Fallout 4 - Coastal Cottage NO MODS NO GLITCHES Building Tutorial

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does your Coastal Cottage look like this well now it can look like this in this video I will show you how to restore Coastal Cottage using absolutely no mods or glitches let's get [Music] started start by scrapping everything in the settlement that is scrapable you're going to need more supplies than what you're going to get from scrapping so make sure that the settlement is on your supply [Music] line while you're up here it's helpful to place a barn floor in the corner of the house align it with the side and the front of the house as close as you possibly can this can be done later but it's a little bit easier if you go ahead and do it now while you're up here we will return to this area later to finish [Music] up to begin we are going to construct a deck that will link the garage to the house to build the deck we will use the shock foundation with the concrete base [Music] placement of the first piece is important first align the tile against the edge of the garage [Music] floor next raise it slightly so that the top of the concrete portion is aligned with the garage floor leaving the wood portion ra raised above the garage floor as shown [Music] here from here build three rows with the shock foundations [Music] [Music] [Music] there are a few areas near the house where the full Foundation pieces won't fit use the small shack floors to fill in these areas [Music] [Music] we need to finish the wall on the front of the settlement so that it's not floating to do this snap a shack stairwell to the outside of a foundation piece you can start anywhere you like but I started on the corner the stairwell allows Foundation pieces to be snapped under the existing foundations the corner is still floating so move the stairs down and snap a floor under the corner Foundation I ran into a collision area in the front that I couldn't work around and wasn't able to snap a foundation piece in this spot so I decided to improvise and remove a few tiles I will use the is space to create a caravan shipment storage area we will come back and finish this area later fill in the holes on the deck with shocked upper floors now we're going to start on the house place an upper shock floor in the corner by the door align with the front and the side walls [Music] after placing the floor pull it out slightly from the wall this will allow the next piece to snap tightly against the wall select the concrete wall from the concrete section push it in place over the shack floor it won't snap but it should allow you to place it tightly against the inside wall if there is too much of a gap adjust the floor and replace the concrete wall until you are satisfied with the placement be sure that you are satisfied with the placement before continuing if the wall is too far out we will have problems getting all of the floor pieces to fit attach three more concrete wall pieces [Music] together snap Shack floors with the concrete foundations to the three walls that were just placed [Music] Place six small shack floors to the foundations that were just [Music] placed remove the upper Shack floor the concrete wall and the first Shack Foundation place a regular shock flooor in the space in front of the door align with the front and side walls of the house [Music] replace the shack Foundation that you previously [Music] removed in the front of the house snap a half Barn floor to the shack floor we're going to rearrange the concrete walls to place a doorway remove the last two concrete walls and replace with a half concrete wall a doorway and then another half concrete [Music] wall fill in the back with a hole and a half concrete wall be sure that the walls are snapping back as far as possible [Music] the other side place a concrete wall starting on the second small shack floor [Music] tile using the barn floors fill in the area outside of the house to prevent falling in the hole I filled in as many tiles as I could get to fit this may be different in your build finish this wall with a doorway and a half wall continue around to the front using a half wall and and another doorway though it's the right size I wasn't able to get a half concrete wall to fit in the corner due to some Collision issues with the house but a series of concrete posts fill in the space nicely if you can't get the last one to to fit in a straight line with the others just pull it forward a little and snap [Music] it cover the second floor using two rows of the barn floors [Music] use a half and a small floor to fill in the corner in the front of the house if a whole floor piece doesn't fit here try using two half or four small floor pieces instead that generally Works add half Barn floors to both sides of the house [Music] [Applause] [Music] snap a half scaffolding frame to the second floor piece place a small scaffolding frame next to that one then remove and store the half frame we're going to use that one again [Music] later snap a small barn floor to the scaffolding and then snap the steps to the floor [Music] fill in an area next to the garage with flooring of your choice you should be able to snap a floor under the side of the garage but you may need to place the middle piece first you'll also need a floor by the ladder or it will be floating I wasn't able to snap a floor under the ladder so I snapped it to the bottom edge of the ladder at an angle instead add walls of your choice to the flooring you can use either the barn or the warehouse tiles it's easiest to snap the two back walls first and then fill around the house the half floor that we added earlier will act as a balcony so make sure that you snap the walls to the whole floor pieces only remember to add a doorway on the side and the front of the house next add the roof extend the roof over the front entrance add a post from the barn miscellaneous section to support the roof I was able to add one on the left side but I couldn't get one on the right side that would actually touch the roof [Music] at an entry on the other side of the house snap the half scaffolding support that we stored earlier to the first tile snap the short ladder to the scaffolding and then a long ladder to that one finish up by adding a half Barn floor to the top of the scaffolding add a rounded Edge floor from the concrete section to this corner to finish it [Music] off now we're going to add an entry way snap a shack foundation with a support post to the second deck floor and then snap a concrete sha Foundation next to that [Music] one snap a half Barn floor to the shack floor at the entrance to the house it should snap right through the house and this this piece will act as a spacer for the next piece so we'll be taking it out add two small barn floors remove the half Barn floor from the entrance and place it on the left side of the last Barn floor add one more half Barn floor to this [Music] snap a half scaffolding support to the last Barn floor snap a small scaffolding support next to it finally add a long scaffolding ladder [Music] [Music] next add a large scaffolding support to the [Music] back snap on stairs or ramp whichever you [Music] prefer snap Barn floors over the scaffolding [Music] in the front the barn tiles will snap Under The Shack [Music] foundations back inside the first floor store the half wall in the doorway that we previously added snap a warehouse or a barn doorway in wall to the barn floor place concrete pillars over the hole in the front of the house and then lastly replace the half concrete wall and doorway [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you can't snap a railing if the stairs are attached so temporarily remove the stairs and snap in in the railing another problem you can't snap the stairs to the scaffolding if the barn floor is already attached so remove the barn floor attach the stairs and then replace the barn floor [Music] add support post to the balcony after installing the railings this will avoid any interferences that you might find from the railings with the post what [Music] [Music] I decided to add extra railings to the other side of the house to hopefully keep settlers from falling into the hole to do this I needed to temporarily remove the walls and the doorway snap the railings on and then replace the walls [Music] in [Music] [Music] for our last step we need to finish the front snap a shock foundation with a concrete base to the right side of the opening add a Raider tent from the rator miscellaneous menu to cover the opening and the [Music] foundation finish the station by adding railings and steps to the foundation [Music] and there you go coastal Cottage is now renovated and ready to be decorated for settlers to move in this location also makes a nice player home for a survival playthrough in my next video I will give you a fully decorated tour of the settlement so make sure that you stop by for that thanks for watching
Channel: CryingCube
Views: 3,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JAs955zoTFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 43sec (1543 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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