FALLOUT 76 | Root Cellar Shelter. [Hero's Lair]

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good evening ladies and gentlemen how you getting on welcome to a brand new Fallout 76 build so I don't often do shelter builds for a number of reasons but this one the root Celler really caught my eye and stood out so uh let's have a look at [Music] this okay so for the moment we are up on the surface have a look at the entrance to this this is my Stone Cottage I did the other week that I cut the corner off the uh front porch there and if you want to have a look at this one I'll link it around for you but we're going to head around to the back to where the entrance to the shelter is as this is pretty darn cool and you know shelter build might as well show the entrance off there we go so the entrance way here the hatch is basically the same as the one for the Pittsburgh Street Shelter from a while back it's a little bit different there's a few minor details but given that this is a root seller or seller in general the entrance pretty much make sense so uh yeah this one surprised me and uh also quite impressed me so let's have a look at what's uh down there shall we okay so this first space is um what I thought from looking at it on the atomic shop was actually the whole shelter um I wasn't sure about the proportions but I thought it was going to be much smaller which would have solved one of the usual problems I have with shelters which is that they are too big for the amount of budget they have available same problem kind of with camps really but as it turns out there place is much much larger than anticipated and you'll see why in a moment but my basic theme for this was that the the person living here is a wannabe superhero and you'll see why the wannabe in a minute as well and the shelter is basically going to be their superhero layer bat cave type deal so we're heading through all of this junk in the main part of the cellar or the front part of the cellar that conceals the hidden entrance to the layer Beyond so I put the door in there the hidden door just to kind of cover up that entrance it moved in quite nicely it doesn't snap in doesn't snap in down here either but uh it did a good job to hide that kind of entrance especially with all the other stuff piled up there we'll head on down this Corridor that I kept quite plain cuz I didn't want to give away too much of what was beyond the vault door again this one didn't snap in but had to be carefully positioned in and here we go into the much larger space that uh came as a bit of a surprised to be honest here is my wouldbe superheroes layer so there's a whole bunch of stuff in here that I did cuz I thought it would just look fun and also try to lean into that Superhero Vibe or would be superhero Vibe some stuff's maybe not quite there cuz it's fall out on um some kind of superhero game so I'm working with the tools available but uh it came out quite well I think so one of the first things I thought to do was put second layer up on either side here sort of uh use the height that we've got in the space which is pretty decent and uh I'll show you exactly what I did to put these floors in in just a moment but there was also cuz this is quite a large space uh a bit of dead space that I wanted to kind of fill up I didn't want to go too far with the scrappy look on this mostly just cuz it it was supposed to be a functional you superhero kind of vibe as opposed to the usual Scrappy thing so but I also didn't want too much empty space either so heading up to the upper layer first or this side of it um I wanted to divide each section off and kind of have it um separate functional areas so that's kind of what I've gone for and this first area is a a gym type deal together would be superhero into shape so you can see we're on a couple of the upper floors here got a fair bit of decoration around and to get these in basically with most of the structural work in here it was just freehanding stuff into place so you can see where the arch sticks out there which is a really cool feature of the space but makes put floors up here a bit more difficult so in order to get this in place I put the half floors in there in The Recess up next to it so I could see how far those were going to stick out from the wall and then freehanded the larger pieces in front of it into place so that the gap between two pieces lined up with the center of the arch there kind of vaulting anyway um and then snapped the larger pieces onto the side to create a total of form then freehanded their half pieces um back in place behind CU they don't quite line up the sizes are a little bit weird it did leave a bit of a gap there which is why we've got the fencing around it so you don't fall down it but uh it works and let say this freehanding is part of the reason why there's a couple of little flaws in places here and there but I quite like the effect overall so one of the common features of superhero layers is various things on display so often relating to the defeat of various villains so here's a whole load of stuff on display it works out quite nice we got some outfits