Fahrenheit 451 (Chapter 3.1) Audiobook

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[Music] hello I'd welcome back to Micah Reid's I'm Micah and today we are continuing with chapter 3 a Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury now what did you miss hopefully nothing where we left off as Montague pulled up in the fire truck to his own house and bee-bees like how you feeling about that Montague and Montag's like because his own house is probably going to burn to the ground so chapter 3 burning bright lights flickered on and the house doors opened all down the street to watch the carnival set up Montague and Beatty stared one with dry satisfaction the other would disbelief at the house before them this main ring in which torches would be juggled with fire eaten well said Biddy now you did it old Montague wanted to fly near the Sun and now he's burnt his damn wings he wonders why didn't I hint enough when I sent the Hound around your place Montague face was entirely numb and featureless he felt his head turned like a stone carving to the dark place next door net said in its bright border of flowers Biddy snorted oh no you weren't fooled by that idiots routine now were you flowers butterflies leaves sunsets oh hell it's all in our file I'll be damned I've hit a bull's eye look at the sick look on your face a few grass blades in the quarters of the moon what trash what could she ever do with all that Montague sat on the cold fender of the dragon moving his head half an inch to the left half an inch to the right left right left right left she saw everything she didn't do anything to anyone she just let them alone alone hell she chewed around you didn't she one of those damn do gooders with their shocked holier-than-thou silences they're one Talent making others feel guilty goddamn they rise like the midnight sun to sweat you in your bed the front door opened Mildred came down the steps running one suitcase held with a dreamlike crit clenching rigidity in her fists like a beetle Tex as a hit as a beetle taxi hissed to the curb Mildred she ran past with her body stiff her face flowered with power her mouth gone without lipstick Mildred you didn't put in the alarm she shoved the Veliz in the waiting beetle climbed in and sat mumbling poor family poor family Oh everything gone everything everything God no beanie grabbed Montague shoulders the beetle blasted away and hid 70 miles an hour far down the street gone there's a crash like falling parts of the dream fashioned out of warped glass mirrors and crystal prisms Montague drifted about as if another incompressible storm would turned him to see Stoneman and black wielding axes shattering window panes to provide cross ventilation the brush of death's-head moth against the cold black screen montague mrs. favor do you hear me what's happening this is happening to me SID Montague what a dreadful surprise said Beatty for everyone nowadays knows absolutely assert ab-absolutely is certain and nothing will ever come to me others die I go on there are no consequences and no responsibilities except that there are but let's not talk about the may by the time the consequences catch up to you it's too late isn't it Montague Montague can you run away run asked Farber Montague walked but did not feel his feet touch the cement and the night grasses Bibi flicked his igniter nearby and the small orange flame drew his fascinated gaze what is there about fire that's so lovely no matter what age we are what draws us to it Biddy blow out the flame let it again it's perpetual motion the thing man wanted to invent but never did or almost perpetual motion if you let it go on it'll burn our life times out what is fire it's a mystery scientists give us a gobbledygook about friction and molecules but they don't really know it's real beauty is that it destroys responsibly in consequences a problem gets too burdensome then to the furnace with it now Montague you're a burden and fire will lift you off my shoulders clean quick sure nothing to rot later antibiotic aesthetic practical Montague sit down stood down well Montague stood looking in nowt as queer housemaid strange by the hour of the night by mumbling neighbors voices by littered glass and there on the floor their covers torn off and spilled out like Swan feathers the incredible books that looked so silly and not really worth bothering with for these were nothing but the black type and yellowed paper and Ravel binding Mildred of course she must have watched him hide the books in the garden and brought them back in Mildred Mildred I want you to do this job all by her lonesome Montague not with kerosene in a match but piecework with a flamethrower your house your clean up Montague can't you run it can't you run get away no cried Montague helplessly to hound because of the Hound Faber heard and Biddy thinking who'd be meant for him heard yes the Hound somewhere about the neighborhood so don't try anything ready ready Montague snapped the safety hatch on the flamethrower fire a great nuzzling gout of fire lipped out to the lap of the books and knocked him against the wall he stepped into the bedroom and fired twice and the twin beds went