never mind turn the lights  off when you leave [Music] [Applause] [Music]   day two and hopefully a more successful  search on the horizon [Music]   what's your morning Edna good morning  hello Spencer with me this morning George that's not a uniform scarf  because you see Edna and I are in   the green coat orange scarf brand  boot uniform the girls uniform and   then you're in the Overcoat uniform but  that's it that's a little uniform scarf   you want me to take it off well yeah  it is cold she say this all the time um so this house is bigger lots of space to  have people stay right but obviously there   is a sacrifice which is the garden  isn't a patch on yesterday's right   so yesterday this was the George house today's  is the Edna I'm liking it because Edna and George   have seen 50 properties we've got to take a big  gamble and try a radical approach we've supersized   the search and found a massive five-bedroomed  house it may seem more suited to Marion David   but just because Edna and George don't need  this space doesn't mean they don't want it   the ground floor has a large living room decent  sized kitchen and a second reception currently   being used as a playroom upstairs there are five  bedrooms bathroom and shower room all pretty much   perfect for when the grandchildren come and  stay the house is over budget at nearly 200 and the vendor would be willing to negotiate  what's more it's only a 12-minute drive   to oakington so hopefully we're about to  turn the corner the garden could be lovely   small could be really nice yeah I've had big  Gardens and they're very time consuming so that's   good to have a smaller one I like that I like  that card it's not a postage stump it's quite a   potentially valuable house this is this is being  sold privately and they're asking price at 279   750 however for a private sale they would let this  go for 250 and that's a good actual conversation   Kevin I thought I can't see this being sold  within our price range yeah what do we have   what's quite exciting certainly so far looks uh  very promising but George I quite want to show   you the garden and have a bit of a think about  that as we head out the back yeah let's do that   I want to see the kitchen so I know space inside  is very important for Edna I know that you're you   might find towards the garden so there's a sort  of balance to be found yes I wouldn't move into   a house that I wasn't absolutely certain that my  wife was happy with yeah and I know she would want   to please me and please the grandchildren and  everything else but ultimately she wants a home   that she's going to be happy in this is ticking  more boxes than anything else thus far yes well   this was a surprise wasn't it I didn't expect  it to be so big lovely for a spare room I don't   know that I wouldn't have it as the man are you  interested yeah I am I am too of all the houses   it's just a sense it's certainly got a sense  of space and light hasn't it yeah and privacy   yeah good area yeah near enough quiet to oakington  lots of trees birds so what's the downside for you   um I'm struggling to think of one I'm feeling  similar yeah very interested it was quite exciting we might be on to something here Kirsty it's  private of George isn't it it's not overlooked   it's somehow fitting that for a move which  is all about family it's a family-sized house   that George and Edna actually want two feet  hard darling come on well I will I shall put   my feet up Phil can you just clone Edgar  and George okay can we have it Edna and   George every week that's all I want we'll just  take them to different places in the country   it doesn't work like that no we could we could  just we could find them a house in every County this week we're with Edna and George  in Oxfordshire and next week we'll   be in Denver go back to work with Edna and George   that's all I ask for I know I shouldn't have  favorites but if I did they'd be at known George hello Edna how would you scale it it's interesting  it's got space it's quiet it's got light   it's convenient enough to the  church I would scale it great well things aren't quite so straightforward  over David and Mary certs okay so I might go   over and help Phil for a bit then otherwise  they'll be in one of your five bedrooms careful Kirsty many are true words spoken in  jail [Music] this week it's Close Encounters   of a family kind as we go house hunting for three  generations of the same family currently crammed   into a rented house in Cambridge finding their  dream home has seemed light years away so we've   been called in to go searching to infinity and  beyond Mary and David are new parents but we're   the ones with the teething problems whilst  grandparents George and Edna have made the   property search seem like Child's Play especially  when they went Gaga over a five-bedroom property   in cottonham enough of the baby talk Kirsty buying  a house is grown-up stuff and I've followed your   lead by finding a very adult house for Mary and  David if it's size thereafter its size they're   gonna get we're traveling further north to the  Village of somersham it's just over half an   hour's drive to oakington but in summertime you  get a lot more bang for your buck like this an   impressive Victorian detached house on a massive  plot all four bedrooms are a decent size and you'd   never want to leave the bathroom the house has  been revamped to accommodate a granny Annex so   property currently has two kitchens Mary and David  could make alterations at their own pace whilst   living in the house it's right on the nose at 380  000 pounds I had my um wild card yesterday yeah   and this is my curved ball right it's huge  it's big it's huge it's absolutely huge and   that's that's why you're so far out of your  Zone yes the question is what would you have   to find inside this house for it to repay  you for its location uh Butler to clean it doesn't come with come with all the space  on off and Mary could certainly feel like the   lady of the manor is there any singing is the  house singing to you at all um I just