FALL ASLEEP QUICKLY DEEPLY NOW (Music version) A Guided sleep meditation to help you sleep deeply

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fall asleep quickly a guided meditation to help you fall and deeply asleep spoken by myself Lauren welcome to this guided meditation for your deeper sleep before we begin I would like you to prepare a sleep space for yourself ideally your bed but if you would like to just relax a comfortable chair is also suitable declutter this space bring comfort to this space bring intention to this space and when you already when the space is secured safe and simple we will begin sit down or lie down comfortably and we will begin make yourself comfortable come into this space physically and mindfully gently relaxing your body and gently opening your mind there will be times during which I verbalize I speak and there will be times during which I will be silent find reward find satisfaction in both of these times of silence and times of speaking try to drift gently through this meditation without expectation without wishing wanting or desiring sit with the process allow the process to flow over you like a gentle stream breathe in and out gently ideally through your nose however sometimes breathing through the nose is not possible if it is not possible to breathe through your nose and then breathe as you can breathe it's alright breathe as you can breathe in and heart [Music] imagine the cycle of breath in through the nose or the mouth the breath coming down and circulating through each lung and then the breath being exhaled breathe in and breathe out breathe in and breathe out allow your feelings at this time allow your thoughts sometimes through the process of each day we can gather thoughts we can focus upon issues upon concerns and start a process of thinking which builds which may build into a process of overthinking we thoughts become jumbled and become entangled upon each other to the point that it's difficult to relax that's okay life can be busy life can be manic use can be stressful now is the time for sleep now is the time to let the thoughts go the answers to life always line is simple the answers in life always lie in a sacred silence of self to let go of thought and to let go of overthinking takes time allow yourself to enter this meditation or actually slowly and as you allow the process to unfold allow the thoughts to float away once you were slept once you are sitting in the silence your mind will heal and open up and tomorrow when you awake the answers will become clear in a simplicity of thought breathe in and out lengthen your breath slowly comfortably breathing rhythmically evenly breathe in and hold your breath ever so gently hold for a moment and then exhale the breath all the way out breathe in deeply hold the breath for a moment perhaps two or three moments hold the breath hold the breath and exhale all the way out breathe in and at the end of the breath hold the breath hold the breath change Li hold the breath hold the breath and release the breath all the way out you are doing well it's so Akane you're doing well let it be whatever has occurred before this moment has occurred before this moment whatever wants and desires you have this moment is sacred this moment is for your healing this moment is for your deep restorative sleep any desires you have let them go even your desire for sleep let it go sitting in the moment without once find a solace in the silence breathe in and out find relief find recovery find restoration in the breath through the breath through the act of breathing bring your mind bring your focus to the breath take your mind away from issues away from the thought focus your mind upon the physical act of breath notice the cycle of breath in and art like waves like a rocking chair in the moment in and out and in and out like a pendulum swinging this way and that this way and that this way and that breath you are okay you can do this your mind is infinitely powerful you have got this you are capable in order for you to be the best most optimum version of yourself you need to open up your mind and bring space to your mind and paste your physical self the answers they exist they always exist they lie in the solace of silence and you will know who you truly are in this silence life has been busy time has passed quickly issues have occurred and relationships have happened it's all right it's all right you can move through the issues of life you can solve you can resolve in the silence right now right now is the time for your deep sleep your deep sleep bring your mind back to simple simple straightforward unencumbered breathe in and out and say to yourself I am I am breathe in and out I lengthen your breath I am I enough I am enough I am enough I am okay I am okay okay or is it to be okay to be okay is to be without once without desires to be adequate to be enough to be resilient to be satisfied with simple okay I am ugh let yourself drift in this sacred moment perhaps past before this moment perhaps the past has been difficult perhaps the past has been challenging but the fact remains it is the past you control your moment you control this present you have this print you have got this imagine the past being as a coat that you wear that you choose to wear you are done this coat and you can take this coat off you can release his coat visualize yourself wearing the coat of the past the coat may bring some comfort the coat may be heavy the coat may be comfortable the coat may be less and comfortable you still choose to wear the coat of the past choose to take the coat off visualize yourself taking the coat off you followed the coat and you place it away from you visualize yourself crawling into a comfortable warm cozy bed and covering yourself up your head is upon a pillow this is the bed of the present this is a comfortable healing restorative bed of your