up in a great simmering whisper the more heat and passion and light then he would have supposed them to contain he burned the bedroom walls in the cosmetic chest because he wanted to change everything the chairs the table isn't in the dining room the silverware the plastic dishes everything that showed that he had lived there in this empty house for the strange woman who would forget him tomorrow who had gone and quite forgotten him already listening to her seashell radio pour in her on her and on in her and in on her she rode across town alone and as before it was good to burn he felt himself gush out on the fire snatch rend rip in half a flame and put away the census problem if there was no solution well then now there was no problem either fire was best for everything the books Montag the book slept in dance like roasted birds their wings ablaze with red and yellow feathers and then he came to the parlor where with a great idiot monsters lay asleep with their white thoughts and their snowy dreams and they shot a bolt at each of the three blank walls and the vacuum hissed out at him the emptiness made an even emptier whistle and senseless scream he tried to think about the vacuum upon which the nothingness had performed but he could not he held his breath so the vacuum could get to his lungs he cut it off it's terrible emptiness drew back and gave the entire room the gift of one huge bright yellow flower of burning the fireproof plastic sheath on everything was cut wide in the house began to shudder with flame when you're quite finished said Biddy behind him you're under arrest the house fell in red coals and black ash it bended itself down and sleepy pink gray cinders in a smoke plume blew over it rising and waving slowly back and forth in the sky it was thirty feet it was 3:30 in the morning the crowd drew back into the houses the great tents of the circus had slumped into charcoal and rubble and the show is well over montague stood with a flamethrower in his limp hands great islands of preparation drenching his armpits his face smeared with said the other firemen waited behind him in the darkness their face is illuminated faintly even the smoldering foundation Montag started to speak twice and then finally managed to put his thoughts together was it my wife turned in the alarm Biddy nodded what her friends turned in an alarm earlier that I let ride one way or another you'd have got it it's pretty silly quoting poetry around free-and-easy like that it was the act of a silly damn snob give a man a few lines at first he thinks he's the Lord of all creation you think he can walk on water with your books well the world you can get by just fine without them look where they got you and slime up to your lip if I stir the slime with my fingers you'll drown Montag could not move a great earthquake had come come with fire and leveled the house and Mildred was under there somewhere and his entire life on there there and he could not move the earthquake was still shaking and falling and shivering inside him and he stood there his knee is half bent under the great load of tiredness and bewilderment and outraged letting me hit him with a raise without raising a hand Montag you idiot Montag you damn fool why did you really do it Montag did not hear he was far away he was running with his mind he was gone leaving his dead son covered body to sway in front of another raving fool Montag get out of there sit Faber Montag listened Beauty struck him a blow on his head that sent him reeling back the green bullet in which favorite voice whispered and cried felled the sidewalk Bibi snatched it up grinning he held it in half out of his ear Montague heard a distant voice calling Montague all right BT switched the green bullet off and thrust it in his pocket well so those Meerut more here than I thought I saw you tilt your head listening first I thought you had a seashell but when you turned a clever later I wondered well trace this and drop it on your friend no Sid Montague he twitched the safety catch on his flamethrower BT glanced instantly at Montag's fingers and knives widen the faintest bit Montague saw the surprise there and himself glanced to his hands to see what new thing they had done thinking back later he could never decide whether the hands or bebés reaction to the hands gave him the final push towards murder the last Rolling Thunder of the Avalanche toned down about his ears not touching him beady grinned his most charming grin well that's one way to get an audience hold a gun on a man and force him to listen your speech speech away what'll it be this time why don't you belt Shakespeare at me you fumbling snob there's no tear cassia signor threats for I am armed so strong and honest you they pass by me as an idle wind which I should respect not how's that go ahead now your secondhand literature pull the trigger he took one step towards Montague Montague only said we never burned right handed over a guy said Biddy with a fixed smile and then he was a shrieking blaze a jumping sprawling gibbering mannequin no longer human are known all riving flame on the lawn as Montague shot one continuous pulse of liquid fire on him there was a