Fall Off The Bone Baby Back Ribs

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hey what do you say weekend warriors today we're smoking up some old school baby back ribs they're gonna be smoky they're gonna be fall off the bone tender and they're gonna be delicious [Music] [Applause] that's right we're smoking some old school ribs today i'm using my vertical smoker you could use any kind of smoker you want just set that thing to about 275 degrees fahrenheit i'm using some cherry wood i'm using some oak and you can use your favorite maybe you like pecan maybe you've got a nice pellet blend you like to use just use whatever you like for pork i'll give you a quick look inside the firebox here today so we can see what's going on i'm using all wood no charcoal just straight splits here's a nice big dense piece of cherry that i'm gonna throw on there we'll let that catch and that's oak underneath so i like to rotate throughout the cook i'll be using a little bit of a little bit of both there so that fire is raging let's get right to these ribs i have three racks of baby backs these are trimmed up really nice already from the grocery store so there's not a whole lot i need to do and the first step is i'm gonna put some slices into the membrane of course you can pull it off if you like to pull it off i really don't think it makes that big of a difference but uh to each their own and especially if i'm doing volume if i'm doing a lot of ribs i really don't have time to sit there and peel all that off so that's my choice that's how i like to do it and like i said you can do it however you want but i'm going to score it this will allow some seasonings it's also going to help it to cook and break down and then i need a binder for my seasonings today so you could use yellow mustard sometimes i've used apple juice today i'm using some hot sauce this is kind of old school that's how a buddy of mine used to do this about 20 years ago it tastes good it's not going to be too spicy by the time it cooks a lot of that spice will be gone but it does add some flavor and what we're looking for is just something to make that surface a little tacky a little wet and that'll help our rub stick so just rub it in make sure you get it on the edges on the bones okay so that's the back side right here for the rub i'm keeping it old school too so on the bottom you see pepper right in the middle is some salt on the top is paprika so i'll just give it a shake make sure it gets nice and blended and then just a very light even coat of the seasoning on the back and on the sides ah these are going to be so good all right now we're going to flip them over and do the exact same thing on the meat side let's get these little piggies in the smoke so again i've got it set to 275 degrees fahrenheit today i do have water in the bottom of my cooker if i was using my vertical smoker i would put some water in that pan too i'm gonna be cooking today right about the center rack so we'll get this pulled out of here and i'm gonna take the meatier side put it towards the back the thin side towards the front the back of my smoker is a little bit hotter than the front and then i'm just going to take and bunch these bones together make that meat nice and thick and that should help them cook a little more even same thing with this dude bunch up those bones keep it nice and straight and then we'll get our last little piggy on here there we go and then just take a look see if you disturbed any of the rub too much this is kind of your last chance to get it on there because our friends are about to get a nice smoke bath for the next couple hours we're not even gonna look at it let's get this door closed and i'm gonna come back in about two hours to spritz these uh so sticking with that old school theme we're gonna use some beer as the spritz and i'll be showing you that in the meantime for me i just got to relax make sure this fire keeps going if you're using your pellet smoker even better nothing for you to do and we'll see you back in a couple hours can't wait [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] do [Music] and we're coming up almost on the two hour mark let's get this guy open let's check on our ribs oh yeah that's looking good give it the old tap test and our rub is sticking which is good that's what we want and for the spritz i'm using some beer grab yourself a can of coors or something premium like a bush latte get that in there and we'll give them a spritz just going to rehydrate the seasonings kind of wash off any excess smoke we don't need to go too heavy and i'm going to start doing this now about every 25 minutes or so and we'll let these stay in the smoke for another maybe hour before we wrap them so i'll spritz them a couple more times let me just check that undercarriage make sure it's not burning we're looking good membrane starting to break away nice color i think what i'm going to do though is rotate [Music] there we go and we'll get this closed up like