Fake AMG G63 and the other worst Chinese copycat cars!
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: carwow
Views: 2,001,617
Rating: 4.7365751 out of 5
Keywords: carwow, mat watson, 4k review, shanghai auto show, shanghai auto show 2019, mercedes, mercedes-amg, mercedes-amg g63, g63, g-wagon, fake g-wagon, fake cars, copycat cars, chinese cars, chinese replica cars, replica cars
Id: 1GxGA78RgAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2019
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Kinda curious to see how well these cars fare given they`re a lot cheaper than their original counterparts.
The BJ 80 lol.
Wait what, the Chinese are copying other companies intellectual property....well I never saw that one coming! lol
BJ80 looks pretty nice tbh. 3L tdi as well, not some 1L gas with 60bhp.
Chris Harris used to have a video where he's at a car show and noted how as soon as a new Volkswagen model became available to the press, the Chinese "reporters" got out tape measures and started measuring the diameter of the steering wheel and taking photos under the dashboard, under the car, etc. For some reason he took it down.
The brand BAIC is making all these knock offs, they are now in Mexico trying to pedal their crap, I understand they bought some technology from Mercedes and Daimler through joined ventures in the past.
They were also trying to sell FAW an even cheaper and more unreliable car, they lasted 2 years selling these and then closed operations in Mexico.
Owning these chinese vehicules is not popular at least in Mexico City.
China Don't care.