hiss like a great in mouthful spittle banging a red-hot stove a bubbling and frothing as if salt had been poured over a monstrous paxton black snail to cause a terrible liquification and boiling over of yellow foam Montague shut his eyes shouted shouted and fought to get his hands his ears to clamp up to cut away the sound beat he flopped over and over and over and at last twisted in on himself like a charred wax tall and lay silent the other two firemen did not move Montague kept his sickness down long enough to aim the flamethrower turn around they turn their faces like blanched meat streaming sweat he beat their heads knocking their helmets off and bringing them down on themselves they fell and their late without moving the blowing of a single autumn leaf he turn and mechanical hound was there there's half across the lamp the lawn coming from the shadows moving with such drifting ease it was like a single solid cloud of black gray smoke blown at him in silence it made a single last leap into the air coming down a Montague from a good three feet over his head it spidered legs reaching the propane needle snapping out a single angry tooth Montague caught it with a bloom of fire a single wondrous blossom the curled in petals of yellow and blue and orange about the metal dog clad it in a new covering as it slammed into Montague and threw him ten feet back against the hole of a tree taking the flame gun with him he felt that scramble and seize his leg and stab the needle in for a moment before the Shires the fire snapped the Hound up in the air burst its metal bones at the joints and drew out its interior in a single flushing of red color like skyrocket fastened to the street Montague lay watching the dead alive thing fiddle in the air and die even now it seemed no one to go back to him and finish the injection which was now working through the flesh of his leg he felt all the mingled relief and horror at him pulled back only in time to just have his knee slammed by the fender of a car hurtling at about ninety miles an hour ouch he's a freak on he was afraid to get up afraid he might not be able to gain his feet at all with an ant-sized leg a numbness and a numbness hollowed into a numbness I don't think his leg actually got hit by a car I think that was a metaphor for how dumb it felt and now a street empty the house burnt like an ancient bit of strange scenery in other homes dark the hound here bébé there the three other firemen another place in the salamander he gazed at the immense an engine that would have to go to well he thought let's see how badly off you are on your feet now easy easy there he stood and he had only one leg the other was like a chunk of burnt pine log he was carrying along his penance for some obscure sin when he put his weight on it a shower of silver needles gushed up the length of the calf and went onto the knee he wept come on come on you you can't stay here a few house lights were going on again down the street whether from the incident just past or because of the abnormal silence following the fight Montag did not know he hobbled around the ruins using his bad leg when it lagged talking whimpering shouting directions at it and cursing it and pleading with it to work for him now when it was final he heard a number of people crying out in the darkness and shouting he reached the backyard in the alley bTW he thought you're not a problem now he always said don't face a problem burn it well now I've done both goodbye captain then he stumbled along the alley in the dark a shotgun blast went off in his leg every time he put it down and he thought you're a fool a damn fool an awful fool an idiot an awful idiot a damn idiot and a fool and a damn fool look at the mess and where's the mop look at the mess and what do you do pride dammit and temper you junked it all at the very start you vomit on everyone and on yourself but everything at once but everything one on top of another BB the women Mildred Clarisse everything no excuse though no excuse a fool a damn fool go give yourself up no we'll save what we can well do what there's left to do if we have to burn let's take a few more with us here he mumble you remember the books and just turned back just on the off-chance he found a few books where he had left them near the garden fence Mildred god bless her it missed a few for books still lay hidden where he'd put them voices were wailing in the night and flash beam swirling about other salamanders were roaring their engines far away and police sirens were cutting their way across town with their sirens Montag took the four remaining books and hopped jolted hopped his way down the alley and suddenly fell as if his head had been cut off and only his body lay there something inside had jerked him to a halt and flopped him down he lay where he had fallen and sobbed his legs folded his face pressed blindly to the gravel Beatty wanted to die in the middle of the crying Montague knew it for the truth Beatty had wanted to die he just stood there not really trying to save himself just they're joking neibling thought Montag and though he was enough to stifle his sobbing and let him pause for air how strange strange to