Fairtytale Renovation | The Restoration Man | S02E14 | Home & Garden | DIY Daily

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across Britain thousands of historic buildings have been neglected their owners unable to restore them because of planning restrictions or lack of money luckily some Roman makes to take on the challenge of restoring often churches mills and agricultural buildings are abandoned because they seem too big or unfit for residential conversion but don't really mind if this lasts me the rest of my days you know die doing this it's extraordinary just actually see people working here as an architect I'm passionate about our architectural heritage these buildings have as much history and tell as many stories about our past as any stately Hall or medieval castle I love the challenge that these unusual spaces give us when we're trying to create a place called home this time I'm meeting a Roman a couple who've fallen in love with a tiny gate lodge that's challenging to live in they've committed to carry out all the work themselves on a journey that will see them fighting against all weather conditions when it's really really really cold the gas freezes we actually scored minus seven here they also struggle with the planners to get an extension this little process has been without a doubt the most stressful I've come to cranly in the heart of Surrey Vanessa Ford Robbins and her partner Nick hoodie fell in love with this Victorian gate lodge and in January 2009 bordered with seven acres of lambs for 250,000 pounds this grid - listed building has been abandoned and left as a ruin for nearly 50 years when we first got here you couldn't see through the gates it was completely have grown brambles and everything and seven acres of Laurel she's very very picturesque obviously but it's got a lot of history it's it's Victorian and I've worked on Victorian buildings for most of my life so it just seemed absolutely right I mean it's just the gingerbread house I mean it's a it just sort of grabs you and just says you're mine Nik is a carpenter and Vanessa is a theater producer and both have a passion for traditional building crafts they've both done restoration work before but this fairytale cottage would be the first home they've made together this is just bizarre it's actually surreal it's um it's like half animal farmyard and then when you look at the building it's half Hansel and Gretel yeah that makes sense what do you know about the building because it's incredibly ornate and decorative for what is really just a simple gate launch when someone's really really gone for it with all this decoration and they can look like a little gingerbread house and so much you feel like it's little bits of it couldn't it was called scary cottage at one point then I think it was called covered in ivy and looking pretty rank and dirty we started to clean it up so why have you taken this on oh well if you'd find it sort of going through the brambles and suddenly found this place then they had the opportunity wouldn't use good actually Mick and Vanessa discovered the gate lodge while walking in the nearby Woodlands they immediately made an offer and six weeks later became the proud new owners while they complete the bills they'd be living in a caravan on-site enclosed by two walls and a listed 10-foot wrought iron gates the gate lodge sits in seven acres of Laurel filled woodlands next to the driveway which leads to the heart of the original baynard's estate a quarter of a mile away the two-up two-down cottage with the link to at the back has a tiny footprint of just 370 square feet so you've started doing some work already I see put a few Jewish sinan links yeah those there's holes in the roof there's a hole in this and this floor I'm in a huge hole and the papers were just covered in the rubble which should come down through it you can see the jack doors coming and going look good in starry night not very Windham water tax not very not very so that was the most important thing getting you hat on which is why the roof came so early for Nick and Vanessa this project is a labor of love and ideally they'd like to move in by Christmas in seven months time they have a budget of a hundred thousand pounds and have also received a small grant from the Surry historic buildings trust the grant allowed them to reconstruct the traditional clay tiled roof which they completed themselves eight months ago this is the little lean-to what was the kitchen we think so it was a kitchen in this book there's a ladder or something you're looking at where the bath was those are the scars in the wall chase them to their yes yeah and then they used to have a tiny little earth closet so we think - you're right that hole in the wall yes the breather for an earth closet you know the bucket where you do business counts will come and take it away nice yeah this is pre everything you know there's no no electricity over here no gas at no sewage that's one of those things we're not going back to actually because I do like modern convenience I don't know Mia and then through here we've got another room yeah went all the way up here is this all safer pit yeah fish yes it's teeny look at it it's so cute I love it absolutely love it it's got so much character hasn't well Nick's standing in the in the landing I'm now going through the door into the bedroom what we think this must be a new window surely because that's immaculate that's my first Monday you know that beautiful because I wanted to do something for the lodge that was mine I mean Nick is the Builder and here's the maestro and and and all that lot but I wanted to do is just something that will be mine yeah the big steps that you've made with this building already are brilliant Nick has already completed a course on