Family firm sends help to tsunami-hit Tonga

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a family-owned business in california that's been shipping to tonga for decades is pitching in to help the island nation in the wake of its deadly volcanic eruption and tsunami sf enterprises and logistics have moved freight to tonga for 37 years their operations manager celia lange says they're prioritizing water among other critical supplies we've just been taking a lot of water because we know the water supply is going to be completely gone there's no municipal water in dongla they depend on rain water and so i'm sure all the tanks are filled with debris and ash so if anything anyone that calls to want to try to help we just tell them water that's what we can do right now the disaster severed an undersea communications cable cutting much of tonga off from the rest of the world information on the scale of the devastation has mostly come from reconnaissance aircraft lenghi pahulu says her shipping company has yet to hear back from family or work colleagues we all have family there still you know and you know our staff is our family too so it's it definitely hits close to home i mean we're all we're all just trying to do it day by day and try not to be so sad about the whole situation because without having contact we really don't know what the direct need is the ship from oakland will take four to five weeks ships carrying supplies and relief equipment including water have left from ports in australia and new zealand new zealand's navy says their vessels are expected to arrive on friday
Channel: Reuters
Views: 9,425
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Keywords: reuters, business, finance, news, politics, top news, headlines, breaking news, news today, thomson reuters, reuters youtube, tonga, tonga volcano, tonga tsunami, tonga aid, volcano, tsunami
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 35sec (95 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 19 2022
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