want to die so much the let a man walk around armed and then instead of shutting up and staying live he'd go on yelling at people and making fun of them until you get them mad and then at a distance running feet Montag sat up let's get out of here come on get up you can't just sit what are you still crying any to be finished it was going away now she hadn't wanted to kill anyone not even beating his flesh gripped him and shrank as if he'd been plunged in acid he gagged he saw a Biddy a torch not moving fluttering out in the grass he bit at his knuckles I'm sorry I'm sorry oh god sorry he tried to piece it all together to go back to the normal pattern of life a few short days ago before the sieve and the sand denhams dentifrice mah voices fireflies and alarms and excursions too much for a few short days too much indeed for a lifetime feat ran in the Far alack far end of the alley get up he told himself damn it get up he said to this leg and he stood the pains were spikes driven in the kneecap and then only did darning needles and then only common ordinary safety pins and after he shagged along fifty more hops and jumps filling his hand with Silver's slivers from the board fence the prickling was like someone blowing a spray of scalding water on that leg when the leg was at last his own again he had been afraid that running might break the loose ankle now sucking all the night into his open mouth and blowing it out pale with all the blackness left inside of him he set out in a steady jogging pace he carried the books in his hands he thought a favour Faber was back there and the steaming lump of tar that had no name or identity now he had burnt Faber - he felt so suddenly shocked by this that he felt Faber was already dead make like a road to the small green capsule shoved and lost in the pocket of a man who net was now nothing but a frame skeleton strung with asphalt tendons you must remember burn them or they'll burn you he thought right now it's as simple as that he searched his pockets the money was there and in his other pocket he found the usual seashell upon which the city was talking to itself in the cold black morning police alert wanted fugitive in city has committed murder and crimes against the state named Guy Montag occupation fireman last seen he ran steadily for six blocks in the alley in the me alley opened up into a wide empty thoroughfare ten lanes wide it seemed like a boatless River frozen there in the raw light of the high white arc lamps he could drown trying to cross it he tried to cross the D felt it was too wide it was to open it was a vast stage without scenery inviting him to run across easily seen as the blazing illumination easily caught easily shot down the c-shell hummed in his ear watch for a man running watch for the running man watch for the man alone on foot watch montague pulled back in the shadows directly ahead lay a gas station a great chunk of porcelain snow shining there and two silver beetles pulling in to fill it up now he must be clean and presentable if he wish to walk not run stroll calmly crossed that wide Boulevard it would given him extra margin of safety if you washed up combed his hair before he went on his way to get where yes he thought where am i running nowhere there was nowhere to go no friend turn tune really except favor then he realized he was indeed running towards favours house instinctively a favor couldn't hide him it would be suicide suicide to even try but he knew that he would go see favor anyway for a few short minutes favors would be the place where you might refuel as fat his fast training belief and his own ability survive he just wanted to know that there was a man like favor in the world he just wanted to see the man alive and not burned back there like the body shelled in another body and some of the money might be left with favor of course to be spent after Montag ran on his way perhaps he could make the open country and live on or near the rivers and near the highways in the fields and hills a great whirling whisper made him look at the sky the police helicopters were rising so far away that it seemed someone had blown them blown the gray head off of dry dandelion flower two dozen of them flurried wavering indecisive three miles off like butterflies puzzled by autumn and then they were plummeting down to land one by one here there softly needing the streets we're turning back to the Beatles they shrieked along the boulevards or suddenly let back into the air continuing their search and here is the gas station its attendants busy now with customers approaching from the rear Montague enters the men's West washroom through the aluminum wall he heard the radio voice saying war has been declared the gas is being pumped outside the men of the Beatles were talking and the attendants were talking about engines the gas the money owed Montag's trying to make himself feel the shock of the quiet statement from the radio but nothing would happen the war would have to wait for him to come to it in his own personal file in an hour two hours from now he washed his hands in the face and tell himself try making a little sound he came out of the wash room and shut the