Fairland vs Worthington Christian

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good evening everyone and welcome to jim mayo memorial stadium here on the campus of fairly high school in crockerville ohio i'm jack harris along with dave carroll and we're going to bring you the second round playoff game in the high state football playoffs between the home standing fairland dragons and the visitors from worthington worthington christian warriors the warriors come in under the direction of jeff hardings the head coach and a program that's only been has only started since 2014 but they come in with a 8-2 record and a uh upset in the first round of the african-centric uh in columbus first time in the playoffs first time in the playoffs for them coach tell us a little bit about the warriors well i'll be honest with you coach i've tried to find out stuff all week and i have one for tim stevens i wouldn't have a whole lot i'm gonna be honest with you he helped us out here like you said the warriors they're eight and two they're four and one in their league now they play in the mid-state cardinal conference um i'll give you a rundown they're three and one at home they were five and one away the first game was and i think they had a couple coveted games that got cancelled so they had to find people to play them so they beat southeastern local 2114 they beat dayton christian six nothing they beat miami valley christian academy 30-6 they beat fisher catholic which we played before here they beat him 31-7 wow um that was a conference game too they beat llama central catholic i'm sorry they lost the lima central catholic 50-3 so they took a spanking there the next week they won they beat fairfield christian academy that was a conference game they lost to burn union 40-14 that was a conference game they played bishop rosecrans they won that game 50 to 20. that was a conference game and then they played grove city christian they won that one 70 to 49 and that was a conference game and then last week in the playoffs they beat afrosync up i can't ever say afro-centric out of columbus they beat him uh 23 to 12. so they are i mean we don't know a whole lot about him we'll talk about a couple players here real quick before the national anthem but the quarterback is hobie rakes he's passed for over a thousand yards they have a wide receiver that's also a really good basketball player uh corel ams ball 30 catches for 500 plus yards another wide receiver sam dunston 25 catches for 250 yards another wide receiver uh elijah all right okay we're going to talk paul's here for the national anthem [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] okay we're going to continue let's have a little pregame prayer uh devon father lord we thank you for this opportunity we thank you for all the blessings of life you love to have lord we thank you for all these ball players and all the fans and everyone who's here tonight we ask that you put your hand to protection and safety around them all band members directors assistant coaches officials and may they have a good game tonight lord lord we just praise your name and thank you for all that you do for us in jesus name i pray amen all right coach let's finish out i've got ethan albert tyler white or the running backs uh luke zodie and luke snedeker i believe are the couple they're two good linemen and they got a really good kicker uh grant woodfin we saw him out here kicking before the game he didn't miss a one it started out uh close like an extra point then it went back five they went all the way back to the 30-yard line which would be a 40-yard field goal and he made them all so they do have some talent a little bit about their head coach jeff hardings some of you may recognize that name jeff harding's played from penn state nittany lines and he also played for the pittsburgh steelers and talking with their stat man to try to get the pronunciation right about his name uh he told me that he was just the kind of guy you'd want your kid to play for he's got nobody involved in this program no no kids grandkids or anything like that but it says he's very patient man and i think when you're starting the program they've only been alive for seven years this program the football program and like you said their basketball team was just fantastic last year and um i see some talent out there coach i was watching the warm-ups and that quarterback can wing it and he's not a real big fella he's only five foot uh nine yeah but coach he releases that ball quick and he can wind it up quick but he put together he weighs 191 pounds now he's he looked good to me yes a receiver out there looked good throwing and he's just a sophomore he's just a sophomore so i think uh oh i want to talk about the weather and the field conditions we talked about so much last week oh my goodness it's 51 degrees outside it's better weather than myrtle beach today and by the way i'm i'm glad you're here i'm glad i made it because i wasn't going to play in that stuff 40-some degrees windy and rainy 94 chance so we uh we decided to leave early come home and enjoy the ball game the field conditions you'll see it out there there are a few uh bare spots but it's dirt it's not mud i think it's gonna be a fast fast game tonight yes it is it is a fast track out there it's not gonna be all this slipping and sliding and slopping around in the soup we had and we're gonna probably be able to recognize some numbers tonight well and you know what we gotta explain to people home you got two old dudes up here that don't that don't have a don't we don't have a feed from the tv so we don't get the good close-ups you guys get at home right so we're sitting here and i apologize to everyone that was involved in that game last week i know there were times i said the wrong player from fairland and i know i said the wrong player from my the warriors wherever they're from oh my the team we played last week we're playing warriors again this week but uh that that that right there should tell you what you're dealing with but i can't remember where the name of the team we played last week but um i i looked for another tough ball game we were in the second round these teams didn't get here uh by accident i mean they got an 8-2 record and uh the dragons are 9-1 and uh they they've got a lot of weapons too coach i'm i'm telling you you talk about jd brumfield and peyton jackson in the backfield but you got to deal with uh one cam kids and xander schmidt mr do everything they got a good field goal kicker and alex bruce and uh the dragon's line is just outstanding you know we could talk about hudson uh casey hudson uh mason ward j.r ward alec dement those guys and i did notice that the dragons had about five guys on the sideline that are hurt and won't be in the game tonight and uh well you know i want to say this too i didn't see any walking wounded over on the other side there and i think they only have 30 29 players 29 players ethan stewart's still out dylan stone's still out quentin quimine zach stepp so the dragons the next man up syndrome for those guys and and they did a fantastic job last week so uh we're about seven minutes away from uh kickoff i don't know how that happened i thought we started they've re restarted the clock on it so uh well you know what then let's let's do this let's get some shout outs i got a couple and then i'll let you give some all right go ahead so first shout out i want to give this to alec bruce the kicker today is his birthday all right happy birthday so alec here's your shout out i want that snickers bar on monday [Laughter] um also let's see here i got a funny one for you i got this girl in class her name is abby roberts i call her abigail is one of the quietest shyest kids you'd ever want to meet well you know what i found out this week apparently she's the beast in the student section oh she's the beast she came she said did you see what those referees did last week a weekend warrior issue apparently she is a mouse and cries and cuts it loose and i just i just i had a good laugh about that i thought that was good that was that was really good also i'm going to give a shout out to uh scott wilson and carl bowen i was supposed to go down and hang around the beach this week with them and they didn't they didn't go and i didn't know i had dinner with them last night so why don't you guys go and they said well you couldn't go with us and i said oh okay so i'll tell you you didn't want to be there today well you know i think it's supposed to be nice next week the good lord is uh good to us because you know what the weather down there is supposed to be terrible it is and we'd have been sitting down there in the rain oh no that's i got a shout out to my two golf buddies that i just uh brought me home today dave arthur from ashland kentucky he and i coached together about nine years down there and uh he whipped up on us boys and uh glenn ward from down chesapeake glenn's a fairly boy and uh he got whooped up on by everybody i couldn't pass that chances glenn's good friend and uh i had a good time in the three days that we were there was supposed to stay four days but uh weather did not cooperate so i thought well let's head home and watch the dragons play well it was going to be uh ricky shifko and myself here tonight and then when you called me and said hey i'm coming back i was like okay good that means i don't have to do play-by-play that's a lot better see lonnie boy the field conditions though coaching they're just they've done a great job this week getting this thing ready uh just tremendously and thank the good lord we didn't have any rain right i mean it's it looks like it's drained really good there's a couple little ah across the bridge it was 60 degrees i thought morty it was like 40 and windy and rainy down there good decision how was it coming over the mountains in west virginia absolutely gorgeous oh the trees the golds the reds i mean it was beautiful absolutely my favorite place to go look at the hills is when you're going through virginia and where the shot tower is at and you come across the new river and you can see all those trees in the back yes right and uh when you're approaching that big walker mountain tunnel and that mountain all the way across there it was just absolutely gorgeous and uh it was a good trip we made pretty good time we left about eight this morning and got here about 4 15 4 20. and did peggster have you something to eat uh no peggy she didn't know what to do she didn't know what time was getting here well you should have communicated with her well uh my phone died and uh i forgot to bring her with me so anybody that wants to communicate with me you're gonna have to do it through david here i'm uh you know i'm old man [Laughter] but i'm glad to be here and uh now the teams are coming out and about three minutes to go to the kickoff as far as the kickoff the uh warriors the warriors and christian warriors did win the toss and elected to defer to the second half so fairland will be receiving the opening kickoff and the warriors will probably kick it from the south and to the north end go ahead 22. thank you for that okay we're talking with uh what do you mean stamp man from the worthington christian yes six one 207 pound uh junior had him down here in offensive uh line and linebacker but he's going i'd say he's probably going to play pullback coach or some kind of blocking back when they have switched his number he was number 50 50 and now he's number 22. uh we do have one more shout out we forgot sure you know isa her younger brother crew is good birthday yeah yeah happy birthday crew got to get you there and say hello to brad boy he's a good looking young man brad ashley and for you folks at home we are fighting the demolition derby next door yes coach i uh i hope that doesn't interfere too much i i don't hear that i've got these headphones on so now we're waiting for the dragons to take the field it's still about two minutes to go on the clock and their coaches are starting down the sidelines so they must be getting ready to hit the field a pencil do okay the dragon's down coming out and we're gonna have the kickoff here in about a minute i just got a message from one of your former players and one of the guys i coached with jd dinwiddie jake how you doing everybody and i haven't heard how his team's doing this year yeah come on j.d send me some updates on it i'm glad you're listening had a lot of fun with him back in the day oh he was a good lineman for us good kid he's a good coach mom and dad good people brother chris play basketball and his uh sister jamie was a fine basketball player obviously for you didn't yes fantastic well she's married to joey thacker yeah they've got a some kids are really athletic i think yeah he's going to play uh he's got some offers to play somewhere and i can't remember where it's at right off the bat i know that joy played at liberty well i'm sure somebody will tell us yeah that's all good okay teams are on the field setting the ball down for the worthington christian warriors is grant woodvin he's the kicker he's five eight weighs 150 pounds and he is a senior and i don't know that uh the dragons are deep enough back deep is that's uh xander schmidt i believe and ready for the onside now they back it up and going back with xander is number one cam kits there's the whistle and here's the kick he boots it and it's like a oh it tried to on side tried to squib kick but it was taken in there by number 10 bryson hunt and comes up with it and he returns it a couple of yards and the dragon's gonna start out in pretty good field position the ball it will start on the 36 yard line i'll make it yes a 36. first down 10 yards to go for the dragons that's good coaching by wellington christian because i wouldn't kick to either two of them guys either really i think they've seen enough film the dragons come out and twin receivers rights xander smith and cam kitts two backs in the backfield jackson in the shotgun he hands to brumfield he hits it up in there and they've got a fumble there's a fumble on the play and worthington christian has recovered but there is a flag on the play so there's a quick turnover the dragons turn it over the flag that wasn't a flag that was the same uh bean bag that they throw during a fumble and it's orange and we're going to