present and you are okay you are okay everything's okay and you can do this breathe in and out in and out feel the covers around you feel the blankets around you feel the pillow the soft pillow beneath your head allow your head to sink into the comforter or Beulah allow your body to be wrapped to feel wrapped what does it feel like to be wrapped in comfort what does it feel like to be wrapped in solace wrapped in healing allow yourself to feel wrapped and breathe breathe I'm sorry for any pain you have felt I'm sorry for the confusion I'm sorry for the frustration but it is her past and you have the blessed moment feel the comfort of the moment and let go of any confusion and frustration of the past be in the moment be in this moment right now in the simple true authentic life lies in this simple in this simple allow your recovery in this simple let go of the inner dialogues of your mind they do not serve you the inner talk it is not who you are it is what you have chosen to adopt know your true self your deeper self bring the space to your mind open up the recesses of your mind open up your mind as one would open double doors widely to allow lighting space cleansing light bright light the right light of healing the bright open light of positivity imagine your mind as a spacious room without clutter without things without stuff release from your mind any talk of if only release from your mind any talk of I want I hope for I expect release from your mind any talk of it should it needs it doesn't he just doesn't the gifts lie in the present satisfaction lies in the present release your animal self the animal self that needs to belong for now and focus upon healing see the tree of life the beautiful Tree of Life the proud strong trunk of your inner self the branch is reaching out the branches of resilience the branches of wisdom the branches of empathy see the branches reaching out and upon the branches lie leaves leaves of hope of opportunity of peace of tranquility see the Tree of Life and then allow the breeze of inner growth to flow through your tree of life feel the breeze of inner growth to flow through your tree and feel the comfort of the breeze it's such a gentle price such a gentle breeze what does it feel like now have your leaves blown gently behind the breeze what does the breeze feel like playing with your leaves gently this way and that way your Tree of Life represents I am the present I am the dignified I am the I am without the residue of wishes of human animal needs and desires you are okay just as you are I am you are yourself a proud Tree of Life feel the breeze the beautiful breeze and now allow the sunshine to flow upon you feel her warm raise her healing rays upon you bring space to your mind bring so much space to your mind breathe in the now turn in and out and rest your physical body rest your physical body [Music] fear the sunshine feel the beautiful rays of sunshine what does it feel like to have sunshine shine upon your leaves your branches your trunk [Music] what does the sunshine look like when it heats believes you are okay [Music] say to yourself I am okay I am okay breathe in and out I am okay sunshine in praise now allow the nutritious fertilizing comforting rains of healing to rain down upon your tree allow the rains of life to flow upon your tree to rain upon your tree allow the healing restorative rain to come down upon your tree pitter patter pitter patter pitter patter what does it look like for the rain to fall upon the leaves upon the branches of your tree of life how do the leaves move ever so slightly when the raindrops fall upon the leaves [Music] so many raindrops thousands upon thousands of raindrops upon all your lives healing restorative calming raindrops falling [Music] breathe in and out you have felt the breeze you have felt the Sun you have felt the rain think about the texture of each the texture of the sunshine the Rays the texture of the breeze the gentle breeze and the texture of the Sun rain breeze feel the nutrition of the air the air you breathe as the Tree of Life you are okay see how your Tree of Life supports all life and at times other life alights upon your branches your role your role is to support your role is to provide shade your all is to provide comfort sanctity that is your role in the only way you can provide this role of support is to care for yourself care for yourself relax your body your entire body your body is the tree the Tree of Life relax your physical body relax your physical body relax your face your eyes your mouth your cheeks your tongue relax let your shoulders car release the baggage the emotions of feelings of the day release them relax your shoulders both Shores left and right shoulder relaxed release let go relax your arms bring spice do you mind spice open openness to your mind relax your torso bring length to your spine relax your hips soften your legs your left leg and your right leg your toes your feet relax relax relax [Music] imagine yourself drawing in a spiritual breath deeply drawing a spiritual breath of healing and then exhale this is a spiritual breath this is a breath of healing this is a breath which represents your authentic true self draw it in and then release the breath release the breath continue to breathe in the moment relax your entire body relax your fingers your ten fingers one two three four five six seven eight nine ten fingers relax and release your toes ten toes one two three four five six seven eight nine ten relax your toes bring softness to the face [Music] relax your entire face and breathe you can relax your body a little bit more you can open your mind to space progressively a little bit more invite space into your mind relax your body draw a space to this moment and solve in your body open up your mind and bring quiet to your physical self it is okay you are doing okay as you are [Music] deepen the breath