door carefully and walked into the darkness and it lasted again on the edge of the empty boulevard there at lay a game for him to win a vast bowling alley in the cool morning the boulevard was clean as the surface of an arena two minutes before the appearance of a certain unnamed victims and certain unknown killers the air over and above the vast concrete river trembled with the warmth of Montag's body alone it was incredible how he felt this temperature could cause the whole immediate world to vibrate he was a phosphorescent target he knew it and he felt it and now he must begin his little walk three blocks away a few headlights glared Montague drew a deep breath his lungs were like burning brooms in his chest his mouth was sucked dry from running his throat tasted a bloody iron and there was a rusted steel in his feet what about those lights there once she started walking you'd have to gauge how fast those beetles could make it down there well how far was it to the other curb it seemed like a hundred yards probably not a hundred but figure for that anyway figure that without with him going very slowly in a nice stroll it might take as many as thirty seconds 40 seconds to watch all that walk all that way the beetles once started they could leave three blocks behind them about 15 seconds so even if halfway across he started to run he put his right foot out and then his left foot and then his right he walked on the empty Avenue even if the street were entirely empty of course you couldn't be sure of a safe crossing for a car could appear suddenly over the rise of four blocks further on and Beyond and past you before you had taken a dozen breaths he decided not to count his steps he looked neither to the left nor the right the light from overhead lamps seemed to be seemed as bright and revealing as a midday Sun and just as hot he listened to the sound of the car picking up speed two blocks away on his right his movable headlights jerked back and so forth suddenly and caught at Montague keep going Montague faltered got a grip on the books and forced himself not to freeze instinctively it took a few quick running steps and then talked out loud to himself and pulled up a stroll again he's now half across the street but the roar from the beetles engines whined higher as it put on speed the police of course they see me but slow now slow don't turn don't look don't seem concerned walk that's it walk walk the beetle was rushing the beetle was roaring the beetle raised its speed the beetle was whining the beetle was high funder and the beetle came skimming the beetle came in a single whistling trajectory fired from invisible rifle it was up to 120 miles an hour he's up to 130 at least Montague clamped his jaws the heat of the racing headlights burned into his cheeks it seemed in jitter dis eyelids and flesh the sour sweat all over his body he began to shuffle idiotic lis and talk to himself and then he broke and just ran he pulled out his legs as far as they would go and down and then far out again and then down and back out and down and back God God he dropped a book broke pace almost turned changed his mind plunged on yelling into concrete emptiness the beetle scuttling after its running food 200 100 feet away 90 80 70 Montague gasping flailing his hands legs up and down up and down out closer closer hooting calling his eyes burned white now as his head jerked about to confront the flashing glare now the beetle was swallowed in its own light and I was nothing but a torch hurtling upon him all sound all blare now almost on top of him he stumbled and fell I'm done it's over but the falling made a difference an instant before reaching him the wild beetle cut and swerved out it was gone Montague lay flat his head down wisps of laughter trailed back to him with a blue exhaust from the beetle his right hand was extended above him flat across the extreme tip whose middle finger he saw now as he lifted that hand a faint sixteenth of an inch of black tread with a tired touched in passing he looked at that black line with disbelief getting to his feet that wasn't the police he thought he looked down at the boulevard it was clear now a careful of children yeah car full of children all ages got anew from 12 to 16 out whistling yelling her eyeing had seen a man with very extraordinary sight a man strolling a rarity and simply said let's get him not knowing he was a fugitive mr. Montague simply a number of children out for a long night of roaring five or six hundred miles and a few moonlit hours their faces I see with wind or not coming at dawn alive or not alive that made the adventure they would have killed me thought Montag swaying the air still torn and stirring about him and dust touching his bruised cheek for no reason at all in the world they would have killed me he walked towards the far curb telling each foot to go and keep going somehow he picked up the spilled books he didn't remember bending or touching them he kept moving moving them from hand to hand as if they were a poker hand he could not figure I wonder if there are the ones who killed Clarice he stopped in his mind said it again very loud I wonder if they were the ones who