have to i wish they changed that to red or blue anyway wortherton christie's got the ball in plus territory at the dragon's 38-yard line and the dragons turn it over early opportunity for the warriors they come out and twin receivers to the left one split to the right and hobie rakes takes a hand off hands number 22 and he is brought down [Music] number 22. that's the the new number in it i believe it is joshua carroll joshua carroll the six one 207 pound junior coach harding sends the play in with hobie rates because you've got to be a pretty athletic kid to go from playing offensive lineman to running back it's a running back and this time it's number 16 in the backfield alongside rakes twin receivers to the right wing right a split right he passes zips it to number i think that was number three elijah alt on the reception for the warriors gain of about three it's gonna bring up third down and five for the warriors ball sitting on the 33-yard line of the dragons warriors break the huddle and they come out this time and trip receivers to the left and one to the right and the shotgun [Music] ethan albert take the handoff we got a flag he zips it down and it's knocked away by steeler elite number 27 for the dragons and there is some laundry on the field got a sideline warning against that will not cost them any yardage but it is a warning but it's going to bring up fourth down and five and i think they're in uh what you call four down territory lord uh coach four down territory ball resting on the 33-yard line and it looks like they are going to go for it coach hardy sends a play in with hobie rakes quarterback he comes to the huddle and they're going to come out and twins right or twins left wing right and split right drake's in the shotgun his left number 13. he takes hand off he steps up and he's going to be tackled right at the line of scrimmage and the dragons are going to take over on downs i think it was r.j ward on the tackle for the dragons and i could be wrong anyway nice play and nice defensive stance right there that was a good defensive stand and a good call by the offense i believe i only went 4-2 there at the 33. no i know you would have went for it right there hey you were there dragons are going to come out and twins right and split left excuse me tripp's right andrew schmidt jackson in the shotgun takes it drops back throws a screen pass out to brumfield he's got some room he's got the first down and about 10 or 11 12 more for the dragons takes it all the way down to the 45-yard line of the worthington christian warriors the dragons are in the hurry up mode they come out and they're still in trips right and split left jackson in the shotgun takes it rolls to his right he looks he's got steeler leap and steeler is gone down the sideline peyton jackson zipped one out there to steeler and they did not have the angle correct angle coach and steeler i think that's a busted coverage there was only one out there but i saw two receivers that's what i'm saying i had to be a busting coverage so the dragons are quickly on the board with 9 55 to go in the first quarter alex bruce on for the extra point now officials have thrown the flag i don't know what this is and either they lined up offsides or no it's a legal procedure against the dragons so that's going to back it up five and this attempt will be from the 15 making it a 25 yard extra point attempt bryson hunt the holder peyton jackson's the snapper there's the snap it's good hold is down and the kick is good and the dragons with 9 55 to go in the first quarter take a seven zip lead dragon seven worthington christian zero that's good oh by the way i just got up jd just texted me and he told me that this year he started five sophomores and four freshmen on his varsity football team that's the way you do it jake that's got to rebuild it brother take your lumps and then start you know pay them back right you can kick butt later and take names and really don't care if you take get their names that's right that's right all right the dragons are going to kick off now after a about a 10 yard reception from peyton jackson to steal her leap and then he turned it on down the sidelines and went in untouched for the dragons alex bruce on to kick off for the dragons [Applause] i'll be anxious to see if we kick to their two deep guys back deep is number 15 that is zach kirkley 16 coach that's a good receiver adam dunson he gonna kick it he kicks it deep dunson takes it just inside the five he turns up on the right sideline he's got some room and he is taken down around the 42-yard line nice return nice return by adam dunston dunson he's a wide receiver he's 510 he weighs 165 pounds and a nice job hit the crease and uh dragons got him down at about the 42. so worthington christian will get their second possession of the quarter to come out and twins left with corellans ball and ethan albert he's going to zip one out there and it's too far too wide for number three that's elijah alt good to see you jd dean witte thanks for the message that brings up second down 10 yards to go for the warriors they break the hat on there's twins to the left wing right with the wide receiver right drake's in the shotgun he takes a snap takes the tail back and zips one to number six that's corel amsball and he's going to pick up about five on the play and it's going to bring up third down and five yards to go maybe a long four kid's got some good hands right there he does you don't want to coach i'm watching they look like they're really disciplined team they really do well you know this coach that they have has played in the nfl you think he knows something play for the lignity lines uh here he's just a great guy for the job [Music] you got seven on the clock okay they come out and same set now they're going to go in motion timeout and now their coach is going to call timeout play clock running down and coach harding's decides to take a timeout so that's the first time out of the half for the warriors yeah that's a good time out coach if you're going absolutely getting uh delay a game penalty and making it third and ten rather than a third very manageable five yeah he's got good field position right now right he's at the 47 yard line that makes your play call a lot easier third and five as opposed to third and three you're going to open the playbook up we got a pretty nice little crowd here tonight on the homestead yes a dragon line we got justin mckee and casey hudson uh r.j ward looks like he's gonna go to the 3-4 coach i don't know i noticed he had three down linemen earlier got three down linemen four linebackers and four defensive backs now zion martin walks up on the left to make it a four and brumfield is oh they got the man down the middle that's number 22. number 22 joshua carroll 6-1 207 pound uh offensive lineman who has been transitioned to the backfield this week and a nice catch good throw there by hobie rakes a good pickup and that's going to be enough for the first down and more ball resting on the dragons 28 yard line warriors in the huddle am's ball goes right this time and they got they're going to get yeah they're going to fake keep getting quarterback keep and casey hudson said no way we're not having any of that he wraps him up and slams him down for about a two-yard loss it'll be zion martin in on that tackle two coach i am martin also on the top three second down and along 11 yards to go call 12. ball sitting on the 30. anne's ball goes right again with elijah off [Music] rakes takes a handoff he's got the rpo and he just throws it away number 13 elijah albert was the intended receiver and rakes didn't see anything so he just stood in the dirt i don't know if he could see over the guys coming at him to be honest with you coach yeah he's just 5'9 and he's a sophomore he's just a youngster so that's going to bring up third down and 12 for the warriors coach i know it's on their roster they don't have a whole lot of seniors they really don't that's true all right trip receivers to the right this time rakes in the shotgun come back to his right he rolls right now he's going to throw deep down the middle he's wide open and he's got the score that's corel lamb's ball he laid that ball right over the defensive back and he pulls it in in the end zone for the score that's a beautiful throw and nice catch we we had nobody in the area code there he's behind everybody so 7 24 remaining in the first quarter and the warriors are on the board into kick number 32 grant woodfin stop and hold is good the kick is up and he drills it right down the middle obi reigns is the was the holder and 7 24 to go we got a tie game it's not it up at seven well there's no cream puffs when you get into the playoffs coach oh no very disciplined hustler they they looked very disciplined didn't rattle and you're right about this being a fast track all right this field's quick tonight footing is good going back deep for the dragons i was going to let you know that cam kits rina allen just sent me a message and said that uh joey and jamie's sons going to the citadel play basketball serena thanks for that info we appreciate it all right another tried to pull fast on the dragons there broke the huddle and the kicker approached the ball and kicked it right into the gut i think it was was that garrett spence who caught that ball i didn't see the number coach i don't know who that was i know it happened so fast but the dragons got excellent field position they're at their own 46. folks if you're out there watching on you haven't subscribed to our it channel fairland i.t please subscribe and get us some more uh subscribers everybody so we can get some more bandwidth from youtube dragons twins left two backs in the backfield he hands to brumfield he turns it up that's got him corralled for a one-yard loss flag that's number 13. ethan albert and we got a flag on the play just got to correct some from jd it's not the citadel it's vmi vmi that's correct all right thank you jd appreciate it uncle jd there was a personal foul on the play they grabbed the face mask so the dragons are going to get 15 yards in an automatic first down 7-eleven to go in the first quarter game tied 7-7 dragons break the huddle they're coming out with uh trip trip receivers to the right one receiver to the left it's cam kitts on the left peyton jackson in the shotgun from field beside him on his left he throws a quick one out here to xander smith he makes a move and he's got the wheels and he is going to go all the way into the end zone for the dragons the second touchdown they found something that they've hit on the right side twice and where the christians failed to get there to make the tackle they almost made a shoestring tackle but xander schmidt was able to keep his feet and uh hustle on into the end zone [Applause] and that's going to put the dragons up 13-7 6 56 to go in the first quarter coach we got the makings of a really fine ball game here yes we do i hope this is not like the ashley russell game from last night hold is good and the kick is good that thing was like 50 something to 40 something like 53 to 49 or some kind of crazy score last night 14-7 your score dragons leading 6 56 to go into first quarter very exciting ball game thus far a lot of action two pretty good quarterbacks too ah yes i'll be anxious to see what we do to try to stop that ams ball at corel ams ball he's getting out in front of us and getting behind us and well you could probably see that play again coach i'd say we will back deep number 16 adam dunson alex bruce sets the ball on the tee and referee blows his whistle and we're ready for play bruce approaches it kicks it right down the middle again this time receiver on the right number 13. is it ethan albert and he's corralled over there on about the 29-30 yard line looks like it's going to be on the 30-yard line so it'll be first and ten worth of coaches we've watched a lot of football here that's the first wall i've seen set on a kickoff all year is that right well this guy you know he's he seems to know what he's doing this time they're going to come out twin receivers to the left ham's ball out wide to the left brakes takes a snap he's going to throw the flip screen out here to number 16 adam johnson and number one cam kitts slips behind the blocker and makes the tackle for about a half yard game ball resting on about to 31. that's a nice play by cam kitts yes fell off the block of am's ball and got right in there and made a good tackle this time [Music] elijah all goes out wide right hamsball by himself over here on the left wing right and a slot right he's looking looking looking nice throws deep that's a bit of a oh they're going to call uh pass interference on steeler leap i think their feet got tied up coach got tied up that's a no call but uh i'm not officiating i don't agree with that one i don't usually say that but i don't agree with that one i think their feet got caught together running down the field that's just incidental contact right there but the dragons are going to be called for pass interference it's going to be 15-yard penalty and an automatic first down [Music] that's going to bring it out to about the 46. now they're gonna put it down on the 44 yard line so it'll be first and ten more that's in christian ball resting on the 44-yard line come out this time man's ball goes wide right they got a tight end to the left this time run fake the jet hand to the tail back and he's going to be met just past the line of scrimmage for about a half yard game that's number 22. joshua kerr on the carry good penetration by the defensive line right there right bring up second down nine yards to go unless they haven't tried to run too much on this front four four of uh fairland twins right one receiver left with the wing left drake's in the shotgun he's looking looking fakes now he's throwing the bomb down to ams ball he's got it he's in the end zone again for the worthington christian beautiful touchdown and i don't know he dropped that thing down out of the clouds and handball tremendous hands reaches out grabs it takes it in the end zone that's going to make it 14 to 13 with 509 to go in the first quarter well this could be a russell ashen game like last night because that was just score score on for the extra point gret woodfin hold his down kick is up and it's good and that's