Fallout Theory Study - Is No-Bark the Chosen One?

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one of the more popular theories i have seen is the speculation that nobark noonan the local crackpot in novak is actually the chosen one the protagonist of fallout 2. this theory of course isn't without evidence as far-fetched as it may seem is no bark the chosen one [Music] now this theory has a few components to make it work some of which needs a handful of assumptions but others are more convincing on their own i've compiled a list of some of the more commonly cited evidence for this video they are the age of the subjects nobark having american propaganda in a shack the cave rats spell that gun the wrecked highwayman we'll go through each of these show the evidence and discuss if there's weight to any of them now let's begin we'll start with discussing their age so this citation points at the age of nobark and states that the chosen one would be about the right age by the time of fallout new vegas is a pretty simple circumstantial piece of evidence but one that actually does run into some problems truthfully we don't know how old the chosen one really is at least not 100 confirmed the fallout bible states that the chosen one was born on march 23 22-21 however without any direct confirmation in the games material from the fallout bible is in a limbo state of canon regardless let's assume for the purpose of this theory and video that the fallout bible is correct by the time of fallout new vegas 2281 the chosen one would be 60 years old now no bart he definitely appears to be rather old a beard of white hair but is he 60 years of age that part we can't really confirm one way or the other it was never brought up in new vegas he could be 60 years old but could also be 61 59 69 70 a single day difference would immediately disqualify him from candidacy regardless it's certainly possible but without any confirmation we have no idea what age no mark is now this piece of evidence suggests that since no bark is aware of or at least has some vague idea about what communism is and holds a lot of pre-war american values he could be the chosen one having learned this type of stuff through his interaction with the enclave over the course of fallout 2. this one is a little iffy while there's no doubt that the enclave wraps itself up in extreme patriotism references to chinese communism in the original two games is nearly non-existent the one guy who does mention it is pretty important and part of the enclave yes enclave president dick richardson but even then it's very off-handedly though slightly impassioned we were winning too and then those damn reds launched we barely got our birds up even fallout 3's enclave interpretation doesn't have much in the way of the subject of communism caring much more about the mutants as the current problem now 76's enclave did while they were alive but all this was immediately after the great war still very fresh on people's minds it seems that the enclave as a whole grew beyond her hatred of the system in favor of simply hating mutants discussions about communism seems to mostly rely on historical context more than anything else now what's this mean for the nobark theory mostly that it's unlikely that the chosen one's brief interaction with the enclave would lead to any significant education even at face value over what communism is even still the chosen one could learn a subject through a variety of other means largely in bias politics for education or entertainment but so could anyone else not just him therefore i really don't think this point holds much weight being the claimed continuation of the government sure they hate communism but they don't seem to pay it much mine anymore they're far more focused on the mutants chosen would likely had to pick it up from somewhere else ghouls in rockets looking for a land to call their own don't you laugh at me i know a spell that'll make you show your true form cave rat taught it to me so the cave route citation suggests that no bark as a delusional age chosen one is recalling an attraction he had in fallout 2 where he says a cave rat taught him a spell to make things show the true form now if true it's a very worst memory of what happened to fallout 2. so in fallout 2 there's two rats that speak one significantly more intelligent than the other king rat and brain king is immediately hostile and brain the more intelligent rat is not we'll assume this theory is talking about brain brain is a mole rat rather than a k rat not that it matters in this context but a large cranium he was a lab right in the pre-war times war broke out and radiation gave him hyper intelligence after humans attempted to kill him for trying to communicate he began to plot world domination yes this is an obvious reference to peaking in a brain this evidence i'm not really sure how to view it i can see the logic people are following but it has to assume a lot brain doesn't try to teach you any kind of magic though obviously the evidence assumes that nobark is misremembering details it does fit into the character some truth in the maze of utter nonsense regardless the focus on this evidence is brain's ability to speak though no bark never states that the cave route ever spoke to just that it taught him a spell i don't know again these are one of those things that has to assume a lot still is more likely that this was meant to be comical rambling than an actual suggestion now this one is a unique gun that you find in novak that gun a weapon modeled after the 223 pistol from fallout 1 and fallout 2 which was modeled as a weapon from blade runner this point suggests that the chosen one came to novak installed the weapon to the shop which i suppose sounds decent but the problem is while that gun is a unique variation it isn't