Family Guy - It was you who clogged the toilet!

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away just giving the bears away sorry you didn't see the Bears Peter but Quagmire has us going blueberry picking tomorrow maybe you'll see a bear then I do not want to see a wild bear Lois I want to see a unicycle bear in a fez you know I still don't really get it a bear on a unicycle it sounds kind of dumb it's not dumb it's hilarious and it's the only thing I wanted to do this entire trip you know if I remember correctly part of our deal was I get two souvenirs from the Bear show well I'm looking around and I don't see any plastic beheads on sticks that I can make bite things that means I get to tell everyone it was you who clogged the toilet Lois that was you but it had such a man stink you know what Donna going in the bathroom after you ain't exactly a walk through to Rose Garden so I'd be quiet right about now don't listen to him Donna we think your movements smell very ladylike isn't that right kids oh of course cuz you all agree on everything just a perfect family aren't you news flash normal families fight and like spending time away from each other sir
Channel: Mr. Rupert
Views: 75,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: K7NTuxjmju4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 2sec (62 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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