going to tie it up with 509 to go that's going to make the score 14 all right coach that was a beautiful pass right yeah i mean he threw a rainbow that time and uh well i looked out there and saw it was number six i got a good chance of catching this yeah we're gonna have to make some adjustments he's a very athletic wide receiver that's corel amsball a 6'4 200 pound junior i think he i think he was on the basketball team last year that beat us that's what i've heard really fine looking athlete on to kick off grant woodfin this time looks like they might kick off i think they have 12 players on one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12. there's 12 players on the field coach and nobody's counted 12 players there we go somebody's got to come out gentlemen so adam johnson he comes out of the game and now they have 11 on the field and they're going to back them up five for that illegal substitution [Music] this time they'll be kicking off at the 35 back deep xander schmidt cam kids and they're going to try to squib kick again and it's going to go out of bounds at about the 38-yard line so that's going to give the dragons the ball at the 40 if they still have that same rule yep so the dragons are going to get good excellent field position again ball went out 38. they're gonna lay it down at the 38. i i don't think that ball touched anybody did it it didn't i don't think unless a steeler i believe was the one over there i don't think he touched it did he what are they doing oh this is they put it down at the 35 and went out at the 30s oh i don't know okay i don't know somebody have to explain that one to me dragons come out twin receivers left one receiver to the right two backs to the left of jackson he's going to keep it now he's going to run the rpo he throws xander smith he stops avoids one tackler turns it up and he's going to go about six or seven on the play xander smith on the reception from peyton jackson and the dragons are going to get a gain of five yards on the play ball be second down and five ball at the 40. nice little play cam kits out wide to the left steeler leaping xander schmidt wide right two backs in the backfield jackson he takes a snap he's gonna run to the right this time he turns it up he's got room play got it got a hole we got a flag on the play and and ball runs jackson out of bounds down around the 15-yard line and they're gonna call holding on the dragons so that's going to back them up 10. it's going to bring up second down and 15. ball will be rested on the 30-yard line depending on where the hole took place because they marked that off from the spot of the foul i don't know we had two people there coach i don't know who that who that was on i do not know that ball will rest on the 30-yard line and be second down and 15. because we haven't negated a fine game yeah we've had this discussion before when you get in the playoffs you can't have penalties right we got trips to the right wide receiver left from field offset to the right of jackson who's in the shotgun he takes a snap he's sprinting out to the right and he avoids one tackle but then on the stop is daylan johnston number 10 finally wrapped up jackson and somebody's down i think it's a worthy christian player that's number 15. zach kirkley let's hope he's okay he's yeah i think he just took a hit and a bad spot i'm gonna say you're correct so we got a timeout right now for an injured player 450 to go in the first quarter man it's been a long first quarter it has hasn't it 14 14 is your score dragons got five yards on the play there by peyton jackson avoided one tackler coach i was looking we'll talk that's number 45. who is that tyler white all right well tyler we hope you're you're okay yeah 511 hundred and seventy pounds senior one two three four you're right they only have six seniors on their restaurants they didn't have very many coach ironton's up 10 to nothing on portsmouth second quarter we'll get you all the updates as we get them dragons come out trips to the left one receiver right jackson in the shotgun and it was intended for xander schmidt but that's off the mark and diving for an attempted interception ham's ball look at that ball got down the dragons are going to bring up uh fourth down they're going to send in the punting unit back to punt or the dragons number eight xander schmidt one two three four five the coach penalties are drive killers penalties are drive kills that's eight they only have ten guys fairly finally turn runs in another wide man to the right there's the snap there's the kick and it's taking the line drive and he slips and falls down number 13. ethan albert caught that low line drive kick from xander smith and went down immediately lost his footing and the ball will be on the 37-yard line pretty good field position for the warriors not bad at all 4 21 to go in the first quarter tie ball game 14-14 [Music] kobe rates [Music] breaks the huddle we got twins right with the wing right and one receiver left [Applause] they run the jet sweep to johnson he slips and he was corralled in there i think it was casey hudson wrapped him up and threw him down for a one-yard loss it's gonna bring up second down and 11 to go that's a nice job by casey setting the edge out there yes sir two teams with really good speed and some very good skilled players yes i'm telling you wide left this time alt ams balls wide to the right and fake to the tailback he throws a slant to ham's ball and that was overthrown and he fires it out there doesn't he yes he does i told you he got that quick release yes and he's got something on it 3 36 to go third down 11 yards to go ball sitting on the 36 yard line [Music] they gotta hurry they're gonna have to call another timeout they're under 10 on the play clock yeah they're they're trying to hurry up twins right one to the left he's looking throwing it the end route number three elijah alt he's wrapped up there by number two j.d brumfield and number 10. bryson hunt at a minimal gain of about four yards brings up fourth down seven yards to go and they're sending in the punting unit in the punt christian tucker excuse me number 16 adam dunson there's a snap kicks to the left and it bounces out of bounds somewhere around the 30-yard line that's going to be out at the 29. the dragons will take over after forcing the punt 2 47 to go in the corner game tied up 14 hall crayton jackson brings the play in for coach cunningham coach got an update fort fry's up six to nothing on nelsonville nelsonville nelsonville york yep dragons come out twins right twins left jackson in the shotgun offset to his left j.d brumfield takes a snap then run the option from field tries to get around the heads and he's going to get about three pretty quick defense for the worthy christian warriors we got there pretty quick yes pretty quick second down seven yards to go for the dragons ball resting on the 33 yard line dragons come out trips right one receiver left jackson parks out the signals takes a snap and he runs a quick hitter to xander smith and he's got enough for the first down a little slant pattern by xander schmidt peyton jackson laid it right on his numbers and the dragons are going to pick up a first down at the 43-yard line and they'll come out in the hurry up mode same set trips right one left right coach cunningham changes the play and they're gonna run it a quick one out there to uh cam kits but uh payton didn't have enough on it and it skipped off the ground incomplete and bring up second down 10 yards to go for the dragons coach i don't think he ever had a hold of the ball i don't know had trouble getting a grip on it the ball resting in the middle of the field at the 43. trips to the left this time one receiver right jackson takes a snap they run the shovel pass and it's not going anywhere number 75 joshua freddie agreed a nice play a 6-3 225 pound sophomore i'm gonna tell you they look well prepared for us yes see they really don't hear the coaches over here saying that's what they're to run is you know they're they they seem well prepared they really do yes trips to the right [Music] jackson takes a snap drops back and they're going to air it out deep down the sideline and it's overthrown intended for number 10 bryson hunt so that's going to bring up fourth down and 10 for the dragons and the dragons sending in the punting unit 57 seconds to go in the first quarter on to punt xander schmidt dragons in their wide right punt formation snap is good there's the kick and they're going to let that one go and it's going to get a fairly bounce down inside the 10. it's going to rest at about the seven or eight yard line good punt good coverage and the dragons down the ball and about the eight yard line 45 seconds to go in the first quarter long coin we're going to be here a while that's okay what else we got to do the first down and ten ball resting on the seven yard line the warriors come out twins left one receiver right with the wing left rakes hands off number 22 joshua carroll and he gets a minimal gain of about a yard it's going to bring up second down nine to go for the warriors coach yeah they're gonna let the clock run down and that's it that's the end of the first quarter which took one hour and no it took 40 42 minutes 42 minutes to play the first quarter goss if we were playing cold grove that and they had the ball that had been a half already yes you got two teams that are they're pretty much pass happy uh so it's gonna be a long night as far as time but they haven't run the ball much at all maybe about five six times yeah so the teams are going to switch ends of the field orders and christian is going to be down at about the eight or nine yard line without the eight yard line it's going to bring up second down nine yards to go uh dragons will take the south or the north end excuse me south end of the field i see number 11 cooper cummings is back this week yep playing linebacker tonight right he was out last week with an injury worthington breaks the huddle twin receivers to the left with a wing right and a wide receiver right rakes in the shotgun takes a snap he's looking he fires a bullet that's intercepted by xander smith and he's got a pick six coach [Applause] he took that one right out of there threw it a little bit behind oh and i don't think that quarterback saw xander he couldn't have court quarrel carol amsball was the intended receiver they threw a little behind him and xander was there he picked it and returned it to the house and the dragons are going to go up 20 to 14 with 11 53 to go in the second quarter and on to kick the extra point is alex bruce snaps good the hold is down the kick is up and it's good and the dragons lead 21-14 well it was a nice play wasn't it that was a big turnaround right there well i'm looking for updates the last thing i had was 10 to nothing so who knows [Applause] well it's like i said the buckeyes won today yes wasn't pretty but it's a w that's true uk and tennessee are playing tonight marshall was up last time i saw they're playing fau right i believe that's who it is marshall's up 21-13 tennessee's up 14-7 alex bruce on the kickoff for the dragons [Music] kick it's right down the middle again he's going to let it hit no that's number 16. he's takes it to the left side and he brings it out pretty decent field position going to start past the 35-yard line around the 37-36 that was adam dunson on the return for the warriors they're going to set up shop at about the 36-yard line [Music] brakes brings the play in coach hardings and break the huddle twin receivers right hands ball to the left with the wing right breaks in the shotgun takes a snap he takes the hand off he keeps it around the left side and he's tackled in there by xander schmidt landers all over the place tonight coach he has had a heck of a game yeah i see he had a visit up to ohio university this past week brings up second down eight yards to go gain of two on the play ball sitting on the 38-yard line 11 17 18 16 on a running clock second quarter action dragons leading 21-14 this time they're going to come out in the tight end to the right it's an unbalanced line they're going to run quick out here to number 13. nice play and on the play jdo2 j.d brumfield on the reception ethan alberta gain of one on the play ah let's give him two third down six you know what coach that was a good play call jd just got over and made a heck of a play i mean that was a good he was open jd just speed on speed right there that was a good play called a little flood pass to this side it was this time all goes wide to the left they've got a wing left and a slot in the left ham's ball over here on the right by himself he's going to run a go pattern they throw it down the middle and it's short i believe that pass was was intended for number 16. adam johnson falls in complete and it'll bring up fourth down and six and i don't know if they're funny yes they're in uh [Music] i got the quarterback back as the punter but he's not the regular punter i don't know what you're doing they must be going for it they are now they're going to quick kick it he runs to his right and that ball is going to hit at the 20 and bounce around and grow out of bounds at the 20-yard line so their dragons are going to take over in their own 20 on their own 20 yard line with 9 55 to go in the second quarter dragons up 7 21-14 it's a nice pump that's a nice pump yeah uh he wasn't the usual punter so i didn't know where they're going to go for it but he ran a little australian style punt to the right and uh got it down on the 20-yard line well i just heard from brad layman it's a deputy yes he's at the ironton game he says still 10 to nothing right before half time dragons come out with two uh tight end to the left trip receivers now they're going to run i'm going to call time out there was confusion there the melvin cunningham recognized it and the clock running down on the play clock and so he caused time out i believe that's the dragon's first time out how much time's on that clock i can't see from here nine minutes and 55 seconds it's been a long game so far let's see if we can find any more updates anywhere oh he's giving college scores did you hear that one lsu's up on alabama seven nothing saw that a minute ago dragons come out the two receivers to the right two backs in the backfield zion martin