traditional line plastering and vanessa is learning the art of glass making you're a pretty hands-on guy anyway yeah it seems like you're quite skilled but to actually go out there educate yourself in new skills just for this building to bring it back to life is incredible yeah both of us feel the same ways oh it's part of the fun of it all isn't it it's just one thing to stick bricks together it's nothing to do it the old style as well as the new style get the best of both worlds you're both hardcore restoration warriors yeah I love it thank you that's very kind solutely brilliant we're very lucky here you know this is very very special I mean it is not often in one's life does one get the opportunity actually to be able to recreate and bring ones home actually to life so it's not if we save it for them that's the smallest tour I've ever done of any property ever in the original building on the ground floor there'll be a kitchen leading through to a small separate utility room and toilet at the back also joining the kitchen there will be a formal dining room upstairs they'll be two small bedrooms nestled within the traditional roof because the original building is so small Nick and Vanessa want to build a new two-story extension to create a new living room on the ground floor with a large master bedroom suite above this room will have large windows and a romantic balcony so they can enjoy the beautiful woodland views perhaps being carried away by its charm Nick and Vanessa have bought this tiny grade 2 listed building without any planning permission to extend I'm worried they've risked everything on the gate lodge without ever being certain they'll be able to comfortably live in it despite nor formal training Nick's already drawn the initial plans for the proposed extension taken on board all of the planning constraints they will allow you to do a 40% extension under this one around about 34% mark give or take a fraction okay so you've got another six that's right that's right I don't think I've ever come across a couple who are so perfectly matched to the building that they've bought they absolutely love it but not just a finished thing they also love the idea of the process re-crafting their skills if you like to add their touch to the building but still haven't got planning permission and as it stands this building is just far too small to live in Vanessa and her partner Nick have taken on a tiny grid to list at gate lodge in Surrey but it's really not big enough to live in they want to add an extension at the back which will need planning permission and today is the pre planner meeting I just hope that we Don the plans right and them next drawing them right not one for red tape Nick has stepped aside to let Vanessa face the planners alone he's hoping her theatrical background will charm them I get a bit tongue-tied it's all that sort of stuff you know it's much easier if she's very fluent and very persuasive and that's exactly what we need at the moment it's not an easy thing an application for Planning Commission for Nick and Vanessa the extension is critical to give them the extra space they need for the lodge to be a functional home without it their dreams are compromised how'd it go a planning officer has looked at it and everything seems to concur with the fact that we may be able to use this extra bit as long as we can we are home dry while Nick and Vanessa have positive news about their extension I want to find out more about the history of the building gate lodgers stood at the boundaries of large country estates and were often a small architectural reflection that the grand mansions that lay at the end of the driveway Nick and Vanessa's gate lodge known as Longhurst Lodge was originally part of the baynard's estate the venoms estate has medieval origins and Barnard's house went back to the Tudor period this house was remodeled in the 19th century when Longhurst Lodge was built it was great - listed it had 10 bedrooms 5 reception rooms and an old paneled main hall befitting a 2,000 acre estate Bernard's had not one with full gate lodges on its outer boundaries but Longhurst Lodge was by far the most are it actually interesting sadly Bernards house burned down in 1979 I'm meeting architectural historian Matthew Whitfield at the archives of the Royal Institute of British Architects at the Victorian Albert Museum which has over 4 million architectural documents in its collection Matthew has the earliest picture of the original Tudor building at Bernards before its Manning century makeover Matthew lovely to see you hi George I've got a book from the Riv collection a yearbook from 1831 and this gives us the earliest and best illustration of what baynard's house used to look like look at that that's fantastic isn't and this is from the 1580s it's amazing to see it actually mm-hmm the estate had lain in disrepair throughout the 18th century until this romantic but neglected Tudor gem was rediscovered this account is written in 1831 probably by Thomas Thoreau who then buys the mansion a year later and he's very impressed indeed it's just this section here where he approaches the house all in front lay in deep shade except when the lighter branches twinkle to a wandering son be beyond these the gray and lordly dwelling steeply rising from a grassy knoll with all its pointed Gables and stone million windows and tall clustered chimneys seemed to slumber in the mellow western light he absolutely loved the building didn't he you can see why he bought him how he can understand me yeah it was love at first sight just like making Vanessa Thurlow wanted to update and extend the building he loved so much and employed the renowned architect Thomas Rickman to double the size of his house while keeping its historical chuder character intact