Family Guy: Back to the Multiverse PART 1 NO COMMENTARY

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[Music] seems that all you see is violence movies and sex on TV but where it those good oldfashioned failures on we used [Music] to laugh and cry these [Music] are hey Stewie look something came up I'm not going to be able to do the picnic today oh oh was that was that today oh yeah oh no no way I can make that either I'm I'm I'm canceling too man wow good memory though I I totally blanked on that Stewie Griff my God Bertram but how is this possible I I killed you you only killed me in this universe you fool oh so you got yourself a Multiverse remote huh indeed I did wait hold on will someone please tell me what the hell is going on here sorry hang on one sec you remember the Multiverse Theory yeah it's the one about how there are alternate universes that coexist with ours on Parallel dimensional planes so in each of these universes the reality is different from our own sometimes only slightly sometimes quite radically this bertrum is from a universe where we never killed him okay okay I think I got it sorry not a genius now what do you want well I can't possibly allow a universe to exist without me in it I'm traveling the Multiverse building up an army to exact my revenge on you when I return I'm going to destroy your Universe completely see you soon [Music] [Laughter] Stewie Rion this is bad with a cross dimens Army he'll have no problem destroying our universe who knows what he's going to bring back here well what are we supposed to do we have to try and stop him before he can organize his [Music] attack all right Brian we're going to need to arm ourselves I'm sure he knows we're going to come after him his armies are going to be waiting for us every step of the way you think you think maybe I can use one of your ray guns no I get Stewie weapons you get the boring stuff that's what we're doing fine but how are we going to find him he could be anywhere right luckily I just updated my Multiverse remote so I have tracking software now we'll be able to follow every move he makes hang on bri we're going back to the Multiverse what the hell wait a minute Brian this isn't where we were supposed to go what do you mean I don't know the remote's not working for some reason you know everyone said get on the cloud it's going to be great and everything's been a nightmare since well can you fix it I don't have the proper tools but maybe we can find someone who does all right can you at least find out where we are according to the Multiverse remote this is a universe ruled by Greeks so what does that mean fat hairy philosophers and toas or fat hairy grease balls in Speedos oh yeah Greeks have always been gross and still are but no it's not those kinds of Greeks Brian it's worse it's Frat Boys Hey those guys aren't like us get those knob gobblers crap Brian run we have to find someone to help us fix my remote what's a knob gobler you'll understand when you're older come on Stewie we got to find someone who can fix the remote hey where are you off to I uh hope we don't wind up on the Evening News cuz of this I expect I shall finish them all off and you as well time to be bed hey where are you after oh good I thought I was going to have to do everything which house is ours we like one side my the other side just like dude after this semester I'm going get my backpack and just go I think that boy in the pool is dead no Stewie he's just swimming you see college is all about having fun NOP he's dead no one's helping him I'd bang that when I'm blacked out you want the pictures come and get them I already yanked it to them anyway these two dorks just won't quit come on let's just be Bros okay [Music] bro oh good job getting those pictures you should try to find more of them so you have material to shamefully touch yourself to at night or even very early in the morning now I got a keg but didn't want to put the deposit down for the tap would you find one for me oh I think that house over there has one let me know if you guys want a drink with me I could always do your companion hey it's those douchebags who stole the pictures of us whoever kills those guys gets to do bye-bye [ __ ] daylight it's better than yours damn right it's better than yours I can teach you but I have to H the breakast thing ow dude get off good Lord hey who are those dicks what you guys nerd victory is mine come on sweetie hurry up seven other girls are going to die tonight Dad please sir I want some more ooh Fred [Music] attack delightful dude get off that looks like the thing Mort wants I don't know what a tap is the nerd dude those guys are stealing our [Music] C do you know who I am hey that tap's mine I stole it from someone [Music] else thanks for the tap I'm blaming everything on you now we need some women to come to this party oh I got a crampy idea listen I need you to steal a couple of jackets from the CH bring them back here and I'll tell you what to do next come on I'll let you Reckoning oh there's not a party going on you're you're just insane and imagining all of this please sir I want some more please sir I want some more hey what the hell dude get off now one attack dude thing on all right sh let sleeping douches lie get those I'm angry but not because I'm gay you suck I think I'm going to puke ah dude chill out nice stay out of our those jackets are only for