to the right jd brumfield in the pistol they hand it rumfield he turns it up he's got a little bit of room and he's gonna get about seven or eight nine yards on the play ball is going to be just shorter than a 30-yard line so it's going to be second down one yard to go for the dragons come out in the same set twins right tight end left martin and brumfield he spins he's got the first down they're going to take him down at about the 35-yard line that was number 10 daylen johns johnson [Applause] johnston excuse me i'm sorry dalen johnston on the tackle dragons come out again with two backs in the backfield beside jackson brumfield in the pistol twins right he fakes a handoff and he looks they got one wide open down the middle xander smith he's got it and he's making moves and he's going to be around oh man what a move he put on he put a move on coral hamsball and went right around him tiptoed down the sideline and he's in for the score [Music] me man coach i'll tell you what you know we got jd but dagon and xander i'll tell you what when xander shows up he shows up he's a he's an incredible he's a very exciting ball player [Music] beautiful pass too oh that was an excellent player we've used him in the wildcat and he hasn't been there yet tonight but man he's a player there's the snap the hole and the kick is good and the dragons go up 28-14 with 8 51 to go in the second quarter [Music] that was a beautiful pass from oh yeah see uh they went for the fake and he was wide open xander made and and had the angle on him but xander just made a terrific move gave him a little head and shoulder fake to the right went left right around him down the sideline in the end zone the dragons are going to take a two touchdown lead 8 51 to go in the second quarter all right let me give you a couple updates tennessee 14 7 over kentucky lsu 7-0 over alabama let's see what else uh indiana and the team up north tied at zero all right i'm i still don't see anything my dragons are going to come out for the fourth time kick off alex bruce well we don't need to be in red there because and here's the kick and it's a short one this time it's going to hit at about oh but it's taken in there but he slips down i think it's number 13. ethan albert made a good stack of that hop but you know make his move to the right is that good job good job kicking i wouldn't kick that ball deep anymore either i'd pooch that thing up let's let our guys get down and cover very quickly coach uh ridgewood bridgewood 13 wheelersburg 10 second quarter [Music] ball resting on the 30-yard line warriors come out wide twins to the right with the wing right and one receiver left which is ams ball who has already received two touchdowns quarterback keeps this time fakes to the tailback and now we got a fumble and it's picked up over there on the left sideline i think we're going to call him down they may call him down i think the umpire called him down and that's going to be a gain of about four yards on the play bring up second down and six yards to go ah let's make it a five yard game ball was on the 30 and now it's on the 35 so it'll be bring up second down five to go for the warriors they come out and the same set wing right twins right and wide receiver left rakes takes the snap fires out here to the right for number three [Applause] that's gonna be a first down coach that's gonna be elijah alt and he is wrapped up by bryson hunt and but he's he's taken down right at the first down mark and that'll be a first and ten for the warriors ball resting on the 40-yard line do you realize what a good throw that was from that quarterback he came where he threw it he just winged that thing he can wing it warriors break the huddle this time they have twins to the left and they're gonna bring anne's ball to the right with the wing left brakes in the shotgun he hands no he fakes the hand off he's up the middle again he's got good yardage and this time he's going to pick up about eight or nine on the play it's going to be a nine yard game to be second down and one ball at the 49 yard line 7 20 on a running clock dragons leading 28-14 breaks comes in and dalen johnston comes in for elijah alt this time they're going to come out with uh tight end to the left the snap is under center and rakes fombled it and he's plowed under there by number 20. [Applause] [Music] that was number 23. riley kazee riley kazee wrapped him up and he loses uh nellie well he he had about an eight-yard game but i lost three yards on that fumble the ball's going to be up to 45. bring up third down five yards to go we got twins right one left with the wing right rakes oh we got false start here on this end on this side so it's going to make it third down 10 yards to go for the warriors let's see if the penalties affect their drive this time like it did us earlier well it's a little tougher situation now third and ten as opposed to third and five and folks at home that changes your your thinking as a coach about what you can and can't do right this time they're going to come out twins to the right wing left with wide receiver left which is ams ball and we got a blitz by cummings he throws it out to ann's ball he's got it and he's taken down after a 15-yard gain that's going to bring up a first down for the worthington christian warriors at the dragon 45 yard line 5 29 to go in the half nice throw good catch out there by hans ball very talented receiver already had two touchdown receptions here in the first half i'll tell you what he's tough that was a great throw by that quarterback unbelievable he can throw darts okay twins right with the wing right anne's ball to the left breaks takes the snap fakes the handoff tries to keep it but he's met in there by j.d brumfield for about a three yard loss brumfield just mowed him down you know so far in this game they haven't had much uh success running the ball no i don't think that uh you're gonna see a whole lot of that uh dragon's front line is just dominating the line of scrimmage that's time they're gonna move the ball up a yard so it's gonna be second down and about 12. this time they come out and three receivers to the right put anne's ball in the slot brakes takes a snap rope to his right he's hit as the ball is delivered we got a flag over here i don't know what we have illegal receiver down field because they covered up the [Music] yep so i don't know do you want to go third down and 12 do you want to go second down at 17. let's see what it decides they're going to decline it i don't know they went third and 10 and got it a while ago so let's see what did you come back to you know what coach this this is really is four down territory right here anyway sure they're down 14. they're on the plus side of the field i'm about sitting on the dragon 47 yard line i'm looking to get half of it back and then fight another down to get the other half this time we're going to go twins right with the wing right diam's ball to the left breaks in the shotgun he fakes handoff now they're going to run a little out pattern number 13. he's got room and he's gonna we gotta i don't know if they called him down or they have a fumble i think it's gonna bring up fourth down fourth down and about and two yards to go for the first down [Music] yes they are going to go for it we're bringing their big tight end in number 10. that's daylen johnston he comes in for elijah alt brakes brings a play in from coach hardings [Music] [Applause] next time they're going to come out and tie it in to the right which is johnston they got backfield oh it's picked off by number 27 taylor leaf dove in the air and to a little bit behind the intended receiver and he got his hands under it and brought it in for the interception another turnover for the warriors and guess what coach that guy was open the quarterback just didn't make a good throw he had a lot of pressure on that's true steeler leap made a heck of a jump on the ball i don't know who it was but somebody was pressuring him from the backside this time we're going to go trips to the right wide receiver left jackson in the shotgun brumfield offset to his right there's the snap he's looking hey fakes oh he's uh he's going to be down sack on the play by number 63. that's just luke snedeker it's a good coverage i was a hitch and go out here to kids yes he didn't he didn't go for it and uh that was anne's ball on the coverage that was a good job right there the dragons are going to lose about nine on the play it's going to bring up second down maybe eight second down 18. ball on the 30. 29. twins or trips to the right okay hands off to brumfield he turns it up for about five and it's gonna bring up third down and 14 for the dragons [Applause] this time the dragons are going to go trips to the right side one receiver left jackson takes the snap he throws a bullet out here and they run the oh my they run the old hook and ladder [Laughter] that was bryson hunt on the reception and he laterals to steeler leap who goes down the left sideline and gets enough for the first down do you know anybody that's baby on the back page i don't want to say the only place that in this press box would have run that play [Laughter] more than once dragons come out tied in to the right it's a unbounded slide they're going to run the quarterback keep peyton jackson turns it up and he's going to get about eight yards on the play second down and two yards to go and they're in the hurry up mode trips to the right again jackson sprints out turns it up and he throws it deep down the sideline he's got oh my he dropped the ball that was xander schmidt oh drop oh that's a great pass and we got a yellow hanky laying on the 40. i don't know whether he was over the he might have been passing a line of scrimmage when he threw that no they got holding on the dragons so that's gonna they're going to be second and 12. they're going to back it up to the 50-yard line and it's going to bring up second down 12 yards to go one minute and 13 seconds to go in the second quarter dragons leading 28 to 14. because you have an update fort frye 22 nelsonville york 6 at the half they are the number one seed in this region region 23 division six dragons trip receivers to the right jackson they're going to run the slip screen to zander he turns it up and he's only going to get a yard on the play that's gonna bring up third down nine yards to go for the dragons 54-53 on a running clock and cunningham takes time out 48 seconds to go in the half dragons leading by two scores i don't know i kind of like those two little 10-yard passes on the sideline it ended up in two touchdowns for the dragons one sandra schmidt and one to steal her lead i don't know if we've come back to anything on the side have we uh yeah we ran that slip screen just now but they've got nothing i assume the fairland band will be out here tonight i don't see a band from orlington christian so oh we're going to have a special guest up here special guest up here tried to get him on the pre-game show earlier in the year and couldn't be here it was funeral home so dragons come out they've got twin receivers right and twins left jackson in the shotgun takes a snap and he hands the ball off to brumfield he turns it up and he gets nothing he gets back to the original line of scrimmage and it's going to bring up fourth down and nine yards to go ball at the 47-yard line of the warriors and the dragons are letting the clock run down there's about oh yeah well somebody called timeout i think it was worthington worth it to call timeout they're going to try to get a return maybe here there he is hey that's the 18 bear behind us to see you coach glad you're here i am 12 times here that's right coach our special guest halftime's going to be coach john buchan our girls high school basketball coach and we're going to talk to him for a few minutes oh yeah that's uh not far off what a couple weeks dragons come out trips right they're in their wide punt formation xander smith back he takes a snap he kicks it nice punt turns the spiral over the ball bouncing around down around the 10-yard line and the dragon's gonna kill it at the nine and that'll bring up first and ten for worthington eleven seconds remaining in the half we're gonna put a little prevent defense here coach i don't know if i was worthington i'd take a knee don't want to make any mistakes down at that end of the field just snap it take a knee and come out second half well anne's balls coming out wide to the right he's got it back up tight i believe they are going to kneel on it and they do and that's going to end the first half the dragons with your score at halftime fairland dragons 28 worthy christian warriors 14. we're gonna take a look or i'm going to take a little break and we'll tell you what we're going to take a two-minute break two-minute break let coach buchanan get in here yes and we'll be back in about two minutes ladies and gentlemen high school marching band [Music] o'reilly and kokomo uh [Music] all right folks we are back at half time and we have a special guest tonight coach jonathan buchanan he's the high school girls basketball coach here at fairland high school one of my former players been around here for a while uh coach how many years you've been coaching girls the high school girls team um this is year 13 i believe it's your 13th and how many years did you coach down in the middle school middle school coached four years so yeah i've been and then youth league i mean it's just you're you know you're aging me right now this is the last yeah i know i was i was your first team though right yeah yeah that's what i thought you should have had a good coach back then you all could done a lot better yeah yeah i think about that all the time coach right way out exactly and that was a great experience obviously uh i know one thing you all were in shape we were in shape we were in shape i don't really ever bring up things to my former players like well when i play i don't really do that you know but i could definitely say when i played you know we were in shape we we ran and we we we ran some more you know so yeah we should have done more ball stuff but that's besides well hey tell us about this year tell us what's going on with your team i mean obviously we're super young i thought we were kind of young last year i mean as far as like we lost six seniors off last year's