Fakeness, Wives & Competition - Q&A with my boss

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this would be a lot easier if you'd seen my videos i was gonna say you're so horrible please keep that on your own channel how do we compare to our offline persona why isn't elizabeth your personal assistant anymore what's the most annoying thing about each other shut up i hate you hello welcome back to the channel today we have a very special guest finally here here's my i'm finally here yes you're finally here right yes here we have i'm finally here yeah exactly here we have my manager the reason i started this youtube channel the biggest productivity youtuber on the internet welcome ali how do you feel i wouldn't say i'm the biggest productivity youtuber on the internet the biggest resource to youtuber i personally know actually that's a lie to you i'm sorry one of the biggest productivity youtubers out there thank you welcome to the show how do you feel um i feel good i feel good i feel optimistic it's a good day okay great first question so today we're going to be asking questions to each other i guess and we've connected these questions so let's see how it goes um the first one is where do these questions come from these questions came from your instagram stories okay so questions that people sent it yes no questions that we've decided no no the questions that people sent in thank you for terrifying okay um let's get started why isn't elizabeth your personal assistant anymore why isn't elizabeth my personal assistant anymore well do you want the you want the the good reason or the real reason am i editing this video who's editing this video i'll be editing this video i mean it's your channel okay i'll edit this video fine you can say both i'll sort it out well the good reason is that elizabeth was taking on more and more roles and responsibilities within the business as a whole and ended up given that you were kind of time was limited because you were a medical student at the time before you decided to spontaneously quit the other day given that your time given that your time was limited it made more sense for you to be in other roles where you're adding more value than in the role where you're adding value as a personal assistant okay and the real reason so this was not the reason this is not real the real reason is that i feel that a lot of the personal assistant stuff was sort of falling by the wayside and other stuff was taking priority over that and the way you were approaching the personal assistant stuff was oh it's great it's great to have these two hours in between one o'clock and three o'clock in the morning when i'm super tired but it's fine because i can just answer emails and it wasn't really the vibe i was looking for in a personal assistant given that my whole life was like falling downhill and i was thinking at the time i also want to delegate my personal inbox to you but the fact that you were drowning in just the business inbox along with everything else meant that i didn't feel comfortable doing that the the thing i did badly about this is that i should have fed this back to you like way earlier um rather than it being a surprise when we had our um quarterly review or whatever that was yes so that was my fault um yeah okay sure and so that's why now when it comes to kind of dealing with team members and stuff i'm very keen on if we don't like something about the way someone is doing something we have to tell them and then give them a chance to improve at the thing before making any rash decisions okay perfect so on the back of that will you always work with each other um i would always like to work with you i feel like you are going to outgrow me at some point and you will leave the business and do your own thing wow um yeah i mean that's they would it would make perfect sense for that to be the case for you or from from your end interesting okay what do you feel about that oh i don't know i think initially i never thought that i would leave just because like things were really fun and they're great so i don't think i would leave off my own accord i think there's always going to be things that happen within your business that i wouldn't do on my own but that i love to do if that makes sense so what do you mean like the part of youtube academy i don't think i'd start a part-time youtuber academy but i love the part-time youtube academy so i think therefore i would still work with it um i think the only reason i would leave is if you're too mean if i'm too mean yes which is then close to the reason yeah that's the only reason i would leave okay um [Music] what's the most annoying thing about each other you're first your choice in music okay what's wrong what's wrong with my choice of music it's generally okay i mean some of your music i'm on board with um it's just recently you've been listening to driver's license on repeat forever and i really just like that song and um yeah what's the most funny thing about me hmm so you already have some of these i think we'll pass on that one what what no that no no come on come on i answered everything for your video what's the most annoying thing about you go on take your time you laughed you can just say the thing okay i've got it the most annoying thing is how fast you're growing on youtube i feel free oh that's such that's such a cop-out that is such a cop-out um what is your take on toxic productivity i feel like you made a video about this do you want to have a talk about this right i probably have a talk about this what's your take on this my take on toxic how we define toxic productivity what do people mean when they say toxic productivity you want me to define it yeah i mean i've heard people bandy the term about but i've never like my take on it depends on how it's defined i know i agree with that too i think uh then this is the case that we'll be speaking about what others think which is i'm not sure that we can do that comfortably but i think in the general sense of um productivity for productivity's sake just working all the time not respecting yourself and doing less about your personal knife and just do more and more of everything i feel like this is a caricature that most people don't actually fall into like i don't know any i know a lot of people who like productivity and stuff but i don't know anyone who i i think this is a very easy it's a very easy like straw man caricature to