i said i'll spritz every 20 minutes over the next hour then we're going to come back wrap these up in foil and show you the next step and we're coming up right on about the three hour mark so we're getting ready to wrap those ribs i need to do a barbecue sauce and what i'm gonna show you is a really simple technique i learned from aaron franklin but before i do check this out so big thank you to the chatham family from charlotte north carolina who sent me this massive butcher block this thing's like two inches thick about two feet long it's made of cherry and it's got the weekend warrior bbq on there which is awesome i really appreciate that the chathams are long time subscribers they're members of the weekend warrior bbq facebook group and i'll leave a link to their friend who made this for me it's really impressive he does some nice work he's got a facebook page i'll leave the link below so definitely check that out again thank you and let's do this sauce so the way aaron franklin does ribs is a little bit different than i've seen elsewhere he doesn't sauce his at the end like you see most people do including myself he sauces him kind of in the middle of the cook and then he lets all the grease drippings and fat mix in with that sauce when they're wrapped and that ends up being the final sauce too on the ribs so what he does he takes his favorite barbecue sauce i'm going to use one of my favorite store boughts which is this jack daniels original this is fantastic for a store bought i really like it so he'll take some of that and then he dilutes it by half with apple cider vinegar so we're gonna get that in there this is gonna thin out the sauce and work some magic here so i have done this before i think it works great i'm just gonna mix it here in my little squeeze bottle and let's head over to the ribs all right let's get that door open pull these guys out of here and what he does just before he uh puts the sauce on he gives him one last spritz says you don't want to put that sauce on dry because it won't spread properly so that's what i'm going to do and then what you're going to do come along with your sauce see how nice and watery that is then he just takes his hand and rubs it in and my rub is sticking it's not going anywhere that's formed a real nice crust just make sure we get all of it perfect so i'm going to do this to all three just like that they're gonna go back in the smoke for about five ten minutes to set up then we're gonna wrap them in foil and finish them off okay so just before you put your ribs down on the foil we're gonna add a little bit of beer or whatever you used as a spritz [Music] tiny bit of sauce [Music] and now what's gonna happen is i'm gonna put the ribs meat side down like i always do i'll put just a little bit more sauce on top and now as these continue to cook and all those juices go to the bottom of the foil all those flavors are going to mix together and create our final sauce and then very carefully i'm going to wrap these up being careful not to let a bone poke through the foil you don't want to lose any of the juices if you do get a bone to poke through add an additional layer of foil and once you've got them wrapped in foil get them back in your smoker i'm gonna let these braise until they are probed tender usually i'll take a toothpick and i'll poke it in and out of the foil if it goes in with ease i know they're done it could take an hour it could take two hours you'll just have to play it by ear no two slabs or ribs are the same and so we're gonna come back when they are tender and guess what two hours in the foil so a total cook time of five hours i've just let them sit in the foil to cool down for about 20 minutes i put a toothpick in and out they were super tender so i know they're ready and here's how we're going to do this dump it out get all those juices on there the color on them is absolutely gorgeous that's a pretty looking rack of ribs right there so let's not mess around we'll go ahead and cut them i'm going to flip it back over just so i can see the bones easier and i'll just cut right between the bones [Music] okay then we'll flip them back over one shot there we go wow guys wow smokering nice and sticky from that sauce i gotta get a bite i can't stand it anymore here we go it's just the most tender rib you'll ever eat oh my god and i'll tell you what if you like this video definitely check out one of those two right there give me a big like hit that subscribe button and i'll see you over there come on guys it doesn't get better than that
Channel: Weekend Warrior BBQ
Views: 8,290
Rating: 4.9582462 out of 5
Keywords: baby back ribs, babyback ribs, fall off the bone ribs, lone star grillz, lsg vertical offset, Cabinet Smoker, smoked ribs, offset smoker, offset smoker ribs, bbq ribs, ribs, baby back ribs recipe, bbq ribs recipe, barbecue, weekend warrior bbq
Id: fbltMHTARZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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