team but we really were young in some important spots this year we only have we have zero seniors two juniors and everybody else freshman sophomore so um but we really like them i mean i think they work really hard um we have scrimmage today at alexander and really played well um they really are doing everything we ask them to do and um we're really really excited about it what do you think about the the league this year how do you think you're going to fare there i mean i don't know who's coming back for who yeah i think we have a chance i mean we we've uh we won the league last year um and then a couple years before that we won the league so and i think we have a chance to win this year but um obviously obviously most people feel like you know you're coming in the year and you feel like you have a good chance to win right um i think there might be a little more parody this year you know colgrove brings back some kids that that that mattered to them to their success last year um rock hill has um added a lot of kids that um haven't played for them in the past that that i think from from what i understand are really going to help them and there's a lot of good coaches in our league you know i mean i've been at this for you know 13 years of high school girls basketball starting year 13. chris balls on year 13 and dave adams is is our senior guy in the league you know so um dave's been at it even longer than us you know so there's a lot of good um coaches that have a lot of a lot of experience so we always got to go up against people that are prepared to play well tell us about brody a little bit um he had a great cross-country year that's what i wanted to hear from he really did he had a great cross-country year um obviously super proud of him you know he really didn't run well at the regional it was super muddy or whatever but i mean it was muddy for every runner in that race and he didn't he didn't have a great regional but um and i'm not the type of parent that would tell him that like hey man like i mean you gotta you gotta put your big boy pants on and if you don't perform then you don't perform you know and you got to own it and he he didn't he didn't do as well as what we wanted to do but i think he had a great year to be first team all league second place in the league and you know top eight districts i mean he he really had a good year and i actually uh bought his first car the other day so that's uh that's kind of crazy man it was you know it's yeah it's about it's about 60 degrees today outside so um of course it's convertible mustang so we were out driving around with the top down in the 60 degree weather because we hadn't done that before so that was you know it was good and you probably won't do that again will you yeah yeah probably not you know probably not but that's like being on a motorcycle 20 degrees cold when you're on that boat exactly but uh like he he he was all about it he was excited he was texting me when i was on the bus on the way back from the scrimmage like hey dad can we do this you know so he was excited about that well that's awesome well you know what i don't want to forget mckenzie how's she doing she's doing great um i mean obviously owns a studio 301 business in dance studio in chesapeake um she actually she again aging myself too like she just drove to cleveland yesterday she's a part of a dance company that she dances for based out of portsmouth and they danced in cleveland this weekend so she uh she drove up there yesterday by herself and danced and came home today and it's crazy to me to think about you know my kids have always been to all these sporting events since they were you know before they could walk and it didn't seem like it was that long ago and now they're doing well doing all these adult things i don't think that's that long ago you were playing basketball for me yeah yeah it is well what do you tell me what you think about the game so far as first half man it's been really exciting hasn't i mean we've sold a lot of big plays you know i mean number six for uh um worthy and christian can really play i mean he looks like a really legit receiver and i'll tell you what the quarterback is i mean even though he's not very big i mean he really has a like a solid arm on it i like to he'll throw from different angles and stuff i think it's he's really fun to watch and obviously we have some really really good playmakers sanders had her has had a great half i think peyton's had a really good half peyton's been on target with most every throw um so yeah i i just hope we can continue to be explosive in the second half and get on to the next round all right well coach that's coach buchanan we're going to take another minute break and then coach harris is going to have another special guest that's going to talk to you thank you coach alrighty we'll be back in a minute thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] okay we're back here at halftime my guest here tonight is athletic director former assistant coach former player jeff gorby coach i want to applaud you i don't know who it was but uh they did a fantastic job on getting this field ready to play after last week we uh coach we actually kind of just left it alone until today uh we had rick eppley come up he brought one of his big blacktop rollers up he worked on it for about an hour and a half two hours for us i was down here about seven a.m this morning marking off sprinklers and and everything uh coach jackson his wife kelly i know kelly was painting the f this afternoon when i got back down here uh coach jackson does a great job of putting things together getting them painted uh melvin's also involved in that and i know you and i spent several nights out here painting that field we know what thursday night thursday night a lot of fun what what it goes into getting this ready but we can't say enough about what rick eppley did for us volunteering to bring the rollers up here and and get this field back that's a sharp looking f out there too tonight that is a fantastic job didn't you kelly did a great job on that f okay what we got in store next week should the dragons prevail uh dragons win tonight you know we're looking at west jefferson or uh winter west jefferson north moore um that game could be anywhere from waverly chillicothe to jackson i think it depends on a lot where the ironton game's going to be played um you know it depends on who iron's playing it if wildersburg happens to win an iron windsburg game could it be at portsmouth and they send us to one of those three locations jackson i think could be a good one those are three fairly decent uh i mean the fields are fantastic yeah as far as a neutral field that would be uh pretty good uh not not a bad traveling no uh for the dragon fans especially with the new bypass in there you know it's about an hour about an hour oh yeah a minute a drive to waverly we we've had a lot of success basketball in waverly with the girls program we really love the whaler facility hopefully that could be a great place for us but if not we coach it doesn't matter they tell us if we're going to go out to back of willow wood on a baseball field we're going to go play i mean it doesn't matter where it is and then you look at you you get by that west jeff northmoor game you get a win there probably looking at fort frye i'm going to assume that game would probably be in the athens area that's about last report they were up 22 to 62 to 6. so you know that regional final game very well could be athens or jackson so again easy easy we're playing there uh we don't care what we play coach i agree with we'll play in some cornfield up through there somewhere just what long as we get to play it's all matters yes well what do you think about the first half we felt we felt like the field was a fast track and they have a tremendous wide receiver in ams ball corell amsball made two really great catches but the dragons have been opportunistic and they enter uh xander smith man what a place he's just all over the place he got a pick six and uh uh nice interception over here by stephen leap we weren't able to take advantage of that but dragons got a couple turnovers and uh they're up two scores but i don't think this game is anywhere far from over no no coach i don't again you mentioned a fast track out here kind of maybe more looks like the old uh darlington raceway out here kind of kind of beat up a little bit but man it is a fast track um like i said number six unbelievable player he's made two great grabs for touchdowns for them but on the other hand i think xander smith right now if i'm giving player game for farrell he's going to be zanderson he's got three touchdowns two offensively he made a a great move down here on about the 10-yard line oh yes that was jonathan's ball too yes to get the ball had the angle on him but he gave him a little head and shoulder fake to the inside and zipped right around him he went and tiptoed down the left sideline for that uh i think that was a fourth touchdown his third of the game and coach i don't think he i think both of them have at least one more piece if not two more piece in them um it's going to be exciting second half let's see what happens it's been a very exciting first half and uh the field is in tremendous shape and uh we looked for uh a good ballgame here in the second half we got about seven minutes okay before the second half kickoff uh got basketball season coming up here uh what do you think about the let's talk boys basketball we've been talking girls basketball but uh we had aiden porter on our pregame show we did uh before the portsmouth game what a delightful young man and a special talent and uh he got some players coming back with him oh yeah uh i mean they graduated four starters but you know the thacker boy is is a player and uh the kid that uh i can't remember all their names davis exactly will davis yeah uh dave he's got some players coming back so i i look for them they're not going to be uh pushover by any means what do you think we're super excited about the boys basketball season we're super excited about the girls basketball season hey you know you spent some years on that sideline and you coached some great players i've been around watching games since my dad started driving the bus probably 89 90 watched some great basketball players i i think ap porter is probably one of the better ones i've watched wear green and white um he has the opportunity to be the school's leading scorer at the pace he's going right now the accolades keep coming in for him but it's not just his team ap is the leader on the floor off the floor but he's surrounded himself with will davis who's a sophomore j.d thacker we got a new new kid in by the name of ethan taylor that transfers over from midland over here you know we got some young freshmen coming over brody buchanan's one of them you know he's going to be in the mix a little bit it's going to be an exciting year xander smith coming back you know we've got guys with regional final experience returning um and guys that stepped up at different times you take jd thacker he would single-handedly wins the game at cole grove last year i remember that yeah he had a great ball game right so we're excited about it again coach you know we can't say enough about it but we also got wrestling coming up a lot of these football players we're trying to get him to go over and wrestle for coach wins coach wins does an outstanding job with a wrestling program uh getting those kids in the weight classes they need to be and they're always competitive um seth demint coming back he's a senior i think he could be the lone senior if i'm not mistaken for the dragons this year we got cj graham coming in who's a freshman um phenomenal wrestler uh he's a little dude you know the program says six six one oh five but he's more five five one oh five um my chubby little finger is going too fast he must have but um cj looks to be you know he's going to make a run for a conference championship and a district championship in that lightweight class so we're we're super excited about what the fall is going to bring with us i believe we're going to have a couple bowlers also this year really uh we we've had a bowler the last couple years um who's at shawnee now yeah trenton fuller boy did that yeah um i know jamison lotter is going to step in there and be a bowler for us and i think i heard another one i can't remember the name right off top my head but we're always growing at fairland we're always looking at new and exciting things the conference is now recognizing bowling as a sport so you know we can compete for a conference championship uh something that we're you know we always want to put numbers on a banner somewhere well you've been doing that here recently coach uh just a tremendous run of athletes here in the last gosh 10 years and i don't want to lose the fact of the job that you've done you've been probably one of the most hands-on athletic directors you know we had john lennon who's doing an outstanding job and roger schneider i want to shout out to raj and donna down there in lincoln to north carolina and i just want to tell you though about it you have went above and beyond to make your your school uh just recognizable in the area and and the uh coaches have done a fantastic job of of presenting their programs and i'm going to tell you what the seven conference championships in a row for the boys basketball team the girls have got loads of talent coming and loads of talent now right a team so uh and john buchan's done a fantastic job him and adam all right well i better get a plug in there for ashley oh yeah she's taking over the seventh grade i think right and uh just uh just a tremendous run here over the years and uh we thank you for the job you're doing i appreciate it and guys i big shout out to you and coach carol here standing behind me this the amount of support that we've got for you guys the outpouring uh every week texting me people texting me from california to new york to virginia to florida hey is is it the old codgers i believe is what it is they're going to be on live you know covering the game this week and and everything so you guys have really made this something special i appreciate it so much uh you know hopefully we can be back in press box next week we win where we're