killed Clarice or Clarissa he wanted to run after them yelling his eyes watered the thing had saved him was falling flat the driver of the car seeing Montag down instinctively considered the probability that running over a body at such high speed might turn the car upside down and spell them out if Montag had remained upright a target Montague gasped far down the boulevard four blocks away the beetle had slowed spun about on two wheels and was now racing back slanting over on the wrong side of the street picking up speed but Montague was gone hidden in the safety of a dark alley for which he had sent out in a long journey an hour or was it a minute ago he stood shivering in the night looking back out as the beetle ran by and skidded back to the centre of the Avenue whirling laughter in the air all about it gone further on his Montague moved in the darkness he could see the helicopters falling falling like the first flakes of snow in the long winter to come the house was silent Montague approach from the rear creeping through a thick night moistened scent of daffodils and roses and wet grass he touched the screen door and back found it open slipped in moved across the porch listening mr. black are you sleeping there he thought this isn't good but your husband did it to the others never asked and never wandered and never worried and now since you're a fireman's wife it's your house in your turn for all the houses your husband burned and the people he hurt without thinking the house did not reply he hid the books in the kitchen and moved from the house but again to the alley and looked back in the house is still dark and quiet sleeping on his way across town with the helicopters fluttering like torn bits of paper in the sky he found the alarm at a local phone booth outside a store and was closing for the night then he stood in the cold night air waiting at a distance here at the fire sirens start up and run and the Salamanders coming to burn mrs. black mr. blacks house while he was away at work to make his wife forced and shivering in the morning air while the roof let go and dropped in about upon the fire but now she was so sleep goodnight mrs. black he thought faber another rap a whisper and a long waiting then after a minute a small light flickered inside favorite small house after another pause the back door opened they stood looking at each other in the half-light Faber and Montague as if they did not believe in each other's existence then Faber moved and put his hand put out his hand and grabbed Montague and moved him in and sat him down and went back and stood at the door listening sirens were wailing off in the morning distance he came in and shut the door Montague said I've been a fool all down the line I can't say long I'm on my way God knows where at least you are a fool about the right things in favor I thought you were dead the audio capsule I gave you burnt I heard the captain talking to you and suddenly there was nothing I almost came out looking for you the captain's dead he found the audio capsule he heard your voice and he was going to trace it I killed him with the flamethrower Faber sat down and did not speak for a time my god how did this happen said Montag there's only the other night everything was fine and the next thing I know I'm drowning how many times can a man go down and still be alive I can't breathe there's BB dead and he was my friend once and there's Millie gone I thought she was my wife but now I don't know and I'm gonna stop there guys I know we are really cutting on time so I'm just gonna stop and then we're get to the end of this book eventually so let's do a little quickie review and what has happened so far in Chapter three because it's a bit of a ridiculous chapter now Montag is burning his own house his his boss BD is like you gotta burn your own house it's the only way we sent the hand around your wife called in an alarm you got to burn your house and so he sees his wife leaving him and she gets in the car and she disappears and he's like I didn't even really know her anyway so he's burning up his house he's like and everything's and bebés behind him and he's like okay once you finish burning the house you're under arrest and so Montag was like burning his house down and he finishes burning it and he's outside and beedis talking to him and Beatty notices him like turn his head like that a little bit and he's like oh he must be listening or something so he like wax Montag on the back of a head and the little ear pcs in where he's been talking to Faber pops out of his ear and favors been telling him you got a run but Montag can't run because the hound is still out and about ready to kill him at any moment and so Beatty picks up the earpiece and he turns it off and he's like I'm gonna trace this and find out who you're talking to and they're gonna get arrested and maybe die and Montag kind of takes us it's like a last straw and he like flicks on the flamethrower and he points it at B D and B B's like you won't do it what are you gonna do quote some poetry me he got a gun now go ahead and say your piece and Montag doesn't really have a piece to say he just he figures this needs to end and so