argue against yeah um which is why i don't really like the phrase toxic productivity having said that i get that like certainly for me speaking for myself i have a i i often feel guilty when i'm not doing something productive and maybe people will call that toxic productivity but in that case fair enough uh it's something i'm working on interesting yeah uh well i made a video calling you out on this it wasn't that wasn't the video it wasn't the video i have anywhere you're in the thumbnail which you didn't comment on by the way um so i think um i think this is one of the things that i struggled with starting youtube in the in the beginning the toxic toxic productivity thing because i don't really understand what's the right thing to do if that makes sense because on one side in one way on the internet we say that we value honesty and openness and we want to see what people are really doing and what their lives really really look like and i'm certain that there are certain people who study 10 hours a day right but if you do then a 10 hour study with me people will get angry and say you're promoting the wrong thing so then does that mean that we don't want those people to show certain aspects of their life because it's bad but we want them to be honest and open about what they're doing so that part i just can't make sense of in my head in one way and um i think that's one thing that i have issues with when it comes to toxic productivity in itself but yeah um it's slightly confusing for me i i'd say like you said deep down i don't think anyone would really disagree and that's some work is good rest time is very very great we need to have a balance and happy life but that looks like different things for different people if that makes sense but you can preface every single productivity video with oh but it's very important to have time for rest and all of these things which is true everyone agrees with but that wouldn't be very a waste of time be unproductive to do it yeah i feel like the whole it's important to take care of yourself and like not burn out and stuff like it's it feels so obvious that it doesn't need to be caveated at the start of every single video but clearly you know i guess if people have issues with that then maybe it needs to be more caveated i don't know makes sense okay how does ali reacts when he's angry how do you think you're reacting when you're angry i don't think i get angry you don't really get angry do you i don't think i've ever seen you angry some strongly worded slack messages to people when i'm angry do you oh okay i have no experience i've never seen you angry that's yeah okay um how do you let not let online trolls or others judgments get to you um i let them get to me i cry my bed before going to sleep that's a flat out lie that's such a lie no genuinely why are you lying when was the last time you cried when was the last time i cried a few days ago really what was it was it tuesday tuesday yeah what's your one was tuesday two days ago we'll talk about it okay um was it because trolls um no okay when was the last time you cried because i'm online trolls oh um probably a few months ago really yeah what you didn't tell me this i mean i'm i'm sorry if i don't share the details of my therapist i didn't realize oh okay wow um it's it's great how we have so many people behind the camera who feel like they they want to be on camera oh we should do a group video at some point um okay so how do you manage with it you just cry i cry yeah i ignore it for the most part i cry if it really hurts it's home and um yeah that's it oh wow how do you manage it exactly the same way yeah well i did not realize we had this in common yeah i cried nice um how do you stay motivated to publish content with and do so many other things outside of work i mean this is my work now i feel like this question's more aimed at you um oh you do other things like the project mutual academy is like a huge thing but yeah you're still a doctor yeah so yeah how do you stay motivated to do videos outside of work because it's really fun okay yeah genuinely it's just fun when you're having fun productivity takes care of itself interesting okay um i don't believe in motivation i yes i just do things anyway if that makes sense um so yeah i don't stay motivated i'm usually not motivated at all i'm quite passionate but i'm not motivated i think there's a huge difference between those two so yeah passionate but not motivated okay so you like so you like the idea of doing things but you don't like doing things um i'm passionate about climate change but not motivated enough to make to actually do something about it oh would that be first day for you or well let's not use climate changes any time if we can be cancelled but i'm passionate about making youtube videos but not motivated enough to actually do it um i don't know if i never pay attention to motivation let's say that so perhaps i am motivated but i never use it as a measure of should i do something now should i do something later or um so it might be there in the background i just never pay attention to it i think on motivation i've been motivated to do things because of negative reasons so like i don't have money therefore i'm motivated to have all these jobs to get money to pay rent if that makes sense so i tie motivation to negative things in general i think that's just my personal experience but passion usually comes from fun and when i have things like youtube which i want to do because i'm passionate about yeah that's different that makes sense cool okay um why do you always look the same i think this was a question for me why do you always look yes probably questions yeah i mean i just wear black all the time oh video video up there about you've been wearing black for seven years yeah thank you for the flag yeah um are we related are we related yes i don't think so we got no we're definitely not we got asked this question yeah we got asked this question in i think it was when i posted the video that had both of us in the thumbnail where people were like oh my god they look so similar yeah okay um on a side note there was this girl that i i dated in like final year of med school where in the photos uh a lot of people said that we looked identical i'm not sure which of us that was a that was a par on but i can tell you right now [Laughter] you interesting when you're driving a car and you have like backseat drivers yes