at we'll carry it over to basketball season you guys have definitely made my job a whole lot easier i don't have to worry about this i know it's going to be set up doug and charlie are going to get everything set up you guys are going to be very impartial and have a great broadcast and so i do appreciate everything you guys have done it's it's it's special to me to come up here and sit with with both of you guys i've coached with you um played for both of you so it's really special moment to come up here and hang out with you guys a little bit i do appreciate it i'm gonna get back down here on the play clock you guys have a great second half and hopefully we see you next week thank you for letting us do it man we will it keeps us connected and we don't have to coach or yell or scream we just call it like we see it and uh we appreciate it all right thanks coach that's jeff gorby our flag director here at fairland high school we're going to take another minute pause and then we're going to be back with the two old codgers i reckon i'm jack harris along with dave carroll and we'll be back in just a minute oh okay welcome back here to the concrete palace here at uh jim mayo memorial stadium we're best getting set for the second half we got about two minutes and 45 seconds to let the teams warm up a little bit as what's been a very exciting first half of uh high school football ohio state playoff football this is a region 23 division six dragons lead the worthington christian warriors 28-14 i want to apologize to the buckeye trail warriors because i couldn't remember and it was just sitting right here in front of me but uh that's who the dragons played last week hey shout out tom okay all right glenn stableton i saw glenn glenn was a tailback on the 1968 uh fairland football team which i was a part of i was a sophomore and uh that was the first year the dragons ever won an ovc championship 1968 we we went eight one and one uh shout out to the family peggy hello dear and my daughters ashley and holly and their husbands keith and matt and uh stella's got a birthday coming up stella grace we'll be celebrating later on this week or next week anyway uh stella and cass are ashley's two children and holly and keith have lola gene rosie jackson frankie june and hello to the family shout outs to my boys in florida rick ray barry bob skipper skipper johnson god bless hey we got a lot of people in florida oh a lot there's a lot of people who are here that are in jd leap and uh rob's debbie steiff i know they're tuned in but they're not from florida they're from columbus but i think they're down in florida uh anyway hello to all of you and we thank you for tuning in all over the country coach go ahead with your shout out oh i got a bunch today go with it i gotta i gotta i got a lot first of all give a shout out to prince miss sleep she's not here and i haven't seen her for a week or so so uh she's listening to the game tonight so miss lee shout out to you hope you're doing good um got a shout out to nick and uh my daughter-in-law and this so they're down in columbia south carolina i haven't heard from you today so enough they're listening uh we're gonna shout to isabelle she's down in moorhead now she's listening and her and her roommate sarah and their friend stephanie are having fried rice tonight she's already called and told me um so there you go girls i hope you're enjoying the ball game uh we've got to give a shout out to brynn she's working tonight and of course we can't forget the originator of the codgers mary johnson and her husband my brother-in-law tom they're watching and guess what tomorrow is it is tom's birthday so happy birthday tom uh real quick shout out to ryan and ryan my nephew elizabeth her husband zach and of course can't forget miss montgomery cheyenne river and levi all right the dragons are kicking off here in the second half they'll kick from uh the south end of the field toward the north end zone and back deep is uh number 40 that's uh tyler white and uh that's a short kickoff and it's taken by one of the up man number 13 number 13 ethan albert and it's returned to pretty good field position they're going to start at the 39-yard line it'll be first down 10 for the worthington christian warriors so they come out with twins to the right as am's ball to the left and with a wing to the right breaks takes uh fakes the handoff he turns it up and he's got a hole he goes down and he slides down at about and they're gonna throw a flag he slid down at about the uh 47 yard line and they're going to call a late hit i think personal foul uh when he slid down somebody came on top of him and they're gonna flag the dragons for 15 yards and that's going to be a first down in dragon territory that takes the ball down to the 38-yard line of the dragons and worthington christians got a good start here in the second half this time we're going to go twins to the right wing right ams ball to the left and the shotgun is rakes alongside of him number 22 joshua carroll brakes takes the snap he drops he looks now he throws it around it out of bounds to the left he intended for anne's ball who was covered over there by xander schmidt that's a nice that was smart play everybody was covered and he had to get rid of that ball he had pressure coming pretty heady for a sophomore yep he he's as we stated earlier this is a fairly young worthy christian ball club they only have six seniors on the team out of 29 players dressed out tonight brakes brings in the play they're gonna break again in the same set twins to the right wing right ham's ball to the left rakes in the shotgun curl takes the handoff frank's keeps it he's looking but he's going nowhere he's going to get about a one-yard loss on the play it's going to bring up second down and 14 to go i want to mention one thing to you i didn't talk to coach buchanan about this but you know he runs our youth league girls basketball and he told me we have 110 girls signed up this year 110. they had an election day camp the other day they had 80 kids there that's unbelievable same set uh twins this time mans balls coming over oh we got a false start on number 16. adam dunson took off too soon that's a five-yard penalty let's bring up second down and 20. second down in about 20. yes ball sitting down to fairland 49 yard line give a little shout out to dylan murphy and his wife brooke they're watching here in peaville eating a pizza and sending us and watch us on the big screen there you go mark same set hands ball wide right he's he's shot brumfield on the blitz he gets to rakes [Applause] uh seems like he got him around the knees and uh rakes goes down that's gonna bring up third down and uh when we call it demaryius street third down and forever they got a long way to go that's uh ball sitting now on the worthington christian side of the 50. around the 42 yard line and springs enough actually third down and 29 yards to go for the first down it's time to come out and wing right one receiver tight end to the right [Music] we got we're going to throw the slip screen and it's going nowhere riley kazee read that one wrapped him up stopped his momentum and uh no gain on the play that's a nice play fourth down nice defensive play fourth down 29 yards to go 26 they're calling it fourth down 27 and in the punt number 16 adam dunson snap is good johnson goes off to the right good kick spiral and it's going to go out about somewhere around between the 20 and 30 yard line it's right at the 25. that's it good spot by the officials the dragons will take over on their own 25-yard line eight minutes and 42 seconds to go in the third quarter dragons leading 28-14 i was trying to find some scores for us coach i'm struggling the dragons come out twin receivers to the right two backs in the backfield zion martin beside jackson and the shotgun and brumfield in the pistol he fakes to brumfield there's a quick hitter out to i believe that was steeler leap and he's going to get about nine or 10 on the play that's going to be about nine yards and bring up second down one yard to go coach you got an update on the ironton game it's uh drew rowe the quarterback from from portsmouth is out he's been hurt he's out oh my so we'll find a score yes dragons twins to the left two backs they're going to throw the same thing to the left this time they got a they got a block a legal block on xander schmidt over here i think you got a block in the back there coach so that's going to back them up 10. it's going to be second down and 11. got another update maybe 12. coach barnesville is up 14-6 over columbus kipp barnesville is a number four seed kipp was a team that knocked off kipp was number 12 seed so that's a close game yes it is that'll bring up second down 11 yards to go for the dragons another penalty [Music] dragons come out twit trip receivers to the right one wide to the left jackson drops back and he looks you're going to throw the screen over to brumfield and that is red in there by number 13. ethan albert is all over him minimal gain actually a loss on the play coach they had that sniffed out they had three people there they're very well coached team they are so i said they came out they just looked very disappointed well they look like they've been talking coached taught and coached and [Music] they play with poise they've done a great scouting report on the dragon yes they have jackson back he's throwing deep he's got he had uh steeler leak was open and they've got a penalty flag on the play and i think we got past interference and that's going to give the dragons 15 yards plus a first down so coach i got to be awesome i didn't see that did you see it well i was looking at steeler and i did it it happened behind the intended receiver but uh doesn't matter it's 15 yards and the dragons are gonna pick up a first down on the penalty the dragons come out they've got twins to the left with uh unbalanced line left two backs in the backfield hands off to brumfield and he's run out of bounds at about the 36 yard line uh make it to 37. so it's going to be a gain of about five on the play bring up second down five yards to go 6 39 on a running clock dragons leading 28-14 come out and twin receivers to the left with the unbalanced line left two backs in the backfield it's time to hand to brumfield they're on the same play he's got a little room and he's down the left sideline plenty enough yardage to pick up the first down and he's run out of bounds on the warrior 49 yard line well let's score here go a long ways yes it would and i'll tell you what else coach a nice long sustained drive with a score exactly would go a long way a clock eater a clock eater dragons come out in the same set unbalanced line to the left twin receivers left two backs in the backfield they had the bum field again this time they were ready for him and he's got a minimal gain of about one or two on the play we got the same formation unbalanced left take the hand off he's under pressure he throws it deep down the sideline oh and it goes through number nine i believe that's gavin davis the receiver went right through his hands would have been a great catch yes that would have and actually you know it was a great throw coach you hit him in the hands he was the only guy that could catch it that's right just couldn't hang on to it third down nine yards to go [Music] peyton jackson comes in with the play we got three receivers to the right one left cam kits jackson takes a snap he drops and he throws deep down the left side and he's wide open and that is bryson hunt on with the reception he got behind the defender caught it backpedaling turned and took himself into the end zone and that's going to put the dragons up 34-14 uh coach that's another great throw another great peyton jackson has been uh really accurate tonight coach he's had a couple that uh was a little short but for the the long balls have been right on the money there's a snap the kick it's up it's good dragons lead 35 14 5 40 to go in the third quarter [Applause] because we've got an update from the ironton score it's 10 to nothing into the third quarter ironson beating portsmouth 10 to nothing 10 to nothing that's quite closer than it was the other game right they played i think ironton ended up kind of blowing them out let's see well coach how much time we get on that clock i can't see from here five minutes and 40 seconds to go in the third quarter so if you are worthington christian what are you thinking you got to do in the next 17 minutes i believe i might find out where anne's ball is and getting create a one-on-one situation and let him go to work they've kind of held him out of this second half there we've fairly done a pretty good job of keeping him from touching the ball right back deep adam johnson for the warriors alex bruce getting ready to kick off and there's the kick and this time he catch it right down the middle and it's taken by number 13. that's it and he's up to about the 31-32 yard line and that's ethan albert and the warriors take over on his own 31-yard line ridgewood 20 wheelersburg 17 205 left in the third oh wow that's a good one he drops back he's going to throw deep down sideline he's wide open nice wheel route oh what a play what a play i don't know who that was but he's alexander zander closed in on the receiver number 13 ethan albert stripped him of the ball the dragons thought they had it but that is a gain from the 31 all the way down to the dragons oh 13 yard line and coach that was a great play call they ran a wheel route outside there and about a 55-60 yard gain on the play there coach come out twin receivers left he goes in motion breaks takes a snap fakes he keeps and he's snowed under there quickly by rj ward number 54 for the dragons that play hasn't worked very well for them they've cut it up a couple times for eight nine yard gains but dragons have read that play pretty well all night yeah i'll tell you worthington christian has beat us with a pass tonight that's they had three big pass plays when they're trying to answer fairland score here in the third quarter 450 on a running clock twin receivers to the right one left breaks in the shotgun takes the snap takes the handoff and he's looking he's looking they're closing in on him and that's is that xander or i believe that's jd jd jd brumfield runs him down from behind takes him down