he burns up Beatty he literally likes his old boss on fire his old friend on fire and just watches him like raiven burn until he's dead and the hound comes at him and Montag's burns the hound and the hound like tackles him while it's on fire and then it just kind of like explodes because it was burnt too much and it did get a little bit of an injection into his leg but didn't matter because the thing is dead now and so Montag's leg is just completely like worn down now like there's it's he's been injected with stuff that like is a numbing agent and it's supposed to kill you but he wasn't injected with enough to kill him so his legs just completely numb consider like wanders into his backyard and he like looks for the books that might not have been taken and he finds oh there are some books that didn't that that his wife Millie didn't find Mildred and so he grabs those books and you like gets them together and he like starts wandering into an alley and he walks for a little bit and then collapses and he's like dammit I can't move because of the stupid leg and he like kind of freaks out for a second because he's thinking about all the terrible things that just happened how his friend a / captain is now dead because he killed him and it's just like everything is happening and here's more footsteps and the sirens and everything is like move and so he like gets up and the morning moves the less his leg hurts and all of a sudden he's finally like his legs pretty good and he comes to this like courtyard thing a big open space well-lit and he's notice if I run across this courtyard I'm gonna get caught people are gonna see me and they're gonna know that I'm the one running because he hears on the c-shell Hey look for a running man the seashells like a radio telling everybody in the city look for a running man there's a guy out there running and he's got books and he killed somebody and he's dangerous and he didn't call the cops if you see him when someone talks like I can't run I got a walk I got all this distance and I gotta walk all the way across it to where that gas station is and so he gets himself together and he walks all the way to the gas station slow walk all the way there and he fixes himself up so he doesn't look like he just just killed somebody he like puts himself together a little bit and he starts walking he's like okay I just got to get to that alley over there and that's like across another expanse he's like walking he's walking he's crossing a street and here's a car coming he was like oh crap it's the cops I can't look like I'm running I can't look like I'm running and they're still coming he starts freaking out and all the sudden you start sprinting and the cars coming at him all of a sudden he trips and he falls and the car swerves out of the way and keeps going and it turns out it wasn't actually the cops it's just a bunch of kids out to kill him because apparently that's what kids are doing these days as mentioned really in the book they're just like the only way they can feel anything is by running out and killing people because they don't have any value for their own lives or others lives they uh they're just looking to feel something and so out there they realize they're kids they're laughing and stuff and they he runs to the alley after picking up the books he dropped and the car comes back and they're laughing and doing drifts in the center of the courtyard or whatever it is and then they disappear and so Montag's finally made it across and he runs to favor he runs to mrs. blacks house house I think mrs. black is beedis wife so I think he runs to be teased wife's house and he places some books in bebés house and then calls the firemen on that house and he says you made my wife stand out in the cold you ruin my marriage you're dead but I'm gonna go ruin your marriage too even though you know you're dead so kind of doesn't makes sense but anyways so he calls the the fireman on the house where he hid the books and so now they're gonna go and make her stand out in the cold rub it burn her house and he wanders off to Faber's house he finally makes it to favorite house and he said he sits now favorites like favorites like hey everything ok the things switched off and I almost went out to look for you and I'm a coward so I didn't and Montag's like it's it's good that you didn't because I burned my captain alive after he stole the head Pete the ear piece and then I ran here and favorites like oh boy don't don't that's not good that's bad and so that's everything that happened in that chapter so far I think we might have another one or two videos to go before this books over but we're almost there so thank you guys for joining me and I hope to see you in the next video okay goodbye [Music]
Channel: Micah Reads
Views: 36,925
Rating: 4.9271708 out of 5
Keywords: Michael, jordan, michael b jordan, 451, fahrenheit, farenheit, four five one, four, five, one, hbo, show, theory, book, reading, audiobook, fast, summary, clip, ray, bradbury, paul, news
Id: 2wBeNOqDYmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 4sec (2044 seconds)
Published: Wed May 23 2018
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