Failure to Crosscheck (Austrian Airlines Flight 901) - DISASTER BREAKDOWN

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This video is sponsored by Blinkist Plane crashes have occurred over the  years for many different reasons.   Some of those accidents have paved the  way for major changes in the industry.   Others such as the case with the  accident we’re discussing today,   the problem can be found in what may appear to  be the simplest of issues. Austrian Airlines   Flight 901 when looked at in hindsight, can  show how effective cockpit communication is   key for the safe operation of a plane. And  how failure to crosscheck can end in death.  -sponsor- The date was September 26th, 1960. A plane  operated by Austrian Airlines was making a routine   trip between Vienna to Moscow, then capital of the  Soviet Union. Airspace involving the Soviet Union   was complicated and often restricted in many  areas for many airlines. Moscow’s Sheremetyevo   airport was one of only a few airports in  the USSR that allowed western air carriers.  Flight 901 left Vienna that Monday afternoon  and made a stopover in Warsaw in Poland. By   the time the plane left Warsaw it was carrying  37 passengers and crew. The plane itself was a   British built Vickers Viscount. It’s a plane  we’ve talked about before but for a quick   recap. The aircraft is often credited as being  the world’s first Turboprop. The four-engine   plane was popular for its time with well over 400  units built in the years between 1948 and 1963.   The Viscount though has certainly  had its fair share of incidents,   but the plane is still remembered fondly  by its former pilots and passengers.  Many operators across the European Continent flew  the Viscount and Austrian Airlines was among them.   Up on the flight deck that day was 36-year-old  Captain Erwin Wilfing and 39-year-old First   Officer Ferdinand Freisleben. The plane  had arrived in Warsaw 35 minutes late but   the departure for the second leg was pushed  back further due to poor weather in Moscow,   their expected arrival time became  Quarter to Ten in the evening.  To unpack this accident, we need to more closely  examine the approach phase. When it comes to   landing an aircraft, it’s a delicate process and  pilots need to run through several checklists to   configure their aircraft. To set the scene in  the case of Austrian 901, it was night-time,   and it must have been a busy evening at Moscow’s  Sheremetyevo airport as controllers would give   flight 901 two sets of holding instructions.  A normal procedure at larger busier airports.  At the time, Sheremetyevo airport had just  one runway. This one… The descent into the   airport was initiated whilst inside the  holding patterns and Flight 901 was given   approach instructions for runway 07, the  “straight in” approach from the west.  One part of the process of preparing any plane for  landing is that the cockpit instruments should be   reviewed and synchronized as needed, and one of  the most important cockpit instruments is the   altimeter. So, we need to talk a bit more about  the altimeter. Bear with me, we’re about to go   on a bit of a tangent. You already likely know  what the altimeter does, it measures altitude.  On the surface, altimeters are basic  instruments and often easy to read and   even for non-pilots can be easily  interpreted. In western countries,   we adopted the measurement of feet to be the  standard when it comes to altitude in aviation.   It was Russia, Warsaw pact countries and China  for example that went with the metric meter,   these countries have now since  adopted the foot measurement.  To get the actual altitude readings, altimeters  are connected to the aircraft’s static port.   The changes in air pressure as a plane climbs or  descends drive a barometer inside the instrument.   The barometer being the device  that measures air pressure.   That information is then  displayed on the altimeter.  So, this next part is where it gets a bit  confusing, and I’ll do my best to keep this   simple. Obviously, air pressure changes on  the ground, day to day, even hour by hour.   So, every altimeter on a plane has some way to  calibrate the altimeter setting to adhere to these   changes at ground level. An adjustable Barometric  setting is usually displayed in a small window   on or very near the altimeter itself. It is there  to input what is called the Barometric Reference.  Pilots before a flight for example, would match  the barometer with the outside pressure so that   their altimeter should be calibrated to read  the correct altitude of their departing airport.   A lot of the time, altimeters may be  calibrated with reference to sea level,   something that pilots call “QNH” “QFE”  can also be useful and is the calibration   to display actual height above the ground.  Basically, setting the altimeter to read 0.  To give an example, I’ll show you the airport  that I personally know the most about, Newcastle   Airport in England. This airport is roughly  260 feet above sea level. If a pilot wanted   to calibrate their altimeter to read 260 feet,  they would input the QNH in that Barometric scale.   If a pilot wanted their altimeter to display  0, they would input the QFE, which would be   a considerably lower Barometric Reference. This works in the air too, it’s common for   pilots to adjust the altimeter setting in flight.  Say there is a new weather report with a change   in air pressure reported. Pilots adjust the  altimeter accordingly for an accurate reading.  In most of the world, the measurement to record  air pressure on airplanes is known as HectoPascal.   This is a metric unit. HPA is pretty much the  same as what one may already know as the millibar,   they are the same unit. In the United States  because, of course, they use a completely   different measurement of Inches of Mercury. A  measurement that often needs to be converted.  So, when a pilot inputs the QNH, QFE  or what we’re about to talk about next,   they would input the HectoPascal or Inches  of Mercury measurement into that window.  But we’re still not done talking about  altimeters. A barometer can only do so much. At   high altitudes, the changes in air pressure on the  ground become rather irrelevant, so at some point   during the climb, pilots switch their altimeters  over to what is known as standard pressure.   As its name suggests, it’s a global standard of  pressure that has been agreed upon to be the sea   level average atmospheric pressure. In HectoPascal  this would be 1013, or 29.92 Inches of Mercury.  