for a loss on the play gonna be second down and oh [Music] hey they gave him a one-yard game be third down yes third down nine yards to go for the warriors ball sitting on the dragons 12 yard line they come out twins right and left and they have a tight end or a wing to the right empty backfield breaks takes a snap he looks looks looks he's got some running room and he throws it well out of the back of the end zone intended for hamsball a smart move on his part xander smith was closing in on him and he just decided to throw it away it'll bring up fourth down and nine 4 24 to go here in the third quarter dragons leading by three touchdowns 35 14. well coach that was a coverage throwaway that was good coverage by the dragons the first time they went with the empty backfield curious to see if they'll do it again uh no this time albert's going to be in the backfield beside and now they're going to call timeout [Music] that's their first of the second half and you know what i think that's a good i believe that's a good call right there he needs to get everything here coach fourth down and nine yards to go and about uh 13 for the touchdown well let's talk about the regional brackets i don't think we did that right ahead we are playing uh we're the number two seed playing worthington number 10 seed the winner of this game will play the winner of the west jeff which is a three seed and a northmoor which is a six seed game over on the other side of the bracket fort fl fort frye number one seed is playing nelsonville york the number eight seed and they were up 22-6 i think barnesville the number four seed was playing columbus kipp number 12 seed and they were up also in that game so if we find out any more scores i'll we'll pass them along to y'all but as coach gorby said if if we can win this game we don't know where we're going to be playing next week i know it it should be on a uh neutral field it'd be in jackson portsmouth could be an iron could be at wheelsburg the way he explained it to me and we don't know if we'll be there or not but we hope lord willing yeah if you let us know we'll be there this time they're going to come out and trip receivers to the right albert's all set out of the backfield without pressing him he steps up in the pocket he's looking he's looking he's looking and he throws it and he's wide open that's number 13. ethan albert that quarterback took a shot too he's tough dragons didn't get a whole lot of pressure on him he stepped up in the pocket and then moved to his right and he found an open receiver in the end zone that's going to cut the lead to 35-20 and woodfin is in for the extra point excellent field goal kicker it's up it's good dragons lead 35 21 4 14 to go in the third quarter got a game coach that quarterback is gutsy he is gutsy he stood in there kept his feet going he's just a sophomore he's really showed a lot of savvy tonight well and he's got a tremendous arm just watching me brings that he brings that ball right up to his ear and he's ready to get rid of it [Music] that's a nice play nice play [Music] well let's see i can't find anything coach any updates kind of slow today well i'll tell you we've got a very enjoyable exciting game going on here dragons lead 35 21 4 14 to go in the third quarter number 32. grant woodfin and to kick it off for the warriors i wonder if we'll get another little squib kicker right here well one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12. they got 12 guys on the field again is anybody looking they got 12 guys on the field didn't count that was uh bryson hunt taking that squib kick and he downs it at the 38 yard line they need to count how many people out there they had 12 guys on the field well that's that official right here on the sideline that's his job to count coach we'll give you some college scores tennessee 2421 over uk that's at halftime alabama 21-7 over lsu uh the team up north 17 indiana seven dragons gonna come out twin receivers to the right with the unbalanced line right two backs in the backfield zion martin in front of broomfield the hand of brumfield he hits it up in the four area and he's got a minimum gain of a couple bring it up to the 39. coach guess who that was down to that was down there number 22 our number change joshua carroll he was right on there nice job red that filled the hole did a great job dragons come out twinch to the right zander spent the slot two backs on the right side of jackson he takes a snap rolls to the right he's looking he's gonna turn it up and he's gonna get about one on the play and that's going to bring up third down at seven for the dragons it's a big down here steeler leap and bryson hunt enter the game for the dragons going out is zion martin and r.j ward and they're going to abandon the imbalance line i have four receivers now we've got trips to the left one to the right brumfield in the backfield jackson takes it sprints out and brumfield or excuse me that steeler leap the ball was thrown a little short and it bounced up let's bring up fourth down the dragons are going to send in the punting unit coach jackson had a hard time getting the shoulders turned get that throw [Music] dragonson in the punting unit and back to punt for the dragon xander schmidt they've got their wide right punt formation there's the snap xander takes it gets a good kick off and they won't try to return it's bouncing back up and it's finally downed in there dragons need to get a stop here need to get a stop yeah i think that was r.j ward down that ball yes score here really makes things interesting warriors are going to take over at their own 31-yard line [Music] they come out twin receivers to the right wing right with the hands ball set out to the left brakes in the shotgun take the hand off he pulls it he's looking to run and he's mowed under he doesn't get anything there jd brumfield and r.j ward on the tackle second down 10 yards to go what do you think they're going to do here coach well i'll tell you what if it were me i'd try to find mr ramsball like you said he's playmaker they got uh twins to the right twins to the left a little wider here on the right we got an empty set coach empty backfield with the wing right and he drops back he's looking he's looking how he steps up he's being chased he throws it and it's picked off by bryson hunt and throw was a little bit behind number three uh elijah alt and hunt stepped in front and picked it off so the dragons create another turnover that's at least the third i know of tonight yep and coach i'll be honest with you i'm watching fourth i think they fumbled and we've had three interceptions he scrambled and then the receivers did the scramble drill and hunt did a great job staying with the receiver and he under through and picked it off okay dragon's gonna take over at their own 46. trip uh going back to the unbalanced line through the right with twins to the right and two backs in the backfield jackson he sends xander schmidt in motion gives to brumfield he's got room he's got 10 15. he's still going and he's tackled out of bounds by number 45 tyler white at the worthington christian 27-yard line mama there goes that man that's been his best rush of the night i think the dragons first down at the worthington christian 27 28 yard line twins to the right unbalanced to the right martin and brumfield he's going to send uh xander schmidt again he fakes it it's quarterback keep he turns it up he's got a nice gain of about six yards on the play maybe just five that's a good uh run by peyton jackson faked the handoff that time to brumfield kept it turned it up around right in i tell you what coach i'd come back and run that same one they did the jd a minute ago because you're on the wide side of the field try to get him outside again he's running hard but i'm going to tell you where the christian's done a pretty good job on him uh we got a player down so we're gonna it's uh we're gonna have an official's timeout for uh yeah it's number 77 luke 57 77 77 is luke zodie six one 204 pound junior offensive lineman and he was the one that tim stevens mentioned that was a pretty good lineman for them i'm telling you this team could be back in this position next year oh absolutely as young as they are absolutely absolutely i think that really most of their skill players if you look down through the roster i think most their skill players are coming back right they're well we'll take that back 16 or losing hand adam dunson but if you look at the skill players i mean yeah that's basically it they they can be very good next year yes and i know they're going to be good in basketball they're very good this year we've got 105 to go in the third quarter dragons leading 35-21 well it's been a very exciting high school football playoff game tonight here jim mayo memorial stadium okay got an update real quick coach ironton 10 portsmouth 6 5 34 left in the fourth quarter so that is a good game yes it is we've got uh three backs in the backfield this time zander schmidt zion and martin are stacked to the right brumfield he sends schmidt in motion and he takes a snap and that play's not going anywhere not going anywhere i don't think [Applause] my goodness man it's hard to get that young man down [Music] that's going to be a loss on the play that's a big one six or seven it's a big loss yeah that's uh that didn't work out too good 12 seconds 11 that's probably gonna last be the last play of the third quarter yeah they're gonna let it count down to zero so your score after three quarters of action here at the concrete palace the fairland dragons 35 and the 40th and christian warriors 21. wow i know it's uh fairly i feel like fairly needs to score right here i really do i feel it's important right now it's a big could be a big swing if we don't i'm seeing i'll see if i can find any more updates for us a little slow today wheelersburg 24 richwood 10 11 40 to go wouldn't wieldersburg down earlier yes uh ironton just scored went up 17 to six 17 to six that's big score right there yeah it is that'll probably with how much time is left three minutes to go i'd say that's pretty much it ironton's probably gonna advance the dragons come out they have trip receivers to the right one to the left jackson in the shotgun alongside him on his right is brumfield he's looking he's throwing deep down the middle he's got oh oh my i thought he snagged it steeler leap dove got both hands on it but couldn't bring it in 11 54 to go into fourth quarter and the dragons are going to punt the ball sitting on the 31 yard line they got a tight punt formation this time now they go to the wide xander schmidt takes a snap gives a little pooch kick down to the left side and they keep it out of the end zone the ball is down around the one nice coverage nice kick zander smith a little pooch punt and the ball is going to be sitting on the appears to be from up here the one yard line right on the one yard line first down 10 yards to go terrific kick there by xander smith mr do it all now i think they broke huddle right there coach they just broke the huddle with 12. and two backs and there's a fumble where they were at i think he's called a safety [Music] [Applause] spundell the snap when he fell on it he was in the end zone so that's going to give the dragons two points the dragons get a safety and worthy christian will have to kick off from the 20-yard line to the dragons 37-21 that's an important two points absolutely that turns out to be very important that is a big big big play right there that's huge the referee on the far side came up put his hands together called it a safety you know why that happened coach do what you know why that happened why did that happen because the quarterbacks never haven't been under center wrong they're not used to that hey things have changed since you and i coached no that's everything i guess that's antique well actually you'll see it in the pros you don't see it too much in college and you don't see it too much in high school anymore okay the warriors got to place the ball down and their kicker grant whoopton is going to kick off from the 20-yard line to the dragons back deep xander schmidt and cam kits cam kits is on about zone 35 and xander is at about his 25. woodfin approaches he kicks it's another squib kick and it's taken oh my gosh he gone he gone he gone that ball was taken by bryson hunt on the fly and he split the defenders and there was nobody there and he takes it in for the score the dragons have sailed out to a 43-21 lead with the extra point to come i've seen that happen before yep they tried to pooch kick it oh that's a heads-up play very hands up wow i hope he catches it not only did he catch it he caught it on the fly and he split the defenders and went in for the dragon touchdown that was bryson hunt that's a ticket to play by bryson heck of a play he's the holder the kick is up and again it's good the dragons take a 44-21 lead i just got a message from someone that said this is the quote it says uh they had leather helmets when you all coached who was that from jason gorby i'll tell you that was fantastic play by bryson hunt hey that was one one heck of a play i just heads up play that could be the game winner i think that safety and that play right there them choosing to do that momentum swing yeah 11 minutes 31 seconds to go in the ball game dragons just got nine quick ones to go up 44-21 what's been a very exciting ball game tonight the middle i'm not going to take nothing away from worthington christian absolutely they have uh they've got some turnovers to really hurt them but uh that that kickoff right there that could be a backbreaker and if i was coach cunningham i would not kick this thing deep well alex bruce marching off his 10 yards and three yards to his right it's the whistle he approaches the ball and he kicks it deep taking over here on the left side number 13. [Music] and he's trying to make it around the corner but he's brought down over there by is that spence yes garrett spence no that's jack hayden number 26. got him around the ankles and brought him down at their 30-yard line it'll be first down 10 for the warriors jack hayden coach we've got some uh we've got some new uh people in here [Music] on defense we got some some white some new some new clean jerseys out there they're trying to give the defensive line a break i see a