it's like it's like 10 times more annoying when you have kind of back of camera people like ruining the the recording with their with their commentary thank you okay why did you want to be a doctor a doctor oh because six years of medical school is six years at university is more fun than three years at university and because it felt like it would be a cool non-desk job turns out it actually is quite a lot of desk job to it i thought that being a doctor who codes is more interesting than being a dude who codes wow and i like science i like helping people and i believe in communication skills and i have a lot of empathy and all that kind of stuff what about you um i'm just i was gonna ask why didn't you do a phd you could have done like any degree a master's in a phd and stayed in university forever if that was your goal life's too short to do a phd okay okay i'm not going to get into that okay so i want to be a doctor um i think for the second reasons that you mentioned in that i like helping people and i love love love science so it kind of made a sense it seems like the job that you do if you do well in school and um you like communicating i guess and like helping people it just seems like the default option so i guess that's why i went into medicine initially but yeah cool nothing too exotic um do you ever have self-doubt in your life uh when it comes to writing the book yeah okay beyond when it comes to like relationships to an extent uh when it comes to being a good friend yes yeah those three areas interesting um yes i do i try to get over it and i think i get over it quickly but i definitely have a lot of it if that makes sense so it's kind of a process that i have to go through continuously throughout my day multiple times if that makes sense how do you how do you get through that process um i think you've helped with this a lot um yeah yeah i thought it was like so mean to you and all the way you teach me a lot of things indirectly so yeah okay i think realizing that um it's not that deep in the best sort of way that you just need to put things out there before you're ready and that nobody really cares and that um we hold ourselves to much higher standards than most people hold us to and um i think starting there and putting content out i think helped a lot so i actually think this youtube channel has helped more than anything because i've definitely changed so much i've become so much more thick skinned and um and that has i think reflected in many different aspects of my life so it definitely helps a lot i think youtube is a great way to get rid of self-tap nice we should add that to our part-time youtube academy reasons to start youtube yes some of us annoy anything about each other that's irritating habit i think your most irritating habit is just like how warm and enthusiastic you are it makes me feel very inadequate about my own energy that i bring to interactions why are you giving these sort of responses they make me feel bad i'm so honest with these questions oh my god about you is your lack of habits with email responses or like message responses in general i usually have like messages personal assistants message responses like message responses i feel like you had more of a habit in place in terms of um answering those in a reasonable time would be nice um i mean my theory on this is that if anything is genuinely urgent you can call me and if not then i will get to it when i see it okay yeah that's that's true that's true okay thank you for making me feel terrible no that's quite hard do you ever find yourselves in competition with each other do you find yourself in competition with me no there's no competition there mate you've won like no i don't think um i don't think i've felt competition i've just never once thought of uh any kind of competition where we're both competing in yeah i think even if we were kind of youtubers in the same space of the same size doing the same topics it's still it's it's not a competition it's like the nice thing about youtube is that the rising tide lifts all the boats and so if i do a video about like sleep and thomas frank does a video about sleep like we publish the videos like independently of one another but what we find is that they both do better because like one gets suggested on the other the other one gets suggested it's great like it's it's not a competition it's not like people it's not like competing for views or competing for accolades against someone else um yeah that's quite interesting that you mentioned the sleep video so i've had this video in my notion like scripted ready to sleep about sleep and um when i found out about you're pretty much sleep i didn't do it because i was like i think we often get to that position where we independently do things and they're exactly the same and then it depends on who got there first because i'll well i don't think you don't care about this because your channel is so much bigger but for me it's like if i just put this video out exactly after ali did it everyone's going to think that or she just copied ali okay so you're concerned about what people think oh i shouldn't be okay maybe maybe i'll go first the video how do we compare to our offline persona this would be a lot easier if you'd seen my videos you're so horrible you're so horrible i watched some of your videos i watched your medical school one at double speed i think yeah offline you don't speak at double speed offline you speak at like 1.5 x but like on youtube you speak at like 3x because i i double it like okay don't say that because people always ask me do you speak this nor this fast in real life or are you just putting it off yeah the other day we were i think it was like a whiteboard brainstorm session that we had or almost every point that you made i was like oh slow down oh yeah i speak very fast in real life um okay so how do i compare with my online persona yeah like i said half the speed that's because you put a speed controller on oh yeah how is that relevant i think i think you're more produced online and you're you're less like you're less authentic online how so i think it's illustrated in this q a that we're filming we filmed where the bits that are truly authentic that to me feel like these are the best best bits you're saying oh no we can't possibly put that on the internet that's too honest and so i think your online persona is more filtered to the imp to the persona you want