Because the standard air pressure is rarely  the same as that at ground or sea level,   sometimes it is but it is an average, this  means that when a plane is say cruising   at 30,000 feet… That’s not exactly true. At higher altitudes, pilots and controllers   use what are called Flight Levels which are  abbreviated thousands of feet based on the   standard sea level pressure we’ve already  discussed. So, when we say our hypothetical   plane is flying at 30,000 feet, to those in the  know this may be referred to as Flight Level 300.   Which technically is only roughly 30,000 feet.  That is if you were to actually measure it.  because every plane at cruising altitude should  be tuned into that standard pressure, this doesn’t   cause any problems in terms of traffic conflict. So, with all of that information,   how did things go wrong on the Austrian Airlines  Viscount, on that one day in 1960. Basically,   and incongruence between the Captain and  First Officer’s altimeters had emerged.   When investigators later combed through the  wreckage the discovered that the two instruments   were badly damaged in the accident. Infact  they were completely destroyed in the crash,   including much of the internal mechanisms of  the instruments themselves. Because of this,   evidence was non-existent to suggest there was  ever a mechanical problem with the altimeters.  Despite the poor state of the altimeters, Austrian  investigators were able to determine that both   altimeters were actually sort of set correctly  however, there was still a large discrepancy   between the two. A difference of 23 HectoPascal  or millibars was observed. This corresponded   to a nearly 700-foot difference between the two  instruments. The captain side altimeter was set   to 0990 mb whilst the Co-pilot altimeter was set  to 1013. Investigators believe that the possible   explanation for this and possible causal factor  in the crash, was that the captain had set his   altimeter to the QFE air pressure setting, so  in theory it would indicate the actual altitude   above the ground, whilst the co-pilots was set  on the QNH to read the altitude above sea level.   To round it off, the elevation of Sheremetyevo  airport is nearly 700 feet above sea level.   The plane flew too low and the pilots flying was  unaware. The poor weather that night obscured   much of the pilot’s view outside. It is believed  that they thought they were flying on the correct   approach path, supposedly backed up with radio  transmissions between the plane and control tower.  But the thing is, with the lack of a cockpit  voice recorder because this was 1960,   investigators had no way to know if the pilot’s  had actually misinterpreted their approach.  Assuming that Captain Erwin Wilfing was  the one flying the plane, his altimeter   was displaying an altitude 700 feet lower  than the co-pilots instrument. You could   imagine how with such a discrepancy, that  conflict could occur between the plane and   the ground. From what one can gather; this  was exactly what happened. When factoring   in the tops of the nearby trees, the plane  was getting dangerously close to the ground.  The viscount plane descended well below the  intended flight path and initially struck the   tops of some trees west of the airport. An attempt  was supposedly made to pull the plane up, however   significant damage had already been inflicted  on the plane as the pilots were unable to climb.   Seconds later the plane crashed into the ground. The area the plane had crashed into was in a   wooded region a few kilometres west of the runway  at Sheremetyevo, near the town of Zelenograd.   Of the 37 people on board, 31  were now dead leaving 6 survivors.  There were investigations that were conducted  both by Austrian and Soviet investigators.   A certain conspiracy sort of surfaced around this  flight. Apparently, according to the writings of   an Austrian Journalist, an individual with  connections to the KGB was booked onto the   flight but was sternly warned not to board  the plane and to walk away from the airport   in Vienna. The story goes, the plane was  carrying documents bound for the US embassy   in Moscow and was downed on the approach. Make  of that what you will as I don’t wish to step   into that sort of region with this video. Austrian Airlines with this information had   determined that the pilots had deviated from  standard practices. The pilots should have had   their altimeters synchronized to read the same,  it’s right there in the checklists. The reasons as   to why they might have done this are unknown. Patreon Outro  A big thanks once again to Blinkist for sponsoring  this video. If you fancy checking out Blinkist, be   sure to use my link below and get learning today. It’s been a long while since we’ve had a sponsor,   I think last time I did one was back  in November 2021 so a while ago now.   Anyway, I would like to say that this is the  first of two videos coming out this week.   Be sure to be subscribed so you don’t miss the  next video coming at the usual time on Saturday.  I would like to take a moment to thank my  Patrons over on Patreon for their amazing   on-going support, their names are scrolling  on the screen right now so if you see your   name here a massive thanks to you. If you yourself would like to support   the channel further, you can join the Disaster  Breakdown Patreon from just £1 per month and the   link to that will be in the description  below. If you didn’t know I also have   a personal twitter page where I post things  somewhat regularly, if you’d like to follow   that you can also find it in the description. Anyway, that is all from me today but like I said,   there is another video coming on Saturday. So  I’ll see you then, have a great evening goodbye.
Channel: Disaster Breakdown
Views: 94,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: air crash investigation, plane crash, airplane crash, air disaster, disaster breakdown, air crash, seconds from disaster, plane crash documentary, Austrian Airlines, Austrian Airlines Crash, Austrian Airlines Flight 901, Vickers Viscount, Moscow, Soviet Union, Vienna, Warsaw, Poland, plane crash video, plane crashes caught on camera, aviation documentary, air disasters compilation, air disasters, boeing 747, austrian airlines, plane disaster, aviation accidents, weather
Id: LgYnNoz7eI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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