that special in terms of fallout 2. let me explain even annoying gun runners arsenal adding another more common variation of the weapon fallout 2 had the 223 pistol kind of floating around the world map fallout 1 was the only game that actually had the weapon be unique you picked up from helping a farmer that made it himself by fallout 2 the weapon has basically become manufactured and spread out into the wasteland you can even buy it at different shops yes it's a weapon from fallout 2 but also from fallout 1. it's actually only unique in fallout 1. it's not really significant at all in two beyond that the same situation is true for the plasma defender the plasma pistol in fallout 1 and 2 and the plasma caster the plasma rifle and fallout 1 and 2. i suppose it's because the variation is unique literally that gun but still i feel this point would have a lot more weight to it if the weapon was actually unique to fallout 2. the solo scorcher perhaps i get the logic but since the 223 pistol wasn't really unique weapon of fallout 2 it's kind of iffy finally we get to what's probably the most convincing piece of evidence just outside of novak is a wrecked highwayman with his top sunken to the ground and his trunk sticking out as a reference to a glitch in fallout 2. and inside the trunk is several microfusion and small energy cells but many players stored in their trunks for regular access to fueling this one suggests the chosen one wrecked his car near novak very simple and actually it's a fairly good case the reference is obvious it's the classic highwayman but is it definitely the chosen ones car that's debatable perhaps it's someone else's highwayman nothing is much evidence unless one counts josh sawyer's mod josh sawyer is a developer that worked on the game and one thing the mod does it redirects the courier stash material out into the world he places that armored fault 13 jumpsuit the same type of jumpsuit warden by the vault dweller and the chosen one into the trunk of the highwayman and if you count that mod then the likelihood is the same car shoots up dramatically almost 100 but should you count the mod the mod itself is just that a mod but it's from someone who developed the game that's definitely iffy territory maybe we can count intent i'm not sure but it does seem likely that it's the same car [Music] so how would i grade this theory the chosen one is probably the same age as snowbark probably i don't see much reason why the chosen one would know or care that much about american propaganda in regards to communism beyond any other wastelander the k rat thing just seems like it's meant to be funny dialogue and that gun itself isn't really all that special in terms of fallout 2 despite being a cool weapon honestly the only powerful heavy hitter is the highwayman i think it's definitely supposed to be the same car now did the chosen one crash there or did someone else steal that car and wind up there for as little evidence as there is and only one good heavy hitter i honestly would grade this theory as unlikely and why because i just don't see that much reason for it to be no bark in particular short of his age nothing really stands out about the guy i saw one person say that his name is fairly tribal and yeah i see it but that's more of an arizona tribal thing with names like salt upon wounds and follows chalk not really the type of name that the royal tribals had with names like hakunan cameron jordan narc and lucas now if josh's mod had put the vault 13 suit in his shack i feel there may be a lot more to go with but really it's just the car an alternative theory for the car being there is maybe and fallout 2 is canon the car got left at new reno after t-rey took it t-ray originally meant to modify the car for mr bishop and mr bishop got it mr bishop's heir the chosen one's illegitimate son takes over as the crime boss which is a cannon inning in fallout 2. so the chosen son got the car after his illegitimate father died now bruce isaac that we find in novak was a singer in new reno and he will let's let him explain oh well that's all just a big misunderstanding see mr bishop well he owed me a lot of money and you know he's a busy guy so i sort of figured i'd just take it off his hands also i might have sort of plowed his daughter a little this alternative theory goes that bruce stole the chosen sons bishop's car that originally belonged to the chosen one and crashed it while fleeing new reno to get away from the waste wandering bishop boss that said there's not a ton of reasons to say nombark isn't the chosen one either and really that's what makes nobark fun right he's unique fascinating an oddball you can make any number of theories about all while he does it to you as well he's a mystery no known past and you come up with any number of possibilities every theory a player comes off with just means he's receiving the characterization that he dwells heavily in wonder and really could be let down to learn about his past keep him shrouded in wonder part of me wishes i could see things like he sees them all full of mystery [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: Games Twice-Over
Views: 104,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fallout, fallout new vegas, fallout 2, no-bark, nobark, no-bark noonan, nobark noonan, the chosen one, fallout 2 the chosen one, fallout the chosen one, fallout2 the chosen one, fallout 2 protagonist, fallout new vegas no-bark, fallout new vegas no bark, is no-bark the chosen one, fallout theory, fallout no-bark theory, fallout that gun, fallout .223 pistol, fallout highwayman, fallout wrecked highwayman, new vegas theories, fallout new vegas chosen one, fallout gto, gto, fo2
Id: PTG8C8k07lE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2022
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