think   it's a bit of a shock because it's so big and  we didn't expect to see something this large   um but yeah I mean this is obviously a lovely  home if it carries on like this it's certainly it   it's going to be a difficult balance  between such a lovely property and   the distances Mary should we go and have  a look at the bedrooms absolutely right   the boys can do boy things I'm sure there's  a shed somewhere the garden's fantastic and   in the Summer with the leaves on the  trees it doesn't disappoint this house I think someone's Falling in Love but like all  love affairs it's not without its complications   just Reckoning you know we kind of made the move  to be near family so I'm trying not to fall in   love with this house too much in case in case in  case but whatever happened you're either going to   be closer to your family or in a house which your  family are hardly going to be reluctant to visit   you've kind of got your head around the  downstairs already what do you make of the knot   where you expected us to be but you've got a  mighty big house I think the problem will be   more for Mary to see her family and obviously the  move is all about being close to the family me   and Mary will have to have a good talk about it  I think to balance she's upstairs help yourself   um I'm gonna be out in the garden with  Kirsty so okay catch up with the universe   yep we think it's a cracker and it easily  has the potential to be there forever home   it's a safe place for children to play both  young and old oh God Savile Rose finest   not best for climbing the trees  [Music] I'll be doing that again   I'm not gonna go for this house it's lovely but  it's all about family hey haven't you noticed   yeah they'd make the mafia look out of touch  she's on the phone I know but it's too far it's   beautiful it's just so far away from you guys  yeah but you've lost your heart to the house   there's a lovely house and you would never have  to move I mean that's the size of it well they   do say it's good to talk and this house is  speaking loud and clear to Mary and David   it's just working out whether it's feasible I  mean the kind of plan was that me and my sister   could share child care and whether we could do  that you know the drive um so yeah it's really   hard obviously it's down to you although quite  odd David for where you buy your house to be   decided by your sister and or a mother-in-law yes  I reckon you're used to that yes um so I think it   is a matter of working out how far is too far yeah  let's not worry about it for now because we've got   one more house exactly and you don't know where  it is is it this size and we do Phil has power   over you scary very scary Kirsty if only I had  power over you possibilities would be endless   with Mary and David feeling more positive about  their search our attention turns to the heart of   the family George and Edna from the start they  both said they wanted a smaller house but since   being seduced by the five better in Tottenham  that seems to have gone well out the window   so to bring the search back down to size I'm  taking them to the quiet Village of rampton   found a property here with here which and  more manageable than the Cottman house and   only a few miles from their beloved oakington this  semi-detached house has very decent living space a   small but practical kitchen and three bedrooms  outside the garden offers a small piece of the   Cambridgeshire Countryside for George to call  his own and it's on the market for just under 235   000 pounds I know you love the last house but I'm  just chucking one more into the mix to test you   um this is a bit of a different kettle of fish  right smaller cheaper but very nice Village   yeah the first impression is a very smart house  yep and the space and it's a long way from the   opposite property so it's not overlooked um and  it's a village that I like yep and you can walk   to oakington so it's in reasonable distance really  steady on George that's a heck of a list but we're   not hearing much from Edna I think it's going  to take a lot to turn her head away from the   five-bedroom house that she's left her heart in  this house has only been on the market a week   someone came to see it yesterday made an offer  below the asking price obviously the vendor   wasn't inclined to accept that offer because  it's only been on the market a week they have   now made a higher offer still shy of the asking  price and the vendor is now more inclined to   accept that offer but hasn't my initial reaction  now is I'm thinking well this one doesn't have   a chimney it doesn't have a fire and it isn't  as interesting and there's not as much sort of   energy about it yes yeah um that's my initial  reaction yeah I quite like it I've got to see   I must be easy pleased I think tough luck George  sounds like Edna's Mind Is Made Up it would be   true to say that I am underwhelmed by this room  I mean it doesn't give itself to playing Scrabble   so yeah not for us do you want to  have a look upstairs out of here nauseousness I shouldn't condone that kind of  thing it would be a bit hypocritical as I'm just   sad you know what curiosity killed Kirsty I don't  think so really no [Music] yeah it's nice upstairs   and but no not our style really no not really no  so as you know I am passing you over to Phil's   tender administrations tomorrow all right  is there a house you want to go back to   oh I think it just might be yes I think we would  like to have a look at all the information that   we can about the house that we saw incontinent  yeah I'm really pleased well I shall pass that   pattern on to Phil and hopefully tomorrow he'll  do a really good job for you thank you so much   thank you don't you muck this up Phil Spencer I  want George and Edna to get that house and you're   the one that's going to make sure it happens I'm  feeling the pressure already and I haven't sorted   out Mary and David yet the house we showed them  in summersham offered plenty of space and could be   their forever home but it comes with a compromise  and that's