and potentially useful um disguises maybe or uh varying types of outfit for the our wouldbe hero I'm really happy we're using the encampment Bridge here in the middle cuz it connects to two upper levels quite nicely there's couple of tiny little issues in that I had to freehand it in but I wanted to do this cuz I kind of once the idea popped into my head and the visuals of it I was pretty clear it was going to look quite cool but one of the big problems with that encampment bridge is when you use it in a camp you can't do that with it namely it snaps only to its end pieces which only sit very close to the ground so it's not really much of a bridge at all it's it would make way more sense for it to snap onto upper floors which it just doesn't do but down here in the shelter you can just freehand these pieces in and then snap them to each other and it works and I quite like the look there it kind of creates quite um a striking image I think whole load more stuff stored down here and some kind of uh stuff to break down and kind of fill up the space as well and uh the Billboards did a really nice job of kind of decorating up the other Way's plain walls as well which would have required a lot of small bits and pieces if I hadn't used something so large so I think they work quite well so we're going to make our way up to the top here on this side and it's basically the same as the other side structurally speaking but we've got a kitchen first up and seemed like a bit of a strange thing in some ways to put in a superheroes layer but it's supposed to go to eat and figuring out exactly what to put in each space ended up being a bit of a challenge really combination of tools available and concept but we got cooking station in there which emerged into that stove and few other bits of pieces decided to keep these tables quite plain because I wanted Le to lean more towards mes Hall than dining room if that makes sense got a bit more of a a military esque if not actually military Vibe there's also no water options that you can put in shelters so no sink there which is a bit unfortunate so coming on to this last upper section we've got the Enclave planning table which I thought a kind of planning area sort of um place for a superhero to figure out what he's going to do next this worked quite well in here we sort of went with a bat computer Vibe at the back there as well using the the dark s of Bank of computers that work quite well a little while to get that into place in the way I wanted it but came out okay and I did a whole bunch of extra stuff on the top cuz it looks kind of plain without stuff kind of scattered around I felt I decided to put the chain link fence up as sort of the edges of this upper level cuz I wanted it in closed to feel like kind of separate space to the rest of it but not too separate whereas if I put walls in obviously it'll be fully solid en closed this is sort of a a halfway house the rusty kind of effect with the leaves and stuff maybe not quite ideal in this situation a clean chain link might have gone a little better the only option we've got on that is the C this one which has barbed wire on it which would also be weird so it is what it is I really do like the design down here with the brick and the vaulting it reminds me of um a mod from Fallout 4 actually a little bit is quite fun really cool space so yeah decided to put a few bits pieces on to dress up the bridge otherwise it looked a little plain and you see we've got our what will eventually be our heroes vehicle would be Batmobile in the middle there which is one of the reasons it's a would be hero cuz they haven't finished that yet so under here we've got our weapons crafting space a lot of stuff stored theoretically for making weapons repairing weapons creating new ammo things like that there's always one set of displays somewhere that I forget to put stuff on so there it is this time so yeah we've only got the one well we have got a car workbench but I felt this one kind of fit better in the space rather than having it up in the air but uh definitely do like having this destroyed car it's quite cool having it on the the cinder blocks there put a few extra bits around it for you know use in repairing it but it's a work in progress so um yeah hence the would be hero as their vehicle is yet to be finish off now currently exploring the Wasteland on it it is still a Fallout build obviously so going to have to have the chemistry station and the Brewing station in as well few bits and pieces around here to dress that space up most of it kind of tying into the chemistry theme that um cabinet at the end there I decided rather than trying to merge stuff onto the shelves I would put a couple of plywood boards on FR close it off instead saved a little bit of time and I'm sort of nearly used all of the budget on this so not a lot of room left over to be doing stuff like that so superheroes tend to get injured in the course of their activities so they do need a medical space that's what started squeezing down the end here use the concrete barricades there to sort of close this space off cuz I wanted it to