Fall 2019 at Magnolia Market — Wholeness

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[Music] so the process of the magazine you know every issue we get in a room and we four days just sit and think about what theme we're wanting to tackle and for fall we really felt like wholeness just felt right what I love about this theme of wholeness is it's really taking every part of your story whether it be sad happy the joy the pain the beautiful memories harder lens all of it and taking all of these imperfections taking all of the cracks and the pieces and pulling them together and really owning that as your full story the visual team what they have an amazing gift of doing is taking these concepts these stories and these themes and bringing them to life the visual team really likes to take the cover of every issue and concept that out in the shop and so one of the things that they loved about this cover was just this library setting we actually shot this cover in New York City at the Nomad Hotel super early in the morning we had about 30 minutes to get in there get the shot and get out this idea of wholeness we kept seeing you know books and stories leaning into your full story and we just thought a library setting would really help take this idea of wholeness to another level [Music] [Music] last night we shut the shop down at 6:00 at 6:30 p.m. the team rolled in and just started taking everything down and I just feel like every insult just keeps getting more and more efficient even though right now you walk in and it feels like everything's kind of everywhere it's honestly we're out of such a good place because the biggest parts of these displays are set and now we just have to merchandise around [Music] you gotta rub his belly be sweet crew gentle so chip surprised us this week and brought home this sweet little puppy I thought we were maxed out with dogs but we're not we now have six dogs and we like to say this is Cruz puppy crew where's your puppy where's your puppy wait is he say bye puppy we got a go crew okay tell the puppy bye bye say bye bye you can go to the silos let's go come on my mind is still in summer mode but this is always the thing that helps me shift gears it's just like a beautiful kind of awakening to a new season okay let's go babies oh look at those leaves those are so pretty those colors look at this crew look you love the details chip and I were actually talking this morning how funny it is that when Drake was one and he was walking everything shifted for me as a shop owner because when he was crawling it was cute and sweet but all of a sudden he starts walking and he can start grabbing stuff and pulling things down crew a year ago he was in my arms sleeping most the time where now he's walking and I definitely have to keep my eyes on him it's a different ballgame with a one-year-old who walks in the shop but it's sweet cuz it just reminds me a Drake a little shot babies dirty knees dirty feet it just reminds me of the good old days okay Rebecca I'm gonna go walk next door real quick and check out the coffee shop I'll be right back the coffee shop we're about halfway finished I can't wait for this whole place to really come to life you know Ella keeps asking me if she can get a job there because she's always wanted to work at a coffee shop so the kids are excited about it chip and I are excited and it's fun to finally see some real progress happening there so the feeling in the coffee shop I really wanted it to just feel really cozy kind of a blend of that library feeling but also a little bit of industrial this was you know originally kind of an industrial vibe so we wanted to keep that in some of the elements that you'll see like on the ceiling and in some of the light fixtures but there'll be a lot of brass accents copper accents the exterior green that you see on the outside we're gonna pull in on the interior so there's going to be that really beautiful rich green on the walls and then to kind of balance out that richness in color we have gray plastered walls and then this kind of rough gray concrete and then really pretty walnut just cabinetry throughout we're hoping to be complete October November it's the goal October is the goal and then so everything from here over is coffee shop but kind of the seating area and then in here people they get to look in there that's gonna be something really fun I'm gonna give you a hint furniture okay I'm gonna head back to the shop where there's some a/c and cold drinks [Music] when I mean with a visual team we put a lot of emphasis on what happens right here in the story cuz it's the first thing you see when you walk in and to me this is really telling the whole story that we are really diving into for the fall being that wholeness is the theme we really wanted to use something pretty ordinary like concrete and make it extraordinary by adding some elements of gold that you'll see in the lettering but also in the cracks and playing off of this whole idea you'll see this concrete throughout the other displays you'll see it in the leaves you'll see it in other elements of the displays in the store but this is also something we wrote about in the magazine is the idea of Kentucky which is a Japanese art form of taking broken ceramics and mending it back together with gold so it's really finding the beauty and the brokenness and so we do a whole display over on the backside of the store but this is something that we thought we just loved that concept of taking the broken pieces mending them back together with gold and so again the whole idea of wholeness leaning into your full story this is what sets the stage for everything else [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Magnolia
Views: 1,327,245
Rating: 4.9168768 out of 5
Keywords: magnolia, magnolia market, joanna gaines, magnolia journal, chip gaines, waco, texas, wacotx, visual displays, fall, autumn, wholeness
Id: 5ijUc82ezYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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