its location which isn't as close to   Mary's family as she would like always determined  to deliver we have managed to find a house slap   bang in the village of oakington it even looks  over the church which George and Edna attend have   we finally struck property gold this beautiful  three-bedroomed Victorian house has been lovingly   restored by its current owners it has a large  sitting room beautiful kitchen and plenty of space   outside for family gatherings at 395 000 pounds it  is 15 grand over budget I'd have to negotiate hard   but sense there's a deal to be done well I've  played the um wild card I found the curveball   um this is this is my Ace oh wow big front  room it's got everything going for it this   house right it's the right size in the right spot  it's beautifully presented yeah um it comes at   a price and it's on at 395 000. so 15 grand  over the top yeah I hope as you walk around   the 15 grand will make sense I've no idea  whether you've got it would get it right   whether it's even worth yes the extra 15 T but we  thought it was an absolutely cracking house yeah   obviously I don't know exactly what you had  in mind when you thought of a family kitchen   um this is pretty much it it is but I wonder  if it might be something like this wow you do   have to accept that this is done it's finished  it's been extended it's right at the top of it's   going yeah hence the price yes yeah and I think  the price might kind of count it out I don't   think we can go above our top budget and so we  would yeah we would have to see what we could   get it for if we wanted it yeah don't rule it out  just yet Mary where there's a fill there's a way   so they've extended up here [Music] and  burst it up that's what I say again very   nice it's just all done isn't it it is all  very finished um see because that it weirdly   you know it slightly puts me off what do you  think it's obviously very useful for us to   just move into a house that is all done because we  don't have to spend any other time doing that work   and we can just get on with living and enjoying  Martha and things but the reason it's 15 grand   above our budget is because we're paying a premium  act yeah perhaps you should just think about the   convenience of you know everybody around on  the doorstep yeah and whether that has some   valuable value yes and whether that convenience is  actually too much in some ways whether it would be   still would still be on top of each other though  because we're so close by Mary Mary Quite Contrary   the last house was too far from the family  this one's too close something's got to give   well I'm so a bit disappointed didn't  exactly react the way that I'd hoped   things I'd build this as my Ace  property this was my trump guard they don't really see it that way you may have  thought you were playing your cards right Phil but   Mary and David are confused by the hand they've  been dealt it does worry me that it's over budget   it's a brilliant location for family yeah no it  is the two today have been there yeah not the   favorites Mary and David have come full circle  now have a lot to think about overnight [Music] it's a new day and our family foursome have made  some big decisions after seeing an astonishing 50   properties George and Edna have asked to see  the five-bedroomed Tottenham house again and   we know nothing is going to happen unless Mary  and David see it too it's the biggest house that   we've shown you has most number of bedrooms and  it also feels if we if you we can get it for 250   000 that would be a bit of a bargain yes  David what are your first thoughts it's   quite big I like the space I guess uh I  think once all the furniture is out and   things I think they could make a very nice job  of making it very homely well that's a thumbs   up from the son-in-law has Jordan Edna's  Relentless search finally come to an end I was nervous this morning thinking oh gosh what  if I go back and I don't like it you know or how   awful will that be and and I said to George  you know are you nervous and he said yes the   same thing so it's really been reassuring to  have the second visit yeah so that's George   and Edna on the Home Street they'd made up their  minds before I even opened the door Kirsty aha   but a question mark still hangs over Mary and  David they've fallen for the summersham house   but they want his second opinion from George  and Evan right well we better see what you   think George and heading up it's a bit of a  pile yeah it's a handsome house it is that's   yeah that's a good expression handsome house  okay well we'll all wander in yeah that's a   good start but there's still one question which  does need answering I think on the first viewing   yeah the critical issue was of distance to  where the rest of the family might live yeah   well we just drove from mum and  Dad's potential home and it was   only 15 minutes so that's very cheering even if  summersham was on the other side of the world I'm confident George and Edna would have given  this house their seal of approval go on David   give us a smile is it okay are we doing all  right yeah I think yeah I love it yes really   I think it's great great house I think we'll just  live in the annex and we want bottles quick get   that house first um yeah I know I think this  is the house for us oh that's terrific I'm a   bit I'm blown away but positivity all around  both viewings we need to um have a bit of a   council or see what we're gonna do about it got  some work to do Phil sounds like it I like work   okay Phil the fate of this family is  resting on your shoulders don't blow it this week we've been in Cambridgeshire trying   to find two houses for five  members of the same family our couples are smitten with the  houses we've shown kirsty's tied   up in London but I've called a council of War  I'm feeling kind of impressive from both sides and we've ended up with too  early clear winners yeah   Mary and David are totally taken with the house  in summersham it's top of their budget at 380   000. right well what are we going to do about  it um it's on the market 380 000. do you have   anything in mind at this point about what you  would be happy to pay for it I guess thoughts   are that we should go in with a slightly cheeky  offer Maybe it's on at 380. if we took 10 of that   38 Grand off the price brings us down to 342.  