Furlow also added a sweeping driveway with a grand gated entrance and inspired by the original Tudor house built our gate Lodge in an Elizabethan Revival style the lodge is there at the edge of the park to announce something to the passing visitor about what the large house is about architecture so it's just a teaser up until the 18th century large impressive country houses belonging to landowners were visible to the surrounding local village or town in the 18th century with the fashion for landscaped parkland the house is then repositioned local roads are reroute into the house can sit quite happily in its own parkland because for preference then is for more privacy and then you're left with this problem how do I still advertise my status and taste even though I'm sitting quite privately in a large park so you take a little architectural device sit it at the edge of your carriage drive at the edge of your Parkway and then you can advertise that desire for status as one of maintaining your privacy it's a retreat from broader society and Mele emphasizing this idea that the aristocracy are completely a breed apart by giving this new gate lodge a Tudor Revival look complete with heraldic mortise called poetry on the outside Thoreau was striving for old money status and grandeur alluding to the all Tudor house at the end of the driveway it's such fun with her passion for the arts and crafts Vanessa has enrolled on a local glassmaking course to learn how to reclaim the decorative bay windows in the gate lodge she's using original slumped Victorian glass set in traditional left not to be outdone by vanessa nick is hand crafting the window frames in his workshop using oak from a nearby woodland hello mate oh my god this is brilliant you're a bit of a dab hand on you almost a little more than 10 and joints and everything you're the man because you're kind of learning as you go along hmm does it become quite frustrating how long things are taken I always want to go faster yeah but now at the same time I've got to go slowly because it's so easy to make a mistake and it's right paying the lead time on getting a new piece of timber is a couple of weeks or three so yeah you don't make any mistakes it's all very steady Eddy true to their love for traditional building techniques Nick and Vanessa are using lime wash to pin the outside of their Lodge in true Nick and Vanessa style their approach is a little unconventional let him swim make you walk the plank stay away from the pink lime watch fight it's like painting the humbler bridge even though Thomas Bernal built this Garant Lodge in the Victorian era I'm really fascinated by the estates Tudor history the heraldic Tudor Rose embellishments that adorn the facades of Longhurst Lodge aren't merely decorative they're functional too as a frontispiece to the estate further used the lodge as a kind of advertising board to declare the estate's historic truly connections in the 15th century baynard's was the residence of Sir Reginald debris a very powerful politician no debris was instrumental in orchestrating the marriage between King Henry the seventh and the daughter of Edward the fourth thereby uniting the warring houses of York and Lancaster and starting the new cheater dynasty and even King Henry the aide themself reportedly stayed at BAE announced house in the 16th century however in these documents I found a much bloodier Tudor connection involving King Henry the eighth and his Lord Chancellor Thomas More that says the Charter chest of Sir Thomas Marr and which his head was preserved for many years at Bernards by his favorite daughter that is absolutely incredible Thomas More fell out of favour when he refused to recognize both Henry's divorce from Catherine of Aragon and his self-appointed position as head of the new English church after breaking with wrong eventually the King had Sir Thomas arrested on charges of treason and he was imprisoned in the Tower of London so how on earth did the head of such a high-profile figure like Sir Thomas Moore get from London all the thirty miles away to bear nods Park to find out I'm gone to the Tower of London where Thomas More was held to be Tudor historian Susanna Lipscomb Thomas Moore was in prison just over there in the bell tower he was in prison here for 1516 months and during this time a really important person in his life was his daughter Margaret his daughter Margaret sent him letters he was sure his main point of communication actually came to visit him and smuggled his letters out to the outside world his real sort of source of comfort his his go-to person his wife came to visit him once and his daughter came to this him all the time so she was his connection with the outside world under his confidence alike during that difficult time exactly even in the face of death Moore refused to recognize Henry's new religious authority and remained steadfastly Catholic and loyal to the Pope he was supported throughout his imprisonment by his daughter Margaret and obviously Thomas was here for what 15 16 months that's right yeah didn't didn't change his mind stayed true to his cause kept his conscience and then as a result was tried and then executed up there on Tower Hill off with his head so but his head was chopped off what happened well his head was chopped off and taken down the river to London Bridge and that's where our story picks up because what Margaret did for him here in the tower is nothing compared to what she did for him after his death shocked by her father's execution Margaret courageously risked everything to recover his remains she rode up on a boat just like this from Chelsea where she lived three miles came here because on the end of the bridge all the traitors heads were put on spikes now we have to imagine the bridge looking pretty