to create which which all of ours are to an extent okay this is something that i actively try it i like actively make an effort to make my real life persona as identical to my online persona as possible just without the swearing and without the um yeah just without swearing interesting i do try to filter out things that aren't fluff from that's what i've removed the most i guess that's where the personality is then i'm not sure i just felt like the things that we talked about were like no one cares about those things we'll just remove that part i think you have too much of a filter if no one cares about x and then you end up the content like i think i think you're more there's there's more depth to you in real life than that comes across in the videos probably because you cut out a lot of things and you have this filter for things that you feel like you can't say on the internet whereas it tends to be those things that we wouldn't say in public that tend to be the more deeper parts of our personality right oh interesting very okay i'll think about that later this mm-hmm um how do you compare to your offline persona you know how you say you're like 30 like amped up on youtube i think that's true so i think in reality you're a lot more mellow um that's a lot more serious you talked about this yesterday how like your face like your resting face is so mean like i have a resting board face i have a real problem with like resting face where like it's really bad when i'm listening to someone it looks like this and that's how early looks like 99 of the time in real life well i feel like on youtube you're always so smiley so i think because i'm doing the talking this is why like in in videos like this one where i'm actually listening a lot of the time i'm i i've now started to think oh crap what does my face look like because when i'm talking i can be animated because i'm talking but i think this is a problem this is why in your q and a's you always often get comments like i look so annoyed right now i'm like no this is what ali looks like when he talks to me all the time in real life it's just on youtube resting face is very unfortunate yes i wish there was something i could do about it i think that's the biggest thing i'm working on it you know you apparently need to lift the oh god okay i think that's the biggest difference between your online and offline persona and offline you look a lot more bored with people yeah if i don't blink i feel like i'd blink too often never mind let's continue um [Music] it doesn't annoy me when you stick a camera in my face it's only happened on two or three occasions i think i think it's a bit weird um i think i had an issue with this even when you were like vlogging with other people when you don't take any consent for like vlogging someone if that makes sense like you won't ask them is this okay or going to start filming now is this you will start filming and you'll stick it in your blog and you won't ask anyone to like review it or check it in any way and i feel like it's a bit intrusive if i'm honest uh i feel like generally it's pretty obvious when i'm filming and the people who i film generally i know are okay with it because we've discussed it at some point in the past and i know that they're comfortable enough around me to be like okay can we not include this bit which is fine it won't go in the other i guess i was just rolling his eyes this is not true okay okay no i'm trying i'm a strong believer in consent for the record oh my god please keep that on your own this is the overproduced space remember um is there something that you've tried to get ellie to do that he's refused you answer it first i don't think so your wife email my wife email your wife email inbox thing what about it telling you to like clarify it more or shut it down clarify it more or shut it down yes you want me to make a video about like you know address addressing the merit that's actually good isn't it addressing my marriage inbox that's such a good idea no but like in general there were points where i was like you need to sort this out because it's not okay um i feel like in the in in that context there's this great meme of greta thundberg okay which is where the caption is our job is to demand solutions and not to provide them and so in this context you were like yeah i feel like you were demanding a solution we need to sort this problem out and not actually providing a solution to finding revive so you can shut the email down is that what you're saying well that would be one way or actually sort of like what does it mean to shut down an email address like i don't know create an autoresponder or something i suppose that could work but yeah just handling it a bit better maybe i think that's one thing i'm trying to get you know it's a bit better what would that involve just not just dropping the email like wife email i think everywhere or just i don't know i spoke it in about in the other video you can refer to that as your answer watch out the video the one we just shot before this did you know this yes so we shot another video we've started another video but like you shot another video on this feel like i'm trying to send traffic your way i'd appreciate the favor being returned okay wow okay so yes we have a previous video where i go into depth about all my issues with ali's marriage email inbox and yeah you can watch it there if you're interested if ali cut your pay in half would you leave i think in the beginning though for my personal assistant job i wouldn't leave i feel like that was so much fun i'm planning this video on like the ranking my first 10 jobs and i think my personal assistant came like as top before everything oh that's a spoiler but yeah i came about everything else and i think the reason for that is it was just so much fun and i learned so much and i feel like i had the biggest sort of like informational growth in my life from any other job that i've had before so i think even if you were not to pay me at all i'd be like this is worth it just for the value that i'm getting so that job definitely no this job now um parts of it i wouldn't leave if you cut my pay in half parts of it i'd be like you're definitely hiring someone else to do this if that makes sense well strategy for the youtuber academy yeah which are the bits that you feel that you would leave if your payroll cut now [Music] do i have to answer right now i need to check