allow the breath to be a cycle a cycle of life without a beginning and without an end continuous rhythmic open flowing healing you are safe you are healing you are restoring you are never-ending you are without need without want you are infinite you are okay breathe now relax and sleep imagine yourself floating high in the sky high in the stars in the universe safely silently floating among the planets among the stars you are safe you are okay you are without residue unencumbered safe safe secure I am floating floating breathe enjoy the space sleep deeply sleep safely you are a blank canvas you have the paints you choose the paint's you choose how to paint your canvas of life it is blank you choose what to paint upon the canvas [Music] paint upon the canvas beautiful color beautiful light amazing patterns what do you paint pained upon your canvas of life so much light is so much color it is beautiful always beautiful always beautiful always [Music] rich always open so much opportunity so much energy breathe in and out and relax breathe in and out and relax you can relax a little bit and let yourself car soften your face your entire face your forehead your eyes allow your eyes to fall back soften release soften your mouth relax open up your spiritual self open up your physical self and relax relax [Music] ten sovereign 9 quieten 8 [Music] be in the moment seven physical self relax six sanctity silence five in the moment satisfaction reward for three two and one sarkozy sleep relax slave comfortable sleep empathy sleep awareness sleep be aware sleep sleeeeep we sleep as you are sleeeeep as you are right now sleep silence serenity sacred the blessed breath the blessed moment sleep relax lay sleep relax sleep [Music] it's all right Comfort flowing comfort so much comfort comfort feel that comfort so much comfort flowing like way this gentle comforting waves flow in and out and in bringing comfort or comfort so much comfort sleep now it's time for sleep time for sleep time for sleep sleep relax your mind soften your spirit your mind for self soften softens of you okay it's okay it's okay the breath soften the mind opened the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay [Music] Laettner we sleep now relax time for sleep relax your mind soften your spirit your mind for self-solving softens of your okay it's okay it's okay [Music] the breath soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay [Music] [Music] now [Music] time for sleep sleep relaxes your mind [Music] soften your spirit your mind for self solve and softens of you okay it's okay it's okay relax soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay [Music] sleep sleep now [Music] time for sleep sleep [Music] relax your mind [Music] soften your spirit your mindful self solve and softens of your okay it's okay it's okay the breath soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is sleep now now now relax time for sleep sleep relax relax your mind soften your spirit [Music] your mind for self solve and softens of your okay it's okay it's okay [Music] soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay the way it is sleep now now [Music] time for sleep sleep relax relax your mind soften your spirit your mind for self soften softens of your okay it's okay it's okay soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay [Music] [Music] relax time for sleep sleeeeep relax your mind soften your spirit [Music] your mind for self solve and softens of your okay it's okay it's okay soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay [Music] [Music] right now [Music] time for sleep sleeeeep [Music] relax your mind soften your spirit your mind for self solve and softens of you okay it's okay it's okay relax soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay sleep now [Music] relax time for sleep sleep [Music] relax your mind [Music] soften your spirit your mind for self solve and softens of you okay it's okay it's okay relax [Music] soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay [Music] [Music] [Music] time for sleep sleep relax relax your mind soften your spirit your mind for self solve and softens of you okay it's okay it's okay relax soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay sleep now [Music] [Music] now [Music] time for sleep sleep relax relax your mind soften your spirit your mind for self soften soften soften you okay it's okay it's okay soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is [Music] now flame relax [Music] time for sleep sleeeeep relax relax your mind soften your spirit your mind for self soften soften soften you okay it's okay it's okay soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay [Music] sleep now now I laugh time for sleep sleep relax your mind [Music] soften your spirit your mind for self solve and softens of your okay it's okay it's okay relax [Music] soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is [Music] [Music] now now time for sleep sleep [Music] relax your mind [Music] soften your spirit your mindful self soften softens of your okay it's okay it's okay relax the breath soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay the way it is [Music] sleep now now sleep now [Music] time for sleep [Music] relax your mind soften your spirit your mindful self solve and softens of you okay it's okay it's okay [Music] soften the mind open the mind bringing the space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay [Music] now [Music] time for sleep sleep relaxes your mind [Music] soften your spirit you're mindful self-serve and softens of you okay it's okay it's okay relax the breath [Music] soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is [Music] [Music] time for sleep sleep relax your mind [Music] soften your spirit your mindful self soften softens of you okay it's okay [Music] it's okay soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is