different too though it does today it was much larger it had piers all along it had shops and houses built high on it and at this end those heads on spikes is where Thomas's head was Thomas is one of those heads that she bribed the bridge master and he allowed her to take the heads wrapped it in some linen cloth and took it home with her and there she packed it full of spices to preserve it the local legend has it that the head went with her to be non-sparking and was kept there in a casket that's quite an amazing sign of and of love and devotion between daughter to her father isn't it and also actually puts the house that you're looking at the center of Tudor power because it has this connection it's this very important character Sir Thomas More that's such a brilliant piece of Tudor history and really ties it back from Henry the eighth the Thomas More back to be an arts house in our humble little Lodge which is covered in all of these kind of heraldic emblems of the time back on site it's a big day the planners are about to visit the gate lodge to decide whether Nick and Vanessa can build the extension they need to turn this tiny building into a functional horn neck is really really really scared I am really scared it's the one decision that of course we have no control over I think for us this this little process has been nerve without a doubt the most stressful if they don't get planning this gate loads will be too small to live in and their dreams will be shattered our restoration warriors Vanessa ethnic receive a letter from their local council about their planning application for a new extension on the town it comes amended do hereby grants it's fantastic news it's absolutely fantastic news I was basically expecting to get knocked back so always very negative about authorities and things like that so this is a real big plus so we're going back down that wall so we get going after breakfast that's good yeah yeah yeah because it's six months since I was last on site and Nick and Vanessa have made great progress I'm not allowed to the ceilings I've done some of the walls possibly because of all these tiles were in a pile behind me so I used to kneel down there is Boy Wonder you've been slightly busy very busy evenings yes brilliant but everything you're doing you know whether it's the windows being made you're doing the friends invested in the glass you're doing this I mean what a team effort what a team effort yep she's a star there's a couple morning's where you wake up eggs and paint you know yeah oh the balls are working as well as they used to do some workmen how many of these have you done how many 5000 some instead of using plasterboard purist Nick and Vanessa are staying faithful to the original construction of their gate lodge using traditional lime plaster blended with horsehair which is then applied on the temple lathes there's a hairy porridge Nick puts his recently acquired skills into practice that's lovely stuff but not easy probably wants another two or three days before it's ready before its properly set and you said you want to be finished by Christmas now I'll be in by Christmas and inside be finished I'll be sleeping in this room for Christmas yeah really definitely but Christmas is like two weeks that's it brace then isn't it and what about downstairs what about your kitchen you get out of bed you go down and build it but it's a lot warmer in here once that fire is running then it is down in the mobile home I can tell you so you're just gonna rough it and come out if you call that roughing it yeah this is luxury desperately get out of the caravan they've been living in for nine months Nick and Vanessa are pushing themselves to move into the gate lodge despite it having no kitchen or bathroom crackling in the grate the Christmas tree our little sitting-room even though the project is far from finished they've moved in and after enduring months of caravan showers is a bit of a Christmas treat they've installed a temporary bath this is going to be a fantastic first bath it's the first time this Lodge has been lived in for 50 years first bath however it's not long before their Christmas euphoria wears off living in the Lord just been a bit up and down it's it's been quite cold at times so there's this heat is going on in rooms where this plaster that's drying out we actually scored minus 7 here and the pipes temporarily froze yeah Vaness is finding it quite quite difficult it's the dust being on a building site and it's a lot for a woman to take and she wants to go out to places and do nice things and all the clothes are constantly covered in dust camping out in the lodge but still cooking in the caravan is taking its toll when it's really really really cold the gas freezes I didn't think gas froze but it does so we don't have any gas and also in it's very very very very cold we don't have any water while Nick and Vanessa continued a battle with living on a building site I'm visiting local collector Charles Brooking who has some original artifacts from Bernards mansion the country house served by Longhurst Lodge it's like the most incredible collection of windows I've ever seen in my life well I cover the history of the English window the door the staircase the fire grate it's going to be established as a national collection for the use of architects and people like yourself did you start this collection how did all come about he went believe it it started with a fascination in bakelite door furniture when I was three and then formally in 1966 I decided to set up an architectural museum with the help of my mother's enthusiasm and my tutor who was a fantastic champ and he was having a fling with her which helped matters things along doesn't it does so I covered sash windows from 1960 and here you've got the