my tasks with my stones i need to see the stones first i think i'll get back to you i'll get back to you do you wrap it up into your channel yeah yeah do you have anything else do you have anything that you want to say you're taking the lead do you do you have anything to say uh like comment subscribe wow first time here okay do you have anything you want to say in the end no no thank you for having me on it's been a real honor um it's always nice when um you know doing collabs with fellow youtubers okay i feel honored that you would uh invite me over to your studio to um to film to film this video you're very welcome for joining thank you thanks everyone and you can check out the previous video on ali's channel if you'd like to hear more about us working together thank you so much for watching i hope you have a wonderful rest of your day be kind to yourself and others i don't believe everything you think thanks bye shut up i hate you that's too long i'm not sure that's too number nature how many hours a week does she work for you oh these days like um four from what i gather what how many hours do you work for me you tell me how many hours do you think i work for you i don't know like i don't look at your hour tracking if you track your hours i do check my hours okay how many hours do you work you've got the data yeah it depends on the week it depends on the week i think at the moment we're around 50 to 60 um which is like what why is that too much or too little it's been a lot more that's why you're capped at 40 hours a week i should say this on the internet should be can't be honest about this um let's skip this question um i've not capped out 40 hours well on the contract but who's going to do the stuff who's going to do the things then what things that need to be done okay if i just do i just like close my laptop about 40 hours i'll be like yeah i'm done well no you bring it up with angus and be like hey you know i have too much workload and not enough capacity so it's angus's fault how many hours work a week uh that's kind of relevant oh really angus is also having a problem which is why i brought up with him asking angus to track his time to figure out what bits we can delegate how do we search it then is working 80 hours a week i can't suddenly be like yeah take on my workload too because um i'm done with 14. are there ways of solving the workload issue other than angus you have to do this yourself hiring other people which we're trying to do but not doing but okay why are we not doing that it's where we need to do it but why we're not i mean you're currently identifying yeah we still haven't tried too much higher and we still have it's oh it's just so much harder than it should be no i mean fair enough right yeah not 40 hours but like my point is that there is always a reason as to why people are working too much and there is always a solution to that problem and i think we all generally and this is something that i i need to do as well we need to be more proactive in recognizing when we're working more than 40 hours or working beyond capacity and actively finding ways to solve that problem you know what the issue is like if someone's working has a 60-hour week job like thing for you to be like oh you need to hire someone else um for this role you need to hire someone i'm saying there are solutions to the problem i agree okay i would just face this around this time because it's not gonna go in the video but like [Music] the point is like it's very difficult to tell someone who's working for 60 hours a week on top of that now you need to spend an extra work day to like write out the proper job description identify these things and do these things and do the hiring process and send out the things which john has been helping with but it feels like ideally you someone else would do the hiring like there needs to be a hiring person like interviewing people going through their stuff takes a lot of time on top of my 60 hours i'm just like oh it i'll just do this 60 hours and go to sleep rather than um does that make sense okay so with that it's like a job so the thing we've identified is that it that you're unable to hire on top of your job yes and have you ever asked for someone else to give you help with their hiring dan is helping a lot but still the interviews and stuff need to be done and things do they need to be done by you ideally not yes but if anyone could do i'm just saying it's the point where like if i want to solve the problem i need to do so much more work and i'm like i can't i can't i can't i'm done for the week and it just goes on and on if that makes sense okay so i mean the thing here is that you identify there's a problem and then you're working too much yes you figure out a solution to the problem which is hiring someone which is hiring someone you realize you don't have the capacity to hire someone yourself yes the next thing is okay who can i who can i ask to help me with this yes done okay if there's still no if the problem still isn't solved we figure out like okay well you know it's uh a needs to be listed to see kind of a chain of events yeah in the theory person doing the a needs to see abc feelings to see right needs to have the time to do that even though even the process of like okay what's the next step what's the next step yeah which is ideally something that you would discuss with your manager be like hey i have a problem in that i'm working too much and there's too much to do and then the manager would be like oh well what are the solutions to that problem which at that point too like ideally you would have identified the fact that you're overworked or not said this is anybody's fault you know you would have identified the issue before you got to that point and then you would have the time to get involved in figuring out the solution to that before paying yeah we already know this part isn't going in the video i think you should go the video nate like it's it's not happening it's so long it's like a four it's a four okay okay you could you could decide it's your turn okay maybe if it were my channel i would probably put it really you can have it if you like
Channel: Elizabeth Filips
Views: 356,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XAxrRK1hAeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 28sec (1768 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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