feel more like a separate room than the rest of it did not quite sure why I decided to put the Satellite Dish there something big to fill up the space but it's kind of out of the ey line so there way hospitals and medical spaces are a bit difficult to do at the best of times because we only have some sort of related stuff but I did want to could to imply that close the gap off there with some plywood responder signs and some window boards as well kind of Stack that up to close off that top section doubled up a set of curtain doors there cuz with medical spaces curtains rather than um solid doors are more the right Vibe quite like how that came out ideas there just about managed to line those up given that they're facing opposite directions but you can't tell unless you look really closely so that's quite cool so this ala down here at the end is supposed to be illuminated and I'm not quite sure why it isn't didn't notice that until after I'd done the tour but uh the idea here is leaving it blank that that end wall there would sort of slide up and back and out the way so that the vehicle can go out that way or you can climb down onto a lower level through that greeting perhaps as a a secret exit to the secret layer was my head Cannon for that space or at least once the the vehicle is functional anyway again struggle to figure out what to do with this little bit of space here so I decided to make it a space to study Wasteland creatures it's the sort of thing I would be hero would be facing off against so put a little raise platform in here just for a bit of interest just freehanded in some floors in here just to give it a little bit of extra height and use the creatures in tubes went for some of the more exotic ones to uh kind of create that interesting what what's out there Vibe which is quite fun couple of computers to do the research on not quite sure where the output of those would be but uh it's not over think that so under here we've got a whole load of storage of stuff to scrap and break down mostly for use in either repairing the vehicle or continuing to repair gear and Equipment definitely quite like the look of that yeah a few more bits around there for the the car got that Circle in the floor in the middle there around the drain that I thought uh kind of create quite a Cool vibe for putting the vehicle on and under this last section we have the armor crafting section so power armor and the regular armor bench as well a whole load of bits Pieces Just Add a little bit of interest and decoration yeah all in all um kind of a battle in some ways to make this feel like a superheroes layer as I say would be superheroes layer with a unfinished vehicle and the like but I think kind of got the general Vibe concealed layer of some kind anyway I'm quite happy with that I got to use a few fun building elements and do things I don't normally get to do like uh the bridge there which I'm quite happy with I really like this sort of vaed underground space budget wise my normal issue with shelters is that the budget doesn't extend far enough to really fully decorate the shelter and that is kind of still an issue here the space is quite large if it didn't have either the front part or the back part if either piece wasn't there there'd be plenty of budget but uh it is what it is I guess so it doesn't quite work out on the other hand it's a really cool space and I really do like that sometimes with the the various shelters they have such a strong theme to them already that you kind of can't get away from that the vaults for example so um trying to make them into anything other than the vault's a bit weird but for this one you can kind of work with it a little bit more make them interesting sort of concealed underground space and I do quite like it for that and yeah quite pleased with how this has come out it's uh yeah I think we've uh achieved the goal of Mak a superhero layer so I hope you folks enjoyed that one if you did please consider dropping subs and likes I very much appreciate down below as always you find social media links merch door Channel memberships notification bell all that good stuff if you want to support the channel in that way I hugely appreciate it really really helps out so thank you very much for that and if you get a chance to join us for live streams as well we are of course play part 76 and plenty of Starfield too so I hope to see you there but for now thank you very much for watching and I look forward to speaking to you all very very soon [Music] [Music] that
Channel: Darth Xion
Views: 8,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fallout 76, darth xion, Fallout 76 Root Cellar, fallout 76 camp, Fallout 76 camp tour, fallout 76 camp building, fallout 76 camp builds 2023, fallout 76 gameplay, shelter building, fallout 76 camp builds, Fallout 76 shelters, fallout 76 2023, Fallout 76 superheros lair, fallout 76 hidden lair build, Fallout 76 batcave build, Fallout 76 root cellar review, Fallout 76 camp tips, Fallout 76 camp guides
Id: ihhv4nESS4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2023
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