the people who know the website where to order this is for pting this is entering a world of I'm angry but not because I'm gay that's not your property man all right finally get that out my pets what's that smell oh dead body right that's what that is get those G wa are those get those G hey who are those dude hands off my jacket [Music] so I guess it's up to me dude you suck great you got the jackets now listen Brian here's a Molotov cocktail you need to plant those jackets by the sari's float then set the float on fire the girls will think the other frat did it and then they will come to our party I'd do it but I feel I feel a cold coming on come back here when you're done but take your time I'm going to take an 8 hour nap hey you want have SE who builds floats this is a weird [Music] College any of you boys ever finish on a C-section SC H I can't have babies anymore so fill me up fellas ew that thing is so tacky this is great these whes are going to be so pissed there it is now where that one white girl with my CET leer oh my God that is hilarious security what are you doing we're ring our crappy parade Brian use your Molotov cocktail to destroy the Flo and put the jackets there so we can frame the other Prat dog I'll just die already screw these guys let's go to the nerd party they don't have the balls to do something like this any of you boys ever finish on a C-section scy I'm already semi when you poop in your dreams you poop for r Brian I've never tapped a hey you two do you want a pledge to our fraternity here's a Torah and some bacon to rub on your face so you break out this might sound a little odd but do you know if there's like an electronic store or a creepy Armenian guy in a dimly lit apartment that can fix a Multiverse remote oh I can help you get that fixed but I'll require service in return that's worth more than the service I'll be providing you with we need you to help our fraternity throw a better party we've been standing around complaining for hours but that doesn't seem to be a party to the Gentiles here's some ammo now go shoot those lame balloons down oh wait until I put my earplugs in K and don't really want to please do it so I don't get hurt boy the flying guy knows what he's doing huh [Music] good job getting the girls in beer but we can't hear the music even with our hearing aids turned all the way up the house across the CAC has some speakers go steal those but don't say my name if you get [Music] caught this place sucks I'm feeling [Music] White this is bad even for a Jewish frat all right pry here's the deal only one of us fighting at a time think of it like tag team wrestling when you get hurt or too tired tag out I can't believe those jocks wrecked our float we should just like get pregnant with their with a girl tonight people will like me better they got music over there let's go steal their speakers [Music] I'm angry but not because I'm gay dude chill out not because I'm gay I'm no longer enjoying this we're going to die if we don't game over turd dude get off hey you want to have sex in a room shared by four people yeah dude take the B I'm angry but not because I'm gay you sp nice I mean I guess that hurt you f i like taking we going to get you back on your feet dude but not hey let us in your body you turds let us in you Schmucks the ns are in trouble Come on B Let's Help themy chill out not too popular in high school to die get those G what is that magical device excellent you're entering a world of pain look at this place it's Anarchy I guess this is what happens when douchebags become way too entitled we got to stop them yeah the S bro time to be B I need to speaker it's silent each right there game over turd you know who I am I shall kill you dude you suck oh boy good you got the speakers really set you right is a couple of a leave and a good night's [Music] sleep hey come over here I need someone to pretend to talk to I'm good you shot all the balloon out oh look it's a sari girl running down the street I met her dad dude wait until my Bros see these nasty pictures of you hey get back here with those I was going to wait one more year before I leak naked pictures of me online you should go talk to that SAR girl and see what's the matter also gu her how much her dad has in his retirement [Music] F here you go and thank you guys so much now I have the whole night to fear the sex that I'll probably chicken out of hey no problem thanks for fixing the remote oh fellas I almost forgot some of the other nerds uploaded a new program on your remote it analyzes your surroundings and gives you hints of what you should be doing on your journey hey I'll be popping up now and then with objectives and little hints if y'all get stuck and if you in the mood I can tell you where all the best farmers markets in bye okay we'll get to that later we have to go Bri Bertram's already got a head start on us okay now how exactly does a party work do we just take Alka celer and burp into our [Music] fists
Channel: Your local Numidian
Views: 11,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FG, Family, Guy, FamilyGuy, Backtothemultiverse, Back, To, The, Multiverse, PC, steam, XBOX, PS, Playtrough, Stewie, Brian, Peter, Megan, Chris
Id: NEnaUg32WiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 15sec (1275 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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