couple new ones out there dement and justin mckee and they've got they broke the huddle with 12 legal substitution i know jack jack hayden i see him in there i saw another lineman going in there a minute ago i couldn't see the number 75 is mckee [Music] warriors twins right take the hand off he drops back and he's going to be brought down on the play by number 56 casey hudson on the sack and that's going to take it back a little further it was first and 15. it's going to bring up about second down and oh 23 yards to go [Music] 10 40 on a running clock dragons leading 44-21 [Music] twins right and left brakes drops back and he's got pressure on he going down again this time it's jd brumfield sax him for another huge loss and uh coach it's gonna be third down in paddy creek third avenue in huntington well he's heading out toward my house there and i'm shouting [Music] third down 33 yards to go [Music] twins right one receiver left a wing right he takes a snap he throws it back to elijah albert and he's chopped down and brumfield's on the stop again for the dragons and that's going to bring up fourth down and the mayor's stream oh wow 32 yards to go and they are bringing in the punting unit this time on the punt number 16 adam dunson he's standing in the end zone right in the middle snap is good they got a flag i don't know what they've got here like offsides they lined up all sides all sides are on their offense is that going to be half the distance yes i would not want to be punt now the back of that end zone well he's got to back up a little bit now let's see if coach cunningham comes after what do you think if coach cunningham comes after what do you think i don't know i think they're going to get decent field position no matter what happens here [Music] he punts it it's high short it takes a big bounce boy steeler really wanted to get his hands on that what he did he was engaging it he's wanted come on man give me a good hop and it took you know that's why that ball's got nose on each end uh took a bounce to the left and he had to let it go definitely get some funny hops with that thing all right dragons are in an excellent field position on the plus side of the 50 at the 33-yard line of the worthington christian warriors coach we've got a couple quick updates i have to thank nick keplin for these he said wes jeff leads northmoor 63-13 in the fourth and fort frye beat nelsonville york 36-6 so it looks like wes jeff and fort fryer are gonna move on that'll be the dragons opponent next week wes jefferson they give the ball to cam kids on this jet sweep and he's gone that boy has got some wheels really nice block on the outside there i think that was xander smith created the lane for cam kitts and kitts took the jet sweep turned it up around the left side and hit pay dirt and the dragons have opened this one up 50 to 21 8 minutes 41 seconds to go in the ball game and alex bruce on to kick another extra point i think he's about seven or eight for eight seven for seven and the dragons lead 51-21 8 41 to go in the game i didn't see that coming no sir no no i actually thought that was christian had some momentum there and uh yeah especially when they answered that score at 35 21 and they got the ball but let's think about this we that hunt that we got that pinned him on the one yard line yes that's that's the game changer right there yeah that created certainly none other but zander schmidt i mean we've scored 16 points off of that right there in the last what four minutes right that's uh yeah it's 16 points oh my gosh about three minutes coach i think it was eleven something to go okay i thought it was three minutes you can see the clock i can it's 8 40 to go i think it was 11 something on the clock when they got to safety all right alex burke's gonna set it down once again kick off for the dragons back deep number 16 adam dunson this is a good kickoff back to about the 10. it's taken in there by elijah albert and he's going to be brought down on the play casey hudson no that's 57. 57 is ryan dixon on the tackle good special teams play ryan dixon brings up first down and 10 for the warriors at the 26 yard line [Music] warriors come out two receivers to the left one to the right a wing to the right rakes takes the snap he looks and he steps up in the pocket now he shot finds it and if picked off by bryson hunt with his second did you see that one great one-handed i wish we had replay oh my goodness wow well the folks at home can run it back and watch it that was a great snag from bryson hunt who's really turned in a great second half performance for the dragons boy i mean that was awesome i mean he broke on that ball he's had a tremendous second half well he's had the touchdown on that he had on the kick kick off return for a touchdown i think he downed that ball down there and now he's got his second interception or is that his third one that's his second interception tonight and just a tremendous performance by the young youngster bryson hunt twins to the right one receiver left we've got a wing left they're going to run a tall sweep to brumfield and he's not going oh he hits and spins out of it now he's got some room down the sideline and he runs over whoo did you see a number three did you see that the block by peyton jackson yes peyton jackson downfield sealed the sideline off for hunt or excuse me brumfield and bruckville just kind of bowled over mr alt that's going to be enough for first down the dragons move it down to the 21 first down and 10 6 minutes 54 seconds on a running clock schmidt leap go left cam gets to the right two backs in the backfield fakes to brumfield and he throws right down the middle wide open to zion martin on the catch right down the middle peyton jackson lays it in there easy throw and catch and the dragons go up 57-21 whew [Music] i bet tim stevens is uh pretty busy over there you know what i would love to know how many yards passing peyton jackson has oh my he's got a bunch i'll tell you what i'm going to do if this kick i'm going to step over and see if he has any holes down to kick us up and it's true again and and uh somebody just ripped cooper cummings helmet off standing out there with his arms out to his side saying hey what's going on here the dragons now opened it up 58-21 6 minutes 36 seconds to go in the game and they're really pouring it on now all right dave carr will be back in a moment he went over to check out some stats we're going to try to get some numbers on peyton jackson's passing yardage dragon's been very opportunistic tonight on the turnovers that they've created he got some news for me there coach there's the kick it's deep and it's going to number 13. he's still going and they're going to finally whistle him dead at around the 33 yard line i said peyton has thrown for 239 yards tim tim said 239 yards is what he had so far but that was just a very very quick adding so it could be more but i figured around 250. well the dragons got a pick six a safety a kickoff return uh they've created a lot of points with their defense i can send in several younger players now cj grams in the game just about everybody out there is they give the ball to number 45. that's tyler white on to carry garrett spence nice job who is that garrett spence garrett spence on the tackle for a one-yard loss and move the ball back to the 32 and bring up second down 11 for the warriors i'll give a quick shout out to khalil and chastity they're listening tonight and watching watching us on youtube we like hearing from all of you oh i gotta say hello to trisha lonnie watts ah they always yeah let me when i take a little break now we've got delay a game on the warriors that's going to back them up five more and it's gonna be second down and 16 to go ball at the 21 yard line 20 26 yard line twins to the right one receiver left with the wing left brakes his back he's looking he's looking and now he throws it down field in it over over the head of number 16. that's adam johnson you notice how he sidearms the ball yep i mean he he lets her fly hobie rakes going to be a really good quarterback he is he's already a good quarterback jason gorby yep thank you jason gorby glad you're watching if you guys at home have not hit the subscribe button please do that for us we have about 450 and we need a thousand so tell your friends and neighbors family subscribe the fairland i.t channel twins left brakes scrambling he lets it fly he's got an open receiver out there and he's brought down by lucas bumpus number four for the dragons that pass is complete to number 13. ethan albert and that's good for a first down worthington christian has not quit no they're still out to play and i think uh we're gonna hear the coaches over there the next uh cubicle i think they're trying to get some kind of yardage for mr rakes because they're yelling out 209 he's got about 209 passing well he's done a good i mean he really has done a good job tonight looking again dragon's putting pressure on he sidearms it but it goes behind adam johnson it falls in completely to bring up second down 10 yards to go ball at the fairland dragons 31 yard line two minutes 14 seconds to go in the ball game dragons leading 58-21 and folks we hope we get to call the game next week uh well coach if they say hey we we're going to do the game we'll be there well depending on where it's at we may have to go and get dinner early hey i'm down with that as they say today twins to the right one receiver left rakes takes the snap he's being pressured he steps up let's go deep and it's going to be caught by number 13. ethan albert down inside the five-yard line or right at the five-yard line and that was good coverage by number seven for us that's christian collins that was great coverage kid just went and got the ball good job christian colin on the tackle christian collins six foot 150 pound sophomore dragons have their second unit defense in and worthington christian has not stopped they're still playing hard twins right one receiver left nick fakes very hands to 45 and he's going in for the score number 45 tyler white takes the handoff and broke one tackle and cruised on into the end zone so that's going to make the score 58-27 with the extra points coming up number 32 grant woodfin in or they're going to go for two i don't know well because i pick an extra point 49 seconds left i don't think there's it's a done deal i think you just oh yeah kick it and play and sure i think the dragon's probably on a kneel a couple times here after the kickoff yep hey guys good job guys great season it's the coaches from next door super super nice fellas i'm gonna tell you last two or three we've had in here those guys from buckeye trail class act that's right these guys class act that's true very and we've had some in here but we we just soon had a door there's something we needed a door yeah well there's 49 seconds to go in the game dragons lead 58-28 and we're the christian they're getting ready to kick off well coach let's uh take a little chance or take a little time here and let's tell all these people from worthington christian to have a daggone safe trip back up toward columbus absolutely it's going to be a while before they get home so yeah stop feed them boys somewhere you know where i'd like to eat the river the river oh man i haven't been there for a while i'd like to go one two three six seven eight nine 10 11. dragons kind of expecting maybe an onside kick that would be a bad time to do it i mean i know the game is over but uh you can work on some things here might be a time in in the future that you need an onside kick let's see what they do woodpin and he onside kick and it's free i think that i don't know if the dragons got i think thank god did they get it no that's number nine gavin davis so we did crowd the ball and that should be it dragon's gonna go out and uh probably just kneel on the ball you know keep anybody from getting injured the game's over coach we got a big game next week withersburg beats ridgewood means the rematch versus the fighting tigers is on that'll be interesting i assume that must be next week dragons come out twins right they're in the shotgun we don't go under center coach and jackson kneels down and that is going to be the ball game 11 10 seconds to go they're lining up and shaking hands on the 50-yard line i'm telling you uh we'll call game two out of the officials just give them props that's true this was called a great game and a worthless christian is a very worthy opponent very well coached very disappointed yeah very poor he's got a bright future coach harding's is doing it the right way and i feel like we're probably going to see this bunch again next year somewhere i think they're well and guess what they're going to be starting basketball on monday i think the dragons won their second playoff game this year and they're going to move on and meet wes jefferson west jefferson down was it northmoor northmoor and they had a sizeable lead and dragons are going down in the end zone to celebrate with the student body and seeing the alma mater lord as a christian headed to the other end zone and tell you i want to thank doug morris and charlie dennison i know we didn't even hit them at the beginning of the broadcast what's wrong with us are we getting old forgetful i think i think i don't know if we mentioned or not but we can't do this without them they said everything for us and and they make it all possible and we thank them and hopefully hopefully we'll be back again next week to do the game lord willing if we can go if not basketball if not we'll be watching that's true but uh that's your final here at uh jim mayo memorial stadium the farrell dragons 58 and the worthington christian warriors 28. and a very exciting high school playoff football game so we're going to sign off and uh say uh thank you everyone for tuning in we've we uh enjoyed doing this and we're we're just so glad that uh we're able to bring you this game so uh that's gonna be it from the concrete palace jack harrison dave carroll good night everyone good night you
Channel: itfairland
Views: 6,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BPq2iG5vbNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 178min 15sec (10695 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 06 2021
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