Fairy Penguins are Thicc

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More informative than I expected, based on the title

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/hadfun1ce 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2020 🗫︎ replies

Gotta love that thumbnail.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/zenyl 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] phillip island home to jaw-dropping coastlines pastoral fields rolling hills and an astounding amount of wildlife cape echidnas and geese possums pata melons fur seals eastern barred bandicoots and the smallest penguins on the planet i can't believe what i'm seeing they're so tiny these are the waddling wonders the commuters in the world's cutest rush hour the tiny penguins that burrow the little penguins [Music] hi i'm danielle dufoe and you're watching animal logic i see those penguins behind me this is the procession of the little penguin here on philip island [Music] also known as fairy penguins or blue penguins the little penguins are aptly named as they are the smallest species of penguin in the world while their larger antarctic relatives can tower in at over a meter the little penguins only ever reach about 33 centimeters tall a bit longer than an american football again unlike their cold weather cousins little penguins can only be found along the shores of southern australia tasmania and new zealand preferring the more temperate climates to the sub-zero freeze [Music] the reason for their limited stature is precisely because of their locale as a general rule the farther south you go the fatter the penguins get this is because they need a lot of fat to insulate themselves from the harsh colds but further north where it's much warmer the penguins are free to lay off the sardines in this more balmy climate little penguins are able to dig and live in burrows dotting the hillsides along the shore so this cliff behind me leading down to the ocean is completely lined with little penguin burrows even the grasslands around here are pock marked with these little bends that are actually supported and reinforced by the low-lying shrubs and bushes and their root systems helps keep them sturdy and prevents them from collapsing they form these really interesting relationships with the vegetation around here because by pooping in their dens they're actually providing fertilizer for the plants that are growing around it and solidifying their little dens if you look closely you might be able to spot a little penguin in its burrow during the day but these penguins are night owls in fact little penguins are the only truly nocturnal penguin on land so every night the little penguins haul themselves out of the ocean and walk up to two kilometers to get home it's quite a sight to behold so i've been waiting patiently and rather eagerly to experience something very very special here on phillip island here is the biggest colony of little penguins we've been waiting for them to make their great exodus from the ocean and back up onto land at night they've been out hunting for fish and gorging their bellies all day and they're just starting to come out i gotta i gotta show you this [Music] the little penguins spend most of their lives at sea and tonight many are returning to land in order to molt this is the most dangerous time for a little penguin at sea their blue feathers camouflage them from predators from above like eagles and their white underbellies camouflage them from predators from below like fur seals but when they come to shore they are highly vulnerable and so they wait until they have the cover of darkness and then they make their way in big groups they form what's called rats out in the surf just uh just on the edge of the beach once they they've all congregated and it's gotten just dark enough they'll start moving on onto land in these little groups they let the tide carry them in the first to arrive will hang around and wait for the rest of the group before marching up the beach this group of four decides to make a break for it but the ocean bowls them over like pins in an alley but they recover and complete their mad dash across the beach this penguin has decided to go the trek alone a dangerous move but he seems rather pleased with himself another two penguins show up not as courageous as their friend they wait for backup finally enough of their friends have arrived that these two early birds feel safe enough to make a break for it an eagle in the area they must remain vigilant though perhaps not enough as the ocean knocks a few of them down they pick up speed racing for the cover of the rocks where their slick dark blue feathers will help them blend in once again oh we're starting to run oh there they go home's calling better get home a bigger group has arrived but it's not long before they too are knocked back by a powerful wave they shake it off and begin to cautiously waddle up the beach they keep low to the ground in part to avoid detection but also because of their biology their knees are fused so when they walk all they have to do is lean forward this helps them save energy they don't need to expend effort bending muscles in their knees back and forth they just fall forward left and right onto their stilt-like legs and are carried up the beach but one of the penguins has gotten separated from the group and with a white-bellied sea eagle circling above he had better make it to the rocks exhausted as he reaches cover this youngster can only muster the energy to throw himself from rock to rock he's recouped enough energy and makes it back to his friends safe from the clutches of the eagle for another night part of the reason they're so hefty is that this is the time of year they molt spending 80 percent of their lives at sea little penguins have highly