yeah I I it feels that's a pretty good opening   offer yeah it's cheeky yeah and it'll be declined  but it starts the process and hello there how are   you fine thank you the offer from David and  Mary uh is for 342 000. it's a little bit   lower than where the vendors would like to be  um but obviously they're in my their situation   um performed in the best possible light that's one  cheeky offering but on the other side of the table   a very different tactic is required George  and Edna have fallen in love with the house   and Cottingham currently on the market at just  under 280 000 pounds 30 grand over their budget   my suggestion is not actually to play any games  and simply say we are prepared to pay you 250   000 this isn't a negotiation situation this  is what is the maximum amount we have it's the   maximum amount of money we'd be prepared to pay  for it we come to the same conclusion that you   know with other houses we've made law offers and  so on but with this one we just felt would offer   the 250 because it was worth it with no other  serious interest in the house the vendors have   already hinted they'd be open to an offer and I'm  pleased to say that I do have an offer for you the   budget that we've been working to IS 250 000 and  that is their absolute budget they could cannot   and could not get off into your asking price  level um but 250 they'd be delighted to to pay the viewings lined up um  when is that a second viewing well as I say I've got two very  keen buyers here 250 is what they   they would pay and and they'd pay that as soon  as you wanted it perhaps you could let me know   as soon as you can reach that decision well I just have to wait a bit longer find out the  vendor's position has changed so it means nothing   else can be done this evening come on Phil  let's get one of these families into a house hello how did you get on um let me just I'll come back to you in a couple  of minutes thanks Sam bye they're looking for 365.   they've given up 15 grand on their asking price  which I would say is quite a positive thing from   my point of view yeah we're upping the offer  by 10 000 but is it enough to clinch the deal I do have that best and final offer um and  it's for 352. they feel it's worth to them   okay um that's a shame but let me  leave you with the 352 on the table   um and if anything changes at  your end please let us know like well they won't hold out for  it at the moment she said [Music]   I'm still feeling positive I can sort this out  it's not nice leaving people behind and in limbo   but this is not over two great houses two very  sensible offers and property negotiations take   time there's a lot of psychology involved  there's a lot of emotions at play as well   they mustn't give up because  I'm certainly not [Music]   in the end George and Edna's offer was rejected  however luck was on their side almost immediately   another property came to the market 15 minutes  from oakington and it suited them even better   as soon as I came and saw it I thought yes I like  it like the best of any house we've seen so they   bought the house for 240 000 pounds leaving them  with 10 grand of their budget to make the house   their own so we've ended up after all that time  and all those houses finding the one that we feel   is the best for us and we're really pleased with  after more than 50 viewings and a bit of help from   us they're in we were jaded we've been looking  from last summer and Kirsten Phil took over to do   it so we had a bit of a rest and that was nice  and they did all the work but George and Edna   haven't rested for long there's just a few things  that we can do to change it to make it our home   rather than just moving to someone else's home so  we're quite excited really it was sort of making   our own mark on the house so we're hoping to get  muscles in our arms where we haven't had them for   a long time because we're furiously stripping  I hope she's talking about the wallpaper over   in somersham after leaving the vendor to think  about an offer of 352 Mary and David subsequently   decided to up it and secured the house for  360 000. now they're just weeks from moving in yeah I promised Phil and David that I'd be  really good and play the way to game and then I   was rubbish and said Just Get It Mary caved quite  quickly yeah I just wanted to know that I had it   well A girl's got to have what A girl's gotta have  Kirsty and Phil helped us because I don't think we   would have probably looked at this house so the  fact that they even showed us this house just   meant that um they were broadening our Horizons  really I guess in the area and after living on top   of the in-laws what about all that Newfound space  we hadn't gone to the rented house this would have   been such a culture shock because probably was  quite a small house we had a kitchen with only two   cupboards so we've now gone from two cupboards to  two kitchens I plan this to be our family home for   a long time we just can't wait to get in all this  and close enough to drop by and visit mum and dad   and who's the star of this show oh Mommy got  a smile yeah [Music] thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: Banijay Home and Garden
Views: 162,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: all homes home and garden, cambridge house hunt, diy, diy projects, generational home search, home decor, home decor ideas, home design, home restoration, house design, house hunting, interior, interior design, living room makeover, location, location location location, multi generational living, phil spencer, real estate help, restoration
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 9sec (2829 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2022
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