Factoring Polynomials - Common Monomial Factoring Grade 8

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hi guys it's Smithy turgon in our today's video we will talk about factoring polynomials the very reasonable actually about partnering polynomials he's actually asking for this kind of polynomials compatibility Factor so without further ado let's do this topic so what we have here are we have three different examples here in this video and these are the two examples we have eight x to the fourth power minus four x cubed plus ten x squared so as you can see indirect factoring techniques like sum in difference of two squares sum indifference of two cubes taposium perfect square trinomial factoring even though trinomial because between these three terms okay certain technique numbers we have 8 negative 4 and 10 aluminum greatest common factor basically these numbers are even numbers these numbers are divisible by two ibiz stop done is six so we will do okay does your greatest common factor for the numbers so numbers are variables for the variables observative you have all the X variables in the hatman terms x to the fourth power x cubed x squared Saturn variable is x squared certain reason foreign foreign Young that lupang terms adding second factor is to divide all these terms by your greatest common factor which is 2x Square we have 2 x squared now 8 divided by 2 is 4 x squared I'm sorry x to the fourth power over or divided by x square is x square subtracting exponents four minus 2 is 2. next is divided by 2x squared negative 4 divided by 2 is negative 2 and then X cubed divided by x square is x 3 minus 2 is 1. divisible one x square 10 divided by 2 is 5. positive x squared over x square is simply 1. so I think the factors are 2x squared times 4x squared minus 2x Plus 5. okay so let's move on with this numbers one three five factors well I'm greatest common factor x cubed x to the fourth power x to the fifth power PPD include x cubed okay number starting X cubed for the Y variable domain y Square y y Cube linking why because she may even list exponent no one so for the other Factor include screen of parenthesis divide this by your um greatest common factor x cubed over X Cube y Square over Y is simply y equals a two minus one n next number three antonym divide that into by X cubed so plus three for the variables x to the fourth power divided by X cubed subtracting exponents four minus this one so that is X for the Y variables next divide this by X cubed y invariables that is Plus 5 for the variable x x cubed x to the fifth power over X cubed subtract 5 minus 3 that is 2 x squared n for dividable y y cubed divided by y we aren't that invisible one three minus one is y squared so this is now the factors of item number two we have X cubed y times y plus three X plus five x squared y squared so let's move on with the next problem in our next problem we have here this problem we have 9x clear times 2x plus 7 minus 12 x times 2x plus 7. as you can see Factor factored out completely one term second term it's about what terminal 2x Plus 7.2x plus 7. as you can see we still have 9x squared minus 2x so any other factor in close by parenthesis unit 9x Square minus foreign as you can see that is 9x Square minus 12x um negative 12 are both divisible by um 2X foreign nine divided by three is three x square over X is X entering negative 12x nothing divided by 3x negative 12 divided by 3 is negative four so minus four then you add invariable x mark and Celsius so here is the complete factored form of the original given for an polynomial the factors are 3x times 2x plus 7 times 3x minus 4 and that's it guys so I hope factoring polynomials so if you're new to my channel don't forget to like And subscribe button hit the Bell button for you to be updated starting latest uploads again it's me teacher gone bye
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Keywords: polynomials, polynomial factoring, factoring polynomials, how to factor polynomials, common monomial factoring, trinomial factoring, how to factoring trinomial, grade 8, math 8, algebra, math tutor, teacher gon, math teacher gon
Id: DhXk2q3SaMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 26 2022
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