whole spectrum first of all we've got these balusters which are probably Rickman period I'm pretty damn sure they come from being as they came from a local house in créme they were reused and these were in the barn the ones that weren't used in the house these are very much the 1830s Tudor Revival wreak reconstruction from that's amazing I've never seen anything from that building at all and you do genuinely think these are from the original house yeah they fit with that style that was brilliant what a discovery Charles are safeguarding these for his unique historic collection but he has something else from being arts to show me that fun bit is I've got to cast iron shutter knobs here for you from baynard's 1830s and they're a gift to your couple who doing this marvellous restoration these are a gift yes and they're Tudor roses and they will be a nice symbol for that Lodge which I know it's got partying and it's an enchanting situation honestly Nick absolutely chuffed to bits the thing that these came out of being arts and they can be reused and recycled and preserved and the restored Lodge is just brilliant they are a couple who are absolutely obsessed by the detail and just by the history and just these two very simple bits of history fill me that yeah thank you so much I'm fascinated by bare nods Tudor history and its influence on our gate lodge but I'd like to find out more about him lived in it when Bernards house expanded under Thomas Thoreau and 1832 and needed an attendant fleet of servants both indoor and outdoor to maintain it and obviously the space to house up there nods had the capacity for seven indoor servants who were 2,000 acres to look after there were 23 cottages and lodges scattered around the estate for all of the outdoor stuff I've put together some information from the Census and I can say here that as well as gatekeepers the main people actually living at longer Lodge who have been estate gardeners what's unbelievable you look at 1881 and the census there shows that up to 8 people were living in that tiny little space that is just incredible it seems that despite its lavish facade Longhurst lodge would have been a really cramped and difficult place to live a far cry from the luxurious living quarters of Bernards well-to-do owners like many gate lodges it was a case of pretension over practicality and when it was designed comfort really wasn't thought about for the people that lived there I've managed to trace a former resident of Longhurst Lodge Irene Gould I'm hoping she can give me a picture of what it was like to live there I would as I understand it you were the last person ever what year was that 1955 until 1961 what was life like then at the lodge well we've gone back in time at night just cold no hot water no no electricity or lamps and then I'm sorry to do it outside well it's compulsory isn't it oh yeah [ __ ] then why did you move in there in the first place well my husband worked for Lord a nice now is it god no there was three of the children and me and my husband their three boys because they're only little at the time cept in one room and we slept in the other this is why I can't understand anybody buying it the moon's were so small don't visit us all the time dukes and that you know never know which one Stowe oh I never get he used to really yes forget he used to come quite often Paul Gettys was at the house yeah that's amazing yep fed up of the uncomfortable conditions Irene and her family eventually moved on they were the last family to live in the lodge until it was bought by Nick and Vanessa I was last on-site four months ago since then Nick and Vanessa have ventured a bitter winter at the lodge walking the plank the weather has been unbelievably bad recently hasn't it today it's fantastic today is lovely but this is literally a mud bath yes you've got some damage has there been damage to the building during the bad weather we had so much water around the porch it was threatening to come in so I dug some trenches to take the water away which is sensible and caught the corner of the building with the digger that's not sense no and he said the windows have been blown through as well in some areas yes we had a piece of glass blown out just from the force of the wind it's being difficult sometimes it's I go back over this living anymore and otherwise we're doing peg even the pigs you know that are chewing through the cement mix the cable just adding the pets to the mix as well ready I always fear that we're people like Megan Vanessa who are so passionate about building every single part of the project themselves but they actually burn out and never fully completed this restoration project has really taken its toll on Nick and Vanessa and they've now taken the decision to put the much-needed extension on home but don't worry but when they move in they just get a little bit too comfortable and never see the full project through nearly four years ago Vanessa and her partner Nick fell in love with this abandoned gate lodge in Surrey seizing a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity they bought this fairytale house as their first restoration project together in the hope of creating a dream home they've turned their hands to traditional building methods and have completely restored this building themselves while enduring the harshest of weather conditions and life in the caravan today nearly 18 months after my first business I've come to see what they've achieved the first time I saw this building it was sad and neglected now it's been restored back to its original splendor my god I said what all the hard work that you've put in to getting the lime washing done and getting the colors on there and getting the roof down it's absolutely the love and dedication they've put into the fine