sleep now now ha time for sleep sleep relax [Music] relax your mind [Music] soften your spirit your mindful self soften softens of you okay it's okay it's okay breath soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay [Music] sleep now now slam now ha sleep [Music] now [Music] time for sleep sleep relax your mind soften your spirit your mindful self-serve and softens of your okay it's okay it's okay soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay sleep now we sleep now [Music] relax time for sleep sleep relax your mind soften your spirit your mind for self soften softens of your okay it's okay it's okay relax the breath soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay [Music] sleep now sleep now now relax time for sleep sleep relax your mind soften your spirit your mind for self-solving softens of your okay it's okay it's okay relax brother soften the mind opened the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay [Music] sleep now we sleep now it's like now relax [Music] time for sleep sleep relax your mind soften your spirit your mind for self soften softens of you okay it's okay it's okay [Music] soften the mind open the mind bringing the space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay [Music] sleep now [Music] time for sleep sleep [Music] relax your mind [Music] soften your spirit your mindful self solve and softens of you okay it's okay [Music] it's okay [Music] soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is now relax time for sleep sleep relax relax your mind soften your spirit your mindful self solve and softens of you okay it's okay it's okay [Music] soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay [Music] Laettner we sleep now flame I laugh time for sleep sleep relax your mind soften your spirit your mindful self soften soften soften your okay it's okay it's okay relax the breath soften the mind open the mind bringing the space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay Laettner [Music] No ha time for sleep sleep relax your mind soften your spirit your mind for self solve and softens of you okay it's okay it's okay relax soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay asleep [Music] [Music] ha sleep now now now relax [Music] time for sleep sleep relax your mind soften your spirit your mind for self-solving softens of you okay it's okay it's okay relax soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay sleep now [Music] now now [Music] time for sleep relax your mind soften your spirit your mindful self-serve and softens of you okay it's okay it's okay relax the breath soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay [Music] ha time for sleep sleep [Music] relax your mind [Music] soften your spirit your mind for self solve and softens of you okay it's okay it's okay [Music] soften the mind open the mind bringing the space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay [Music] No [Music] time for sleep sleep relax relax your mind soften your spirit your mindful self soften soften soften you okay it's okay it's okay soften the mind open the mind bringing the space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay sleep now now right now [Music] ha Laettner [Music] slime now relax time for sleep sleep relax relax your mind soften your spirit your mind for self soften softens of you okay it's okay it's okay soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay the way it is it is Laettner now relax time for sleep sleep [Music] relax your mind soften your spirit your mind for self soften softens of you okay it's okay it's okay breath soften the mind opened the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is now relax time for sleep sleep relax your mind soften your spirit your mindful self-serve and softens of you okay it's okay it's okay relax the breath soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay [Music] sleep now we sleep now relax time for sleep sleep relaxes your mind soften your spirit [Music] your mind for self solve and softens of you okay it's okay it's okay relax the breath soften the mind open the mind bringing the space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay [Music] [Music] No sleep now [Music] relax [Music] time for sleep sleep relax [Music] relax your mind soften your spirit your mind for self solve and softens of you okay it's okay [Music] it's okay relax breath soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is [Music] [Music] relax time for sleep sleep relax your mind soften your spirit your mindful self soften softens of your okay it's okay it's okay the breath soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is sleep now we sleep now flame now [Music] time for sleep sleeeeep relax [Music] relax your mind soften your spirit your mindful self soften softens of you okay it's okay it's okay relax soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is [Music] asleep now now time for sleep sleeeeep relax your mind soften your spirit your mindful self soft and softens of you okay it's okay it's okay soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay sleep now we sleep now now relax sleep now now [Music] I'm [Music] relax time for sleep sleep relax your mind soften your spirit your mindful self solve and softens of you okay it's okay it's okay relax the breath soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay [Music] sleep now [Music] now [Music] time for sleep sleeeeep relax your mind soften your spirit [Music] your mind for self solve and softens of your okay it's okay it's okay [Music] soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay [Music] No [Music] time for sleep [Music] relax your mind soften your spirit your mindful self solve and softens of your okay it's okay it's okay relax breath soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay [Music] now [Music] time for sleep sleep relaxes your mind [Music] soften your spirit your mind for self soften softens of your okay it's okay it's okay [Music] soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is [Music] relax sleep now we sleep now now relax time for sleep sleep relax relax your mind [Music] soften your spirit you're mindful self-serve and softens of you okay it's okay it's okay [Music] soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay Lena now relax time for sleep sleeeeep relax relax your mind soften your spirit you're mindful self-serve and soften soften you okay it's okay it's okay the breath soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay [Music] sleep now now now relax time for sleep sleep relax your mind soften your spirit your mindful self solve and softens of you okay it's okay it's okay [Music] soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is [Music] [Music] now now ha time for sleep sleep relax relax your mind soften your spirit your mind for self soften softens of your okay it's okay it's okay [Music] soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is [Music] sleep now [Music] sleep now now now relax time for sleep sleep relax relax your mind [Music] soften your spirit your mind for self solve and softens of you are okay it's okay it's okay relax [Music] soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay [Music] [Music] sleep now now slime [Music] time for sleep sleep [Music] relax your mind soften your spirit your mindful self soften soften soften you okay it's okay it's okay relax the breath soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is [Music] [Music] relax time for sleep sleep relax relax your mind soften your spirit you're mindful self soften soften soften you okay it's okay it's okay the breath soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay [Music] [Music] now relax [Music] time for sleep sleeeeep relax relax your mind soften your spirit your mindful self soften soften soften you okay it's okay it's okay soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay [Music] sleep now now now relax sleep now now [Music] time for sleep sleep relax relax your mind soften your spirit your mind for self soften soften soften you okay it's okay it's okay soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay sleep now [Music] time for sleep sleep relax relax your mind soften your spirit your mindful self soften soften soften you okay it's okay it's okay [Music] lengthen the breath soften the mind opened the mind bringing the space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay the way it is sleep now now time for sleep sleep [Music] relax your mind soften your spirit your mindful self-serve and softens of your okay it's okay it's okay relax the breath soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay [Music] now [Music] time for sleep sleep [Music] relax your mind [Music] soften your spirit your mindful self solve and softens of you okay it's okay it's okay relax breath soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay [Music] sleep now [Music] well I sleep now [Music] [Music] time for sleep sleep relax your mind [Music] soften your spirit your mindful self soften soften soften you okay it's okay it's okay soften the mind open the mind bringing the space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is sleep [Music] relax [Music] time for sleep sleep relax [Music] relax your mind soften your spirit your mindful self-serve and softens of your okay it's okay it's okay soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is sleep now sleep now now [Music] time for sleep sleeeeep relax your mind soften your spirit your mind for self soften softens of you okay it's okay it's okay breath soften the mind opened the mind bringing the space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay sleep now now [Music] relax time for sleep sleep relax your mind soften your spirit your mind for self solve and softens of you okay it's okay it's okay breath soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay it is [Music] sleep now [Music] sleep now [Music] [Music] time for sleep sleep [Music] relax your mind soften your spirit your mind for self serve and softens of you okay it's okay it's okay relax [Music] soften the mind opened the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay [Music] sleep sleep [Music] relax [Music] time for sleep sleep [Music] relax your mind [Music] soften your spirit your mind for self soften softens of you okay it's okay it's okay relax the breath soften the mind open the mind bringing the space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay [Music] sleep now relax [Music] time for sleep sleep relaxes your mind [Music] soften your spirit your mind for self solve and softens of you okay it's okay it's okay [Music] soften the mind open the mind bringing space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is now like now relax time for sleep sleep relax relax your mind soften your spirit your mind for self solve and softens of you okay it's okay it's okay soften the mind open the mind bringing the space inviting space gently it is okay the way it is okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] 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Channel: Lauren Ostrowski Fenton
Views: 690,897
Rating: 4.263401 out of 5
Keywords: “Fall, asleep”, guided meditations, “sleep, apnea”, “insomnia”, guided meditation for sleep, Sleep deprivation, “deep, sleep”, How to sleep, Fall asleep fast, How to fall asleep, Sleep music, Sleep meditation, Guided meditation, fall asleep now, Fenton”, Australian accent, “FALL, ASLEEP, EASILY”, music”, “how, fall, asleep, fast”, quickly”, deep sleep, sleep meditations, deep fast sleep
Id: Lx5mDY-eEA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 184min 34sec (11074 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 03 2019
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