falling a bigger sugar pine
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: stumpshot70
Views: 29,534,204
Rating: 3.8659635 out of 5
Keywords: California, YouTube, MS660, Sugar Pine, Stihl, Sierra Nevada
Id: IahzNKFawFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 10 2012
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
If you look at 12m30s and fast forward with 20s intervalls you can see how the is tree slowly tipping to the right
So I came across the other tree felling video in this sub and figured I would post this. My 3 year old is obsessed with chainsaws and tree cutting after watching me take down a couple trees on my property about 6 months ago, so I have seen all of the best of this type of video about 100 times each.
This guy has some interesting videos and seems like a true lumberjack. I have yet to see him have to restart his saw after deciding that whatever tree he is felling has been cut enough to fall.
Show me the whole tree! How can you cut that down and not show everybody the rest of the tree?!
I cannot help but feel sad to see such a huge tree fall
I dunno.
Having become an expert tree feller, from watching yesterday's video and having exactly zero experience, I felt this guy was a liiiiitle on the sketchy side.
Do you want to lose an eye? Because pretending your goggles are a forehead protector is a good way to lose an eye.
God it felt good to watch that thing fall finally.
That feller sure knows how to chop down a tree!
My go-to video that explains what he's doing.