detail of this building has brought the facade back to life now you've got the color on there it really brings it to life doesn't it it's a staggering amount of work it's not really until now that one actually says it is going to be our home you know it's actually not a building site anymore the new landscaping and surrounding water feature adds to the quirky character that this unusual dwelling and it now looks as elegant as when it was first built and cozy and snug who's incredibly hungry actually for the first time in its history this building has all the conveniences of gas water and electricity these modern comforts are balanced with traditional materials and craftsmanship I remember when this used to be like the chicken house that's Rosa's chicken house in there that seems like a long long time ago actually you know it's been the perfect restoration partnership hasn't it from the timber work and the joinery been done by this man and you did the fantastic glass I mean it really has worked I have to say the whole thing has been a privilege not sure you know this is not working for money this is working for love which is a rare experience I think it's really good you put on the floor heat again cuz you've got my radiators you know back in the kind of a day in a d'Isere day mine is there's like eight people living in this place imagine eight people in this tiny tiny luckily you don't need to have eight people living in here to stay a warm you've got that ribbon that's fantastic brilliant sound isn't it she's a cracker she really is she eats the laurels and she heats the floor she heats the water she heats everything she's brilliant and it cooks beautifully as well can I see the utility space from the donors that looking beautiful or not we're getting very close very close progress you're not quite done and you mid these units yeah yeah fantastic and this used to be the old kitchen which is kind of yes mind-bogglingly small one yeah but we have subdivided if you remember it actually went back about another four foot yeah it's a bit unfinished in there it's more story rather than do this yeah if I even just get the process of so the old bathrooms gone you're the bastard now where's your new beau have you got one yet no no we got a pass we hadn't been room for it but we've got friends Christmas we did actually put the bar that I'm talking about in here but we can't have it cause it wasn't nobody at the bar for a month I know you've taken it out no two utility room no young got about yeah believe us can we move on see the rest so we've got in the living room oh it's so homely where there was once bare bricks and no ceiling is now the cozy and comfortable living room look at that on the beautiful fire going as well perfect and I think how many times have stood in here and it's been cold and damp was a good day the National beautiful staircase really lovely I am please do that wild card enjoy you know you should be I mean it's so simple that's so beautifully made I know it's a direct copy of the original one but it actually does look like it's been there for you know 120 years I love it it really does feel like proper parts and crafts there's more see upstairs now that is a really beautiful room oh it's it's completely unrecognizable from when I was last here remember standing here making a right mess of all the pasta that I was trying to get on there I'm amazed that actually looks that smooth because I thought I did a terrible job all of the bedroom furniture has been beautifully handmade by neck and demonstrates his passion for quality craftsmanship his designs are not only functional and maximized the limited space but they're also inspired by details from the original building it just feels really homey look at the roaring fire every bedroom should have a fire like that look at that unwilling to endure another hard winter on a building site Nick and Vanessa have decided to build their extension in the spring when they also plan to restore the listed gates so I've got a present for you a book all about the history and all the research that I'm building that's interesting because Nick's got skinnier and the pigs ago [ __ ] doing the work another surprise for you what I've got is basically the original handles from the shutters have been art sales ah but these are beautiful the original handles off the window showed us the timber shutters inside of the windows busily following so when that house was burned down more than nineteen Sutton's you know and look at that that's something else that is thank you very much it's really really cool that's something for the lodge and me I think you might need to drink juice okay mmm just his tears you did it yeah all restoration projects take an enormous amount of time hard work and dedication but what makes this project so unique is the love the passion and the care that's gone into every single detail Nick and Vanessa have painstakingly honored the finest principles of arts and crafts architecture and they've not only saved this building for generations to come but they've also added their chapter to its fascinating history you you the
Channel: Banijay Home and Garden
Views: 487,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY, DIY Daily, home, garden, how to, do it yourself, green, full episode, DIY Projects, interior design, home decor, restoration, restoration home, Restore, repair, Restoration Videos, abandoned, home diy, full episodes, the restoration man, george clarke, builder, luxury, history, train, railway, renovation revisited, renovation, luxury renovation, fairytale, cottage, cottage renovation
Id: 7kuVj38s1WY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 5sec (2825 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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