effective feathers they are waterproof and highly dense with about 12 feathers per square centimeter and around 10 000 total the interlock and trap little bubbles that keep the penguin warm and buoyant but they're not good forever and once a year the little penguins will replace all of their feathers in what's called a molt this process takes between two and three weeks when they're on land and they're molting their feathers they lose their waterproof coat so they can't go out and swim and catch their fish and so in preparation for a few weeks without a meal they have to put on a lot of weight they will feast as much as they can in order to become 250 percent of their original weight so they go from one kilogram to two and a half kilograms can you imagine that like i don't i don't think that's physically possible for us but uh oh wow some of these are some pretty gigantic waddlers this is no march of the penguins this is the waddle of the penguins since they're so much fatter than they're used to when they're on their waddle home they'll often take a few steps and then flop down on their bellies to rest a bit this is me trying to come home after all you can eat sushi i can relate to this [Music] this is the largest colony of little penguins in the world with 30 000 calling phillip island home they don't all come home every night but on a busy night as many as 2 000 will return over the course of a couple hours once they've made it to shore they head for their burrows these burrows are their family homes and often are passed down through the generations the males are the main excavators but all little penguins come equipped with sharp claws on their feet to help them dig [Music] little penguins breed once a year and don't mate for life though they will stick with their partner until the chicks are ready to go out on their own if they're successful in having kids there's about an eighty percent chance that they'll meet again the following year the little penguin lays two eggs per clutch they're also the only species of penguin known to be able to lay more than one clutch up to six if the conditions are right the eggs hatch after 35 days and the parents take turns caring for the chicks for four weeks before they're old enough to be left alone while both parents go out to forage adult little penguins are built for a life at sea to see underwater they have a nictitating membrane this is a semi-translucent eyelid which protects their eyes but allows them to open them when they're diving on the hunt for fish squid and jellies they can dive over a thousand times a day every day they need to eat a quarter of their body weight in order to survive and then they head back to shore to feed their chicks [Music] little penguin colonies are massive and when everyone's in a tux it can be hard to find your family in order to locate their burrows they listen for their partner's specific call thousands of penguins calling for one another makes it a very loud family reunion we're currently being pretty quiet but from what i understand this species can make up to 12 different kinds of vocalizations whereas most birds on average about six different types of sounds i think we're starting to hear a couple different like croaks and clocks and squawks penguins are predated upon by fur seals eagles snakes and gowanus but they've increasingly faced threats from invasive species like foxes feral cats and of course humans thankfully phillip island here in victoria has been turned into a massive penguin sanctuary and the population of foxes and feral cats on the island have largely been eradicated along with domestic dogs being banned from the island and now with new technologies researchers are able to track the little penguins movement and track their success in breeding in order to better understand the lives and livelihoods of the cutest little penguins in the world [Music] i share pictures of nebula every chance that i get and for being the best little model in the world yes you're so good she deserves to be treated yes can i have a paw how about a high five pet treater is a gift box for your furry friends that gives you the chance to surprise them with interactive toys all natural treats and more i recently got one for nebula and she loved it just look at her she's so happy if you have an adorable feline a canine companion or multiple pets roaming your house you can tailor your box to fit their needs including any allergies they have or their size we all need an excuse to spend more quality time with our pets with a subscription starting as low as 15 you and your furriest family members will get to unbox new surprises together meaning that you'll be spending less money less time shopping and more time with each other and if you're as obsessed with sharing photos of your pets as i am you can connect with other animal lovers on the pet treaters site go to petreater.com animal logic and use the coupon code animal logic to get 50 off the first month of your subscription [Music] what should i talk about next please let me know in the comments and be sure to subscribe for new episodes of animal logic every week thanks for watching oh my god here they come they're running towards me they're flocking this way i'm sorry i had to make a jurassic park reference
Channel: Animalogic
Views: 665,277
Rating: 4.9529128 out of 5
Keywords: animals, animal, logic, education, show, animalogic, crazy, ugly, weird, gross, beautiful, interesting, facts, animalsfacts, about, information, info, school, research, learn, learning, fun, easy, smart, little penguin, fairy penguin, small penguin, penguins, smallest, cutest penguin, blue penguin, little blue penguin, thicc, thick, parade, precession, beach, eggs, moult
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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